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Vaisnava Ke:-°Who is a ReaI Vaisnava:`

by SrïIa Bhakfisiddhanfa Sarasvafï Thakura

áusta mana` tumí híscr vaísnava`
pratístnar tarc, nírjancr gnarc,
tava narí nama` hcvaIa haítava`
áusta mana-O wiclcd mind!; tumí-you; híscr vaísnava-wlai lind ol dcvoicc';
pratístnar-ol picsiigc; tarc-on accouni ol; nírjancr gnarc-in a soliiaiy dwclling;
tava-youi; narí-nama-claniing ol ilc loly namc ol Loid Haii; hcvaIa-only;
1) O wicked mind! Whaf kind of Vaisnava do you fhink you are: Your
prefenfious show of chanfing Lord Hari`s hoIy name in a soIifary pIace is onIy
for fhe sake of affaining fhe faIse presfige of a worIdIy repufafion-if is nofhing
buf pure hypocrisy.
jaácr pratístna, suharcr vístna,
jano na hí tana mayar vaíbnava`
hanaha hamíni, áívasa-yamíni,
bnavíya hí haja, anítya sc saba
jaácr-ol ilc maiciial icalm; pratístna-lamc; suharcr-ol a pig; vístna-siool;
jano na hí-do you noi lnow'; tana-ilai; mayar-ol ilc illusoiy maiciial woild;
vaíbnava-poicncy; hanaha-gold; hamíni-aiiiaciivc womcn; áívasa yamíni-all
day and nigli; bnavíya-ilinling; hí haja-wlai bcnclii; anítya-icmpoiaiy; sc
saba-all ilosc.
2) Such maferiaIisfic presfige is as disgusfing as fhe sfooI of a hog. Do you nof
know fhaf if is onIy a mere iIIusion casf by fhe pofency of Maya: Whaf is fhe
vaIue of confempIafing day and nighf your pIans for enjoying weaIfh and
women: AII fhese fhings are onIy femporary.
tomar hanaha, bnogcr janaha,
hanahcr ávarc scvano maánava`
hamínir hama, nanc tava ánama,
tanar-maIíha hcvaIa yaáava`
tomar-youi; hanaha-gold; bnogcr-ol cnjoymcni; janaha-ilc pioducci;
hanahcr ávarc-by wcalil; scvano-plcasc scivc; maánava-Loid Madlava;
hamínir hama-lusi loi bcauiilul womcn; nanc-noi; tava-youi; ánama-piopci
placc; tanar-iis; maIíha-ownci; hcvaIa-is only; yaáava-Siï Kisna, ilc Loid ol
ilc Yadu dynasiy.
3) When you cIaim weaIfh as your own, if creafes in you ever-increasing
desires for maferiaI enjoymenf. Your riches shouId be used for serving Madhava,
fhe Lord of aII weaIfh. Neifher is if your proper pIace fo induIge in Iusf for
women, whose onIy frue propriefor is Lord Yadava.
pratístnasa-taru, jaáa-maya-maru,
na pcIa ravana` yujníya ragnava`
vaísnavi pratístna, tatc horo nístna,
tana na bnajíIc Iabníbc raurava
pratístna-asa-dcsiic loi lamc; taru-ilc iicc; jaáa-maya-ol maiciial illusion;
maru-ilc dcscii; na-noi; pcIa-icaclcd; ravana-ilc dcmon namcd Ravana;
yujníya-ligliing; ragnava-wiil Loid Ramaclandia; vaísnavi-ilc posiiion ol
bcing a vaísnava, pratístna-siiuaiion; tatc-in ilai; horo nístna-bccomc lixcd;
tana-ilai; na-noi; bnajíIc-il onc woislips; Iabníbc-will obiain; raurava-lcll.
