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Womens rights at work

In France, women have the right to work since 1848, whereas in Saudi Arabia women havent the right to work.

In Saudi Arabia jobs who dont correspond to womens nature are forbidden. Since 1985 women have the right to work only in education and as nurses on condition that patients are women. They cant work with men.

Challier Ccile Mrai AnneSophie

Forced marriages
The abolition of this practice in France, in March 27 ,1803 comes from the Civil code, specifically section 146: There is no marriages when there is no consent .

It was promulgated because the consequences of a forced marriage are dramatic; unwanted pregnancy, marrital violence, depression, sequestrationand affect the liberty and integrity. Places where there are forced marriages: - The Maghreb - The Sub-Saharan Africa - Turkey - India

From: PARREIN Aurore and JIQUEL Audren

This right was applied in 1974 in France. All French people over 18 and having no criminal record has the right to vote regardless of sex, origin, religion or political ideals. The age of the right to vote fairway to 21 years at 18 years old in 1974. This right changed at the sometimes majority. IN Austria the right to vote is at the age of 16 years old because they think they are mature enough. Its applied too in Cuba

The death penality is a sentence according to the faults committed : hanging, decapitation for the aristocracy, the pyre for the pyromaniac, the wheel for the murderers, the boiling oil for the counterfeiters, and the quartering for regicide. In France, the death penalty was abolished in 1789 in french Revolution, then it was reestablished in 1791 to kill the aristocrats. Aristide Briand, Georges Clmenceau, or Victor Hugo with his novel Le dernier jour dun condamn in 1829, were against the death penalty. After this abolitionin 1981, between1984 and 1995, 27 bills were made to restore the death penalty, none passed.

Death Penality

Zerdag Samir Masurier Antoine

The right to health means that governments create conditions for the existence of : health services; correct works conditions; good housing; and a good alimentation.

In France The right to Heath is a fondamental right for all humans whatever their race, their religion, their political opinion and their social situation ( Constitution of OMS). It was applied in the constitution of 17th October 1946: the nation guarantees for all [] protection and health. In France, health is priviliged to benefit. In the UnitedStates The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act are laws passed by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama March 30th , 2010. In the United-States, The state reimburses the costs of doctors and not medicines. For medicines and other costs, there are private assurances but they are very expensives. Many people dont have acess to health.


Children are entitled to the protection for their good life. They may express their views freely.

In all actions concerning children, the best interests of the child have to be a primary consideration.

Authors right
Copyright in France is regulated by the Act of March 11, 1957 and the Act of July 3, 1985, codified in the Code of intellectual property. Thanks to this law, the work of authors are protected, plagiarism is prohibited. So anyone trying to take ownership of their property is punished. This law permit to protect the authors works against the people who copy. In some countries, its not applied, like in Afghanistan, Angola,Cambodge, Iraq, Iran Its not applied in this countries because they havnt signed the Bernes convention. This countries that do not have a political stability.

Slavery is the socioeconomic system based on the preservation and the exploitation of people . The worker is not free and is generally unpaid, he is legally the property of another person and therefore negotiable: purchase, sale, rent, etc., in the same way as an object or a pet.

Abolition of slavery in France on April 27th, 1848, decree signed by all the French government members. In Mauritania, in spite of its official ban in 1981, the slavery is a practice which persists. On August 8, 2007, the Parliament of the country adopted a law criminalizing the slavery, punished for ten years of detention. Anthony Simon Mathieu Osmont

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