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How to Configure the CD-R King LP-8186 with Smart Bro and Globe May 17, 2009 at 7:20

pm (Computers) Tags: cd-r king, cd-r king lp-8186, cd-r king lp-8186 globe, cd-r king lp-8186 smart bro, Globe, LP-8186, router, Smart Bro I had the opportunity to use both Smart Bro and Globe broadband internet with my CD-R King LP-8186 router. I had decided to document the configuration steps for both. For the most part, the steps indicated herein apply to both Smart Bro and Globe except otherwise mentioned in some areas. I had included the screenshots that would really matter and excluded the configuration that I left to their default values or settings.

Heres the LAN Interface Setup that applies to Globe. Please note that DHCP has been disabled because the modem that came with my Globe broadband subscription has DHCP enabled thus the need to disable the DHCP server of the LP-8186 router. Also, the default gateway of is the IP address of my Globe broadband modem which is a Prolink Hurricane 5200 modem.

The last part to be configured is the WAN setup. This screenshot applies to both Smart and Globe.

Lastly, if you are using Smart Bro, the RJ45 connector from the Smart Bro canopy antenna must be connected to the WAN port of the CD-R King LP-8186 rounter. If you are using Globe, the Prolink Hurricane 5200 modem must be connected to one of your LAN ports (not to the WAN port) of the CD-R King LP-8186 router. With Globe, the CD-R King LP-8186 acts only as an access point and all computers connecting through it are actually using bridge networking.

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