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Frank Appleyard

Letters Grading good work why they did not get the grade they
Jan. 22–28, 2009
say why you got 87 per cent on the pa-
tive intelligence. For the readers who Ottawa in the decision-making pro-
wanted. Their reactions to my com- per that had no comments on it rather did not have the chance to read over cess. What I’m wondering is: can you
Re: “Give me more A+s” ments usually break down as follows: than, say, 92 per cent. I always tell this farce, it appeared to be an edito- blame them?
(Opinion, Jan. 8) blank uncomprehending stares as I good students that they should read rial that listed what the Fulcrum looks Student activist behaviour in the
MR. MICHAEL OLENDER, explain (again) why their papers went the comments on their papers too be- for in the next SFUO president. It past has been, quite frankly, embar-
I read your “Heckles” column of wrong, admissions they did not read cause they might be doing one or two could have been an awesome piece, rassing and a detriment to its own
Jan. 8 with interest. An associate pro- my comments, or repeated claims small and easily corrected things that but you missed your shot. causes. Take for example the Board of
fessor of history at the U of O since that because they worked very hard prevent that high A assigned to their Instead, what you published was Governors (BOG) meeting held last
2003, I have taught at the universities they deserve a better grade than the paper from being an A+. But many a very thinly veiled list of criticisms semester to vote on increasing tuition.
of Calgary, Alberta, Bishop’s, Carle- one they got. do not do that, which reminds me about our current president and oth- I was primarily appalled at the ridicu-
ton, and the Royal Military College of Let me concentrate on reaction of a quotation from Admiral Alfred er possible candidates vying for the lously disrespectful picture chosen
Canada. Your column raises two im- three and the notion that hard work Thayer Mahan that “defeat cries aloud soon-to-be open position. But then by the SFUO to promote the event
portant issues: the lack of professorial must necessarily be rewarded with a for explanation, whereas victory, like again, it’s obvious that this missed on Facebook. Though pleased by the
comments on student papers; and a suitably high grade. I am sorry to say charity, can hide a multitude of sins.” shot was actually a perfectly execut- student turnout at the BOG meeting,
common student belief that the hard that a student’s hard work may not re- While I cannot defend my col- ed one. It’s obvious that this missed my confidence in the student move-
work alone merits an A+. Let me offer sult in a good grade regardless of how leagues who decline to explain why shot actually intended to attack these ment quickly turned into complete
my two cents. many hours one works for one must they hand out the grades that they do, people. horror when said students held up
As to the lack of comments, I agree work hard and well. Anyone with I cannot accept your assertion either That’s alright though, it’s actually rude signs and called out “Shame!”
with you. I think all professors should a reasonable level of self-discipline that hard work alone merits an A+— not that bad. As a newspaper, you are during discussion and again during
make comments on student papers. can complete the requisite number one must work well too. well within your right to criticize the voting. I’ve also heard about students
I am sometimes asked by students of hours required to get a term paper Dr. Galen Perras president or anybody else with your attempting to “make a point” by shov-
from other professors’ classes to read done. But does that mean the paper is History professor editorials. But this is not really what ing cameras in the faces of senators
papers that contain no comments. good? Not always. What if the thesis you did. at Senate meetings, causing them to
Most are quite happy with their grade is badly explained? What if improper Kind words My point is this: if you are going simply adjourn instead of holding
but want to know why they did well sources are used? What if the writing to advise us on what to look for in the much-needed reviews on courses of-
so that they can replicate such success is poor? In other words, bad papers Re: “Support for the sake of support” next president, then do so. And if you fered at the university.
in the future. I do not blame them. can take just as much effort to write (Editorial, Jan. 8) are going to criticize SFUO President Is it any wonder that Allan Rock
Success as well as failure should be as very good ones. I JUST FINISHED reading the most Dean Haldenby and other candidates, and the U of O administration show
explained. I explain this conundrum to stu- recent edition of the Fulcrum, ter- then do so as well. But for the sake of less and less enthusiasm to collaborate
But comments on a paper are not dents thusly. If I was an engineer who minating as always with the editorial our intelligence and of your paper’s with students? Firstly, as the adminis-
necessarily helpful either. Students designed a bridge, but I miscalculated pieces. After reading the two edito- reputation, be honest about what it tration, they deserve a modicum of
who have taken my courses can attest the load factor and the bridge sub- rial articles that you wrote, I feel com- is you are saying. Do not hide behind respect, since the fact that they run
that I write all over papers. Lastly, I sequently collapsed and killed your pelled to share with you just how im- your editorial, taking cowardly shots the university allows us students to
write a paragraph at the paper’s end family because of my mistake, I doubt pressed I am with the ideas presented at these people, without being honest graduate with valuable degrees. The
reiterating my thoughts about the my pleas that “I worked really hard” in the articles as well as the manner and brave enough to admit that you fact that we are their clients entitles
paper. I also hand out very detailed would matter as you sued me into in which they were presented. Jour- are doing so. If you did not like the us to respect as well, but so far, we’ve
Essay Writing Guide sheets in ev- oblivion—nor should they. Bad work nalism, to me, has always been about fact that mass faxes were sent out as a done a great job of negating that en-
ery course, and dedicate at least one cannot be defended. Yet my “brilliant” honesty, relevance to the layman, in- form of protest, or that Haldenby was titlement.
class to essay troubleshooting. Stu- parable rarely carries the day. tegrity, daring to say what others will allowed to take a second bilingualism Tamar Friedman
dents often come to me to find out As you are not my student, I cannot not, and presenting events in a clear, test, then call out by name whoever it Second-year economics and
direct, well thought-out manner. Both is you blame for this, so that they can political science student

your piece about the ideal Student reply to that criticism.
Federation of the University of Ottawa In essence, what you published Read the rest of this letter and
(SFUO) president and the decision to last week was a spineless attempt at others at

News E-vote for the SFUO support striking transit workers fulfill
my definition of good, responsible,
voicing your discontent with certain
people, but without actually saying
Megan O’Meara reveals the new well-crafted journalism. I just wanted so. We are university students, we are poll
online method of voting for February’s to share with you how happy I was to capable of intelligent thought, and we
elections. p. 4 read such well-written articles. are most certainly capable of seeing Last week’s results
Adam Roberts what was really implied in that edito-
Transit strike update: wanna crash Third-year history student rial. In the future, if you want to say Do you think the benefits
p. 4 with the president? p. 7 something, just say it. Do not try to be of online voting outweigh
Cowardice in opinion witty, do not try to be clever, because
the potential problems?
Leif music
you just end up insulting us and em-
Arts Re: “Fulcrum seeks ideal SFUO presi- barrassing yourselves and your repu-
Peter Henderson talks with songwriter
dent” (Editorial, Jan. 8) tation in the process. Yes:
SHAME ON YOU, Fulcrum, shame Luc Roy
Leif Vollebekk. p. 12 on you. Here I was, thinking that Third-year criminology student
we had a respectable and respectful
Kalin Smith finds out about English-language student newspaper Time to grow up
p. 12 Life After God. p. 13 on campus, but I guess I was wrong.
Go to
I say this in regards to the last edito- IT CAME AS no surprise to me when
rial from the Fulcrum. Unfortunately, I read of the city’s rejection of the U- to vote!
Sports The Wright stuff there was a blatant lack of respect for
the Fulcrum readers and their collec-
Pass, as well as its reluctance to in-
clude the students of the University of Got something to say?
Men’s basketball’s newest player lights up
the court. p. 21 Send your letters to
Business Department Advertising Department
Should fighting be allowed in hockey? The Fulcrum, the University of Ottawa’s inde- Deidre Butters, Advertising Representative
Letters deadline: Sunday, 1 p.m.

p. 21
Letters must be under 400 words unless
Megan O’Meara investigates. p. 22 pendent English-language student newpaper, phone: (613) 880-6494
discussed with the editor-in-chief.
is published by the Fulcrum Publishing Society fax: (613) 562-5259
(FPS) Inc., a not-for-profit corporation whose e-mail:
Drop off letters at 631 King Edward Ave.
members consist of all Univeristy of Ottawa
or email
students. The Board of Directors (BOD) of the Check out our rate card online.

Feature Will there ever be FPS governs all administrative and business
actions of the Fulcrum and consists of the fol-
lowing individuals: Ross Prusakowski (Presi-
Go to and
follow the link for “Advertisers”.
Multi-market advertisers:
Letters must include your name, telephone
number, year, and program of study. Pseud-

onyms may be used after consultation with the
dent), Andrea Khanjin (Vice-President), Tyler Campus Plus: (800)265-5372
editor-in-chief. We correct spelling and gram-
Meredith (Chair), Peter Raaymakers, Nick Tay- Campus Plus offers one-stop shopping for over
mar to some extent. The Fulcrum will exercise
Joe Howell investigates the crisis in the lor-Vaisey, Toby Climie, Scott Bedard, William 90 Canadian student
discretion in printing letters that are deemed
Stephenson, and Andrew Wing. newspapers.
Middle East first-hand. p. 16-17 racist, homophobic, or sexist.
To contact the Fulcrum’s BOD, The Fulcrum is a proud member of
We will not even consider hate literature or

p. 16 Di describes the right climate for climax. p. 30

contact Ross Prusakowski at (613) 562-5261. Canadian University Press:
libellous material. The editor-in-chief reserves
the authority on everything printed herein.
Emma Godmere

News Jan. 22–28, 2009

News Editor

Change through a click of the mouse Julie Séguin, vp communications for information is loaded onto the Inter-
Online voting to be the SFUO, also voted against e-voting net.
and echoed Wolfe’s concerns. “I voted against e-voting because
offered during upcom- “I had the recommendations from there is automatically the possibility
over four experienced people, both of fraud, putting the elections in jeop-
ing SFUO elections students and professionals, to not ardy,” said Séguin. “By fraud, I mean
by Megan O’Meara jump on this project so soon with- students giving a friend the [identifica-
Fulcrum Staff out consulting students, getting other tion] number they received by email,
schools’ feedback and doing some tri- allowing someone else to vote more
THIS FEB. 10–13, students will have al runs on smaller occasions (faculty than once.”
the opportunity to vote while sitting at elections or referendums),” she said in Lewis-Havard indicated that the
home in their pyjamas, as e-voting ar- an email. electronic process had been carefully
rives to complement traditional paper- SFUO President Dean Haldenby inspected, however.
ballot voting in the upcoming Student also had reservations about the online “The software has been scrutinized
Federation of the University of Ottawa voting process. at length and has passed every single
(SFUO) elections. “I do not know if it is a security risk independent evaluation,” she ex-
E-voting—which will be powered by or not,” he said in an email. “We have plained. “There are also three mirror
a third-party company,—was not used this system, and when I was servers, in case the primary one does
approved for use in the next election deciding on it at the board I was asked go down. In addition, the company
by the SFUO’s Board of Administra- to put a lot of faith in a system that we does hire hackers to try to break into
tion (BOA) during its first meeting of have never used before ... I believe that the system and there has never been a
2009 on Jan. 11. While some members students will accept the system; how- successful security breach.”
were skeptical, others, like Faculty of ever the voter turnout will be the big With every concern surrounding
Arts representative Ryan Kennery, felt indicator on that result.” e-voting that was brought up at the
it was an appropriate time to introduce The elections committee, which Jan. 11 BOA meeting, the elections
something new. includes SFUO chief electoral officer committee explained the precautions
“I think it’s something that’s been a Sylvia Lewis-Havard, chief returning they took to ensure there will be no is-
long time coming,” said Kennery. “We officer Mike Naim, and chief informa- sues. Lewis-Havard noted some of the
do enough things online these days, tion officer Wassim Garzouzi, were advantages to the e-voting process, in-
and any opportunity we have to make all in support of this particular elec- cluding giving access to students who
voting more accessible and easier for toral reform. Lewis-Havard, who has aren’t always on campus.
students is a good thing, so I’m really worked to research and prepare for e- “Contrary to many other univer-
looking forward to seeing how it all voting since being hired in December, sities, we are not removing options
turns out.” explained in an email what students from voters,” said Lewis-Havard, not-
SFUO VP University Affairs Sea- should be expecting for the vote. ing that traditional polling stations
mus Wolfe was one of the board mem- “All students will receive an email will still be stationed on campus. “We
bers to vote against the motion, but directly to their [U of O] email account are actually adding options, while illustration by Alex Martin
stressed that, in theory, e-voting seems containing instructions, [an identifica- maintaining and improving the for-
like a good idea. tion] number, and a link to vote,” she mer system.” name,” she said. to target more students than a regular
“I think the idea is a good one ... said. “By following the link, students Lewis-Havard explained another The elections committee also pro- station would, since they could move
these are types of ways that we can bet- will enter their [U of O] email account advantage to e-voting that students posed providing small, mobile polling to higher-traffic areas. The BOA voted
ter involve our students in elections,” he and their [identification] number to will discover after following the link stations on campus, which would have to eliminate all of these mobile stations
said. “I’m not against e-voting—I just login. The voting is explained at length to vote. consisted of a poll clerk carrying a lap- and replace them with more large sta-
wish that we would have had more time and is as easy—if not easier than—a “A big benefit of [e-voting] is the top. These stations would have moved tions inside buildings such as Arts and
to essentially look at all the possibilities paper ballot.” ability to access each candidate’s around designated areas, following the Simard halls.
and had all of that research in front of The most common concerns about platform before voting, as it is read- traffic between buildings and in hall-
us before we [made] a big decision.” e-voting surround security, since the ily available next to each candidate’s ways. The goal of these stations was E-VOTING continued on p. 11

