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MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...


Obama to UN: It's Not My Fault ( /2012/09/25/Obama-to-UN-Not-MyVideo-More-Guards-Would-Not-HaveHelped)
829 comments 0 minutes ago

BREAKING: Democrat Voter Turnout Advantage To Break All-Time Records ( /Big-Journalism/2012/09 /26/BREAKING-Democrat-VotersTurnout-Advantage-Over-RepublicansWill-Break-All-Time-Records)
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25 Sep 2012


MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week After Deadline ( /Big-Government/2012/09 /25/Wisconsin-MIlitary-VotersTold-to-Submit-Ballots-a-Week-AfterDeadline)
370 comments 10 minutes ago

The Federal Voting Assistance Program website published an incorrect deadline for the return of returning military ballots in Wisconsin. Had this error not been corrected, thousands of Wisconsin servicemen and women could have been disenfranchised in this key swing state this November.
The FVAB website incorrectly stated ballots must be returned by November 16. The actual deadline is 4 p.m. November 9. Any military ballots received in that intervening week would not have been counted by local and state election officials. MacIver News Service contacted the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board about the error on Tuesday and requested comment. "All Wisconsin absentee ballots are due by 4 p.m. the Friday after the election. The FVAP site was incorrect," said Reid Magney, GAB spokesman in an emailed response to the inquiry. Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, which in 2012 is Tuesday, November 6th. According to their website, The FVAP provides U.S. citizens worldwide a broad range of non-partisan information and assistance to facilitate their participation in the democratic process - regardless of where they work or live. The FVAP also administers the Federal responsibilities of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which designates armed forces recruiting offices nationwide as voter registration agencies allowing eligible U.S. citizens to apply for voter registration, or apply to change voter registration data. Cross-posted from MacIver Institute (

Obama: Anti-Islam Rhetoric Must Be Rejected ( /Big-Peace/2012/09/25/Obamasays-anti-Islam-rhetoric-condemncommon-humanity)

315 comments 25 minutes ago

Former Navy SEALs to Obama: 'We Are Not Bumps in the Road' ( /2012/09/25/Seals-to-ObamaWe-Are-Not-Bumps-in-the-Road)
208 comments 7 minutes ago


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9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...



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Hmmm, I wonder which party this lying bozo belongs to?

A LIKE REPLY 23 minutes ago 3 Likes F


I don't see where anyone was identified as being at fault. How can that be? This is the Obama administration and someone else is always at fault. By the way what are the names of the people who were fired for this? MacIver your grade for this paper is an "F". Your Please write and post complete articles. Signed your Journalism 101 instructor.
A LIKE REPLY 34 minutes ago 3 Likes F



Democrats have a lock on voter fraud, but this election will break all records. If the spineless GOP does what it always does when it is discovered: do nothing we will NEVER have a real free election AGAIN, this is it folks, this is the day the marxists have waited all their lives in this country to finally take over, they will stop at nothing. Unfortunately Obama has an opponent that does not seem to comprehend the danger we are facing.
A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago 4 Likes F


Suuurrrreeeee that was a type.

A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago 1 Like F


The "experts" keep telling us that there is "very little" voter much did Al Franken need?
A LIKE REPLY 42 minutes ago 5 Likes F


All al franken needed was the imprisoned criminal felon ballots that put him over the top to give obama marxists the super majority in the senate. hillary clinton and obama have always pandered to the riff raff ( felons, illegal alien parasites, dead pets, dead relatives, a.c.o.r.n., braindead college students, etc. ) element of American society to try and give them a one up. They know Americans would never vote to be oppressed with the vile evil poison of marxism/communism.
A LIKE REPLY 13 minutes ago in reply to tanstaafl 1 Like F


When my son was in Iraq in 08 he was told they had to have their ballots in three weeks in advance. They got them two weeks in advance and sat there on base until 5 days before the fateful day Obama got elected. Since he was at an outpost that he and his men built themselves, he was was certain that there was no way they could have even made it back to the base that handled mail back to the states. Not letting our military vote is a

2 of 11

9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...

fking disgrace to everything we stand for as Americans. That is why the Democrats are making it happen.....shameful.
A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago 6 Likes F


This was not done by mistake.

