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Office of Addl. Mpl.Health.Officer. (Med.),
Room No. 01, Tow Hall, Delhi110006.
Phoe No. 29770, Telefax No. 2821
No. Addl. MHO (M)/2007/1352 Dated: 14.08.2007.
Subject: - Revised Medical Facilities for Muicipal Employees members of ~ Medical
Facility to Muicipal Pesioers &Family Pesioers Health Scheme.
Municipal Copoation oI Deli is povidin medical Iacilities to its employees and
pensiones / Iamily pensiones in accodance it appoved medical sceme unde Cental
Govenment Healt Sceme Deli Govenment Employees Healt Sceme. Municipal
Copoation as been adoptin amendments made in tese scemes Iom time to time, to suit te
needs oI Municipal Employees and Pensiones/ Family Pensiones.
Municipal Copoation oI Deli bein an autonomous body, it as Ielt tat cetain
amendments / modiIications can be made in te existin sceme ic is best suited Io te
elIae oI Municipal Employees / Pensiones/ Family Pensiones. Deli / NCR is a lae
metopolis and as its on poblems. Most oI te beneIiciaies ae esidents oI Deli / NCR.
An employee aIte etiement needs moe oI medical attention, teeIoe expenditue
incued on teatment oI selI and is/e dependents is moe. Wit meae and dindlin
esouces, it makes te lives oI suc pensiones/Iamily pensione miseable. Similaly cetain
essential amendments eadin medical sceme Io C D cateoy oI employees as lon ove
Hence Copoation vide its esolution No.865 dated 26.2.2007 as appoved tis evised
sceme. Te salient Ieatues oI te sceme ae enumeated belo: -
The Scheme:
Folloin epesentations Iom etiin and etied employees it as consideed tat te
Iolloin amendments be made in te existin Iacilities / sceme to make it best suited Io
Municipal Employees membes oI te sceme ' Medical Iacility to Municipal
Pensiones/Family Pensiones. Municipal Pensiones/Family Pensiones o do not opt te
sceme ae entitled to da a medical alloance as is applicable. Once a pensione/Iamily
pensione opt te sceme, e / se sall not be entitled to da te medical alloance. Neite e
/ se can opt out oI te sceme at a late date.
1. Credit facility :
Cedit Iacility indicates te medical Iacility extended by pivate econized ospitals to
te beneIiciaies itout cain. Te bills aised toads teatment oI te beneIiciay
sall be claimed by te ospital diectly Iom Municipal Copoation oI Deli. TeeIoe
te beneIiciay ill ave te pivilee to undeo necessay teatment tou a casless
tansaction. In te ealie sceme no cedit Iacility as bein povided by te econized
ospital to te beneIiciay. Wit isin cost oI teatment, te pensiones / Iamily
pensiones ae constained to eceive quality teatment even in econized ospitals, as
tey ave limited esouces and bein senio citizens ae unable to pusue tei medical
eimbusement claims. Hence it as Ielt:
Credit facility will be exteded oly to Muicipal Pesioers / Family
pesioers ad their depedets in econized Pivate ospitals tat ave
enteed into aeement Io povidin suc Iacility. List oI ospitals is annexed as
Annexue A.

Credit facility will ot be exteded to servig Muicipal Employees. Sevin
Municipal employees can da advance Io majo teatments as pe CS (MA)
Hoeve, all caes eimbused / extended tou cedit Iacility ill be stictly
as per prevailig CGHS approved rates.
Te aeement on credit facility sall petain to only pivate econized ospitals
ad ot diagostic cetres.

