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CORIANDER (e) Dhanyaka(s) Coriandrum sativum; Umbelliferae

Parts Used: Fruit (commonly called seeds), Fresh Plant (cilantro) Energetics: PVK- ( ecspecially ideal for Pitta) Taste: bitter, sweet-astringent / cooling ( leaves more so than seeds) / sweet Dhatus: plasma, blood, muscle Srotas: digestive, respiratory,urinary Actions: alterative, carminative, diuretic, diaphoretic, aromatic, stimulant, expectorant CAUTIONS: Is generally safe except with high Vata in majja dhatu. General Use: The popular name of this plant comes from a type of bug (coris) in ancient Greece due to its perceived unpleasantness in smeel and taste from the unripe plant. It is an ancient plant and has been found in the tombs of Egyptians due to the idea that it preserved ones spirit essence after death, however though its exact origin is unkown. Nowadays its main use is in flavoring and is a large part of curry powder mixtures. Toasting greatly enhances its flavor in cooking. Coriander is a great tool for Pitta issues including issues with the digestive and urinary system and does not increase heat in the system.

The fresh plant is one of the most cooling tools you can use, though the medicinal properties of the seeds are stronger. While it has bitter and pungent properties, the taste of the plant and seed is quite mild with the seed being quite sweet in teas. The seed is ideal in teas (3-9 gms infusion) and the plant is great for cooking a wide variey of dishes or as a garnish. It can be sown at various times of the year and generally harvested in July making it a good summer fix for cooling and spring for cleansing. IS so cool it actually offset the hotness of chiles in much Mexican cooking, so add plenty if youre a pitta indulging! The seeds store well and hold their chemcical medicinal properties over time, however the ground powder rapidly deteriorates. IT is also high in linalool oil and its essential oils has been used in perfumes,cosmetics and other products with uses such as anti-bacterial, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancerous, and antimutagenic. The leaves are higher in antioxidants and has shown health benefits in this area. In clinical application it has a wide range of uses including helping with urinary infections, rashes, burns, sore throat, indigestion, upset stomch, allergies, intestinal spasms and related ailments. Helps IBS and colic suffers, draining heat from the urinary tract, clears toxins from the blood, stimulates appetite, and the seeds can work as mild diaphoretic and cure fevers by releasing heat out of the system. Combinations: - The seed is often combined with cumin, coriander, and fennel to make CCF tea, a great tea for digestive and absorption problems when you dont want to aggravate pitta. Put 1 tsp of each in blender, add 2 cups boiling water, grind, and strain. - Fresh Juice of plant is good for allergies, rashes, and hay fever. -gokshura, manjihsta, and punaravu for urinary issues and stones (1tsp coriander and tsp others in 1 cup rice wash water) -Licorice and pippali for coughs -Fresh ginger or powdered ginger (1/4 tsp) and cinnamon (1/2 tsp plus coriander) for fevers

-With amalaki and sugar for burning urinary tract/thirst (1-1/2-1/2 in 1 cup boiling water) -1tsp coriander, cumin cumin and 1 tsp sugar in 1 cup hot milk for rahs, hives, nausea 1-2X/day -Wash eyes with steeped water for conunctivites -With powder and sugar in 1 cup rice wash water for cough RECIPIES:

-Coriander Chutney -Braised Bok Choy

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