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Division of City Schools T Paez Integrated School Manila HEALTH EDUCATION III Lesson 1 ADVANCEMENT IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

AND MANS HEALTH November 16, 2009 1. Objectives: A. Discuss the benefits of advancement in science and technology to mans health. B. Identify the different contributions of known scientists in the field of science and medicine. C. Appreciate the good effects of modern advancement in science and technology in improving ones health and treating diseases. 11. Subject Matter: A. Topic: Advancement in Science and Technology and Mans Health B. Material: picture of modern equipment in the hospitals C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 287 289 III. Procedure: A. Sharing Period Have the students share experiences when they were hospitalized. B. Priming 1. Show pictures of modern equipment in the hospital. Ask: How will our life be if there are no modern medical equipment in the hospitals? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a) Prepare a matching game. Tell the students to match the scientists with their discoveries, inventions or contributions in the field of science and medicine. b) Have a class discussion on the advancement in science and technology, as well as the benefits it gives to mans health. 2. Analysis Ask: What are some of the contributions and discoveries of scientists in the field of science and medicine? How does advancement in science and technology contribute in the promotion of ones health and prevention of diseases? 3. Abstraction a) Have the students create a concept map for advancement in science, and technology and mans health. III 13, 14, & 5

b) Tell them to use as many of the following concepts as they can: diseases, scientists, microscope, x-ray, technology, science and medicine. 4. Application Tell your students to Sharpen Up on page 289 of their worktext. IV. Assignment: Have the students do the following: 1. Differentiate communicable from non - communicable diseases. 2. Give at least five examples of each type of diseases.

Submitted by: Fe M. Empaynado Master Teacher 1

Division of City Schools T Paez Integrated School Manila


November 17 ,2009 November 18, 2009

III 13 & 5 III 14


Objectives: A. Explain the importance of dance, theater, cinema, photography and printmaking in various cultures. B. Identify specific role of the different art forms in various cultures. C. Classify some attributes of art forms correctly.

II. Subject Matter: A Topic: Importance of Different Art Forms

B. Materials: flash cards, different examples of dance, theater, cinema, photography . C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III pp. 119 121 III. Procedure: A. Sharing Period Ask the students to share to their classmates the most memorable movies they have seen.

B. Priming What do you think is the most popular art form?

C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities

a. Tell the students to prepare a group report about the different art forms and their importance to various cultures. b. Have a class interaction on the topics reported. 2. Analysis Ask: How did the different art forms help in preserving the culture of any civilization? Which art form played an important role in spreading the Renaissance spirit? Why? 3. Abstraction Have the students state their generalizations based on what they have learned about different art forms. 4. Application Have the students collect pictures of different art forms and include these in their art folio. IV. Assignment Ask the students to discuss how dance, theater, cinema, photography, and printing served as a form of communication in various culture.

Submitted by: Fe M. Empaynado Master Teacher 1

PHYSICAL EDUCATION III Lesson 1 SEPAK TAKRAW November 19 November 20 III-5 III- 13 & 14


Objectives A. Enumerate the equipment and players needed in playing sepak takraw. B. Show interest in the lesson through active participation in the discussion C. Observe instructions properly

II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Sepak Takraw B. Materials: Flashcards bearing the terms used in Sepak Takraw, cutouts of Sepak Takraw ball C. Reference: Honing your skills through MAPEH III, pp.202-204 III. Procedure A. Review Have a game Fill It Up. Ask each group to fill up the ovals with the different equipment needed in playing sepak takraw. The first group to finish with the most number of correct answers will give the definition of team sports to be declared winner of the game.

