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Competency Mapping & Assessments is a process designed to consistently measure and assess staff performance as it relates to the expectations

of the organization. A competency map is made up of four areas of competence attributes: I. Personal Attributes - The characteristics which enable the employee to attract others to well reasoned and logical points of view, to effectively communicate, and to relate to others. These include: Insight and Judgment Integrity and Ethics Continuous Personal Improvement Commitment and Performance Stability Interpersonal Orientation Project Management Skills Innovative/Creative Thinking Presenting/Speaking Business Writing Professional Demeanor Leadership Qualities - The skills that allow the employee to assume a position of influence by assembling and leveraging a variety of resources that address problems and opportunities throughout the organization. These include: Strategic Thinking and Planning Facilitating Negotiating and Persuading Teamwork Coaching and Empowerment Problem Solving Decision Making Cross-Functional Perspective Broad Business Perspective - The body of knowledge that encompasses an understanding of the organization and its industry. These include: The Organization and Industry Knowledge Internal and External Consulting Business Relationships/Partnerships Current and Emerging Management Practices Best Practices Risk Management Mergers, Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances Management Accounting Organizational Systems and Processes

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. II.

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. III. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.


Functional Expertise - The traditional technical skills that the employee should possess and which form the basis for their unique ability to understand an organization from a

perspective that others cannot. For eg. A finance professional should have knowledge in the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Financial Analysis Treasury Management Cost Management Human Resources Taxation Information Technology Control Environment Financial and Statutory Reporting and Accounting Principles Internal Audit Budgeting, Forecasting and Business Planning

Once a competency map has been developed and validated, it can be used as a tool to manage, evaluate, and develop employee performance; recruit and select individuals that possess the skills required in the position; and compensate individuals based on their demonstrated performance. Competency Mapping & Assessments consists of six steps:

Specification Determination - Positions to be mapped are identified. A preliminary project plan is developed during this step to ensure that all the key stakeholders are involved in the process and that the appropriate activities and communication plans are established to support the development of the maps. Data Collection - Information is gathered to identify the attributes and competencies required for each position. Data is collected to determine the skills, abilities, and personal traits required for success in the position being mapped. This data can be collected through one-on-one interviews with job content experts and their managers, focus groups with incumbents and managers and internal and external customer interviews. Competency Development - All information gathered in the data collection phase is analyzed. Attributes and competencies are identified and behavioral descriptions are created for each. In addition, optimal areas of performance are identified according to organizational and market requirements. The result of this step is a first draft of the competency map. Validation - The map is then reviewed to ensure it meets the current and future needs of the organization. Competencies, attributes, and their corresponding descriptions are evaluated for how accurately they describe performance requirements and to ensure they are aligned with and support the organisations objectives. Implementation - After the maps have been validated and finalized, they are presented to the team with an action plan for the implementation and use of the maps. Gaps in competency levels, if any, are identified and appropriate training and learning action plans are evolved for developing those lacking competencies in the employees. Use of the Tool The Tool will continually evolve. As needs change and new concepts and practices emerge, the model can be updated to reflect the constantly changing world in which we live and work. The

models can be personalized for individual or corporate use. Different attributes may be selected or omitted by the employee based on his or her role in the particular organization. Upon review of the various models, you will find that the first two competency categories (personal attributes, leadership qualities) as well as part of the third competency category (broad business perspective) are common to almost all employees. The competencies within the fourth competency category, functional expertise, vary based on the functional area in which the employee works. The Tool is to be used by Employees:

to take charge of their careers by focusing attention on skills needed to remain relevant, competitive and forward thinking, to design a personalized career development plan that ensures that they reach their highest professional standing and economic potential, as a guide for selecting educational programs.

by Employers:

to assist in identifying qualities and competencies that are relevant to their organization, in conjunction with the self-assessment tool, to identify gaps between employee competencies and employer needs, to design employee career development plans aligned to corporate needs, as a guide for selecting educational programs to close the gaps between competencies and needs.

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