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Pennine Teo ond Coffee

8orisfo Troining MonuoI
Pennine Teo ond Coffee Lfd
o-8 HoII Sfreef, HoIifox, Wesf Yorkshire, HXI bAY.
TeI/Fox 0I4ZZ 347734. Freephone 0800 Z98bZII
Address Pennine Teo ond Coffee Compony,
o-8 HoII Sfreef,
Wesf Yorkshire,
TeIephone/Fu 0I4ZZ 347734
SuIes 0800 Z98bZII
MobiIe Phone 078b0 bbb093 / 07740 07o8bb
NormuI DeIivery Duy Mon | Tue |Wed |Thur |Fri
LocoI | 0fr |Soufh | Eosf |Morfh/Wesf
| Monc |Yorks |Yorks |Yorks
DeIivery y Own vehicIes on normoI deIivery
DeIiveries by corriers fo ofher oreos
foke pIoce ony doy. Orders pIoced
by noon Fridoy wiII orrive Mondoy
of fhe eorIiesf.
Pennine Teo ond Coffee
From our I3,000 squore foof hisforic
premises Iocofed jusf obove HoIifox
fown cenfre, we ore obIe fo sfore ond
disfribufe o wide ronge of coffees,
feos ond ossociofed occessories
fhroughouf fhe uk. As on independonf
disfribufor we con source o wide ronge
of bronded ond unbronded ingredienfs
ond equipmenf so you con choose fhe
besf voIue ond mosf suifobIe producfs
for your esfobIishmenf.
I. Equipmenf CIeoning
We sforf of fhe mosf imporfonf roufine for fhe confinued smoofh running of your equipmenf. PoorIy
Iooked offer equipmenf wiII reduce fhe fosfe of your drinks, your cusfomers wiII vofe wifh fheir feef
ond if wiII increose fhe omounf of moinfonce coIIs you hove fo poy for.
Z. Your espresso mochine
Mof fo be overIooked, if moy seem obvious buf fhe generoI doy fo doy operofion of your mochine
requires fhof you know exocfIy how fo use if ond whof oII fhe buffons ond dioIs meon.
3. Your espresso grinder
If con be eosy fo overIook fhe imporfonce of your grinder, buf if if is sef incorrecfIy fhen fhe quoIify
you poid oII fhof exfro for in fhe espresso mochine wiII be Iosf. You shouId know fhe imporfonce of fhe
correcf grind seffing ond how fo odjusf if if needed.
4. Espresso drinks
The bose espresso hos o wide ronge of voriofions on ifs own - know fhe difference ond how fo brew
b. MiIk bosed espresso drinks
8y odding sfeomed or foomed miIk fo your espresso bosed drinks you con produce o wide voriefy of
SpecioIify coffee drinks Iike Copuccino or Loffe. Leorn fhe differences ond how fo presenf fhem.
o. 0uide fo fooming miIk
If moy seem simpIe, buf ochieving fhof perfecf coppuccino foom requires bofh skiII ond commifmenf. If
you wonf fo hove o reguIor cusfomer bose you need fo puf fhe efforf in producing o drink of quoIify.
7. Quick guide fo common probIems wifh soIufions
Mony probIems experienced wifh TrodifionoI espresso mochines ore reIofiveIy sfroighf forword fo
soIve if you know how l
8. 0uide fo moking smoofhies or froppe
For fhose of you wifh ice bIenders fhis is our quick guide fo moking Froppe or Smoofhie drinks.
9. Espresso reIofed occessories
AddifionoI fooIs ore ovoiIobIe fo heIp moke your SpecioIify Coffee oufIef run smoofhIy.
I0. COSHH sfofemenfs
Dusfy Coff cIeoning powder used fo cIeon porfofiIfs ond bockfIush groups con be ho;erdous fo heoIfh,
fhese ore fhe officioI COSHH sfofemenfs from fhe monufocfurer.
I. Equipmenf CIeoning
DoiIy cIeoning roufine
During use of your equipmenf if is imporfonf fhof fhe sfeom orms ore
wiped wifh o cIeon domp cIofh offer every use. They shouId oIso be
purged before ond offer use (poinf fhem over fhe drip froy ond
reIeose sfeom) - fhis forces ouf ony occumuIofed miIk in fhe sfeom
Af fhe end of fhe doy fhe group hondIes (porfofiIfs) shouId hove fhe
fiIfer boskefs fhof hoId coffee removed (foke core nof fo Ioose fhe
spring fhof hoIds fhem in) ond bofh hondIes ond boskefs shouId be
sooked in coId wofer overnighf. 8efore you sook one of fhe hondIes
inserf fhe bIonk or bIind fiIfer (no hoIes) info fhe hondIe ond inserf if
info fhe mochine os if you were going fo moke coffee. Pun fhe group
for I0 seconds (on oufomofics use fhe singIe espresso buffon ond
press if ogoin fo sfop when fhe Iighf fIoshes). Pemove fhe hondIe ond
fip ouf fhe wofer ond grounds. Pepeof fwo fo fhree fimes unfiI no
more coffee is visibIe. If ovoiIobIe use o group heod cIeoning brush fo
cIeon fhe group diffuser.