Senate meeting cut short after SFUO student centre plans postponed
students film proceedings
by Jolene Hansell cording, ideally by the next Senate meeting. by Amanda Shendruk prove and how we can make this the best stu-
Fulcrum Staff “We want to have a policy in place so it’s clear Fulcrum Staff dent centre for students,” he said.
to everybody, and that’s something we will re- In spring 2008, Haldenby campaigned on a plat-
THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa’s Jan. 12 Senate solve in time for the next meeting or at the next A DECISION BY the Student Federation of the form that strongly promoted the development of a
meeting was brought to an abrupt close after sev- meeting,” he said. University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) ad hoc com- new student centre. Although plans have been halt-
eral students attempted to videotape the proceed- Seamus Wolfe, vp university affairs for the mittee on student space has halted plans for a ed for now, Haldenby said he is not disappointed.
ings. The students were acting in solidarity with Student Federation of the University of Ottawa, student-owned and -operated centre at the Uni- “It’s unfortunate for me because I would have
Marc Kelly, a deregistered physics student, who was present at the meeting and explained that versity of Ottawa. liked to have seen a referendum in place before I
was arrested for causing a disturbance after at- Rock proceeded to ask senators whether or not “The student space committee has decided to left,” he said. “However, at the same time, it’s the
tempting to film the Senate’s Dec. 1 meeting. The the meeting should continue in the presence of re-evaluate the implementation plan, but we still most responsible thing to do as president … It
students were intent on promoting transparency the cameras. After some deliberation from sena- plan on building a new student centre in the fu- was a hard decision, but one that I had to make.”
at meetings that, while open to the public, have tors, Rock, who chaired the meeting, chose to ture,” SFUO President Dean Haldenby said in an The BOA accepted the committee’s initial stu-
prohibited any recordings of proceedings. end the meeting without putting this decision interview with the Fulcrum. Haldenby made the dent centre report and an implementation plan
While no firm anti-recording policy is yet in to a formal vote. postponement announcement at the Jan. 11 Board was adopted in October 2008 with the objective
place, the Senate did previously pass a motion to Wolfe expressed that Rock’s actions showed of Administration (BOA) meeting. of holding a student referendum in February.
prohibit taping meetings, according to Andrée a “blatant disregard for procedurally ending a “We didn’t feel that this was the proper year However, before the question of a referendum was
Dumulon, director of communications for the U meeting”. for a referendum,” he continued, citing the eco- opened to debate, the ad hoc committee recom-
of O. Rock indicated that several people were actu- nomic downturn, a growing list of upcoming mended that the BOA wait on holding a referen-
“It is a public meeting, but there was a deci- ally calling to adjourn the proceedings. referendum questions, and a desire for more dum, stating that it would return to the board by
sion made, I don’t know when, that taping at the “I didn’t think there was any need for a formal consultation with the U of O student commu- the end of the year with a more detailed imple-
Senate meeting was prohibited,” she said. vote; there seemed to be a clear consensus, and nity as reasons for the postponement. mentation plan.
U of O President Allan Rock indicated that that was my judgement as chair,” he said. “It is a great time for us to take a step back, A referendum on the student centre is ex-
the Senate is looking to establish a policy on re- SENATE continued on p. 10 look at the project, look at where we can im- pected in 2010.
‘I will run,’
Fédération étudiante

Student Federation

SFUO hopefuls declare

by Emma Godmere there are many, many more. That’s extremely
Fulcrum Staff positive.”
While the success of drawing candidates—
$35,00… What the !*%@? THE PINK AND green posters that have cov- especially students running in elections for the
ered the campus for the first two weeks of the first time—can be largely attributed to the two-
You are being charged new semester have done their job. week-long campaign, Garzouzi pointed to other
$35,00 to split your tuition The I Will Run campaign, launched by the events during this academic year that likely in-
fees into two payments. Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s spired students.
(SFUO) elections bureau on Jan. 5, has encour- “Certainly I think that the [Canadian Fed-
This discriminates against students aged undergraduate students to run for a vari- eration of Students] referendum contributed
who don't have the means to pay their ety of SFUO- and university-related positions, to people getting more interested, but I would
fees in one lump sum. according to the elections bureau’s chief infor- argue that ... there was a big drop [in partici-
Join the movement. mation officer Wassim Garzouzi. pation] last year,” he said. “In the by-election,
Drop Fees committee “I can tell you it’s a record year in terms of there was only a three per cent turnout and
meetings: candidates,” he said, shortly after the deadline I think a lot of people started saying, ‘Okay,
Thursdays at 6 P.M. in Café Alternatif. for declaring can- there’s a problem, didacy had passed
on Jan. 19. “We es-
“It’s a record year in we need to change
something,’ and I
sentially plastered terms of candidates.” think that’s what
Relay for Life campus with posters
and banners, we sent
Wassim Garzouzi happened this year
and that’s what con-
two emails on the
SFUO elections chief information tributed to the jump
officer [in candidacy num-
Volunteers general listserv to
all students, we sent bers].”
Needed an email to all clubs, we sent emails to vari- Garzouzi is familiar with last year’s voter
ous groups on campus as well to send to their turnout issues, as he was the editor-in-chief at
members, we took out a record amount of ads La Rotonde during the 2007–08 school year. He
in both [campus] newspapers, and we actu- explained the reasons behind his move to an
ally ran a PR campaign on CHUO as well.” SFUO media-related position after a year in the
ot Patrol
ol While the official candiates’ list is not re- student media.
leased until Jan. 29, according to Garzouzi, “I think as an observer I’ve been a bit dis-
there are currently 20 people running for vari- couraged for the past [while] and I feel there
ous SFUO executive positions, and approxi- are a lot of similarities between my role in the
mately double last year’s number of candidates elections office and my role as a journalist,
running for the SFUO’s Board of Administra- which was always to get students informed and

tion (BOA). involved,” he said.

The SFUO also works with the university Garzouzi and the rest of the SFUO elections
in the elections of student representatives office are planning to launch another phase
for both the Board of Governors (BOG) and of their campaign entitled I Will Vote, where
X 7433 the Senate. candidates will be provided with a variety of
“We spoke with [the university] briefly and resources, including reduced costs for cam-
de cclôture
ô they said it is a record year,” said Garzouzi. paign website setup, in an effort to make sure
“It’s going to be the [greatest] amount of all students get the word out about their plat-

candidates for the BOG, certainly. Last year forms. The campaign will be launched Feb. 1
[there were] only two [candidates], this year as a lead-up to the Feb. 10–12 elections.

ro# K’NA
Now Open Writers.
Jan. 30 jan. Photographers. Basement of Simard Illustrators.
The Fulcrum needs
volunteers to produce every issue.

Week Help us out.

No experience necessary.
Jan. 30 to Feb 7. Staff meetings are Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
Drop in and say hi. // 01.22.09 // NEWS // 5
by Amanda Shendruk
Stuck in a rut
Students with physical disabilities burdened by poor snow removal
Fulcrum Staff

s snowflakes fall gently on the University of Ottawa
campus, students wander back and forth to class,
steaming coffee mugs in hand. Most of them, how-
ever, are completely unaware that for a handful of
students like Briton Amos and Julie Steeper, the snowfall might “When you have an inch of snow on the ground, it’s like
mean missing days of school, or even an exam.
“I’ve had to stay away from classes a number of times [be-
cause of poor snow removal],” said Amos, a fourth-year inter-
putting a 50-pound sack of potatoes on your back.”
national development student who has been in a self-propelled
wheelchair since an injury in 1991. “And I feel that’s completely
wrong, especially when I’m paying for the course.”
Briton Amos
Despite being “very strong,” Amos said travelling through
snow in his wheelchair is physically exhausting.
“Every night that I come home, I have to take pain meds be-
cause just getting around campus is absolutely unbearable,” he
explained. “When you have an inch of snow on the ground, it’s
like putting a 50-pound sack of potatoes on your back.”
Steeper, a third-year political science and philosophy stu-
dent, was born with cerebral palsy, which seriously affects her
balance. Walking is difficult for her, and she spends much of her
time in a motorized scooter.
For Steeper, getting through the snow is just as difficult on
foot as it is in her scooter.
“I fall all the time, [so] I know how to fall safely,” she said.
Steeper lives in residence at the U of O because, she admitted,
travel in the winter is so treacherous that there is no way she
could live off campus. She recounted a day last winter when she
became stuck in the snow on the corner of Laurier Avenue and
Cumberland Street. Passersby ignored her requests for help,
until, as she said, “This big guy in this huge tractor stops the
four lanes of traffic right in the intersection … and he pushed
me down two streets!” She admitted to being equal parts thank-
ful and embarrassed as cars honked at the large vehicle block-
ing their way.
Amos and Steeper are not alone in their struggle. Approxi-
mately 40 students with physical disabilities are registered with
Access Service, a program that falls under the U of O’s Student
Academic Success Service and aims to reduce barriers to students
with disabilities. Common physical disabilities among these stu-
dents include arthritis, visual impairment, and fibromyalgia.
Many require the assistance of crutches, wheelchairs, or canes.
Most of the issues for students with mobility difficulties in-
volve restricted movement over packed-down snow that has
not been plowed to expose pavement, or difficulty using ramps
where snow accumulates shortly after they are shoveled; but for
some, the consequences of poor snow removal go far beyond
missing a class or two.
“It’s very dangerous,” said Amos. “If I [were on campus] at
night and I was studying, and I tried to get from one building to
another and I got stuck, I’m screwed, and I freeze and die.” “I think one of the main issues is [that] people are not sure The CSD was created in 2003 in part to respond to the snow
Adding to the problem, Amos said that he has given up hope where to report problems they’re facing,” she said, stressing that removal problem. Virginie Corneau St-Hilaire, the centre’s co-
that the university will ever seriously consider the gravity of the students having immediate accessibility issues should contact ordinator, said snow removal would be more effective if it were
problem. Physical Resources at ext. 2222. more strategic.
“My first year I was [at the U of O] I complained about [the Lecomte also reinforced the importance of informing the “We’ve been saying in our internal discussions, if you plow
snow removal]. The second year, I complained about it. The university of any immediate problems with snow removal. a ramp, everyone can use [it], but if you [shovel] a set of stairs,
third year, I did not complain because I gave up on these peo- “I think it’s a question of communication ... I haven’t received someone who uses a wheelchair won’t be able to use it,” she said.
ple,” he said, expressing his belief that a serious injury will have a lot of complaints [concerning] the access on campus myself,” The centre also recently secured an upcoming meeting with U
to occur on campus before any serious action is taken. he said. “[If there is] some accessibility problem, usually I can of O VP Resources Victor Simon.
On-campus groups like the Student Federation of the Uni- have it resolved in five minutes—the only thing is that I have to “I informed [SFUO president] Dean Haldenby that I would
versity of Ottawa (SFUO) Centre for Students with Disabilities know it, I have to know that there is a problem.” gladly meet with him and other student representatives to iden-
(CSD) and Access Service work to solve mobility issues for stu- Lecomte indicated that the university has a crew of at least tify the specific problems with snow removal and receive any
dents like Amos and Steeper, and both spend a considerable four workers on site every day for snow removal—and up to suggestions that they may have to improve this service,” said
amount of time dealing with the problem of snow removal. sixteen on days with heavy snowfall—who often clear out side- Simon.
“We had a [productive] meeting last week with [Benoit walks and parking lots at night. “This is a big step for us because this is the first meeting we’ve
Lecomte, grounds supervisor and] the person in charge of snow “We’ve got some standards here that are built into our con- had with central administration since we’ve existed,” said St-Hi-
removal,” said Marie-Claude Rouleau, an academic support tracts, which I make sure [are upheld],” he said. “The thing is laire. “So hopefully that will bring about some positive change.”
specialist at Access Service. that sometimes the contractors don’t have the time to go around
Rouleau noted that students with disabilities are often uni- and come back; as fast as they clear out the ramps ... by the time For more information about Access Service, log on to sass.uotta-
formed about how to effectively respond if they encounter an im- they come back, sometimes the snow is falling so fast [and] it’s, and to find out more about the CSD, log on to sfuo.
passable walkway or ramp, or become stuck in unplowed areas. impossible to be on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” ca/services/ceh-csd/en/index.htm.

photo by Martha Pearce

6 \\ NEWS \\ 01.22.09 \\

Transit strike update
U of O community
takes in students
by Emma Godmere on the street corner hoping to get a
Fulcrum Staff shuttle, [and] the shuttle was full,”
continued Rock, who has opened up
STUDENTS WHO HAVE had to his own home to two students.
face long walks in freezing cold tem- Michelle Ferland, manager of off-
peratures, expensive taxi rides, and campus housing at the U of O, reiter-
packed shuttles during the weeks- ated that many students are still fac-
long city transit strike now have the ing extremely difficult circumstances
opportunity to temporarily live closer when trying to get to campus.
to campus, thanks to a new U of O “I had a fellow [come into the
initiative. housing office] earlier who’s from Or-
The House-a-Student program, the leans. He takes a taxi from his place
brainchild of U of O President Allan to the shuttle at Place D’Orleans, and
Rock launched on Jan. 19 by the univer- sometimes he waits hours because
sity’s off-campus housing services, aims the shuttle is full,” she said.
to match students in need with com- Ferland was happy to announce,
munity members willing to open their however, that by 5 p.m. on the project’s
homes as the OC Transpo strike nears first day, 26 people, including universi-
the 50-day mark— ty employees and
all for free. regular students, image courtesy
“I proposed it
on the weekend,
“Some [students] are had homes.
offered their

because I’ve been actually saying that they Rock empha-

getting emails have to look at the sized students’
from students need for the
who are frus- option of abandoning unique project due U of O third-year Common Law student Frank Cinanni
trated,” explained their courses.” to the city’s unique
originally created this map at,
Rock. “Some of Allan Rock circumstances.
them are actu- “We have to do where other students can edit the map to include new
ally saying that U of O President something, and
stops and shuttle routes from all four major post-second-
they have to look the strike’s drag-
at the option of ging on,” he said. ary schools in Ottawa.
abandoning their courses ... they’re “I was hoping it would be resolved
missing classes, they’re falling be- on the weekend, but it wasn’t.”
hind in their assignments, and even When asked if this program will At, students can find this
with the flexibility being shown by continue for the duration of the Google map of all shuttle routes and stops—as all
professors, some [students] are in strike, Rock had no problem in stay-
real jeopardy of losing the whole ing involved as long as need be. shuttles are now available to all post-secondary
course.” “I can speak for myself—I’ll have students in the city—along with links to individual
While the university has continued two students chez moi for as long as
to offer a city-wide shuttle service free the strike lasts.”
schools’ bus schedules.
of charge to students, and added five
more buses and two new stops the Anyone in the community willing to of- For information about the U of O’s shuttle service, visit
same day the housing project was fer temporary housing, along with any
launched, many students continue to U of O students looking to find a tem-
be left out in the cold. porary home, can log on to residence.
“Last week, [with] the weather
50 below, [students were] standing html for more information. // 01.22.09 // NEWS // 7