2. Idetity Card .
All membes oI te sceme 'Medical Iacilities to Municipal Pensiones/Family
Pensiones ae issued valid identity cads, ic sall clealy depict:
Name, desination and depatment Iom ee etied.
Potoap oI te pensione/ Iamily pensione alon it dependent Iamily
membes, duly attested by te D.D.O.
Seial Numbe oI te Identity Cad.
P.P.O No.
Sinatue / Tumb impession oI te Pensione/Family Pensione.
Last asic Pay dan.
Name oI te allotted medical cente.
G.8 eceipt No. date vide ic membesip contibution as deposited.
Details oI dependants.
An employee o municipal pensione / dependents sall be pesentin imselI o eselI at
econized Pivate ospital it valid Identity Cad alon it eIeal slip Io teatment, ic
sall be mandatoy except in case oI emeency.
. Referral
Members of the scheme ~Medical facilities to Muicipal Pesioers/ Family
Pesioers and tei dependents en pesent temselves Io teatment in any pivate
econized ospital sould ave been eIeed by autoized medical attendant ic ill
include concened M.O. / C.M.O. Incae oI allotted medical cente, concened CAMO/ Addl.
MHO (M) and specialists oI concened speciality oI majo ospitals oI MCD in a prescribed
format, alog with sigature, ame ad seal (Aexure - D) oI te eIein medical oIIice
/ specialist.
In cases oI majo ospitals oI M.C.D., Addl M.S. / Nodal OIIice deputed by concened
M.S., sall monito all cases equiin specialized teatment, o ae eIeed to any pivate
econized ospital. Te institution sall maintain centalized ecod oI cases eIeed alon it
details and numbe.
In case oI sevin employees eIeal en necessay sall be made by autoized
medical attendant ic includes medical oIIice oI any municipal o ote ovt. allopatic
dispensay / ospital.
Medical OIIices oI te concened discipline sall eIe patients, iI necessay, Io
teatment in institutions unde ISM / Natuopaty.

An employee / municipal pensione/Iamily pensione o tei dependent sall only be
extended medical Iacilities in econized pivate ospitals as pe CGHS appoved ates, only iI
tey ave been eIeed, except in cases oI emeency.
In case oI emeency, te beneIiciay unde te sceme 'Medical Iacilities to Municipal
Pensiones/Iamily pensiones ill et a eIeal / autoization Iom concened M.O.I/c / MS o
concened CAMO/Addl.MHO (M) itin to okin days.

. Emergecy treatmet.
In case oI emeencies as detailed belo, a beneIiciay can avail teatment Iom
any pivate econized ospital itout pio eIeal:
(a) Acute Coonay Syndomes (Coonay Atey y-pass GaIt/ Pecutaneous
Tansluminal Coonay Anioplasty) includin Myocadial InIaction, nstable
Anina, enticula Aytmias, Paoxysmal Supa enticula Tacycadia,
Myocaditis, Cadiac Tamponade, Acute LeIt venticula Failue/Sevee Conestive
Cadiac Failue, Acceleated Hypetension, Hypetensive emeencies, Complete
Heat lock and Stokes Adam attack, Acute Aotic dissection.
(b) Acute Limb Iscemia, Ruptue oI Aneuysm, Medical and Suical sock and
peipeal ciculatoy Iailue.
Ceebovascula Attack-Stokes, Sudden nconsciousness, Head injuy, Respiatoy
Iailue decompensated lun disease, Ceebo Menineal InIections, Convulsions,
Acute Paalysis, Acute isual loss.
(d) Respiatoy Iailue, decompensated lun disease, Pneumotoax, Haemotoax.
(e) Acute Abdomen: - Hepatitis, Amoebic live abscess, obstuctive jaundice, iliay
colic, Acute colecystitis/coledococystitis, Acute panceatitis, Panceatic abscess,
Acute apenditicitis, Acute intestinal colitis, Acute astitis, Peptic ulce, PeIoative
peitonitis, Renal Calculus, P Obstuction, Pyoneposis, Pyelonepitis, eteic
calculus, Acute o Subacute intestinal obstuction, Obstucted Henia, Enteitis,
Tubecula Abdomen, Mesenteic lympadenitis, Diveticulitis and any ote
miscellaneous acute conditions.
(I) Road taIIic Accidents, Head injuies, it injuies includin Iall, ote injuies,
electocution, donin, Iactues etc.
() Denue Feve (complicated), Cickenunia.
() Acute poisonin, snakebite.
(i) Acute Renal Failue.
(j) Acute abdomen in Iemale includin acute Obstetical and Gynecoloical
(k) Heat Stoke / exaustion.
(l) Any ote liIe teatenin emeent condition ic is not coveed above.
However, all charges reimbursed / or claimed through credit facility shall be
strictly as per prevailig CGHS rates.
. Recogied private medical cetres / hospitals.
Te list oI Pivate ospitals ic ave enteed into an aeement it MCD /
dianostic centes ic ave submitted necessay undetakin to extend Iacilities
to municipal beneIiciaies ae annexed as Annexue A espectively.
Fute claiIications eadin pivate econized ospitals / dianostic centes
ae as unde: -