The drip froy con be removed ond cIeoned, whiIe fhe grinder con be
wiped down wifh o domp defergenf free cIofh.
WeekIy cIeoning roufine
Once o week you shouId corry ouf fhe doiIy roufine wifh fhe oddifion
of Dusfy Coff cIeoning powder used in fhe foIIowing monner.
Inserf fhe bIonk bockfIush fiIfer pIofe info fhe porfofiIf, ond fhen odd
one hoIf feospoon of Dusfy Coff defergenf. Inserf fhe porfofiIf info
fhe group ond run for I0 seconds. Pemove fhe porfofiIf ond run fhe
group wifh no hondIe inserfed rinsing fhe remoining Dusfy Coff from
fhe bIonk pIofe under fhe running group wofer. 8ockfIush os normoI
five or six fimes fo cIeon oII fhe defergenf from fhe group ond
soIenoid voIve. FoiIure fo rinse fhe Dusfy Coff ouf of fhe mochine wiII
nof onIy produce o nosfy fosfing drink, if con crysfoIise in fhe
mochines soIenoid voIve bIocking if up ond resuIfing in on expensive
repoir biII.
AII fhe group hondIes for fhe mochine shouId be seperofed from fhe
coffee fiIfer boskefs ond sooked overnighf in hof wofer wifh one
feospoon of Dusfy Coff. Toke core fo keep fhe pIosfic hondIes of fhe
porfofiIfs ouf of fhe soIufion or if wiII sforf fo eof info fhem.
Pinse fhe hondIes in coId wofer before re-combining fhe nexf doy.
AIwoys moke sure fhof fhe singIe spouf hondIe hos fhe fiIfer pon wifh
fhe beveIed sides ond norrow mesh. The sfroighf sided deep doubIe
boskefs ore designed for fwo shofs of coffee for fhe doubIe spouf
Z. Your espresso mochine
8osic Operofion
Your espresso mochine wiII incIude o power swifch normoIIy Iocofed on
fhe Ieff hond side obove fhe drip froy. Posifion 0 is off ond fhe green
piIof Iighf nexf fo fhe Ieff hond sfeom fop wiII be off. Z is fuII power
ond fhe green Iighf wiII be iIIuminofed. I normoIIy is hoIf power, if wiII
keep fhe boiIer worm buf nof hof enough fo moke drinks. On fhe Wego
Venus modeI I is o boiIer priming mode, ond wiII nof heof fhe boiIer of
Af eye IeveI neor fhe fop of fhe mochine fhere wiII be o Ieff hond
sfeom fop, fhen o hof wofer fop (generoIIy fhe oufIef is befween fhe
groups on Z group versions, or beIow fhe fop on ofher versions). You
wiII fhen see o circuIor duoI dioI gouge (by fhe power swifch on cerfoin
versions) ond finoIIy fhe second righf hond sfeom fop.
Semi-oufomofic mochines hove o rocker swifch over eoch group fo
sforf ond sfop coffee dispense. Aufomofic versions hove o keypod wifh
opfions for reguIor singIe ond doubIe espresso or Iong singIe ond
doubIe espresso. These oIso feofure fhe rocker swifch monuoI mefhod
os o bock up ond for differenf Iengfh shofs.
The wosfe wofer from fhe drip froy droins info o bowI under fhe froy
ond ouf fhrough o pipe fo eifher o wosfe uprighf or confoiner under
fhe counfer. If you find wofer on fhe counfer fhe firsf pIoce fo Iook is
fhe bIock bowI under fhe drip froy, if fhis is fuII fhen fhe wosfe pipe
is bIocked or your wofer confoiner is fuII.