U of O suspends Rancourt
cating that the university has decided disregard an investigation required by Rancourt claims that the Israel lobby in
to discipline him on only one of the the collective agreement—a document North America “[contacts] and [influ-
Physics prof banned courses. “In all these other courses, the that essentially outlines the legal rela- ences] powerful trend-setting institu-
from campus, ... university has approved the grades tionship between the university and its tions, such as universities, and making
faces dismissal that I gave. Now, in [PHY4385-5100],
again, the employer—the university—
unionized professors—into his teach-
ing method, and fire him. In a Jan. 5
sure that critics of Israel get expelled
from universities.
by Michael Olender approved the grades … and then I was letter to Marc Jolicoeur, chair of the “It appears that [U of O President]
Fulcrum Staff disciplined for it after the administra- Board of Governors, he wrote, “The Allan Rock is a point-man of the Is-
tion had approved them.” lack of due process in the university’s rael lobby at the University of Ottawa.
PHYSICS PROFESSOR DENIS Ran- The university’s actions arrived eight actions is also alarming and is a threat So when Allan Rock says he wants to
court has been suspended from teach- months after the grades were assigned to the principle of tenure. [Lalonde] put Canada’s University in the service
ing, banned from campus, and recom- and in light of a June 2008 decision by simply asserts that my grading is in- of the world, it means that he wants to
mended to be fired by Dean of Science arbitrator Michel G. Picher in the uni- dependent of my pedagogical method have exchange programs with Israel in
André Lalonde, according to two Dec. versity’s attempted disciplinary action and thereby circumvents a formal eval- order to legitimize Israel … and you see
10 letters sent from the U of O admin- against Rancourt for his teaching meth- uation of my teaching to recommend that you have a tenured and very vocal,
istration to the professor. The letters ods. The decision found that Rancourt’s my dismissal without my ever being very political professor who is going
were reportedly received shortly before non-conventional grading methods, heard.” On Jan. 11, Rancourt filed a to be outspoken against hijacking the
Protection Services escorted Rancourt which he implemented in 2005 and had grievance with the U of O alleging that institution in that way. If you couple
off campus grounds. Rancourt’s dis- used since, were under the purview of a the administration violated collective those things together then you have
missal is pending. professor’s academic freedom. agreement procedures in sending him very powerful interests that want to get
Lalonde’s office declined to com- “We’ve already gone to court over the dismissal letters. rid of that very annoying person.”
ment on the situation. this question of my grading method as Further, echoing interviews with the When contacted by the Fulcrum,
The U of O has stated the professor’s it is incorporated as part of my overall University of Toronto’s Varsity on Jan. Rock declined to comment, citing the
issuing of A+ grades to all students pedagogical method and the arbitrator 12 and Talk Ottawa on Rogers TV on collective agreement.
in a fourth-year physics course in the Michel Picher has ruled in my favour Jan. 7, Rancourt stated that the pre- Rancourt has until Feb. 2 to sub-
winter 2008 term prompted the issuing completely,” Rancourt said. “And when text for dismissal by the university was mit a legal brief to present his case to
of the letters. Rancourt, who has spent an employer completely ignores that, because he was an outspoken critic of the Board of Governors, followed by
over 20 years at the U of O, contends pretends that the grading issue is dis- Israel, noting that his position on the a scheduled meeting required by the
he’s been developing this teaching connected from my pedagogy, one of Israel-Palestine conflict is well known, collective agreement. The expected dis- Im in ur website,
method for years, and that the univer- my lawyers said that that amounts to as he had invited Palestinian guests to missal decision by the executive of the
sity has approved the grades in several contempt of court.” speak in his 2005 activism course. He BOG will be made in March. steelin’ ur newz.
courses. Rancourt said that the university is had also denounced former U of O “I’m going to fight it all the way
“I’ve had several advanced phys- claiming that the A+s were attributed president Gilles Patry on his blog, U by every means possible—media in-
ics courses and a graduate course in arbitrarily, and therefore he has acted of O Watch, for making a public state- terviews, legal means, grievances, Send images of your cat to
which grades of A+ were attributed to unprofessionally, which allows the ment criticizing the academic boycott whatever means are available to me,” to
all students,” Rancourt explained, indi- university to circumvent due process, of Israel that was initiated in the U.K. Rancourt said. be made into ads!

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8 \\ NEWS \\ 01.22.09 \\

countability from their institution. fiscal years, a situation that was realized when a

News in
Prior to the firing of Pete, Thomas Roussin, former executive couldn’t withdraw money be-
vice-president of communication for FNUC cause the CSU bank accounts were seized, ac-
Students’ Association, told Canadian University cording to Kashfi. The alleged culprit still has not
Press there was developing fear and frustration been charged with any offence and the investiga-

with the departure of faculty. About 60 faculty tion is ongoing.
and staff members have left the institution over —Terrine Friday, The Link
the past four years, including the vice-president
of administration, and a former president, who Climate change lowering water levels: study
chose to leave.
Central Bureau Chief STUDY conducted by researchers from Wilfrid
Laurier University and the University of Water-
Negligence pushes Concordia loo has revealed that climate change has caused
Student Union deficit over $500,000 freshwater levels to decline over the course of
the 20th century.
MONTREAL (CUP) – THE PRESIDENT OF The study focused on the Peace-Athabasca
the Concordia Student Union (CSU), Keyana Delta, a point of convergence for the Peace and
Kashfi, wants to put allegations and questions Athabasca rivers in northeast Alberta, and is of
regarding the finances of the CSU to rest by particular interest to those who rely on fresh
opening up to the student press. water—notably the Alberta oil sands industry.
This comes in light of various accusations By examining lake sediments from differ-
photo by Taylor Bendig (CUP) made against the CSU, which include everything ent parts of the delta, researchers were able to
from embezzlement to non-disclosure. On Nov. reconstruct its environmental history and pin-
First Nations University of Canada students institution’s administration by rallying on Jan. 25, The Link reported on questionable financial point climatic patterns over the last 1,000 years.
oppose firing of top 13. Organized by the FNUC Students’ Associa- activity on the part of the CSU based on infor- It ultimately revealed that flood frequency and
administrator tion, the rally was in reaction to the firing of mation obtained from confidential sources. Ac- lake levels have been in steady decline since the
Shauneen Pete, who was terminated from her cording to the CSU, negligence on the part of a early 20th century, and dismissed the notion
SASKATOON (CUP) – STUDENTS AT THE position as vp academic the week before. Pete former employee as well as former executives of that the 1968 construction of B.C. Hydro’s W. A.
Regina, Sask.-based First Nations University alleges she was fired without cause. the union caused the CSU to incur a combined C. Bennett hydroelectric dam is the single cause
of Canada (FNUC) say they are frustrated with Brandy Morris, FNUC representative and deficit of nearly $500,000 for the fiscal years of the delta’s changing hydrology.
what they call a lack of leadership and man- rally organizer, said that the firing was the “last ending May 31, 2006, and May 31, 2007. —Taryn Orwen-Parrish,
agement—sentiments they made clear to the straw” for students who want answers and ac- The CSU must pay back-taxes for the affected The Cord Weekly

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SENATE continued from p.4 to talk to senators about a live web-
cast of the proceedings.
“And as a matter of fact, no one “That would remove even the
challenged it, so I guess they agreed.” faintest of suggestion that there was
MUSIC ACADEMY After the meeting, Wolfe met with
Rock to discuss the transparency of
anything hidden going on or that it
ADVANCED STUDIES IN MUSIC was inaccessible to people,” he said.
Senate meetings. Wolfe indicated “The meetings are public, anybody
that the meeting was amicable and can come and watch the meetings,
Subscribe online! that together he and Rock came to a [but] there are apparently those who
Visit our website for all information conclusion. think that they should be allowed to
regarding our programs for 2009. “It was concluded that having a take photographs as well, or film it.
live video feed of each meeting might I don’t agree,” he continued. “I don’t
Deadlines for registration: be able to show that the administra- think that by becoming a member
tion is open to having live meetings,” of the Senate you implicitly agree to
February 13th, 2009 Wolfe said.
While Rock declined to comment
have others take your picture or film
With scholarship application you and then make whatever use
on what he said was an off-the-record they want to of that.”
April 3rd, 2009 meeting, he indicated that he intends —with files from Emma Godmere
Without scholarship application

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10 \\ NEWS \\ 01.22.09 \\

E-VOTING continued from p. 4 impact their re-election. We feel there be a decision made by the board, not
Naim indicated his disappoint- needs to be a distance between the employees,” he said.
ment with the decision, and felt that elections office and the board.” Despite the issues that arose at the

The Fulcrum staff meetings

the board overstepped their boundar- Kennery voiced similar concerns meeting, the elections committee ex-
ies by choosing the voting hours as after the meeting. pects the e-vote to go smoothly and

are Thursday at 2:30 p.m.

well—which have traditionally been “We hired [the SFUO elections em- ultimately encourage more under-
decided by the elections committee. ployees] to do a job, and it seemed as graduate students to vote.
“The constitution does not mandate though the board was stepping out- “It does open up opportunities for co-
the board to select where the vote will side of its bounds,” he said. op students, for part-time students, for
take place nor the details of that vote,” Wolfe, however, expressed that students with disabilities, for students
explained Naim via email. “It is obvi-
ously disappointing to see the board
some major decisions do need to be
left to board members.
who don’t have courses [during the
polling times] ... and on top of that we’re
New volunteers
overreach its mandate and impede
on the responsibilities of the elections
“The BOA [is] not and should not
be in a position to micromanage an
keeping the existing polling stations,
so it’s really just adding options,” said
always welcome
office. It is even more troubling that election; however, if there [are] going Garzouzi. “It’s definitely a huge upgrade
many declared candidates were vot- to be radical changes in the way an from what we’ve had in the past.”
ing on decisions that would inevitably election is taking place, that should —with files from Emma Godmere

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Nokia and Nokia Nseries are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation.
Trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc. used under license. © 2009 Rogers Wireless. // 01.22.09 // NEWS // 11

RGW_N_09_1002_B1_B.indd 1 1/9/09 4:54:14 PM
Peter Henderson

Arts & Culture Jan. 22–28, 2009

Arts & Culture Editor

You’ve got to

photo courtesy Leif Vollebekk

gether the show [at Café Alternatif]. He got her, “I have a few people [that I know]. I have a play with them. I didn’t find that in Ottawa,
[and] then he asked me to open. Unrelated [to drummer, I have a bassist, I have string players,” but I think [Ottawa’s scene] is getting better
Montreal-based songwriter that], the Black Sheep have me open for people he says. “It’s cool, but I tend to not be very or- and better.”
sometimes, and they asked me to open up for ganized, especially when it’s just one-shot trips Vollebekk often returns to Ottawa for shows,
Leif Vollebekk has a new her.” out of the city. I feel guilty asking someone to and he hopes that the music scene he never re-
album and a bright future Vollebekk released his first full-length al- drive six or seven hours to Toronto to play for ally discovered can grow into something more
bum, Inlands, in the fall of 2008. Although he like $20.” substantial and popular.
by Peter Henderson often performs by himself, the album has full While Vollebekk lives in Montreal, he cut “I think that people are just a bit ... doubtful,”
Fulcrum Staff accompaniment from a backing band. Some his teeth in the Ottawa music scene, though he he claims. “I’d make sure I knew who was play-
solo artists use pre-recorded material or other doesn’t claim to have ever been a part of it. ing before I went to a show. I think that’s exactly
LEIF VOLLEBEKK DOESN’T know what he means of accompaniment when performing “I knew that there was a scene. I just wasn’t what happens—you don’t discover who you
sounds like. The singer/songwriter is playing a live, but Vollebekk prefers keeping it simple. in it,” he claims. “I wouldn’t know how to get want to hear [if you don’t go to shows].
show at the new Café Alternatif on Jan. 22, and “Sometimes it’s really cool when you see people out to shows. I just didn’t know what I “There’s tons of good music in Ottawa, too,”
he’s having trouble describing which genre his someone play, and they can do what they did was doing.” he continues. “That’s what’s crazy. Meredith
music fits into. with a full band just on the guitar,” he says. Vollebekk moved to Montreal in August 2008 Luce, or Souljazz Orchestra, that kind of stuff—
“I try not to [explain it], because either it “It helps to give a different perspective on the to work on his music career and for a change of there’s some really hip stuff happening.”
sounds like I’m really insecure or really arro- songs. It’s pretty challenging to play alone, and I scenery. The future of Vollebekk’s music career in-
gant,” says Vollebekk. “I have trouble finding a like that challenge.” “I was born and raised in Ottawa, and I think cludes a summer of playing festivals and per-
happy medium. I listen to a lot of Bob Dylan, Recreating the studio sound on his album that after a long time in one city it’s cool to live haps a fall tour of the U.S.
and I listen to a lot of Sigur Rós—I guess I’m isn’t a priority, either. somewhere else. I think I was a bit tapped out in “I’m hoping to play the U.S. this year, but it’s
trying to hit that atmospheric folk, something “There’s two different schools of thought, Ottawa. Having grown up there, I didn’t really a lot of organization,” explains Vollebekk. “I’m
like that.” I guess,” explains Vollebekk. “Maybe there’s have the eye for figuring out where it was that I learning quickly, but there’s a lot of paperwork
Vollebekk is also playing a show at the Black more. Some people really just want to recre- needed to play or should play. I lived in Ottawa and a lot of things to do. Oddly enough, [there
Sheep Inn on Jan. 23, which has hosted such ate exactly what the album was, so people can my whole life, and I just had to try something are] a few small towns in the States that know
artists as Joel Plaskett, Serena Ryder, and Corb see that the band wasn’t doing all studio magic. different.” who I am. I think that’s what happens with the
Lund. But I tend to like just trying different takes on The move to Montreal allowed Vollebekk to Internet, especially when someone’s from some-
“It’s a great venue,” says Vollebekk. “They treat the songs. It’s not really about reproducing, it’s meet other musicians and broaden his musical where else—you think that maybe they’re popu-
the musicians well, and everyone there is super. more trying to create a similar atmosphere. I horizons, opportunities he never found in Ot- lar where they are. I think that’s the feeling. ‘Oh,
A lot of music lovers go there. It’s kind of far, so couldn’t for the life of me play drums and bass tawa. that guy’s from Montreal, there must be tons of
you don’t just walk in there by accident. Usually at the same time and make it sound good, so “Montreal is kind of like the Mecca of the people at his shows!’”
the big artists who go to Ottawa or Montreal go I just try and touch on the ambience that I music scene,” he says. “A lot of the bands that
there, so it’s a small place to see big names.” want.” come out of Montreal are often not born and Leif Vollebekk plays Café Alternatif on Jan. 22 at
Vollebekk is supporting Basia Bulat both Although he had help on his album, Volle- raised [there]—they come to meet other musi- 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door. He will also be
nights. bekk prefers touring on his own—for the time cians. playing the Black Sheep Inn (735 Chemin River-
“It’s really by chance,” Vollebekk explains. being, at least. It frees him from the responsibili- “Just in the past few months I’ve met so side, Gatineau, QC) on Jan. 23 at 8:30 p.m. Tick-
“[Students’ Association of the Faculty of Arts ties and stress of managing several band mem- many great musicians who want to collabo- ets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. For more
VP Social] Dario [Petruzzi] was putting to- bers. rate and want to play with me, and I want to information, visit
The atheist

photo courtesy

and that is a real addition to the play itself.”