Team Sports

B. Priming

Ask the students to do the activity Hit the Ball. With instep, ask the student to hit the ball towards anybody in the class. Anybody in whose direction the ball goes to will hit it with his/her palm to anybodys direction who will hit it in turn, and so on. C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Show to the class cutouts of a Sepak Takraw ball. Each piece of the cutouts bears an instruction for the members of the group to discuss such as: - Equipment and its specifications - Playing area/court and specifications - Players and their position - Service - Stance b. Each piece can be attached to the board only after the answer to what is being asked for has been given. This will be done until they have completed the Sepak Takraw ball. c. On the floor or ground, draw a sepak takraw court and label the position of players in the playing area. d. Instruct the class to take turns in occupying the court as players. Practice play observing the functions of the position assumed. 2. Analysis Ask: How did you complete your ball? Where you able to assemble your ball? Why? What did you observe while practicing the position of each player? Did you observe your position correctly? 3. Abstraction Tell the students to complete the following unfinished statements - After the group activity, I found out that - The team task made me realize that 4. Application Let the students answer the following questions. a. What are the equipment needed in playing Sepak Takraw? b. Who are the players needed in each regu? c. Describe the position of each player. d. How many players are needed to play Sepak Takraw? IV. Assignment Ask the students to make a research on how to play Sepak Takraw. HEALTH EDUCATION III Lesson 2 COMMUNICABLE AND NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES


Objectives A. Differentiate communicable from non communicable diseases




B. Identify some diseases that are considered the leading causes of illnesses and death in the Philippines C. Share personal experience about being sick Subject Matter A. Topic: Communicable and Non communicable Diseases B. Material: Chart of the leading causes of illnesses and death in the Philippines C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp.290-291 Procedure A. Sharing Period 1. Tell the students to prepare a health news about diseases that affect the members of the community at the moment. 2. Ask them to share personal experience about being sick. B. Priming Have the students play Message Relay. Group the students into four or any desired number of groups. Direction: Give the message to the first player and whisper the message to the next player. Continue the game until the message reaches the last player who will then write the message on a piece of paper. The last player of each group will read the message they received. The message can be anything related to the lesson. Example of message: Good health is something people often take for granted. C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a brainstorming about the meaning of communicable and non communicable diseases. b. Have a class discussion on the leading causes of illnesses and death in the Philippines. 2. Analysis Ask: How do communicable diseases differ from non communicable diseases? What did you discover about the leading causes of illnesses and death in the Philippines? Which of the following diseases on the chart of the leading causes of illnesses and death in the Philippines are communicable and which are non communicable? 3. Abstraction Tell the students to create a concept map for communicable and non communicable diseases. In their map, tell them to use as many of the following concepts as they can: diseases, communicable, non communicable, pathogenic agents, lifestyle, mortality, morbidity, diarrhea, flu, cancer, and heart diseases. Tell them to connect all these concepts to give meaning and see the relationship of the ideas. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 291 of their worktext. Assignment Have the students explain the human factors in the development of diseases.

Art Education III Lesson 2 ART FORMS AS FORMS OF COMMUNICATION IN WORLD CULTURE I. Objectives A. Accept that dance, theater, cinema, photography, and printing are forms of communication in various cultures B. Explain how different art forms are used as an effective means of communication C. Identify art form that played important role in spreading the Renaissance spirit D. Create an art form and show how it can be an effective means of communication Subject Matter A. Topic: Art Forms as Forms of Communication in World Culture B. Materials: CD of any art forms to be studied, CD player C. Reference Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 122-123 Procedure A. Sharing Period Ask the students to share with the class some pictures of art forms they collected. B. Priming Show a photograph and ask the students about the message it conveys. C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Present an excerpt of a play, film, or dance to the class. b. Have a class interaction about what they have seen in the CD presented. c. Have a class discussion on the role of a dance, theater, cinema, photography, and printing as a form of communication in various cultures. 2. Analysis Ask: What purpose did theater, dance, and cinema, fulfill for most of the people in various cultures? Which art form is the most effective medium of communication? Why? 3. Abstraction Ask the students to state their generalizations based on what they have learned about different art forms. 4. Application Tell the students to choose one art form for their group presentation. Ask them to show how this art form can be used as an effective means of communication. Assignment Ask the students to explain the elements of dance as seen in tango, cha-cha-cha, and European ballet. PHYSICAL EDUCATION III