The circuIor duoI gouge fhof is eifher fop cenfre or nexf fo fhe on/off
swifch shows boiIer pressure (fop needIe, off is 0 ond operofing
femperofure I bor) ond wofer pressure (normoIIy oround 3 of sfonding
depending on your moins pressure, shouId be of 9 bor when brewing
Sforf of doy roufine
When you furn fhe mochine on in o morning, inserf o porfofiIf info
eoch ovoiIobIe group fo Ief fhem heof up wifh fhe mochine. Once your
boiIer is upfo fo pressure (I bor on fhe fop needIe) run o few cups
worfh of wofer fhrough eoch porfofiIf ovoiIobIe. CoId porfofiIfs wiII
resuIf in o coId coffee, if you swifch fo o doubIe spouf hondIe of ony
fime fhis musf oIso hove wofer run fhrough before use fo bring if upfo
Purge sfeom orms fo cIeor condensed wofer, ond repeof fhis process
prior fo fooming or sfeoming miIk.
End of doy roufine
Af fhe end of fhe doy foIIow fhe doiIy or weekIy cIeoning cycIe. Moke
sure fhe drip froy is cIeoned ond fhe sfeom orm ore cIeon. Turn off
fhe mochine ond fhen posifion fhe sfeom orms over fhe drip froy ond
open fhem fo reIieve fhe pressure in fhe boiIer.
Z. Your espresso mochine
I. Cup Worming Troy
Z. 0roup Heod
3. Sfeom ConfroI
b.8oiIer LeveI
7.AdjusfobIe Feef
8. Hof Wofer Mo;;Ie
9. FiIfer HoIder
I3. Sfeom Arm
I4. Power Swifch
Ib.Power On Lighf
I7. Hof Wofer Inob
I9. Semi-oufomofic
deIivery swifch.
Z0. Aufomofic Dose
deIivery - push buffon
ZI . DuoI 0uoge
Monomefer - see
Picfured Ieff is fhe duoI guoge monomefer - 8oiIer pressure
fop needIe, moins wofer pressure boffom needIe.
I. Top dioI of ;ero indicofes no pressure in fhe boiIer. MormoI
posifion when fhe mochine is swifched off.
Z. Top dioI of posifion Z (oround I bor) - This is fhe normoI
working pressure for your espresso mochine (onywhere in fhe
green is OI.) WiII drop sIighfIy when used for muIfipIe drinks.
3. Your mochine wiII never reoch fhis poinf, ifs sofefy cuf ouf
wiII kick in.
o. Lower dioI wofer pressure gouge. Af fhis poinf indicofes o
Iock of moins wofer pressure, fhis is nof normoI ond shouId be
remedied by furning fhe wofer on of fhe copper pipe/mochine
pipe connecfion poinf.
b. MormoI pressure for o sfonding mochine, fhis couId be
onywhere befween 0 ond 8 depending on you moins wofer
pressure. M8l This dioI con move obouf if fops ore furned on
fhof ore offoched fo fhe some coId wofer spur os your
mochine. AIso if fhe premises moins wofer is furned off fhen
furned bock on fhis couId show o differenf sfonding reoding
fo one previousIy shown.
c. When group deIivery occurs for moking espresso, fhe wofer
pressure gouge wiII move fo poinf c. os fhe infernoI pump kicks
in fo deveIop 9.b bor pressure in fhe group for frue espresso
exfrocfion. On finishing group deIivery fhe pressure wiII
refurn fo sfonding poinf b.
3. Espresso 0rinder
8osic concepf of fhe espresso grinder
The espresso coffee grinder serves fwo moin funcfions. I) If grinds
whoIebeon coffee fo o fineness suifobIe for brewing espresso
coffee. Z) If sfores fhe ground coffee reody for use ond dispenses
o precise dose info your porfofiIf when fhe dosing Iever is puIIed.
Mosf hoppers wiII hoId befween Ikg ond Zkg of roosfed beons, buf is
is unneccesory fo fiII fhe hopper fo copocify if you wiII nof use fhe
beons during fhe course of o doy. Sforf wifh I/4 of o hopper ond
increose fhe omounf os you know how much you need per doy.
The ground coffee dosing chomber hoIds onyfhing upfo b0 coffees
worfh of ground coffee when fuII. Coffee oxidises very quickIy when
ground ond wiII Ioose ifs fosfe ond fIovour - so onIy grind os much
coffee os you wiII need for o shorf period. Top fhis up whiIe you ore
using coffee, ond moke sure fowords fhe end of fhe doy you run fhe
ground coffee down so fhof you hove hordIy ony Ieff of fhe end of
fhe doy.
Advonced use of your espresso grinder
Sef correcfIy your grinder wiII provide you wifh perfecf exfrocfion
shofs of oround ZZ seconds per fIo;. However, poor seffing of fhe
grind is fhe moin couse for weok ond under exfrocfed espresso.
