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"School-break-time-for-food" A peal of bells piercingly pealed out resounding. It was a school-break-timefor-food.

At that time, the school-break-time-for-food was the time I hate most, papa. 'Marvinwhere are you now??? We were together on school-desk at the school-break-time-for-food. When the school-break-time-for-food comes, schoolchildren were usually pushing and shoving in a mass beside /tajou' gji:/ Ta Yoak Gyee's rice-noodle push-cart. Dishes were prepared one after another even without washing ones. Never gotten in full was enough money from the schoolchildren jostling and hustling, pushing and shoving, and eating. A rice-noodle dish, on the rice-noodle push-cart in disarray and disorder, could be easily got free of charge as long as it was taken in haste, eaten in hurry and given in hustle and you slipped in bustle. We were knowledgeable about that because of the fact that my friends boasted and bragged that taking pride in praise. I hungered for eating rice-noodle. But I did not pluck up courage so much so that. School-break-times-for-food on which we had ever been sitting together!!! One day, Marvin put a question to me (the answer was he had already well known). Would you love to snack?' And then a five-pence-coin came out of his hand. 'Here it is' 'You take this, buy snack and eat that.' I did not remember what snack I had bought and eaten. "The time I hate most" One day when I went to a residence-cum-shop near the office and bought cheroots, it was coincided with the school-break-time-for-food of a little basic education-primary-school. Children were playing sports and games joyfully and joyously. Some children _ buying and eating ice-lollies_ were eating and buying them. Some children_ buying and eating refreshment mixed with sourness and refreshment mixed with assorted fruits_ were buying and eating them. Having asking an old lady, residence-cum-shopkeeper, for /ngwei na'ga/ Ngway Nagarr cheroots for me, there came an Indian boy. He said: 'Please give me one packet of plum-jam' The old lady put one packet down and handed it. The Indian boy put five kyats in cash into the old lady's hand at speed and left there. As I paid the cost of cheroots and turned back as well, the old lady' shout was heard 'Hey!' What she said was ' You Indian come backcome!!!' Saying and speaking so, the old lady ran after him and took of the packet of plum-jam from the Indian boy's hand. 'Here you go!!' she said, ' out6 your money was well worn!' Bells for the school-break-time-for-food are going to ring out. How, good children!!! What time is the time you all hate most in the world of your own???

In our MYANMA history owing to king Aniruddha (Burmese: ; IPA: [njaa]; Aniruddha or Anoaraht or Anoa-ra-ht-soa) /ah noja hta/ the t whole age had been developed and evolved.Theravadda (Pli: theravda (cf

Sanskrit: sthaviravda) Buddhism /buud-di-zm/ or /budizam/ has been accepted and practiced. Pagodas and stupas were constructed,. Neighbouring countries were also persuaded and made to believe in Buddhism /buud-di-zm/ or /budizam/. In stupid and silly kiing Sawlus time, how bad is it to hear that_ from the beginning of the insignificant and non-sense gambling on cowries (play of dice), it starts to break out the war so that Aniruddhas great kingdom was about to be broken up as the bunch of bundles of bamboos were unraveled. Due to the best of KYANZITTHAs, (Burmese: ; MLCTS: kram. sac sa:; IPA: [tnzi]) ability, it was again stable. Biographies of Aniruddha and KYANZITTHA has also come to become the history of MYANMAR. That is why those; who have the ability well to redevelop the world destroyed and degraded by bird-brained and hare-brained ones; are worth calling great men.
"To save our earth" "To save our earth"; there are so many 'ohs' and 'ahs' in the air; it is in need of actiontaking-into-account. In our grandfather and grandmothers days, each and every one has seen Mother Nature in her natural beauty filled with green. In our days, we are in danger of getting losing such things day by day. The reason why it has been on the air is to realize the value of the earth. Come to think of it!!! Nowadays, we are facing global warming, green-house effect, ozone depletion, ultra violent radiation and even energy revolution owing to the side-effect of abusing the earth in misuse. In consequences, it is coming into effect on violent storms such as acid-rain storm, snow-0storm, windstorm, thunder-storm, electronic-storm, and sand-storm as well as cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, monsoon, tornado or twisters including Nargis and Tsunami as such were well known. What is more_ there is nothing worse than bringing pollution into effects concerned with air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. Thanks God! Such crisis might be solved by saving the earth. Let me set thee example of global warming by conserving the forests. There are three major stages to this process. First, The sun ray flooded into the earth. Next, it radiates from this planet. Meantime, plantation is absorbing poisonous gases so as to clean up the air. As a result, the atmosphere holds enough temperature for the world. Thus, woods cut down heat-waves (global warming), noxious vapor (greenhouse gas), contaminated wind and burdens related to the environment (earth). Besides, natural disasters regarding contamination may be limited. With respect to this, benefits of saving our earth are considerable by conserving the forest as a good example. As a matter of facts, saving our earth is saving ourselves. So also, Buddha preferred saving the earth (turning to naturally-sustainable-ecosystem). It is highly recommended to put natural recourses into use in systematic way to keep ecological balance and to take reasonable advantages. We could not help laughing that we require our sphere even though it does not call for us. In reality, there is enough to meet everybodys need, but not enough for everyones greed. That is to say no one is allowed to see the forest for the trees, I say, not allowed to see the world just for the sake of the other.

