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词 汇 表

1 普通词汇
abbreviate to make (a word , story, etc.) shorter: 节略
abet to help in a plan, esp. a crime: 從恿; 教唆
ability power and skill ,esp. to do ,think, make, etc (尤指制作, 思考, 创造等的)能力; 才能 She has the
ability to go to college, but she doesn’t want to.
abrupt 1. sudden and unexpected:突然的 The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall
off their seats.
2. ( of behavior, character, etc.) rough, rather impolite: (行为, 性格等); 无礼的
abuse 1. to do cruel things to(a person or animal): 虐待, 凌辱(人或动物) I won’t allow you to abuse that
2. to say cruel or rude things to or about (somebody or something): 骂(人或事); 讲…坏话
3. to put to wrong use ;use badly: 滥用; 妄用 to abuse one’s power
academic 1. concerning teaching or studying ,esp. in a college or university:(学院或大学) 教学的; 学术的
2. concerning those subject taught to provide skills for the mind rather than for the hand: 人文研究
的; 学术上的
accelerator the piece of apparatus in a car , etc . which is used to increase speed:(汽车等的) 加速装置; 加速器
access 1.a means of entering ; way in ; entrance: 进入; 通路 The only ( means of ) access to their house is
a narrow road.
2. means or right of using , reaching , or entering: 使用接近或者进入的方法权利
accommodation a place to live ; room , flat , house , hotel room ,etc .住所 What sort of accommodation can you get
accomplishment 1.the act of accomplishing or finishing work completely and successful: 完成; 成就
2. a skill ; something in which one is accomplished: 造诣; 成就
accordance agreement: 一致 I sold the house , in accordance with your orders .
accuracy the quality of being ACCURATE : exactness or correctness :正确性; 准确性
accurate careful and exact ; exactly correct : 准确的; 确切的 Give me an accurate report of what happened .
acidity the quality of being acid ; sourness: 酸性; 酸味
acquaintance 1. a person whom one knows, esp . through work or business , but who may not be a friend : (通过
工作或业务) 认识的人;相识
2.information or knowledge, as obtained though personal experience rather careful study:(从经验所
得的) 知识;了解 I have an/some acquaintance with the language .

acquire to gain or come to possess by one’s own work ,skill , action . etc.获得;取得; 得到 He acquired a
knowledge of computers by careful study.
acquisition 1.the act of acquiring: 得到;获得.
2.something acquired: 获得物 This car is my latest acquisition .
adequate enough for the purpose , and no more :刚够的;适量的 The city’s water supply is no longer
adhere to stick firmly ( to another or each other ): 粘;附着 The two surfaces adhered ( to each other ) ,
and we couldn’t get them apart.
adjudicate to act as a judge : 裁判;裁决. To adjudicate a singing competition
adjust to change slightly , esp . in order to set right or make suitable for a particular job or new condition:
调整;使适合. I must adjust my watch because it’s slow.
administration the control or direction of affairs , as of a country or business :管理;行政 You would need some
experience in administration.
administrative of or concerning the control and direction of affairs , as of a country of business :行政的;管理的
adopt to take ( someone else’s child ) into one’s family and to take on the full responsibility in law of a
parent : 收养
adoption ( an example of ) the act o adoption : 收养;采取 If you can’t have children of your own ,why not
consider adoption ?
adoptive having adopted ( esp . a child ) :收养的(尤指小孩子) her adoptive parents
adrenalin a chemical substance ( hormone ) made by the body during anger , fear , fear , anxiety , etc . causing
quick or violent action : 肾上腺素
adult (of) a fully grown person or animal, esp. a person over an age stated by low, usu. 18 or 21: 发育成
熟的(人或动物); 成年人(尤指够法定年龄者, 通常为 18 或 21 岁) This movie is for adults , not
children .
adverbial (something) like , used as , or having qualities typical of an adverb :状语; 状语的
adverse not in favor of going against ; opposing : 不利的;相反的 The judge gave us an adverse decision.
aerodynamics the science that studies the forces that act on bodies moving through the air: 空气动力学;气体力学
aerosol a small container from which liquid can be forced out in the form of a fine mist: 喷雾器;喷洒雾剂
aesthetics the study , science. or philosophy of beauty, esp . in art : 美学;审美观
affirmative (a word) declaring “yes”: 肯定的(话);赞成的(话) an affirmative answer
afflict to cause to suffer in the body or mind ; trouble :折磨;使烦恼 afflicted with blindness
affluent having plenty of money or other possessions; wealthy:富裕的;富足的
agenda a list of the business or subject to be considered at a meeting :议程

agile able to move quickly and easily ; active :敏捷的;灵活的
agriculture the art or practice of farming , esp . of growing crops:农业
aid support ; help : 援助;帮助 He went to the aid of the hurt man.
Alluvial being , concerning , or made of soil put down by rivers , lakes , floods , etc . 冲击的;淤积的
Ally to join or unite , as by political agreement or marriage :结合;团结(政治联盟或来联姻) the small
country allied itself with / to the stronger power .
Almond a fruit tree whose seeds are eaten as nuts : 杏树
Alphabet the set of letters used in writing any language, esp. when arranged in order: 字母表
Alpine of or concerning the Alps or other high mountains : 关于阿尔卑斯山脉或其他高山的
Alternative (of two things) that may be used, had, done, etc. instead of another; other: 两者选一的; 其他的
The returned by an alternative road.
Something, esp. a course of action that may be taken or had instead of one or more others: 抉择; 可
供选择的方案 The alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.
Altitude height, as of a mountain above sea level: (海拔)高度
Amalgamate to join; unite; combine: (企业, 团体, 组织等)(使)联合;(使) 合并
Amateur a person who performs, plays, takes part in sports, takes photographs, etc. for enjoyment an without
being paid for it: 业余爱好者
Amber (the color of a yellowish brown hard clear substance used for jewels, decorations, ect. 琥珀
Ambitious having a strong desire for success, power, riches, etc. 有雄心的; 野心勃勃的 an ambitious to
succeed in politics
Ambivalent having opposing feelings towards , or opinions about , something or someone : (对人或事)有矛
Ambulance a motor vehicle for carrying sick or wounded people, esp. to a hospital: 救护车
Ammonia a strong gas with a sharp smell, used in explosives, in chemical to (fertilizers) to help plants grow,
etc. 氨
Amphibian an animal that is able to live both on land and in water : 水陆两栖动物(如蛙)
Amputate to cut off (part of the body), esp. for medical reasons: 切除 (身体的一部分); 截肢 He leg was so
badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate it .
Analogous like or alike in someway : 类似的,相似的 Your suggestion was analogous to one that was
made earlier .
Analysis ( an ) examination of something together with thoughts and judgments about it : 分析;剖析 His
analysis of the accident showed what had happened .
Anatomy the scientific study of the bodies of living things, esp. by cutting up dead bodies: 解剖学

Anchor a heavy piece of metal , usu. hooked , at the end of a chain or rope , for lowering into the water to
keep a ship from moving : 锚 To stop sailing and lower the anchor :停船下锚;抛锚
Anecdote a short interesting or amusing story about a particular person or event : 轶事;趣闻
Anguish very great pain and suffering, esp. of mind: (心里) 极大的痛苦 She was in anguish over her
missing child .
Antenna a long thin sensitive hair like organ. usu . in pairs , on the heads of some insects and animals that
live in shells , and used to feel with : 触角;触须
Anthropology the scientific study of the human race ,including its different its bodily types and its beliefs , social
habits ,etc . 人类学
Antibiotic ( a medical substance , such as penicillin ) produced by living things and able to stop the growth of ,
or destroy , harmful bacteria that have entered the body: 抗菌素;抗生素
Anticipation the act of anticipating : 预期;期待 We waited at the station in anticipation of her arrival .
Anticlockwise BrE in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock :逆时针方向的
Antiquated old and not suited to present needs or conditions ; not modern ;old-fashioned: 过时的;陈旧的;老式
Anxiety fear and worry , esp . as caused by uncertainty about something :担忧;不安;焦虑. They felt strong
anxiety ( for her safety / about her ) .
Aphorism a true or wise saying or principle expressed in a few words maxim :格言;警句
Apiece to , for , or from each person or thing ;each: 每人;每个;个 The apples cost fifty cents apiece .
Apparel clothes , esp . of a fine or special sort : 服装;衣着(尤指质地优良或特制的) priestly apparel
Apparent easily seen or understood ; plain : 明显的;显而易见的 Her anxiety was apparent to everyone .
Appeal strong request for help , support , money , mercy : 恳求;呼吁;(帮助;支持;钱;慈悲等)
Appendix a short wormlike organ leading off the bowel , and having little or no use: 阑尾;盲肠
Appliance an apparatus , instrument , or tool for a particular purpose , esp . a machine run by electricity and
used in the house : 器具; 装置(尤指家用电器) This house has several appliances such as a washing
machine and clothes dryer .
Applicable able to have an effect on : 生效的;适用的 The new law is applicable beginning next Monday.
Appraise to judge he worth , quality , or condition of ; find out the value of :估价;评价 They appraised the
house carefully before they bought it .
Approach the act of approaching : 靠近;接近 The approach of winter brings cold weather .
Appropriate correct or suitable : 正确的;合适的 His bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral .
Approve to agree officially to : 批准; 同意;通过. The company president approved the building plans .
Approximate nearly correct , but not exact :大概,大约 The approximate number of boys in the school is 300 but
remember that 300 is only an approximate figure .

Aquatic living or happening in or on water : 水生的; 水中或水上的 Aquatic plants / animals
Arable 可耕的;适用于耕种的.
Arbitrate to act as a judge in (an argument), esp. at the request of both sides: 仲裁; 公断 Someone must
arbitrate between them.
Arboreal concerned with , or living in trees 树林的; 有关树林的;乔木的
Archaeology the study of the buried remains of ancient times , such as houses , pots , tools, and weapons :考古学
Architecture the art and science of building , including its planning , making , and ornamentation : 建筑学
Argument a disagreement, esp . one that is noisy ; quarrel : 争论;争吵
Arithmetic the science of numbers ; calculation by numbers: 算术(学) ;计算
Aroma a strong usu. pleasant smell :芳香; 香气 The aroma of fresh coffee
Arouse to cause to wake ; rouse : 唤醒,叫醒 We aroused him from his deep sleep .
Arrange to set in a good or pleasing order : 布置;整理;排列 to arrange flower
Arrangement an agreement or plan ; something arranged : 安排;准备 She’s in charge of all the arrangements
for the wedding .
Array to set in order : 部署,列阵 The soldiers were arrayed on the opposite hill .
Artery a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the blood :动脉
Arthritis a disease cause pain and swilling in the joints of the body : 关节炎
Ascertain to discover ( the facts of something ) ; get to know : 发现;查明;确定 I am going to ascertain the
Ascribe attribute to : 把…归于 He ascribe his success to skill and hand work.
Assault a sudden violent attack :突袭 He led an assault against or to which one is being sent : ( 分配的 )
工作;任务 an assignment in India
Assist to help or support : 援助 帮助 They assisted ( him ) in performing the operation
Associate ( cause to ) join as friends or business partners : ( 使) 交往, 合伙 He associate with criminals .
Assortment a group of mixed things or of various example of the same type of thing ; mixture: 什锦;各式各样
物品的配合. This box contains an assortment of candy .
Assume to take as a fact or as true without proof ,suppose: 假定;设想. If he’s not here in five minutes ,we
will assume (that) he isn’t coming .
Assure to try to cause ( someone ) to believe or trust in something ; promise : 保证;担保 I assure you that
this medicine cannot harm you .
Assured having or showing certainty of one’s own abilities : 自信的,有信心的 an assured manner
Asterisk a star like mark ( * ) use : 星状标记(*)
Asthma a diseased condition which makes breathing very difficult at times : 气喘(病) ;哮喘.

Astrology the art of understanding the supposed influence on events and character of the starts and planets : 占
Asymmetric having sides that are not alike : 不对称的
Attach to fix ; fasten ; join : 固定住;系;连接 The picture is attached to the wall by a nail .
Attain to succeed in arriving at , esp . after effort ; reach : (尤指经过努力)获得,达到 She attained
the position of director .
Attendance the act of attending :照顾;护理 There is a doctor in attendance .
Audience the people listening to or watching a performance , speech , television show , etc . 听众观众
The audience was / were very exited by the show .
Audiovisual of , for, or concerning both sight and hearing : 视听的,听觉的,视觉的 The school’s
audiovisual department has lots of films and records .
Automatic able to work or move by itself without needing the operation of a person : ( 尤指机器) 自动的
The heating system here has an automatic temperature control .
Auxiliary offering or giving help ; adding support : 辅助的;补助的;附属的.
Auxiliary workers / machinery
Available able to be gotten , abstained , used , seen . etc . 可得到的,可用的,可看见的 I’m sorry
,sir , those shows are not available in your size .
Average the amount found by adding together several quantities and then dividing by number of quantities :
平均数 The average of 3,8,and 10 is 7
Aware having knowledge or understanding : 意识到的;知道的 Are you aware of the difficulty / that there
is a difficulty ?
Awesome expressing or causing feelings of awe ( esp . when fear is present ) : 可怕的;令人恐惧的
an awesome account of the terrors of war
Ballot to vote or decide by secret voting ( about ) : 投票 They’ve balloted for the new chairman , but
nobody knows the result yet .
A sheet of paper used to make a secret vote : 投票用纸;投票 They are counting the ballots now .
Bankruptcy the quality or state of being BANKRUPT : 破产(指事例) There were many bankruptcies in the
business world because it was hard to sell anything that year .
Barbecue a metal framework on which to cook meat over an open fire , usu. outdoors : 烤肉用的架子
Barge a large low flat-bottomed boat used mainly for carrying heave goods on a canal or river : 大平地
Barrier something placed in the way in order to prevent or control the movement of people or things : 障
碍 The police put up barriers to control the crowed .

Basic more necessary than anything else ; on which everything else depends , or is built : 基本上;根本
上 the basic rules of good driving
Basis that from which something is made , started , built , developed, or calculated : 基础;根据
The basis of this drink is orange juice .
Batch a quantity of material or number of things to be dealt with at one time: 需要一次处理的东西 a
batch of bread /leaves
Beach a shore of an ocean , sea , or lake or the bank of a river covered by sand , smooth stones , or large
pieces of rock : 海泊湖泊, 河泊
A seashore area, esp. one used for swimming and sunbathing: (游泳, 日光浴之) 海滩
Bend to ( cause to ) be forced into or out of a curve or angle : ( 使) 弯曲 to bend the wire
Beneficial ( of nonliving thing ) helpful ; useful : ( 指非生物 ) 有益的;有用的 His vacation has had a
beneficial effect .
Benzene a colourless liquid, obtained chiefly from coal , that burns quickly and changes easily into a gas , it
is used to make certain types of engine run and in making various chemical products : 苯( 要从煤提
Bid to offer ( a price ) whether for payment or acceptance , as at an auction : (拍卖时) 出价
She bid 10 yuan for the book .
Biodegradable able to decay or disintegrate naturally : 会腐烂的; 会自然分解的 Plastic is not biodegradable
Bizarre strange ; peculiar ; odd : ( 尤指外表或事件)奇怪;稀奇古怪
Blast to break up by explosions : ( 指岩石 ) 炸开 The road is closed because of blasting .
Blindfold to cover ( the eyes ) with a piece of material : (用东西将眼睛)蒙住
Blink to shut and open ( the eyes ) quickly , once or several times : 眨眼 She blinked ( her eyes ) as the
bright light shone on her .
Bob to move ( something ) and repeatedly up and down ,as on water :上下来回的疾动 The small
boat was bobbing in the rough water of the lake .
Boom to make a deep hollow sound : 隆隆作响 The guns boomed .
Boost to push up from below : 往上推 If you boost me up , I can just reach the window .
Bore to make a round hold or passage ( in something ) : 钻孔;开洞 This machine can bore through
solid rock .
Botany the scientific study of plants : 植物学
Boundary the limiting or dividing line between surfaces , spaces , countries , etc. border : 边界;疆界
Bout a shout period of fierce activity or illness : ( 活动或生病) 一阵,一回 a bout of drinking ( =
drinking alcohol )

Brainstorm a sudden clever idea : 突如其来的好主意 She has a brainstorm and got them all out of trouble .
Brash rudely disrespectful and proud : 傲气的;粗鲁的;无礼的
Brass a very hard bright yellow metal ,a mixture of copper : 黄铜
Breadwinner the person who works to apply a family with food and money : 养家者
Breakthrough the action of forcing a way through the enemy : 打破敌人防线 a military breakthrough made at
night. The action of making a discovery ( often suddenly and after earlier failures ) that will lead to
other discoveries : 突破
Brewery a place where beer is made : 啤酒厂;酿酒厂
Bronchitis an illness of the bronchial tubes : 支气管炎
Bubble a hollow ball of liquid containing air or gas : 气泡;水泡.bubbles on a boiling liquid
Bucket an open of how to arrange private or public income or spending : (个人或公共) 预算
Buffalo a large wild cowlike animal formerly very common in north America and Europe with a very long
curved horns and shoulders covered with lots of hair : 野牛
Bugbear a cause of concern , perhaps without reason : 担心;烦恼 The national bugbear of rising prices .
Bulk great size, shape , mass, or quantity:体积大;大量
Bulletin a short public usu. Official notice or n 共 ews report intended to be made pubic without delay: 告示;
公告 Here is the latest bulletin about the president’s health.
Bunch a number of things fastened, held, or growing together at one point: 一束;一串 a bunch of flowers
Bungalow a type of house which is all on one level: 平房
Buzzword a word or phrase that sounds exact but lacks exact meaning; often used in politics and professions:
流言; 传言
Calculate to work out or find out ( something) by using numbers: 计算; 核算 Have you calculated (that) we
would arrive to 6:00 p.m.
Calculator a small machine which can carry out number operations and which usu. Has a memory : 计算器
Calendar a list showing the days and months of the year:日历 I used the calendar to count how many days I
have been here .
Calibrate to make degrees and dividing points on ( the scale of a measuring instrument ); 标定 ( 量器) 刻度;
Calorie a measure used when stating the amount of heat : 卡路里(食物所产生的热和能量单位) One
thin piece of bread has 90 calories .
Campus the grounds of a university , college , or school : 校园
Canal a waterway dug in the ground , esp . to allow ships or boats to travel along it : 运河 ; 水道 The
Panama canal joins two oceans .

Cancel to give up or call off ( a planned activity , idea , etc .) : 放弃或取消(计划的活动,想法等 ) She
canceled her trip to New York because she felt ill .
Cancer diseased growth in the body, which may cause death:癌;毒瘤 He’s got a cancer in his throat.
Candidate a person who wants, or whom others want, to be chosen for a position, esp. in an election:候选人;
应征人 Jean was the best candidate for the job.
Candle round stick of wax containing a length of string:蜡烛
Candy to preserve ( food ) by cooking in sugar : 蜜饯(食物)以便保存 candied fruit
Canteen a place in a factory, military camp, etc. where people may buy and eat food, meals, drinks, etc.
(工厂或军营内部的) 食堂;小卖部
Capacity the amount that something can hold or produce: 容量;生产量
The seating capacity of this theatre is 500.
Capillary a very fine hair like tube, e.g. one of the smaller blood vessels in the body:毛细管;微血管
Capital punishable by death:可处以死刑的
Murder can be a capital offense.
Capitulate to yield to the enemy, usu. On agreed conditions:在协议的条件下投降
Carbohydrate any of various types of substances, such as sugar, which consist of oxygen. Hydrogen. And
carbon which provide the body with heat and power (energy) and if eaten in quantity make one fat:
Cardinal most important; chief; main:最重要的;首要的 a cardinal idea
Carnivore a flesh eating animal:食肉动物 Lions are carnivores; rabbits are not.
Carousel a circular moving belt on which bags , cases , etc . from a plan are placed of collection by
passengers : ( 美) 旋转式行李输送带
Carp to find fault and complain continuously and unnecessarily :挑剔 Please stop carping about the
way I dress .
Carpentry the art or work of a carpenter : 木匠工艺;木工活
Cartilage ( a piece of ) strong elastic substance found instead of bone in young animal and , esp. around the
joints , in order animal : 软骨 There is a cartilage in the nose
Cartography the science or art of making maps : 制图;制图学
Casting metal or plastic object shaped by having been CAST : 铸件
Casualty a person hurt in an accident :(事故中的) 受伤者 There were ten serious casualty in the train
crash .
Catalog a list of places , names , goods , etc (often with information about them) put in a special order so
that they can be found easily :(地名 , 人名 , 货物等的 ) 目录
Catalyst a substance which , without itself changing , causes chemical activity to quicken : 触媒;催化剂

Cataract a large waterfall : 大瀑布
Catastrophe a sudden . unexpected , and terrible event that causes great suffering , misfortune , or ruin : 大灾
祸 The war was a terrible catstrophe in which many people died .
Categorize to put in a category :分门别类
Category a division or class in a system for dividing objects into groups according to their nature : 门类,
Cater to provide and serve food and drinks , usu . for payment , at a public or private party rather than
a restaurant : ( 指在餐馆以外的地方) 承办酒席 Who’s catering ( at ) your daughter’s wedding ?
Caterpillar a small long many-legged wormlike creature : 毛虫,(蝴蝶等的)幼虫
Caustic ( any of various types of ) chemical substance able to burn or destroy (corrode ) by chemical
action : 苛性碱;腐蚀剂
Caution great care ; the act of paying attention or of taking care : 小心;谨慎
To ware : 警告;告诫 The policeman said : I must caution you that anything you say may be used
against you at your trial .
Cease to stop ( esp . an activity ) 停止 ; 终止(尤指一项活动)
Cellar an underground room , usu . used for storing goods : 地窖;地下室
Cell a small room in a prison for one person or a small number of people : (监狱的)小房间( 住一个人
Cellular consisting of cells : 细胞的;细胞质的
Cellulose the material from which the walls of plants are made , used in marking paper ,plastic , many man-
made materials , ect . 纤维素;细胞膜素(造纸塑料等用)
Centrifugal tending to move in a direction away from the center : 离心的;离心力的
Ceramics the art or practice of making bricks , pots , etc . by shaping piece of clay and baking until hard :
Cereal ( a plan which is grown to produce ) grain for food , such as wheat , rice , etc . 谷类;谷类职务;如
Ceremony a formal solemn and well-establish action or set of action used for marking important event : 典礼;
Certificate an official sheet of paper ( document ) which is written or printed a statement made by an official
person that a fact or facts are true : 证书;证明书 a birth / marriage / death certificate
Cervix a narrow neck-like opening into an organ of body , esp . into the womb : 颈部;子宫颈
Chaos a state of complete and thorough disorder and confusing : 无秩序;混乱 After the power failure , the
city was in chaos.
Chap a man or boy : 家伙;小伙子

