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The Enemy Within Part 1 The Shell Ethane Cracker, Beaver County - Republicans Cronies, Big Unions and

Big Business Colluding In Selling Out The Forgotten Taxpayer Appropriating Taxpayer Billions in Corporate Crony Welfare to Billionaire Big Business Corporations Big Government Tom Corbett Sells Out The Forgotten Taxpayer To Big Business and Big Unions We know that the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. The Republicans mislead; in what they say and in what they do. What do think will happen when you support people who have positions directly contrary to yours? What do you do when there are two bad choices? Lower taxes mean productive growth and a higher a standard of living. If this is good policy for Shell, why would not it be good policy for all businesses?

Taxpayer Billions for A Billionaire Act 16 of 2012

Is this the misallocation of resources?

Or Job Creating Incentive to Energy Production?

The entire Republican Controlled General Assembly, in a rare moment of bipartisanship (not always a good thing), there was, with the exception of Sen. John Eichelberger, not a single NAY vote in either State House or the State Senate against Act 16 of 2012! The General Assemblys Vote House and Senate Votes Republican and Democrat: Liberty Index

All Democrats and All Republicans, with exception of Sen. John Eichelberger, were, and are, complicit with the Governor in the astounding example of $1.7 billion in Bipartisan Corporate Welfare to billionaire big business Shell Oil in addition to the free tax zone, Keystone Opportunity Zones, exempting this one particular Billionaire Big Business from property tax and Pennsylvania corporate income tax and other taxes to build a $3.2 (?) billion dollar ethane cracker plant to process Marcellus Shale natural gas in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. READ MORE Top Stories Gov. Tom Corbett offers too much in 'Shell game' June 07, 2012 PennLive Act 16 of 2012 enacted 14 February 2012 requires Shell to create 400 permanent jobs which is an amount consistent with similar Ethane Cracker Plants. The cost for these 400 jobs would be $165,000 per year or $4.125 million over 25 years. It is expected that about 10,000, short-term construction jobs will be created for the building of the ethane plant itself. Here is how the jobs numbers were calculated by the American Chemistry Council on which Governor Corbett and the General Assembly relied. READ MORE StateImpact 19 June 2012 Beaver County and Potter County Officials: Billion-dollar tax break, the Resource Manufacturing Tax Credit, created by Act 26 of 2012, for Beaver County ethane cracker plant will be costly READ MORE Officials: Billiondollar tax break for Beaver County cracker plant will be costly 29 August 2012 Pipeline Marcellus Shale Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Erich Schwartzel Union In These Times complains that Penn Unions Eagerly Support GOPs Proposed $1.7 Billion Gift to Shell Oil READ MORE 7 August 2012 Bruce Vail Free Market PaIndependent complains that Big government, big business, big labor back $1.65B tax credit for big oil READ MORE 20 June 2012 Pa Independent Eric Boehm Politicizing economic decisions, Rent Seeking Corporate Welfare corrupts both politics and business and all the worse when it is Bipartisan Corporate Welfare.

Charles G. Koch: Corporate Cronyism Harms America When businesses feed at the federal trough; they threaten public support for business and free markets. READ MORE WSJ 9 September

2012 and Is Corporate Welfare for Shell Cracker Good for PA? Commonwealth Foundation March 19, 2012 by Elizabeth Stelle

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