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Candy Relay

What You'll Need:

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Two Pairs of Mittens Several Pieces of Wrapped Candy

At the Party: 1. Divide the class into two equal teams.

2. Have the members of each team line up, one behind the other.

3. Give the first player in each line a pair of mittens to put on.

4. Give every player a piece of wrapped candy.

5. When you say, "Go," the players with the mittens must try to unwrap their candy as fast as possible.

6. Once a player has unwrapped his/her candy, he/she must eat it, and then pass the mittens to the next player in line.

7. Play continues until every player in line has successfully unwrapped and eaten their candy.

8. The first team to finish wins the game.

Blinded by Love

At the Party: 1. Have three or four children go up to the chalkboard at once. 2. Blindfold each child, and hand each a piece of chalk. 3. Ask each child to draw a heart on the chalkboard. 4. The children will have fun laughing with each other when they see the silly shapes they've actually drawn.

Note: If no chalkboard is available, you can hang butcher paper or large art paper on a wall, or lay the paper on the floor. You can also have the children draw with chalk on a blacktop outdoors.

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