Lesson 2 RULES OF THE GAME I. Objectives A. Explain the rules in playing sepak takraw B. Show interest it the lesson through active participation in the discussion C. Apply the rules of the game in a given situation Subject Matter A. Topic: Rules of the Game B. Materials: rule book, illustration of sepak takraw court C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 205-206 Procedure A. Review Let the students review the position of players in a court. B. Priming Ask: What sport is similar to sepak takraw? Why did you say so? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a class discussion on the rules of sepak takraw. b. Let the students play a sepak takraw Kick. Assign odd numbered groups as players, even numbered groups as game judges. Play an officiated sepak takraw game. After each game, groups will change roles. 2. Analysis Ask: Explain how sepak takraw is being played? Were you able to do your duty as game judge or player? Did you enjoy doing your assigned duty? Why? 3. Abstraction Ask the students to complete the following unfinished statements. - After the group activity, I found out that - The task I performed made me 4. Application Ask the students to have a performance based assessment. It is very important to evaluate each and everyones performance to assess whether there is enough knowledge and understanding of the different rules of the sport. Criteria for Evaluation Criteria 1. Was the position of each player specified? 2. Were the players aware of the duties and responsibilities that goes with the specific position assigned? 3. Was coordination among the different players observed?



points 15 15


4. Were the rules executed and followed strictly? 5. Were the respect and fairness observed all throughout the game? 6. Were safety measure observed all throughout the game? IV.

20 15


Assignment Ask the students to make a research on the different responsibilities of the officials of the game sepak takraw.

HEALTH EDUCATION III Lesson 3 FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DISEASE I. Objectives A. Explain the human factors in the development of a disease B. Identify some environmental factors that may contribute to the disease process C. Evaluate ones health condition that may contribute to ones susceptibility to diseases Subject Matter A. Topic: Factors in the Development of a Disease B. Materials: pictures of poor health practices C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 292-293 Procedure A. Sharing Period Tell the students to prepare health news about prevalent diseases in the school or community. B. Priming Show pictures of poor health practices. Ask the students to identify which among those practices they always do and which they do not. C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a brainstorming about the factors that contribute to the development of diseases. b. Have a class discussion about the human and environmental factors that contribute to the development of diseases. 2. Analysis Ask: In what way do heredity and lifestyle affect the health condition of the individual and his/her susceptibility to some diseases? In what way do medicines may cause serious side effects or susceptibility to other diseases? How can you prevent the development of diseases?




3. Abstraction a. Tell the students to create a concept map for factors in the development of a disease. In their map, tell them to use as many of the following concepts as you can: diseases, human factors, environmental factors, heredity, poor nutrition, drug abuse, lifestyle, climate, and good health habits. b. Ask them to connect all these concepts to give meaning and to clearly illustrate the relationship of the ideas. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 293 of their worktext. Assignment Have the students explain some health measures to prevent and control communicable diseases.





Objectives A. Discuss the elements of dance as seen in Latin American dance and European ballet B. Observed the difference between Latin American dance and European ballet in terms of the elements used C. Show appreciation of the Latin American dances and European ballet Subject Matter A. Topic: Elements in Latin American Dance and European Ballet B. Material: CD/video of Latin American dances and European Ballet C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 124-125 Procedure A. Sharing Period Ask the students to share with their classmates a movie they saw and the message of that movie to the viewers. B. Priming How many of you have watched a ballet presentation or a tango dance presentation? How do you find these two typed of presentations? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Tell the students to prepare a group report about Latin American dances and European ballet. b. Have a class discussion about the group report presented. c. Show a CD/video presentation of ballet and Latin American dances. 2. Analysis Ask: What are the element you have seen in the Latin American dances and European ballet?