Characteristic typical ; representing a person’s or thing’s usual character : 典型的;有特色的.
Chime to make music bell-like sounds ; show ( the time ) in this way : ( 使 ) 奏出钟似的音乐
Chimney a hollow passage often rising above the roof of a building , which allows and gases to pass from a
fire : 烟囱 The factory chimney poured smoke into the air.
Chip a small piece of brick , wood , paint , etc .broken off something :(砖,木, 养料等 ) 小块;碎片
Choral of , related to , or sung by a choir or chorus : 唱诗班的;由唱诗班唱的;合唱的 a choral group /
society / choral music
Chromosome a threadlike body found in all living cells, which passes on and controls the nature , character , etc .
of a young plant , animal , or cell : 染色体
Chronic ( of a disease ) continual ; lasting a long time :(指疾病) 慢性的;长期的 a chronic cough
Chronological arrange according to the order of time : 按时间顺序排列的;按年代先后的 We’ll make a list of
the cause of the war in chronological of the events of last year
Chunk a short thick piece or lump that is bigger than the pieces into which something is usually cut : ( 大
于平常所切的 ) 一厚片 ; 一大片
Civic of a city or its citizens : 城市的 ; 市民的 The president’s visit to the city was the most important
civic event of the way government works .
Civilian ( a person ) not of the armed force : ( 人 ) 平民 ; 老百姓 civilian government
Clam a small soft-bodied sea animal with a double shell , that lives in sand or mud and is eaten : 蛤;蚌
Clamor a loud continuous usu . confused noise or shouting , esp . of people complaining :吵闹 ; 抱怨 a
clamor of voices
Clarity clearness : 清楚 ; 明了 clarity of thinking / speed
Classify to arrange or place ( animals , plants , books , etc . ) into classes or groups ; divide according to
class : 给 ( 动物 , 植物 , 书籍等 ) 分类 ; 归类 People who work in libraries spend a lot of time
classifying books .
Clatter a number of rapid short knocking sounds as when a number of things fall to the ground : 急促的敲
Clay heavy firm earth , soft when wet , becoming hard when baked at a high temperature , and from
which bricks , pots , earthenware , etc . are made : 粘土 ( 制砖 , 钵 , 陶器等的材料 )
Client a person who pays a professional person , esp . a lawyer , for help and advice : ( 尤指律师的 ) 当
事人 ; 委托人 .
Climactic of or forming a climax : 顶点的 ; 高潮的
Cling to held tightly ; stick firmly ; refuse to let go : 紧紧抓住 ; 牢牢地黏住 , 不放开 The wet shirt
clung to his body .
Clinging tight fitting ; sticking tightly and closely to the body : ( 尤指衣服 )紧身 ;贴身

Clinic a building or part of a hospital where usu . specialize medical treatment and advice is given : 诊所;
门诊部 The clinic is near the station .
Clinical of or connected with a clinic or hospital : 诊所的; 医院的
Coarse not fine or smooth ; lumpy ; rough : 粗糙的; 为精炼的; 不光滑的 ; 粗的 a coarse woolen
garment .
Coax to persuade ( someone ) by gentle kindness or patience : 温和和耐心的劝导 ; 哄
Coherent naturally or reasonably connected ; easily understood : 连贯的 ; 易于了解的 .
Collide to meet and strike ( together ) violently 碰撞 ; 冲撞 Many people were hurt when the two buses
collided .
Cohesion the art or state of sticking together tightly 凝聚 ; 紧密团结 We need more cohesion in the party if
we’re going to win the next election .
Collaborate to work together or with someone else , esp . for a special purpose : 协作; 合作 The police and
the army collaborate to catch the terrorists .
Collapse to ( cause to ) fall down or inwards suddenly : (使) 倒塌 ; 崩溃 The weight of snow collapse the
A ( of an object ) to fold into a shape that takes up less space : 折叠 This table collapse , so I can
store it easily when I’m using it .
Colloquial ( of words , phrases , style , etc . ) of or familiar conversation : ( 词, 短语 , 文体等 ) 口语的, 通俗
的, 会话的.
Colonialism the having or keeping of colonies : 殖民主义 , 殖民政策
Colonnade a row of pillars with equal between usu . supporting a roof or row of arches : 柱廊 ; 列柱
Combat to fight or struggle against : 与…战斗 ; 与…斗争 to combat evil
Combination the art of combining or state of being combined : 联合体 ; 结合体 The club is supported or
united in a common purpose .
Combine come together , unite , act together , or join together : ( 使) 化合 ; 混合 What chemicals combine
together to make water ?
Combustible that can catch fire and burn easily : 易燃的 ; 容易着火的 ( 物品 ) Petrol is highly combustible
to don’t smoke while you’re handling it .
Combustion the art of catch fire and burning : 燃烧 ; 着火
Commentate to give a commentary : 评论 ; 评述
Commercialize to make ( something ) a matter of profit : 使商业化; 使成为有利润的事 Do you agree that
Christmas is too commercialize these days ?
Commission ( an amount of ) money , usu . relation to the value of goods sold , paid to the salesman who
sold them : 佣金 ; 酬劳金 He gets 10% commission so if he sells goods worth $100 his
commission is $ 10 .

Commissioner ( in some countries ) an official in charge of a certain government department : 专员 ; 委员
Commissioner Addo is responsible for education .
Committee a group of people chosen to do a particular job or for special duties : 委员会 He’s on a lot of
committees .
Commitment a responsibility or promise to follow certain beliefs or a certain course of action : 诺言 ; 许诺
Commonwealth an organization of independent states which were formerly parts of the British empire ,
established to encourage trade and friendly relations among its members : 英联邦
Communication the various ways of traveling , moving goods and people , and sending information between
two places or in an area ; roads , railway , radio , telephone , television etc . 交通 ( 泛指通讯 , 传
播 , 运输等工具或媒介 ) All communications with France was stopped when the enemy gained
control of the sea .
Communal shared by or used by members of a group or a community : 公社的 ; 公有的
Communicate to make ( news , opinions , feeling , etc . ) known : 传达 ( 消息 , 意见 , 感受等 ) I don’t
think the teacher communicates his ideas clearly .
Community a group of people living together and / or united by shared interests , religion nationality , etc .
居住在一起 , 而且有共同的兴趣 , 宗教 , 国籍等联结的一群人 ; 社团 The Puerto Rican
community in New York wants to keep its language and way of life alive .
Commute a person who commutes : 使用长期票上下班者
Comparison the act of comparing : 比较
Compensation something given to compensation : 补偿物; 补偿金 She received $ 10000 in compensation
for her husband’s death .
Compile to make ( a report , book , etc .) from facts and information found in various places : 编辑 ;
汇集 ( 报告 , 书籍等 ) It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary .
Complement something that completes or makes perfect : 补充物 A fine wine is a complement to a good
meal .
Complex consisting of many closely related or connected parts : 复杂的 ; 错综的 There is a complex
network of roads connecting Glasgow and Edinburgh .
Comply to act in according with a demand , order , rule , etc . 遵照 ; 遵守 People who refuse to
comply with the law will be punished .
Composition the act of composing : 组成 ; 构成 A piece of music of her own composition .
Comprehensive thorough ; broad ; including much : 彻底的 ; 广泛的 ; 包罗广的 The government gave a very
comprehensive explanation of its plan for industrial development .
Comprise to consist of ; include ; be made up of : 包括 ; 包含 ; 由…组成. The United Kingdom
comprise England . Wales , Scotland , and Northern Ireland .

Compulsory put into force by the law , orders , etc . 义务的 ; 强制的 Education is compulsory for all
children in Britain .
Concave curved inward , like the inside surface of a hollow ball : 凹的 ; 凹面的 a concave mirror
Concede to admit as true , just , or proper , often unwillingly : ( 勉强) 承认 The government concede
defeat as soon as the election results were known .
Conceivable that can be thought of or believed ; imaginable : 可以想到的 ; 可以相信的 ; 可以想象的
It is conceivable that there will be a third world war , but I hope it won’t happen .
Concentric having the same center : 同心的 ; 同轴的
Concern to be a bout : 关于 This story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned .
Concession the art of yielding , esp . after a disagreement : 让步 ( 在不同意见后 ) The company ‘s
promise to increase our pay was concession to union demands .
Concrete existing as something real or solid ; actual : 具体的 ; 实在的 Coal is a concrete object ; heat is
not .
Conclusive putting an end to doubt or uncertainty : 决定性的 ; 结论性的 conclusive proof that he was the
Condense to put into a smaller or shortened form : 缩短 ; 压缩 a condensed report
Conduct to direct or lead : 管理; 引导 She conducts her business very successfully .
Confer to give ( a gift , title , honour , favour , etc . ) 授予; 赠予 ( 礼物 , 头衔等 ) The queen
conferred a noble title on her faithful minister .
To talk together ; compare opinions : 商讨 ; 交换意见 The minister are still conferring on this
matter .
Confession ( an example of ) the act of admitting one’s crimes , serious faults , etc . 承认 ; 坦白
Confidential in secret ; to be kept secret: 秘密的; 机密的 ; 应保密的 confidential information
Confluence the flowing together of two or more streams : 河流 ; 汇流 The city was established at the
confluence of the Rhine and the Moslem .
Confront to face boldly or threateningly : 大胆或要挟地面对 When I left the restaurant , I was
confronted by two man who asked me for money .
Congested ( of a street , city , narrow place , etc . ) very full or blocked , esp . because of traffic : ( 街道 ,
城市 , 狭窄地方等由于交通量达而 ) 拥堵 ; 堵塞 . Fifth avenue is always very congested .
Congregate to gather together : 使聚集 ; 集合 The crowds congregated in the town square it hear the
President .
Conjunction a word such as : “but “ or “ and “ that connects parts of sentences , phrases , etc . 连结词
Connect to join , unite , link : 连结 ; 结合 They hires 2 rooms with connecting doors .
Connection the act of connecting : 连接 ; 接合 The connection of the house pipes to the water supply .

Consciousness the condition of being able to think , feel , understand what is happening etc . 意识 ; 知觉
Roger lost consciousness at four o’clock in the afternoon and died in the night .
Consensus a general agreement ; the opinion of a group : 意见一致 ; 一群人的意见 What is the
consensus of opinion ?
Conservation the act of conserving ( conserve ) ; preservation : 保护 ; 保存
Consideration carefully thought : attention : 细心考虑 ; 关注 We’ll give your request our careful
consideration .
Consist of to be made up of : 包括 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .
Consistent ( of a person . behavior , beliefs , ect .) keeping to the same principles ,line of reasoning , or
course of action : ( 人 , 行为 , 信念等 ) 一贯的 , 一致的 This statement is not consistent with
what you said yesterday .
Consolation ( a person or thing that gives ) comfort during a time of sadness or disappointment : 安慰 ; 慰
籍 I got many letters of consolation when my mother died .
Consonant any of the speech sounds made by partly or completely stopping the flow of air as it goes
through the mouth : 辅音
( to , with ) being in agreement : 一致 ; 和谐 Your actions do not appear to be consonant with
your principles .
Conspiracy ( the act of making ) a secret plan by two or more people to do something unlawful : 阴谋 ; 密
谋 the generals’ conspiracy to seize control of the government
Constable a police officer of the lowest rank : ( 最低级) 警官
Constabulary the police force of a particular area or country : ( 特定地区或国家的 ) 警察
Constrain to make ( someone ) do something by force or by strongly persuading : 强迫 ; 强制 I felt
constrained to do what he told me .
Construction the business or work of building : 建筑业 ; 建造
I work in construction / a construction
Consultant a high ranking hospital doctor who give specialist advice in addition to that given by an
ordinary doctor : 高级医生或专家
A person who gives specialist professional advice to other : 顾问
Consultation a meeting held to exchange opinions and ideas : 商量; 协商 The doctors held a consultation
concerning the new patient .
Consumer a person who buys and uses goods and services : 消费者 ; 用户
Contaminate to make impure or bad by mixing with dirty or poisonous matter : 污染 ; 玷污 ; 染毒 Don’t eat
this food : it’s been contaminated by flies .
Contemplate to consider or look at with continued attention ; think about : 沉思, 仔细考虑 The doctor
contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform .

Contestant someone competing in a contest : 竞争者 ; 争论者 There are 50 contestants in this
competition .
Contradict to declare ( a person , opinion , something written or spoken ) to be wrong or untruthful : 反驳 ;
驳斥 ; 否认 ; 顶嘴 Young children should never contadict what their parents say .
To be opposite in nature or character to ( a statement , action , fact , etc . ) : 抵触 ; 矛盾
Your actions contradict your declared moral principle .
Contribute to join with others in giving ( money , help , etc . ) 捐助 ; 贡献 Everybody contributed
towards Jane’s present when she left the office .
Controversial causing much argument or disagreement : 有争议的 ; 引起争论的 a controversial speech /
decision / person / book
Convene to meet or gather : 集会 ; 聚集
Conventional following accepted customs and standards , sometimes too closely : 拘礼的; 习惯的 ; 保守

Converge to come together towards a common point : 会合 ; 集中 ; 聚集 The roads converge just
before the station .
Converse opposite : 相反的 I hold the converse opinion .
Convert to ( cause to ) change into another form , substance , or state , or from one purpose , system , etc .
to another : 改变;转换;兑换 Coal can be converted to gas .
Convey to take or carry from one place to another : 传送;运送 to convey electricity from power stations
to house .
Convict to find ( someone ) guilty of a crime in a court of law : 判罪;证明…有罪 The criminal was
convicted of murder .
Coordinate to work together , esp . to increase effectiveness : 使协调 We need to coordinate our efforts .
Copyright the right in the law to be the only produce of seller of a book , play , movie , record , etc . for a
fixed period of time : (书籍,剧本,电影,录音等在一定时期内的)版权;著作权
Who has the copy right of /on/for your book ?
Coral a white , pink , or reddish stone-like or horn-like substance formed from the bones of very small
sea animals : 珊瑚 Coral is often used for making jewelry .
Core the hard or solid central part containing the seeds of certain fruits , such as the apple : 含籽的水水
Corporate of , belonging to , or shared by all the members of a group ; collective : 共同的;集体的
Correlation a share relationship or causal connection : 相互关系 ;关系 a high correlation between
unemployment and crime
Correspondence agreement between particular things ; likeness : 符合;相似
Corruption the act of correction : 腐败;败坏

Cosmetic a face-cream , body-powder , etc . intended to make the skin or hair more beautiful : 化妆品
Of , related to ,or causing increased beauty of the skin or hair : 化妆用的;美容的
Cosmic of or related to the whole universe : 宇宙的
Cosmopolitan consisting of people from many different part of the world : 有世界各地的 New York is a very
cosmopolitan city
Cosmos the universe considered as an ordered system : 宇宙
Cosset to pay a great deal of attention to making comfortable and contented ; treat very kindly :疼爱;
Council a group of people appointed or elected to make laws or decisions , for a town , church , etc . or to
give advice : 理事会;委员会 The housing council advised us to build apartment for old
Counselor an adviser : 顾问 a marriage guidance counselor
Cram to force ( a person or thing ) into a small space : 塞入;填入 to cram people into a railroad car
Cramp a severe pain from the sudden tightening of a muscle , which makes movement difficult : 抽筋;
痉挛 The swimming goes a cramp in his leg and had to be lifted out of the water .
Craze to make very excited , angry , or mad : 使疯狂;生气 The climber was crazed by the many
hours he’d spent in the freezing cold . a very popular fashion . use for a
very short time : 时尚;流行 This new toy is the latest craze in America.
Credit to place ( an amount of money ) in an account : 记账 ( 账户) Please credit $200 to my account .
Creep to move slowly and quietly , esp . with the body close to the ground : 爬行;蠕动 The cat crept
silently towards the mouse .
Crevice a narrow crack or opening , esp. in rock : ( 尤指石头上的) 裂缝;缺口
Crew all the people working on a ship , plane , etc . ( 船上 , 飞机上的 ) 全体乘务员 The crew is
waiting for instructions from the ship’s owner .
Cricket a type of small brown insect , the male of which makes loud short noises by rubbing leathery
wings together : 蟋蟀
An outdoor game played with a ball , BAT , and wickets , by two teams of 11 players each : 板球运

Criterion an establish rule , standard , or principle , on which a judgment is based : 标准 ; 准则 What criteria
do you use when judging a student’s work ?
Criticism the art of forming judgments about the good or bad qualities of anything, esp. artistic work; work of
a critic : 批评 ; 评论性的文章 ; 文艺批评理论 The students gave constructive criticism .
Critical finding the fault ; judging severely : 苛求的 ; 最受批评的 If you really understood the
difficulties facing the government you wouldn’t be so critical of its spending reduction .

Croissant a piece of buttery bread like pastry : 新月形小面包
Crucial of the greatest importance 重要关头 ; 关键时刻 at a crucial moment
Cruise to sail in an unhurried way :巡航 ; 游览
Crust the hard usu. brown outer surface of baked bread : 面包片 ; 干面包片 .
Crutch a stick with a piece that fits under the arm , for supporting a person who has difficulty in walking :
拐杖 When he broke his leg he had to walk on crutches .
Crystal a transparent natural mineral that looks like pure ice : 水晶
Cuff the end of a sleeve nearest the hand : 袖口; 袖头
Cuisine a style of cooking : 烹饪法 French cuisine
Culprit the person guilty of a crime or offense : 罪犯 ; 犯人

cultivate to prepare (land) for the growing of crops:耕种

cultural of or related to culture:文化上的;文化的
current belonging to the present time;of the present day:现实的;
cushion a bag filled with a soft substance on which a person can lie,
sit, or rest comfortably:坐垫;垫子;靠垫
cyanide a very strong poison:氯化氢(一种很厉害的毒物)
cycle a number of related events happening in a regularly order:循
cyclic happening in cycles:周期的;循环的
cylinder a hollow or solid body with a circular base and straight
cynic a person who thinks that people act only in their own
interests, who sees little or no good in anything, and who
shows this by making unkind remarks about people and
dangle to hang or swing loosely:悬挂;摇晃
keys dangling from a chain
deadline a date or time before which something must be done:最后期
I hope we can finish this before the deadline.
debtor a person who owes money:债务人;欠债的人
decade a period of 10 years:十年
decentralize to move from one big place to several smaller places:
decline to move from a better to a worse position or from higher to
decode to discover the meaning of (something written in a code):解
decoration the act or art of decorating; the state of being decorated:装

deficiency (a case of) the quality or state of being deficient;lack:缺
definition 1.the act or action of defining:确定;界定;限定 exact statement of the meaning, nature, or limits of
deform to spoil the form or appearance of:损坏形象;毁容
a face deformed by disease / anger
defy to show no fear of nor respect for:违抗;不服从;蔑视
These criminals are defying the law.
degrade to bring down in the opinion of others, in self-respect, or in
degree any of various measures:量度;度数
deliberate intentional; on purpose:有意的;故意的;蓄意的
The car crash wasn’t an accident; it was a deliberate attempt
to kill him.
delight to cause great satisfaction, enjoyment, or joy:使欣喜;使愉

a book that is certain to delight
delta the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet:希腊字母表上的第
democratic 1.of, related to, or favouring DEMOCRACY:民主政权的;
2.of, related to, or intended to please the broad masses of the
demography the study of information in figures (STATISTICS) the
population of an area or country and how these figures vary
with time:人口统计;人口学
demolish to destroy; tear down:摧毁;推翻;拆除
demolition the action of demolishing:破坏;毁坏;拆除
demonstrate to show clearly:示范;说明
Please demonstrate how the machine works.
demonstrative showing feelings openly:感情外露的;露骨的
a demonstrative person / action
denote be a name of:…之名称;代表
The word “lion” denotes a certain kind of animal “Lion”. be a mark of or that:为…之父好;表示
dental of or related to the teeth:牙齿的
deplete lessen greatly in quantity, contents, power, or value:使
The cost of this journey has depleted our small store of
2.rate to empty of something important:耗尽;用尽
deposit to put down (usu. in a stated place):放下;放置
Where can I deposit this load of sand?
derive from to obtain from:从…得到;由…派生成的

He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people.
designate to point out or call by a special name:支出;指明
These x-marks on the drawing designate all the entrances to
the building.
desperate ready for and wild act because of loss of hope:不顾一切
determine form a firm intention in the mind:决心;下决心
He determined to go at once / that he would go at once. decide:决定
device instrument, esp. one that is cleverly thought out:(精巧
a device for sharpening pencils
2.something (such as a special phrase or group of words)
which is intended to produce a particular artistic effect in a
work of literature:精警之词句
dessert sweet food served at the end of a meal:饭后甜食
We had cake for dessert.
destructive causing destruction:破坏的;毁坏的
a destructive storm
detail a small point or fact:细节;细目
Everything in her story is correct (down) to the smallest
detain to keep (a person) somewhere for a certain time:拘留;扣

The police have detained two men for questioning at the
police station.
deter to prevent from action. esp. by the threat of something
unpleasant; dissuade:使不散;威慑;阻碍
The storm clouds deterred them from going out.
detergent a chemical product used for cleaning esp. clothing and
determine to decide; find out:决定;确定
to determine the rights and wrongs of the case
deteriorate to become worse:变化;恶化
his deteriorating health
detract to take something away from; make less the value of:取
All the decoration detracts from the beauty of the building’s
devastate to destroy completely; make impossible to live in:毁坏;破
devour a statement which is the result of diagnosing:诊断
The two doctors made / gave different diagnoses of my
diagram a plan or figure dawn to explain an idea; drawing which
shows how something works:图表;图解

diaphragm the muscle that separates the lungs from the stomach:横膈

diarrhea an illness in which the bowels are emptied too often and into
liquid form:腹泻
dictate to say (words) for someone else to write down or for a
machine to record:口述;口授
She was dictating (a letter) to her secretary.
diction the way in which a person pronounces words:发音法
Actors need training in diction.
diesel engine a type of oil-burning engine often used for trucks, buses and
differentiate to see, express, or make a difference (between):分辨;辨
I can’t differentiate these two sounds.
diffuse widely spread:漫射的;扩散的;弥漫的
Direct light is better for reading than diffuse light.
digest to be changed into a form that the body can use:(使)消化
Mary can’t digest fat.
digestion (a) power of digesting:消化力的;消化功能
Too much rich food is bad for your digestion.
digit any of the numbers from 0 to 9:零到九的数字
dignify to give DIGNITY to:使…变得高贵,威严
Don’t try to dignify those few hairs on your face by calling
them a beard.
dispute argue, angrily and for some time:争论;争辩;争执
They disputed for hours (about) where to go. disagree about; call into question; doubt:怀疑;反驳
dilate to make or become wider or larger:张大;扩大
Her eyes dilated with terror.
dilemma a difficult choice to be made between two courses of action:
She was in a dilemma as to whether to stay in school or get a
dilute to make (a liquid) weaker or thinner by mixing another liquid
with it:(把液体)弄稀;弄淡;稀释
He diluted the paint with water.
dim not bright; not clear:昏暗的;不清晰的
The light is too dim for me to read easily.
dingy dirty and faded:(指东西和处所)肮脏的
a dingy little room
dinosaur a very large long tailed creature (reptile) that lived in very
ancient times and no longer exists:恐龙
diploma an official paper showing that a person has successfully
finished a course of study:毕业文凭;学位证书
She has a diploma in engineering.

directory a book or list of names, facts, etc. usu. arranged in
alphabetical order:住址姓名簿;指南;工商人名录
The telephone directory gives people’s names, addresses, and
telephone numbers.
disarm to take the weapons away from:缴械;解除武装
The police disarmed the criminal.
discard to get rid of as useless:废除;废气;扔弃;抛弃
discharge to allow or ask (a person) to go:(让某人)走开;释放
He was discharges from the army.
discipline training of the mind and body to produce obedience and self-
discount a reduction made in the cost of buying goods in a shop:贴
a discount of 10 per cent
discrepancy difference; lack of agreement:不同;不一致
You said you paid $5 and the bill says $3 how do you explain
the discrepancy?
discussion a case or the action of discussing:商讨;讨论
dismay to fill with dismay:使(充满)惊慌;使灰心;使沮丧
disperse to scatter in different directions:(使)弄散;驱散;解散
The wind dispersed the smoke.
disposable intended to be used once and then thrown away:可以用后便
disposable paper plates
disposal the car or action of getting rid of; removal:处理;处置;清

garbage disposal
dispute to argue, esp. angrily and for a long time:争论;辩论;争

They disputed for hours about whether to build a new school.
disprove to be false:证明(某事)不成立;反驳
disreputable having or showing a bad character; having a bad name:品格
distill to make (liquid, in to gas and then make the gas into liquid, as
when separating alcohol from water:蒸馏;用蒸馏法提取
Water can be made pure by distilling it.
distinct different; separate:分别的;不同的;有区别的
Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.
distinguish to recognize by some mark or typical sign:区别;辨别
I can distinguish them by their uniforms.
diverge to separate and go on in different direction:分岔;分开
The road diverges ahead; you turn left.
diversity the condition of being different or having differences;