Wysynski elaborates further on MacLennan’s
Life After God moves job of adapting such a diverse and scattershot
from the written page “MacLennan expands on Coupland’s original
themes [in Life After God] in a more theatrical
to the stage sense,” explains Wysynski. “If you’ve read the
book, it’s a real jumble of stories, images, and
by Kalin Smith quotes, and it is all really strong lyrical work
Fulcrum Staff that MacLennan takes from the novel. That’s
the one thing that hits you right off—the way
“YOU ARE THE first generation to be raised the writing flows.”
without religion,” writes the prolific Vancouver- Wysynski believes that MacLennan succeeds
born writer and visual artist Douglas Coupland in bringing together the pieces of Coupland’s
in his 1994 collection of short stories Life After work in his own unique way.
God. The emptiness and disconnectedness of “[MacLennan] has used a sort of multi-
modern life are explored in the book, and expe- style approach,” Wysynski explains. “There are
rienced local director and Vision Theatre artis- monologue sequences, two-, three-, four-, and
tic director Greg Wysynski is bringing Michael five-person scenes, and then choral sections
Lewis MacLennan’s theatrical adaptation to the which bring the cast together and that add the
Arts Court Theatre Jan. 21–31. dimension of what is being told in Coupland’s
Life After God is the story of six high school original [collection of] short stories.”
friends and the events in each of their lives The quest to discover the meaning in life is
leading up to their fifteenth high school re- a recurring theme in Life After God. Wysynski
union. The cast consists primarily of Ottawa believes that the appeal of the stage version of
talent. Riley Stewart portrays Scout, the lead Life After God is much broader than that of the
role in the production, alongside Chantale novel, which was heavily focused on the experi-
Plante, Jen Scrivens, Jerome Bourgault, and ence of only one generation.
J.P. Chartier. “I think everyone, no matter what genera-
The play, like the book, is a satirical take on tion they’re from, can identify with emptiness
the search for meaning and the emptiness of an of some kind in their own lives,” says Wysynski.
entire generation—those born between 1961 “These are wider issues [in the play] that can be
and 1981, who are often accused of being apa- found in everyone, and the spiritual hole that
thetic, hypercritical, and disengaged from the we are talking about exists in everyone, or if it’s
world around them—and it maintains Coup- not a spiritual hole it’s another sort of emptiness
land’s original sharp-witted but raw storyline that most feel towards life. I think it’s a univer-
and selected dialogue. sal concept; I don’t think it can be defined or left
“[The stage adaptation] focuses on a genera- for one generation to feel. ”
tional perspective, the generation [Coupland]
defined as ‘Generation X’,” Wysynski explains. Life After God is at the Arts Court Theatre (2
“It uses Coupland’s witty, sort of sarcastic sense Daly Ave.) Jan. 21–31. Tickets are $20 for stu-
of humour that flows through Generation X— dents and are available from the Arts Court Box
the way people talk, and the rhythms that they Office at 613-564-7240. For more information,
talk in. MacLennan picks it all up so beautifully, visit // 01.22.09 // ARTS // 13

Buried Child is not what it seems at the end of the play. While not eas-
ily digestible, these secrets reveal the
The Pulitzer Prize- reasons behind the family’s collective
winning play leaves a amnesia and they also force the viewer
to consider the existential reality of the
strong, existentialist characters themselves.
aftertaste With so much attention put into
the mere comprehension of the un-
by Tina Hassannia raveling story line, it is easy for the
Fulcrum Contributor audience of Buried Child to take the
play’s excellent production values for
MUCH LIKE WINE, oysters, and granted. The set design, blocking,
modern art, Buried Child—the latest and acting are all spot-on, mostly
National Arts Centre (NAC) theatre because Hinton keeps things simple
offering, written by Sam Shepard in order to let Shepard’s masterful
and directed by Peter Hinton—has a script shine through. The set is func-
learning curve when it comes to ap- tionalist, featuring a house wall with
preciation. At first glance, the 1979 missing blocks, which give it a dilap-
Pulitzer Prize-winning play is baf- idated vibe congruent with the state
fling, especially to viewers who try of the family. David Fox is the finest
too hard to make sense of the narra- actor in the crew and brilliantly por-
tive. A post-play discussion with your trays Vince’s grandfather, the sardon-
theatre date may be in order. ic, alcoholic, and damaged Dodge.
In Buried Child, Shepard beautifully Randy Hughson and Alex Ivanovici,
depicts the dysfunctional nature of an who play respectively Dodge’s sons,
all-American family that refuses to rec- Tilden and Bradley, are also quite
ognize their twenty-something-year- masterful in channelling the futile- photo courtesy National Arts Centre
old relative, Vince. He has returned minded creepiness of the two broth-
home for the first time in years with ers. Christie Watson grows into the surreal characterization required to gether the play’s jaggedly sharp puzzle atre, questions galore will flood their
his girlfriend Shelley in tow. The fam- confused and later hopeless Vince. make this play work. pieces. An example of Shepard’s subtle minds, and it may take some time be-
ily can’t remember Vince’s relationship Adrienne Gould does an accept- Buried Child demonstrates Shepa- symbolism occurs with the random fore they realize the genius of Shep-
with them, and they don’t seem to care able job playing Shelley, and while rd’s use of surrealism at its finest—he burst of corn crops that Vince’s father, ard, and his clever infusion of the
that there are two strangers in their Clare Coulter is excellent as Vince’s subtly weaves in fantastical symbols Tilden, discovers in the first act, a feat fantastical and the realistic. For fans
house. The attempts made by Shelley grandmother, Halie, her voice is far that appear to be commonplace ob- that Vince’s grandfather, Dodge, re- of avant-garde theatre, Buried Child
to uncover the deep, dark, dirty secrets too grating. In all, the characters jects only until after the play is over, fuses to believe has happened. is sure to satisfy your craving for the
of the family finally come to fruition are believable and communicate the and the viewer has managed to put to- As the audience leaves the the- weird.

14 \\ ARTS \\ 01.22.09 \\

Good Bad
The Wrestler Film
Ram” Robinson (Mickey Rourke) as an aged,
only daughter Stephanie (Evan Rachel Wood).
Randy’s detachment from his daughter—who
Bride Wars Film C
BRIDE WARS, THE first estrogen-fuelled chick- maid of honor, but neither one will move their
flick of 2009, tells the story of two lifelong bo- date. This conflict soon escalates into an all-out
beaten-down wrestler still keen on the profes- resents his absence during her childhood—is som buddies Emma (Anne Hathway) and Liv war, with each girl doing her best to sabotage
sion 20 years after his major success because it’s moving, and offers insight into how he neglect- (Kate Hudson). The two women lead success- the other’s perfect wedding.
the only thing he knows how to do. While not ed her during his glory years. His neglect has ful and well-rounded lives; Emma as a philan- While the plot is gimmicky, Bride Wars is
as sharp as in his glory years, Randy is capable had severe emotional consequences for both thropic middle-school teacher and Liv as an ag- not a terrible movie. It has its moments, like
in the ring, and the choreographed wrestling him and his daughter. Randy copes with his gressive businesswoman. The story is set in New the reaction of Liv’s fiancée (Steve Howey)
is both entertaining and intense. After a par- failing health and frustration with being out of York City, like most chick flicks released in this when Emma swaps the hair dye intended for
ticularly brutal match, Randy collapses in the the ring, but his solitude steadily becomes the decade, and finds the Liv’s pre-wedding
locker room. Medical issues force him to retire focus of the film. Both Tomei and Wood give duo eagerly awaiting the touch-up. Even a tear-
from the ring, and from that moment on it’s sincere supporting performances, with Tomei’s chance of fulfilling their ful Hudson, complete
hard to take your eyes off Rourke’s complete
embodiment of a defeated yet still devoted
alternating between firm and fragile being par-
ticularly striking.
shared childhood dream
of an extravagant June
Start taking bets on a Baby with a blue-streaked
coiffure, can’t help but
man. But The Wrestler is Rourke’s film. What wedding at the city’s lux- Wars release date if the laugh when she’s com-
Darren Aronofsky’s directing is superb, es-
pecially considering the film’s style is a no-
makes the movie so fascinating is the capti-
vating character study of a man who lives in
urious Plaza Hotel.
The story finds Emma
film grosses enough. pared to a really hot
table departure from his earlier work. In films the shadow of his faded glory. Rourke is excel- and Liv both getting en- Bride Wars is a typi-
like π and Requiem for a Dream, his directing lent throughout Robert D. Siegel’s bulletproof thusiastically engaged cal chick flick; it banks
felt cold, distant, and at times disconnected. In script, not once faltering. There are many heart- to their long-time beaus on genre tropes like
The Wrestler, the grainy, hand-held camera that breaking moments in this film—such as when within days of each other. Together, they step the juxtaposition of career-driven beauties of
films Randy in a documentary-like fashion feels Randy is sitting at a table signing decades-old forth joyfully into the world of wedding plan- opposing hair colour, absurdly ridiculous cat
compassionate, often intimate as it follows him memorabilia, working behind a deli counter to ning, coordinating florists and caterers while fights, a couple of hair- or skin-related crises,
through very private moments. Aronofsky’s use make ends meet, and spending an afternoon searching for the perfect dress. This search pro- Candice Bergen’s token matriarchal role, and a
of music—especially the 80s hair metal and out on the boardwalk with his daughter—that vides the film with one of its many overly repeat- slim opening for a potential sequel—start tak-
grim, plucked guitar—contributes immensely to Rourke executes so convincingly it’s hard to ed lines—“You don’t alter a Vera [Wang], you al- ing bets on a Baby Wars release date if the film
the film’s warmth and often fleshes out Randy’s believe he’s been on Hollywood’s blacklist for ter yourself to fit Vera”. With only three months grosses enough. Bride Wars is an entertaining
complicated, concealed emotions. As the film 15 years. Rourke’s evocation of constant silent to go until the big day, drama ensues when, due popcorn chick-flick, but really, there’s nothing
progresses, Randy questions his actions in life pain and mute desperation as well as his see- to a mishap with the bookings, Emma and Liv’s new here to make it worth the price of admis-
and begins to understand himself. Aronofsky’s sawing between frustration with himself and weddings are scheduled on the same day. The sion.
direction facilitates the shift by placing him in a fleeting happiness deserves Oscar attention. two were originally scheduled to be each other’s —Jaclyn Lytle
world that feels natural and familiar. Still, while a lot is being said about Rourke in
Randy’s loneliness is thrown into harsh re-
lief after he retires from the ring. He reaches
the run-up to Academy Award nomination an-
nouncements, The Wrestler is a triumph and Everyone’s a critic.
out to Cassidy (Marisa Tomei), an aging strip- should be celebrated as a whole. Review movies for the Fulcrum.
per who encourages him to reconcile with his —Michael Olender Email for more info.

Sex, violence, and opera

was written. importance lies in the consequences
“It’s got sex, it’s got murder, it’s got of his affair with Carmen.
U of O modernizes violence,” says Whitney O’Hearn, one According to director Sandra Gra-
Georges Bizet’s of the two actresses playing the titular ham, who is also a professor in the
Carmen. U of O’s music department and an
Carmen “It’s HBO,” jokes James O’Farrell, internationally renowned mezzo-so-
who plays the lovestruck Don José. prano in her own right, the location
by Ania Bula José is a naïve young army officer who was changed from Spain to Cuba in
Fulcrum Contributor is seduced by Carmen and forms one an attempt to give the opera a more
part of a bizarre love triangle with her modern feel.
JEALOUSY, LUST, AND murder— and another man. This love triangle is “To commemorate the 50th an-
Georges Bizet’s classic opera Carmen the central plot device of the opera. niversary of the [Cuban] Revolution,
has all three in spades. A hot Cuban In the original, the other man was a I am setting Bizet’s opera Carmen in
nightclub filled with dancing girls, Spanish bullfighter, but this updated Cuba in 1958–1959,” Graham says.
a communist uprising, and a sordid version from the U of O transports “This is still in keeping with the
love triangle all find their place in the the action to 1950s revolutionary-era ‘Spanish’ and gypsy-like flavour of the
U of O’s Music Department’s revolu- Cuba and the other man in the love original story.”
tionary update of the opera. triangle is not a bullfighter but the fa- The new setting adds political
Carmen, which runs Jan. 23–Feb. 1 mous revolutionary Che Guevera. tension to a story already filled with
at the Alumni Auditorium, breaks the “Testosterone,” says Philippe comedy and sexual tension.
stereotype of traditional opera with Courchesne-Leboeuf, when asked to There are two performers playing
content that was considered scandal- describe what drives his portrayal of each major role in the play—with the
ous and highly controversial in 1875 Guevera. Leboeuf sees his character exception of Don José and Guevara—
when it was first performed, and its as the manifestation of raw male pow- and they perform on alternate nights,
timeless story still burns with sensual er, the hero, and the lover. Although in order to preserve their voices.
passion more than a century after it a relatively small role, the character’s CARMEN continued on p. 19 photo by Martha Pearce // 01.22.09 // ARTS // 15

Big dreams and small hop by Joe Howell / The Strand (CUP)

Peace in the Middle East

hen I arrived in Sderot on power in 2006, were designed to put polit- the West Ba
Dec. 17, 2008, 11 rockets ical pressure on the government by plung- remove 63 s
had already fallen in and ing over a million Palestinians further into and hand ov
around the Israeli border desolation. exchange fo
town. School was letting out, and boys In response to Hamas’ demands, Israel they wouldn
were playing soccer in front of a bomb decided to ease the embargo, which al- tinians woul
shelter, while other children were being lows only the barest of necessities over the ever state th
carefully corralled onto an armoured bus. border; But as arms smuggling into, and Although
It was the very end of the so-called rocket fire out of, Gaza never ceased, they monumenta
ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, be- clamped back down. of perpetua
fore the launch of Israel’s Operation Cast Both continued harming the other side were growin
Lead. It would also be one of the last indiscriminately, Israel through collective Two deca
peaceful moments the town of nearly punishment, Hamas through untargeted construction
20,000 people would know. Soon after, the explosives. Both have a lot to answer for. prime mini
Israelis’ aerial bombing of Gaza not even never have
a mile away would put an end to classes Is peace possible? At the time,
completely. plete Biblica
It was also the tail end of the organized It’s surely more productive to look at the and the Pale
portion of my travels in the country, spon- long-term prospects for peace rather than more than s
sored largely by the National Committee point fingers in this latest episode of the At the sam
for Jewish Campus Life, and it was becom- conflict, however, so I will concern myself estinians wo
ing apparent the ending had been spoiled with that. How can we help prevent this from them
for me. madness from lasting another 100 years? part of the 1
“If you think you get it, you don’t get To figure out what needs to be done, plan.
it,” my guide Michael Bauer had told me, the first place we should look is at the last And here
in regards to the perennial conflict in the major chance for an Israeli/Palestinian paring to
region. “If you realize you don’t get it, then settlement, why it failed, and the follow- claims to all
you’re starting to get it.” ing developments that have set the process sea, forever.
How right he was. back even further. Indeed, th
In July 2000, United States president ermind sha
Complications in Gaza Bill Clinton sat down Yasser Arafat, then- once unthin
chairman of the Palestinian Liberation to me by Ca
Most people, my pre-trip self included, Organization, with Israeli prime minister have agreed
have fairly simplistic notions of what is re- Ehud Barak (now the minister of defence) have led to a
quired to bring peace to the Middle East. at Camp David. “Take it a
“All Israel has to do is return to the The negotiations came closer to reach- Aviv, and th
Green Line and end the occupation,” one ing a “final status settlement” between the Nearly an
might tell you, while another insists that if warring peoples than anything previously same as an
Hamas stopped firing missiles and recog- attempted, which made the sting of their contention
nized the Jewish state’s right to exist, the collapse especially painful. return”. Wou
problem would be solved. Shortly after the Camp David talks fell Palestinians
Both of these hypothetical armchair- apart, the second Intifada—the Arabic the soon-to
diplomats are partially right, but they are word for uprising—broke out with more but to Israe
also horribly wrong. After all, if the centu- violence than the first, Israeli public opin- compromisi
ry-old struggle has such an easy answer, it ion swung to the right, and Clinton pro- Israel said
would have been found by now. That said, nounced himself a failure. ics showed t
anyone peddling a quick fix is probably Amid this misery, there is still hope in tially make
woefully uninformed; the same goes for the common ground the talks aroused. own state w
anyone offering a one-sided condemna- Both sides warmed to concessions that had to be pr
tion. would have been unthinkable in previous And so, w
The rockets hitting Sderot on that mild decades. table, Arafat
December day were but a tiny example Among them was sharing Jerusalem,
of the enormous complexity of the beast. the city that contains some of the holiest Pe
Hamas said the rockets were in response places in Judaism, Islam, and Christian-
to Israel’s not fulfilling their end of the ity, and is thus both the spiritual and geo- From this h
ceasefire and lifting the crippling sanc- graphical epicentre of the conflict. pects have d
tions on Gaza. Another was the complete return of after the fail
The sanctions, started after Hamas took the Gaza Strip and about 91 per cent of mit in 2000,
photos by Zoriah /
page 16 | the fulcrum