1.(a) 'Packae Rate sall mean and include lump sum cost oI inpatient
teatment / day cae / dianostic pocedue Io ic a Municipal beneIiciay as
been pemitted by te competent autoity o Io teatment unde emeency Iom
te time oI admission to te time oI discae includin (but not limited to) (i)
Reistation caes, (ii) Admission caes, (iii) Accommodation caes
icludig patiets diet, (iv) Opeation caes, (v) Injection caes, (vi)
Dessin caes, (vii) Docto / consultant visit caes, (viii) IC / ICC
caes, (ix) Monitoin caes, (x) TansIusion caes, (xi) Anestesia
caes, (xii) Opeation teate caes, (xiii) Pocedual caes / sueons Iee,
(xiv) Cost oI suical disposables and all sundies used duin ospitalization,
(xv) Cost oI medicines, (xvi) Related outine and essential investiations, (xvii)
Pysioteapy caes etc. (xviii) Nusin cae and caes Io its sevices.

(b) Cost oI Implants is eimbusable in addition to packae ates as pe CGHS
ceilin ates Io implants o as pe actual, in case tee is no CGHS pescibed
ceilin ates.

Teatment caes Io nebon baby ae sepaately eimbusable in
addition to delivey caes Io mote.

4. Hospitals / dianostic centes empanelled unde MCD sall not cae moe tan
te pevailin CGHS Deli packae ates/ ates.
(e) Expenses on toileties, cosmetics, telepone bills etc, ae not eimbusable and
ae not included in packae ates.
5. Packae ates envisae duation oI indoo teatment as Iollos:
pto 12 days: Io Specialized (Supe Specialities) teatment
pto 7 days: Io ote Majo Sueies
pto 3 days: Io Laposcopic sueies/ nomal Deliveies
1 day: Io day cae / Mino (OPD) sueies.

No additional cae on account oI extended peiod oI stay sall be alloed iI tat
extension is due to inIection on te consequences oI suical pocedue o due to
any impope pocedue and is not justiIied.

In case, tee ae no CGHS pescibed ates Io any test/pocedue, ten AIIMS
ates ae applicable. II tee ae no AIIMS ates, ten eimbusement is to be
aived at by calculatin admissible amount item-ise (e.. oom ent,
investiations, cost oI medicines, pocedue caes etc) as pe appoved ates/
actual, in case oI investiations.

3. a) Municipal beneIiciaies ae entitled to Iacilities oI pivate, semi-
pivate o eneal ad dependin on tei basic pay / pension as pe existin

b) Te packae ates iven in ate list ae Io semi-pivate ad.

6. Te packae ates pescibed ae Io semi-pivate ad. II te beneIiciay is
entitled Io eneal ad tee ill be a decease oI 10 in te ates Io pivate
ad entitlement tee ill be an incease oI 15. Hoeve, te ates sall be
same Io investiation iespective oI entitlement, ete te patient is admitted
o not and te test, does not equie admission.

7. A ospital / dianostic cente empanelled unde MCD, ose ates Io teatment
pocedue / test ae loe tan te CGHS pescibed ates sall cae as pe
8. a) Te maximum oom ent Io diIIeent cateoies ould be:

Geneal ad Rs.500/- pe day
Semi-Pivate ad Rs.1000/- pe day
Pivate ad Rs.1500/- pe day
Day Cae (6-8 Hs.) Rs.500/-(same for all categories)

. Room ent is applicable only Io teatment pocedues Io ic tee is no
CGHS pescibed packae ate.

Room ent ill include caes Io occupation oI ed, diet Io te patient,
caes Io ate and electicity supply, linen caes, nusin caes and
outine up keepin,

c) Duin te teatment in ICC/IC, no sepaate oom ent ill be

d) Pivate ad is deIined as a ospital oom ee sinle patient is
accommodated and ic as an attaced toilet (lavatoy and bat). Te oom
sould ave Iunisins like adobe, dessin table, bedside table, soIa set, etc.
as ell as a bed Io attendant. Te oom as to be ai-conditioned.

e) Semi Pivate ad is deIined as a ospital oom ee to to tee
patients ae accommodated and ic as attaced toilet Iacilities and necessay

I) Geneal ad is deIined as alls tat accommodate Iou to ten patients.

