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8aslc unlL amlno acld

8ody 8ullder
luncLlons CrowLh MalnLenance 8epalr

Pow nlLrogen Lnds up ln our lood
n earLhs ecosysLem ffrom alr Lo soll
lanLs absorb nlLrogen
lanLs llnk amlno aclds
Anlmals consume planL proLelns
Anlmal wasLe reLurns Lo soll
Puman consume planL proLelns

Amlno Aclds are made up of
Crganlc Acld (carboxyl group) CooP
Amlno Acld 8adlcal (nP2)
Slde chalns comblnaLlon of C and aLoms

LssenLlal Amlno Aclds

SLrucLural roLelns (CrowLh)
1he body uses amlno aclds Lo make Lhe ff sLrucLural parLs
1 Skln
2 1endons
3 8one MaLrlx
4 CarLllage
3 ConnecLlve 1lssue

luncLlonal roLelns (MalnLenance and 8epalr)
O 8egulaLe acLlvlLy e/ln Lh bodys fluld comparLmenL
O lorm hormones enzymes anLlbodles LransporL proLelns (llpoproLelns) chemlcal messengers

Ma[or Sources of roLeln
1 Anlmal Sources (CompleLe roLelns)
1 MeaL
2 Mllk
3 Lggs
4 llsh
3 CrusLaceans
2 lanL Sources (lncompleLe roLelns)
1 Legumes
2 eas
3 8eans
4 Cralns

nuLrlenL lnLake SLandards
4 JelghL ln lbs ConverL Lo kg MulLlply by 08
4 1he 8ul of proLeln for a person welghlng 120 lbs ls 44g/day 1he recommended dally lnLake of
proLeln ls 40 63g/day

roLeln CuallLy and CuanLlLy
O ls measured as nlLrogen ln Lhe dleL
O nlLrogen balance 1he mounL of n enLerlng Lhe body ls equal Lo Lhe amounL Lhe cells need
Lo replace parLs
O nlLrogen ln food
O nlLrogen ouL urea feces sweaL mucus sloughed skln rough halr loss of nalls
oslLlve n 8alance more n enLers Lhan leavlng Lhe body occurs durlng perlods of
pregnancy growLh muscle bulldlng repalr of Llssue afLer ln[ury
negaLlve n 8alance more n leaves Lhe body rapld welghL loss lllness sLarvaLlon
fever prolonged meLabollc or emoLlonal sLress proLeln deflclenL dleLs
O roLeln CuallLy
O Pow much of each amlno acld Lhe food conLalns
conLalns all necessary amlno aclds ln Lhe needed proporLlons
n low on one or more of Lhe essenLlal amlno aclds
O ComplemenLary roLelns form an amlno acld paLLern equal Lo Lha found a compleLe proLeln
by comblnlng 2 foods ln Lhe same meal
Lx Cralns + legumes
O SupplemenLary roLelns small amounL of hlgh quallLy proLeln added a meal LhaL oLherwlse
marglnal ln Lerm proLeln quanLlLy
Lx Cheese or Mllk Lo a hlgh CPC meal

ulgesLlon of roLelns sLarLs ln Lhe sLomach (ln Lhe presence of pepslnogen)
Llver conLrols Lhe raLlo of amlno aclds ln Lhe bloodsLream

roLeln ueflclency
1 Anemla
2 Lowered reslsLance Lo lnfecLlon
3 Ldema brlLLle or slow growlng halr and nalls
4 Scaly appearance Lo skln wlLh sores LhaL wlll noL heal
O Common ueflclendcles
1 kwashlorkor Ldema accounLs for poL bellled look on sLarvlng klds ln underdeveloped
2 Marasmus near or LoLal sLarvaLlon from lack of calorles as ln anorexla nervosa
roLeln Lxcess
Cells rapldly dlsmanLle excess proLeln
nlLrogen ls excreLed ln urlne and remalnlng carbon ls used for energy
lf energy supply exceeds demand Lhe excess of carbons are synLheslzed lnLo faL and sLored ln
adlpose Llssue
1oo much proLeln causes kldney and hearL dlseases

1ypes of vegeLarlan
4 LacLoovo vegeLarlan egg and dalry producLs
4 LacLovegeLarlan dalry producLs and only foods of anlmal orlgln
4 vegan consumes no food of anlmal orlgln
4 lruLarlan eaL only frulLs

roLeln SupplemenLs
rocessed and Crllled meaL healLh corner (salL nlLraLesnlLrosamlnes)
heLerocycllc amlnes and polycycllc aroma hydrocarbons
O vlL 812 deflclency (anlmal proLeln)
O vlL u deflclency (need exposure Lo Lhe sun)
O lron deflclency
O Calclum and 8lboflavln deflclency
O Plgh ln flber Lhan meaLs
O 8lcher ln cerLaln vlLs and mlnerals
O Lower faL
O Dsually malnLal deslred welghL for helghL
O Lower blood cholesLerol
O Lower raLes of some forms of cancer
O 8eLLer dlgesLlve sysLem

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