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Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len Facultad de Filosofa y Letras

Divisin de Estudios de Posgrado

Fontica Pedaggica

Final Project: Teaching /I/ and /i:/ sounds

Luis Antonio Balderas, MAE.

Mario Alberto Tobas Rincn 0918649

Cd. Universitaria, Julio 30, 2008

Lesson Plan Teacher: Mario Alberto Tobas Rincn Topic: /I/ and /i:/ sounds

Overall aim: Students will be able to distinguish the difference between /I/ and /i:/. They will also be able to produce each of the sounds appropriately. Objectives Language Vocabulary Materials Power point Functional /I/ One syllable words:
Students will produce both sounds correctly and apply them when necessary.

Stages Warm up

fin, tree, etc. /i:/ Two syllable words: Instep, degree Three Syllable words:

Presentations Internet Websites Charts Texts Projector Blackboard



Representations for the /I/ sound (i, e), and the different representations for the /i:/ sound (ee, ea).

Seminar, abstentee Others live reek pickerel beefcake, etc.



Students will give importance to making the difference when using these sounds since it is necessary to convey the correct message to others.

Description of Each Stage Warm Up

The teacher will start the class by asking his students to get a piece of paper because they will have a word dictation. The words from the dictation contain both /I/ and /i:/ sounds randomly. Some of the words will be similar such as bit and beet. The teacher will ask some volunteers to come to the blackboard in order to write the list of words he wrote on his paper. The teacher will ask the rest of the students to compare these words with their own in order to find differences. As a group, they will find out the real list dictated. The teacher will ask what they found difficult, and what sounds they found similar.

Presentation The teacher will show the face diagram1 from the internet and review organs of speech. He will ask students what organs of speech are used to produce sounds /I/ and /i:/ and how they are produced. He will also show an internet website2 where the sounds are produced by native speakers. Some students will volunteer to produce the sounds and try to make a difference with them. The teacher will answer questions and accept or correct students theories about the sounds. He will show students a PPT presentation with a set of words in order to have students understand and see the differences in sound. He will give the importance of making both sounds differently and correctly in order not to produce one sound meaning the other since it could bring misunderstandings while communicating with others.
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Practice On a PPT presentation, the teacher will ask students to produce the sentences written using the correct pronunciation. Using phonetic symbols, he will transcribe each of the

sentences on the blackboard so students see the different transcriptions of each sound. Students can use the pronunciation chart to find the correct symbols in the transcriptions. Some of them pass to the front in order to transcribe one of the sentences on the presentation; the others will help him/her if any problem arises.

Production The teacher will give a text to students. First, they will read the text in silence and try to produce the sounds in their mind. Then, they will circle the words containing the /I/ and /i:/ sounds. Third, in teams of three, students share the words they found and add or erase some. Each student will transcribe one word at a time and pronounce it; the others will check the transcription and the pronunciation of the word and will give feedback. Finally, as a whole class, the teacher ask some volunteers to pronounce some words in order to make sure students did it all right.

Evaluation On a power point presentation, the teacher will show a word to each of the students and have them pronounce the word. He will be checking if students pronounce the words correctly since each student will be given 3 words to pronounce at different moments of the class. The teacher will keep a record on the students who did or did not achieve the objective of the class.

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