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E-Business and E-Commerce

AMTI - Antonius Rachmat C, S.Kom, M.Cs

Tradisional vs Elektronik
Sulit promosi & akses pasar Harus Face-to-face Bersifat Paperwork Biaya tinggi & Birokrasi Prosedur manual Pasar kurang kompetitif Butuh pegawai banyak Butuh lokasi fisik Akses pasar mudah Penilaian independent Negosiasi & penawaran standard Bersifat Paperless Alur informasi transparan Anywhere-anytime Keamanan? Bisa bersifat maya

Key: product, process, dan delivery

E-Business merupakan kegiatan berbisnis di Internet yang tidak saja meliputi pembelian, penjualan dan jasa, tapi juga meliputi pelayanan pelanggan dan kerja sama dengan rekan bisnis (baik individual maupun instansi). E Business meliputi E-Commerce

EC can also be conducted via: Private networks, Local area networks (LANs) Wide area networks (WANs) -> Internet

Penggunaan media elektronik untuk melakukan perniagaan / perdagangan
Telepon, fax, ATM, handphone, SMS Banking: ATM phone banking, internet banking

Secara khusus
Penggunaan Internet untuk melakukan perniagaan Ada transaksi

E-Commerce Perdagangan:
Buy, sell, serving, transfer, exchange

E-Commerce dimulai sejak 1970-an

Pure EC (cth: e-book) vs Partial EC (cth: book)

EC model newcomers
Blogers: blogspot, wordpress Chemistry: Photo sharing: Video Broadcast: Community: facebook dan friendster Radio online: swaragama, dll Online encyclopedia: E-book sharing:, E-learning:,, Job market: Travel Service: Iklan: Google AdSense & AdWord Real

The Structure of E-Commerce

E-Commerce Business Model

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E-Commerce Application
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) sistem informasi pendukung e-business, yg menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan perusahaan seperti supply chain, CRM, marketing, warehouse, shipping, dan payment, serta mampu melakukan otomatisasi proses bisnis CRM (Customer Relationship management) sistem kustomisasi real time yang memanajemen kustomer dan melakukan personalisasi produk dan servis berdasarkan keinginan kustomer

E-Business Application


EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) merupakan konsep integrasi berbagai proses bisnis dengan memperbolehkan mereka saling bertukar data berbasis message. SCM (Supply Chain Management) manajemen rantai supply secara otomatis terkomputerisasi.


Customer service step

Requirement: mengetahui kebutuhan customer, bs didapat dari catalog / CD Acquisition: membantu customer memilih produk, termasuk order online, nego, dan delivery Ownership: support kepemilikan produk dari customer, dgn forum, FAQ, renewal, mailing list Retirement: support ttg layanan purna jual, online resale, lelang barang & classified add


EAI system
integrating application (contains the composition logic)

message broker, ex: CORBA, RMI

SmartQuotation adapter database adapter SmartForecasting adapter e-mail adapter XYZ adapter


DBMS applications




Sales Order

Components of EC
People: Sellers, buyers, intermediaries, information systems specialists and other employees, and any other participants Public policy: Legal and other policy and regulating issues, such as privacy protection and taxation Marketing and advertising: Like any other business, EC usually requires the support of marketing and advertising Support services: Many services are needed to support EC. They range from payments to order delivery and after sales services Business partnerships: Joint ventures, e-marketplaces, and partnerships are some frequently occurring relationships in ebusiness

A framework for E-commerce

Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Kemampuan E-Commerce
OTOMATISASI, proses otomatisasi yang menggantikan proses manual.(enerprise resource planning concept) INTEGRASI, proses yang terintegrasi yang akan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses. (just in time concept) PUBLIKASI, memberikan jasa promosi dan komunikasi atas produk dan jasa yang dipasarkan secara elektronik. (electronic cataloging concept) INTERAKSI, pertukaran data atau informasi antar berbagai pihak yang akan meminimalkan human error (electronic data interchange/EDI concept) TRANSAKSI, kesepakatan antara 2 pihak untuk melakukan transaksi yang melibatkan institusi lainnya (pihak ketiga) sebagai pihak yang menangani pembayaran (electronic payment concept)

Manfaat E-Commerce
Jenis bisnis baru
Bisa menjual tanpa modal besar

Market exposure, melebarkan jangkauan Memperpendek waktu product cycle

Tidak perlu banyak tangan

Meningkatkan customer loyality Mengurangi biaya produksi dan promosi Mengurangi biaya inventory

Manfaat EC
Mengurangi biaya komunikasi Hampir tidak terlihat perbedaan antara perusahaan besar dan kecil Memudahkan konsumen memilih barang, 24 jam nonstop Mempercepat dan mempermudah transaksi, anywhere Memungkinkan barang dijual lebih murah

Layanan E-Commerce Khas Indonesia

Contoh layanan khas Indonesia
Wartel & Warnet SMS Berganti-ganti handphone (lifestyle?) Games, kuis SMS/Mobile-based applications nonton TV dengan chatting Games, kuis Sport (World Cup) Jual Buku online (, Star on TV (Indonesian Idol)

Peluang bisnis baru yang khas Indonesia

Jenis E-Commerce
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Electronic storefronts/mall

Business-to-Business (B2B)