1.1million 952
Gazans dependent on food aid
Palestinian minors killed by Israel
between July 2000 and November 2008 140
Suicide bombing a
Israel between 200
ank to Palestine. Israel would the second Intifada was recorded.
settlements from these regions Since that day, roughly 5,300 Palestin-
ver part of Green Line Israel in ians and 1,000 Israelis have died in the re-
or the parts of the West Bank newed violence, along with dozens of for-
n’t vacate. In return, the Pales- eigners, not including the death toll from
ld be permitted to form what- the latest fighting in Gaza.
hey liked. The ongoing violence will drive both
h rejected, this concession was body counts considerably higher, increase
al, and proof of just how tired animosity and distrust between the two
al bloodshed the two nations groups, and make diplomacy an impos-
ng. sible dream in the process. Right?
ades earlier, when settlement Maybe not. I hold a slight, perhaps na-
n began in earnest, Israeli ïve hope that the blood in the streets will
ster Menachem Begin would reinforce the desire and up the urgency for
considered these proposals. some sort of compromise to be reached.
the idea of a historically com- Surely, no one enjoys the status quo—the
al Israel was a pervasive one, Palestinian civilian casualties have been
estinians were regarded as little heartbreaking and any deal for the inhab-
quatters. itants of Gaza would be better than the
me time, Arafat vowed the Pal- situation they’re currently in.
ould reclaim all the land taken But it’s a two-way street: what Israeli
when they were expelled as man would want to spend every minute
1947 United Nations partition of his life between the ages of 18 and 45
knowing he could be called to fight at a
e were Barak and Arafat, pre- moment’s notice? What Israeli woman
relinquish their respective wants to know that her children will be
l the land from the river to the conscripted the minute they reach adult-
hood? What on Earth could be more im- tive to see proper surveying done of how sentiment against itself, alienated its Arab New Republic, are going to want to head
he idea of returning land, nev- portant for either side than escaping these many of the 4 million displaced Palestin- neighbours, and killed a saddening num- back to the bargaining table.
aring the Temple Mount was conditions? ians would insist on immigrating to Israel, ber of civilians and children. Hamas must Halevi explained to me that he was de-
nkable. But as one Israeli put it While in Israel, one of the speakers I if they had enough reason to return to Pal- be defeated by other means. lighted when Israel unilaterally withdrew
amp David, his country would had the opportunity to listen to was the estine instead. Diplomacy is an option. Why was Hamas from Gaza in 2005, but the relentless bar-
to nearly anything that would Globe and Mail Middle Eastern corre- elected in the first place? The most likely rage of Qassam rockets since then has
a lasting peace. spondent Patrick Martin. Hamas reason seems to be that Hamas was consid- made him wary of handing back more ter-
all! Just leave us the beach, Tel He said we will need a “magnifying ered honest and capable of actually deliver- ritory. What if that land is used as a beach-
he airport,” he joked. glass” to see the differences between the One of the other aspects of the dispute that ing essential services, while the notoriously head for attacks? Moderates like him must
nything is, of course, not the eventual deal struck and what was offered the sides will need to make a tough com- corrupt and ineffectual Fatah party (which be re-convinced withdrawal is wise.
nything. The major point of at Camp David nine years ago. promise on is Hamas. The political party, governs the West Bank) was not. My thoughts now turn to a presentation
was the so-called “right of “In broad strokes, we see what’s there,” considered a “terrorist organization” by Faced with the choice of voting for bad I saw by Dr. Mohammed Dajani, founding
uld the millions of displaced said Martin, and he’s probably right. Canada, was democratically elected in or worse, Gazans decided on Hamas—an director of the American Studies Institute
s be able to return to not just It does not seem that either camp can Gaza in 2006. ambigious choice. at Al-Quds University, a Palestinian uni-
-be-created state of Palestine, concede much more and still walk away The fact that Hamas—a party that re- Could there be a third way? Might the versity in Jerusalem.
el proper? There would be no from the negotiations thinking it was fuses to recognize Israel and calls for the international community be able to em- In his presentation, “Big Dreams, Small
ing on this one. fair. There are mutually exclusive things state’s destruction in its founding char- power a neutral party, and give them the Hope”, Dajani explained the conflict comes
d absolutely not. Demograph- neither side will budge on—the right of ter—was elected by Gazans poses a ma- resources to address the myriad humani- down to the nationalistic “Big Dream”
that allowing this could poten- return most specifically—but if they truly jor roadblock on the road to peace. Israel tarian issues that plague Gaza? camps on both sides, who want the enemy
the Jews a minority in their want peace, they’ll have to compromise argues it cannot negotiate with the party Assuming the majority of residents vot- gone at all costs, and the “Small Hope”
within a few decades, and this eventually. or the people it represents if Hamas truly ed for Hamas because the party was better contingents, who “believe in the peaceful
revented. They must work out the devil in the hopes for Israel’s ruin. able to feed their children, this could pos- co-existence between the two peoples and
with the right of return off the details—perhaps finding a way to entice Yet, there are options available to Is- sibly work. call for the establishment of a two-state
t walked away. as many Palestinians back to the new state rael beyond an all-out war against Hamas. solution, living next to each other in har-
as possible through financial and housing Hamas’ guerrilla army cannot be defeated Is the end in sight? mony, peace, and security with Jerusalem
eace talks falter incentives, and agreeing to let the few who in a conventional, quick war any more as a shared capital for both.”
absolutely must come back to Israeli land than the Iraqi insurgency could be. Even One thing is certain: the missiles coming Will enough people eventually move
high watermark, peace pros- do just that. Mechanisms might be devel- if the rocket attacks can be silenced, they out of Gaza must be halted one way or to the latter group, deciding that nothing
deteriorated. Only two months oped to prevent the feared flood of immi- will inevitably resume in the future, and another, if self-described leftists like Yossi is more valuable than a higher quality of
lure of the Camp David sum- grants that would make Jews a minority. Israel will have accomplished little. Klein Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalem life? We can only hope for this, next year
, the first Israeli casualty from At the very least, it would be informa- It will also have poisoned international Centre and Israeli correspondent for the in Jerusalem.
the fulcrum | page 17

0 5,300 1,000
attacks in
00 and 2007
Palestinians killed between the 2000 Camp
David peace talks and Operation Cast Lead
Israelis killed between the 2000 Camp
David peace talks and Operation Cast Lead
Album reviews
ANIMAL COLLECTIVE HAS had a career-long tation. Here, unlike on previous releases, the
identity crisis. In a recent interview with the Na- weird electronic sounds don’t seem like they’ve

Animal Collective
tional Public Radio program Spinning On Air, been forced into the band’s tribal dance-like
band members spoke of their affinity for melody rhythms—everything feels natural and has a

Merriweather Post
and catchy pop. This musical approach has been purpose. Songs like “My Girls” and “Daily Rou-
present on all Animal Collective’s releases, but tine” sound like Neanderthals who have been
has always been out-matched by the band’s de- given synthesizers and laptops to use in their
Pavilion sire for experimental structures and sounds. Past
results were interesting, sometimes enjoyable,
celebrations. Merriweather Post Pavilion isn’t
an evolution for the band—it’s still the familiar
though mostly frustrating due to sonic overkill Animal Collective sound—but because there
and a lack of focus. However, on Merriweather is none of the musical meandering that dotted
A Post Pavilion, Animal Collective’s ninth album,
they’ve finally struck a perfect balance between
their previous works it’s the band’s most refined
release to date.
vivacious indie pop and boisterous experimen- —Danyal Khoral

GEOFF BERNER’S KLEZMER Mongrels ish or otherwise. “The Whiskey” has Berner
sounds exactly as the title suggests it should—a exploring the role whisky had in his concep-
bizarre mix of alternative rock and traditional tion, while “No Tobacco” proclaims proudly
Geoff Berner Jewish folk. Klezmer is Jewish folk music that
originated in the 15th century, emphasizing
that British Columbian marijuana is so potent
that “you don’t need anything to mix with it”.
Klezmer Mongrels danceable melodies played on accordion, vio-
lin, and clarinet. Even though the music on the
Finally, on “Half German Girlfriend” Berner
lightheartedly sings about racial prejudice and
album fits the klezmer genre, Geoff Berner is alludes to the Holocaust, singing “both Nazis
definitely not going to be headlining any Ha- and Orthodox Jews would be disgusted by
nukkah festivities to support this album. ‘Mon- the dirty things he does with his half-German
grel’ is the key word for this album: Berner has girlfriend”. Relying heavily on accordion and
B mashed together a punk attitude with the in-
strumentals of a Jewish wedding to create his
violin, the album does get obnoxious at some
points, but it is completely necessary to suc-
own mongrel genre that only its parents can cessfully create one of the most tongue-in-
disown. Klezmer Mongrels’ 11 tracks feature cheek albums you will ever hear.
songs that would outrage any mother, Jew- —Julian Blizzard

LOW FIDELITY CAPTURES the sweeter side and aping of her influences is also the album’s
of the blues, thanks to Treasa Levasseur’s sub- biggest weakness—she doesn’t stand out when
tle yet beautiful voice and musical accompani- compared to her predecessors or even con-
ment tailor-made for a dark coffee house. The temporaries like Norah Jones. The lyrics of her
album is polished and layered acoustic blues original songs often deal with her own life with
Treasa Levasseur that thankfully doesn’t sound overproduced—
restrained touches of horns and even a gos-
precise and sometimes scathing detail, but
with the exception of the upbeat opener “Help
Low Fidelity pel choir pepper the album, adding mellow
warmth to the music. This is most apparent
Me Over” and the aforementioned “Rest of the
Ride”, the songs tend to blend together, both
on the second half of the album, especially on with themselves and with a myriad of other
“Give Me Just One” and the stunning “Rest artists doing the same thing. With a stronger

B of the Ride”, where Levasseur consolidates

the best elements of artists like Mavis Staples
set of tunes, Levasseur could release a mod-
ern classic, but she doesn’t quite deliver on the
and The Band into a simmering gospel-blues promise that is shown here.
dirge. Unfortunately, her lack of innovation —Nicholas Rudiak

WINTER HOURS IS The Deep Dark Woods’ and “The Birds on the Bridge” could actually be
third foray into the ambiguous genre of alt-coun- mistaken for covers of Dylan or Young. However,
try. The album relies heavily upon twangy guitars, these blatant acknowledgements to likely influ-
copious harmonies, and monotonous drumming. ences do the album no harm as The Deep Dark
The Deep Dark Woods Thankfully, though, the band has taken country
away from songs about ma’ dog, ma’ girlfriend,
Woods could do much worse than emulating
some of country’s most prolific artists. Country
Winter Hours and ma’ truck and back towards the ear-pleasing,
finger-tapping country your parents liked so
fans will appreciate Winter Hours for its wonder-
fully mellow taste of the prairies, but while it’s a
much. Listeners will find Winter Hours highly fine country album, it remains to be seen whether
reminiscent of early Neil Young, The Band, or the band can carve out its own distinct sound.

Bob Dylan’s folk and country albums. “Polly” —Julian Blizzard

18 \\ ARTS \\ 01.22.09 \\

CARMEN continued from p. 15 I have her figured out yet.”
Graham realizes that opera may no
Although Don José and Guevera were longer be the most popular genre in
originally cast with two actors, both today’s society. However, she believes
roles lost an actor over the course of that the engaging stories and stun-
the production. ning music will continue to transcend
Carmen has a simple story, but the the limitations of time.
complex characters in the opera are “Anything that’s well written will
easily misunderstood. It was a chal- continue to be enjoyed years from
lenge for some of the actors and ac- now,” explains Graham. “The music is
tresses to find an understanding of so beautiful. I think people are always
the parts they play. ready to hear beautiful singing. I think
“I had the common view of Carmen there is always a place for opera.”
that everybody does—kind of a slut,”
admits O’Hearn. “But then, after go- Carmen runs Jan. 23–Feb. 1 at the
ing through rehearsals, and getting to Alumni Auditorium. Tickets are $10 at
know the music and getting to know the door, $5 for students and seniors.
her more, she has so many layers. She For more information, visit music.uot-
is so complicated I don’t even know if

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You’ll never eat brunch in this town again

An apology to Clint Eastwood

tion culture that shortens attention spans and all about. It is popular today to view the past time to call their grandparents because they’re
creates kids with no time for history, studies, or with a jaundiced eye, and your generation is too busy on Facebook are the people who got
the wisdom of our elders. There were moments not without its sins—segregation, McCarthy- Barack Obama elected—despite your Republi-
in Gran Torino when I cringed at the selfish- ism, and oppression—but that’s not the whole can Party membership, Mr. Eastwood, I know
ness and stupidity of the characters onscreen; story. You were the ones who fought the good you’d be as scared as I was at the prospect of a
not because they fight, defeating an President Palin. We’re still young, but we know
were caricatures, but evil empire in Eu- we can beat this economic crisis, too. We have
because they were so rope and protecting not been as tested as previous generations, but
true to life. I’ve seen I’ve seen a teenage girl dressed at least some of the I believe—whatever our struggle—that we will
a teenage girl dressed like a tramp, text messaging at a Korean people from show the grit and determination that have been
like a tramp, text
Peter Henderson messaging at a funer-
funeral, and you’re right to show decades of tyranny.
Today, we too often
lacking of late.
Mr. Eastwood, we may have lost our way, but
Arts & Culture Editor al, and you’re right to just how inconsiderate and forget the sacrifices I’m sure we will rediscover the positive values
show just how incon- embarrassing people born after of the Greatest Gen- of your generation—respect, compassion, and
DEAR MR. EASTWOOD, siderate and embar- eration, and for that I strength. It’s hard to separate you from your
Can I call you Clint? No? All right, there’s no rassing people born
1980 can be. am sorry. most famous characters, Mr. Eastwood, but
need to grimace. Mr. Eastwood, I recently saw after 1980 can be. Mr. Eastwood, I’m your mythic image is that of a man who never
your latest film, Gran Torino, otherwise known Mr. Eastwood, you a pussy. I don’t know backed down, who righted the wrongs he saw,
as Clint Eastwood Thinks the Young Generation represent a bygone era, an era of strong, silent a lug wrench from a socket wrench, I can’t and who truly believed in justice. Keep making
is a Bunch of Pussies Who Need to Man Up, and men who did their duty without complain- rewire a circuit, and, to quote the late, great movies like Gran Torino, and maybe we’ll learn
I want to set the record straight. ing, who did what was right without equivo- Mitch Hedberg, “if my car breaks down and how to live up to your example.
First off, we’re sorry. I’m apologizing on cating, and who knew what being a man—in the gas tank does not say ‘E’, I’m fucked.” But
behalf of my generation, which has become the full sense of the word, encompassing ma- my generation isn’t all gang-bangers and self-
caught up in a consumerist, instant-gratifica- turity, manual skill, and moral character—was centred assholes. The same jerks who can’t find 613-562-5931

