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Arduino consists of 2 major parts 1. Development board - Hardware 2.

Integrated Development Environment (source editor) - SOftware The micro-controller used on the board is ATmega168/Uno

Characterization of smart lighting systems for the development of a high perform ance wireless optical communication link. In recent years, LEDs or OLEDs development have attracted tremendous attention f rom the relevant industries to power up the next generation of lighting and disp lay applications. However, beyond the domain of illumination, entails a very pro mising dual role for LEDs to participate as an optical transmitter. This makes d ata transfer using visible light from LEDs a reality enabling the implemention o f a high performance optical wireless communication link.This research topic aim s to deeply investigate the fundamental poperties of LEDs for developing charact erzation models describing its opto-electronic response to data signals. The res earch scope will also include efforts to evaluate the performance of a visible l ight transmission link using well-established quantities common to a typical dat a communication system. study, analyze, characterize, behaviour, implement, realize, system Modern-day VLC is essentially an optical wireless communication technology which employs visible light as the medium for data exchange. LEDs have been developed rapidly to match the growing demands for meeting modern-day illumination requir ements of higher efficiency and reliability needs. Besides illumination, LEDs al so offer other notable uses such as the possibility of providing high data rate communication given proper realization plans put in place to harness the fast sw itching property of LEDs for building up an integrative communication system. Pu tting LEDs into the VLC framework as transmitters can drive the development to d eliver a fully integrated communication solution with the potential of supportin g a wide field of prospective applications.

By the recent developments in the LED based lighting systems, wireless optical c ommunication using LEDs has become an emerging research field. Many advantages o f LEDs over other light sources make them attractive for unique applications mer ging illumination and communication in a single system. These applications are p articularly appealing for "smart homes" which are decorated by sensors to contin uously monitor environmental and occupancy conditions for energy-efficiency. Env ironments that contain RF-sensitive equipment such as hospitals can also take ad vantage of such integrated "illumination-communication" systems. We will study the fundamental physical characteristics and problems of LED-based wireless optical communication integrated to the power line and develop hardwar e prototype of such systems. More particularly we will research the optical powe r distribution of single and multi-element transmitters, impulse response, signa l-to-noise ratio, data rate, directionality, waveform characteristic for power l ine integration and noise analysis. We will develop a design methodology that wi ll include the specifications for LEDs and detectors for any given specific envi ronment. At the end of the project we will demonstrate a prototype "illumination -communication" system.

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