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Jacquie Bymaster Lesson Plans October 22, 2012 October 26, 2012

Computers I Sophomores Objective: Students will create multi-page worksheets and insert graphs using Excel tools. Process: Complete Chapter 10 Excel Exercises and Chapter 10 Worksheet. Evaluation: Chapter 10 Exercises 6, 7, 9, and 10. Chapter 10 Worksheet due at the start of class Tuesday. Objective: Students will apply Excel concepts to design and create a multi-page spreadsheet. Process: Review expectations and rubrics with the student and create personal spreadsheet project in class. Evaluation: Project evaluated guidelines and is due by the end of class Thursday. Accounting I Juniors Objective: Students will analyze 2nd quarter financial statements and ratios to make justifiable business and financial decisions for the 3rd quarter. Process: Review SMG results and make 3rd quarter decisions. Evaluation: No formal evaluation. Computers II Juniors Objective: Students will edit video, add voice, and compile newscast. Process: Use computers and Premiere CS5. Abby sports, Annikki finish Honor Flight, Nicole intro and Mat Tourney. Evaluation: Participation Advanced Keyboarding 8th Grade Objective: Students will show mastery of concepts by applying Word features to create an effective, attractive flyer. Process: Complete Lab assignments and chapter questions. Evaluation: In the Lab 1, 2, and 3, and Cases and Places 1 and 2. p. WD 67-72 due by the end of class Wednesday. Questions due at the start of class. Objective: Students will show mastery of concepts by applying Word features to create an effective, attractive flyer. Process: Complete Lab assignments and chapter questions. Evaluation: In the Lab 1, 2, and 3, and Cases and Places 1 and 2. p. WD 67-72 due by the end of class Wednesday. Questions due at the start of class. Objective: Students will show mastery of concepts by applying Word features to create an effective, attractive flyer. Process: Complete Lab assignments and chapter questions. Evaluation: In the Lab 1, 2, and 3, and Cases and Places 1 and 2. p. WD 67-72 due by the end of class today. Questions due at the start of class. Objective: Student mastery of MSWord features and flyer preparation will be formally assessed. Process: Lab test. Evaluation: Chapter 1 Lab Test

Monday 10/22/12

Objective: Students will identify and practice accounting concepts related to adjusting and closing entries. Process: Discuss Sections 8-1 and 8-2 using PowerPoint. Review concepts by completing WT 8-1 and WT 8-2 as a class. Evaluation: Application Problems 8-1 and 8-2.

Tuesday 10/23/12

Objective: Students will edit video, add voice, and compile newscast. Process: Use computers and Premiere CS5. Abby bottle rockets, Annikki finish Honor Flight, Nicole intro and compile. Evaluation: Participation

Objective: Students will apply Excel concepts to design and create a multi-page spreadsheet. Process: Review expectations and rubrics with the student and create personal spreadsheet project in class. Evaluation: Project evaluated guidelines and is due by the end of class Thursday.

Wednesday 10/24/12

Objective: Students will accurately prepare a post-closing trial balance for a service business. Process: Discuss 8-3 and complete process by doing WT 8-3 as a class. Evaluation: Application Problem 8-3.

Objective: Students will review and finalize the newscast for production. Process: Preview newscast on SmartBoard and revise as determined. Evaluation: Final newscast

Objective: Students will apply Excel concepts to design and create a multi-page spreadsheet. Process: Review expectations and rubrics with the student and create personal spreadsheet project in class. Evaluation: Project evaluated guidelines and is due by the end of class Thursday.

Objective: Students mastery of recording and posting adjusting and closing entries and preparing post-closing trial balances will be informally assessed. Process: Complete Mastery Problem. Evaluation: Mastery Problem 8-3. Kourtney, Nicole & Abby gone District VB Tourney Objective: Students mastery of recording and posting adjusting and closing entries will be formally assessed. Process: Written Test Evaluation: Chapter 8 Test

Thursday 10/25/12

Objective: Students will export next newscast and begin StoryBoard for the next newscast. Process: Brainstorm ideas and start writing scripts and storyboard. Evaluation: Participation

Abby and Nicole gone for District VB Tourney Objective: Students will utilize filming techniques to create a weekly broadcast. Process: Annikki will film her assigned segments. Evaluation: Participation Objective: Students will develop formatting skills to prepare a research paper using MLA documentation style. Process: Discuss and practice chapter contents. Work through practice problem as a group. Evaluation: Chapter 2 practice problem due by the end of class Tuesday.