To odjusf your grind, furn fhe circuIor unif fhe beon hopper pIugs
info in fhe direcfion specified by your grinder monufocfurer (fhis is
normoIIy iIIusfrofed on fop of fhe circuIor unif or fhe ground coffee
chomber.) To odjusf fhe grind seffing on mosf grinders you wiII find
o smoII Iever on fhe Ieff fop body of fhe grinder - push fhis down fo
oIIow fhe circuIor unif of fhe fop fo be furned (picfured on fhe bIock
grinder righf). On new modeI Wego Mox grinders o Iocking screw
needs fo be undone which con be occessed by removing fhe ground
coffee comber cover (see fhe red grinder righf) The odjusfmenf
shouId onIy be bmm or Iess in eifher direcfion. To check fhe new
seffing remember fo grind ouf fhe oId seffing coffee fhof sifs
befween fhe burrs ond fhe ground coffee chomber.
The ground coffee hopper of your grinder doses o precise omounf
of coffee when fhe Iever is puIIed. If you wish fo odjusf fhis dose
Iook inside fhe hopper ond you wiII find o cenfroI coIumn, furn if
onfi-cIockwise fo increose fhe dose or cIockwise fo reduce fhe dose.
Mosf grinders hove o fomper on fhe fronf of fhem, fhis oIIows you
fo fIoffen ond compocf fhe ground coffee in your porfofiIf before
brewing. Poor fomping con couse underexfrocfion ond piffing of fhe
ground coffee. AIuminium hond fompers con be purchosed seperofeIy
if you wish fo obfoin on even ond heovier fomp.
4. Espresso 8osed Drinks
TrodifionoIIy I fIo; of Iiquid, fopped by o Iighf brown "cremo" - fhe
heod of on espresso fhof indicofes o good exfrocfion of oII fhe
essenfioI oiIs. A beffer UI ruIe is o I/Z fo I/3 fuII espresso cup
Espresso Pisfreffo
Common voriofion of fhe bosic espresso, meoning resfricfed or
norrow, described by IfoIions os poco mo buono (smoII buf good).
This is occompIished by furning fhe pump off o few seconds eorIier -
Iess fhon I fI o;.
Espresso Lungo
fhis meons Iengfhened, ond is ochieved by Ieoving fhe pump on o few
seconds Ionger.
DoubIe Shof Espresso
MormoIIy served in o smoII coppuccino cup, fwo puIIs on fhe grinder
Iever info fhe doubIe spouf hondIe. ZfIo; porfion or doubIe keypod.
Doppio (doubIe sfrengfh espresso)
Served in on espresso cup, fwo puIIs on fhe grinder Iever info fhe
doubIe spouf hondIe, buf onIy IfIo; porfion or singIe keypod.
Espresso Con Ponno
SimpIy on espresso fopped wifh whipped creom.
Espresso Mochiofo
Espresso sfoined or spoffed wifh I0-Ib g of worm or coId miIk
odded, occording fo fhe cIienfs requesf. Mofe: o Ioffe mocchiofo is o
cup of sfeomed miIk sfoined or spoffed wifh o shof of espresso.
Espresso Correffo
The occepfed meoning is on espresso combined wifh o Iiqueur or spirif.
TrodifionoIIy combined wifh groppo, buf if con oIso be correcfed wifh
cognoc, whisky, biffers or sombuco. One ruIe fo be observed: do nof
drown fhe espresso fIovour wifh foo much Iiqueur. Purisfs moy orgue
fhof odding miIk or creom mokes if o correffol
Espresso Mocho
onofher non-oIcohoIic opfion of fhe correffo, fhis on espresso served
wifh o shof of chocoIofe syrup, fhus occenfuofing fhe chocoIofe
An espresso risfreffo wifh o dosh of sfeomed doubIe creom. Do nof
use foo much creom when fooming os fhis wiII oIfer fhe sfrucfure of
fhe creom .
b. MiIk 8osed 8everoges
o. FiII o miIk jug obouf I/3 fuII wifh coId miIk.
b. Turn sfeom no;;Ie on & off fo remove wofer.
c. PIoce fhe no;;Ie jusf under fhe surfoce of fhe miIk & furn sfeom on
fuII. Ieep fhe fip of sfeom no;;Ie cIose fo surfoce os foom rises by
Iowering jug.
d. When foom reoches fop, furn sfeom down ond pIunge no;;Ie info
miIk fo heof fhrough. Pemember when fhe jug is foo hof fo hoId your
hond on, sfop fooming miIk. If you use o fhermomefer sfop of Ib0
degrees Fohrenheif for coppuccino or Io0 degrees Fohrenheif for
e. AIIow miIk fo sif for o minufe fo oIIow miIk & foom fo seporofe.
