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The Content It was fun trying to write the objectives!

It was really enlightening on how I can proceed in developing my lesson for the course.

The next thing that you must do now is to select the content for your lesson. Here are helpful hints for you!

The Content can be: Prescribed by the school Based from the course description Previous outline Decision of the teacher The decision of the teacher on what to teach is part of academic freedom. But you must always remember that the content to be selected should address or answer the objective that you had developed. How much information can be included as part of the content? 1. it depends on available time 2. it depends on the educational background of learners 3. if a textbook had been selected, its depth and content can serve as guide

Things to remember: Do not overload with information Discuss the meaningfulness of the subject Cover the most important points Rehearse orally before to know how long will it take to deliver the content

Organizing the content should follow a logical

sequence in its presentation and make a teaching session enjoyable and smooth running. One thing that you have to do is share the objective with the learner/s as it sets the stage for an organized delivery that proceeds smoothly. There are two (2) ways to organize: 1. Deductive you start from general topics leading to specific details 2. Inductive you start from specific details leading to general topics

Deductive drug classification > Generic name > Action of drug > Inductive contraindication > action of drug > generic name > drug classification

The Teaching Methods

Teaching methods

Alright, I now have my lesson prepared. I have my objectives stated properly and the topics well-arranged and appropriate. I just need a suitable way of delivering the lesson.

Factors affecting choice of method. 1. Objective and type of learning affect the method selected a. To teach facts or rules lectures w/

handouts, visual aides, computer assistance might be needed b. To mold attitude case studies, discussions, role playing c. To motivate learners gaming, play d. To stimulate creativity & problem solving problem solving leaning or individual project.

2. Abilities and interest of the teacher in using different methods of teaching 3. Compatibility of teaching strategy to ability of learners learners are varied in learning abilities, it must be considered in choosing the teaching strategy to be used 4. Number of people in class 5. Availability of instructional options

An attractive, easily understood, accurate textbook can be a servant in the finest sense. (Parson and OShea, 1986)

Why do I need a text book?

f you will be teaching in a regular classroom setting or school, a I textbook is an essential tool for the teacher and the students. Courses are often built around the content and approach of a textbook so teachers often base also their topics for discussion and application on this. Texts provide a uniform source of information for students to use in their individual study to prepare themselves for class.
The success of the chosen book and of the method used often depends on the abilities of the learners. Novices and non-professionals such as nurses aide and clients might do better with a more simplistic textbook or reading material.

Ways to use a textbook/reading material Assigning pages to be read for homework assumes that learner will have read and gain knowledge. Read to the class the content of the textbook assuming few read the textbook. Discuss using the information from the assigned material and encourage participation in the discussion. The Instructor will read the material and make some notes and on what the learners need to focus on when reading and explain how they should read the material and its use during the class. (aka Guided Reading) Provide discovery questions that can be answered by groups basing their answer from what they have read from the book.

Planning assignment/homework is a hard task. It should always be significant in the development of understanding about a topic and is incorporated in attaining your objective.

Tips on generating noteworthy assignments: Short essays makes a learner think critically Questions for investigation make the learner look for resources to answer the query. Ask leaners to generate interesting questions on the topic that need to be answered Ask the learner to devise an assessment for of patient teaching material Let the student solve a real nursing problem and report the result Let her do any of the following: Do personal interviews Formulate ideas for research Keep logs and journals Do a concept map (eg. physiologic process) Develop a nursing care plan ( an indispensable part of CIs assignments) Case study

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