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Mathematic should be teach by a special approach which could attract students interest.

Theres many mathematics teachers claim that their students didnt have any problem in mathematic. But in fact, students have regarded that mathematic is a hard subject. The only trouble which makes it happen isnt mathematic itself, but mathematics teachers usually use wrong methods to teach. A mathematics teacher should make relation between mathematic and reality or daily life to attract students interest. It could turn mathematics abstraction into concretion. This approach called Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). It has been developed at 1971 in Freudenthal Institute, Netherland. So important for mathematics teacher to use RME in their class, because I believe that RME will stimulate students curiosity in mathematic, change their mindset that mathematic is a boring subject, and it will improve their critical thinking ability. There is many way to stimulate your curiosity about something. For example, when you see a pigeon walk after you. Your brain will automatically send information to you, I think a pigeon should fly, why does it walk behind me? Whats going on here?. Then, youll take an action to get that pigeon and find the reason why does it walk. Human brain had been set to find new information, especially something which has relation with nature and daily life. Likewise, mathematic should be associated with some real problem. When mathematics teacher present the lesson, first of all, they should give a real problem which has relation with the todays topic and guide students to find a new concept by that problem (De Lange , 1995). After that, teacher give a chance for students to share out their opinion about the lesson and comparing each others. By using this approach, associating mathematic with a reality or daily life, student would be challenged to explore their mind and it will stimulate their curiosity in learning activities. Mathematic is boring, my brother burble to me last month. A mindset that mathematic is a hard and boring subject has been embedded for any decade. A mathematics teacher should change it immediately. How do we change it? The only answer is a mathematics teacher must make them to love the subject. Loving mathematic should be a habit for all students. Mathematics education must guide students to find mathematic in their own way (Freudenthal , 1991). Mathematics teachers should give an attractive problem based on students daily life. It will increase the probability of making your students to love mathematic. If you has made your students to love mathematics, you just wait and you will see the best result that you has changed their mindset, Mathematic is beautiful. For extraordinary people, critical thinking is the way to spend their spare time. What do they think about? Most of them will give the answer our environments and our circumstances. One of the famous scientist, Isaac Newton found his gravitations law when he was seeing an apple falls from the tree. Archimedes, found his famous law when he was submerging in his bathtub. Carl F. Gauss, has found his amazing formula to find the sum of 1+2+3++100 when he was trying to solve his teachers problem in 5th grade. Based on that amazing story, we will understand that critical thinkings ability comes from simple things (Hadi, 2004). It can be stimulate from interesting and attractive things. Likewise, RME comes from simple things too. RME comes from reality and daily life. In addition, RME develops that simple things into mathematics concepts. Therefore, by using RME in mathematics class, it will improve your students ability to think critically. RME is important to use in our learning activities. There is many advantage we will get. It is not just for us, but students also. By using RME, there is balance between students interest and our teaching ability. As mathematics teacher, we should know what our students want. They want something new in their learning activities. They want you to change your boring methods. Come on guys, should I speak loudly near your ears? Use RME now, or not at all.

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