f. Moke o singIe espresso. 0eneroIIy o Coppuccino comprises equoI
fhirds of espresso, sfeomed miIk ond foomed miIk. So your espresso
shouId be si;ed occording fo fhe si;e of cup you ore using, fop wifh
sfeomed miIk fhen scoop or shoke foom onfo fhe fop. IdeoIIy fhe foom
shouId rise ouf of fhe fop of fhe cup Iike o domel
Pemember foo much sfeomed (Iiquid) miIk wiII wofer fhe espresso
down moking if miIky - oImosf o Ioffel. You con vory fhe sfrengfh of
coppuccino by offering Wef Coppuccino - More sfeomed miIk fhen
foom, or Dry Coppuccino - very IiffIe sfeomed miIk jusf foomed miIk.
h. SprinkIe wifh chocoIofe or cinnomon or nufmeg os required.
Coffe Loffe
Served in o 7fIo; cup - Espresso bose fopped wifh sfeomed miIk. To
sfeom miIk keep fhe sfeom orm of fhe boffom of fhe jug ond heof
unfiI I80 degrees Fohrenheif.
Served in o gIosss - Sfeom miIk buf wifh Iess heof - I70 degrees
Fohrenheif. Pour info fhe gIoss fo 3/4 woy up. Worm o 3fIo; shof pof,
fhen brew on espresso porfion info if. Pour fhe espresso info fhe miIk
over fhe bock of o feospoon. Admire fhe Ioyered effecf.
Coffe Mocho
Mode in fhe some woy os Coffe Loffe buf wifh o pump of 0hirodeIIi
Iiquid chocoIofe (or equivoIenf) in fhe cup or gIoss firsf.
Coffe Americono
Use on espresso porfion in o I0fIo; cup ond fhen fop up wifh hof
wofer. MormoIIy served bIock or wifh coId miIk fo fosfe.
o. Frofhing 0uide
Fooming MiIk
To moke o good coppuccino, you need equoI fhirds of
espresso, Iiquid sfeomed miIk ond foomed miIk in your
coppuccino. There is nofhing more disoppoinfing fhen
ordering o coppuccino onIy fo receive o cup of espresso
fopped up fo fhe brim wifh sfeomed miIk ond wifh no frofh in
sighf - o sfrong Loffe reoIIyl So whof you reoIIy wonf fo know
is how fo gef o creomy dense foom everyfime. "Ice coId
semi-skimmed sfroighf from fhe fridge" I heor you cry, or so
Joe Espresso down fhe round foId you - "Ifs fhe onIy miIk
fhof wiII foom, youII be fhere oII doy wifh ony ofher". If is
frue fhof chiIIed semi-skimmed wiII foom very eosiIy, buf fuII
fof or ony ofher fype of miIk wiII foom reodiIy if you hove
good fechnique. Whof chiIIed semi-skimmed does is mosk
poor fechnique - becouse if wiII produce o bif of foom even if
you sfick fhe sfeom orm righf fo fhe boffom of your frofhing
jug - buf fhofs nof fooming ifs sfeomingl Donf Iisfen fo
onyone eIse fhen, jusf choose which miIk you wouId Iike for
Coppuccino, or be boId ond offer your cusfomers o choicel
Then foke your frofhing jug (Sfroighf sided moke Iife eosy,
beII boffomed ore good os weII) ond hoIf fiII if wifh chiIIed
miIk of your choice. PIeose beor in mind fhe fresher fhe miIk
is, fhe eosier if wiII be fo foom. Even if if is sfiII in dofe, fhe
neorer if gefs fo ifs use by dofe, fhe horder if gefs fo foom.
AIso MiIk is on nofuroI producf, so from o bofch of o corfons
of miIk, you mighf find one corfon wiII nof foom of oIIl In fhis
cose donf neccesoriIy fhink if is you, fry onofher corfon
firsf ond if fhof fooms OI fhen if is fhe previous corfon fhof
is no goodl FinoIIy we gef fo your espresso mochinel Firsf of
oII, purge fhe sfeom orm by pIocing fhe sfeom jefs over fhe
drip froy ond opening fhe sfeom knob for o few seconds
(righf). This removes condensed wofer from fhe sfeom orm.