+) The demon Ravana (Iusf-incarnafe) foughf wifh Lord Ramachandra (Iove-
incarnafe) in order fo gain fhe free of worIdIy repufafion-buf fhaf oasis furned
ouf fo be buf a mirage casf in fhe deserf wasfeIand of fhe Lord`s iIIusory
maferiaI pofency. PIease cuIfivafe fixed deferminafion fo affain onIy fhe sfeady
and soIid pIafform whereupon a Vaisnava ever sfands. If you negIecf worshiping
fhe Lord from fhis posifion, fhen you wiII uIfimafeIy affain a heIIish exisfence.
naríjana-ávcsa, pratístnasa-hIcsa,
horo hcno tabc tanar gaurava
vaísnavcr pacnc, pratístnasa acnc,
ta`tc habnu nanc anítya-vaíbnava`
narí-jana-ávcsa-laiicd loi ilc dcvoiccs ol ilc Loid; pratístna-asa-dcsiic loi
lamc; hIcsa-sullciing; horo-you cndcavoi; hcno-wly'; tabc-ilcn; tanar-iis;
gaurava-gloiy; vaísnavcr pacnc-lollowing bclind ilc dcvoiccs; pratístna-asa-
dcsiic loi spiiiiual posiiion; acnc-ilcic is; tatc-in ilai; habnu nanc-ncvci;
anítya-impcimancni; vaíbnava-wcalil.
5) Why do you needIessIy suffer fhe formenf of bIaspheming fhe devofees of
Lord Hari, affempfing fo achieve fheir eminence, fhereby onIy proving your own
fruifIess fooIishness: The desire for spirifuaI eminence is easiIy fuIfiIIed when
one becomes a devofee of fhe Lord, for efernaI fame aufomaficaIIy foIIows fhe
heeIs of a Vaisnava. And fhaf fame is never fo be considered a femporary
worIdIy opuIence.
sc narí-sambanána, sunya-maya-ganána,
tana habnu noy jaácr haítava`
pratístna-canáaIi, nírjanata-jaIí,
ubnayc janíno mayíha raurava
sc-ilai; narí-sambanána-iclaiionslip wiil Loid Haii; sunya-licc liom; maya-
ganána-a sccni ol illusion; tana-ilai; habnu noy-ncvci; jaácr-ol maiciialism;
haítava-clcaiing; pratístna-woildy icpuiaiion; canáaIi-lcmalc dog-caici;
nírjanata-soliiaiy living; jaIí-ilc nci; ubnayc-in boil; janíno-you slould
lnow; mayíha-illusoiy; raurava-lcll.
6) The reIafionship befween a devofee and Lord Hari is devoid of even a frace
of worIdIy iIIusion; if has nofhing fo do wifh fhe maferiaIisfic cheafing
propensify. The presfige of so-caIIed popuIarify in fhe maferiaI reaIm is
compared fo a freacherous dog-eafing wifch, and fhe affempf fo Iive in soIifude
fo supposedIy engage in unaIIoyed bhajan is compared fo an enfangIing nefwork
of disfracfion. PIease know fhaf anyone sfriving in eifher of fhese ways veriIy
Iives in fhe heII of Maya`s iIIusion.
hirtana cnaáíbo, pratístna mahníbo,
hí haja ánuáíya taársa gaurava
maánavcnára puri, bnava-gnarc curí,
na horíIo habnu saáaí janabo
hirtana-claniing ilc Loid's namcs; cnaáíbo-I will givc up; pratístna-woildly
icpuiaiion; mahníbo-I will bcsmcai myscll; hí haja-wlai bcnclii; ánuáíya-
sccling; taársa-ilai lind ol; gaurava-giandcui; maánavcnára puri-ilc sagc
Madlavcndia Puiï; bnava-gnarc-in ilc sioiclousc ol pciccpiion; curí-sicaling;
na horíIo-lc did noi do; habnu-cvci; saáaí-always; janabo-I will icmind you.