Mary has a great diversity of interests.
division 1.separation or distribution:分开,分配 of the parts of groups into which a whole is divided:
dogged having or showing a character which refuses to yield or give
up in the face of difficulty or opposition:顽强的;坚忍不拔

She was not very clever, but by dogged effort she learnt a
good deal at school.
dogma an important belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to
accept without reasoning:教条;教义
dolphin to three meters long, which swims about in groups:海豚
domestic of the house, home, or family:家的;家庭的
downfall a sudden fall (esp. from high rank); ruin:(尤指由较高地
draft to make a draft:起草;草拟
drainage a system or means for draining:排水设备;排水系统
dramatic of or related to the drama:戏剧的
drastic strong, sudden and often violent or severe:激烈的;猛烈
Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of
the country.
draw back to move oneself away from:退却;缩回
The crowd drew back in terror as the building crashed to the
dredge to use a dredger (in, on, or for something):(用挖泥机)疏
Can we dredge the river to make it deeper?
dubious feeling doubt ; undecided:对…怀疑;无把握的;可疑的
I’m still dubious about that plan.
durable long lasting:持久的;耐穿的
durable clothing
Dutch of or related to the people, country, or language of the
dwelling places where people live:住所;住处
Welcome to my humble dwelling.
dynamite a powerful explosive used in mining:炸药
earnest determined and serious, perhaps too serious:一本正经的;
He made an earnest attempt to persuade her.
earthquake a sudden usu. violent shaking of the earth’s surface:地震
The town was destroyed by the earthquake.
eccentric peculiar; unusual; rather strange:(指人及其行为)古怪
The old lady has some eccentric habits.

ecology the pattern of the natural relations of plants, animals, and
people to each other and to their surroundings:生态(学)
ecosystem an ecological system which relates all the plants, animals and
people in an area to their surroundings, considered as a
eddy a circular movement of water, dust, smoke, etc. (水、尘土、
edible fit to be eaten; eatable:可以吃的;适合吃的
the difference between edible and poisonous berries
edit to prepare a book, newspaper, movie, etc. for printing or
effective producing the desired result:有效的;生效的
His efforts to improve the school have been very effective.
efficient working well, quickly, and without waste:效率高的;有能
effluent liquid waste that flows out from a factory, etc. 工厂的污水;
Dangerous effluent is being poured into our rivers.
egalitarian having the belief that all people are equal and should have
equal rights:主张人人平等的;平均主义的
ego the way in which a person sees and feels about
Admiration by other people is good for one’s ego.
elaborate full of detail; carefully worked out and with a large number of
an elaborate pattern
element a quality or amount which can be noticed:少量;微量
There is an element of truth (=some truth) in what you say.
elevate to make (the mind, soul, etc.) better, higher, or more
You should read an elevating book, not a love story.
elicit to get, draw out (facts, information, etc.):引出;诱出;得

After much questioning, he elicited the truth.
eligible suitable to be chose:合格的;适宜的
She knows a lot of eligible young men who are all rich and
elusive difficult to catch, find, or remember:躲避的;难记忆的;
I’ve been trying all day to reach him on the telephone, but
he’s very elusive.
embankment a wide wall of stones or earth, which is built to keep a river
from overflowing its bands, or to carry a road or railway over
low ground:堤防;路基
We must throw up an embankment to stop the river from
flooding the town.

embark to go, put, or take on a ship:商船;装于船上;搭载
We embarked at Liverpool for new work.
embassy (the official building of) a group of officials, usu. led by an
ambassador, sent by a government to live in a foreign country
and keep good relations with its government:大事及随员
embed to fix (something) firmly and embedded with jewels:牢牢插
That terrible day will be embedded in my memory.
embryo the young of any creature in its first state before it is born:胚

His plans are still in embryo.
emerge to come or appear:出线;形成;露出
The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
eminent (of people) famous and admire:(指人)著名的;卓越的
an eminent doctor
eminently (of qualities or abilities) very; unusually:(指性质或能
Your decision was eminently fair.
emit to send out:放射
The chimney emitted a cloud of smoke.
emphasis special force given to something, to show that it is particularly
The dictionary places lays / puts an emphasis on examples.
enable make (a creature) able (to do something):使能够
This bird’s large wings enable it to fly very fast. give the power, means, or right (to do something):赋予
The new law enables a man to claim money from the state if
he has no work.
encroach to go beyond, or take more than what is right or usual:侵
His new farm buildings encroach on his neighbor’s land.
endanger to cause danger to:危及;危害;使遭到危险
You will endanger your health if you smoke.
endeavor to try:努力;竭力
You must endeavor to improve your work.
endorse to write, one’s name, on the back of:在(支票等)背面签

endure to bear:忍耐;忍受
I can’t endure that noise a moment longer.
energetic full of energy:精力旺盛的;精力充沛的
an energetic tennis player
engage to arrange to employ (someone):雇用;聘
enormously very much indeed:巨大地

enquire (about, after, concerning, for or into):问
enroll to make officially a member of a group:登记;编入;使入
ensure to make (something) certain (to happen):使(某事)必然
He wrote one poem which ensured his undying fame.
entail to make (an event or action) necessary:使成为必要;需要
Writing a history book entails a lot of work.
entertainment 1.the act of entertaining:招待;款待
He gets an entertainment allowance for the entertainment of
foreign businessmen.
2.public amusement:公共娱乐
A cinema is a place of entertainment.
enthusiasm a strong feeling of interest or admiration:热心,热情;积

The new teacher is full of enthusiasm.
entice to persuade (someone) to do something usu. wrong:引诱;
He enticed me away from working.
entitle to give a title o (a book, play, etc.):给(书、剧本等)定名
entrant a person who enters into a profession, race, or competition:
entrenched (of rights, beliefs, etc.) firmly established:(指权利、信仰
entrepreneur a person who owns and runs a business:企业家;主办者
environment the natural or social conditions in which people live:环境;
We have to stop spoiling the environment.
envision to see in the mind as a future possibility:设想;展望
When do you envision being able to pay back the money?
episode one separate event:插曲;一段情节;一个事件
There was an amusing episode at school yesterday.
equator an imaginary line (of latitude) drawn around the world
halfway between its most northern and southern points:赤道
equipment the thing needed for a particular activity:设备
equivalent same; equal:相等的;相当的;等值的
He changed his dollars for the equivalent amount in pounds .
an equipment amount of pounds.
erect upright; standing straight up on end:直立的;竖直的
Hold your head erect.
erode to eat into; wear or rub away:蚀;腐蚀;侵蚀
The sea erodes the rocks.
essential necessary:基本的;必要的
We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential
to life.

estate piece of land in the country, usu. with one large house on it:
estimate to calculate (an amount cost, etc.):估计;估量;评定
I estimate her age at about thirty-five.
estuary the wide lower part or mouth of a river, into which the sea
enters at high:河口湾;港湾
ethereal of unearthly lightness and delicacy; like a spirit of fairy:微
ethnic of or related to a racial, national, or tribal group:种族的,
etiquette the formal rules of proper behavior:礼仪;礼节
eucalyptus a tall tree, such as the Australian:桉树;桉树属植物;桉油
evaluate to calculate the value or degree of:评价;估计
I can’t evaluate his ability.
evaporate to (cause to) change into steam and disappear:(使)蒸发
The puddle evaporated in the sun.
eventually at last; in the end (esp. as a result):最终;终于;结果
He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.
evoke to produce or call up (a memory, a feeling, or its
That old movie evoked memories of my childhood.
evolve to (cause to) develop gradually:(使)发展;使逐渐形成
The American political system has evolved over a long period
of time.
exacerbate to make worse (pain, diseases, problems, etc.) 使(病痛、问
The new law exacerbated relations between employers and
exceed to be greater than:超过;超出
The cost will not exceed $100.
exception excepting or being excepted:除外;例外
You must answer all the questions without exception.
excess the fact of exceeding, or an amount by which something
This excess of losses over profits will ruin the business.
excursion a short journey mad for pleasure, usu. by several people
to go on a day excursion
execution legal killing as a punishment:处决;处死
Executions used to be held in public.
executive concerned with making and carrying out decisions, esp. in
a man of great executive ability
a person in an EXECUTIVE position esp. in business:行政

a young business group in the executive
exhale to breathe out (air, gas, etc.):呼出(空气,气体等)
exhaust to tire out:使筋疲力尽
What an exhausting day.
exotic strange and unusual; (as if) from a distant country:珍奇的;
expand to (cause to) grow larger:(使扩大);使膨胀
Iron expands when it is heated.
expansion the action of expanding or stat of being expanded:扩张;膨

The expansion of metals when they are heated.
expedition a (long)journey for a certain purpose:远征;探险队
expenditure spending or using up:消耗;支出
The expenditure of time, effort, and money on a piece of work.
expert with special knowledge or training:特殊知识或训练的
She’s (an) expert on / in / at teaching small children.
explanatory (of a statement, a piece of wring, etc.) that explains:解释的
a few explanatory words
explicit clear and full expressed:(指声明、规则等)清除明确的
to give explicit directions
exploit to use (esp. a person) unfairly for one’s own profit:利用
to exploit women by making them work for less pay
exploration the act or an action of exploring:探险;研究
an exploration to Antarctica
explosion an act of exploding:爆炸;爆炸声
When she lit the gas there was a loud explosion.
exponent a person who expresses, supports, or is an example of (a
stated belief or idea):(某种信念的)支持者;解释者;
She’s an exponent of the opinions of Freud.
extensive large in amount or area:大规模的;大量的
an extensive library
extent the length or area to which something extends:长度;范围
The full extent of the desert is not known.
external on, of, or for the outside:外部的;外面的;外表的
This medicine is for external use, not to drink.
extinct no longer existing:(指某种动物)绝种的
The woolly elephant has been extinct for a long time.
extinguisher an instrument for putting out small fires by shooting liquid
chemicals at them:灭火器
extol to praise very highly:赞扬;颂扬
He keeps extolling the merits.
fabricate to make or invent in order to deceive:捏造

The story was fabricated and completely untrue.
facet any of the many flat sides of a cut jewel or precious stone:
The question had many facets.
facilitate to make easy or easier; help:使变得容易;有助于
The new machine will facilitate the job.
facility ability to do something easily:技能;熟巧
His facility with / in language is surprising.
facsimile an exact copy, esp. of a picture or piece of writing:复制品;
factor any of the forces, conditions, influences, etc. that act with
others to bring about a result:因素;要素
His friendly manner is an important factor in his rapid
faculty a natural power or ability, esp. of the mind:才能;能力
For a woman of 85, she still has all her faculties.
fade to (cause to) lose strength, color, freshness, etc. (使)枯萎;
The sun has faded the material.
fairly in a manner that is free from dishonesty, injustice, etc. 诚实公
I felt that I hadn’t been treated fairly.
fallible able or likely to make a mistake:会犯错误的;易犯错误的
Everybody is fallible.
falsify to make false by changing something:篡改;改造
to falsify the records / facts
familiar generally know, seen, or experienced; common:熟悉的;常
a familiar sight
familiarity thorough knowledge (of):通晓;精通
His familiarity with many foreign languages surprises us all.
famine very serious lack of food:饥荒
Many people die during famines every year.
fatty (of food) containing a lot of fat:(指食物)脂肪的;油腻

fatigue great tiredness:疲劳;劳累
He was pale fatigue after his sleepless night.
federal of or formed into a political federation:联邦的;联邦制的
Switzerland is a federal republic.
feminine of or having the qualities suitable for a woman:有女性气质

She has a very feminine appearance.
fermentation the period or event of chemical change caused by the action of
certain living substances such as yeast:发酵
Leave the beer / wine on the shelf during fermentation.

ferry to carry on or as if on a ferryboat:运送
ferrying the children to and from school in my car
fervent feeling or showing strong and warm feeling:热情的;强烈
a fervent desire to win
fetus a young creature inside the mother, esp. at a later state when
all its parts have been developed for use at birth:胎;胎儿
fiancé a man to whom a woman is engaged (=whom she has
promised to marry):未婚夫
fiction stories or novels about things that did not really happen as
compares to other sorts of literature like history or poetry:小

a writer of popular fiction
fidget to move one’s body around in a restless, impatient way:不停
filament a thin thread, such as that inside an electric light bulb:(电
filter an apparatus through which substances can be passed so as to
make clean or to separate liquids from solids:过滤器
financial connected with money:财政的;金融的;财务的
New York is a great financial center.
finicky disliking many things; fussy:苛求的;过分讲究的
Eat your fish and don’t be so finicky.
finite having an end or limit:有限的;限定的
a finite number of possibilities
firearm a gun:枪;火器
flagstone a flat square of stone for a floor or path:(铺路用的)石板
flexible that can be bent easily:易弯曲的;可弯曲的
flimsy not strong; light and thin:轻而薄的;脆弱的
flimsy cloth
flow to run or spread smoothly, pour:流;流动
The stream flowed along rapidly.
fluctuate to rise and fall; change from one state to another:波动;变
The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the season.
fluent (a person) speaking or writing in an easy smooth manner:
He is fluent in five languages.
fluorescent having the quality of having out bright white light when
electric or other waves are passed through:(指物质)荧光
foible a small rather foolish personal habit:小缺点;弱点;癖好
My grandfather always takes a cold bath in the morning and
it is a foible of his.

forecast to say, esp. with the help of some kind of knowledge, what is
going to happen at some future time:预报;预测
forecasting the future
forefront the most forward place, leading position:最前面;前方
The brave soldier was in the forefront of the fighting.
foremost most important; leading:最重要的;前面的
Shakespeare is said to be the foremost writer in the English
forensic related to or used in the law and the tracking of criminals:法
foreseeable that can be foreseen:可预知的;可预见的
a foreseeable accident
formality an act in accordance with law or custom:正规的手续
There are a few formalities to settle before you become the
lawful owner of the car.
former of an earlier time:早期的;前任的
a former president of the United States
formation the shaping or developing of something:组成;形成
School has a great influence on the formation of a child’s
formulate to express in a short clear form:用公式表示
forum any place where public matters may be talked over and argued
The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public
fossil a hardened part or print of an animal or plant of long ago, that
has been preserved in rock, ice, etc. 化石
foster to encourage (something)to grow or develop:鼓励;激发
We hope these meeting will help foster friendly relations
between our two countries.
foundation the act of starting the building or planning of something large,
or starting some kind of organization:创立;创建
The university has been famous for medical studies ever since
its foundation.
fraction a division or part of a whole number:分数
fractionally to a very small degree:极小的;极少的
If your calculations are even fractionally incorrect, the whole
plan will fail.
fragrant having a sweet or pleasant smell:芳香的;芬芳的
The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
fraud deceitful behavior for the purpose of gain, which may be
punishable by law, dishonesty:欺诈;欺骗
She carried out a number of frauds on trusting people who
lent her money.
frustrate to prevent the fulfillment of; defeat (someone or someone’s

The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.
fuel (a type of) material that is used for producing heat or power
by burning:燃料
Wood, cool, oil, and gas are different kinds of fuel.
function a usual purpose (of a thing)or special duty (of a person):功
The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the
meaning of a noun.
fundamental (of a non-material thing) of the greatest importance; deep;
being at the base, from which all else develops:基本的;根
furnace a large enclosed fire used for producing hot water or steam:
furor a sudden burst of angry or excited interest among a large
group of people:狂怒;狂热
There was a furor over the new taxes.
furrow a long narrow track, esp. one cut by a plow in farming land:
The deep furrows made it difficult to walk across the field.
fusion (a) melting, mixing, uniting, or joining together:熔解;熔合
This metal is formed by the fusion of two other types of metal.
galaxy any of the large groups of stars which make up the universe:
gallery a room, hall, or building when words of art are shown and
sometimes offered for sale:画廊;美术品陈列室
gap an empty space between two objects or two parts of an
The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence.
garlic a plant like an onion which is used in cooking to give a strong
gasp to breathe quickly, with difficulty, making a sudden noise:喘
I came out of the water and gasped for breath.
gauge an instrument for measuring size, amount, etc. such as the
width of wire, the amount of rain falling, etc. 测量仪表;量

gender the state of being masculine, feminine or neuter:性(阳
generality the quality of being general:普遍性;一般性
generalize to make a general statement (about):概括;归纳
Our history teacher is always generalizing, he never deals
with anything in detail.
generic of or concerning a genus:属的;类的
genetic of or concerning genes or genetics:遗传的;起源的

genocide the act of killing a whole group of people, esp. a whole race:
genuine (of an object) real; really what it seems to be:(指物品)真
geometry the study in mathematics of the angles and shapes formed by
the relationships of lines, surfaces, and solids in space:几何

germ a very small living thing which cannot be seen but may live
on food or dirt or in the body, so causing disease:病菌;细

glacier a mass of ice which moves very slowly down a mountain
glamour a special quality of charm and beauty; attractiveness:魅力;
the glamour of foreign countries
gland an organ of the body which treats materials from the
bloodstream to produce various liquid substances:腺
glimpse to have a quick view of:一瞥;看一眼
I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared
from sight.
glutinous sticky:粘的;胶质的
a bowl of glutinous rice
glycerin a sweet sticky colorless liquid used in making soap,
medicines, and explosives:甘油;丙三醇
graduate to obtain a degree at a university, esp. a first degree:大学毕
granite a hard gray rock, used for building and making roads:花岗

granule a small bit like a fine grain:粒;微粒
a granule of salt
graphic concerned with written signs, usu. letters or drawings:书写
the graphic arts
graveyard a piece of ground, sometimes near a church, where people are
grid a set of bars across each other in a frame, esp. one which is set
on top of a car to carry boxes and bags:格子;(尤指车顶
grind to crush into small pieces or a powder by pressing between
hard surface:磨碎(成粉末);碾碎
grip to take a very tight hold (of):紧握;抓牢
grip harder
grit to become determined when in a position of difficulty:下定

The snow was blowing in her face, but she gritted her teeth
and went on.
gross 1.unpleasantly fat:肥胖的;臃肿的
2.(of people’s speech and habits) rough, impolite, and
She was shocked by his gross behavior at the party.
gullible easily tricked, esp. into a false belief:易受骗的;易上当的
He’s so gullible you could sell him anything.
gymnasium a hall with wall bars, ropes, and other such things, for
climbing, jumping, etc. 健身房;体育馆
habitable which can be lived in (inhabited):适于居住的;可居住的
halibut a very large fish used as food:大比目鱼;庸鲽
hallmark the mark made on objects of precious metal to prove that they
are silver or gold:(金银)纯度的检验印记
handcuffs metal rings joined together, for fastening the wrists of a
handicap a disability or disadvantage:障碍;不利条件;困难
Blindness is a great handicap.
handle a part of an object which is specially made for holding it or
for opening it:柄;把手
harangue (to attack or try to persuade with) a long often loud and
scolding speech:(批评或试图说服听众)大声疾呼的演
harbor an area of water which is sheltered from rough waters, esp.
the sea, so that ships are safe inside it:海港;港口
harmony notes of music combined together in a pleasant sounding
harsh unpleasant in causing pain to the senses:刺眼的;刺耳的;
a harsh light (=too strong for the eyes)
hatchback a car having a door at the back which opens upwards:有后
havoc wide spread damage or confusion:大破坏;混乱
His arrival that night played havoc with (=caused confuse
changes in) my plans.
hazard a danger:危险;意外
a hazard to health / a health hazard
hectare (a measure for the area of land which equals) 10000 square
heed to give attention to:留意到;留心
She didn’t heed my waning.
helium a gas that is a simple substance (element) that is lighter than
air, will not burn and is used e.g. in balloons:(化学元素)

helmet a covering to protect the head, as worn by soldiers,
motorcyclists, policemen, miner, etc. 头盔;钢盔;防护帽
hemisphere half a sphere (an object which is round like a ball):半球
herbalist a person who treats disease with herbs:草药医生
herbivorous (of animals) which eat grass and plants:(动物)食草的
hereditary which can be or is passed down from parent to child:世袭
heretic a person who favors heresy or is guilty of a heresy:异教
heritage something which is passed down over many years within a
family or nation:遗产;继承物;传统
much of our country’s artistic heritage
heterogeneous of (many) different kinds:异种的;异类的;不同成分构
hillside the slope of a hill, as opposed to the top (hilltop):山坡;山

hint a small or indirect suggestion:暗示;示意
I kept looking at my watch, but he just continued talking; he
can’t take a hint.
hive a place where bees live, like a small hut or box:蜂房;蜂箱
What a hive of industry.
homicide (an act of) murder:杀人
honeymoon a holiday taken by a man and woman who have just got
We had our honeymoon in Paris.
horizon the limit of one’s view across the surface of the earth, where
the sky seems to meet the earth or sea:地平线;地平圈
hormone any of several substances directed from organs of the body
into the bloodstream so as to influence growth,
hospitable showing attention to the needs of others, esp. by asking them
into one’s home, feeding them, etc. (指人或行动)好客的;
hospital a place where ill people stay and have treatment:医院
After her accident, Jane was taken to the hospital.
hub the central part of wheel, around which it turns and to which
the outside edge (rim) is connected by spokes:轮轴;轴心
humble (of people) low in rank or position:(人之)地位卑微的
hump a lump or round part which stands out noticeably, esp. on the
back, e.g. on a camel:圆形之隆起物
hurdle a wood frame use with others for making fences:栏杆
husky (of a person or voice) difficult to hear and breathy, as if the
throat were dry:(指人或声音)沙哑的;喉咙发干的
hydraulic concerning or moved by the pressure of water or other

hydraulic power
hydrogen a gas that is a simple substance (element), without color or
smell, that is lighter than air and that burns very easily:氢
hygiene the study and practice of how to keep good health, esp. by
paying attention to cleanliness:卫生学;保健法
hypnosis (the production of) a sleep-like state in which a person’s mind
and action can be controlled by another person:催眠;催眠
hysterical of hysteria:(指人)癔病的;歇斯底里的;发作的
The doctor slapped the hysterical child to make him calmer.
icon an image of a holy person, used in the worship of the eastern
branches of Christianity:(东正教所崇拜的)圣像;偶像
identify to prove or show the identify of:验明;识别;认出
I identified the coat at once; it was my brother’s.
ignite to start to burn:点燃;使燃烧;使发火
The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it.
ignition the electrical circuit which starts an engine:(内燃机的)
illegal against the law:不合法的;违法的
It’s illegal to park your car here.
illogical (of people or ideas) going against logic:思想不合逻辑的;
illustrate to add pictures to (something written):加插图;做图解
This book is a beautifully illustrated history of science.
illustration the act of illustrating:举例说明
Illustration by example is better than explanations in words.
immediate done or needed at once:立即的;即时的
I want an immediate reply.
immigrant a person coming into a country from abroad to make his home
immune unable to be harmed because of special powers in oneself:免
immune to disease
impact the force of one object hitting another:冲击力;碰撞;影
The cup hit the wall and broke on impact.
imperial concerning an empire or its ruler:帝王的
impetuous showing swift action but lack of thought:鲁莽的;冲动
implant to fix in deeply usu. into the body or mind:灌输;注入;移

implement a tool or instrument:工具;器具
farming / gardening implements
implicate to show that (someone else is also to blame:使(某人)受