Have the students differentiate European ballet from Latin American ballet. 3. Abstraction Have the students state their generalizations based on what they have learned about the elements of Latin American dances and European ballet. 4. Application Ask the students to watch other presentations of ballet and Latin dances shown on TV. Assignment Have the students list down important characteristics of Latin American dances.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION III Lesson 3 OFFICIALS OF THE GAME I. Objectives A. Explain the responsibilities of each official of the game B. Show interest in the lesson through active participation in the discussion C. Perform the duty assigned Subject Matter A. Topic: Officials of the Game B. Material: rule book C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 207-209 Procedure A. Review Let the students review the rules of the game. B. Priming Ask: Who are responsible in the orderly conduct of any game? How? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a class discussion on the rules of sepak takraw b. Divide the class into groups to play Let Us Play Sepak Takraw, Kick! c. Assign odd numbered groups as players, even numbered groups as game judges. Play an officiated sepak takraw game. After each game, groups will change roles. 2. Analysis Ask: Who are the different officials needed to judge the match? What are the duties and responsibilities of the umpire? How do the co-umpires duties differ from those of the umpires? Is there a need for linesmen? Why? 3. Abstraction




Ask the students to complete the following unfinished statements. - I learned that - The duties of a sepak takraw referee are 4. Application Have the class play an officiated sepak takraw game. After each game, groups will change roles. Assignment Ask the students to make a research on the rules in playing volleyball and different responsibilities of the officials of the game.

HEALTH EDUCATION III Lesson 4 HEALTH MEASURES TO PREVENT AND CONTROL COMMUNICABLE DISEASES I. Objectives A. Explain the health measures to prevent and control communicable diseases B. Identify ways to eliminate pathogens and prevent/control diseases C. Practice good health habits to prevent or control diseases Subject Matter A. Topic: Health Measures to Prevent and Control Communicable diseases B. Materials: pictures of good health practices C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 294-295 Procedure A. Sharing Period Let the students share practices they do at home to prevent dengue fever. B. Priming Show pictures of good health practices. Ask the students to identify which among those practices they always do and which they do not. C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a brainstorming about the different health measures to prevent or control diseases. b. Have a class discussion about the health measures to prevent or control diseases. 2. Analysis Ask: What are the different health measures to prevent and control diseases? What are some behaviors that can help you prevent infectious diseases? How can you make sure that your family and you are safe from infectious diseases? 3. Abstraction a. Tell the students to create a concept map for health measures in preventing and controlling diseases. In their map, tell them to use as many of the following concepts as they can: diseases, susceptible host, source of

II. A.



infection, boiling of water, proper waste disposal, isolation, quarantine, and health measures. b. Ask them to connect all these concepts to give meaning and to clearly illustrate the relationship of the ideas. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 295 of their worktext. Assignment Ask the following questions. 1. How can you avoid cancer? 2. What will you do if you have a breast cancer?

ART EDUCATION III Lesson 4 CHARACTERISTICS OF LATIN AMERICAN DANCES I. Objectives A. Discuss the important characteristics of the Latin American dances B. Perform any of the Latin American dances C. Show appreciation of Latin American dances Subject Matter A. Topic: Characteristics of Latin American Dances B. Materials: CD/video of Latin American dances, TV, DVD player C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 126-127 Procedure A. Sharing Period Ask the students to share with the class the Latin American dances that they have seen on television. B. Priming Ask the students to guess the name of Latin American dances they can form out of the letters: NATOG, BARUM, BAMAS. C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have the students listen to tango, samba, rumba, and cha-cha-cha music. b. Have a class discussion about the rhythm and beat of the music. c. Ask the students to watch a tape of Latin American dances. d. Have a discussion of the elements seen in the tape presentation. 2. Analysis Ask: What are the important characteristics of Latin American dances? How will you differentiate the different examples of Latin American dances? 3. Abstraction Have the students state their generalizations based on what they have learned about the characteristics of Latin American dances. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 127 of their worktext.




Assignment Ask the students to do the following: 1. Differentiate European ballet from Latin American dances. 2. Prepare a group presentation of any Latin American dance or ballet.

