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From pg. 1
see you as anoIher person who
pays Ihem IuIIIon."
UWCB poIIcy and pIannIng ana
IysI Deborah IurIong suggesIs
Ihe reasons Ior IhIs Irend begIn
In hIgh schooI.
"SIaIIsIIcaIIy speakIng, women
have a greaIer chance oI com
pIeIIng hIgh schooI and Io have
a beIIer academIc sIandIng Ihan
IheIr maIe peers," IurIong saId.
"In some respecIs, you couId say
Ihey Iend Io do a beIIer job."
AnoIher InIIuence on maIe
enroIImenI IaIIs on Ihe avaIIabII
IIy oI cerIaIn academIc programs.
AccordIng Io Ihe IacIsheeI, Ihe
mosI popuIar majors IncIude
busIness admInIsIraIIon, psychoI
ogy, human deveIopmenI, nurs
Ing and eIemenIary educaIIon,
none oI whIch IurIong saId, have
been maIedomInaIed.
"UnIversIIIes wIIh a hIgher
IemaIeIomaIe sIudenI popuIa
IIon Iend Io have parIIcuIarIy
sIronger programs In deparI
menIs such as Ihe arIs and nurs
Ing," IurIong saId. "Men are more
IIkeIy Io aIIend a unIversIIy wIIh a
sIronger physIcaI scIences deparI
menI such as chemIsIry, physIcs
or engIneerIng. UWCB may noI
be as appeaIIng Io maIe sIudenIs
sInce we don'I have an engIneer
Ing schooI here."
UnIversIIy cuIIure aIso carrIes
weIghI on a sIudenI's decIsIon
where Io aIIend coIIege. IurIong
aIso saId Ihe UWCB aIhIeIIc pro
grams, as weII as a unIversIIy's
dIvIsIon sIandIng, have a Iarge
InIIuence on recruIImenI oI maIe
"I IhInk a Iarge decIdIng IacIor
Ior maIe sIudenIs Is Ihe pres
ence oI DIvIsIon I aIhIeIIc Ieams,"
IurIong saId, "and wIIh UWCB
IackIng a IooIbaII Ieam IhaI may
be a reason why we have more
women here. OIher IacIors such
as campus saIeIy and comIorI
Iend Io be hIgher prIorIIIes Ior
women, raIher Ihan wheIher
or noI Ihe unIversIIy Ihey are
consIderIng has a good IooIbaII
Ieam." (ThIs senIence can be
In numbers oI yearIy reporIed
crImes, UWCB rareIy has vIoIenI
or robbery oIIenses Iake pIace on
AccordIng Io Ihe campus 2012
IIre and SaIeIy ReporI, no vIoIenI
deaIhs have Iaken pIace on cam
pus, whIIe aII aggravaIed assauII
and sex oIIenses each combIne
Ior Iess Ihan 10 oIIenses per year.
In conIrasI, Ihe UWMadIson
CrIme AIerIs websIIe IIsIed a IoIaI
oI 37 assauII oIIenses In 2012
aIone, and 82 Irom IaII 2011 Io
Ihe presenI. MadIson aIso had
over 200 InsIances oI IheII sInce
Ihe begInnIng oI 2012, whIIe
UWCB has had Iess Ihan S0 occur.
However, IurIong saId whIIe
Ihe unIversIIy may have cerIaIn
IeaIures IhaI appeaI more Io
women, UWCB wanIs Io make
sure IhaI encouragemenI Io
aIIend Ior maIe sIudenIs Is equaI
Io Ihe encouragemenI Ior women.
"We aIso Iry our besI Io IncIude
quaIIIIed young men as sIudenI
ambassadors Io heIp reIaIe Io
prospecIIve maIe sIudenIs,"
IurIong saId.
Some upcomIng oIIcampus
changes may aIso InIIuence Ihe
raIIo oI women Io men aI UWCB.
ConsIrucIIon oI a veIeran's aIIaIrs
cIInIc on NIcoIeI Avenue may be a
Iresh aIIracIanI Ior more maIe
"VeIerans receIve cerIaIn edu
caIIonaI beneIIIs and havIng
a VA cIInIc as a neIghbor may
encourage more veIeran sIu
denIs, a group whIch Is more
maIedomInaIed, Io aIIend our
unIversIIy," IurIong saId. "PIus, II
couId open Ihe door Io sIudenIs
seekIng InIernshIps who wouId
IIke Io work wIIh our veIerans.
ThaI wouId be a wonderIuI IhIng
Io see."
Student Body / Ratio may soon sway in mens favor
SchooI administrators cite safety, academic programs and a nation-wide trend of more women attending
coIIege as reasons for UW-Green Bays high percentage of femaIe students. / Photo by Aimee Villwock/
Fourth Estate
VOTE 2012: A whos who in the 2012 eIection
As Election Day draws nearer, many are
anxious to fnally vote. But many people
across the nation are still undecided. One
reason people do not know whom they
are voting for is because they do not
know who is running. This article aims
to educate the people of Northeastern
Wisconsin on candidates as famous as
the president to those running for local
Presidential Election
Barack Obama (D)

