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INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE REPORTS OF JUDGMENTS, ADVISORY OPINIONS AND ORDERS. CASE CONCERNING AVENA AND OTHER MEXICAN NATIONALS, (MEXICO y, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) REQUEST FOR THE INDICATION OF PROVISIONAL, MEASURES ORDER OF 5 FEBRUARY 2003 2003 COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE RECUEIL DES ARRETS, AVIS CONSULTATIFS ET ORDONNANCES AFFAIRE AVENA ET AUTRES RESSORTISSANTS MEXICAINS (MEXIQUE c. ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE) DEMANDE EN INDICATION DE MESURES CONSERVATOIRES ORDONNANCE DU 5 FEVRIER 2003 Official citation: Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America), Provisional Measures, Order of 5 February 2003, C.J. Reports 2003, p. 77 Mode officiel de citation: Avena et autres ressortissants mexicains (Mexique c. Etats-Unis d'Amérique), mesures conservatoires, ordonnance du 5 février 2003, CLS, Recueil 2003, p.77 Sales number ISSN 0074-4441 N° de vente: 863 ISBN 92-1-070970-5 1 INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE YEAR 2003 General List No. 128 5 February 2003 CASE CONCERNING AVENA AND OTHER MEXICAN NATIONALS (MEXICO y. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) REQUEST FOR THE INDICATION OF PROVISIONAL MEASURES ORDER Present: President Guittaume: Vice-President Sui; Judges ODa, Ranieva, HERCZEGH, FLEISCHHAUER, KOROMA, VERESH- CHETIN, FGGINS, PARRA-ARANGUREN, KoouMans, REZek, AL- Kuasawnen, BUERGENTHAL, ELARasy; Registrar COUVREUR The International Court of Justice, Composed as above, After deliberation, Having regard to Articles 41 and 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Articles 73. 74 and 75 of the Rules of Court, Having regard to the Application filed in the Registry of the Court on 9 January 2003, whereby the United Mexican States (hereinafter Mexico”) instituted proceedings against the United States of America (hereinafter the “United States") for “violations of the Vienna Conven- tion on Consular Relations (done on 24 April 1963)” (hereinafter the “Vienna Convention”) allegedly committed by the United States, Makes the following Order 1. Whereas in its aforementioned Application Mexico bases the juris-

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