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
Eceran / Lelang

Business-to-Employee (B2E)
Employee juga sebagai customer/supplier

Layanan online pemerintah


Electronic Catalogs



Customization in E-Commerce

Hambatan / Tantangan
Infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang masih terbatas dan mahal Delivery channel
Pengiriman barang masih ditakutkan hilang di jalan. Ketepatan waktu dalam pengiriman barang Jangkauan daerah pengiriman barang

Kultur dan Kepercayaan (trust) Security Munculnya jenis kejahatan baru

Penggunaan kartu kredit curian / palsu Penipuan melalui SMS, kuis

Ketidakjelasan hukum
Digital signature Uang digital / cybermoney Status hukum dari paper-less transaction

FaktorFaktor-Faktor Penyebab Kegagalan E-Business

Tidak ada komitmen yang utuh dari manajemen. Penerapan e-business tidak diikuti proses change management. Tidak profesionalnya vendor teknologi informasi yang menjadi mitra bisnis Buruknya infrastruktur komunikasi Tidak selarasnya strategi TI dengan strategi perusahaan. Adanya masalah keamanan dalam bertransaksi Kurangnya dukungan finansial Belum adanya peraturan yang mendukung dan melindungi pihak-pihak yang bertransaksi (cyberlaw), Menggunakan target jangka pendek sebagai pijakan investasi ebusiness.

EKiat Membangun E-Business

Membenahi terlebih dahulu sistem pengelolaan sumber daya perusahaan secara terpadu. Membuat perencanaan investasi teknologi secara mendetail dan komprehensif. Menentukan arah investasi teknologi untuk menjawab kebutuhan jangka panjang. Membentuk struktur organisasi yang fleksibel dan adaptif terhadap perubahan. Melakukan kerjasama kondusif dengan berbagai mitra bisnis (vendor, pemasok barang, lembaga keuangan, dan lain sebagainya).

Sistem Pembayaran E-Commerce

Jenis E-Payment

Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


How e-credit cards work.

Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Auctions and Bartering

The major mechanism for buying and selling on the Internet is the electronic catalog. There are two common mechanisms used in its implementation: electronic auctions and bartering online

Electronic Auctions (e-Auctions): A market mechanism by which sellers place offers and buyers make sequential bids Forward auctions are auctions where sellers place items at sites for auction and buyers bid continuously for the items. Reverse auctions, have one buyer, usually an organization, that wants to buy a product or a service. Suppliers are invited to submit bids.

Perangkat Internet Mobile

Mobile Commerce: Overview

Mobile commerce (m-Commerce, m-Business)any e-Commerce done in a wireless environment, especially via the Internet
Can be done via the Internet, private communication lines, smart cards, etc. Creates opportunity to deliver new services to existing customers and to attract new ones

Contoh M-commerce
Pembayaran tagihan melalui mobile phones Pengenalan suara melalui mobile phones untuk membeli karcis bioskop Pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile phones SMS informasi kuliah Pembayaran uang kuliah Transfer dana melalui mobile phone Informasi kurs dan saham Daily motivation, news

m-Commerce Terminology
Generations 1G: 1979-1992 wireless technology 2G: current wireless technology; mainly accommodates text 2.5G: interim technology accommodates graphics 3G: 3rd generation technology (2001-2005) supports rich media (video clips) 4G: will provide faster multimedia display (2006-2010)

Terminology and Standards

GPS: Satellite-based Global Positioning System PDA: Personal Digital Assistanthandheld wireless computer SMS: Short Message Service EMS: Enhanced Messaging Service MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service WAP: Wireless Application Protocol SmartphonesInternet-enabled cell phones with attached applications

Tantangan m-commerce
Security, protocol, standards Usability user interface Heterogeneous Technologies
Platform, programming language, databases, etc

Business Model Issues

Usability Approaches
Graffiti (Scaled-down handwriting recognition, Palm devices) T9 Text Input (Word completion, most cell phones) Full alphanumeric keypad & scrollbar (Blackberry) Restricted VoiceXML grammars for better voice recognition Careful task-based Graphical User Interface & Dialog Design

Limitations of m-Commerce
Usability Problem
small size of mobile devices (screens, keyboards, etc) limited storage capacity of devices hard to browse sites

Technical Limitations
lack of a standardized security protocol insufficient bandwidth

Limiting technological factors

Networks Bandwidth Interoperability Cell Range Roaming Mobile Middleware Standards Distribution Localisation Upgrade of Network Upgrade of Mobile Devices Precision

Security Mobile Device Network Gateway

Mobile Devices Battery Memory CPU Display Size

Di belakang Layar EC & MC

Teknologi Client Server
Three tier layer (+ web)

Teknologi Web Database (Database Layer)

Oracle, MySQL, SQL server, Postgres

Teknologi Middleware
CORBA, RMI, JDBC, RPC, Web Service

Application Layer Technologies

Micro-browser based: WAP/WML, HDML: Openwave iMode (HTML): NTT DoCoMo Web Clipping: XHTML: W3C Voice-browser based: VoiceXML: W3C Client-side: J2ME: Java 2 Micro Edition (Sun) WMLScript: Openwave Messaging: SMS: Part of GSM Spec.

Mobile, wireless, and pervasive computing

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