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20 \\ ARTS \\ 01.22.09 \\

David McClelland

Sports Jan. 22–28, 2009

Sports Editor

start American guard Josh Wright
joins men’s basketball team
by Anna Rocoski Gees is a step back for Wright. If Wright wants
Fulcrum Staff to someday take a shot at the National Basket-
ball Association, he’ll have an uphill battle—
ON DEC. 17, guard Josh Wright was officially CIS players rarely get a shot at the big leagues,
activated as the newest member of the Gee- and none have made it all the way since Brian
Gees men’s basketball team. Wright, formerly Heaney in 1969. Wright isn’t letting that worry
with the National Collegiate Athletic Associa- him, though, preferring to focus on maximizing
tion (NCAA) Division I Syracuse Orange, one his potential with the Gees.
of the top 25 men’s basketball programs in the “The sky is the limit,” said Wright. “I have no
United States, left that team in December 2007, limitations on what I am able to do as long as
following what some speculated was a conflict I keep doing what is right—prepare myself and
with Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim. After take care of myself.”
sitting out the mandatory one year required to Often when a talented new player arrives
transfer between the NCAA and Canadian In- with a team midway through the season, there
teruniversity Sports is a chance the player
(CIS), Wright is now won’t integrate well
playing out his re- “This is the first real team into the new environ-
maining year and a that I have been on since ment. DeAveiro noted
half of eligibility in that this is far from the
Ottawa. high school as far as case with Wright.
“Here I am allowed camaraderie with the “He’s added some
to be myself; that’s depth, experience, and
one of the biggest players goes.” talent we didn’t have,
[factors]. I have just Josh Wright so he definitely makes
always wanted to be
myself,” said Wright,
Gee-Gees guard us a better team,” he
said. “[Wright] has
a Utica, New York na- done everything he
tive, regarding his decision to come to Canada. can to fit in with his teammates and I think his
“I can honestly say [I feel like] this is the first teammates are comfortable with [Wright] and
real team that I have been on since high school they’re happy that he is here.”
as far as the camaraderie with the players goes.” DeAveiro also noted that Wright will prob-
Compared to NCAA basketball, CIS basket- ably need some time before he is completely
ball is relatively obscure, so the reasons behind familiar with the Gees’ game plan.
Wright’s transfer may seem confusing. Gee- “It’s going to take him a while to really un-
Gees head coach Dave DeAveiro explained that derstand our defense system because he comes
the reduced pressure in CIS was a factor for from a completely different system so he strug-
Wright. gled a little with that [in his first game with us],”
“It’s much more of a business down there,” DeAveiro continued. “The next night I think ev-
said DeAveiro. “You put 20,000 people in an are- erybody got a little glimpse of what Josh Wright
na, you generate millions of dollars, and alumni is capable of doing.”
are putting money into the program—but you For Wright, the bottom line is simply playing
have to win. So if you don’t win, you lose your the sport he loves, no matter where that might
job. As a player there, you have to perform, be- be.
cause if you don’t perform the coach will pull “Basketball is the same everywhere you go,” photo by Frank Appleyard
you over and put the next guy in.” he said. “It’s about how you prepare for the game Josh Wright transferred to the Gee-Gees after playing two seasons with the NCAA Division I
It can be argued that playing for the Gee- and how you approach the game.” Syracuse Orange.
The gloves are off
Part of the sport,
or destined to be
by Megan O’Meara
Fulcrum Staff

THE RECENT DEATH of 21-year-old Ontario

Hockey Association (OHA) player Don Sander-
son, a member of the Whitby Dunlops who fell
into a coma after hitting his unprotected head
against the ice during a fight, has caused an ex-
plosive reaction from those against fighting in
Many coaches, players, and fans feel that fight-
ing is sewn into the fabric of the game, despite
occasional serious injuries and even the death
of Sanderson. But sometimes hockey’s fighting
culture spills into the rest of the sport in ugly
ways, such as Todd Bertuzzi’s brutal attack on
Steve Moore in 2004.
Gee-Gee’s fourth-year centre Dan McDonald
feels that it would be tough to take the fighting
out of the game.
“I don’t think they’ll ever be able to abolish it
completely from the game,” he said. “It wouldn’t
be hockey without it.”
Still, OHA officials have attempted to satisfy
the desires of critics as they are now debating
new rules on helmet safety and fighting in the
league. illustration by Alex Martin
Meanwhile, fighting at the Canadian Inter- at the U of O, she has not encountered one fight
university Sport (CIS) level is already penalized involving one of her players. Leger, on the other
with automatic ejection, or if a hit to the head is hand, has seen some fights, but not many.
involved the player receives an automatic major “In my six years [here] there’s been maybe The
penalty and a two-game suspension. Currently, five to 10 fights at the maximum,” he said. knowledge
players wanting to drop the gloves must be sure Of course, the reason for the differing num- to compete

Sprott MBA
to keep their helmets and chin straps on before bers of fights has a lot to do with the gender of
and during their clash. the players.
Typically at the uni- “Fighting in hockey
versity level, fighting is something that’s
is rare, but that doesn’t “I don’t think they’ll more exclusively on the
men’s side; on the wom-
The Sprott MBA Advantage
prevent coaches of both
the men’s and women’s ever be able to abolish en’s side, it’s very rare to
teams from being quite
opinionated on the it completely from the see a fight,” said Gee-
Gees women’s hockey – Financial Management
matter. game ... It wouldn’t be captain Danika Smith.
“[In men’s hockey] it’s
– International Business
– Management & Change
Dave Leger, the head
coach of the Gee-Gees hockey without it.” usually associated with – Technology Management
men’s hockey team, is Dan McDonald the entertainment side
among those who wish [of the game], because t(FUFRVJQQFEXJUIUIFMBUFTUNBOBHFNFOUUPPMT 
to keep fighting—as
long as it’s regulated— so that’s something that t(BJOSFMFWBOUXPSLFYQFSJFODFUISPVHI
as it is now. they think will appeal 4QSPUUT.#"JOUFSOTIJQQSPHSBN
in junior hockey was quite unfortunate, but it While fighting is banned at the university lev- FYUFOTJWFFYQFSJFODFJOUIFJSmFMET
sounds to me like it was ... purely accidental,” el and junior level (or typically results in a sus-
explained Leger. “To those who aren’t accus- pension), there is no evidence that this will ever Take your career to the next level with
tomed to the game of hockey it’s quite shocking, be the case in the NHL. Fans are often divided the knowledge to compete.
but I think most Canadians are used to seeing it on the issue, with some feeling that it is just a
as part of the sport. Fighting with controls func- part of the sport, while others feel it’s no longer
tions well across the country.” necessary and that hockey should not become a
The head coach of the Gee-Gee’s women’s blood sport. For his part, McDonald noted that
hockey team, Shelley Coolidge, falls on the oth- even if fighting in hockey is banned, it won’t
er side of the debate. stop the fights from happening.
“[Fighting] isn’t necessary,” said Coolidge via “There’s still going to be incidents where tem-
email. “[Hockey] is a game of skill.” pers boil over and guys will take matters into Next Information Sessions:
Coolidge noted that, in her six years as a coach their own hands and fight.”

It’s the bee’s knees. Reserve your place today! 613-520-2807

22 \\ SPORTS \\ 01.22.09 \\

The Fulcrum will have a special
general meeting Jan. 29 at 2:30 p.m.
to discuss amendments
Capital showdown
to its constitution. Gee-Gees looking
to avenge 2008
The meeting will be held at losses
631 King Edward Ave., in addition by Hilary Caton
and David McClelland
to our regular staff meeting. Fulcrum Staff

ON JAN. 28, Scotiabank Place will

host the third annual MBNA Capi-
For more information, tal Hoops Classic, an event that has
become Ottawa’s biggest annual
email university sporting event. A yearly
tradition since 2007, the event pits
the Gees against the cross-town ri-
val Carleton Ravens in a showdown
at Scotiabank Place in front of 9,000
fans (and this year televised nation-
ally on The Score). This year, the
sudoku answers Gee-Gees will be looking to avenge
from p. 30 last year’s pair of losses to Carleton,
who defeated the men’s team 70-66
and the women’s team 53-43. Like
last year, the double header will
dap_campusp_4x7-5_sep12.eps 09/12/2008 9:47:52 AM start with the women’s basketball
teams at 6 p.m., followed by the
men’s teams at 8 p.m.
With the Carleton Ravens ranked
first in Canada and the Gees second,
this year’s game will be a battle for
supremacy in men’s basketball. Both
teams are also on 11-game winning
streaks, which will likely extend to
13 game streaks after both teams play
the 6-7 Queen’s Golden Gaels and
0-13 RMC Paladins the weekend of
Jan. 23–24.
“I think it’s the same as every year,
regardless of our ranking,” said fifth-
year centre Dax Dessureault. “This
time we might be ranked number
one for the first time in my career, so
there’s that much more hype to it.”
The game will likely end up deter-
mining which team will control first
place in the Ontario University Ath-
letics East division, as Carleton and
Ottawa have remained deadlocked
since the beginning of the season.
Gee-Gees head coach Dave
DeAveiro feels that his team has the
experience to take such a high-pres-
sure game with few problems.
“Most of our guys have been in a
game like this, our returning guys
have played it for two years and our
rookies have [played] this year at Sco-
tiabank Place when we played South-
ern Alabama and Providence,” he said.
“But they weren’t playing for number
one or number two in the country, so
it’ll definitely be a different feeling.”
Meanwhile, the Gee-Gee’s women’s
basketball team is having a much- photo by Meaghan Walton
improved season over last year, when The top two men’s basketball teams in Canada will battle for supremacy
the team finished 3-19. They current- when the Gees take on the Carleton Ravens at Scotiabank Place Jan. 28.
ly sport a 8-5 record, and are just one
game behind the Ravens, who are tied be there, so it becomes a big deal, plus “We’ve taken it game-by-game all
with the Toronto Varsity Blues for the men’s team will be there watching. year, so that’s not going to change.
first-place in the OUA East. So, there’s a fair bit of pressure from That’s just how we do things.”
“We’re doing a little bit more prep both sides.”
for Carleton, I think, but we know Head coach Andy Sparks isn’t wor- Tickets for the Capital Hoops Classic
the players. We faced them at the be- rying about the game against Carleton cost $15 for students. The price includes
ginning of the regular season, so we just yet, preferring to wait until after transportation to and from Scotiabank
know the way they play pretty well,” the Gees play the Queen’s Golden Place. Tickets are available from the
said second-year guard Emilie Mo- Gaels on Jan. 23 and RMC Paladins SFUO office, Gee-Gee’s box office and
rasse. “So many people are going to on Jan. 24. // 01.22.09 // SPORTS // 23

Skating through the capital
by Ben Myers have rolled over in his grave. Luckily,
Fulcrum Staff the canal survived as a waterway and
is now a UNESCO World Heritage
SKATING THE RIDEAU Canal can Site and source of civic pride. Many
only be described as a sensory experi- skaters however, simply come for the
ence: The crisp sound of skate blades exercise.
scraping across the surface of the ice; Taking off their skates at the north
the sight of hundreds of people smil- end of the canal near the Snowbowl
ing, laughing, and struggling to stay concert area at Rideau Street, Amelia
upright; and, of course, the sugary Bailey, Oliver Wilkenson, and Chris-
taste of the canal’s unofficial treat, the tina Seensson had only a minute to
beaver tail. reflect on their canal experience be-
While extremely cold weather (as fore escaping the cold and catching a
low as -34, with the windchill factor) lift back home.
prevented many people from enjoy- Bailey initially said the need for ex-
ing the canal earlier in the month, ercise brought her crew out to skate
many anxious skaters finally took to before conceding the real reason.
the ice on Jan. 18, in balmy –15 tem- Seensson, a native of Norway, had not
peratures. Whether flailing arms and yet tasted a beaver tail nor had she
tripping over their own feet in rented skated on the canal—two quintessen-
skates, or zooming along in speed tially Canadian experiences.
skates, winter enthusiasts took to the “It’s really nice here. No pollution,
world’s largest skating rink in force. not much garbage around. You would
U of O students Maxime Laliberte expect that, [Ottawa] being the capi-
and Tanya Marcoux took the oppor- tal,” Seensson remarked before dash-
tunity for a romantic skate around ing off with her friends.
the Corktown Bridge and toward the The Snowbowl will host Colin
Rideau Centre. Stopping for a beaver James, Jim Cuddy, and other musical
tail was mandatory. acts during Winterlude, Ottawa’s offi-
“It’s my favourite part,” Marcoux cial celebration of the winter season,
said. held Feb. 6–22. Not far away, Con-
Coupling seems to be an impor- federation Park will become ground
tant part of the Canal experience zero for ice sculptures and curious
for many. One passing skater noted, onlookers.
“holding hands prevents falling over,” For now though, the skaters glee-
to a nearby companion, who then du- fully scrape over the hills and valleys
tifully clutched his mitt—to prevent of the Rideau Canal’s uneven surface.
injury, of course. Simply for the love of the activity, they
In the 1970s, Ottawa City Council glide from the Parliament Buildings
toyed with the idea of paving the Ride- all the way to Carleton University.
au Canal in order to make a highway The skaters absorb all the aspects of
into the heart of downtown. Colonel the world’s largest skating rink, wait-
photo by Maria Rondon
John By, who directed the construc- ing for the next sensory experience to The Rideau Canal Skateway, which runs near the U of O campus, is a winter experience that should not be
tion of the canal from 1826–32, must hit them. missed.

