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Moving vehicles have kinetic energy and energy transformations are an important aspect in understanding motion
3.1 identify that a moving object possesses kinetic energy and that work done on that object can increase that energy An object is said to possess energy if it is capable of doing some work

W = F x s (displacement)
Common forms of energy include heat, light, chemical, electrical and mechanical. ENERGY IS A SCALAR QUANTITY. IT HAS THE SAME UNITS AS WORK JOULES (J) or ELECTRON VOLTS (ev) When work is done ON a body, the increase in energy of the body will equal the amount of work done on it.

W = F x s (displacement)
When work is done BY the body, against some resistance, the body expends the energy and this decrease in energy is a measure of the work done by the body onto some other object.

Work Expended = A change in Energy

Of special interest in motion is mechanical energy. It consists of two main forms, KINETCIC ENERGY and POTENTIAL ENERGY.

Gravitational Potential Energy: When a mass (m) is raised to a height (h) above the earths surface, there is a gain in potential energy.

Gain in Potential Energy (P.E.) = Work done in lifting to h =Fxs =mxgxh

This increase gravitational energy may be converted into KINETIC ENERGY (the energy that a moving object has) V2 = u2 + 2as V2 = 02 + 2gh =2gh *multiply both sides by (m) then divide both sides by 2

Kinetic Energy (Ek) = mv2 = m x g x h

3.2 describe the energy transformations that occur in collisions

When a collision occurs, some kinetic energy is transferred to other objects, but the remainder of the energy is transformed into other forms of energy. Transformed into:

Potential energy of deformation. This is stored energy in an object as a result of changing its shape. Sometimes this energy can be transformed into other forms when the object returns to original shape. E.g. jack-in-the-box stored energy turned into kinetic energy then back again Sound energy. Is transmitted through the air, because of the vibrating particles. E.g. sound energy released when two cars collide. Thermal or heat energy. It is the energy that a substance posses as a result of the random motion of particles within the substance.

These collision can be either: Elastic Collisions: If in a collision, kinetic energy is conserved, the collision is said to be elastic. An example would be when Gas molecules collide with each other and with the walls of their container as kinetic energy is not decreased. Inelastic Collisions: In inelastic collisions, kinetic energy is not conserved. Some of the Kinetic energy is transformed into other forms of energy such as heat and sound. If the colliding parts stick together, the collision is inelastic.

3.2 define the law of conservation of energy LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY: Energy can neither be destroyed nor created. It is simply changed into different forms.

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