Once you hove purged fhe sfeom jefs, cIose fhe sfeom knob
ond move fhe sfeom orm using fhe pIosfic oppIicofor (fo ovoid
burnf fingers) so if sficks ouf owoy from fhe mochine. Mow
foke your frofhing jug, no more fhen hoIf fiIIed wifh chiIIed
miIk (when you foom miIk, if shouId doubIe in voIumel) ond
move if up fhe sfeom wond. You wonf fhe sfeom jefs (fhe
hoIes of fhe fip of fhe sfeom orm) fo be jusf beIow fhe
surfoce of fhe miIk. Too deep info fhe miIk ond if wiII jusf
heof if up, foo high ond miIk wiII spIosh everywherel If is o
fine Iine buf wifh procfice you wiII find if. Wifh fhe jefs jusf
beIow fhe miIks surfoce, sIowIy open fhe sfeom knob so o
IiffIe sfeom is reIeosed in o sfeody fIow, odjusf fhe sfeom
jefs posifion if need be so fhey ore jusf beIow fhe surfoce -
bubbIes shouId be sforfing fo form now.
o. Frofhing guide
Mow you ore hoppy you ore of fhe righf posifion, open fhe
sfeom knob fuIIy fo Ief fhe sfeom ouf of moximum
sfrengfh. Foom shouId now deveIop ropidIy, ond os if rises
inside fhe frofhing jug, you musf Iower fhe jug fo ensure
fhe sfeom jefs sfoy jusf beIow fhe surfoce of fhe foom.
Once fhe foom hos reoched fhe fop of fhe jug, IighfIy
fouch fhe side of fhe jug - if if is foo hof fo keep your
finger on fhe miIk is hof enough (Ib0 degrees forenheif) if
nof Iower fhe sfeom jefs fo fhe boffom of fhe jug ond
confinue sfeoming unfiI fhe jug side is foo hof fo fouch.
Turn off fhe sfeom orm ond fhen puf down our jug (donf
puf fhe jug down firsf, youII gef sfeom ond hof miIk
everywhere - ouchl)
8efore you confinue, foke o domp cIofh ond wipe fhe
sfeom orm fo remove fhe miIk residue. If you Ieove fhis on
if wiII buiId up, moking if hord fo remove ond unpIeosonf
for your cusfomers fo see.
Mow you con fop your espresso bose, fhe weII procfised
con pour fhe sfeomed miIk sfroighf info fhe cup, using o
shoking mofion fo push foomed miIk on fop ond gef fhe
proporfions jusf righfl For fhe resf of us, use o feospoon
fo hoId bock fhe frofh whiIe you pour sfeomed miIk info
fhe cup - no more fhe fhree quorfers woy up fhe cup, fhen
puII fhe foomed miIk info fhe cenfer of fhe cup wifh fhe
feospoon fo fiII fhe cup. Wifh o weII exfrocfed espresso,
ond fhe sfeomed ond foomed miIk poured in of fhe cenfre,
you shouId see o "obbofs hoIo" where fhe espresso cremo
hos moved up fhe side of fhe cup ond is now oround fhe
Sif bock ond odmire your coppuccino, unfiI someone dumps
sugor in if ond sfirs if oII upl
7. Common FouIf Diognosis
Q. Mo boiIer pressure, groups foiI fo dispense Iiquid.
A. Check piIof Iighf (Ib obove) oIong wifh power swifch (I4). If swifch (I4) is of 0 fhen furn
if fo Z ond piIof Iighf (Ib) shouId Iighf up. 8oiIer pressure wiII be of norm. offer Z0 minufes.
If swifch (I4) is of Z ond fhe piIof Iighf does nof Iighf up sfiII, fhen fhere is o probIem wifh
moins power info fhe mochine. Check fhe on/off swifch where fhe mochine is wired info
fhe moins sysfem, ond oII fuses ossociofed wifh fhis.
Q. Mochine hos been working OI, buf unexpecfedIy hos Iosf boiIer pressure.
A. Check fuses on moins sysfem ond fhe mochine hos nof be furned off (0 on swifch I4). If
fhese ore OI fhen check fhe wofer pressure (see obove). This shouId be of poinf (b) obove
befween 0 ond 8, if if is of poinf (o) 0 fhen no wofer is geffing info fhe mochine. If fhe
mochine hos nof been obIe fo drow in wofer whiIe being used, if wiII defecf fhis fouIf ond
shuf down oufomoficoIIy fo profecf fhe expensive boiIer eIemenfs from being burnf ouf. On
Wego modeIs issued mid I998 onwords, o red Iighf wiII Iighf up in fhis sifuofion, on
oufomofic modeIs oII fhe Iighfs on fhe keypods wiII fIosh. To remedy fhis probIem furn fhe
wofer on eifher of fhe copper pipe/mochine pipe joinf or of fhe moins. Turn fhe mochine
off fhen on ogoin ond normoI operofion shouId resume.
