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Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ________ Date: ____________________

In Class Project: The Physics of Sports 20 points (Due at the end of class on Thursday January 13th!)
Having studied linear motion and Newtons Laws, you should be able to connect the physics concepts you have learned in class with a sport or activity that interests you! Here is breakdown of the topics we studied under each law. Newtons 1st Law mass & inertia, static or dynamic equilibrium, force diagrams,
friction Newtons 2nd Law velocity, force, mass, acceleration, DT vs VT graphs, gravity, air resistance, free fall Newtons 3rd Law action/reaction force pairs; momentum and impulse Projectiles free fall, trajectory, upward launches, independence of horizontal and vertical motion

Choose a Sport or Activity

So what sport or activity can you choose? Anything, as long as you get it cleared with your instructor! Some suggestions include: football, baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, soccer,
bowling, hockey, field hockey, swimming, skating, martial arts, skateboarding, skiing, gymnastics, running, tennis, badminton, golf, dance, track, archery, sailing, cycling, lacrosse, horseback riding

You will first choose a sport or activity that interests you: __________________________________
Remember, this is an opportunity to study something that you are really into, but it must involve some physics!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your task:
1. Research your sport or activity using books, magazines, and reliable internet sources.
Consider setting up a Word document or sheet of paper to neatly record and keep track of your findings. The content requirements are list below. Assign each member of the group parts of content requirements. That group member will then be responsible for that particular portion of the poster. 2. Record information about the sources you use: For online sources, record the web address. You may NOT use Wikipedia. For books, record the title, author, year, and page numbers you reference You need to use at least ONE book.

Content Requirements: (15 points)

(Remember to put these in your own words. Do not cut and paste from a website!) 1. Discuss what force(s) are present on the athlete and/or object in the sport/activity. (2 points) 2. Illustrate the forces present by using a labeled force diagrams. (2 points)

3. Newtons Laws Connections a. Define each of Newtons Laws b. EXPLAIN how they connect to the sport/activity. 1. 1st Law: discuss the role of inertia and friction in the sport/activity; (3 pts) 2. Include force diagrams (2 points) 3. 2nd Law: using F = m a, explain how the relationship between Force & acceleration AND mass & acceleration are illustrated in the sport/activity (3 points) 4. 3rd Law: discuss action/reaction force pairs in the sport/activity; (2 points)

4. Pick at least one of the following topics to connect to your sport (2 pts)

a. Impulse, momentum conservation, and collisions: OR b. Projectiles discuss things like trajectory, horizontal or upward launches; height, time in the air, draw diagrams

5. 6.

You Tube clip: Find a Youtube clip that illustrates one aspect of your sport and illustrates at least one of Newtons Laws. The clip must be 1 minute or less. (1 pt) Works Cited Page : Provide list of information sources used. Type it out and paste it to the back of your poster. Use APA style. (-1 pt if not submitted)

Poster Design & Requirements (2 pts)

The poster requirements are as follows: Title : Be sure to create a title for your poster presentation, and include your names on the poster. Pictures of Sport : For each picture you use include a caption briefly explaining the physics in action! Quality Poster must be neat and legible and follow this basic design. (-2 points for sloppy posters) Title Picture of Sport

1st law Connections 2nd law connections 3rd law connections

Force Diagram(s) labeled!

Other pics with captions

Projectile or Momentum Connections

Participation Expectations Requirements (3 points)

Your teacher will be evaluating you every day so be productive. At the end of the last day, your group members will evaluate you and you will evaluate yourself.

Graphic Organizer - Physics of Sports Name of Sport _______________________________________________________

Force diagrams: What forces are present on the athlete and/or object involved in the sport?

Connections to 1st law: discuss the role of inertia in the sport/activity; discuss role of friction

Connections to 2nd law: Consider CHANGES in motion: Explain how the relationship between net F & acceleration AND mass & acceleration are illustrated in the sport/activity; Does gravity play a role in the sport? Does air resistance?

Connections to 3rd law: Describe several action reaction pairs;

Connections to Momentum/Impulse or Projectiles (circle the one you are doing)

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