A LIKE REPLY 56 minutes ago 9 Likes F


With the availability of sophisticated communications at every military installation around the world, why are not military members and their eligible family members allowed to sign into a secure net, vote, and get back to work? Right there on the secure web site on a secure military installation. Why the use of archaic mailing?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 8 Likes F


Way too much common sense. Dimwit democrat party is anti-military (until their life is on the line close up and personal) and as a result the military leans a bit right. Even the ones that grew up in innercity dimwit havens.
A LIKE REPLY 25 minutes ago in reply to goldenrudy 1 Like F


Do you think the Democrats are going to allow that?

A LIKE REPLY 39 minutes ago in reply to goldenrudy 2 Likes F


In Wisc and most other states military voters will be disenfranchised. The key here is the comment in the article- "Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, which in 2012 is Tuesday, November 6th." The problem is that must first class mail, which would cover ballots being returned, when sent by military menbers overseas back to the US gets no postmark. This "postmark" law is on the books in almost all states, without any exception for overseas military personal. This was used by the Gore campain in 2000 in FL and almost worked unti his Vice Pres. candidate, much to his credit, was asked about it on a Sun tv talk show and he flatly said that all militay ballots should be counted. Pls post and forward this information to all in your various states, and get the info on the laws in your state. Watch, Obama's DOJ and friends will go to to court to void these ballots in certain key close states this year
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 8 Likes F


That is popularly known as NObama's INjustice Dept.

A LIKE REPLY 23 minutes ago in reply to rwinston 1 Like F


Oh please Obama will have already won on 11/06/ before Jay or Dave perform their monologues.The majority of our service people aren't old white guysso they will be voting for Obama.To think in WI they were trying to block service people from voting is amusing.WI will go for Obama as well in spite of Ryan or likely because of what Ryan represents. Romney makes even Mc Cain and Dole look acceptable LOL. The Breitbart loyalists are so in denial!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Duuuudddde... Crack don't smoke itself! Sheeesh! Quit showing your stupidity and get your azz into treatment before it's too late!
A LIKE REPLY 12 minutes ago in reply to ceeoi F


Any one of the three beats the commie all to H*ll.

A LIKE REPLY 22 minutes ago in reply to ceeoi 1 Like F

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9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...


Just another useful idiot showing the world his lack of grey matter.
A LIKE REPLY 36 minutes ago in reply to ceeoi 2 Likes F


Ceeoi, I can guarantee that the majority of our military are neither addlepated nor brainwashed to vote for this creature. I spent 20 years in the military and am retired next to a large military base. You see almost NO Obama stickers. Leftists don't join the military, they look upon the men and women of the Armed Forces as losers and stupid. Now shut your piehole about something of which you know nothing.
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to ceeoi 4 Likes F


Another minority bigot.

A LIKE REPLY 57 minutes ago in reply to ceeoi F


On crack so early in the morning? Wow.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to ceeoi 8 Likes F


How to deal with Liberals : Short rope, tall tree.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 9 Likes F


Best way I've heard so far.

A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago in reply to Shepherd F


And they say there is no voter fraud.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 9 Likes F


To me it still remains deceptive because as you can see the deadline is still after the Nov.06 date and I don't think they'll hold up the results 'till the 9th of November.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 5 Likes F


Because the absentee ballots are not normally counted. They only come into consideration when it is an extremely close race.
A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago in reply to larrygrant876 F


And how is this "sane"? Why is it so difficult to get absentee ballots to those in our military, so that they can get them in by election day? And who is the moron who posted on the website, the dates of 11-16-12 and 11-9-12?......when they know that the election is on 11-6. Who in hell are these idiots and why are we paying them to be employed by our government?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 8 Likes F


Chicago Democrats.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to JohnWIS 9 Likes F

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9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...


This is just the tip of the iceberg ! Look for a myriad of voting corruption dirty tricks (Chicago STYLE) in the coming election. This bunch of Radicals will stop at nothing to re-elect the current resident of 1600 Pensylvania Ave. Remember Alinsky - "The end result justifies the means by any way possible". And isn't George Soros indirectly in charge of the vote tallying?????



