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Planned Parenthood The other day here on FaceBook, I saw a graphic that got my attention for some SERIOUS

additional research. The location of the graphic isn't available anymore or I would have referenced the link. What the graphic said was, "We don't want the word out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." The person who was supposed to have said this was Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood. The graphic was from the Colorado Right to Life. A friend of mine by the name of Robert F. Cunningham verified the documentation with the Colorado Right to Life to make sure it was theirs. They confirmed that it was. I made a link of the entire exchange and put it online on my website, I did some research on Margaret Sanger myself. One of the comments made about her is, "Sanger is a frequent target of criticism by opponents of birth control and has also been criticized for SUPPORTING EUGENICS, but remains an iconic figure in the American reproductive rights movement." (See There is a lot of other information at Of course, everyone can put into any search engine, "Margaret Sanger" and THOUSANDS of results come up where all of this can be verified. So why is this a problem? Put into any search engine, "Planned Parenthood Obama" and see how many THOUSANDS of hits come up. Planned Parenthood has given Barack Obama a 1.4 million dollar ad buy. (See Put into any search engine, "how much has the government given to planned parenthood"(My exact words. The search engine I use is StartPage by ixquick). When I did it just a few moments ago, there were 1,049,771 hits that came up. One site shows the data through 2008, Planned Parenthood has received $4.8 BILLION DOLLARS! (See For the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, "government health services grants and reimbursements" amounted to $487.4 MILLION DOLLARS! (See Washington Times Communities at wrote as of February 18, 2102 there's $330 MILLION DOLLARS in Taxpayer Money to Planned Parenthood. To find the locations of Planned Parenthood, here's a link For those of you who live in other states, please confirm and verify where they are in your state, county or parish, and the ethnicity breakdowns.

Here in New Mexico our black population, as of 2011, according to is 2.5%. According to the map, there are Planned Parenthoods in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. The closest one to Las Cruces is El Paso. This link shows the ethnicities by county This information confirms that Planned Parenthood exists in New Mexico where there is a higher Black population. Will your own research confirm the data that Planned Parenthoods exists where there are heavier Black Populations? From what I can tell by the maps, and my own limited research, there is indeed a predominance and correlation in New Mexico. So what does this all mean? It means that Barack Obama, who wants his own daughters to have the "choice" (See parenthood_for_his_daughters_sake), his Cabinet, Czars, and Advisors, the Democrat National Committee, Republicans AND Democrats who voted for the money to Planned Parenthood, Black Leaders (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, et cetera) whether KNOWINGLY and/or UNKNOWINGLY are in FAVOR of Negro Eugenics. That's what it means! Think about this when you VOTE in November!

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