Objective: Students will become familiar with advanced Excel techniques and applications. (Conditional formatting, Color use, VLookup and Choose functions.) Process: Present information and sample problems on the SmartBoard. Evaluation: No formal evaluation.

Friday 10/26/12

Kourtney, Nicole & Abby gone District VB Tourney

Abby and Nicole gone for District VB.

Jacquie Bymaster Lesson Plans October 22, 2012 October 26, 2012
Personal Finance Seniors Senior Guidance Mrs. Yates General Business Freshmen Objective: Students will apply Chapter 5 concepts to create a mission statement for their companies. Process: Brainstorm ideas as a class. Split into partnerships and create in groups. Evaluation: Evaluated per rubrics. Collect Worksheet assigned last Wednesday. Objective: Students will prepare for classroom activities regarding entrepreneurship and small business management. Process: Outline Chapter 6 using Inspiration and Read Chapter 6. Evaluation: None Objective: Students will identify characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and be able to recognize the importance of small businesses in the economy. Process: Discuss Section 6-1 in class using SmartBoard and PowerPoint presentation. Evaluation: Students will create a radio advertisement that describes the personal characteristics of their groups that make them effective entrepreneurs. Objective: Students will prepare radio advertisement. Process: Students will write a storyboard script and record it to audacity and the upload it to VoiceThread. Evaluation: Completed advertisement. Prep Prep Computers I Juniors Objective: Students will create multi-page worksheets and insert graphs using Excel tools. Process: Complete assigned Excel exercises in class. Evaluation: Chapter 10 Excel Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Monday 10/22/12

Sr. Guidance Mrs. Yates


Objective: Students will create multi-page worksheets and insert graphs using Excel tools. Process: Complete Chapter 10 Excel Exercises and Chapter 10 Worksheet. Evaluation: Chapter 10 Exercises 6, 7, 9, and 10. Chapter 10 Objective: Students will apply Excel concepts to design and create a multi-page spreadsheet. Process: Review expectations and rubrics with the student and create personal spreadsheet project in class. Evaluation: Project evaluated guidelines and is due by the end of class Thursday.

Tuesday 10/23/12

Objective: Students will learn appropriate and inappropriate interview etiquette. Process: Discuss in class and split into groups of three for role playing activity. Evaluation: Student preparation of good and bad interview role play activities will be assessed per rubric.


Wednesday 10/24/12

Objective: Students will understand proper interview etiquette. Process: Assigned groups will write scripts illustrating good and bad interview behaviors and then present role play scenarios to class. Evaluation: Student preparation of good and bad interview role play activities will be assessed per rubric. Aubrey, Cashea & Taylor gone for District VB Tourney Objective: Students will understand proper interview etiquette. Process: Assigned groups will present role plays as assigned. Evaluation: Student preparation of good and bad interview role play activities will be assessed per rubric. Aubrey, Cashea & Taylor gone District VB Tourney


Objective: Students will apply Excel concepts to design and create a multi-page spreadsheet. Process: Review expectations and rubrics with the student and create personal spreadsheet project in class. Evaluation: Project evaluated guidelines and is due by the end of class Thursday.

Thursday 10/25/12

District VB Tourney Objective: Students will analyze the audio blogs posted by other businesses to determine if entrepreneurial traits were addressed. Process: Post blogs and listen to postings in class. Evaluation: Participation No Class Objective: Students will apply Excel concepts to design and create a multi-page spreadsheet. Process: Review expectations and rubrics with the student and create personal spreadsheet project in class. Evaluation: Project evaluated guidelines and is due by the end of class Thursday.

Friday 10/26/12

District VB Tourney

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