Lighting the lamp

Dividing women’s hockey the right way

Sports Federation (QSSF), along with the Car- ably be correct. ference could be easily split into two seven-team
leton Ravens, McGill Martlets, and Concordia It’s pretty obvious that something isn’t work- divisions, with the current QSSF plus Queen’s,
Stingers—and that’s all. Those four teams are ing in women’s hockey. The QSSF is stagnant, the University of Ontario Institute of Technol-
the sum of competition in the QSSF, and as you and there’s been no evidence of change in the ogy Ridgebacks, and York Lions in the east,
would expect the schedule becomes drearily time I’ve been watching the league. Something and the remaining teams in the west. Canadian
repetitive, with the same match-ups recurring obviously needs to be changed, and there are a Interuniversity Sports scheduling pits teams
within mere weeks of one another—over the few ways the league could be improved. mostly against their divisional rivals, meaning
course of their 18-game schedule, the Gees play As I see it, there are two things that could be that most teams would likely only end up tak-
each team no less than six times. Meanwhile, done. The first and simplest would be to move ing one excessively long inter-division road trip
the race for the the Queen’s Golden each season (such as London to Montreal).
playoffs isn’t ter- Gaels from the ten- Teams and fans alike would reap the benefits
David McClelland ribly exciting, as
all but the fourth-
The QSSF is stagnant, and team Ontario Uni-
versity Athletics
of a merged conference. The teams would be able
to test themselves against a much wider variety
Sports Editor place team will find there’s been no evidence of (OUA) conference, of competition, while fans of women’s hockey,

TWO YEARS AGO, when I was just a fresh-

themselves in post-
season play. change in the time I’ve been where they cur-
rently play (hold-
in the QSSF especially, would be able to watch
their teams play a much more varied and inter-
faced volunteer here at the Fulcrum, one of the On top of this, an watching the league. ing sixth place with esting schedule. I’ll grant it might make playoffs
first sports that I covered was women’s hockey. I incredible amount a 9-8-1 record) more difficult to organize, but men’s hockey
always enjoyed writing about the team’s games, of stagnation has into the QSSF. This operates similarly, with three conferences and a
as the players were skilled and they, as well as set in, with the same standings repeating year would introduce a new element into the QSSF, large OUA, so I’m sure it could be done. In my
the coaches, were approachable and friendly (a after year. When I first started covering women’s and since Kingston is close to both Ottawa and mind, there’s no question: completely rearrang-
major plus for any new sports writer). But, as hockey, the final standings put McGill first, Ot- Montreal, it would not adversely affect the Gaels ing the league is the best way of ensuring that
time has marched on, I have found it harder and tawa second, Carleton third, and Concordia travel to away games, nor would existing QSSF women’s hockey at the university level will be
harder to be enthusiastic about covering wom- rounding off the pack. Last season McGill lead teams have far to go. exciting for fans, journalists, and players alike
en’s hockey, not due to any fault of the team, but the division, followed by Ottawa, Carleton, and But I’m not entirely certain that would be for many years to come.
rather because the Gee-Gees play in a small, iso- Concordia. And now, a little past the halfway enough. Although more drastic, I think that this
lated conference. point in the 2008–09 season? Let’s just say that if second option is better: merge the QSSF and the
You see, the Gees play in the Quebec Student you were to take an educated guess, you’d prob- OUA into one big 14-team conference. That con- 613-562-5931

24 \\ SPORTS \\ 01.22.09 \\

Around the horn
are tied with the Carleton Ravens for ward Corey Thibaudeau scored for
first in the Ontario University Ath- the Garnet and Grey, and rookie for-
letics East division. The Gees will ward Matt Methot notched a power
play two more games on the road in play goal for Ottawa early in the third
U of O to host Canadian national the team in a scrimmage. The York Lions offered scant resis- Kingston against Queen’s on Jan. 23 period to make it 3-2. After a closely
sledge hockey team Team Canada won gold in sledge tance for the Gee-Gees on Jan 16, who and Royal Military College on Jan. contested final frame, the Lions iced
hockey at the 2006 Paralympic Games, didn’t need much effort to capture the 24 before returning to Ottawa for the game with an empty-net goal in
THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa will and will compete in the International win. With a substantial 52-35 lead at the Capital Hoops Classic against the final minute.
play host to a different kind of hockey Paralympic Committee World Sledge the half, the Gees cruised to an easy Carleton at Scotiabank Place on Jan. With their 8-8-4 record, the Gees
on Jan. 23 as the Centre for Students Hockey Championships this May in 86-56 victory. Fourth-year guard Josh 28. Tipoff is at 8 p.m., and tickets drop to last place in the OUA Far East
with Disabilities will be holding an Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Gibson-Bascombe was the top scorer (including transportation) are $15 division. Ottawa’s next game is on Jan.
event with the Team Canada sledge —David McClelland for Ottawa with 20 points. for students, available through gee- 23 at Université du Québec à Trois-
hockey team. The next day, the Gee-Gees came Rivières.
The team will be at Rink One of the Men’s basketball rolls up with a victory against the Lauren- —David McClelland —Andrew Hawley
Sports Complex from 2 to 3 p.m., and over competition tian Voyageurs in spite of some initial
will be demonstrating the sport of problems. After falling behind early, Women’s basketball
sledge hockey—a variant of the sport NOT LONG AFTER reaching second the Gees scraped together a 33-32 wins in triple OT Concordia women’s
played on sleds, designed for athletes place in Canadian Interuniversity lead at the half before dominating the hockey stings back
with disabilities—as well as answer- Sport (CIS) competition—a season- second half of the game on the way to THEY PLAYED A lot more basket-
ing any questions that students may high ranking for the University of an 83-64 win. First-year guard War- ball than they were planning on, but LESS THAN A week after defeating
have about the sport. Following the Ottawa men’s basketball team—the ren Ward led the way for Ottawa with the Gee-Gees women’s basketball the Concordia Stingers 2-0, the Uni-
demonstration, interested students Gee-Gees extended their winning 22 points. team earned a pair of wins on the versity of Ottawa women’s hockey
with hockey equipment are welcome streak to 11 games with a pair of wins The Gee-Gees now boast an 11-1 road against the York Lions and Lau- team was defeated by the Stingers on
to suit up to test their skills against on the road. record with 10 games remaining, and rentian Lady Vees Jan. 16–17. Jan. 16 by a score of 2-1.
Ottawa started slowly against York The first period was played aggres-
on Jan. 16, scoring only 5 points in sively as eight penalties were called,
the first quarter. Still, the Garnet and four per team. Both sides registered
Grey battled hard and tied the game nine shots on goal but failed to score.
50-50 at the end of the fourth quarter. Concordia took four more penal-
Two overtime periods solved noth- ties in the second period, while Ot-
ing as the two teams were locked in tawa went to the box just once. The
a dead heat and the game was tied at flurry of penalties in the second pe-
69-69 after six frames. The Gees fi- riod allowed the Gees to outshoot the
nally came alive and dominated in the Stingers 18-10 in the frame, though
third overtime, earning an 84-74 win. Ottawa’s power play could not find
Second-year guard Hannah Sunley- the back of the net. In fact, the Sting-
Paisley led Ottawa with 20 points. ers scored shorthanded midway
Facing Laurentian the next day, through the period, taking a 1-0 lead
the tired Gees trailed the Vees 33-30 into the third.
at the half, but dug in in the second Third-year Gees forward Ashley
half and came up with a narrow 68- Burrill tied the game with her third goal
66 victory. Fourth-year guard Kelly of the season early in the final period.
Weir sunk all five of her three-point However, Concordia was able to tally
attempts and lead the team with 21 the winning marker soon after, while
points while second-year guard Emi- the Gees were unable to find their scor-
lie Morasse added 18 points. ing touch and lost 2-1. The Gees fin-
The Gee-Gees improved their re- ished 0-for-9 on the power play.
cord to 8-5 and sit in third place in The loss leaves the team with a
the OUA East Division. Ottawa plays 5-4-1 record in the Quebec Student
Queen’s on Jan. 23 and RMC on Jan. Sports Federation, good for second
24 in Kingston before tipping off place behind the undefeated McGill
against the Carleton Ravens at Scotia- Martlets.
bank Place in the Capital Hoops Clas- —Andrew Hawley
sic on Jan. 28 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15
for students. Women’s volleyball
—Mike Gribbon splits road trip

Men’s hockey hits THE GEE-GEES WOMEN’S volley-

bumps in the road ball team came up with a win and a
loss on its road trip to Kitchener-Wa-
THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa men’s terloo Jan. 16–17.
hockey team lost road games against Against the Laurier Golden Hawks
the University of Ontario Institute of on Jan. 16, the Gee-Gees took a 26-24
Technology (UOIT) Ridgebacks on loss to open the match before striking
Jan. 16 and against the York Lions the back with a 25-17 win in the next set.
next day, both by a score of 4-2. But Ottawa couldn’t hold off Laurier in
Penalties were a big issue for both the final two sets, losing 25-18 and 25-
teams on Jan. 16. The Ridgebacks scored 14. Rookie middle Aminata Diallo led
their first three goals of the game on the the Gee-Gees with 11 kills and 11 digs.
power play, while Ottawa responded The following day, the Gees came
with two power-play goals of their own: up with a hard-fought victory against
second-year defender Gabriel Houde the Waterloo Warriors. After Water-
scored late in the second period, and loo won the first set 25-22, the sides
fourth-year centre Dan McDonald traded wins up until the fifth and final
scored early in the third. UOIT scored set when the Gees reversed the pat-
once more in the third period, sinking tern to win 15-12.
alVnh\VbWa^c\! the Gees. The weekend leaves Ottawa with an
>[VXadhZ[g^ZcY^hV a^cZ# On Jan. 17, the Lions dominated 11-4 record, putting them in second
h]ZbVncZZYndjg the Gees early with three goals in the in the Ontario University Athletics
ca first period. Despite four power plays, East. They next play Jan. 24, when
friends4friends. Ottawa was unable to find the net. In they visit the Ryerson Rams.
the second period, second-year for- —David McClelland // 01.22.09 // SPORTS // 25
The Fulcrum Publishing Society
The Fulcrum Publishing Society will be having its annual
general meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 6 in Desmarais
Hall, room 1160. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.

The meeting will be dealing with

the Society’s audit, the election
of five (5) student directors to
the FPS Board of Directors for
the 2009–10 year and proposed
amendments to the Society’s

All U of O students have a vote,

so come and use it!

All proposed motions will be

posted at
business seven (7) days prior
to the meeting. Visit the site for
more information, or contact

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Executive Editor

Sock it to ‘em! Why I wussed out of running for SFUO president

Why the fuck not?

by Dave Atkinson
Fulcrum Contributor

AS A STUDENT of the University

of Ottawa, I have been fed up by the
state of the Student Federation of the Let us see what you’re doing. Why is there Why not?
University of Ottawa (SFUO). Most-
ly, I think that the executives take
A list of things the not an executive meeting podcast? Trust me,
podcasts cost pretty much nothing. Why
Ignore the people who pay attention and
concentrate on the ones who don’t. Ten
themselves far too seriously, suffer
from mild delusions of grandeur, and
SFUO should do are there closed-door meetings for anything
other than human-resources matters? Why
per cent of students vote, 90 per cent don’t.
You have to work for the people who don’t
spend the majority of their time and by Richard Thesock-Lebas not let us hear what you’re talking about? care about you, too. You don’t know what
energy on things that don’t really help Fulcrum Contributor There isn’t an opposition! We are all on the they want you to do, because they can’t be
the 30,000 students who show up to same side! Why are you hiding? It makes bothered to tell you. So what do you do? Do
the U of O every day. I thought that SINCE I WASN’T able to run for SFUO you look pointlessly shady. If your interest things you know everyone will benefit from.
what was needed was a joke candidate president, the Fulcrum will have to act as my is making things better for the 30,000 of us, Keep fighting for the U-Pass, for cheaper
for the upcoming SFUO elections. soapbox. There are things that I would have then why hide how you plan on doing it? food, and for no exams on weekends. The
I first envisioned running any num- changed had I been elected to the big seat, Open the doors and let us see how you’re 90 per cent might not acknowledge or even
ber of inanimate objects as fictional but alas, the following list will have to do. handling our business. You called shenani- notice you helped them, but if you’re in this
characters, but these plans were foiled Tell us what’s available to students. As a gans when Marc Kelly was told not to film for glory or validation, you should have
when I realized that none of these student, you have a dental plan. You have a senate meeting, so put up or shut up. And tried out for Canadian Idol. It’s your job to
could pass the dreaded bilingualism a food bank. There is a Pride Centre, a update your goddamn blogs. If a teenager make the student experience fundamentally
test due to their inability to speak. Women’s Resource Centre, and a number whose makeup is produced entirely by better. The student experience at its most
Richard Thesock-Lebas to the res- of other services. When you consider that Sharpie can update nine times a day, you basic level is getting up, getting here, going
cue. A sock puppet could pass the there are 30,000 students, only a small can manage a weekly glimpse into what it is to class, having lunch, writing exams, and
bilingualism test and participate in number of students use these services. The you’re doing. Be as transparent as you want getting back home. Making that process
the debates, yelling loudly and call- SFUO needs to tell students what they are the administration to be, then double it. easier should be the top priority. Don’t ig-
ing upon the SFUO executive to get paying for. Communication and marketing You demand transparency from the admin- nore the people who ignore you.
their heads out of the clouds and fo- need to be beefed up and taken seriously. istration, and then run executive meetings Why not? Demand this from your cur-
cus all of their attention and resources Stop telling students that the Security and like you’re in that bomb-proof room in the rent executive, demand this of the candi-
on improving the day-to-day lives of Prosperity Partnership is bad, or that they basement of the White House. Why not? dates in the upcoming SFUO election, and
those who spend their time between should vote a certain way on an issue in a Don’t automatically assume non-student if they don’t do it, you know where the of-
King Edward Avenue, the canal, provincial election. Instead, tell them that organizations (the administration, the city, fice is, and you’re a click away from their
Laurier Avenue, and Lees Avenue. I they can get some food if they need it, and the province) are out to eat puppies. Fight email addresses and phone numbers. Just
picked up a candidacy form and got that there’s a place with a couch for them fights that you can actually win. Work with keep asking them: why not? Until they give
Richard his signatures, but then I to sit down with people who can help them the administration, don’t take cheap shots an answer that clearly explains why not,
paused and made a few casual inqui- with whatever’s going on in their lives. Use (like that Larry O’Brien Grinch Christmas keep asking. We might just get something
ries. I talked to a few people who were classroom presentations, wander around card; he clearly looks more like Lex Luthor done.
familiar with the rules and was sad to and stop people, anything to communicate or the Vulture anyway), and
learn that since Richard wasn’t a reg- that all 30,000 of us have services at our beck focus on things we can real-
istered student, I would have to run and call. I say this because, at the moment, ly change. Do you have any
under my own name. This seemed too many students just don’t know that. idea how much time, en-
like a hurdle at first, but one that with Pay employees what they’re worth. The ergy, and money the SFUO
a lot of work I could get over. Then SFUO needs to pay the people who work put into promoting the Yes
my greatest weakness reared its ugly for it what they are worth. Skilled workers, side on the Mixed Mem-
head: I’m a full-time student with a IT workers, accountants, translators, and so ber Proportional system
nasty habit of going to class. on, are making the same wages as the guy referendum during the last
Running a campaign and being in- who scrapes out the Slush Puppy machine at provincial election? Those
volved at the level necessary to make the Pivik. Nothing against the Slush Puppy resources couldn’t be better
a difference requires more time than guy, but skilled workers should make more. spent somewhere else? The
a full-time student has. Were I to run If they do, then we can keep them and get split fee, for example: The
the sock puppet in any way that mat- good work out of them, and the SFUO will $35 it costs to split our tu-
tered, I would need to all but ignore run better. Also, if you want someone to ition in half and pay at the
my classes for about a month during work full-time hours and hand in a full-time beginning of each semester
midterm season. But I will graduate workload, make them full-time employees. instead of all at once. Fight
in May and get the hell out of here, You’re a union, act like it. Why the hell not? it as hard as you can. Go 10
so I simply can’t spare the time and Stop hiring your goddamn friends and rounds over that pointless
energy that is required to undermine family. François Picard lost in the vp com- cash grab, raise a stink, use
the election process. Sorry folks, but munications election last February, and was media, and let people who
I came here for a degree. If I run, I back at the SFUO soon after in a high-paying aren’t students know that it
might not get it when I’m supposed postion, chosen over that year’s office man- costs money to give the uni-
to, and I think that proves a flaw in ager. The entire reception staff left over it. versity money. We can win
the system: to lead students, you have No shit. The current manager of 1848 is the that fight. The lower tuition
to stop being one. brother of last year’s manager, who is now the campaign has never saved
So the long and short of it is, I business manager. Until recently the head of students a dime. We can
wussed out. I put school ahead of be- the food bank was the sister of the vp com- save everybody $35 if the
ing obnoxious to prove a point. But munications. These people may be great at SFUO gets rid of this thing;
Richard lives. Even though he cannot their jobs, but come on, it looks really, really thereby actually reducing
sit upon my hand and run for office, bad. Post the jobs everywhere. Post them at the amount of money we
his ideas and platform survive. He SITE, on bulletin boards, send them out in pay for tuition. It’s some-
pens the rest of this article, which the email bulletin. Pick the best person, not thing, which I think you’ll
is something of a feat, as he has no the person you know best. Why not? find better than nothing.
Shut up about Twilight, already!
eventually reunited, she accepts his
actions without scrutiny and begs for
him never to leave again. In fact, no-
where in the book does Bella mention
any self-empowering goals or aspira-
by Maureen Robinson tions outside of serving the men in her
Fulcrum Contributor life, whether it be Edward, her friend
Jacob, or her father. What sort of mes-
YOU KNOW WHY Twilight— sage does this send to young women?
the vampire-human love story To worship their boyfriends through
saga (turned blockbuster movie abuse and neglect? To set aside all per-
enterprise)—outlived its expiry date sonal ambitions to keep content the
before it even hit the shelves? It’s not men of the world, lest they leave and
because the forbidden-love theme has take all happiness with them?
been done before (Lolita and Broke- But back to the story. Author Ste-
back Mountain, to name a few) or phenie Meyer spends three books
because the series is just filling the developing a complex mythical world
colossal post-Potter fantasy-literature with steadfast rules of self-sacrifice in
void. It’s because the story is so atro- exchange for true happiness. The only
ciously executed over four books’ anguish readers are delivered is when
worth of painful, clichéd narrative in the main characters suffer through
the voice of the world’s most annoy- the possibility of these sacrifices. I say
ing protagonist. Believe me, I know. possibility because in the fourth book,
I read all 2,600 pages, all apparently the author sews neat little loopholes
written by a lovesick 13-year-old girl into all those rules, permitting an im-
at the back of a school bus. plausible happily-ever-after ending for
Haven’t read the books yet? Here, everyone. Barf. This isn’t good story-
allow me to summarize: Bella bites telling, and it’s obvious to this reader
her lip. Bella gasps. Bella is so an- that the author became so attached to
gry her hands shake. Edward has her characters that she is incapable of
cool, marble skin. Bella sees red illustration by Alex Martin causing them any real pain.
and, as quick as lightning, her heart from across the lunchroom would believe the Edward Cullen (the sexy, a male friend. Bella’s only motivation is I don’t take offence to the exis-
breaks into a million pieces. There, fall timelessly and inexplicably in flawless man, who is also a vampire) to serve Edward and keep him happy tence of the Twilight series, just its
I just saved you 2,600 pages of five- love with a plain, clumsy, and one- prototype actually exists. for eternity. Midway through the se- outrageous popularity. I hear about
cliché-per-page, predictable teenage dimensional girl with nothing to None of which, actually, would be all ries, Edward suddenly abandons Bella, “Edward Cullen Exists” fan clubs and
smut. In fact, if any of that sounded offer the storyline but hackneyed, that bad, except for the appalling mi- breaking her heart so completely in middle-aged English teachers crying
familiar, it’s because you read it in self-deprecating commentary. Bella’s sogynistic themes embedded through- the process that she lapses into a cata- over these books. #1 New York Times
your little sister’s middle-school di- story is a pre-packaged teenage fan- out the story. Edward is controlling, tonic depression for months until she best-seller? $184 million box-office
ary. You know, when she wished that tasy whose insert-self-here provision abusive, and frequently enraged at his “wakes up” and commences a cam- intake? Twilight is not worthy of this
the gorgeous, smart, rich, talented, only feeds the unrealistic delusions “true love”, Bella, at one point hiding paign of self-harm, thinking it will fanfare. Where’s an Air Farce Chicken
articulate, and mysterious outcast of a generation of young girls who her truck’s engine so she couldn’t visit bring Edward back. When they are Cannon when you need one?