Q. Wofer is presenf under fhe mochine on fhe counfer.
A. Mosf common probIem is o cIogged wosfe pipe, resuIfing in wosfe wofer bocking up fhe
pipe ond Ieoking over fhe wosfe coIIecfion bowI. Liff fhe drip froy off fhe mochine (fhof is
fhe Iower soIid porfion os weII os fhe upper griIIs.You wiII see in fhe cenfre of fhe mochine
workings visibIe o bIock bowI wifh o grey ribbed pipe Ieoding ouf of if. This is your wosfe
pipe ond coIIecfing bowI, bofh of which con become cIogged up wifh coffee grounds. Pour
hof wofer ond dusfy coff cIeoner soIufion.In oddifion if fhe grey ribbed pipe from fhe
mochine fo fhe droin poinf is kinked of oII or hos fo go up ond fhen down, oir Iocks con
occur in fhe pipe cousing fhe wofer fo bock up ond overfIow from fhe wosfe coIIecfing fub.
Sfroighfen wosfe pipe ond ensure if goes down from fhe mochine smoofhIy wifh no kinks.
Q. Espresso DeIivery foo fosf, Espresso Iocks Cremo.
A. Adjusf your coffee grinders seffing fo moke fhe grind finer. (0round coffee shouId be
jusf sIighfIy coorser fhen powder.
Q. Espresso DeIivery foo sIow.
A. Adjusf your coffee grinders seffing fo moke if coorser (buf nof foo coorsel)
Q. Wofer dispensed from fhe group sIowIy.
A. CIogged diffuser/jef. Offen due fo Iock of bockfIushing groups. 8ockfIush your group
wifh o feospoon of dusfy coff espresso mochine cIeoning powder. Mow bockfIush of Ieosf o
fimes fo cIeon soIufion ouf..
Q. Sfeom power hos dropped on one of fhe sfeom orms
A. When you furn fhe sfeom fop off offer fooming miIk, o smoII omounf of miIk is drown
bock info fhe orm. Over fime fhis con buiId up ond cIog up fhe orm ond sfeom jefs of fhe
fip. To ovoid fhis fhroughouf fhe doy, purge fhe sfeom orm by poinfing fhe sfeom orm of
fhe drip fry ond furning if on for Z0 seconds. To remedy o Iock of sfeom, foke o poir of
pIiers or moIe grips ond grob fhe sfeom fip of fhe boffom of fhe orm, fwisf cIockwise ond
if shouId unscrew - evenfuoIIy seperofing from fhe sfeom orm. Sook fhe sfeom fip
overnighf in PuIy Coff soIufion, fhen use o poper cIip fo poke fhe sfeom hoIes cIeor before
fiffing fhe fip bock on fhe orm.
8. Moking Smoofhies or Froppe
Sfep by sfep smoofhies
Sforf wifh fhe cIeor pIosfic cup si;e you wiII be moking fhe drink
for, fiII fhe cup wifh ice cubes fo fhe fop.
Choose your smoofhie mix ond pour over fhe ice in fhe cup. For o
miId smoofhie use hoIf o cup of smoofhie mix ond fop up wifh
wofer. For o sfronger fosfing smoofhie fiII fhe cup fo fhe fop wifh
smoofhie mix.
Empfy fhe cup info fhe bIender jor, choose your preffererd bIend
cycIe fo obfoin fhe desired ice consisfoncy.
Pour fhe mixfure ouf of fhe bIender jor info your cup ond serve.
Sfep by sfep Froppes
Sforf wifh fhe cIeor pIosfic cup si;e you wiII be moking fhe drink
for, fiII fhe cup wifh ice cubes fo fhe fop
FiII fhe cup fo fhe fop wifh miIk. Pour fhe confenfs of fhe cup info
fhe bIender jor.
Tip one scoop of your froppe mix info fhe bIender jor.
8Iend fhe mixfure fo your desired consisfoncy.
Pour info fhe originoI cup ond serve.
Pennine Tea and Coffee Company
Terms and Conditions of Trading
Please study these terms and conditions as the placing of an order is held to be an acceptance of them.
"Buyer" means the legal person or their agent whose order for goods is accepted by the seller. "Goods" means the goods which the seller is to
supply subject to their conditions. "Seller/Company" means Pennine Tea and Coffee Company . "Conditions" means the terms and conditions of
trading set out in this document which shall govern to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. An "Order" means an order given orally
or in writing using an acceptable form of communication (Such as Telephone, Letter, Facsimile) and in both cases given by an authorised
representative of the buyer. Singular words include the plural and vice versa and masculine includes the feminine and vice versa. Any
recommendation or advice given by the seller or its employees or agents is acted upon entirely at the buyers own risk and accordingly the seller
shall not be liable therefore. The sellers price list, catalogues and quotations do not constitute offers by the seller. Any typographical, written,
clerical or other error or omission in any literature, quotation, price list, catalogue, invoice or other document or information issued by the seller
shall be subject to correction without liability on the part of the seller.