7) °I shaII give up chanfing fhe Lord`s name pubIicIy in kïrfan and refire fo
soIifude, fhus smearing myseIf wifh worIdIy honor.` Dear mind, whaf is fhe
good of seeking such so-caIIed gIory: I wiII aIways remind you fhaf fhe greaf
souI Madhavendra Purï never deceived himseIf in fhaf regard by commiffing
fheff in his own sforehouse of percepfion fhe way you do.
tomar pratístna,-suharcr vístna`,
tar-sana sama habnu na manava
matsarata-vasc, tumí jaáa-rasc,
majccno cnaáíya hirtana-saustava
tomar-youi; pratístna-populaiiiy; suharcr vístna-ilc siool ol a log; tar-sana-
wiil ilai; sama-cqual; habnu na-ncvci; manava-an oidinaiy luman bcing;
matsarata-piidc; vasc-undci ilc coniiol ol; tumí-you; jaáa-rasc-in ilc
mcllows ol mundanc scnsc plcasuics; majccno-you aic sunl; cnaáíya-laving
givcn up; hirtana-saustava-ilc cxccllcncc ol ilc sanhirtan movcmcni.
8) Your cheap repufafion is equaI fo fhe sfooI of a hog. An ordinary ambifious
man Iike you can never be equafed wifh a devofee of Madhavendra Purï`s
eminence. Under fhe sway of envy, you have drowned yourseIf in fhe fiIfhy
wafers of maferiaI enjoymenf affer having abandoned fhe exceIIenf perfecfion of
congregafionaI kïrfan.
taí áusta mana, nírjana bnajan,`
pracarícno cnaIc huyogi-vaíbnava`
prabnu sanatanc, parama jatanc,
síhsa áíIo yana, cínto scí saba
taí-ilcicloic; áusta mana-O wiclcd mind!; nírjana bnajan-soliiaiy woislip;
pracarícno-you aic picacling; cnaIc-by iiicl; hu-yogi-vaíbnava-ilc opulcncc ol
a lalsc yogi, prabnu-Siï Claiianya Malapiablu; sanatanc-io Sanaiana Goswamï;
parama jatanc-wiil gicai caic; síhsa áíIo-gavc insiiuciions; yana-wlicl;
cínto-plcasc conicmplaic; scí saba-all ilosc.
9) TruIy, O wicked mind, fhe gIories of so-caIIed soIifary worship are
propagafed onIy by faIse yogïs using unscrupuIous means fo deceive ofhers. To
save yourseIf from fhese piffaIIs, pIease confempIafe fhe insfrucfions fhaf fhe
Supreme Lord Srï Chaifanya Mahaprabhu kindIy gave us whiIe addressing SrïIa
Sanafana Goswamï wifh fhe ufmosf care.
scí áu`tí hatna, bnuIo` na sarvatna,
uccaín-svarc horo narí-nama-rava`
pnaIgu` ar yuhta,` baáána` ar muhta,`
habnu na bnavíno, chahar saba
scí-ilcsc; áu`tí-iwo; hatna-iopics; bnuIo` na-don'i loigci; sarvatna-in all
ciicumsianccs; uccaín-svarc-in a loud voicc; horo-pciloim; narí-nama-rava-ilc
sound ol claniing ilc Loid's loly namcs; pnaIgu-lalsc; ar-and; yuhta-bcliiiing
(linlcd wiil Kisna); baáána-bound in maya, ar-and; muhta-libciaicd; habnu
na-ncvci; bnavíno-considci; chahar-onc in ilc samc loim; saba-all ilcsc.