The police found a letter which implicates him in the robbery.
inactive not active:不活动的;不活跃的
inadequate not adequate; not good enough in quality, ability, size, etc. (for
some act):不充分的;不适当的;不合格的;不胜任的
inattention lack of attention:不注意;疏忽
incentive an encouragement to greater activity:刺激;鼓励
His interest gave me (an) incentive and I worked twice as
incinerator a machine for burning unwanted things:焚化炉;火葬炉
incision the act of cutting or a cut into something, done with a special
tool for a special reason:切入;切开;切口
income money which one receives regularly, usu. payment for one’s
work, or interest from investments:收入;收益;所得
very small / low income
incorporate to make (something) a part of a group; include:使成为一部
They incorporated his new ideas into their plans.
increase to make or become larger in amount or number:增加;增
The population of this town has increased.
incur to receive (some unpleasant thing) as a result of certain
I incurred his dislike from that day on.
indicate to point at; draw attention to:指示;指出
I asked him where my sister was, and he indicated the store
across the street.
indigenous native; belonging to a place:本地的;土产的;土生土长

induce to lead (someone) often by persuading:引诱;诱导;劝使
I was induced to come against my will.
inestimable too great to be calculated; very important:无法估计的;非
of inestimable value
inexorable whose actions or effects cannot be changed or prevented by
one’s efforts:坚决不变;不为所动的;不屈不挠的
inextricable whose actions or effects cannot be changed or prevented by
one’s efforts:(困境等)无法摆脱的
infant a very young child:婴儿;幼儿
a high rate of infant mortality
infection the state or result of being infected, or the action of
infection from impure water / by flies
infernal very bad; very annoying:非常坏的;可恨的;该死的
Stop that infernal noise.
infinitesimal very small:无限小的;微小的

infinity limitless time or space:无限的时间或空间
the infinity of the universe
inflammable which can be set on fire:易燃的;可燃的
Oil is highly inflammable.
inflation the condition in which prices keep rising, esp. to an
undesirable degree:物价飞涨;通货膨胀
influx the arrival, or movement inwards, of large
There was a sudden influx of goods onto the marked him
(about) where to go.
informative that tells one some useful things:报告消息的;提供资料
an informative television program
ingenious having or showing cleverness at marking or inventing
ingenuous simple, direct, and inexperienced:坦率的;单纯的;天真

He is too ingenuous in believing what people say.
ingot a lump of metal in a regular shape often brick-shaped; bar (of
gold or silver):铸块;金属锭;(金或银)条
ingredient one of a mixture of things from which something is made:
The initial talks were the base of the later agreement.
initiative the first movement or act which starts something happening:
He took the initiative in organizing a party after his brother’s
inject to put (liquid) into (someone) with a special needle
They are injecting him with new drugs.
inland done or placed inside a country, not near the coast or other
the coast or other countries
inmate a person living in the same room or building as others, esp.
unwillingly as in a hospital or prison:同屋居住者;(尤指
innocuous harmless; not intended to offend:无害的;不会招怨的;不
innovation the introduction of something new:革新;创新;改革
The innovation of air travel during this century has made the
world seem smaller.
inquiry the act of inquiring:调查
inscribe to write by marking into (a surface) mark (surface) with
(something written) esp. a name:刻写;题名
She inscribed his name on the book.

insert to put something inside (something else):插入
to insert a key in a lock
inshore near, towards, or to the shore:海岸;向着海岸;沿海
insight (an example of) the power of using one’s mind to understand
something deeply, esp. without help from outside
Visiting Los Angeles gave me insight into the lives of the
people who live there.
install to set (an apparatus) up, ready for us:安装;装置;设置
We’re installing a new heating system.
instantaneous happening at once:即刻的;瞬间发生的
instinct the natural force in people and animals which causes certain
behavior patterns, such as nest-building, which are not based
on learning or thinking:本能;知觉;天性;本性
some animals hunt by instinct
institution an organization which provides people with help, work,
medical treatment, or protection, such as a school or
instrument an object used to help in work:工具;器具;仪器
medical instruments
instruction the act or action of instructing; teaching:教育;指导;训练
He’s not yet trained; he’s still receiving instruction.
insulate to cover (something) so as to prevent the passing of unseen
forces such as electricity, heat, or sound:使绝缘;使绝热
Many houses could be warmer if they were insulated so that
the passing of unseen forces such as electricity, heat, or sound
in not lost.
intake the amount or number allowed to enter, or taken in:吸收
a large intake of food
integral necessary (to complete something):构成整体所必需的;缺
an integral part of the argument
intellectual concerning the intellect:智力的;理智的
intellectual subjects
intend to plan; to mean (to do):计划;意欲
I’ve made a mistake, though I didn’t intend to.
intensive which gives a lot of attention to a small amount of
something/in a small amount of time:集中的;密集的;深
Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.
intention a determination to act in a certain way:意图;意向
She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn’t my intention to
hurt her.

interact to have an effect on each other or something else:相互作
intercontinental (used, done, connected with, etc.)different land masses:洲际

interdependent depending on each other; necessary to each other:相互依赖
interim the time between two events:间歇;中间时期;过渡时期
good enough for a limited time, but nor meant to last:暂时

The full report isn’t ready yet, but you can see the interim
intermediate between two others; halfway:中间的;居中的
an intermediate level English class (=between the highest and
lowest levels)
interior (the part which is inside, indoors, or farthest from the edge or
internal of or in the inside, esp. of the body:内部的;内在的,体内

interrogate to question formally for a special purpose:审讯;审问;质

interrupt to break the flow of speech of (someone) by saying
Stop interrupting me; I’m trying to talk to your mother.
interplanetary (happening or done) between the planets:行星间的
interplanetary travel / space
interpreter a person who interprets:翻译;口译者;解说者
intersperse to set here and there:散布;散置
a field full of grass, intersperse with a few flowers
interval a period of time between events:间歇时间;间隔
There was a long interval before he replied.
intimate close in (a sexual) relationship:亲密的;亲切的;有性关
They had been intimate / on intimate terms for some time.
intimidate to make (someone) fearful enough to do what one wants:恫

intonation rise and fall in the level of the voice:语调;声调
intractable difficult to control:倔强的;难对付的;难管的
intransigent showing strong ideas which cannot be changed by others’
intricate containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to
intrinsic being part of the nature of the stated thing:内在的;固有
The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is
made of.

invest to use (money) to make money out of something that will
increase in value:投资;买进
She invested in a house / a painting.
investigate to examine carefully, or inquire about the reasons for
(something), the character of (someone):调查;审查;调查
to investigate the crime
iodine a simple substance:碘;碘酒
ironic of a strange and often bitterly funny quality which shows that
things are not as they seem or were meant to be:讽刺的;反
irony use of words which are clearly opposite to one’s meaning,
usu. with an amusing purpose:反语;反话
irrelevant not having any real connection with or relation to something
If he can do the job well, his age is irrelevant.
irrespective of of without regard to:不顾;不论;不考虑
They send information every week, irrespective of whether it’s
useful or not.
irrigate to supply water to (dry land):灌溉
isolate to keep apart or separate from others:使孤立;使脱离;隔

Several towns have been isolated by the flood.
issue the act of coming out or bringing out something:流出;放
I bought the book the day after its issue.
itemize to se out all the details of:详细列举;逐条列出
jolt to shake or be shocked:摇动;颠簸;震惊
The cart jolted over the rough road.
journal a diary:日记;日志
judgement an official decision given by a judge or a court of law:判决
justify to be or give a good reason for:证明是正当的;为…辩
How can you justify your rude behavior?
juvenile of, like, by, or for young people:少年的;似少年的;适合
juvenile books
kangaroo a type of Australian animal which jumps along on its large
back legs ad which carries its young in a special pocket of
kerosene an oil made from petroleum:煤油
ketchup a thick red sour liquid made from tomatoes, used for giving a
special taste to food:番茄酱
kin members of one’s family:家属;亲属
His next of kin was told of his death.

kit a set of articles:工具(箱);用具(盒)
This toy ship is made from a kit.
knit to make by uniting threads into a close network by means of
long needles:编织;编结;针织
I’m knitting (you) a pair of socks.
label to fix or tie a label on:贴标符于;加标符于
The doctor labeled the bottle poison / poisonous.
A piece of paper, cloth, fixed to something, on which is
written what it is, who owns it, etc. 标签;签条
lack to be without; not have enough of:缺乏;没有;短少
We lacked food.
lagoon a lake of sea water, partly or completely separated from the
landscape a wind view of country scenery:风景;景色
lane a narrow, often winging, road:小路;小径
larynx the hollow boxlike part in the throat, in which the sounds of
the voice are produced by the vocal cords:喉
latitude the distance north or south of the equator measured in
The latitude of the ship is 20 degrees south.
latter nearer to the end; later:较后的;稍后的;末了的
the latter years of her life
launch to set (a boat, esp. one that has just been built) into the
laundry a place or business where clothes are washed and ironed:洗
leafy covered with leaves:叶茂的
leak a small accidental hole or crack, esp. in a container, pipe:漏
lecture a speech to a group of people, esp. as a method of teaching at
She lectures on English history.
legal allowed or made by law; lawful:法律允许的;合法的;法
a legal claim
legendary of, like, or told in a legend:传奇式的;传说的
legible that can be read easily:易读的;字迹清楚的
legion a group of soldiers or other armed men:军团;大批部队
lesser not so great or so much:较小的;较次要的;较低程度的
the lesser of two evils
lethal able to kill:致死的;致命的
a lethal dose of a poison
lever a bar used for moving something heavy or stiff one end is
placed under or against the object, the middle rests on
something, and the other end is pushed down:杠杆

lewd wanting or thinking about sex, in a manner that is not socially
liability the condition of being LIABLE:倾向
liberal willing to respect the ideas and feeling of others:心胸宽阔
limitation the fact or condition of limiting or being limited:限制;局
linen cloth made from tablecloths:床单;被单;桌布等
lint tiny pieces of thread or fiber:软麻布;软布;绒布
liqueur a very strong alcoholic drink which has a special, rather sweet
liquor strong alcoholic drink, such as whiskey:烈性酒
literally exactly:确切的;实在的
to do literally nothing at all
lobby a hall of passage, not a room, which leads from the entrance
to the rooms inside a building:门厅;门廊
lodge to stay, usu. for a short time and paying rent:寄宿;临时暂

logical in accordance with the rules and science of logic:符合逻辑
a logical argument
logistics organization of work, materials, moving:后勤
The logistics of the operation are very difficult because there
are 90000 soldiers involved.
lottery a system in which a few out of many numbered tickets sold to
people are picked by chance, and prizes given to those who
bought them:发行彩票或奖券办法;抽彩给奖法
lotus a while or pink flower that grows, esp. in Asia, on the surface
of lakes:莲;荷
lounge a comfortable room for sitting in, as in a house or hotel:起
lowland lower than the land surrounding it:低地;低地的
lowland areas
lukewarm not very hot:微温的;不冷不热的
luxurious very fine and costly; very comfortable:精美而昂贵的;豪
luxury great comfort, as provided without worry about the coast:豪
They led a life of luxury.
macabre causing fear, because connected with death:骇人的;令人
machinery machines in general:机器;机械
Nowadays, most farm work is done by machinery.

magnet any object, a piece of iron which can draw other objects
towards it, either naturally or because of an electric current
being passed through it:磁铁;电磁铁;吸铁石
magnitude greatness of size or importance:巨大的;广大的
I hadn’t realized the magnitude of the problem.
malaria a disease caused by the bite of a certain type of mosquito, in
hot countries:疟疾
malleable that can be made into a new shape:可锻造的;有韧性的
malnutrition lack of food, or the wrong kind of food:营养不良
manifestation the act of showing or making clear and plain:表明;暗示
managerial of or concerning a manager or management:经理的;经营
a managerial position
mangrove a tree of tropical countries which grows on muddy land and
near water:红树
manifest plain and clear to see:明显的;明白的;显然的
Fear was manifest on his face.
manila strong brown paper:马尼拉纸
mantle a loose outer garment:披风;斗篷
manual of or using the hands:手的;用手的;手工做的
Manual work is tiring.
margin a space near the edge of page:页边的空白
to make notes in the margin of a book
martial of or concerning war, soldiers:战争的;军事的
masculinity the quality of being:男子气概;男性;阳刚之气
mask a covering for the face, or for the upper or lower part of it,
which hides or protects it, esp. so as to avoid being
recognized, or to protect others from infection:面罩
masquerade a dance or party where people wear mask:假面舞会;化妆
matriculate to become a member of a university, esp. after an examination
or test:大学录取(尤指经过考试或测验后);准许…注
mature a fully grown and developed:成熟的;成年人的
maximize to increase to the greatest possible size:把…增加到最大限

maximum the largest number, among, etc. 最大值(的)
What’s the maximum distance you’ve ever walked?
mechanical a person who is skilled in using, repairing, etc. machinery:
mechanism the different parts of something, of a small machine, arranged
together, and the action they have:机械装置;结构
The clock doesn’t work, there’s something wrong with the
media a medical substance, a drug:药物;药剂

It is better to sleep naturally, without taking medication.
medieval of the period in history between about 1100 and 1500:中世
mediocre of not very good or bad quality or ability:中庸的;中等
megaton a measure of force of an explosion equal to that of a million
tons of explosive:百万吨级
membrane soft thin in the body, covering or connecting parts of it:膜
mental of the mind:心智的
mental powers
mention to tell about in a few words, spoken or written:提及;说起
He mentioned their interest in sport / that they were interested
in sport.
mercurial quick to change:易变的
meringue a mixture of sugar and the white part of the eggs, beaten
messy untidy:不整洁的;凌乱的
metallurgy the study and practice of removing metals from rocks, melting
them, and using them:冶金学;冶金术
meteorologist a person who studies and knows about the weather:气象学

methodical careful; using an ordered system:细心的;有条理的
She has a methodical way of doing things.
metric concerning the system in cities in France or various other
the Washington / Montreal metro
microbe a living creature that is so small that it cannot be seen without
a microscope, and that may cause disease:微生物;细菌
microwave an electric wave of very short length, used in sending
messages by radio, in radar, and in cooking food:微波
midst the middle part or position:中间;中部;当中
The soldier was always in the midst of the fight.
mien a person’s appearance, manner, or expression:风度;态
migraine a person or severe and repeated headache, usu. with disorder
of the eyesight:周期性偏头痛
migrant a person or animal or, bird that migrates or is migration:移
Migrant workers move from country to country in search of
migrate to move from one place to another; change one’s place of
living, esp. for a limited period:移居;移动
migratory having or showing the habit of migrating (migrate):有移居

military of for, by, or connected with soldiers, armies, or war fought by
In some countries every healthy young man must do a year’s
military service.
mineral any of various, solid substances that are formed naturally in
the earth:矿物
mineral water water that comes from a natural spring and contains mineral,
often drunk for health reasons:矿泉水
minor lesser or smaller in degree, size, of little importance:较小
He left most of his money to his sons; his daughter only
received a minor share of his wealth.
minus made less by (the stated figure or quantity):减;减去
17 minus 5 leaves 12.
miracle an act or happening, that cannot be explained by the laws of
nature, one done by a holy person:奇迹
According to the Bible, Christ worked many miracles such as
turning water into wine.
miscarriage an act or case of producing lifeless young, esp. early in their
development, before the proper time of birth:流产;小产
miscellaneous of several kinds; having a variety of sorts, qualities:多种
mishap an unfortunate, often slight, accident; unfortunate
He hurt his knee during the football game, but this mishap
didn’t stop him from playing.
model to make a model of:制作模型
He modeled a ship out of bits of wood.
moderate of middle degree; neither large nor small, high nor low, fast
nor slow:中等的;适度的
At the time of the accident the train was traveling at a
moderate speed.
modify to change (a plan, an opinion, a condition, or the form of
The car has been modified so that it can be used in the desert.
modish fashionable:时髦的;流行的
modulate to vary the strength, nature:调整
module a part having a standard shape and size, used in building,
making furniture:组合部件
mold to shape or form (something solid):用模子做;浇铸
The car body is molded in the factory.
mole a small dark brown on the skin:痣;黑痣
molest to annoy or attack:骚扰;干扰;攻击
A dog that molests sheep has to be killed.
molten to liquid by very great heat; melted:熔解的;熔化的

monitor to watch, listen to, or examine:监视;监听;监控
We have been monitoring the enemy’s radio broadcasts to try
to fond out their plans.
morality rightness or pureness of behavior, of an action:道德;美
One sometimes wonders if there’s any morality in politics.
moral standards of behavior, in matters of sex:道德;伦理;品行
a person of loose morals
motivate with a reason or cause for doing something:作为…动机;
His attempt to get elected was motivated only by a desire for
mount a mountain:山;峰
multifarious of many different types:多种多样的;五花八门的
multifarious interests
multiple including many different parts, types:复合的;多样的;多
The driver of the crashed car received multiple injuries.
muster to gather or collect:集合;着急;鼓起
to muster one’s courage
mutual equally to, one towards the other:相互的;彼此的
Stalin and Trotsky were mutual enemies.
mystify to make wonder; completely bewilder:神秘化;使迷惑;
I’m completely mystified about what happened.
mythical of or in a myth:神话的;存在于神话中的
naive having or showing no experience:天真的;幼稚的
The youngest boy was laughed at for his naive remarks.
narcotic taking away pain or esp. causing sleep:麻醉的;催眠的
a narcotic drink
national of, concerning, or belonging to a nation:国家的;国有的;
a national newspaper
nationality membership in particular nation by a person:国籍
people of many different nationalities
negative saying or meaning “no”:说“不”的;否定的;否认的
a negative answer to my request
negotiate to talk with another person or group in order to settle a
question or disagreement; try to come to an agreement:协
The two governments were negotiating to bring an end to the
neurotic related to or suffering from neurosis:神经病的;神经过敏

Stop worrying about it. You’re really getting neurotic.

neutral without any feelings on either side of a question:中立的
I’m neutral in this argument; I don’t care who wins.
nickel a hard silverwhite metal that is a simple substance and is used
in the production of other metal:镍
nickname a name used informally instead of one’s own name, usu. given
because of one’s character or appearance or as a short form of
the actual name:绰号;浑名;外号
His real name is Mr. Macdonald, but his nickname is Mac.
nitrate any of several chemicals used mainly in improving soil for
growing crops:硝酸盐
nitrogen a gas that is a simple substance, without colour or smell, that
forms most of the earth’s air, and that is found in all living
nomad a member of a tribe which travels around, esp. to find grass
for its animals:游牧部落的一员
normalize to (cause to) come back to a good or friendly state:(使)
The two countries tried to normalize relations after the war.
nostril either of the two openings at the end of the nose, through
which one breathes:鼻孔
notably noticeably or in a way which might attract attention:特别
Many members were absent, notably the vice-chairman.
notify to tell (someone), esp. formally:(尤指正式地)通知(某
I’ll notify my lawyer to write out the agreement.
notion an idea, belief, or opinion; conception:想法;见解;概
I haven’t the faintest notion (of) what you’re talking about.
notional existing (only) in the mind; or theoretical:概念的;抽象
to give the object a notional price just for use in this
notoriety the state or quality of being notorious:声名狼藉;臭名照章

nourishment something that nourishes; food:滋补品;营养品
The child took no nourishment all day.
nozzle a short tube fitted to the end of a hose, pipe, bellows, etc. to
direct and control the stream of liquid or gas coming out:短
nuance a slight difference in color, meaning, etc. 细微差别
nuances of taste which are hard to describe
nuisance a person, animal, or action that annoys or causes trouble:讨

Sit down and stop being a nuisance / making a nuisance of
numerous many:许多的;为数众多的
one of my numerous relatives
nutrition the action of providing or state of being provided with food;
Good nutrition is important for good health.
oath a solemn promise:誓言
to swear / take an oath
oatmeal crushed oats used for making cakes and breakfast food:燕麦

obese very fat:过度肥胖的

obligate to make (someone) feel it necessary (to do something):使负

He felt obligated to visit his parents.
oblige to force (someone to do something):迫使;责成(某人去
He felt obliged to leave after such an unpleasant argument.
obscure hard to understand; not clear:难理解的;晦涩的;不清楚

a speech full of obscure political jokes
obsolete no longer used; out of date:已废弃不用的;已过时的;陈
obsolete machinery
obtain to get:得到;获得
I haven’t been able to obtain that record anywhere; can you
obtain it for me?
occasional happening from time to time; not regular:不时的;偶尔
We get an occasional visitor here.
occupational of or about an occupation:职业的;职业上的;职业引起

For professional football players, broken bones are an
occupational hazard.
octagon a flat figure with eight sides and eight angles:八边形;八角

odd strange; unusual:奇怪的;不寻常的
offspring a child or children; the young of an animal:子孙;后裔
ominous being an omen. Of something bad:预兆的;不吉的;不祥

ominous black clouds
omit to leave out; not include, by mistake or on purpose:省略;
He omitted to tell me when he was leaving.

onset the first attack or beginning (of something bad):(坏事)首
the onset of a nasty cold
opinion what a person thinks about something:意见;看法;见解
His opinions are always interesting.
opponent a person who takes the opposite side, esp. in playing or
oppose to be or act against:反对;反抗
We opposed the building of a new road through the park.
opt for to choose (a particular thing) rather than any others:选择
optic of or belonging to the eyes:眼睛的;视力的;视觉的
the optic nerve
optical of or about the sense of sight:眼睛的;视觉的
optics the scientific study of light:光学
optimism the belief that whatever happens will be good, and that things
will end well:乐观主义;乐天派
option the freedom to choose:选择自由
You must do it; you have no option.
orbit the path of something moving around a heavenly body, e.g.
the moon or a spacecraft moving around the earth:(天体
ore tock, earth, etc. from which metal can be obtained:矿;矿
organ a part of an animal or plant that has a special purpose:(动
The liver is an organ and so sexual organs.
organization 1.a group of people with a special purpose, such as a club or
2.the arrangement or planning of parts so as to form an
effective whole:体制;编制
orientate to give direction or guidance to:指出方向;给以指导;使
I need some time to get oriented wherever I go to a new place.
orientation becoming familiar with some place or something:逐渐的熟
ornament an object possessed because it is (thought to be) beautiful
rather than because it is useful:装饰品;装饰物
Their house is full of little ornaments.
to add ornament to:装饰;修饰;美化
orthopedic of the branch of medicine that deals with (the putting straight
of) bones:整形外科的;矫形手术的
After hurting his leg in the accident, he spent three months in
an orthopedic hospital.
oscillate to keep on moving from side to side, between two limits, or
between two choices:摆动;振动;犹豫

outline the shape (of something):(某物的)轮廓,外廓
The outline of her face in the light of the candle.
outright completely:彻底地;全部地;完全地
He’s been paying for that house for years; now he owns it
overdose too much of a drug:用药过量
He died by taking an overdose.
overlap to cover (something) partly:部分重迭;交搭
Some roofs are made with overlapping slates.
overload to load too heavily:装载过重
overseas to, at, or in somewhere across the sea; foreign:往海外;在
They’ve gone to live overseas.
overweight weighing too much:超重的;过重的
This package / person is overweight by two pounds / is two
pounds overweight.
oxidize to (cause to) combine with oxygen. Esp. in such a way as to
make or become:(使)氧化;(使)生锈
ozone air that is pleasant to breathe, esp. near the sea or running
water; or a type of oxygen:新鲜空气;臭氧
pacify to make clam, quiet, and satisfied:使镇静;使平静;抚慰
to pacify a crying baby
package a thing or things wrapped in paper and tied or fastened for
easy carrying, mailing, etc. 包裹;包
He carried a large package of books under his arm.
paddock a small field where horses are kept and exercised, or where
horses are brought together before a race to that people may
see them:围场;马的集中地
painstaking careful and thorough:辛苦的;苦干的;刻苦的
painstaking care
pamphlet a small book with paper covers which deals usu. with some
matter of public interest:册子
panacea something that is said to cure any illness, put right all trouble,
etc. 万应灵药
panel a separate usu. 4-sided division of the surface of a door, wall,
etc. which is different in some way to the surface round it:方
panorama a complete view over a wide area:全景
paradox a statement which seems to be impossible, because it says two
opposite things, but which has some truth in it:似是而非的
“More haste, less speed” is a paradox.
parakeet a kind of small parrot:长尾小鹦鹉
parallel of two or more lines or rows running side by side never
getting nearer to or further away from each other:平行的

pastry a small sweet cake made from flour, fat, milk or water and
usu. sugar, sometimes containing cream or fruit, eaten when
pasture a grass considered or used as food for cattle:牧羊
patently clearly and plainly:明显地;显然的;一清二楚的
a patently false statement
pathological of or concerning pathology:病理学的
pause a short but noticeable break in activity or speech:停顿;暂

a pause in the conversation
to stop for a short time before continuing:停顿;暂停
She paused to light a cigarette, then continued reading.
payroll a list of workers employed by a company and the amount of
wages each person is to be paid:工资名单;职工薪水册
peak a sharply pointed mountain top:山顶;山峰
The (mountain) peaks are covered with snow all the year.
pebble a small roundish smooth stone found esp. on the seashore or
on a riverbed:卵石
peculiarity the quality of being peculiar:特色;特质
pedestrian a person walking (esp. in a street used by cars):步行者;行

peer an equal in rank, quality or worth:等同之人;同辈
Older boys and girls form groups of their peers / peer groups.
pellet a small ball of any soft material made by or as if by rolling
between the fingers:小球;小团;小丸
penalty the punishment for breaking a law, rule, or agreement in
She has paid the penalty for her crimes.
pendulum a weight hanging from a fixed point so as to swing freely. Esp.
as used to control the working of a clock:钟摆
peninsula a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water:半岛
Italy is a peninsula.
perceive to have or come to have knowledge of (something) through
one of the senses or through the mind; see:察觉;看见
I told the judge that I couldn’t perceive any difference
between the two coins.
percentage an amount stated as if it is part of a whole which is 100;
perception the ability to perceive; clear natural understanding:洞察
percussion the forceful striking together of two (usu. hard) objects:撞击
perennial lasting forever or for a long time, constant:永久的;长期的;
Politics provides a perennial subject of argument.