) Nomally te teatment in ie Cateoy oI accommodation tan te
entitled cateoy is not pemissible. Hoeve, in case oI an emeency en te
entitled cateoy accommodation is not available, admission in te immediate
ie cateoy may be alloed till te entitled cateoy accommodation
becomes available. Hoeve, iI a paticula ospital does not ave te ad as pe
entitlement oI beneIiciay, ten te ospital can only bill as pe entitlement oI te
beneIiciay even tou te teatment as iven in ie type oI ad.

II, on te equest oI te beneIiciay, teatment is povided in a ie cateoy oI
ad, ten te expenditue ove and above entitlement ill ave to be bone by
te beneIiciay.

6. In case oI non-emeencies, te beneIiciay sall ave te option oI availin
speciIic teatment / investiation Iom any oI te empanelled ospitals/
dianostic cente oI is/e coice (povided te ospital / dianostic
cente is empanelled Io tat teatment pocedue/ test), aIte te speciIic
teatment/investiation as been advised by concened autoity, as detailed

7. Te empanelled ospitals/ dianostic centes sall ono pemission / eIeal
issued by competent autoity as detailed above and povide teatment /
investiation Iacilities as speciIied in te pemission/eIeal.

8. Duin te In-patient teatment oI te Municipal beneIiciay, te Hospital ill not
ask te beneIiciay o is attendant to pucase sepaately te medicines / sundies
/ equipment o accessoies Iom outside and ill povide te teatment itin te
packae ate, Iixed by te CGHS ic includes te cost oI all te items.

. In case oI teatment taken in emeency in any un-empanelled pivate ospitals,
eimbusement sall be consideed by competent autoity at CGHS pescibed
Packaes/ ates only.

10. II one o moe mino pocedues Iom pat oI a Majo teatment pocedue, ten
packae caes ould be pemissible Io Majo pocedue and only 50 oI
caes Io mino pocedue.

11. Tis ill supecede all ealie odes elatin to empanelment oI Hospitals and
dianostic centes Io specialized and Geneal-pupose teatment and investiations
Io Municipal beneIiciaies.
12. Treatmet of Cacer i r/o Muicipal beeficiaries: In vie oI te adsips
Iaced by beneIiciaies unde oin teatment Io cance (bot Ies and old cases) ,
pendin a Iinal decision on te application Io empanelment in espect oI te
Iolloin ospitals is continued Io a peiod oI six monts .e.I. 2.4.2007 Io te
Iacilities / pocedues Io ic tey ee empanelled unde CGHS duin 2001.
Tis is in accodance it te MOHFW, GOI OM No.04/D (G.)/CGHSI
Deli/CGHS (P) dated 2.4.2007. Te Hospitals ae:
Name of the Hospital Empaelled for
1. Indapasta Apollo Hospital,
Saita ia, Matua Road, Ne
2. ata Hospital Medical Reseac
Cente, 1 Tulakabad Institutional
Aea, Ne Deli
Cemoteapy Radioteapy
3. Damsila Cance Hospital
Reseac Cente, Damsila Ma,
asndaa Enclave, Deli
Cance Dianosis, Cemoteapy,
Radioteapy, Palliative cae
eneal dianosis pupose.
4. Rajiv Gandi Cance Reseac
Institute, Secto-5, Roini, Deli
Cance Dianosis, Cemoteapy
As te above mentioned ospitals ae pesently not on te list oI CGHS
empanelled ospitals, tese ospitals may not extend cedit Iacilities to pensiones
and ence te beneIiciaies may ave to claim eimbusement at te ates notiIied
in 2001 o actual o iceve is loe, aIte ettin temselves teated at te
1.The revised CGHS pacage rates i respect to muicipal beeficiaries will be
effective from the date of issue of this circular.