10) Do nof forgef for a momenf fhe fwo mosf vaIuabIe concepfs fhaf He faughf:
1) fhe principIe of dry, apparenf renunciafion as opposed fo reaI, appropriafe
renunciafion; and 2) fhe principIe of a souI being frapped in fhe bondage of
maffer as opposed fo a souI who is Iiberafed. Don`f ever make fhe misfake of
fhinking fhaf fhese confIicfing concepfs are on fhe same IeveI. PIease remember
fhis whiIe engaging yourseIf in chanfing fhe Lord`s hoIy names as Ioud as you
possibIy can.
hanaha-hamíni,` pratístna-bagníni,`
cnaáíyacnc jarc, scí to` vaísnava
scí anasahta,` scí suáána-bnahta,`
samsar tatna pay parabnava
hanaha-hamíni-cnjoymcni ol wcalil and womcn; pratístna-bagníni-ilc iigicss ol
woildly icpuiaiion; cnaáíyacnc-las givcn up; jarc-wlo; scí-lc; to`-cciiainly;
vaísnava-a dcvoicc; scí-lc; anasahta-unaiiaclcd; scí-lc alonc; suáána-
bnahta-is a puic dcvoicc; samsar-ilc maiciial woild; tatna-in ilis mannci;
pay-gcis; parabnava-dclcaicd.
11) One is fruIy a Vaisnava who has given up fhe habif of faIIing vicfim fo fhe
ferocious figress of weaIfh, beaufy, and fame. Such a souI is facfuaIIy defached
from maferiaI Iife, and is known as a pure devofee. Someone wifh fhis
consciousness of defachmenf has fhereby become vicforious over fhe mundane
worId of birfh and deafh.
yatna-yogya bnoga, naní tatna roga,
anasahta` scí, hí ar hanabo
asahtí-roníta,` sambanána-saníta,`
vísaya-samuna sahaIí maánava`
yatna-yogya-wlaicvci is appiopiiaic loi suivival; bnoga-cnjoymcni; naní-is
noi; tatna-in ilai way; roga-ilc discasc (ol maiciialism); anasahta-dciaclcd;
scí-lc; hí ar-wlai moic; hanabo-slall I say; asahtí-roníta-dcvoid ol
aiiaclmcni; sambanána-saníta-cndowcd wiil a iclaiionslip; vísaya-samuna-ilc
muliiiudc ol scnsc objccis; sahaIí-all; maánava-Loid Madlava.
12) One is indeed defached who moderafeIy parfakes of worIdIy fhings fhaf
are deemed necessary for Iiving in devofionaI service; a devofee acfing in fhaf
manner does nof faII prey fo fhe disease of maferiaI infafuafion. Thus devoid of
seIfish affachmenf, and endowed wifh fhe abiIify fo see fhings in reIafion fo fhe
Lord, aII sense objecfs are fhen direcfIy perceived as being Lord Madhava
sc yuhta-vaíragya,` tana to` saubnagya,
tana-í jaáctc narír vaíbnava
hirtanc janar, pratístna-sambnar,`
tanar sampattí hcvaIa haítava`
sc-ilis; yuhta-vaíragya-icnunciaiion ilai is connccicd wiil Kisna's cnjoymcni;
tana-ilai; to`-indccd; saubnagya-gicai loiiunc; tana-í-only ilai; jaáctc-in
ilc maiciial woild; narír-ol Loid Haii; vaíbnava-ilc opulcncc; hirtanc-in
claniing ilc Loid's namcs; janar-wlosc; pratístna-sambnar-lcaps ol ambiiion
loi iccogniiion; tanar-iis; sampattí-opulcncc; hcvaIa-only; haítava-clcaiing.
13) This is fhe sfandard of befiffing renunciafion, and one who reaIizes fhis is
mosf forfunafe indeed. Everyfhing invoIved in such a devofee`s Iife represenfs
Lord Hari`s personaI spirifuaI opuIence as manifesf in fhe worId of maffer. On
fhe ofher hand, one who engages in chanfing fhe Lord`s name wifh hopes of
enhancing his own maferiaI repufafion finds fhaf aII his acfivifies and
paraphernaIia represenf onIy fhe riches of hypocrisy.