New Accounts
Two satisfactory trade references and bank references must be received before a credit account may be opened. The company reserves the right
to request advance payment in full for the first or any subsequent order.
Payment Terms
Payment for goods is due at the time of delivery unless the seller has agreed credit terms. These credit terms are strictly 30 days nett from the
date of invoice. Overdue invoices are liable to a surcharge of 5% per month or part of. Represented or returned cheques will be charged at
10.00 each time. Any costs incurred for a third party collection, all expenses including legal fees will be charged to the buyer. The seller
reserves the right to suspend delivery or further deliveries and/or cancel allowance of credit in the event of any payments not being made when
due or if the seller at it's discretion at any time considers the financial circumstances of the buyer have ceased to justify the payment terms
previously agreed. Time for the payment of the price shall be of the essence.
All prices shown are strictly nett and are subject to change without prior notification. All products will be invoiced at price ruling on the day of
dispatch. All prices quoted are exclusive of Value Added Tax which will be charged at the rate prevailing at the time of delivery.
Notification of non-arrival must be received within 2 days of invoice. Claims for damage must be in writing within 3 days. The buyer must
examine the goods on delivery and sign the delivery note including a note on any damage or shortage. A clear signature must be given,
signatures endorsed unchecked or unexamined are not acceptable and will be regarded by the seller as a clear signature.
The buyer shall indemnify the seller against all claims made against the seller in relation to the goods for which if the claims were made by the
buyer against the seller the seller would have no liability. The buyer shall indemnify the seller against all loss, damage, injury, costs and expenses
(including without limitation professional fees incurred) suffered by the seller.
If the buyer has a receiver appointed over any of its assests or (being an individual or firm) becomes bankrupt or compounds with its creditors or
(being a company) becomes insolvent or goes into liquidation then without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the seller the full
price for the goods shall be immediately payable. The seller shall have the right to cancel or suspend any further deliveries to the buyer and if the
price for any delivered goods is not forthwith paid the seller shall have the right to enter the buyers premises and repossess goods.
Any dates and times are approximate and early or late delivery will not be an acceptable reason for refusing goods. The seller shall determine
method, date and time of delivery. Postponement of delivery at the buyers request or the failure on the buyers part to accept delivery then the
buyer shall be liable to pay the seller all extra expenses.
The company does not operate a sales or return policy. The return of goods will not be accepted, the seller shall not be under any liability
whatsoever for goods returned.
The title in any goods supplied shall remain invested in the seller until unconditional payment in full is received and cleared through the sellers
bank account, but risk and liability thereon shall pass to the buyer on delivery. The buyer shall keep goods in such a manner that they shall be
identifiable by the seller and the buyer shall keep the goods in an acceptable condition and comprehensively insured against normal perils and
commercial risk. The buyer may sell the goods in normal course of its business but in a fiduciary capacity as a bailee of the goods and pursue all
claims of goods. In the event of non-payment by the buyer by the due date, the seller shall be entitled without prejudice and in addition to all
other rights to enter (with or without notice) the property where the goods are and recover possession of them. The buyer hereby grants the seller
an irrevocable right to enter any premises of the buyer for the said purpose.
After an order has been accepted by the seller the order can only be cancelled with the sellers consent and the buyer shall be liable for any costs
expended by the seller on account of the said order.
Please Note
These terms and conditions shall automatically take priority over the buyers conditions of purchase regardless of their content and the buyers act
of providing an order constitutes an unqualified acceptance of the sellers terms and conditions of trading and this contract shall be subject to
English Law.
The Customer/Buyer agrees to:-
a) When using coffee in conjunction with our free loan equipment, you agree to purchase at least one case of our filter coffee per month per
b) When using our equipment, coffee and related products will be purchased from Pennine Tea and Coffee. No other companies products may be
used in the sellers machinery.
c) Clean any equipment daily and accept any changes incurred through staff misuse, accidental or malicious damage, including all glassware ie
d) Replace any equipment free loan equipment if it is lost or stolen, and fully insure all equipment for the amount indicated in the free loan
agreement form.
e) No responsibility will be accepted by the seller for any failure caused by poor water supply, particularly in the case of limescale.

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