1 hour ago



Yes, the commie hired a company from Spain in cahoots with Soros to tally the election. And, ensures that there will be no way to REcount the votes in the event of the inevitable questions. A rerun of the election would be required. Of course, that takes time and extends the insanity.
A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago in reply to elderstatesman F


People who are waiting for the debates, they will be a joke. Watch what happens, questions will be asked by a moderator and the rules will be no interruptions. The questions will be edited before the debate as they are during press conferences so the answers will already be on the prompters and the line of questions will be mostly pablum. It was a newsy item once when a reporter ask a question that he was not assigned to ask and Obama read off the answer to the assigned question before anyone could stop him. That reporter is now banned from the news conferences.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F


Someone mentioned "Kevin Kennedy" is the gvt. official ultimately responsible.... well, here is a link to a tiny news story from yesterday. The irony is that the press release talks about making sure the votes count, while his department does the opposite.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


Please wait for the debates to vote. Obama knows he isn't going to do well so he wants you to vote now.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F


I do believe a significant number will jump up to vote for Romney with the debates. In MA, I was really opposed to Romney going into the debate. His opponent came off as a total dingbat from outerspace on the issues of the time. It was totally eyeopening. He did a great job in difficult circumstances of 85% dimwits in MA. Yet, he turned an in debt, decimated economy into a surplus. And, he took only a $1 a year for all the effort. Unlike a lot of public officials, I believe he did not line his pockets at taxpayers' expense. He is very clean that way. He sees it as doing his public service.
A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago in reply to Bruce Tominello F


It won't matter...You can't make me vote for ODRAMA.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Bruce Tominello 3 Likes F


Meanwhile our HOAX-IN-CHIEF and his "for the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country" wife are encouraging early voting. The first debate hasn't even taken place yet! I wonder who early voting might appeal to. The uniformed? The misinformed? The TRULY IGNORANT SHEEP that will vote for the anointed one again?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 10 Likes F


Did you see the interviews with Stern? THAT is who is voting for O. Losers and ID10Ts. I love that THEY all say on average they are smarter....Bwhahhahahhaaaa listen to the interviews and say that bozo's.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to NOLOONZONE 3 Likes F

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9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...


I did see it! The TOTALLY CLUELESS AND TRULY IGNORANT. Some of the 47% Romney was talking about and chastized for! of taxes!

I wonder how many of them have "paid their fair share"

47 minutes ago

in reply to GB

1 Like


Why is it when these "mistakes" occur, they always seem to affect largely Republican voting blocs? American military personnel have just been served notice that their deaths would just be deemed "bumps in the road" by Obama.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 14 Likes F


Not an accident: someone needs to be prosecuted for this.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 16 Likes F


You commie organs tell yo dimfecals to vote on Sunday at their mosque. Yo momma!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F


That was on purpose I wager.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 10 Likes F


Wonder if cerntain "Community Organizers" also gave their followers the Wrong Date,,,,Not a Chance. This should be front page news,,,,oh wait,,,we don't have an honest media in this country,,,I forgot.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 10 Likes F


Typical. By hook or by crook, anything for a vote. No wonder ethics in this country are almost nonexistent.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 15 Likes F


What a fu c k I n g joke these government people are ... They are begging for destruction
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 9 Likes F


Makes you wonder if they're playing around with this stuff on purpose because they fear theycan't win.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 10 Likes F


Or rather a safe assumption. Guess it's off to tweet the emergency federal write in ballot over and over again...AGAIN.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to USAALLTHEWAY 1 Like F


Thank God the MacIver news service caught this "error". I guess someone "misremembered" the correct date. These are the consequences of living with a liar - you can never sleep. You must always have at least one eye open and you must police them 24/7 or you pay the consequences The American public has completely lost trust in Obama and his fans. Those who are still on his side never believed in him to begin with. They are just liars and cheaters themselves who approved of his vile tactics. We can never rest while these liars and cheaters who now make up the democratic party have control of our government.

6 of 11

9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...