11. Employees of C & D category .
In te existin medical eimbusement Iacility Io sevin employees oI cateoy
C D, eimbusement is alloed only Io 34 speciIic disease conditions as contained in
te cicula No.D/756/ADC (H)/87 dated 21.07.187 as appoved vide Copoation
Resolution No.2 dated 28.04.186. Te employees unde tese cateoies ae entitled to
montly medical alloance.
In te evised Iacility, options can be execised in a pescibed Iomat (copy
annexed as Annexue C by an employee oI C D cateoy ete e / se ises to
join te sceme. In te event oI a municipal employee oI C D Cateoy, execises
option to avail tis Iacility, e/se sall be eliible to avail medical eimbusement
Iacility as applicable to oIIices oI A cateoy. Hoeve, e / se sall ave to
forego medical allowace payable to im / e. All facilities shall be from prospective
12. Other Terms & Coditios.
Te ote tems conditions as contained in te existin medical eimbusement
Iacility Io municipal employees membes oI te sceme 'Medical Facility to
Municipal Pensiones/Family Pensiones sall continue to be te same.
(Dr. U. C. Tyagi)
Addl. M.H.O. (Med.)
Copy to:
1. Secy. to Commissione, Io inIomation oI te Commissione.
2. All Addl. Commissiones.
3. Diecto Hospital Administation.
4. Municipal Healt OIIice.
5. Mpl. Secetay.
6. All Dy. Commissiones.
7. All Head oI Deptts.
8. All Addl. Dy. Commissiones/Asstt. Commissiones.
. All Addl. M.H.Os/Dy.MHOs/CAMOs/DHOs.
10. All Medical Supeintendents oI Majo Hospitals.
11. All RMS oI Colony Hospital and Polyclinics.
12. All DCAs/ACAs tou ACA/FG.
13. MO I/c oI PHCs/Dispensaies.
14. Guad File/OIIice copy.
Copy forwarded for favour of iformatio to:
1. Honble Mayo
2. Honble Deputy Mayo.
3. Honble Caiman, Standin Committee.
4. Honble Leade oI House.
5. Honble Leade oI Opposition.
6. Honble Caiman, MRPH Committee.
List of recogied private hospitals for MCD beeficiaries

Sl. No. Name of the Hospital Empaelled for
Escots Heat Institute Reseac
Cente Ltd., Okla Road, Ne Deli
Specialised Cadioloical sevices includin
cadio-toacic suey and dianostic puposes
(laboatoy, MRI, CT scan, SG, Colou
Dopple, -ay).
eean Mala Hospital Pvt. Ltd.,
Ne Rotak Road, Ne Deli-5
Geneal and specialised pupose Io
Laposcopic suey, Litotipsy, TRP, IOL
and joint eplacement.
eean Nusin Home and Hospital,
2-, Pusa Road, Ne Deli.
Geneal pupose
ala Hospital, A-56, iti Naa,
Main NajaIa Road, Ne Deli
Geneal and specialised pupose Io
Cadioloical investiation, cadio-toacic
suey, Haemodialysis, Litotipsy, TRP,
Laposcopic suey, IOL implant and oint
ukeja Hospital Heat Cente, C-
1, isal Enclave, Rajoui Gaden,
Ne Deli
Geneal specialized pupose - Laposcopic
and endoscopic suey.
M.G.S. Hospital, Rotak Road,
West Punjabi a, Ne Deli
Fo all specialities.
Meto Heat Institute, Secto 12,
Cadioloy, CTS, espiatoy puposes.
Meto Multi Specialty Hospital,
Secto-11, Noida
Geneal pupose.
Pak Hospital, 12, Cokandi,
Oute Rin Road, West Deli (Nea
esavpu Depot) Ne Deli
Geneal pupose.
Pakas Hospital, T-12, 12-A, 12-,
Secto-33, Noida.
Geneal and specialised pupose Io
Laposcopic suey, Litotipsy, TRP, IOL,
oint eplacement
Suya Hospital, 383/11C, East Azad
Naa, Ne Deli-51
Geneal and specialised puposes Io
Laposcopic suey.
inayak Hospital, NH-1, Secto-27,
Atta, Noida
Geneal and specialised pupose Io
Laposcopic suey, IOL and oint eplacement
asoda Hospital and Reseac
Cente, III-M, Neu Naa, H-1,
ausambi, Gaziabad
Geneal and Specialised pupose Io
lapaoscopic suey, IOL implant and joint
eplacement. Dianostic sevices in laboatoy
medicine and imain (Mammoapy,
SG/Colou Dopple).