perform to do; carry out (a piece of work), an order, etc.):旅行;执
The doctor performed the operation.
performance an action performed:执行;表现;表演
Our football team’s performance has been excellent this year.
periodical a magazine which appears at regular times (e.g. every
periphery a line or area enclosing something; outside edge:圆周;外
the periphery of the town
permanent lasting or intended to last for a long time or forever:永久的
peroxide a chemical liquid used to take the color out of dark hair and to
kill bacteria:过氧化物;高氧化物
perpetuate to preserve; cause to be continued or remembered:使永存;
persuasive having the power to influence others into believing or doing
what one wishes;有说服力的;善于游说的
pertain to to belong to or have a connection with:属于;关于;有关
pessimism the habit of thinking that whatever happens will be bad:悲观
pesticide a chemical substance used to kill pests;杀虫剂
petition (a paper containing) a request or demand made to a
government or other body, usu. Signed by many people:请
愿;请求;请愿书 a petition against the closing of the
to make a petition or request to:向…请愿;向…请求
The people petitioned (the government) to be allowed to
return to their island.
petroleum a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the earth, and
used to produce gasoline, kerosene, and various chemical
pharmaceutical connected with (the marking of) medicine:(制)药的;药
a pharmaceutical company
pharmacist a person who prepares and sells medicine:药剂师;药商
pharmacy the making and/ or giving out of medicine:制药;配药
philosophy the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality,
knowledge, goodness:哲学
phoenix an imaginary bird of ancient times, believed to burn itself at
the end of its life and be born again from the ashes:不死
phony pretended; false:假装的;伪造的;冒充的
He’s a phony.
phosphorus a poisonous yellowish waxlike simple substance:磷;磷光

pigment coloring matter that is mixed with oil, water, etc. To make
pilchard a small sea fish like the herring, often preserves in cans as
pilot 1.a person who files an aircraft:飞行员
2.a person with a special knowledge of a particular stretch of
water, who is employed to go on board and guide ships that
use it:领航员;引水员
pitch to set up (a tent, camp, etc.)in position on open ground, esp.
For a certain time only:安(营)
pitfall an unexpected danger or difficulty; mistake that may easily be
There are many pitfalls in English spelling for foreign
plasma the liquid part of blood:血浆
platypus a type of small furry Australian animal that lays eggs and has
a beak like a duck’s, but gives milk to its young:(动物)
plethora an amount or supply much greater than is needed:过量;过

plight a (bad, serious, or sorrowful)condition or state:情绪;情况
He was in a terrible plight, trapped at the back of the cave.
ploy a way of behaving in order to gain some advantage:(为了
His usual ploy is to pretend to be ill so that people will take
pity on him.
plume a feather, esp. A large or showy one:羽毛
plural (a word or form) that represents more than one:(词或形
Dogs is a plural noun.
plus with the addition of (the stated figure or quantity):加;加上
3 plus 6 is 9.
poker a thin metal bar used to move the wood or coal in a fire in
order to make it burn better:(金属的)拨火棒
polar of, near, like, or coming from lands near the north or south
polarity the state of having or developing two opposite qualities:性
A growing polarity between the opinions of the company and
those of the labor union.
pole a long usu. thin round stick or post:杆;竿;柱
policy a plan or course of action in directing affairs, esp. as chosen
by a political party, government, business company, etc. 政

One of the party’s policies is to control public spending.
polish to make or become smooth and shiny by continual rubbing:
Polish your shoes with a brush.
poll the giving of votes at an election:选举投票
The result of the poll won’t be known until midnight.
pollinate to cause (a flower or plant) to be able to produce seeds by
bringing pollen:给(花或植物)授粉;传花粉给
pollutant a substance or thing that pollutes:污染物质;污染物
porous allowing liquid to pass slowly through:可渗透的
This clay pot is porous.
porpoise a large fishlike sea animal like a poplin that swims about in
portion a part separated or cut off:部分
passengers traveling in the front portion of the train
portray to represent (someone or something) in painting, in a book,
etc. esp. according to one’s own ideas or so as to produce a
certain effect:描述;庙会;描写(某人或某物)
Her book portrays her father as a cruel man.
positive allowing no room for doubt; definite:明确的;确定的
We still don’t have a positive answer as to how he died.
posthumous coming (soon) after one’s death:死后的
potluck to have the same meal as everyone else:(尤指来访的客
Come home with us and have supper, if you don’t mind taking
poultry farmyard birds, such as hens, ducks, etc. kept for supplying
eggs and meat:家禽
Our poultry are kept at the rear of the garden.
precaution an action done in order to avoid possible known danger,
discomfort, etc. 预防措施
We have taken all the precautions we can against the paining
being stolen.
precedent (the use of) a former action or case that acts as an example or
rule for present action:先例(的使用)
When he decides the case, the judge had to follow the
precedent which had been established in 1920.
precinct a division of a town or city for election or police purposes:
These policemen are from the twelfth precinct.
precipitate (in chemistry) a solid substance that has been separated from
a liquid by chemical action:(化学)沉淀物;沉积物
wildly hasty; casting or done without care or thought:仓促
precisely exactly:精确地;准确的
The train leaves precisely at 10 o’clock.

predict to see or describe (a future happening) in advance as a result
of knowledge, experience, reason. etc. 预言;预测
She predicted that he would marry a doctor.
predominantly mostly; mainly:大多数;主要地
The votes were predominantly in favor of the new law.
prefabricate to make (the parts or a building, ship, etc.) in a factory ready
for fitting together in any place chosen for building:预制
prefix to add a prefix to (a word or name):给…加字首
pregnancy (an example of) the condition of being pregnant:怀孕;妊

Is it unwise to smoke during pregnancy?
pregnant (of a woman or female animal) having an unborn child or
unborn young in the body:怀孕的
She has been pregnant for 5 months.
prehistoric of or belonging to a time before recorded history:史前的
prehistoric man
preliminary a preparation:余倍;初步的行动或安排
There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you
can visit that country.
premise a statement or idea on which reasoning in based:前提
The lawyer based his argument on the premise that people are
innocent until they are proven guilty.
preparatory done in order to get ready for something:准备;预备的;
I have a few letters to write preparatory to beginning the
day’s work.
prerequisite (something) that is necessary before something else can
happen or be done:先决条件(的);必须具备的
Every student must take certain prerequisite classes before
beginning study in their field of interest.
prescription 1.the act of prescribing:处方;指令;规定
2.something that is prescribed:药方;指令;规定
What’s your prescription for a happy marriage?
pressure the action of pressing with force or weight:压;榨;挤
The pressure of the water turns this wheel, and this is used to
make electric power.
prevent to keep (something) from happening or stop (someone) from
doing something:防止(某事)发生;阻止(某人)做某

What can we do to prevent this disease (from)spreading?
previous happening, coming, or being earlier in time or order:先前
Have you had any previous experience, or is this kind of work
new to you?

printout a printed record produced by a computer:(电子计算的)
prior 1.earlier; coming or planned before:预先的;在前的
I was unable to attend the wedding because of a prior
2.more important; coming first in importance:更重要的;
I stopped playing football because my work had a prior claim
on my time and attention.
priority the state or right of being first in position or earlier in time:
The badly wounded have / take priority for medical attention
over those only slightly hurt.
privilege (a) special right or advantage limited to one person or a few
(fortunate) people of a particular kind:特权;优惠
In countries where there are still not many schools, education
is a privilege.
probe a long thin metal instrument, usu. with a rounded end, esp.
one used to search the inside of a wound, a hole in a tooth,
etc. 探针(尤指用来探查伤口;牙齿上的洞等)
problematic doubtful; not settled:有疑问的;未定的
The future of our business is problematic.
procedure a set of actions necessary for doing something properly:程
Writing a check is a simple procedure.
process 1.any continued set of natural actions over which man has
little control:作用;活动
Coal was formed out of dead forests by chemical processes.
2.a continues set of actions performed intentionally in order to
reach some result:方法;步骤
the process of learning to read
productive that produces well or much:多产的;丰饶的
a very productive writer / meeting
proficient (at, in) thoroughly skilled; well practiced in an art, science,
skill, or branch of study:熟练的;精通的
profile 1.aside view, esp. of someone’s head:侧面(像)
He drew her profile. edge or shape of something seen against a background:
prohibit to forbid by law or rule:禁止;不准
Smoking in this theater is prohibited.
project to (cause to) stand out beyond an edge or surface:(使)伸
His ears project noticeably.
promote to advance (someone) in position or rank:提升;使晋级

The young army officer was promoted to captain / promoted
to the rank of captain.
prompt done, given, or acting quickly, at once, or at the right time:
Prompt payment of bills helps keep our accounts in order.
propagate (of living things) to increase in number by producing young:
Most plants propagate by seed.
property something which is owned; possession(s):所有物;财产
The police found some stolen property hidden in the thief’s
prophet (in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions) a man who
believes that he is directed by God to make known and
explain God’s will and/or to lead or teach a religion:(基督
proposal a plan or suggestion:计划;建议
prosaic dull; uninteresting:枯燥的;单调的;无趣的
a prosaic job / article
prosecution (an example of) prosecuting or being prosecuted by law:起
prospect (a) reasonable hope or chance (of something happening):指
There’s not much prospect of my being able to see you soon.
prosperous successful; rich:繁荣的;昌盛的;兴隆的
prostitute a person esp. a woman. Who earns money by having sex with
a person who will pay for it:妓女
prostrate lying flat, with the face to the ground:俯卧的;平卧的
She was prostrate with grief.
protein any of many substances (present in such foods as meat and
eggs) that help to build up the body and keep it healthy:蛋白

punctual not late; happening, doing something, etc. at the exact time:
punctuation (the marks used in) punctuating:标点法;标点
purchase to buy:购买;购置
to purchase a new house in the country
pygmy a member of a race of very small people:俾格米人;矮人

pyre a high mass of wood for the ceremonial burning of a dead
quagmire a large area of soft wet ground; bog:沼泽地;泥沼;泥潭
qualify to (cause to) gain a certain level of knowledge, ability, or

This course will qualify you to teach swimming.

quality (high) degree of goodness:质量;优质
quandary a feeling of not knowing what to do:犹豫不定;进退两
I was in a quandary about whether to go.
quantify to measure (an amount or quantity):测定;量度(数
It is difficult to quantify the value of a good education.
quarantine a period of time when a person or animal that may be carrying
disease is kept separate from other so that the disease cannot
Because of the disease, the house was put under quarantine
(=no one was allowed to leave or enter) for two weeks.
quarry a place on the surface of the earth from which stone, sand, etc.
are dug out:采石场;石矿
quash to officially refuse to accept:撤销;废止;宣布;无效
The high court judge quashed the decision of the lower court.
questionnaire a piece of paper, usu. given to several people, showing a set of
questions to be answered in order to provide information:征
queue a line of people, cars, etc. waiting to move, to get on a
vehicle, or to enter a building; set of people waiting for
a long queue outside the theater
quirk a strange happening or accident:奇事;巧合
By some quirk of fate the two of us were on the same train.
quote to repeat in speech or writing the words of (a book or
He quotes (from) the book.
racism political and social practices based on the belief that one’s
own race is the best:种族主义
rack a framework with bars, hooks, etc. for holding things:(放
He put the bottles of wine in a rack.
rail a fixed bar, esp. one to hang things on or for protection:栏
Keep your hand on the rail as you climb the steps.
ramification a branch of a system (esp. of ideas, rules, etc.):分;分流;
the ramification of a business / of a railway system
ramify to (cause to) branch out in all directions; to form a network:
rampant (of crime, disease, beliefs, etc.) widespread and impossible to
Sickness was rampant in the country.

random made of done aimlessly, without any plan:胡乱的;任意
Fire a few random shots
ranking (of an officer) of highest rank present:(指军官)最高级别

Who’s the ranking officer here?
range a connected line (of mountains, hills, etc.):(山丘等之)排
a high mountain range
ratio a figure showing the number of times one quantity contains
The ratio of 10 to 5 is 2 to 1.
raucous (of voices) rough and unpleasant:(指声音)粗声的;沙
raucous shouts
raw (of food) not cooked:(指食物)生的;未煮过的
raw vegetables
react (to against) to act in reply; to behave differently as a result:
The company reacted to the worker’s complaints by
dismissing the director.
realistic showing realism:面对现实的;实事求是的
Our income has gotten smaller, so we must be realistic and
give up our car.
reappraisal the act of examining something again to see whether one
should change one’s opinion of it:重新考虑;在做评估
Our relations with Japan need reappraisal.
rear to care for until fully grown:抚养;饲养
to rear a large family
reassure to comfort and make free from fear (someone anxious):使安
The doctor reassured the sick man (about his health).
recapture to capture again:再次捕获;夺回;收复
The police recaptured the escaped criminal.
recession a period of reduced business activity; slump:工业的衰退时
recipe a set of instruction for cooking a dish:烹饪法;食谱;菜谱
a recipe for making bread
recipient a person who receives something:接受者
reciprocal given and received in return; mutual:相互的;互惠的
a reciprocal trade agreement between two nations
reckless (of a person or behavior) to hasty; not caring about danger:
reckless of danger

recognize to know and remember (someone or something one has seen
I recognized Mary in the photograph.
recollect to remember (something past):记起;想起
Do you recollect her name?
recommend speak (to someone) in favor of; praise (as being good for
a purpose):赞许
Can you recommend a good dictionary (to me)? advise or suggest:劝告;建议
I recommend buying this dictionary / you to buy this
reconcile to make peace between:和解;讲和
They used to quarrel in the past, but now they’re completely
reconsider to think again and change one’s mind about (a subject):再考
Won’t you reconsider your decision to leave the club?
recreation (a form of) amusement:娱乐;消遣
His only recreations your decision to leave the club?
recruit someone who has just joined one of the armed forces, esp. of
his own free will and is still being trained:新兵
to get (someone) as a recruit:招收(某人)为新成员
recruit some new members
recur to happen again or more than once:再发生;多次发生
If the pain recurs, take this medicine.
redistribute to share out again in a different way:再分配;重新分配
to redistribute the wealth in the country
reduce to make smaller, cheaper, etc. 减小;减价
I bought this shirt because it was reduced from $10 to $5.
redundancy (esp. words) a case of being not needed:(尤指字词)冗
the redundancy / the many redundancies of his style
reef a line of sharp rocks or bank of sand on or near the surface of
the sea:礁;暗礁
The ship was wrecked on a reef.
referee a judge in charge of some games:裁判员
refinement an addition or improvement:附加物;改良品
The addition of a little lemon juice was a perfect refinement to
the sauce.
reflect to throw back (heat, light, sound, or an image):反射(热、
The mirror reflected my face.
refreshing producing a feeling of comfort and new strength:令人精神
a refreshing sleep

refrigerator a large box in which food or drink can be kept for a time at a
low temperature:电冰箱
refute to prove to be wrong:驳斥;反驳;驳倒
I refuted him / his argument easily.
region a largish (stated) area, esp. of land, as a part of a country:地

a tropical region
register (a book containing) a register or list:记录;名单;登记
to keep a register of births and deaths
regulate to fix or control:制定;节制;调整
to regulate one’s habits
rehearse to practise (something) for later performance:预演;排演;
The actors were rehearsing (a play) in the theater.
reiterate to repeat several or many times:重申;反复地说
“Go away, go away” he reiterated.
reject to refuse to accept:拒绝;拒不接受
She rejected my suggestion.
relate to tell (a story):讲述(故事)
He related (to us) the story of his escape.
related connected; of the same family r kind:有关系的;同种的
She is related to me by marriage.
relative a member of one’s family:家人;亲属;亲戚
My uncle is my nearest relative.
relevant 1.connected with the subject:有关主题的;切题的
I know he’s back but it’s not relevant, is he a good lawyer?
2.connected (with):有关系的
His colour isn’t relevant to whether he’s a good lawyer.
reliable able to be trusted; dependable:可信赖的;可靠的
She may forget; she’s not very reliable.
reliant depending on:依靠的;信赖的
We should not be reliant on military power alone.
relieve to lessen (pain or trouble);减轻(痛苦或困扰)
a drug that relieves headaches
reluctant unwilling, and therefore perhaps slow to act:不愿意的;勉
to give a reluctant promise
remainder what is left over; the rest:剩余物;其余(人)
The remainder of the books are in the box.
remarkable worth speaking of; unusual or noticeable:值得一提的;异
remedy a cure:疗法;药物
remission the act of remitting:宽恕;免除
removal (an)act of removing:去除;移动;免职

renew to give new life and freshness to:翻新;更新
I came back from my vacation with renewed strength.
renovate to repair; put back into good condition:修理;翻新
to renovate an old house
repetition the act of repeating or something repeated:重说;重做;重
This accident is a repetition of one that happened here there
weeks ago.
represent to show; be a sign or picture of; stand for:表现;描绘;代
This painting represents a storm at sea.
repudiate to refuse to accept or recognize:拒绝接收或承认
to repudiate offers of friendship
reputable having a good name; well spoken of:名誉好的;有声望的
a reputable firm of builders
request a polite demand:要求;请求
He made a request for help / that I should help him.
require to need:需要
This suggestion requires careful thought.
research advanced study of a subject, so as to learn new facts:研究;
research students / workers
resemble to look or be like:像;似
She resembles her sister in appearance but not in
resentment the feeling of resenting bad treatment:怨恨;不满
I don’t bear you any resentment.
reserve to keep for a special purpose:保留
These seats are reserved for old people.
reservoir a place where liquid is stored esp. a man-made lake to provide
water for a city:蓄水池;水库
reshuffle shuffle (playing cards) again:再洗牌 change around; have a reshuffle of:改革;改组
residue what is left, esp. after chemical treatment:剩余物;残渣
resilient (of a substance) able to spring back to the former shape when
pressure is removed:弹性的;有弹力的
resolution the quality of being resolute:坚决;坚定;决心
You should show more resolution.
resource a possession in the form of wealth or goods:资源
a country rich in natural resources
respectively each separately in the order mentioned:各自的;各个的
She gave a glass of beer to the man and a toy rabbit to the
baby, respectively.
respiration the action of breathing:呼吸
Respiration is difficult at great heights.

respiratory connected with breathing:与呼吸有关的;呼吸用的
respiratory diseases
respond to answer:回答
They still haven’t responded to my letter.
restorative (a food, medicine) that brings back health and strength:滋补
restrict to keep within limits; keep (to a certain limit):制约;约束
to restrict oneself to (smoking) two cigarettes a day
resultant happening as an effect:作为结果而发生的
The drivers all sounded their horns and the resultant noise
was unbearable.
resume a short written account of one’s education and past
employment, used esp. when looking for a new job:个人简
retail the sale of goods in stores to customers, for their own use, not
the retail of goods
retention the state or action of retaining:保留;保持
the retention of facts in the mind
retrial an act of trying a law case again:再审;重新得到
I ran back to retrieve the bag I had left in the train.
reveal to allow to be seen:显示;显露
The curtains opened to reveal a darkened stage.
reverse opposite in position, back, being the reverse:相反的;向后
the reverse side of the cloth
revenue income, esp. that which the government receives as taxes:收
revert to to go back to (a former condition. habit, subject of
He’s stopped taking drugs now, but he may revert to taking
them again.
revise to read through (a piece of writing) carefully, making
improvements and correction mistakes:校订;审订
rheumatic connected with or having rheumatism:风湿病的
a rheumatic condition of the joints
rhythm regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements in speech,
dancing, music:节奏
The exciting rhythms of African drum music.
rickety weakly joined and likely to break:连接处不牢的;摇摇欲
rift a crack; narrow opening made by breaking:缝隙;裂缝
The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds.
rigorous careful and through:严格的;精确的
The new cars are given rigorous safety checks.