The democratic party has lost all respectability. I was an overseas voter last election and my ballot was returned to me marked as arriving too late. It wasn't late.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 12 Likes F


If you want to see the other side of voter fraud check with the Secretary of State for your state and see if they counted the Military absentee votes. In Illinois it was standard procedure to not mail them out because they "Didnt get around to it." Or were "to busy" Many other states have done the same thing. George Sorros made this possible years ago with a concerted effort to influence the elections of Secretary of State in many states because these are the people who count and certify the election count. Another problem is that military post offices will only cancel the first letter in a bundle and the other twenty or thirty letters do not get a cancellation mark or date on them. Either the military post offices should be made to cancel all letters or the law amended to allow uncanceled votes from the military to be counted.
A LIKE REPLY 51 minutes ago in reply to thatindividual F


Romney is winning!! The main street liberal polls that are reporting that Obama is winning are lies. Go to The polls that we all see are polling more Democrats than Republicans or Independents so it will make it look like Obama is winning. That is how they think they can brainwash the American people into voting for him. On unskewed polls Romney is ahead any where from 3 to 11 points. We all just have to hope the electorates in each state vote the way the American people vote and Obama will be out!! God Bless America!!!!!!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 12 Likes F


As long as illegal aliens are not disenfranchised Obama is okay.

A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago in reply to schwen 3 Likes F


I certainly hope that the state has an option to count these votes! If not, find one!
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 10 Likes F


The left keeps telling us that we don't need new laws, reducing the opportunities for voter fraud, because voter fraud doesn't exist. After seeing this article, I am reminded of the 2000 election, where military ballots in Florida were not counted because of some hanky panky. It is well known that military voters tend to lean to the conservative end of the political spectrum. When I see something like what is described in this article, I have to wonder if this is simply a clerical mistake, or an attempt by the left to, once again, interfere with a free and fair election.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 12 Likes F


Don't believe the leftist media!

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to perseus317 2 Likes F


Where are you Tom Clancy???

A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago F


Where are you Tom Clancy........

A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago F


Obama has been trying for months to keep the military from voting!

7 of 11

9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...

1. Fact: Ryan's medicare plan will not change anything for people age 55 or older. Watch this video to learn the truth about Ryan's medicare plan:http://wwwwakeupamericans-spre... 2. Fact: Black unemployment is at RECORD HIGH levels under obama. Read this: 3. Fact: Hispanic unemployment is at RECORD HIGH levels under obama. Read this: 4. Fact: Obama's stimulus is a FAILURE. A year ago (June 2011) there was 1.9 million MORE Americans unemployed because of obama's failed stimulus. Read this:

Here's what we need to do: A. Watch the movie 2016 to see the real obama. Read this about the movie:

B. Read the internet article by the Washington Examiner newspaper titled The Obama You Dont Know. You owe it to YOUR COUNTRY to read this article. KNOW AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE ABOUT SECRETIVE OBAMA. Here is the website:

C. Read the book "The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House" by Edward Klein.

D. Don't listen to or believe the polls or the biased mainstream media [CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, AP, Reuters, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, NY Times, Miami Herald...they are not journalists...they are liars for FORWARD FAILURE liberals.

E. Nov 6th: you and your friends kick out job killer not my fault not quite shovel ready muslim sympathizer FORWARD FAILURE nobama and all tax and spend politicians. GET INVOLVED; TAKE AN ACTIVE PART IN KICKING OUT OBAMA.

F. Repeal nobamacare and replace it with a better system not run by the Government.

G. Pass mandatory national E-Verify to stop illegals from stealing our jobs.

H. Pass mandatory national Voter ID to stop illegals from stealing our vote.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 15 Likes F


Voter Fraud, the only party that has done it is the DNC.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 13 Likes F


They are dirty, dirty, dirty. They have dirt and blood all over them.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to 1conservative 8 Likes F

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9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...