Division of City Schools T. Paez Integrated School Manila

PHYSICAL EDUCATION III Nov. 26, Dec. 3, Dec. 10 III-5 Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Dec. 11 III- 13 & 14 Lesson 1, 2 AND 3 VOLLEYBALL, RULES OF THE GAME, AND OFFICIALS OF THE GAME AND THEIR DUTIES I. Objectives A. Explain how the volleyball game is being played B. Show interest in the lesson through active participation in the discussion C. Show appreciation in playing volleyball Subject Matter A. Topic: Volleyball, Rules of the Game, and Officials of the Game and their Duties B. Materials: rule book, net, synthetic leather ball C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 210-229 Procedure A. Review Have a short quiz about the history of Volleyball. B. Priming Ask: How many of you have played volleyball? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a group report on the following: - Equipment of the game - How to start the game - How to score in a game b. Have a class discussion on the responsibilities of the officials of the game. c. Conduct a practice game between groups. See to it that the rules of the game are strictly observed by the players. Groups not playing at the time will act as officials. 2. Analysis Ask: What are the needed equipments in playing volleyball? How will you start the game and how will you score in a game?



Who are the different officials needed to judge the game? What are the duties and responsibilities of the umpire? How do the co-umpires duties differ from those of the umpires? Is there a need for linesmen? Why? 3. Abstraction Ask the students to complete the following unfinished statements. - I learned that - The duties of the volleyball officials are 4. Application Let the students form a volleyball team and officials of the game to compete with another group in class. They will be judged on how they will officiate in a game based on these criteria Criteria for Evaluation

Criteria 1. Was the assignment of each official specified? 2. Was the official aware of the Duties and responsibilities that go with the specific position assigned? 3. Was coordination among the different officials observed? 4. Were the rules executed and followed strictly? 5. Were respect and fairness observed all throughout the game? 6. Were safety measures observed all throughout the game? IV.

Points 15 15

15 20 15


Assignment Have the students practice the different hand signals in officiating volleyball.

HEALTH EDUCATION III Lesson 5 COMMON NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES I. Objectives A. Explain the different terms related to cancer B. Identify the different signs and symptoms of cancer C. Practice good health habits and healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer Subject Matter A. Topic: Common Non communicable Diseases




B. Materials: pictures of danger signs of cancer C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 296-298 Procedure A. Sharing Period Let the students share experiences they have about cancer patients. B. Priming Ask: In the table of ten leading causes of death in the Philippines, what number is cancer? Is it an alarming concern? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a brainstorming about the meaning of cancer. b. Show the pictures of the danger signs of cancer. Have a class discussion on how these signs may be a warning to suspect cancer. c. Have a class discussion about good health practices and healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer. 2. Analysis Ask: What are the warning signs of cancer? How can you avoid cancer? What are some healthy behaviors/practices that will prevent cancer? What is the best way to do if you feel a lump in your breast? How can you make your family aware of the danger of cancer? 3. Abstraction a. Tell the students to create a concept map for cancer. In their map, tell them to use as many of the following concepts as they can: cancer, lump, unnecessary bleeding, malignant tumor, early detection, persons lifestyle, radiation, and smoking. b. Ask the students to connect all these concepts to give meaning and to clearly illustrate the relationship of the ideas. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 298 of their worktext. Assignment Ask: How can you avoid cardiovascular diseases?

ART EDUCATION III Lesson 5 LATIN AMERICAN DANCES: HOW THEY DIFFER FROM EUROPEAN BALLET I. Objectives A. Discuss the differences between Latin American Dances and European ballet B. Perform a dance presentation Subject Matter A. Topic: Latin American Dances: How They Differ from European Ballet B. Materials: pictures of ballet and Latin American dances C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 128-130 Procedure A. Sharing period




Ask the students to tell which among the Latin American dances they enjoyed watching the most. B. Priming What social dances do you know? Let the class dance a cha-cha-cha as an energizer. C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a class discussion about the differences of Latin American dances and European ballet. b. Ask the students to prepare a group presentation of Latin American dances/ballet. 2. Analysis Ask: How do Latin American dances and European ballet differ? In what way are these dances similar to each other? 3. Abstraction Ask the students to state their generalizations based on what they have learned. 4. Application Have the students do Sharpen Up on page 130 of their worktext. Assignment Ask the students to make a research on the importance of masks in Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Greek Theaters.