As a whole, it is necessary that, we should take great care of our earth for good from generation to generation. As the saying go; There is a will, there is a way. KYAW MOE HEIN@ PLATO Save Our Earth Today, world looks like a fast vehicle that is moving towards the highest level. The countries of the worlds are making efforts for development as much as they can. Not to be left behind the world and catch the trends of international development. The high standard of living enjoyed in many nations today is based on industrialization, which requires the use of natural resources. Such humans activities as building cities, burning forests, exploding nuclear weapons and pollution from industry and automobiles to the atmosphere have all effects on weather and climate. So, it is time to respect the environment for the sake of the goodness of our planet, earth. The natural beauty and natural resources we are using today do not form in a short period of time. Natural resources are the elements of nature that society uses to help satisfy humans need and desire. As our earth is priceless treasure, we should not waste the gift of nature in useless way. Since our means of worldwide communication becomes efficient, we become increasingly aware of how effective we are controlling the force of nature. Moreover, the impact of human development on the environment has been damaging enough to arouse their concerns of the world people. We should try to have new ways to look at, to see even to evaluate the world around us. Successful implementation of universal crusades to save the planet calls for close cooperation among the nations of the world. All of us are obligated to try our best in our respective field. Whether the world will go on being fortunate or not is depending on the worldwide activities of conservation our environment. KAY THWE

Yearning I happen to yearn for a woman who have ever said that only just on 1 November, the winter comes suddenly just like getting down from the bus. I miss the smell of burning dry leaves, too. I still remember a passage in which I like to warm up the hand my beloved by putting on my check, written by someone .The scent of night jasmine is wafted through the northerly air that I have reminiscence. Moreover, I also miss her white wool sweater. But this yearning that I myself want to accept, or, do others mean me to be like this. I cannot say for sure. To tell the truth, I love to gain knowledge, I belief that someone is yearning for me at this time. Please do yearn for me.

Destroyer If the biography of Albert Einstein (pronounced /lbrt anstan/; German: [albt ata] ), the most distinctive scientist in twentieth century, is considered, it can be seen that n n world history has been changed turning point. Based on his discovery, atomic energy and nuclear energy came into being. Men were able to step on the moon. Coming out computer makes human history better to revolutionized great revolution. Even scientists could not predict how it may go further! Those_ who tend to destroy and devastate things_ might also appear. The great men_ who are capable of redeveloping things, whichever were destroyed_ by them may also appear.

Mothers Village The historic events_ such as from such a village, such noble women were born and bredare imitative for youngsters nowadays, arent they? Especially, it is for women like us. Although the village is small, it should be noticed that clever and successful people came out. In Myanmar, the ones, who are on top, are not free from countryside. As such rule, country called Myanmar is to be on top among countries one day. I resolved

MONEY SEA Also in our present milieu, money is infatuated by each and every one. They are unceasingly trying prospect to get money in some ways. Even as now I am writing this article, it happens that money is, too, in hope. I mean I am fond of money, as well. Supposing sometimes I had a surprising idea, I would take a lottery ticket and such. I would gain surplus money by any chance as well as I could win a prize in a lottery in opportunity. But, in the money sea, my honor, conscience, and truth had never been drowned. When I come to think of it carefully, I owe gratitude to my wife, sons and daughters. If they had kept following greed fire, I myself might be impossible to be strong. I have often seen that; parents, especially for fathers dignity, spirit and veracity were swamped in the money sea because wife and children were too anxious to boast, brag, spend, and squander the money.

PURE HOME In 1990, the brick building in which I now live was built. It is not too big. It is comfortable enough to dwell. I learned lessons there. I wrote there. I published books there. Constructed with that money, it has been the very pure construction. I am happy to reside there. My honor, conscience, and truth were not invested in the mortar erecting that erection. It is not the edifice founded with avarice fire. So to say furthermore, I was not drowned in the money sea. I was under no condition that great heat is heated. I thanked my lifes virtuous luck that created not to be so. All know that I am a Buddhist. Yet, here and now, like Christian, I wish to word; O God, the Father, I praise the Almighty gratitude owing to the fact that You have given permission to me to eat sinless rice and have looked after me to settle in blameless home. Amen!