ailas Hospital Reseac Cente
Ltd., H-33, Secto 27, NOIDA
Geneal and specialised sevices includin
cadioloy (invasive non invasive) sevices,
cadiotacic suey and cadiac suey and
dianostic sevices)
Deli Heat Lun Institute, 3MM
II, Panckuian Road, Ne Deli
110 055
Cadioloy Cadiotoacic ascula Suey.
R.L..C Hospital Heat Institute
(A unit oI R. L. ea Caitable
Tust) Pandav Naa, Naaina Road,
Nea Sadipu Depot, Ne Deli
Cadioloy Cadiotoacic ascula Suey.
National Heat Institute, 4,
Community Cente, East oI ailas,
Ne Deli
Cadioloy Cadiovascula Suey
Ride Heat Cente, Sunde Lal ain
Hospital, Asok ia -3, Deli 52
Cadioloy Cadiotoacic ascula Suey.
Si alaji Action Medical Institute,
A-4, Pascim ia, Deli
Geneal specialized pupose.
Nainde Moan Hospital Heat
Cente, Moan Naa,
Gaziabad- 201007
Fo Cadioloy, Cadiotocic suey,
medicines, suey, Obs. Gynae, Paediatic,
Optalmoloy, Nepoloy, Skin D,
Neuo psyciaty, pulmunoloy, Gasto
enteoloy, uoloy, neuoloy, neuo suey,
plastic suey, ENT, Dental, Otopaedic,
oncoloy, memoloy.
Meto Hospital Heat Institute, 14,
Rin Road, Lajpat Naa, Ne
Cadioloy Cadiovascula Suey.
Si Ram Sin Hospital and Heat
Institute, 25- 2626A, East
isna Naa, Ne Deli 51.
Geneal Pupose includin Lapaoscopic
Suey Litotipsy.
Tiat Ram Sa Caitable
Hospital, Rajpu Road, Deli 54.
Geneal pupose Dianostic
aipu Golden Hospital, Sec 2,
Roini, Deli 85
Cadioloy Cadiotoacic suey.
Saoj Hospital and Heat Institute
Instt.Aea, Maduban Cok,
Roini, Deli 85
Geneal and Specialized, Cadioloy
Cadiotoacic Suey.
RG Stone oloical Reseac
Institute, East oI ailas, Ne
Litotipsy, endouoloy, laposcopic suey
and olmioloy lase suey.
Fotis Hospital -22, Secto
62,Noida 201301 P
Cadioloy, Cadiotoacic suey, oint
eplacement (TR, THR only and enal
Meto Hospital Cance Institute,
21, Community Cente, Peet ia,
Cadiac, Cance eneal pupose.
Sumita Hospital, A 11 A Secto 35
Geneal pupose and specialised pupose
(Neuosuey, otopaedics includin
atoscopic suey and joint eplacement
endoscopic and lapoecopic suey,
Gastoenteoloy SI suey, paediattics and
paediatics suey, ENT and optalmoloy.
D. Pattanik lase Eye Institute, C-2,
Lajpat Naa, Ne Deli-110024
Cataact/ Glaucoma, Retinal Medical iteo-
etinal suey, Stabismus, Occuloplasty and
Adnexa and ote specialised teatment.
See eean Hospital, 67/1 Ne
Rotak Road, Ne Deli
Glaucoma and Stabismus.
Moan Eye Institute, 11 Gana
Ram Hospital Ma, Rajinde Naa,
Ne Deli-110060
Cauday Eye Cente and Lase
ision, 4802 aat Ram Road, 24,
Daya Ganj, Ne Deli-110087. Optalmoloy.
ICARE Eye Hospital Post
Gaduate Institute, E-3A, Secto 26
Cataact / Glaucoma, Retinal- medical/ viteo-
etinal suey, stabismus, Occuloplasty and
Adnexa and ote specialised teatment.
enue Eye Institute Reseac
Cente, 1/31, Sek Saai,
Institutional Aea, Pase-II, Ne
Deli 110017
A. List of Private Recogied Diagostic Ceters for muicipal beeficiaries.
Sl.No. Name of the Diagostic Cetre Empaelled for
1. Cetnas Patlab, M-26, asement,
Citanjan Pak, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices
2. City ay and scan clinic (P) Ltd.,
Tilak Naa, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices, CT scan, SG/Colou
Dopple, MRI, one Densitomety, ECG,
TMT, -ay and mammoapy.
3. City ay and scan clinic (P) Ltd.,
ikas Pui, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices, CT scan, mammoapy,
SG/Colou Dopple and -Ray.
4. Deli Heat Hospital, 176, aiti
Enclave, ikas Ma Extn., Deli
Laboatoy sevices and Cadioloical
investiation (colou Dopple, eco
cadioapy, TMT, Holte and PFT).
5. Deli Institute Io Functional
Imain, -16, Sout Ex., Pat I,
Ne Deli
Dianostic cente Io nuclea medicine
6. Deli MRI and CT scan Cente,
Aaslok Hospital, 25-A, lock A,
Community Cente, SaIdajan
Enclave, Ne Deli
CT scan and ltsonoapy only.
7. Deli MRI Scan Cente, M-2, Hauz
as, Ne Deli
MRI, -ay, one Densitomety,
SG / Colou Dopple.
8. D. A Lal Candani Patoloy
Laboatoies, -36, Lajpat Naa-II,
Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices
. D. Anand Imain Neuoloical
Reseac Cente, G-14, Peet
ia, ikas Ma, Deli 2
Imain sevices includin MRI, CT scan,
ltsonoapy / Colou Dopple, ay and
mammoapy. .
10. D. Handa -ay Imain
Cente, -87, DeIence Colony,
Ne Deli
SG sevices only.
11 D. M.L Aaal -Ray
ltasound Clinic, A-1/150,
SaIdajan Enclave, Ne Deli.
-ay, ltasonoapy and colou Dopple
imain sevices
12. D. Mittal Dianostic cente,
Maduban Cok, Main Oute
Rin Road, 611/C-8, Secto-III,
Roini, Deli
Laboatoy sevices, SG/Colou Dopple and
13.. D. P. asin Pat Labs (P) Ltd., S-
13, Geate ailas, Pat-I, Ne
Dianostic pocedues in Laboatoy sevices
14. D. S.S. Dodas ltasound Cente,
23-, Pusa Road, Ne Deli, Deli
CT, Mammoapy, SG/Colou Dopple, -
15. D. Savita ains Aun Imain
Cente, D-2, ivek ia, Deli
Dianostic cente Io SG / colou Dopple,
Eco mammoapy, one densitomety, -
Ray, ECG, TMT and Holte
16. Final Dianosis Cente, C-1/2,
Secto-31, Noida.
Laboatoy sevices, ltasonoapy and
17. Fist Daka Lab, 185, Secto-6,
Pocket-I, Daka, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices
18. Focus Imain and Reseac
Cente, C-10, Geen Pak Extn.,
Ne Deli
SG / Colou Dopple, CT scan,
Mammoapy, one densitomety and -ay
1. Focus Imain and Reseac
Cente, 47/1-2, usuI Saai
Maket, Auobindo Ma, Ne
Dianostic sevices in MRI