HEALTH EDUCATION III Lesson 6 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES I. Objectives A. Identify common forms of cardiovascular diseases B. Discuss the controllable risk factors that can significantly increase the chances of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) C. practice good health habits and healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer Subject Matter A. Topic: Cardiovascular Diseases B. Materials: pictures of unhealthy lifestyle that contributed to the development of CVDs C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 299-300 Procedure A. Sharing Period Let the students share experiences they have about relatives with CVDs. B. Priming Ask: In the table of ten leading causes of death in the Philippines, what is the number one disease that causes death? Is it an alarming concern? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities




a. Present pictures of persons smoking, eating too much fatty foods, overweight person, and other unhealthy lifestyle. Let the students explain how these practices contribute to the development of CVDs. b. Have a class discussion on how an unhealthy lifestyle helps in the development of CVDs. c. Tell the students to prepare a role-play of good health practices and healthy lifestyle to prevent CVDs. 2. Analysis Ask: What are some forms of cardiovascular diseases? What are some controllable risk factors that can significantly increase your risk of developing CVDs. What are some healthy behaviors/practices that will prevent CVDs? How will you encourage your family to be health conscious especially with the food your family prepares and eats? 3. Abstraction a. Tell the students to create a concept map for cardiovascular diseases. In their map, tell them to use as many of the following concepts as they can: cardiovascular, hypertension, heart attack, diet, exercise cholesterol, and smoking. b. Ask them to connect all these concepts to give meaning and to clearly illustrate the relationship of the ideas. c. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 300 of their worktext. Assignment Ask: how do medicinal plants help in treating common diseases?

ART EDUCATION III Lesson 6 IMPORTANCE OF MASKS IN AFRICA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, AND GREEK THEATERS I. Objectives A. Explain the importance of masks in Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Greek Theaters. B. Show ones creativity in making a mask C. Show appreciation of the mask created Subject Matter A. Topic: Importance of Masks in Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Greek Theaters B. Materials: pictures of different masks C. Reference: Honing your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 131-132 Procedure A. Sharing period Ask the students to share to the class what they know about Masskara festival. B. Priming 1. Present to the class some examples of masks. 2. Ask: When do you use masks? D. Development of the Lesson




1. Activities a. Have the students prepare a group report on the importance of masks in Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Greek Theater. b. Have a class interaction about the report presented. c. Ask the students to make their own masks and show it to their classmates. 2. Analysis Ask: When do people wear masks? Why do they wear masks? Why did the artists in Greek theater use masks? What can you say about the mask that you created? 3. Abstraction Have the pupils complete the following unfinished statements. - Mask is - Masks are used in many cultures as part of - In Greek theater, mask is used 4. Application Tell the students to prepare an exhibit of masks inside the classroom. Assignment Ask the following questions. 1. What are some forms of theaters? 2. What are some outstanding plays of Shakespeare?

HEALTH EDUCATION III Lesson 7 MEDICINAL PLANTS OR HERBS AS NATURAL REMEDIES FOR COMMON ILLNESSES I. Objectives A. Identify some medicinal plants for treating common diseases B. Discuss the procedure in using these medicinal plants C. Appreciate the benefits derived from medicinal plants Subject Matter A. Topic: Medicinal Plants or Herbs as Natural Remedies for Common Illnesses B. Materials: pictures or actual samples of medicinal plants C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 301-304 Procedure A. Sharing Period Let the students tell common medicinal plants they know. B. Priming Ask: Are you familiar with some medicinal plants in tablet form? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Present pictures and actual samples of medicinal plants. b. Have a class discussion on the uses of medicinal plants as natural remedies. c. Demonstrate the procedure in using medicinal plants. 2. Analysis




What are some medicinal plants for common illnesses? What benefits can you get from using medicinal plants for common illnesses? How do medicinal plants help in treating common illnesses? 3. Abstraction Tell the students to make a brief summary on what they have learned from the lesson. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 304 of their worktext. Assignment Have the students name some ordinances that protect the health of the community members.