rinse to wash in clean water so as to take away soap:冲洗;漱口
I’ll just rinse (out) these shirts.
rip to tear or be torn quickly and violently:撕;扯
The sail ripped under the force of the wind.
ripen to make or become ripe:使成熟;成熟
The sun ripens the corn.
ritual one or more ceremonies or customary acts which are often
repeated in the same form:仪式;典礼
the ritual of morning prayers in school
roam to wander with no very clear aim (through, around, etc.):闲
route a way planned or followed from one place to another:路;
The shortest route from Boston to Washington
routine the regular fixed ordinary way of working or doing things:
Please do it according to routine.
rubric a set of rules printed in some special way and telling one what to do, as in a prayerbook or
examination paper:以特殊字体印的标题
rug a thick usu. woolen floor mat, smaller than carpet:小地毯
rumor unofficial news; common talk, perhaps untrue:谣言;刘延;传说
rupture (a) sudden breaking apart or bursting:破裂;断开
the rupture of a blood vessel
sail a piece of strong cloth fixed in position on a ship to move it through the water by the force
of the wind:帆
saline of, related to, or containing salt:盐的,有关盐的;含盐的
salmon a large fish with silvery shin and yellowish-pink flesh eaten as food:鲑鱼;大马哈鱼
I like salmon but it’s expensive.
sanction permission or approval:批准;同意
The army acts only with the sanction of the government.
sane healthy in mind; not mad or crazy:神志正常的;心智健全

scalpel a small sharp knife used by doctors in operation:手术刀
scan to examine closely, esp. in search:细看;审视;查找
He was scanning the sky for planes.
scandal (something which causes) a public feeling that something is
not proper:反感;公愤
The news about the senator’s private life cause a scandal.
scarf a piece of cloth for wearing around the neck, head, or
shoulders for protection against the neck or for decoration:
scenario a description of a possible of action or events or of the story
of movie, play, etc. 方案;电影剧本;剧情说明
scene (in a play) any of the divisions, often within an act:一场

scenic of, concerning, of showing natural scenery:风景的;与风
a scenic road / route along the coast
schedule a timetable of things to be done, dealt with:时间表
sculpture the art of shaping solid figures out of stone, wood, metal, etc.
to study sculpture in art school
scurry to move quickly with short steps; hurry:急匆匆的跑
The mouse scurried into its hole.
secluded very quiet and private:僻静的;隐蔽的
a secluded country house
security the state of being secure:安全;安心
He lost his feeling of security when he left home.
sediment solid material that settles to the bottom of a liquid:沉淀物;

a brown sediment in the bottom of the coffee cup
seductive having qualities likely to seduce; very desirable or
her seductive voice
seismic of or caused by earthquakes:地震的;地震引起的
selection the act of selecting, or a thing selected:挑选;挑选出来的
the selection of a wine to go with dinner
selective careful when choosing:精挑细选的
With 30 people wanting the job, the employer could afford to
be selective in his choice.
semester either of the two periods into which a year at universities, esp.
in the US, is divided:(尤指美国两学期制)一学期;半
seminar a small class of students working on usu. advanced subjects of
their own choosing with the help of a teacher:研究小组;
seniority the quality of being senior:不同的;有区别的
This word has there separate meanings.
sequence a group of things arranged in an order, esp. following one
another in time:连续;序列;一连串
series a group of things of the same kind, coming one after another
in order:一连串;一系列
serpent a snake:蛇
session a formal meeting or an organization:正式会议;(法庭)
severe not kind or gentle in treatment; stern; strict:严厉的;苛刻
sewage the waste material and water carried in sewers:污水;污物
sexual of sex or the sexes:性别的;有性的;关于两性的

sexual reproduction
shackle a band for fastening around the wrist or ankle of an animal,
prisoner, etc. to prevent movement:手铐;脚镣
sham to put on the false appearance of (some disease, condition.
He isn’t really ill; he’s shamming.
shampoo a usu. liquid soaplike product used for washing the hair,
carpets, etc. 洗发剂;洗发精
creamy shampoo for dry hair
shape make in a particular usu. finished shape or form:造成
The bird shaped its nest from mud and sticks. influence and determine the course or form of:塑造;
a powerful person who can shape events
shatter (cause to) break suddenly into small pieces; smash:(使)
a stone shattered the window
shed a lightly built building, usu. for storing things:棚;小屋
shell a hard covering of an animal, egg, fruit, nut, or seed:壳;荚
The seashore was covered with shells.
shelve to put on a shelf; arrange on shelves:将某物放在架上
shield a broad piece of metal, wood, etc. carried by soldiers in
former tine as a protection from arrows of blows:盾
shrimp a small sea creature with long legs and a fanlike tail:小虾
shrink to (cause to) become smaller, as from the effect of heat or
Washing wool in hot water will shrink it / make it shrink.
shrub a low bush:灌木
signature a person’s name written by his/her own hand, at the end of a
letter, check, etc. 签名;签字
signpost sign showing directions and distances, e.g. by a road:路标
silt loose sand, mud, etc. carried in running water and then
dropped at the entrance to a harbor, etc. 淤泥;淤沙
simulate to give the effect or appearance of; imitate:假装;伪装;模
A sheet of metal was shaken to simulated the noise of thunder.
simultaneous happening or done at the same moment:同时发生的;同时
the simultaneous appearance of 2 books on the same subject
skeleton the framework of bones in human or animal body:骨骼;骨

skew not straight; slopping or twisted; oblique:不直的;斜的;
a skew arch

sledge a small vehicle for sliding along snow used esp. in play and
slim attractively thin; not fat:苗条的;细长的;纤细的
slippery difficult to hold or to stand on. Drive on etc. without
Drive carefully; the roads are wet and slippery.
slum an area of the city with poor living conditions and dirty
unrepaired buildings:贫民区;贫民窟
snag to catch on and cause a snag:挂住;钓住
I snagged my stockings on the chair.
snout the long nose of any of various animals (such as pigs):长鼻

snowbound blocked or kept indoors by heavy snow:为雪锁封闭的;被
socket an opening, hollow place, or machine part into which
something fits:凹槽;孔;插座
eye sockets
sodium a silver-white metal that is a simple substance (element),
found only in combination with other substance:钠
solely not including others; only:唯一地;仅仅;独一无二地
solicit to ask for (money, help, a favor, etc):恳求
Beggars are not allowed to solicit in public places.
solitary alone without companions:孤独的;无伴的;孤零零的
soot black powder produced by burning, sometimes carried into
the air by smoke:烟灰;煤灰
sophisticated having or showing signs of experience in social life and
behavior; no longer natural or simple:世故的;老练的
The child is quite sophisticated for his age.
source a place from which something comes:来源;出处
to find the source of the engine trouble
souvenir an object kept as a reminder of an event, trip, plane, etc. 纪念品
I bought this bag as a souvenir of my visit to Tokyo.
specialist a person who has special knowledge or training in a field of
work or study:专家;行家
specialize to limit one’s study, business, etc. to particular things or
species a group of plants or animals of the same kind, which are alike
in all important ways and can breed together:种
sphinx a person who behaves or speaks in a mysterious way:谜样
spicy containing or tasting like spice:加有香料的;香的
I don’t like spicy food.
spike a usu. long piece of metal with a point at one end:钉状物
spikes along the top f a fence

splint a flat piece of wood, metal, etc. used for keeping a broken
bone in position:夹板;托板
split to (cause to) divide along the length, esp. by a blow or tear:
This soft wood splits easily.
sponsor a person who takes responsibility for a person or thing:负责
spontaneous produced from natural feelings or causes; unplanned:自发
a spontaneous cheer from the crowd
spray water in very small drops blown from the sea, a waterfall:
We parked the car by the sea and it got covered with spray.
sprout to (cause to) grow or send up new growth:(使)长出;冒

leaves beginning to sprout from trees
square having four equal sides and four right angles:正方形的
A handkerchief is usually square.
squash to force or be forced into a flat shape or a small space:压
I sat on my hat and squashed it.
squat to sit on a surface with one’s legs drawn fully up or under the
squeal (to make) a long very high sound or cry:(发出)长而尖的
squealing tires / pigs
squeeze to press together; compress:压榨;挤压;挤
to squeeze an orange
squirt to force or be forced out in a thin stream:喷;喷出
to squirt oil into a lock
stability the state of being stable; steadiness:稳定;稳固;巩固
the stability of their marriage
stack an orderly pile:(整齐的)一堆
a stack of papers / dishes
stadium a large sports ground with rows of seats built around a sports
staff the group of workers who do the work of an organization:全
The school’s teaching staff is excellent.
stagger to move unsteadily on one’s feet:摇摇晃晃地走;蹒跚;摇

a drunk man staggering across the street
stagnant (of water) not flowing or moving, and often bad smelling:
Business is stagnant at the moment.

staid serious and dull by habit; unadventurous:稳重的;严肃
stammer to speak or say with pauses and repeated sounds, either
habitually or because of excitement, fear, etc. 口吃;结结巴
She stammers when she feels nervous.
starfish a flat sea animal with five arms forming a star shape:海星;
starve to (cause to)die or suffer from lack of food:(使)饿死;
They got lost in the desert and starved to death.
static not moving or changing:静止的;不变的
static prices
stationary standing still; not moving:静止的;不动的
The car was stationary when the accident happened.
stationer a person who sells stationery:文具商
statistician a person who works with statistics:统计学家;统计专家;
statistics (the science which deals with) collected numbers representing
facts or measurements:统计(学);统计数字
these statistics show deaths per 1000 of the population
stereotype a fixed pattern which represents a type of person or event:固
He’s the stereotype of an army officer.
steward a man who controls supplies of food in a club, college:(俱
stewardship the office of steward:(尤指房地产)管事之职位
stigma feeling of being ashamed:耻辱
There is a stigma about having to ask for money.
stimulate to excite (the body or mind):刺激(身体或精神);使兴

Exercise stimulates the body.
stir to move around and mix (esp. liquid) e.g. with a spoon:搅
He stirred his coffee.
stock a supply of something for use:贮存;储备;储存量
The country’s stocks of coal are getting low.
strategy the art of planning a war:兵法;战略
a general who was a master of strategy
stress to give importance to (a matter):强调
She stressed the need for careful spending.
strew to scatter:散布;散播
There were papers strewn all over the floor.
stride to walk with long steps or cross with one long step:大步

He strode over the stream.
studious eager to study; studying hard:好学的;用功的
subliminal at a level of the mind which the senses are not conscious of:
subliminal advertising
submarine a warship, which can stay under water:潜水艇
submission the acceptance of someone else’s power; obedience:屈服;
his submission to his father’s wishes
submit to yield (oneself); agree to obey:服从;顺从
to submit (oneself) to another’s wishes
subsidize (of governments, large organizations, etc.) to pay part of the
costs of (something) for (someone):(指政府、组织等)
substantial solid; strongly made:牢固的;结实的
substantiate to prove the truth of:证实;证明
Can you substantiate your claim?
substitute a person or thing acting in place of another:替代者;代理

subtle delicate, hardly noticeable, and usu. pleasant:微妙的;难以
suburb an outer area of a town or city, usu. where people live:郊区
suffer to experience pain or difficulty:遭受;(痛苦或困难)
He suffered terribly all through his illness.
sufficient enough:足够的
$30 should be sufficient for a new pair shoes.
suffix (in grammar) an affix that is placed at the end of a word:后
suitable fit for a purpose; right; convenient:合适
Is the suitable for the job?
sulfur a simple substance that is found as a light yellow powder:硫

summary done at once, esp. (of punishments) without considering
summary dismissal
sunshine 1.strong sunlight, as when there are no clouds:骄阳
2.a place where there is bright light and heat from the sun:
superb excellent; wonderful:极好的;绝妙的
The food was superb.
superior of higher rank or class:地位高的
I’ll report you to your superior officer.
supersonic faster than the speed of sound:超音速的
a supersonic aircraft
supervise to keep watch over work as the person in charge:监督

The work was done under my supervision.
supplant to take the place of, esp. unfairly r improperly:排挤;取代
The president was supplanted by a political rival.
supplement an additional amount of something, e.g. a separate part of a
He supplements his sages from the factory by working as a
gardener on weekends.
support to bear the weight of:撑住;托住
Do you think those shelves can support so many books?
suppress to crush (esp. an action or state) by force:镇压;压制;克

surge to move, esp. forward, in or like powerful waves:(怒涛)
The crowd surged past him.
surpass to go beyond, in amount or degree:超过
to surpass all expectation
survival the fact or likelihood of surviving:幸存者;幸存的可能
hopes of survival
susceptible easily influenced:易受影响的
suspicious guilt; not trusting:怀疑有罪的;不信任的
sustain to keep strong; strengthen:维持体力;忍耐;鼓励
A light meal will not sustain us through the day.
sway to (cause to) swing from side to side:(使)摆动
The trees swayed in the wind.
swift rapid; quick in action:迅速的;敏捷的;动作快的
a swift runner
switch an apparatus for stopping an electric current from flowing,
esp. one which is moved up or down with the hand:开关;
syllable a word or part of a word which contains vowel sound or
consonant acting as a vowel:音节
There are two syllables in “button”.
syllabus an arrangement of subjects for study, esp. a course of studies
leading to an examination:教学大纲;课程提要
symbol a sign, shape, or object which represents a person. Idea. Value,
etc. 象征
In the picture the tree is the symbol of life and the snake the
symbol of evil.
sympathetic feeling or showing sympathy:同情的;表示同情的
symptom an outward sign of an inward, often bad, condition:症状;
Yellowness of the eyes is one of the symptoms of jaundice.
synopsis a set of qualities, happenings, symptoms:综合症;同时存

synopsis a short account of something longer, e.g. the story of a movie,
play or book:摘要;概要;大意
synthesis (something made by) the combining of separate things, ideas,
etc. into a complete whole:合成
The beliefs of that group are a synthesis of eastern and
western religions.
synthesize to make up or produce by combining parts; to make
something similar to a natural product by combining
synthetic not naturally produced; artificial:合成的;人造的
systematic based on a regular plan or fixed method; thorough:有条不
The police made a systematic search of the room.
taboo (an act, subject, etc. forbidden by) a religious or social feeling
of strong disapproval:禁忌;忌讳
a taboo against sex before marriage
tackle (in football or rugby) an act of stopping, or trying to stop, an
opponent who has the ball:(足球或橄榄球中)阻挡;抢

tactic a means of getting a desired result:手段;策略;方法
She used a clever tactic to get the job.
talcum powder very fine powder which is put on the body to dry it, or make it
smell nice:爽身粉
tally (in former times) a stick with cuts made in it to show an
mount of money owed, a quantity of goods delivered, etc. 符
tangible that can be felt by touch:可触摸的
tank a large container for storing liquid or gas:容器
the gas tank of a car
tantalize to raise the hopes of (a person or animal) by keeping
something strongly desired just out of reach:(用得不到的
A tantalizing smell of food reached the hungry prisoners.
taxation the act of taxing; money raised from taxes:征收;税收
We must increase taxation if we are to spend more on
tease to make unkind jokes about or laugh unkindly at (a person):
At school, they teased me because I was fat.
technical having special knowledge, esp. of an industrial or scientific
This law book is too technical; I can’t understand it.
technique (a) way of doing some specialist activity or artistic work:技

perfect piano technique

teddy bear a toy bear filled with soft material:玩具熊
temporary lasting only for a limited time:短暂的;暂时的;临时的
a temporary job
tempt to (try to) persuade (someone) to do something bad:引诱;
He tried to tempt me to cheat on the examination.
tend to be likely (to do something); have a tendency:可能做某
Janet tends to get angry if you ask her stupid questions.
tension the degree of tightness of a wire, rope, etc. 拉紧的程度
If the tension of this string is increased, it will break.
terminal of, having, or being an illness that will cause death:晚期的
terrestrial of or related to the earth, rather than the moon, space, etc. 地
tertiary third in place, degree or rank:第三的
texture the degree of roughness or smoothness, coarseness or
fineness, of a surface, as felt by touch:质地;纹理
the smooth texture of silk
thermal of, producing, or caused by heat:热的;产生热的;热引起

thermal springs
thermometer an instrument for measuring and showing temperature:温度

thermostat an apparatus that can be set to keep a particular level of
temperature in a room, apparatus:恒温器
thesis an opinion or statement put forward and supported by
reasoned argument:(有根据的)论点;命题
thinner a liquid added esp. to paint to make it spread more easily:稀
thrive to develop well and be healthy; be successful:繁荣;兴旺
thumb the short thick finger which is set apart from the other four:
to look through (a book) quickly:浏览
thyroid an organ in the neck that controls growth and activity:甲状

timber wood or growing trees to be used for building:木材;木料
tinker to try to repair something without useful results:拙劣修补;
Don’t tinker with my television.
tissue animal or plant cells esp. those that make up a particular
lung tissue
toad any of several types of animal like a large frog:蟾蜍
toddler a child who has just learned to walk:刚学走路的小孩

topple to make or become unsteady and fall down:使倒塌;推
The government was toppled by the army.
topsoil (soil from) the upper level of soil. In which most plants have
their roots:(土壤的)表层,上层;表土
topography (the science of describing or mapping) the character of a
place, esp. as regards the shape and height of the land:地形
toxic poisonous:有毒的
a toxic drug
tradition the passing down of opinions, beliefs, practices, customs, etc.
from the past to the present:传统;惯例;习惯;规矩
It is a tradition that women get married in long white dresses.
trainee a person who is being trained:受训者
a trainee reporter
tramp to walk with firm heavy steps:拖着沉重的脚步走;踏;踩
They trampled (through) the sound of heavy walking.
tranquil calm; quiet; peaceful; free from anxiety, worry, etc. 宁静的;
a tranquil life in the country
tranquilizer a drug used for reducing nervous anxiety and making a person
transaction the act of transacting:办理;处理
transcript a written of printed copy; something transcribed:抄本;副
transfer to (cause to) move from one place, job, vehicle, etc. to
The office was transferred from Chicago to Los Angeles.
transitive that takes a direct object:(指动词)带直接宾语的;及物

tremendous very great in size, amount, or degree:极大的;巨大的
to travel at a tremendous speed
tremor a shaking movement:震动
an earth tremor
trend a general direction; tendency:趋势;倾向
the trend of rising unemployment
trial (an act of) hearing and judging a person or case in a court:
The murder trail lasted six weeks.
tricky (of work, a state of affairs etc.) difficult to handle or deal with,
trigger the small tongue of metal pressed by the finger to fire a gun:
to start (esp. a chain of events):引起(尤指一连串事件)
Price increases trigger off demands for wage increases.

trite (of remarks, ideas, etc.) to often used to be meaningful or
trivial of little importance:不重要的
Why do you get angry over such trivial matters?
trophy a prize given for winning a race, competition or test of skill:
truth that which is true; the true facts:事实;实情;实话
One must always tell the truth.
tube a hollow round pipe of metal, glass, rubber, etc. use esp. for
holding liquids:管子
tuberculosis a serious inflections disease that usu. attacks the lungs:肺结

tuition the charge to students for instruction, esp. at a university or
private school:学费
Tuition fees have gone up again.
tumble to fall or roll over suddenly helplessly, or in disorder:摔
The children tumbled off the bus at the park.
turbot (the flesh of) a large fish with a flat diamond-shaped body,
used for food:大菱鲆
tutor a teacher who gives private instruction to a single pupil or a
very small class:家族教师;私人教师
tutorial of or related to a tutor or his duties:家庭教师的
twist to wind:搓;捻;卷;缠
She twisted her hair around her fingers to make it curl.
ubiquitous appearing, happening, done, etc. everywhere:无处不在的;
ultrasonic (of sound waves) beyond the rage of human hearing:超声
ultraviolet (of light) beyond the purple end of the spectrum and unable to
be seen by human beings:(指光线)紫外的
ultraviolet rays
undeniable clearly and certainly so, in existence:不容否认的;无可争
His skill is undeniable, but he works too slowly.
undergraduate a university student who has not yet taken his/her forest
undesirable unpleasant; not wanted:令人不悦的;讨厌的
Long delays are undesirable, but sometimes necessary.
undulate to move or lie like waves rising and falling:像波浪似地起
unduly too much (so); very:过分地;不适当地;过度地
not unduly worried
uneven not smooth or even:参差不齐的;凹凸不平的;崎岖的
Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven.

unicorn an imaginary horse-like animal with one born growing
forwards from its forehead:独角兽
unique being the only one of its type:无双的;独一无二的;唯一

This stamp is unique; there are no others like it.
unofficial not official; informal:非官方的;非正式的
upgrade to give a higher position to (esp. an employed person):(江
utilize to make (good) use of; use:利用;派用场
to utilize one’s abilities in a suitable job
vacant (of a house, room, seat, space, etc.) not being used or lived
vaccine a poisonous substance (containing a virus) used for protecting
people against diseases:疫苗;菌苗;牛痘苗
vacuum a space that id completely empty of all gas, esp. from which
all air has been taken away:真空;真空状态
Her death left a vacuum (=emptiness) in his life.
valid (of a reason. argument, etc.) having a strong firm base; that
can be defended:(指理由,论点等)站得住脚的;健全

If you can’t give me a valid reason for breaking your promise,
I shan’t trust you again.
value the degree of usefulness of something:重要性;用途;益

You’ll find this map of great value / of little value in helping
you to get around the city.
valve a doorlike part of a pipe, which controls the flow of liquid, air,
gas, etc. through the pipe:活门;阀;瓣膜
You put air into a bicycle tire through the valve.
vapor a gaslike form of a liquid (such as mist or steam):气;蒸
A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.
variable likely to change; not staying the same; not steady:易变的;
The winds today will be light and variable.
variation (an example or degree of) the action of varying:变化;变动
price variations in different stores
variegated marked irregularly in spots, lines, masses:杂色的;斑驳的
variety the state of varying; difference of condition or quality:变
My last job lacked variety; I was doing the same things all the
various different:各种各样的;不同的
There are various ways of cooking an egg.
vary to be, make, or become different:变化;不同

Opinions on this matter vary.
vast very large and wide; great in size or amount:辽阔的;广大
The vast plains stretch for 600 miles.
vat a very large barrel or container for holding liquids (such as
whiskey, beer, etc.), when they are being made:大桶;大
vegetarian a person who does not eat meat or fish, but only vegetables,
grains, fruit:吃素的人;食素者
vegetation plants in general:植被;植物(总称);草木
The strange and colorful vegetation of the tropical forest.
venerable (of an old person or thing) considered to deserve great respect
or honor, because of character, religious or historical
importance, etc. 德高望重的;历史悠久的;令人肃然起敬

ventilation (the system that is used for) the passing into and around a
room, building etc. of fresh air:通风;流通空气
The workers complained that the factory’s lack of ventilation
made them feel ill.
venture to risk going somewhere or doing something (dangerous):冒
Don’t venture too near the edge of the well; you might fall.
verbal spoken; not written:口头的;不是书面的;
a verbal agreement
verify to make sure that (a fact, statement) is true:证实;核实;查
The police are verifying the prisoner’s statement by
questioning several witnesses.
vernacular the native spoken language of a country or area:(使用)本
In some churches they speak Latin but in others they use the
versatile having many different kinds of skills of skill or ability; easily
able to change from one kind of activity to another:多才多
He’s a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and
play the piano.
versus for (against):对的缩写
The boxing match today is Ali versus Frazier.
veterinary connected with the medical car and treatment of sick
via traveling or sent through (a place) on the way:经由;途径
We flew to Athens via Paris and Rome.
vibration 1.(a) slight continuous shake movement:震动;摇动

2.(a single) regular to and for movement of a stretched or
touched wire:振动
vicious cruel; having or showing hate and the desire to hurt:残酷
He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.
vinegar an acid-tasting liquid made usu. from malt or sour wine, used
in preserving or adding taste to food:醋
vineyard a piece of land planted with vines for wine production:葡萄

violate to disregard or act against (a promise, etc.):违反;违背
A country isn’t respected if it violated an international
virtual almost what is stated; in fact though not in name:事实上
The king was so much under the influence of his wife that she
was the virtual ruler of the country.
virus a living thing even smaller than bacteria which causes
infectious disease in the body, in plants, etc. 病毒;滤过性病
the common cold virus
visual gained by or connected with seeing:看见;视觉的;凭视
Visual knowledge of a place of battle helps a general plan his
visualize to form a picture of (something or someone) in the mind;
She described the place carefully, and I tried to visualize it.
vital very necessary; of the greatest importance:紧要的;十分重
This point is vital to my argument.
vocabulary all the words known to a particular person or used in a
particular kind of work:词汇;语汇
Our baby’s just starting to talk; he’s got a vocabulary of about
ten words.
vocational preparing for a particular type of job:职业上的;业务上的
vocational training for pilots
vogue the fashion or custom at a certain time:时髦;时尚;流行
High boots were the vogue for women last year.
voice to express in words, esp. forcefully:表达;吐露
The chairman voiced the feeling of the meeting when he
demanded more pay.
volatile (of a person or his/her character) quickly-changing and
volume loudness of sound:音量;响度
The television is too loud; turn the volume down.

