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Transfer flat file from pres server to db server Here is simply example. report zrich_0002.

data: begin of itab occurs 0, field(256), end of itab. data: dsn(100) value '/usr/sap/TST/sys/test.txt'. call function 'GUI_UPLOAD' exporting filename = 'c:test.txt' tables data_tab = itab. open dataset dsn for output in text mode. loop at itab. transfer itab-field to dsn. endloop. close dataset dsn. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* How can i do this? a docking container? You can't do that. You must implement your ALV grid with CL_GUI_ALV_GRID in the CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER. You can not implement an external report in this ALV g rid either. It must be internal to the program. Here is a sample. This is implemented in a selection screen instead of dynpro. report zrich_0005. data: imara type table of mara with header line. data: it001w type table of t001w with header line. parameters: p_check type c, p_rad1 radiobutton group grp1 default 'X', p_rad2 radiobutton group grp1, p_rad3 radiobutton group grp1. start-of-selection. at selection-screen output. data: dockingbottom type ref dockingright type ref alv_bottom type ref alv_right type ref repid type syrepid. to to to to cl_gui_docking_container, cl_gui_docking_container, cl_gui_alv_grid, cl_gui_alv_grid,

repid = sy-repid. select * into corresponding fields of table imara from mara up to 100 rows. select * into corresponding fields of table it001w from t001w. check dockingbottom is initial. create object dockingbottom exporting repid dynnr side extension = = = = repid sy-dynnr dockingbottom->dock_at_bottom 170.

create object alv_bottom exporting i_parent = dockingbottom. call method alv_bottom->set_table_for_first_display exporting i_structure_name = 'MARA' changing it_outtab = imara[]. create object dockingright exporting repid dynnr side extension = = = = repid sy-dynnr dockingright->dock_at_right 600.

create object alv_right exporting i_parent = dockingright. call method alv_right->set_table_for_first_display exporting i_structure_name = 'T001W' changing it_outtab = it001w[].

REgards, Rich Heilman *--------------------------------------------------------------------* Professional Certification Pass Percentage - 61% *--------------------------------------------------------------------*



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