President of the
United States and
former Illinois state
Enacted the Affordable Care Act
Led the raid that killed Osama bin
Signifcantly expanded Pell grants for
low-income college students
Repealed military`s Don`t Ask, Don`t
Tell policy
Created more private sector jobs in
2010 than President George W. Bush
did in his entire presidency
Created 'Pay As You Earn program
that caps monthly federal student loan
repayment at 10 percent, among
Mandatory health care for all
Supportive of women`s rights and pro-
choice legislation
Legalization of same-sex marriage
Restricting the purchase and
possession of guns
Supportive of U.S. combat operations
in Afghanistan, among others.
Mitt Romney (R)
Republican candi-
date for President
and former governor
of Massachusetts
Co-founded Bain
Capital private
equity investment frm
Helped structure and organize the 2002
Winter Olympics in Utah as president
and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing
Required universal health
coverage of all Massachusetts citizens
as governor (though he does not
this type of legislation for the entire
country), among others.
Reduced support of Medicare/Medic
aid to balance the budget
Provided tax incentives to businesses
to promote job creation
Repealed the Affordable Care Act of
Eliminated the estate tax
Increased funding of charter schools
and school voucher programs
Opened America to new trade markets
reduced government, among others
Senate Election
Tammy Baldwin
Wisconsin Demo-
cratic candidate for
Senate, and
representative from
Wisconsin`s 2nd
Proposed legalization of gay marriage
and domestic partnerships in Wisconsin
during tenure in assembly
First openly gay member of Wisconsin
frst Wisconsin woman elected in Con
grass, among others
Supports single-payer, government-run
health care
Supports women`s rights, including
equal pay and stronger enforcement of
laws against sexual violence
Reduction of taxes on small business,
make higher education more affordable,
among others.
Thompson (R)

Wisconsin Repub-
lican candidate for
Senate, former
Secretary of Health
and Human Services
and former governor of Wisconsin.
Created Wisconsin works welfare
reform, school choice
Created Badgercare health care
Cut taxes many times as governor
Helped replicate Badgercare program
in other states as Secretary of Health
and Human Services
Currently a partner at Akin Gump law
frm in Washington D.C.
Opposes Obamacare, which covers
pre-existing conditions, reform
insurance and Medicaid
Made Bush tax cuts permanent
Increase employee contributions to
health care by 10 percent
Independence from foreign oil

Jamie Wall (D)
Democratic candi-
date for 8th congres-
sional in Wisconsin,
and former Green
Bay business man
Established New North, a Northeast
Wisconsin economic development
University of Wisconsin alumnus
Creation of private sector jobs through
helping manufacturers, maintaining a
skilled labor force and promoting
Strengthening Medicare
preservation of the environment
Energy independence
Reid Ribble (R)

Congressman from
the 8th district of
Wisconsin, and for-
mer owner of a local
roofng company
assigned to House
Committee on Agriculture and House
Committee on Budget during frst term
as congressman
Medicare reform
supports pro-life legislation
supports major tax reform, among
Voters should keep in mind there are
more candidates running for these
and other positions. It is important to
understand what a candidate believes in
and what they will do if elected. While it
is sometimes diffcult to grasp the truth
with political ads ying left and right, it
is important to stay informed, and make
sure to check a source before believing
what they say.
UWCreen Bay's SIudenI
CovernmenI AssocIaIIon meI
OcI. 1 Io dIscuss changes Io Ihe
generaI educaIIon program aI
ScoII IurIong, dean oI Ihe
CoIIege oI LIberaI ArIs and
ScIences, saId IhIs Is Ihe IhIrd
aIIempI aI resIrucIurIng Ihe
program In Ihe pasI 2S years.
The new modeI Is a resuII oI
IIve years oI work, and IurIong
beIIeves II beIIer reIIecIs UWCB's
InIerdIscIpIInary mIssIon.
IurIong saId Ihe program
wouId IncIude more IIrsIyear
semInars Ior Ireshmen, an expe
rIence requIremenI, such as
an InIernshIp, Ior junIors and
senIors, a smaIIer generaI educa
IIon credII requIremenI, a new
susIaInabIIIIy course requIre
menI and quanIIIaIIve compe
Iency In varIous courses.
II passed, Ihe new generaI edu
caIIon requIremenIs wouId begIn
wIIh Ireshmen sIarIIng In IaII oI
SCA voIed In Iavor oI Ihe new
generaI educaIIon program In
hopes IhaI II wIII pass In Ihe Iac
uIIy senaIe as weII.
Heba Mohammad, SCA presI
denI, aIso presenIed Ihe IIexIbIe
degree program. The program
says a person wIIh credIIs Irom
a UW schooI buI who never IIn
Ished hIs or her degree wouId be
abIe Io IesI ouI oI componenIs
needed Io earn a degree. MosI
senaIors aI Ihe meeIIng dIsap
proved oI Ihe IIexIbIe degree
SCA approved a chaIrman Io
Ihe LquaIIIy and DIversIIy com
mIIIee and seven new senaIors.
ChIoe Hansen, unIversIIy gov
ernance chaIrwoman, encour
ages UWCB sIudenIs Io aIIend
upcomIng eIecIIon InIormaIIonaI
evenIs OcI. 18 and 23.
The nexI SCA meeIIng wIII be
OcI. 29 aI S:30 p.m. In Ihe 196S

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