voluntary (of person or an action) acting or done willingly, without
payment and without being forced:(人或行动)自愿的;
He made a voluntary statement to the police.
vow to declare or swear solemnly that one will do something:法
He vowed to kill his wife’s liver.
vortex a circular moving mass of anything, esp. water or wind, which
causes objects to be drawn into its hollow center, as in a
whirlpool or whirlwind:漩涡;旋风
wallaby a kangaroo of small to middle size:小袋鼠
ward a division of a hospital:病房;病室
the children’s ward
warrior a soldier or experienced fighter:武士;勇士
wasp a lying stinging insect related to the bee, which is usu. colored
yellow and black:黄蜂;蚂蜂
wean to accustom (a young child or animal) to food instead of
mother’s mild:使(小孩等)断奶;使放弃;使戒掉
Most babies are weaned by the time they are one.
welfare 1.well-being; comfort and happiness:幸福;健康
We only want his welfare. with living conditions, social difficulties, etc. (社会)
Tell your troubles to the welfare officer in the factory.
whence (from) where; (from) which:从何处;自此;由此
They returned to the land (from) whence they came.
whereas (used for introducing an opposite) but:(用于引出一件相
They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat.
whirlwind a tall pipe-shaped body of air moving rapidly in a circle:旋
A whirlwind destroyed the town.
whisky produced esp. in Scotland and Canada:威士忌酒
whiting a sea fish used for food:牙鳕;鳕
wholesale the business of selling goods in large quantities, esp. to
wiggle to (cause to) move in small side to side movements:摆动;
She walks with a wiggle.
witness a person who is present when something happens:目击者;
There were no witnesses when the accident happened.
womb the female sex organ of a mammal where her young develop
before they are born:子宫
warp to cover (in a material folded around):(用东西)包;裹

I wrapped the book in brown paper before I mailed it.
yelp (to make) a short sharp high cry, as of pain or excitement:
The dog yelped / gave a yelp when I hit him.
yield to give; produce:生长;生长出;产生
His business yields big profits.
zinc a bluish-white metal that is a simple substance (element) used
in the production of other metals:锌

afford to be able to do, spend, buy, bear, etc. esp. without serious
loss or damage:花费得起;买得起;足以
Can you afford $100000 for (to have) a car?
alarm to excite with sudden fear and anxiety:使惊慌;使不安
ale any of various types of beer, esp. one that is pale in color:淡
alien belonging to another country or race; foreign:外国的;异族

Their ideas are alien to our way of thinking.
alternate to (cause to) follow by turns:轮流;交替;更迭
We alternated periods of work and rest.
aminoacid a substance coming from, found in. and necessary to living
archives (a place for storing) old papers, old papers, such as records,
reports, and letters of a particular troup, country, etc. kept esp.
for historical interest:档案;档案馆(室);资料馆
asymmetry 不对称(现象)
autonomous governing itself:自治的;由自治权的
an autonomous country / region
bespectacled wearing glasses:戴眼镜的
blend to (cause to)mix; produce by mixing:混合;掺合
Blend the sugar, flour, and eggs (together).
blink to shut and open (the eyes) quickly, once or several times:眨

She blinked (her eyes) as the bright light shone on her.
burglar a thief who breaks into houses, shops, etc. esp. during the
A burglar broke into my house and took my jewelry.
bursar a person in a college or school who is in charge of money,
calcium a silverwhite metal that is a simple substance and is found in
bones, teeth, and chalk:钙

caravan a group of people with animals or vehicles traveling together
for protection through unfriendly esp. desert areas:(尤指沙
catholic (esp. of likings and interests) general; widespread; broad:
catholic opinions
centennial the day or year exactly 100 years after a particular event:一
coastal in the sea or on the land near the wast:海岸的;(在)沿
cog any of the teeth around the edge of a wheel (cogwheel) that
cause it to move or be moved by another wheel in a
conjunction (in grammar) a word such as “but” or “and” that connects
parts of sentences, phrases, etc. (语法)连接词
decorate to serve as, or provide with, something added because it is
beautiful, esp. for a special occasion:装饰;布置
The streets were decorated with flags.
deduct to take away (an amount, a part) from a total:扣除;减除;
deflate to (cause to) become smaller, esp. by losing air or gas:
One sharp remark is enough to deflate him.
deuterium (化)氘;重氢
deviance 异常,不正常;偏常的;异常的
deviation (a) noticeable difference from what is expected, esp. from
accepted standards of behavior:超轨;脱离;反常行为
diencephalon (医)间脑
dissertation (学位)论文;(专题)论述;学术演讲的
dome a rounded roof on a building or room:圆(屋)顶
dorsal of, on, or near the back:背部的;背脊的
the dorsal fin of a fish
downsize 1.生产…的较小式样或型号;生产小型汽车
drowsy ready to fall asleep:昏昏欲睡;瞌睡的
dynasty a line of rulers all of the same family:王朝;朝代
a dynasty of kings
dysentery a painful disease of the bowels that causes them to be emptied
more often than usual and to produce blood and mucus:痢
empower to give (someone) a power or lawful right:授权与;准许
The new law empowered the police to search private houses.
enact (of the government) to make or pass (a law):(指政府)制

err to make a mistake; do something wrong:犯错误;弄错
To err is human.
esperance 希望
evolution the development of the various types of plants, animals, etc.
from fewer and simpler forms:进化(论);演变
Some people do not believe in evolution.
fabulous nearly unbelievable:难以置信的;惊人的
a fabulous sum of money
factual of, concerning, or based on facts:事实的;真实的
a factual account of the war
fathom to get at the true meaning of; understand:彻底明白;了解
I can’t fathom your meaning / fathom what you mean.
fauna all the animals living in a particular place, or of a particular
age in history:动物区系;动物群
the fauna of the forest
feasible able to be done; possible:可行的;可能的
Your plan sounds quite feasible.
festivity a festive event:庆祝活动;庆典
in the city during the festivities
flick to (cause to) move with a light quick blow:(使)轻快地移

to flick the switch
flora the plants growing wild in a particular place, or belonging to a
particular age in history:(某一地区或某时刻的)植物群
focus the point at which beams of light or heat, or waves of sound
gimmick a trick or object which is used to draw attention:花招;骗人
The pretty girl on the cover of the book is just a sales
groove a long narrow path or track made in a surface, esp. to guide
the movement of something:槽;沟;(车)辙
The needle moves along the groove on a record.
gypsum 石膏
hepatitis a disease (inflammation) of the liver:肝炎
herculean Hertz (电子)赫(兹)
hither to this place:到这里
hoist to raise up by force, esp. when using ropes on board a ship:
He hoisted it over his shoulder.
idiosyncrasy 1.(心里)特异品质;
idyll (a description of) a simple, happy scene, esp. in the country:

imprison to put in prison or keep in a place or state from which one
cannot get out as one wishes:关押;监禁
improvise to do or make because a sudden need has arisen:即席创
I forget the words of my speech, so I had to improvise.
inalienable which cannot be taken away:不可剥夺的;不可分割的
Freedom of speech should be an inalienable right.
indulge to allow to do or have what they want:放任;使满足
He indulges his children.
infertile not fertile; not able to produce young; (of land) not able to
grow plants:不肥沃的;不结果的;不生育的
inform to tell; to give information to:告知;通知;报告
I informed him where to go.
inhabit to live in:居住于
inhabitant a person who lives in a particular place:居民;常住居民
innards 1.the parts inside your body, especially stomach:内脏;脏

2.the parts inside a machine:(物体的)内部;内部结构
insoluble which cannot be made right, brought to a good result, or
insolvent not solvent; not having money to pay what one owes:无偿
insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; weak or unsatisfying:不牢固
interpretation the act or the result of interpreting; explanation:解释;阐
inveterate settle in a (bad) habit:积习很深;根深蒂固的
irritate to make angry or excite in an unpleasant way:激怒;使烦

jelly a soft food made a with gelatin:胶状柔软的食品
jungle a tropical forest too think to walk through easily:丛林;密

jungle animals / birds
lexicographer 词典编辑人,词典编纂者
lexicography 词典学
loop the circular shape made by6 a piece of string, wire, rope, etc.

macaque (动)猕猴
mammal an animal of the type which is fed when young in its mother’s
malnutrition 营养不良的

malpractice unlawful activity for personal advantage, or bad treatment
given by person in a position of responsibility:不法行为;
manhole a covered opening in a road, through which a person can go
down to repair underground pipes and wires:入孔(处入下
manipulate to handle or control skillfully:操作;使用
marvelous wonderful; surprisingly good:惊人的;了不起的;极好的
What marvelous weather.
melt to cause (a solid) to become liquid:使融化;使熔化;使溶

The sun melted the snow.
methodology the set of methods used for study or action in a particular
subject, as in science or education:方法论;方法学;一套
a new methodology of teaching
meticulous very careful, with attention to detail:非常细心的;过细
meticulous drawings
millennium a period of 1000 years:一千年;千年期
mitigate to lessen the seriousness of:减轻严重性
The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with the
mother had treated her child.
mobile moveable, able to move, or be moved, quickly and easily; not
fixed in one position:可移动的;可活动的;运动的;流
She’s much more mobile now that she’s bought a car.
monumental of, intended for, or having the nature of a monument:纪念碑
The artist spent years on his monumental painting, which
covered the whole roof of the church.
mortgage an agreement to have money lent, esp. so as to buy a house,
by which the house or land belongs to the lender until the
money is repaid:抵押契据;抵押(房地产等)
nasal of or related to the nose:鼻的;鼻音的
His nasal voice is hard to listen to.
nominate to suggest or name (someone) officially for election to a
position. Office, honor, etc. 提名
I wish to nominate Jane Morrison for president of the club.
notorious famous for something bad; widely and unfavorably know:臭
nourish to cause to stay alive or grow by giving food, water, etc. 给予
obsess to fill (someone’s) mind continuously:迷住;缠住(某
He’s obsessed with football and talks about nothing else.

occur to happen; take place:发生
Many accidents occur in the home.
occupant a person who lives in a certain place:居住者;玄妙的;神
odometer an instrument fitted in a vehicle to record the distance it
onus duty; responsibility:义务;责任
The onus of proof lies with you.
opaque not allowing light to pass through:不透光的;不透明的
palpable easily and clearly known by the senses or the mind:易察觉
pan any of various kinds of metal container used in cooking, usu.
With one long handle and sometimes with a lid:平底锅
partake to eat or drink, esp. something offered:吃;喝
Will you partake of a drink with us?
participant a person who takes part or has a share in an activity or
passage narrow way through; opening:通路;小径
He forced a passage through the thick forest.
passive sometimes not active; influenced by outside forces but not
doing anything; suffering without opposition:被动的;消极
pedestal the base on which a pillar or statue stands:基座;垫座
penury the state of being very poor:赤贫;贫穷
permeate to pass through or into every part of (something):渗透;渗
Water permeated through the cracks in the wall.
persistent continuing in a habit or course of action, esp. in spite of
opposition or warning:顽固的;固执的
a persistent thief
personnel all the people employed by a company, in the armed forces,
etc. 全体人员
New personnel are needed for our operations in the middle
persuade to cause to do something by reasoning, arguing begging, etc.
petunia (植)矮牵牛属
pharaoh (the title of) the ruler of ancient Egypt:法老
polio a serous infectious disease of the verves in the backbone
(spine), often resulting in a lasting loss the power to move
certain muscles (paralysis):脊髓灰质炎;小儿麻痹症
potter a person who makes pots, dishes, etc. out of backed clay, esp.
by hand:陶工;陶瓷技术工人
preoperative 发生于手术前的
Ptolemaic 埃及的托勒玫王朝的

pyrite 黄铁矿;天然二硫化碳
reimburse to pay (money) back to (a spender):报销
We will reimburse you (for) the cost.
rubric 1.(古书稿中的)红字
sclerosis 1.(植)细胞壁硬化
sluice to wash with floods of water:(用大水)冲刷
solidity to make or become solid, hard, or firm:(使)凝固;
The mixture will solidify as it cools.
soothe to make less angry or anxious; comfort or clam:使平静;使
Have a drink to soothe your nerves.
staphylococcus 葡萄球菌;葡萄球菌属
sulphide (藏于玻璃中的)浮雕像
tetrad 1.四个,四个一组
tibia 胫骨
trochanter 转子
tropical of, related to, or living in the tropics:热带的
the tropical sun
uncap 1.脱去…的帽子
unthinkable which one cannot believe has happened, or cannot wish to
Failure at this late stage is unthinkable.
upholster to fit (a chair) with soft coverings over filling material:给
urbane (of a person or his/her behavior) smoothly polite:(指人或
vacancy an unfilled place, such as a hotel room that is not being
vehicle something in or on which people or goods can be carried, esp.
along roads (such as a bicycle, car, truck, or bus):车辆;运
vine any creeping or climbing plant (such as the ivy, the cucumber,
etc.) 蔓;藤;藤蔓植物
virile (of a man) having strong and manly qualities, esp. in matters
of sex:(指男子)有男子气盖的;刚阳的

volcanic 1.火山的;或产喷出的;火山引起的;火山性的
voluptuous that suggests or expresses sexual pleasure:情欲的;肉感
The dancer’s movements were slow and voluptuous.
voucher a receipt or official declaration, written or printed, given to
prove that accounts are correct or that money has already been
workaholic 为免遭辞退而工作过分卖力的人;迫不得已的超额工作的

第二 章
abortion 流产
depopulation 人口减少
fertility 多产
rejuvenation 恢复活力,返老还童
responsibility 指责
spouse 配偶
widow 寡妇
a nuclear family 核心家庭
baby boom 出生高峰
be separated 分开
be single 独身
bed-ridden 卧床不起
birth control 生育控制
birth peak 出生高峰
bring up 抚养的孩子
broken family 破裂的家庭
clean the room with a vacuum cleaner 用吸尘器打扫房间
clean the room 打扫房间
conjugal relation 夫妻关系
contraceptive method 避孕方法
divorce rate 离婚率
do the dishes 洗碗
do the laundry 洗衣
do the washing 洗衣
electric cooker / stove 电炉
extended family 大家庭
fall in love with … at the first sight 一见钟情
filial piety 孝

four generations live under one roof 四世同堂
generation gap 代沟
get desperate 绝望
get on one’s nerves 使人心烦意乱
household chores 家务
impact on children 对孩子的影响
in a mess 一片混乱
interracial marriage 不同种族的婚姻问题
kin or relatives 亲戚
live on pension 靠养老金生活
look after a baby 照顾孩子
marital breakdown 婚姻破裂
marital status 婚姻情况
marriage boom 结婚高峰
match maker 媒婆
matrimonial advertisement 婚姻广告
one child/single child 独生子女
one couple, one child 1 对夫妻,1 个孩子
one-child policy 计划生育政策
patriarchal rule 家长统治
pay court to sb. 向某人求爱
piles of dirty dishes and pots 一堆脏碟子
population balance 人口平衡
population composition 人口构成
population control 人口控制
population density 人口密度
population distribution 人口分布
population explosion 人口爆炸
raise sons to support one in one’s old age养儿防老
ring up to sb. 向某人打电话求助
single-parent family 单亲家庭
social welfare 社会福利
sparsely-populated 人口稀少

2.Education (教育)
accommodation 住宿
creativity 创造力
imagination 想象
memory 记忆
observation 观察
scan 浏览
skim 浏览
a book worm 书虫

a learned person 知识渊博的人
ability of expression 表达能力
at college/university 上大学
attend class 上课
attend spare time school 上业余学校
be a pedant 书呆子
be a qualified teacher 合格的教师
be absent minded 心不在焉
be enthusiastic about 对…热爱
be lost in thinking 陷入思考中
begin/start school 开始上学
brain work/manual work 脑力/体力工作
break/interval 课间休息
complete one’s college courses 完成大学学业
creative work 创造性工作
develop reading speed 提高阅读速度
difficult point 难点
extensive reading 泛读
feel bored 感到无聊
find specific information 找出特定信息
general revision 总复习
get/receive education 接受教育
graduate from 从…毕业
have a desire to learn 学习的欲望
infant school education 幼教
intensive listening practice 精听练习
intensive reading 精读
learn by heart 用心学
leave school 离开教学中心
major in 专业为
mechanical job 机械工作
out of class 课外
play an active part in 积极参与
pre-discussion questions 讨论前的问题
pre-listening activities 听前活动
preschool education 学前教育
purposeful listening 有目的的听
read silently 默读
reform in education 教育改革
resolve difficulties 解决困难
set a time limit 设置时间限制
skim through 浏览
take a science/an arts course 选理/文科课程

take notes 做笔记
teaching materials 教学资料
teaching methods 教学方法
work in groups 小组活动
work in pairs 两人活动
work out an outline 制定出大纲

3.Hobby 爱好学习
calligrapher 书法家
calligraphy 书法
gardening 园艺
jazz 爵士乐
philatelist 集邮爱好者
sculpture 雕塑
sketch 素描
a landscape painting 风景画
a time killer 消磨时间
an amateur photographer 业余摄影
an oil-painting 油画
classical music 古典音乐
go fishing/outing/hunting/mountaineering 去钓鱼、打猎、登山
have a keen interest in 对…有兴趣
have a lot of hobbies 兴趣广泛
have wide interests 兴趣广泛
indulge in 沉浸于
keep pet (birds/cats/dogs) 养宠物
kill time 消磨时间
live an easy and comfortable life 过舒适的生活
make a kite 作风筝
play cards 打扑克
play mahjong 打麻将
pop music 流行音乐
record collecting 集唱片
rock and roll 摇滚音乐
stamp collecting 集邮
take a picture, shoot picture 照相
take a stroll 散步
take pleasure in 在…中得到乐趣
traditional Chinese painting 中国传统绘画
water color painting 水彩画
wood cut 木刻

4.Sports (运动)

back 后卫
badminton 网毛球
blocker 拦网队员
blocking 封网;拦网
boxing 拳击
center 中锋
championship 锦标赛
charging 撞人
cycling 自行车
diving 潜水
fencing 击剑
field 场地
forward 前锋
game 游戏,运动会
grabbing 拉人
ground 场地
guard 后卫
gym 体育馆
gymnasium 体育馆
net 球网
outscore 比分领先
parachuting 跳伞
qigong 气功
racket 球拍
shooting 射击范围
stadium 竞技场
tournament 比赛,锦标赛
volleyball 排球
wrestling 摔跤
100-metre dash 100 米跑
400-metre dash 400 米跑
a gold (silver, bronze) medallist 金牌获得者
a tie/play even 平局
a vegetarian diet 素食菜谱
an early riser/an early bird 起床早
back player 后排队员
backboard/bank 篮板
balance beam 平衡木
base ball 棒球
basket support 篮架
be a vegetarian 素食爱好者
be in good (poor) health 身体好
be on a diet 节食

board diving 跳水板
center forward 中锋
center half back 中卫
chalk up new record 打破世界纪录
change of player 换人
change of position 换位
change of service 换发球
change the baton 交接力棒
corner ball 角球
discus throwing 掷铁饼
division line 中线
do jogging 慢步长跑
do morning (physical) exercises 做早操
double foul 双方犯规
drill ground 操场
equal a world record 平世界纪录
fast attack 快攻
field events 田赛
first half 上半时
free kick 发任意球
free throw zone/foul lane 罚球区;禁区
free throw 罚球
goalkeeper/goalie 守门员
half back 前卫
half-way line 中线
hand ball 手球
heavy weight 重量级拳击
high-low bar 高低杠
home team 主队
horizontal bar 单杠
ice hockey 冰球
indoor stadium 室内运动场
inside right/left forward 右(左)锋
keep fit 保持身体健康
kick a goal 踢进一球
kick-off circle 中圈
lawn tennis 草地网球
light weight 轻量级拳击
long shot 远射
make a final dash 冲刺
martial art 武术
mat exercise 垫上运动
motor cycling 摩托车赛

national team 国家队
net player 前排队员
net post 网栏
one man block 单人封网
outside right/left forward 右(左)边锋
parallel bar 双杠
penalty shot 发球点
platform diving 跳台跳水
play bridge 打桥牌
play chess 下棋
play Chinese chess 下象棋
pole jump 撑杆跳
pommel horse 鞍马
powerful smash 大力扣杀
regular and balances diet 平衡有序的饮食
repeated smashes 连续扣杀
right of service 发球权
right/left back 右(左)后卫
right/left forward (左)边锋
right/left half back 右(左)前卫
ring/hoop/basket 篮圈
roller skating 滑冰
rope skipping 跳绳
second half 下半时
service area 发球区
soft ball 垒球
sports field 运动场
sports meet 运动会
state of health 身体状况
straight ball 直线球
stretch. one’s arms and legs 伸伸胳膊腿
suffer in health 身体不好
sweep all the titles on offer 囊括所有冠军
table tennis 乒乓球
take a walk/stroll after dinner 饭后散步
tennis court 网球场
the Asian games 亚运会
the back stroke 仰泳
the basket court 篮球场
the breast stroke 蛙泳
the crawl/free style 自由泳
the defence 防卫
the dolphin stroke 海豚式

the goal 得分
the high jump 跳高
the jumping pit (跳远的)沙坑
the long distance running/race 长跑
the long jump 跳远
the Olympic Games 奥运会
the relay race 接力跑
the score is 2 to 5 2比5
the shuttlecock 羽毛球
the side stroke 侧泳
throw the discus 掷铁饼
time out 暂停
to banish/to foul out 罚出场
to pass the ball 传球
to shoot the ball in/to make a basket 投中
to shoot 射门
to step on the line/to touch the line 踩线
track events 径赛运动
tread water 踩水
triple jump 三级跳远
tug of war 拔河
two-men block 双人封网
uneven bar 高低杆
vaulting horse 跳马
visiting team 客队
water polo 水球
weight lifting 举重
winner’s stand 领奖台
world titles 世界冠军

5.Industry and work (工业和工作)

accountant 会计
clerk 办事员
complex 联合企业
crew 同事,全体船员
distillery 酿酒厂
executive 总经理、董事
gasworks 煤气厂
manager 经理
manufacturing 制造业
master 主人,上司
mill 制造厂
operative 技工

operator 操作人员
plant 工厂,机器
professional 专业人员
secretary 秘书
stenographer 速记员
steward 事务长
temporary 临时的
treasurer 掌管钱财的人
typist 打字员
a rewarding job 值得做的工作
be concerned about material gains 关心物质
be satisfied with 对…满意
be successful in one’s career 事业成功
build a career 创立一番事业
choose a career 选择职业
computer programmer 计算机,程序员
contribute to 贡献
conveyer belt 传送带
develop oneself 个人发展
full-time 全职
get established in society 社会上确立
heavy industry 重工业
individual success 个人成功
light industry 轻工业
make a career 出人头地
make a fortune 发财致富
make a living by 靠…谋生
make contribution to society 为社会作贡献
part-time 兼职
power station 发电站,发电厂
self-identity 个性
service industry 服务行业

6.Women (妇女)
childbearing 抚养孩子
feminism 女权主义者
be financially independent 经济独立
be independent 独立
be male dominated 男性为主
be promoted to a higher position 升职
be treated equally 平等对待
bear a child 抚养孩子
career woman 职业妇女

do the chores 做家务
enjoy equal rights 享受平等权利
go out of their homes 走出家庭
have equal rights with 与…有同等权力
job assignment 工作分配
male chauvinism 大男子主义
covert discrimination 公开歧视
receive equal treatment 受到平等对待
role of the mother (father) 母亲(父亲)角色
sex discrimination 性别歧视
share the burden (housework) 分担家务
take up a career 开始职业
the economic basis for equality 平等的经济基础
the female role 女性角色
the oppressed sex 受压迫的性别
women’s liberation movement 妇女运动

7.Politics (政治)(仅供参考)
autonomy 自决,自治
congress 国会
court 宫廷,朝廷
democracy 民主
dictator 专制者,独裁者
elect 选择
emperor 帝王
federation 联邦,联邦政府
government 政府
imperial 帝国的,帝王的
left 左倾
legislature 立法机关
majority 大多数
monarchy 独裁
parliament 议会,国会
politician 政治家
power 力量
president 总统
prime 总理
realm 王国
regency 摄政权
revolution 革命
royalist 保皇主义者
sovereign 君王;统治者