vísaya-mumuhsu,` bnogcr bubnuhsu,`
áu`yc tyajo mana, áuí avaísnava`
hrsncr sambanána,` aprahrta-shanána,
habnu nanc tana jaácr sambnava
vísaya-mumuhsu-onc wlo dcsiics libciaiion liom ilc maiciial woild; bnogcr
bubnuhsu-onc wlo dcsiics io cnjoy scnsc giaiilicaiion; áu`yc-boil; tyajo-plcasc
icjcci; mana-O mind!; áuí-ilc iwo; avaísnava-non-dcvoiccs; hrsncr-wiil
Kisna; sambanána-iclaiionslip; aprahrta-shanána-ilings bclonging io ilc
iiansccndcnial icalm; habnu nanc-ncvci; tana-ilai; jaácr sambnava-ol maiciial
1+) O mind, pIease rejecf fhe company of fwo fypes of persons-fhose
desiring impersonaI Iiberafion from fhe maferiaI worId, and fhose who desire fo
enjoy fhe pIeasure of maferiaI sense objecfs. Bofh of fhese are equaIIy non-
devofees. The fhings fhaf are used in reIafion fo Lord Krsna are objecfs
beIonging direcfIy fo fhe franscendenfaI reaIm, and fhus having nofhing fo do
wifh maffer fhey cannof be eifher owned or forsaken by persons inferesfed in
mundane enjoymenf or renunciafion.
mayavaái jana,` hrsnctara mana,
muhta abnímanc sc nínác vaísnava
vaísnavcr áas, tava bnahtí-as,
hcno va áahícno nírjana-anava
mayavaái jana-ilc impcisonalisi; hrsnctara-opposcd io Kisna; mana-
mcnialiiy; muhta abnímanc-pioudly considciing limscll libciaicd; sc-lc;
nínác-blasplcmcs; vaísnava-ilc dcvoiccs; vaísnavcr áas-scivani ol ilc
dcvoiccs; tava-youi; bnahtí-as-dcvoiional dcsiic; hcno va-wly ilcn; áahícno-
you call oui; nírjana-anava-ligliing loi soliiudc.
15) An impersonaI phiIospher is opposed fo fhinking of Krsna as an objecf of
devofion, and fhus being puffed up wifh fhe faIse pride of imaginary Iiberafion
he dares fo crificize fhe frue devofees of fhe Lord. O mind, you are fhe servanf
of fhe Vaisnavas, and you shouId aIways hope for affaining devofion. Why fhen
do you make such a Ioud commofion by caIIing fo me and frying fo prove fhe
supposed supremacy of your pracfice of soIifary worship:
jc pnaIgu-vaíragi,` honc níjc tyagi,`
sc na parc habnu noítc vaísnava`
narí-paáa cnaáí`, nírjanata baáí,`
Iabníya hí pnaIa, pnaIgu` sc vaíbnava
jc-wlo; pnaIgu-vaíragi-lalsc icnunciani; honc níjc-calls limscll; tyagi-an
accomplislcd icnunciani; sc-lc; na parc-is noi ablc; habnu noítc-io cvci bc;
vaísnava-a dcvoicc; narí-paáa-ilc loius lcci ol ilc Loid; cnaáí`-icjcciing;
nírjanata baáí-icsidcncc in soliiudc; Iabníya-obiaining; hí pnaIa-wlai icsuli';
pnaIgu-lalsc; sc vaíbnava-ilai opulcncc.