All I have to say is this is a disgrace. What I don't understand is the polls. I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and let me tell you there are more and more Mitt signs and bumper stickers showing up in the unlikeliest places and more and more people are getting disgusted by this administration so who are the pollsters polling?
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 19 Likes F


The votes for Obama will come from Eau Claire, Stevens Point, Madtown, and Milwaukee.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to BelleStarre 1 Like F


Bellestarre go to They give you the true and honest polls. Romney is winning everywhere but the liberal pollsters want all of us the thing that Obama is winning so we will give up and vote for him. They think we are uninformed and stupid but surprise surprise we got you number Obama.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago in reply to BelleStarre 4 Likes F


They are trying to discourage you from voting.

A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago in reply to BelleStarre 13 Likes F


I. Am. Steaming. This was not an accident.

A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 9 Likes F


Wether they're in power or not, the democrats will do whatever they can at whatever level to suppress the military vote. The democrat party has always been hostile to the military, and those in the armed services (if they have any sense) will vote republican out of self-preservation if nothing else. Military, especially older active duty and retirees, vote overwhelmingly republican. Obama fears this, and he will do whatever he can, legal or not, constitutional or not, to both prevent the military right to vote and to punish the military, retirees and their families. The Left has nothing but disdain for the military and evicerates it every time they are in power. We need to stand up and support our troups and their families at the ballot box, because they have sacrificed so much for us.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 13 Likes F


"Non-partisan information and assistance to facilitate [members of the military's] . . . participation in the democratic process"??? Some Democraps ought to get an inside view of a prison cell as a result of this "co-incidence."
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 15 Likes F


I'm sure it was just an accident. Yech, I just threw up on that one.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to pistofftxpyr 9 Likes F


At this point I would advise against serving in our military.

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 2 Likes F


Whoever posted this lie should be fired

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 4 Likes F


9 of 11

9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...

I'm volunteering to be a poll worker this year, there is too much going on that is weird.



10 hours ago



Me too Donna. And working with my local American Legion to try to support military and veteral GOTV efforts locally. And working with True the Vote. Shout out to all patriots! Step up to the plate and help keep voting honest, or you might as well kiss your vote good-bye...
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to Donna Casas 12 Likes F


How do we say... PRISON????

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 9 Likes F


Good Point RachelC...notice the ballot does not say "must be postmarked by 11/6' it just says return by 11/9...Good one Rachel!
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 3 Likes F


We vote on Nov.6, we declare the winner late on Nov. 6/7, then we count the military votes on Nov.9th?? Is something wrong with this picture?
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 12 Likes F


It is normal practice in most states to only 'worry' about counting absentee ballots when the number of absentee ballots does not exceeds the difference between the top two candidates. (in other words even if all the absentee ballots were for the same person it would not change the winning results). However many states have moved to 'no excuse' absentee ballots, so it doesn't seem like it would be that hard for late arriving ballots to change the results that would normally be announced on Tuesday night. I'm guessing they count all the absentee ballots on hand on Nov. 6th so all that would be missing would be those that came in after the 6th until the deadline.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to taiyaki 1 Like F


The left will do anything they can to disenfranchise Veterans, just look at how quickly Al Gore Jr.'s team. sued to disqualify 10,000+ Military Absentee Ballots in Florida during the 2000 election recount!
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 23 Likes F


Whoops! Obama supporters, please listen: Michelle Obama says get to the polls on November 2



9 hours ago

in reply to A_Proud_Infidel



Probably the nastiest, most corrupt. power hungry politician in America's history! But he got even... he stole MILLIONS in "green dollars" from Americans... to the point his wife divorced his crooked arse! Living scum... at best!
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to A_Proud_Infidel 5 Likes F


If you can't count dead voters, eliminate the live ones.

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9/26/2012 6:39 AM

MacIver: Military Voters in Wisconsin Told to Submit Ballots a Week Aft...



11 hours ago



Don't be too surprised if libs start showing obituaries clipped out of the newspaper and call it a legitimate photo ID.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to rgb 2 Likes F


The Democrats have been stealing votes ever since Joe Kennedy bought the white house for Johnny in Chicago. Their latest big one was the devil Al Frankon which gave us Obumacare. They are more evil than the Devil himself. We are headed for big trouble in this country soon. A lot of people have had it.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 20 Likes F

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9/26/2012 6:39 AM

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