ART EDUCATION III Lesson 7 THEATER FORMS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES I. Objectives A. Discuss the characteristics of some theater forms from other countries B. Identify some of the works of Shakespeare C. Explain the difference of some theater forms from Bertolt Brecht theater Subject Matter A. Topic: Theater Forms from Other Countries B. Materials: pictures of some theater forms C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 133-135 Procedure A. Sharing Period Ask the students to share with the class something they know about ttheaters. B. Priming Ask: What theater forms have you seen? Have you seen a musical play? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Ask the students to prepare a group report about the theater form from other countries. b. Have a class discussion about the report presented. 2. Analysis Ask: What are some forms of theater? How do Greek theater, Shakespeares play, and Bertolt Brecht Theater differ from each other? 3. Abstraction Have the students state their generalizations based on what they have learned. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 135. Answers:



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IV.

Bertolt Brecht Greek Shakespeare Bertolt Brecht Shakespeare

6. Bertolt Brecht 7. Bertolt Brecht 8. Shakespeare 9. Shakespeare 10. Bertolt Brecht

Assignment Let the students answer the following: 1. Have the students name some known Philippine and foreign movies. 2. Ask: How do the Philippine movies differ from foreign movies?

HEALTH EDUCATION Lesson 8 REGULATORY LAWS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH I. Objectives A. Identify some health ordinances and laws to protect our health B. Discuss these health ordinances and laws C. Appreciate the benefits derived from having those health ordinances and laws Subject Matter A. Topic: Regulatory Laws for the Maintenance of Community Health B. Material: signboard related to health maintenance C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 305-306 Procedure A. Sharing Period Let the students tell about signboards they usually see around their community that are health related. B. Priming Ask: What ordinances do you know are strictly implemented in your barangay? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Group the students and ask each group to list down all regulatory laws they know for the maintenance of community health. b. Have the students perform group presentation of the output. c. Have a class discussion on the regulatory laws for the maintenance of community health. 2. Analysis Ask: What are some regulatory laws being implemented in your community? What benefits can you get from following those ordinances or regulatory laws? Aside from the existing ordinances, what other health related ordinances do you want to be imposed in your school and in your community? Why? 3. Abstraction Tell the students to make a brief summary of what you have learned from the lesson. 4. Application



Ask: IV.

If you are the chairman of the Sangguniang kabataan, what healthrelated activities will you spearhead for your community? Why?

Assignment Let the students answer the following: 1. Ask: What are the qualities you look for when choosing a health specialist? 2. Have the students name at least five specialists whom you can consult for treatment.

ART EDUCATION Lesson 8 PHILIPPINE MOVIES AND MOVIES FROM OTHER COUNTRIES I. Objectives A. Discuss the difference of Philippine movies from foreign movies B. Explain the technical advances in filmmaking now C. View Philippine movies and foreign movies Subject Matter A. Topic: Philippine Movies and Movies from other Countries B. Materials: TV, DVD player, and CDS/DVDS of Philippine and foreign movies C. Reference: Honing Your Skills through MAPEH III, pp. 136-137 Procedure A. Sharing Period Ask the students to name some titles of Philippine and foreign movies. B. Priming Ask: How many of you have watched a movie lately? What is the title of the movie you have watched? C. Development of the Lesson 1. Activities a. Have a class discussion about Philippine movies and foreign movies. b. Ask the students to view portions of Philippine and foreign movies for the class to analyze. c. Have a class discussion about the movies presented. 2. Analysis Ask: What differences did you observe from the movies you have seen? What technical advances have been made in filmmaking since the days of silent films? How will you describe the Philippine movies at present? 3. Abstraction Have the students state their generalizations based on what they have learned. 4. Application Ask the students to do Sharpen Up on page 137 of their worktext. Answers: 1. A 3. D 5. D 7. A 9. D 2. A 4.A 6. D 8. A 10. A




Assignment Tell the students to be ready for a unit test.

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