Father looks like the sun of my own world, For me he gives the bright to my own world. Mother looks like the moon of my own world, For me she gives the light to my own world. Children look like the stars of my own world, For me they give the might to my own world. Kinship looks like the flash of my own world, For me it gives the fresh to my own world. From this time on, we are, also, not here, For this and that, we must part one another. From this time on, they are, as well, not there, For this and that, they must part each one other. However, we are very very far or not near, We are really really close together.

Iamblc pentameter (140 meters)The 14 lines are divided into 3 quatrains (4-line stanzas) and a final couplet by different groups of rhyming words: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - End words of lines in octet. - Volta (not a physical gap). 2 3 2 3 2 3 - End words of lines in sestet.(2) Later, rhyming words appeared. The poet, still using rima alternata, uses one pair of rhymes in the octet and a different pair in the sestet. a a a a a a a a - End words of lines in octet. - Volta b c b c b c - End words of lines in sestet.

Petrameter Sonnet WHAT IS LOVE? Once in American Center, there was a group of students_ KO NAING, KO MAUNG, KO YE, KO DOWN, KHIN KHIN, MU WAR, THI THI, KHINE LAY and I_ who were all goodhearted, good-humored, good-natured and good-tempered. One day, all boys in our team gathered to discuss one topic. At that time, I would like to spread my new news in front of them because I was pleased to give my view as well as to get their views. By the way, the reason why we did so was to share love affair among us as youngsters. First of all, KO DOWN started open discussion. Now, KO MOE likes our little KHIN KHIN. All were surprised by his words and then looked at me in amazing eyes. Sooner or later, they asked me whether it is right or wrong. So, I replied Yes. Feeling shy, my face turned to red, but it is true. Actually, I have loved her for a long time. I am afraid; however, we would lose our friendship. On the one hand, she might already have got a boyfriend, and on the other hand she might not be in peace and privacy by reason of this. KO NAING remarked; Who care? I should take great care of that, I said. Still, I considered if she was noticed by all, perhaps, she would miss the opportunity to love someone or to be in love in love with others. KO MAUNG added; So what!

So to say, I dont know what to do, I responded. KO YE explained: Everything is fair in love and war. Furthermore, we all agree KHIN KHIN with you. To some extent, we understand all, so we will forgive whatever it may be. Hence, do try your best, dont you? KO DOWN interrupted; Mind how you behave. I thank you for sharing your feeling. In fact, I dont want to give or take any advice for you. Be yourself. By saying so, we departed each other. Everything has changed from that time on. Sometimes we missed and sometimes we met one another. One thing is sure that everything has changed. After three months, we were invited to KHIN KHINs party. At that party, THI THI announced that KO DOWN and MA MA have fallen in love. Hearing that announcement all got shocked. Shortly after that, KHINE LAY cried out; Look, why dont we cheer them up? There you go! On that occasion, I went up to both of them. Next, I welcome them with a warm shoulder. At last, I shook their hands and rejoined. Congratulation May you be happy, healthy and hearty thereafter. Following that, we enjoyed the party satisfactorily, sentimentally and specially. At least, I have still got self-congratulation, self-righteousness and self-satisfaction. We all had a good time. Last of all, MU LAY made fun of us; How funny you all were!!! SHORT STORY KYAW MOE HEIN @ PLATO SHE On condition that you were not friendly, However, she would say you were so lovely. On condition that you were not loving, However, she would say you were so charming. On condition that you were not clever, However, she would say you were so sincere. On condition that you were not sociable, However, she would say you were so peaceable. Providing it is, for you, not happy, She would say it is, for her, so sorry.

Providing it is, for you, pleasure, She would say it is, for her, treasure. Have you ever noticed who she could be? She is, none other than, your kind mummy! KYAW MOE HEIN @ PLATO
Pentameter (140 meters)The 14 lines are divided into 3 quatrains (4-line stanzas) and a final couplet by different groups of rhyming words: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 - End words of lines in octet. - Volta (not a physical gap). 5 5 6 6 7 7 - End words of lines in sestet.(2) Later, rhyming words appeared. The poet, still using rima alternata, uses one pair of rhymes in the octet and a different pair in the sestet. a a b b c c d d - End words of lines in octet. - Volta e e f f g g - End words of lines in sestet.

LOVE IS ? Love is sometimesadoring Love is sometimesbelieving Love is sometimescharming Love is sometimesdelighting Love is sometimesendearing Love is sometimesfavoring Love is sometimesglamorizing Love is sometimeshonoring Love is sometimesinteresting Love is sometimesjoining Love is sometimesknocking Love is sometimesloving Love is sometimesmarveling Love is sometimesneeding Love is sometimesoutstanding Love is sometimespleasing Love is sometimesqualifying Love is sometimesrelying Love is sometimessacrificing Love is sometimestrusting Love is sometimesuniting Love is sometimesvenerating Love is sometimeswondering Love is sometimesx-symbolizing Love is sometimesyearning

Love is sometimeszooming Love is sometimes ABC. POEM KYAW MOE HEIN @ PLATO

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