20. Ganes Dianostic and Imain
Cente Pvt. Ltd., Pocket-A-1, Plot
No.10, Secto-8, Roini, Ne
Laboatoy sevices and Imain- MRI, CT
scan, SG/Colou Dopple and -ay.
21 GMR Institute oI Imain
Reseac, A-13, Geen Pak Main,
Aubindo Ma, Ne Deli
MRI, CT scan, SG / Colou Dopple, -ay,
one densitomety and Mammoapy.
22 Goyal MRI and Dianostic Cente,
-1/12, SaIdajun Enclave, Ne
Laboatoy sevices and imain sevices in
MRI and SG/ Colou Dopple.
23. Geen Pak Dianostics, (1st
Floo), G-43, Geen Pak, Main
Maket, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices
24. India IF Cente and Reseac
Institute, 17-A, Lajpat Naa-I,
Ne Deli
Dianostic cente Io SG / colou Dopple,
ECG, TMT and Holte.
25. anta -ay and Clinical Lab, W-
4, Raja Gaden, Deli
Laboatoy sevices and imain viz CT scan,
mammoapy, SG/ Colou Dopple.
26. DAR Patoloy Lab, 2/6, Santi
Niketan, Ne Deli
Clinical patoloy and Clinical iocemisty.
27. ystal Scan and Dianostic
Cente, 1, Pascimi Enclave,
Rotak Road, Peeaai Cossin,
Ne Deli.
Laboatoy sevices, MRI, CT scan, SG and
28. LiIe Line Laboatoy, H-11, Geen
Pak Extention, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices
2. M/S anta Dianostic Cente,
12/404, Sunde ia, Pascim
ia, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices, CT, mammoapy,
SG/Colou Dopple, ECG, ECHO
30. Maajan Imain Cente, -18,
Hauz as Enclave, Ne Deli
MRI, CT scan, SG/Colou Dopple,
mammoapy, -ay and one Densitomety.
31. Maajan Nuclea Medicine and
one Densitomety (Si Gana
Ram Hospital), Deli
Dianostic Imain Sevices (one
densitomety and nuclea medicine)