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Sarah Leavitt

Distractions Jan. 22–28, 2009

Features Editor

Thursday, Jan. 22 Sunday, Jan. 25
Dear Di If you have a question for Di,
Summer Job Fair. 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Master’s recital: Anton Kuerti on Dear Di, her in the mail (maybe with
Unicentre. Basement. Free. piano. My ex-girlfriend is a total cunt a nice Hallmark card apolo-
1 p.m. Pérez Hall. because she left me for another man gizing for publicly calling
Film: Nick and Norah’s Infinite Freiman Auditorium. (we’re not on speaking terms), but her a cunt and a carrot).
Playlist. 8 p.m. Alumni Auditorium. Free. I’ve been worried about her. I saw That’ll get the issue of over- gasm. Now,
$2. her at Christmas and she was a car- tanning and your concern and there is a cli-
Monday, Jan. 26 rot. I think she’s been tanning way anger about the relationship toral orgasm and a
Friday, Jan. 23 too much and that’s not healthy, but out in the open. Maybe vaginal orgasm, but the majority of
Chinese New Year’s Party. 6 p.m. I don’t know if it’s my place to say she won’t change her women need clitoral stimulation to
Workshop: Self-defense for women. Arts Hall. Room 509. Free. something. What should I do? habits, but it is im- come, so she should explore her body
5:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Protection —Still Cares for Carrot portant that you on her own, learning what pleases
Services. 141 Louis-Pasteur. Free. Tuesday, Jan. 27 try and, regardless of what she choos- her. The majority of women first cli-
Dear SCFC, es, you did your part. max through masturbation, so she
Men’s basketball: Ottawa vs. Chinese film: Up the Yangtze. 7 p.m. As a frequent fryer myself, I had Love, should take note of the pressures and
Queen’s. Lamoureux Hall. Room 223. Free. originally planned to answer your Di motions she requires to orgasm (for
8 p.m. Montpetit Hall. question with a simple “Yes, everyone example, I lie on my stomach and rub
$4 for students. knows tanning is bad, and your ex is Dear Di, my clit slowly, thinking about Marlon
Wednesday, Jan. 28
old enough to understand the conse- I recently lost my virginity to Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire).
Saturday, Jan. 24 quences”, but then I did some research. my girlfriend and thus do not have After she’s explored and knows what
Lecture: “Cuba: A Beacon of
According to a study published in much experience with sex. She, on she likes, she’s ready to have an orgasm
Hope?” 7 p.m. Tabaret Hall.
Opera: Carmen. 7 p.m. the September/October issue of the the other hand, has been sexually ac- during sex, and here is where you
Room 083. Free.
Alumni Auditorium. $5 for students. American Journal of Health Behavior, tive for quite some time. She told me come in. You’ve got to get her in the
in which 400 college students were she has dated guys for long periods right frame of mind, so the atmosphere
Capital Hoops Classic. 6 p.m.
Women’s volleyball: Ottawa vs. asked about their blue-bed habits, 27 of time without ever climaxing dur- has to be right—make sure she’s warm
Scotiabank Place. $15 for students
Ryerson. per cent had withdrawal symptoms ing sex. I kind of feel selfish being and cozy, be sweet and romantic, and
including transportation.
2 p.m. Montpetit Hall. when they tried to cut back. They the only one climaxing while in bed tell her she’s beautiful. Remember that
$4 for students. experienced discomfort when not and I want to be able to pleasure her while men are ready to blow in almost
having tanned recently and difficulty as much as she pleasures me during an instant, women must be warmed
controlling their behaviour despite sex. Can you give me any tips? up, so don’t neglect foreplay. Take your
Free Moustache Rides by Shane Scott-Travis awareness of its negative impacts such —Quest for Climax time caressing her breasts, give her
as freckles, wrinkles, and pre-cancer- oral sex, suck on her toes, and always
ous lesions. The study concluded that Dear QFC, be open and ask her what she likes,
tanning addiction is common among Congratulations on getting your V- and tell her to be as specific as possible.
students, notably finding that young card punched and kudos on keeping Encourage her to take charge and take
people who tan a lot are more likely your girlfriend’s satisfaction in mind! turns moving each other around the
to keep tanning as they get older, and A lot of researchers used to think that bed. First try bringing her to orgasm
that women, particularly those who some women couldn’t have orgasms, with your hand, which will remind her
tan indoors, develop skin cancers ear- but over the last 15 years sex studies of masturbation, then gradually in-
lier. If your ex is a carrot as you say, have shown that virtually any woman troduce your penis into the equation.
I believe that it’s worth speaking up can come. There are some things that And when she has one orgasm, she’ll
because, if you wait, next Christmas can hinder her orgasm, like stress, un- have a million. Remember not to get
she’ll look like Donatella Versace. If happiness, and certain medications— discouraged—learning how to come
she feels dependent on rays, there are and if she worries too much about can be frustrating and time-consum-
alternatives, like self-tanners, or she it you can almost guarantee it won’t ing. Try what I’ve outlined above for
could go au naturel and rediscover happen—but if she’s a healthy young two months, after which if she hasn’t
her natural skin tone. If she can’t kick woman she should be able to climax. had an orgasm she can talk to her doc-
the habit, she can seek counselling. Men have it easy (That SNL Digital tor, seek sex therapy, or even read one
Interpreting the strong language in Short “Jizz In My Pants” is bang-on!), of the dozens of books written about
your question, I think you’re still an- so in contrast, women need a little the female orgasm. Write me if she
gry with her, but this isn’t about you extra attention. First of all, explain to comes! Good luck!
two—it’s about her health. I want you her that she, just like many women be- Love,
to cut this column out and send it to fore her, must learn how to reach or- Di

The Thryllabus needs

lots of events to
remain so thrilling.

with suggestions.

sudoku answers on p. 23
Frank Appleyard

Editorial Jan. 22–28, 2009


Preparing for
Obamarama since 1942.
Volume 69 - Issue 18
On the path to student engagement
Jan. 22–28, 2009
phone: (613) 562-5261
fax: (613) 562-5259
631 King Edward Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

Recycle this paper or something

about Joe Biden being boring.

Frank ‘washington’ Appleyard

Ben ‘jefferson’ Myers

Production Manager

Michael ‘lincoln’ Olender

Executive Editor

Martha ‘j.f.k.’ Pearce

Art Director

Emma ‘taft’ Godmere

News Editor

Peter ‘nixon’ Henderson

Arts & Culture Editor

David ‘jackson’ McClelland HE UNIVERSITY OF Ot- the last three SFUO general elections demonstrated a commitment to in-
Sports Editor tawa campus is seemingly have illustrated how wide the chasm is volving each of its 30,000 members in divided into two distinct between active students and those who the organization. While voter turnout
camps: those who are pas- kindly pay their student levy and spend is by no means a definitive appraisal
Sarah ‘grant’ Leavitt
Features Editor sionate enough to be distressed about the next eight months in silence. There of participation within the SFUO, a the alarmingly low voter turnout in are many complex reasons behind U respectable number of ballots cast
annual Student Federation of the Uni- of O undergrads’ reluctance to vote. increases legitimacy for successful
Danielle ‘hayes’ Blab
Laurel ‘garfield’ Hogan
versity of Ottawa (SFUO) and Gradu- Still, simply removing an obvious bar- candidates, and simultaneously lets
Copy Editors ate Students’ Association elections, rier to voting—convenience—through students feel that—results notwith-
and those who are only dimly aware the institution of e-voting may just be standing—they have had a say in their
Amanda ‘cleveland’ Shendruk that elections occur in the first place. enough to persuade disinclined voters student union and in their campus
Associate News Editor After years of promises and half- to cast a ballot. The SFUO needs to take community. That is a claim that the
hearted attempts at encouraging stu- that chance. vast majority of students cannot cur-
James ‘harrison’ Edwards dents to vote in its elections, the SFUO Its detractors have claimed that rently make. Encouraging uninvolved
Webmaster has taken an appreciable step towards online voting harms student engage- students to vote in elections by relax-
uniting the apathetic, reluctant stu- ment by relegating the complexities of ing the demands placed on balloting is
Jessica ‘truman’ Sukstorf dents with their active, involved—and an election to a glorified online poll. not only good for the democratic sys-
Volunteer & Visibility vastly outnumbered—counterparts. However, e-voting is simply a new way tem on campus, but is good for laying
The SFUO Board of Administration’s to cast a ballot, not a new medium for the foundation for a participatory U of
Jan. 11 decision to re-institute online the campaign itself. The SFUO elec- O community.
Megan ‘eisenhower’ O’Meara voting in next month’s SFUO elections tions committee and the candidates Admittedly, e-voting is not the sav-
Staff Writer after a four-year absence from the are still on the hook to encourage stu- iour for engagement in student affairs
Alex ‘hoover’ Martin polls offers a new element of appeal to dents to take an interest in the issues at the U of O. That is a battle that must
Staff Illustrator the election of student representatives, and convince them that casting a bal- be waged on a much larger scale, and
if only by increasing accessibility to lot is worthwhile. But being able to tell over a much larger time frame. But e-
Inari ‘coolidge’ Vaissi Nagy the electoral process. students that they can vote with little voting is a viable first step on the road
Jiselle ‘harding’ Bakker
Ombudsgirls In past years, the SFUO elections impact to their already packed sched- to establishing an active, involved, and have been little more than an exercise ule is a mighty weapon in the ongoing united student community.
in futility. Voter turnout rates not ex- fight against apathy.
Travis ‘cleveland (2nd term)’ Boisvenue
ceeding 20 per cent of eligible voters in In backing e-voting, the SFUO has

Nicole ‘johnson’ Gall

Staff Proofreader
Robert ‘ford’ Olender
On-campus Distributor Dave ‘adams’ Atkinson Jolene ‘buchanan’ Hansell Anna ‘coolidge’ Rocoski
Devin ‘tyler’ Beauregard Tina ‘wilson’ Hassania Maria ‘polk’ Rondon cover
Deidre ‘carter’ Butters Julian ‘arthur’ Blizzard Andrew ‘f.d.r.’ Hawley Jessica ‘fillmore’ Rose photo
Advertising Representative Ania ‘taylor’ Bula Danyal ‘mckinley’ Khoral Nick ‘hayes’ Rudiak by
Hilary ‘clinton’ Caton Garret ‘h. w. bush’ Kielburger Kalin ‘harding’ Smith
Kristyn ‘pierce’ Filip Jaclyn ‘johnson’ Lytle Alana ‘w. bush’ Sucee Martha
Ross ‘reagan’ Prusakowski
Phil ‘van buren’ Flickinger Carl ‘q. adams’ Meyer Pearce
Business Manager
Mike ‘ford’ Gribbon Maureen ‘monroe’ Robinson

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