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1. Which of the following is not noted in the text as a major factor in "managing in an era of change"?

a) technological innovation b) globalization c) stable political systems d) changing demographics and the new global workforce 2. According to the text, if we include non-Hispanic white women in our demographic projections, women and minorities will account for more than ___ percent of the labor force's recent growth: a) 25 b) 47 c) 73 d) 90 3. The two primary reasons for U.S. firms transferring their operations abroad are: a) cheaper labor and more competitive labor markets. b) skilled labor and stable political climates. c) cheaper labor and skilled labor. d) skilled labor and limited growth in the U.S. economy. 4. A manager is someone who plans, organizes, leads, and ___ the ___ and the ___ of the organization so it can achieve its ___: a) manages, production, work, mission. b) controls, people, work, goals. c) controls, mission, goals, work. d) controls, people, production, competitive edge. 5. We can distinguish among three types of managers based on the managers': a) organizational level. b) position. c) functional title. d) all of the above are correct. 6. In Mintzberg's analysis of what managers actually do, the role that involves motivating and encouraging employees is called:

a) figurehead. b) liaison. c) negotiator. d) leader. 7. According to management experts Sumantra and Bartlett, managers should cultivate all but which of the following processes in building the organization's core? a) bureaucratic process b) entrepreneurial process c) competence-building process d) renewal process 8. Which of the processes of management is "not just another step in the management process, but an integral part of almost everything the manager does"? a) planning b) organizing c) leading d) controlling 9. What has been defined as "...the study and application of knowledge about how people--as individuals and as groups--act within organizations"? a) organizational theory b) systems analysis c) organizational behavior d) none of the above 10. According to a recent study, managers who had majored in ___ and social sciences initially scored higher as potential managers and eventually moved faster and farther up the corporate ladder. a) humanities b) business c) engineering d) science

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