32 Moden Dianostic Reseac
Cente, 363/4, Ne Railay Road,
Laboatoy sevices, CT scan, mammoapy,
colou Dopple / SG, -ay and one
33 National CT Scan Dianostic
Cente, 17, NWA, Club Road,
Punjabi a, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices, SG, one densitomety,
-ay and CT scan.
34 NMC Imain Cente
(IMHANS), 1, Institutional Aea,
Neu Naa, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices, MRI, CT scan and -ay
35 Noble Dianostic Cente, W-40-
C, anak Pak, Opp. DD Hospital,
Hai Naa, Ne Deli
-ay and ltasonoapy.
36. Oan Imain Reseac Cente,
A-23, Geen Pak, Ne Deli
MRI, CT scan, -ay and one densitomety.
37. Saal Advanced Dianostic Pvt.
Ltd., E-1073, Saasati ia,
Pitam Pua, Deli
Laboatoy sevices, SG / colou Dopple,
mammoapy, CT scan, -Ray, one
Densitomety and Nuclea Medicine. MRI
services are ot recommeded.
38. Sout Deli ltasound -Ray
Clinic, A-44, Hauz as, Ne
ltasound /Colou Dopple, OPG and

3. Sta Imain and Pat Lab, 4/4,
Tilak Naa, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices, CT scan, ltasonoapy/
colou Dopple, -ay and one densitomety.
40. Sun Imain Cente, 15,
Haovind Enclave, ikas Ma
Extn., Deli
MRI, CT scan, SG/ Colou Dopple and
one densitomety
41. Suvida Dianostic Cente, C-105,
Mandali, Patpa Ganj Society
Complex, Opp. I.P. Extn. Deli.
Laboatoy sevices, -ay and SG/Colou
42. Te Clinical Laboatoy, E-13/,
asant ia, Ne Deli
Laboatoy sevices

43. asant ision ltasound it
Colou Dopple -Ray Clinic,
F-/4, asant ia, Ne Deli
ltsonoapy and -ay.
44 D. Lal Pat. Lab. (P) Ltd., Eskay
Home, 54, Hanuman Road, Ne
Laboatoies investiations.
45. Millenium one Densitomety and
Osteopoosis Reseac Cente, Pusa
Road,(Nea Tel. Excane), Ne
Deli 05.
one Densitomety
46 D Ga Labs (P) Ltd., A73, Laxmi
Naa, ikas Ma, Ne Deli 2
All Laboatoy investiations except
47. D. annas Pat cae Pvt.Ltd. A-
43, Hauz as, Ne Deli
Laboatoy (Clinical Patoloy, iocemisty
and micobioloy)
48 Focus Imain Reseac Cente,
IHAS Complex Dilsad Gaden,
Dianostic Cente (MRI).
4. Nanda Dianostic Cente, ED- A
Maduban Cok, Pitampua,
Laboatoy (Clinical Patoloy and
iocemisty/ Dopple, -Ray one
50 D. S.. Gandi Dianostic Cente,
A2/152 anakpui, Ne Deli-
Dianostic sevices (Laboatoy, -Ray, CT
Scan, SG, Colo Dopple, MRI).
51 Te Apollo Clinic (Licensee ati
Medicae (P) Ltd.), C 70, Majo
Sudes uma Ma, Opp. Madav
Pak, Nea Main Maket, Rajoui
Gaden, Ne Deli -110027
Dianostic sevices (Laboatoy, SG /
Colou Dopple, -Ray, TMT, FFT, ECG and
Eco). (AER appoval Io -Ray is not

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