16) One who faIseIy gives up fhings fhaf couId acfuaIIy be used in fhe Lord`s
service proudIy caIIs himseIf a renunciafe,` buf unforfunafeIy he can never
become a Vaisnava by such an affifude. Abandoning his serviforship fo fhe Iofus
feef of Lord Hari, and resigning himseIf fo his soIifary home-whafever is
gained by fhaf exercise can onIy be fhe worfhIess freasure of decepfion.
raána-áasyc roní`, cnaáí bnoga-aní,`
pratístnasa` nanc hirtana-gaurava`
raána-nítya-jana,` tana cnaáí` mana,
hcno va nírjana-bnajana-haítava
raána-áasyc-in scivicc io Siï Radla; roní`-icmaining; cnaáí-giving up; bnoga-
aní-ilc snalc ol scllisl cnjoymcni; pratístna-asa-ambiiion loi iccogniiion;
nanc-is noi; hirtana-gaurava-ilc gloiy ol congicgaiional claniing; raána-nítya-
jana-bcing ilc cicinal scivani ol Radla; tana cnaáí`-icjcciing ilai; mana-O
mind!; hcno va-wly ilcn; nírjana-bnajana-soliiaiy woislip; haítava-clcaiing.
17) Ever engage yourseIf in fhe service of Srï Radha, and keep aIoof from fhe
vicious snake of maferiaIisfic sense grafificafion. The gIory of parficipafing in
fhe Lord`s kïrfan is nof meanf fo boIsfer anyone`s ambifions for personaI
recognifion. O mind, why fhen have you abandoned fhe idenfify of being
Radha`s efernaI servanf in favor of refiring fo a soIifary pIace fo pracfice fhe
cheafing process of so-caIIed bhajan:
vraja-vasi-gana, pracaraha-ánana,
pratístna-bníhsuha ta`ra nanc sava`
prana acnc ta`r, sc-nctu pracar,
pratístnasa-nina-`hrsna-gatna` saba
vraja-vasi-gana-ilc icsidcnis ol Viaja; pracaraha-picaclcis; ánana-ilc
iicasuic; pratístna-bníhsuha-bcggais loi woildly lamc; ta`ra-ilcy; nanc-aic noi;
sava-a dcad body; prana acnc-ilcic is lilc; ta`r-ilciis; sc-nctu-loi ilai icason;
pracar-picacling; pratístna-asa-nina-dcvoid ol ambiiion loi lamc; hrsna-gatna-
songs aboui Kisna; saba-all.
18) The mosf vaIuabIe freasures amongsf fhe Lord`s preachers are fhe efernaI
personaIifies residing in Vraja-dham. They never occupy fhemseIves wifh
begging for worfhIess maferiaI repufafion, which is cherished onIy by fhe Iiving
dead. The Vraja-vasïs are fruIy infused wifh Iife, and fherefore fhey preach in
order fo give Iife fo fhe waIking corpses of fhe mundane worId. AII fhe songs
fhaf fhe Vraja-vasïs sing abouf fhe gIories of Lord Krsna are devoid of any finge
of desire for fame.
sri-áayíta-áas, hirtanctc as,
horo uccaín-svarc narí-nama-rava`
hirtana-prabnavc, smarana svabnavc,
sc haIc bnajana-nírjana sambnava
sri-áayíta-áas-ilc scivani ol Radla's bclovcd Kisna (llaliisiddlania Saiasvaiï);
hirtanctc-loi congicgaiional claniing; as-dcsiious; horo-plcasc pciloim;
uccaín-svarc-in a loud voicc; narí-nama-rava-ilc sound ol ilc Loid's loly
namcs; hirtana-prabnavc-by ilc powci ol ilc claniing; smarana-icmcmbciing
ilc Loid's pasiimcs; svabnavc-in onc's own oiiginal spiiiiual mood; sc haIc-ai
ilai iimc; bnajana-nírjana-woislip in soliiudc; sambnava-possiblc.
19) This humbIe servanf of Radha and Her beIoved Krsna aIways hopes for
kïrfan, and he begs aII fo IoudIy sing fhe names of Lord Hari. The
franscendenfaI power of congregafionaI chanfing aufomaficaIIy awakens
remembrance of fhe Lord and His divine pasfimes in reIafion fo one`s own
efernaI spirifuaI form. OnIy af fhaf fime does if become possibIe fo go off fo a
soIifary pIace and engage in fhe confidenfiaI worship of Their Lordships.

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