8.Economy (经济)
appreciate 增殖;涨价
arrears 欠款
asset 财产;资产
bargain 便宜货;廉价品
beggar 使贫穷;变穷
buck 美金一元
cash 现金;现款
currency 货币;通货
debit 记入借方
deposit 定金;押金
depreciate 贬值;跌价
depression 商业萧条;不景气
deprived 缺吃少穿的;贫穷的
devaluation 贬值
dividend 红利
due 欠款的;应给的;应支付的
encase 兑现
fare 费
finance 财政学;财务;财政
fund 基金;专款
gain 获利;增加
import 进口;输入
indebted 感激的;蒙恩的;受惠的
indemnity 赔款;赔偿物;赔偿
inflate 膨胀;抬高
insolvent 无偿债能力;不够抵债的
interest 利息
invest 投资
lend 供销;借出
loan 借出的东西;借出的钱;贷款
loss 亏损;损耗;损失物
money 金钱;钱
monopoly 垄断权;专利权
order 订单
outstanding 未完成的;未付款的
overdraft 透支
owe 欠款
pawn 抵押
penury 赤贫;贫穷
pound 磅
premium 奖金
repay 偿还;还钱

share 股票
stake 固本;利害关系
statement 报告书;结算表
strongbox 保险箱
thrift 节俭;节省
treasure 金银财宝;珍藏
treasury 金库
withdraw 提取;收回
compound interest 福利
deposit account 存款账户
exchange rate 汇兑率;兑换率

9.Religion (宗教)(仅供参考)
archbishop 大主教
atheism 无神论
baptism 洗礼
bible 圣经
bishop 主教
Buddhism 佛教
cardinal 红衣主教
Catholicism 天主教的教义组织等
Clergyman 神职人员
Convent 修道院
doctrine 教条
Missionary 信教士
Monastery 尼姑庵
monk 和尚
monotheism 一神教
nun 尼姑
nunnery 尼姑
polytheism 多神教
pope 教皇
priest 和尚;僧侣
protestant 新教徒
temple 庙
theism 有神论
Vatican 梵蒂冈
Buddhist scriptures 佛经
Christianity church 天主教堂
eternal life 永生
Protestant church 圣士会教堂
Roman catholic church 罗马教堂

10.Living creature (生物)
almonds 杏仁
ant 蚂蚁
butterfly 蝴蝶
cactus 仙人掌
coconut 椰子
cypress 柏树
dandelion 蒲公英
date 椰枣
dragonfly 蜻蜓
fig 无花果
grape 葡萄
groundnut 花生
lemon 柠檬
mango 芒果
mosquito 蚊子
housefly 苍蝇
olives 橄榄
palm 棕榈
papaya 木瓜
peach 桃
pear 梨
pepper 辣椒
pink 松树
pistachio nut 开心果
pomegranate 石榴
pumpkin 南瓜
snail 蜗牛
spider 蜘蛛
strawberries 草莓
violet 紫罗兰
zebra 斑马

11.Art (艺术)
background 背景
brush 刷子
canvas 画布
caricature 讽刺画
cartoon 卡通;漫画
ceramics 陶瓷
charcoal 木炭画
craft 工艺
crochet 钩针

depict 描绘
easel 画架
embroider 刺绣
engrave 铭刻
figurine 小塑像
foreground 前景
fresco 壁画
gallery 艺术馆
palette 调色盘
plait 编织
pottery 陶器
sew 缝纫
silhouette 剪影
statue 塑像
statuette 小塑像
tapestry 挂毯、织毯
watercolor 水彩
weave 编织
cartridge pager 糊墙纸
cold 冷的
cool 凉的
dry 干的
equatorial 赤道
extreme 非常的
hot 热摹
humid 潮湿的
mild 温和的
moderate 温和的
monsoon 季风
rain 雨
snow 雪
spring 春季
sub-tropical 亚热带
summer 夏季
sunny 阳光灿烂的
sunshine 阳光
tropical 热带
warm 温暖的
wet 湿的
wind 风
winter 冬天

13.Crime (犯罪)

accuser 控告人
acquit 赦免
appeal 控告
arson 纵火
assassination 谋杀;行刺
booty 战利品
corruption 贪污;受贿;败坏
court 起诉
custody 监护
detention 拘留
espionage 间谍活动;谍报
fingerprint 指纹
hijacking 拦路抢劫
manslaughter 大屠杀
mugging 行凶抢劫
murder 谋杀
pilfer 小偷
poison 投毒
rape 强奸
a narrow escape 九死一生
acquire a bad habit 染上坏习惯
be caught on the spot 被当场抓住
be guilty of 有罪
bring sb. to justice 依法惩处
chase after 追逐
civil case 民事案件
commit a crime/an offence 认罪
criminal case 刑事案件
death sentence/capital punishment 死刑
evidence of … 证据
juvenile delinquents 少年犯罪
prevent sth. from happening 防止某事发生
proof of one’s crime 罪证
school drop-outs 辍学

14.Smoking (吸烟)
laryngitis 喉炎
tobacconist 烟草商
nicotine 尼古丁
a non-smoker 不吸烟者
a smoke free world 无烟世界
be addicted to 养成…习惯
bronchial troubles 气管炎

form bad habits 养成坏习惯
get into the habit of 养成习惯
lung cancer 肺癌
No tobacco day 无烟日
sore throat 嗓子沙哑
tobacco company 烟草公司
tobacco industry 烟草行业

15.Holidays and Festivals (节日)

Easter 复活节
Passover 逾越节
Ramadan 斋月
Christmas 圣诞节
Halloween 万圣节
Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday 林肯日
Army’s Day 建军节
August 1st 八一
Bank Holiday 公假日
Boxing Day 节假日
Children’s Day 儿童节
Columbus Day 哥伦布日
Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节
Easter Monday 复活节后的一个星期
Election Day 选举日
Father’s Day 父亲节
Fireworks Festival 焰火节
George Washington’s Birthday 华盛顿日
Inauguration Day 美国总统就职日
July 1st 七一
Labor Day 美国和加拿大的劳动节
Lantern Festival 正月十五
May Day 国际劳动节
Memorial Day 阵亡将士日
Miao New Year 苗历新年
Mid-autumn Day 中秋节
Mother’s Day 母亲节
National Day 国庆节
New Year’s Day 新年
New Year’s Eve 新年夜
Pure Brightness Day 清明节
Spring Festival 春节
Thanksgiving Day 感恩节
The Party’s Day 党建日

Tibetan New Year 藏历新年
United Nation Day 联合国日
Veterans Day 退伍军人

第三 章
1.Clothing 服装
apparel (尤指漂亮的、特殊的)服装;衣服;服装
attire 衣服;服装
bathrobe (尤指男用的)浴衣
belt 腰带
boot 靴子
bow tie 蝴蝶结;领结
braces 裤子的吊带;吊带裤
brassiere 乳罩
button 纽扣
cardigan 开襟毛线衫;(胸前有纽扣或用腰带的)羊毛衫
clog 木底鞋;木屐
cufflink 袖口纽扣
dressing gown 晨衣
garb 服装(尤指暗示职业的或不寻常的服装);特制服装
handbag 手提包
handkerchief 手绢;手帕
high heels 高跟鞋
jacket 短上衣
jeans 牛仔裤
jerseys 毛线紧身上衣
jumper (无袖)套头罩衫
lace 鞋带
muffler 厚围巾
nightdress (女用)睡袍
overall 1.衣服;罩衣;罩衫;2.连衫工作服
pullover (无扣)套头毛衣
purse 钱包
pajamas 睡衣裤;宽松裤
raincoat 雨衣
sandal 平底鞋
scarf (男用长形)围巾;(女用)方行围巾;肩巾
shawl (妇女用,方形或长方形的)披肩;围巾;方巾
shorts 短裤
slipper 便鞋
sock 短袜
suit 套装
tie 领带

tight (女用)裤袜
trousers 长裤
underclothes 内衣裤;内衣裙;内衣
uniform 制服
waistcoat 无袖上衣
wallet 皮夹
wellingtons 长筒雨靴
zip 拉链;拉锁

2.Education 教育
dean (一些大学中的)系主任、学生
kindergarten 幼儿园;幼稚园
mistress 女教师
polytechnic 理工学院;工艺专科学院
subject 学科;科目
tutor 私人教师;家庭医生
public school (英格兰)公学;(尤指苏格兰和美国地方办的免费)公
private school 私立学校
preparatory school (尤指在英国为十三四岁学生升入公学做准备的)私立预
primary school (五岁至十一岁儿童上的)小学
secondary school (十一二岁学生小学毕业后到十六至十八岁上的)中学

3.Number and date (数字及日期)

first 第一
eleven 十一
second 第二
twelve 十二
twenty 二十
thirty 三十
forty 四十
fifty 五十
sixty 六十
seventy 七十
eighty 八十
ninety 九十
twelfth 第十二
third 第三
thirteenth 第十三
twentieth 第二十
thirtieth 第三十
January 一月

February 二月
March 三月
April 四月
May 五月
June 六月
July 七月
August 八月
September 九月
October 十月
November 十一月
December 十二月
decimal 十进位小数
dual 双的;二重的
even number 偶数
fraction 分数;小数
integer 整数
multiple 倍数
plural 复数的;由多部分组成的
tertiary 第三位数的
triple 三重的;三倍的
odd number 奇数;单数

4.Color 颜色
black 黑色(的)
blue 蓝色(的)
brown 棕色(的);褐色(的)
copper 铜色(的);红棕色(的)
green 绿色(的)
leaden 铅灰色(的)
magenta 紫红色(的)
maroon 栗褐色(的);褐红色(的)
ochre 诸色(的);浅暗橘黄色(的);黄褐色(的)
olive 橄榄色(的);黄绿色(的)
orange 橙色(的)
pink 粉红色(的);赤红色(的)
purple 紫色(的);紫红色(的)
red 红色(的)
tan 钢青色(的)
turquoise 棕黄色(的)
violet 紫罗兰色(的);蓝紫色(的)
white 白色(的)
yellow 黄色(的)

5.Size 尺寸
additionally 此外;又
bulk 大小;形状;大量
considerable 大的;多折
handful 一把;一握之量
king-size 特大的;特长的
mammoth 盛大的;巨大的
middling 中等的;中号的;不好不坏的
majority 大多数;大半
minute 微小的;细微的
medium 中等的
optimal 最好的;最理想的
prodigious 奇妙的;非常的;巨大的
size 尺寸;大小
grand 盛大的
substantial 大的;大量的;充足的;很多的
shrink 收缩;(使)缩小
scarcity 缺乏;不足

6.Food 食物
aubergine 茄子
alcohol 白酒
bacon 培根肉熏肉
banquet 丰盛的宴席
barbecue 烤肉餐;烤肉野餐
beef 牛肉
beer 啤酒
beverage 饮料
biscuit 饼干
brandy 白兰地
broth 浓汤;骨头汤
buffet 自助餐
bun 小圆面包
butter 黄油;奶油;牛油
cabbage 包心菜
candy 糖果
cauliflower 花椰菜
celery 芹菜
cheese 乾酪;乳酪;奶酪
chip 薯条
cider 苹果酒
cock tail 鸡尾酒
coffee 咖啡

cola 可乐
condiment (餐桌上的)调味品
confectionery 糖果
consommé (常用骨头煮的)浓汤
cookie 饼干;曲奇饼;小而甜的圆面包
crab 蟹
cream 奶油;乳脂;乳皮;精粹
curry 咖喱食品
cutlery 餐具(指刀、叉、匙)
dessert 饭后甜点
diet 日常饮食;日常食品
dough 面团
dumpling 饺子
fillet 肉片;鱼片
flour 粉;(尤指小麦磨成的)面粉
foodstuff 食料;粮食
fork 刀;叉
fowl 禽肉
grease 熔化的软动物脂;油脂
ham 后腿
hamburger 汉堡包
helping 一份食物;一客饭菜
honey 蜜
hot dog 热狗
ice-lolly 冰棍;冰棒
icing 糖衣
mineral 矿泉水
jam 果酱
jelly 肉冻
knife 刀;餐刀
ladle 长柄勺子
lager 淡啤酒
lamb 小羊肉
lard 猪肉
leek 韭菜;韭葱
leftovers 剩菜(尤指在下一顿饭时拿出来再吃的)
lemonade 柠檬汁
lettuce 生菜;莴苣
liquor 酒
loaf 长条面包
lobster 龙虾
margarine 人造黄油
marmalade (用橙或其他柑橘水果制成的)果酱;柑橘

menu (餐馆、旅馆的)菜单;菜谱
milk shake 奶昔
mince 绞碎的肉;肉末
mushroom 蘑菇
mutton 羊肉
oatmeal 燕麦粉;燕麦片
onion 洋葱
pepper 1.粉;辣椒粉;2.胡椒的;似胡椒的;胡椒味的
picnic 郊游;野餐
pie 馅饼
pizza 意大利比萨饼
pork 猪肉
potato 马铃薯;土豆
poultry 家禽
pudding 甜食;布丁
roast 准备烤的肉;烤好的肉
roughage 含丰富纤维的粗糙食物;纤维食品
salad 沙拉
sandwich 三明治(两片中间夹有食物的面包)
sausage 香肠
skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶
slice (食用动物的肉做的)薄片
soda 苏打水
soup 汤
spice 1.香料;2.刺激;趣味;情趣
spinach 菠菜
spoon 匙;调菜
squid 鱿鱼;乌贼
staple 主要粮食;主要食品
sweet 糖果
tablespoon 餐匙;汤匙
teaspoon 茶匙
toast 烤面包片;土司
toffee 太妃糖
tomato 番茄;西红柿
veal 小牛肉
vegetarian 素食者(的);蔬食者
venison 鹿肉
vinegar 醋;醋的
wafer 薄饼;威化饼
whisky 威士忌
wine 葡萄酒
yogurt 酸乳酪;酸奶

7.Articles (日常用品)
armchair 扶手椅
ashtray 烟灰缸
bedsidelamp 床头灯
blanket 毯子
bookcase 书架
bowl 碗
carpet 地毯
comb 梳子
cupboard 碗橱
curtain 窗帘
french windows 落地窗
kettle 水壶
mirror 镜子
pillow 枕头
radiator 取暖电炉
refrigerator 电冰箱
safetyrazor 安全剃刀
scale 磅秤
sheet 床单
sink 洗涤槽
sponge 海绵
spotlight 聚光灯
toothbrush 牙刷
wardrobe 衣橱

8.Places (地名)
Aden 亚丁
Afghanistan 阿富汗
Africa 非洲
Albania 阿尔巴尼亚
Algeria 阿尔及利亚
Angola 安哥拉
Arabia 阿拉伯
Argentina 阿根廷
Asia 亚洲
Atlantic 大西洋
Australia 澳大利亚
Austria 奥地利
Bahamas 巴哈马
Balkans 巴尔干
Baltic 波罗的海

Belgium 比利时
Bengal 孟加拉
Bermuda 百慕大
Bolivia 波斯尼亚
Brazil 巴西
Britain 不列颠
Bulgaria 巴尔及利亚
Burma 缅甸
Cambodia 柬埔寨
Canada 加拿大
Caribbean 加勒比
Ceylon 锡兰
Chile 智利
China 中国
Colombia 哥伦比亚
Conga 刚果
Corsica 科西嘉
Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加
Crete 克里特岛
Cuba 古巴
Cyprus 塞浦路斯
Czechoslovakia 捷克和斯洛伐克
Denmark 丹麦
Ecuador 厄瓜多尔
Egypt 埃及
England 英国
Estonia 爱沙尼亚
Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚
Eurasia 欧亚大陆
Europe 欧洲
Finland 芬兰
France 法国
Gabon 加蓬
Galilee 加利利
Gambia 冈比亚
Germany 德国
Ghana 加纳
Gibraltar 直布罗陀
Greece 希腊
Greenland 格陵兰
Guatemala 危地马拉
Guinea 几内亚
Haiti 海地

Hawaii 夏威夷
Holland 荷兰
Honduras 洪都拉斯
Hongkong 香港
Hungary 匈牙利
Iceland 冰岛
India 印度
Indonesia 印度尼西亚
Iran 伊朗
Iraq 伊拉克
Ireland 爱尔兰
Israel 以色列
Italy 意大利
Jamaica 牙买加
Japan 日本
Java 爪哇
Kashmir 克什米尔
Kenya 肯尼亚
Korea 韩国
Kuwait 科威特
Laos 老挝
Latvia 拉脱维亚
Lebanon 黎巴嫩
Levant 利比亚
Luxembourg 卢森堡
Majorca 马略卡岛
Malaya 马来亚
Mali 马里
Malta 马尔他
Mediterranean 地中海
Mesopotamia 美索不达米亚
Mexico 墨西哥
Mongolia 蒙古
Montenegro 黑山
Morocco 摩洛哥
Mozambique 莫桑比克
Natal 纳塔尔
Nepal 尼泊尔
Netherlands 荷兰
New Zealand 新西兰
Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜
Nigeria 尼日利亚
Normandy 诺曼底

Norway 挪威
Pacific 太平洋
Pakistan 巴基斯坦
Palestine 巴勒斯坦
Panama 巴拿马
Persia 波斯
Peru 秘鲁
Philippines 菲律宾
Poland 波兰
Polynesia 波利尼西亚
Portugal 葡萄牙
Prussia 普鲁士
Puerto Rico 波多黎各
Rhodesia 罗得西亚
R(o)umania 罗马尼亚
Russia 俄罗斯
Sahara 撒哈拉
Salvador 萨尔瓦多
Santo Domingo 圣多明各
Sardinia 撒丁岛
Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯
Scandinavia 斯堪的纳维亚
Scotland 苏格兰
Senegal 塞内加尔
Serbia 塞尔维亚
Siberia 西伯利亚
Sicily 西西里岛
Silesia 西里西亚
Singapore 新加坡
Somaliland 索马里兰
Spain 西班牙
Sudan 苏丹
Suez 苏黎士
Sumatra 苏门答腊
Switzerland 瑞士
Syria 叙利亚
Thailand 泰国
Tibet 西藏
Trinidad 特立尼达
Tunisia 的黎波里
Turkey 土耳其
Uganda 乌干达
Ulster 阿尔斯特

Uruguay 乌拉圭
Venezuela 委内瑞拉
Viet-Nam 越南
Wales 威尔士
Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫
Zanzibar 桑给巴尔

Bedfordshire 贝德福德郡
Belfast 贝尔法斯特
Berkshire 伯克郡
Bradford 布雷德福
Bristol 布里斯托尔
Buckinghamshire 白金汉郡
Cambridgeshire 剑桥郡
Cardiff 加蒂夫
Cheshire 柴郡
Cleveland 克利夫兰郡
Cornwall 康沃尔郡
Coventry 考文垂
Derbyshire 德比郡
Devon 德文郡
Dorset 多塞特郡
East Sussex 东萨塞克斯郡
Edinburgh 爱丁堡
Glasgow 格拉斯哥
Hampshire 汉普郡
Hereford 赫特福德郡
Humberside 亨博塞德郡
Isle of Wight 怀特岛郡
Lancashire 兰开夏郡
Leeds 利兹
Liverpool 利物浦
London 伦敦
Manchester 曼彻斯特
Norfolk 诺福克郡
Northumberland 诺森伯兰郡
Nottinghamshire 诺丁汉郡
Oxfordshire 牛津郡
Sheffield 谢菲尔德
Surrey 萨利郡
Warwickshire 沃里克郡

West Yorkshire 西约克郡
Wiltshire 威尔特郡

Adelaide 阿德莱德
Ballarat 巴拉腊特
Brisbane 布里斯班
Bunbury 班伯里
Canberra 堪培拉
Darwin 达尔文
Geelong 吉郎
Hobart 霍巴特
Melbourne 墨尔本
Newcastle 纽卡斯尔
Perth 佩斯
Port kembla 肯布拉港
Sydney 悉尼
Tasmania 塔斯曼尼亚
Toowoomba 图文巴
Townsville 敦斯威尔
Victoria 维多利亚

Alberta 阿尔伯达
Calgary 卡尔加里
Edmonton 埃德蒙顿
Frederiction 弗雷德里克顿
Halifax 哈立法斯
Lethbridge 莱斯布利尔
Montreal 蒙特利尔
Ottawa 渥太华
Quebec 魁北克
Regina 贾纳
Saskatoon 沙斯咯通
Vancouver 温哥华
Victoria 维多利亚
Winnipeg 温尼伯格
Yellowknife 耶洛奈夫

Auckland 奥克兰
Blenbeim 布莱尼姆
Hamilton 汉密顿

Hastings 希士丁
Napier 纳比尔
Nelson 纳尔逊
New Plymouth 新普利莱斯
Palmerston North 北潘马士顿
Wellington 惠灵顿

9.Names (人名)
Agatha 阿加莎
Agnes 阿格尼丝
Amy 艾米
Angela 安吉拉
Anne 安妮
Annie 安妮
Barbara 巴巴拉
Becky 贝斯(贝西)
Beth 贝思
Betsy 贝蒂
Bridget 布丽奇特
Caddie 凯迪
Caroline 卡罗琳
Carrie 卡里
Catherine 凯瑟琳
Clara 克莱拉
Clare 克莱尔
Diana 戴安娜
Dolly 多莉
Dora 多拉
Dorothy 多萝西
Edith 伊迪丝
Eleanor 埃利诺
Elizabeth 伊丽莎白
Ella 埃拉
Elsie 埃尔西
Emily 埃米莉
Fanny 范尼
Frances 弗朗西丝
Grace 格雷斯
Harriet 哈丽特
Helen 海伦
Irene 艾琳
Isabel 依莎贝尔(依莎贝拉)

Jane 简
Janet 珍妮特
Jean 吉恩=Joan
Jessie 杰西
Joan 琼
Judith 朱迪丝
Judy 朱迪=Judith
Kate 凯特=Catharine
Kitty 基蒂=Catharine
Laura 劳拉(Laurel)
Lisa 利萨=Elizabeth
Lizzy 利齐=Elizabeth
Louie 路易=Louise
Lucy 露西
Mag(gie) 玛格(马吉)=Margaret
Margaret 玛乔里=Margaret
Martha 玛莎
Mary 玛丽
Mat(ty) 麦特=Martha
May 梅 Mary
Miriam 米利亚姆=Mary
Moll(y) 内尔(内莉)=Eleanor
Nora 诺拉=Eleanor
Pat(ty) 帕特(帕蒂)=Martha
Peg(gee) 佩格(佩吉)=Margaret
Poll(y) 波尔(波莉)=Mary
Rachel 雷切尔
Ruth 鲁思
Sally 萨莉=Sarah
Shirley 雪莉
Sophia 索菲娅
Sophie 菲索=Sophia
Sue 休
Susie 苏西
Virginia 弗吉尼亚
Yvonne 伊冯

Abe 艾贝=Abraham
Abraham 亚伯拉罕
Adam 亚当
Albert 阿伯特
Aleck 亚历克=Alexander

Alexander 亚历山大
Alf 阿尔弗雷德
Allan 艾伦
Andrew 安德鲁
Andy 安迪
Anthony 安东尼
Arnold 阿诺德
Arthur 阿瑟
Ben(ny) 本尼=Benjamin
Benjamin 本杰明
Bill(y) 比尔(比利)=William
Bob 鲍勃=Robert
Charles 查尔斯
Charlie 查里=(Charles)
Christian 克利斯蒂
Dan 丹=(Daniel)
Daniel 丹尼尔
David 戴维
Davy 戴维= David
Dick 迪克=Richard
Donald 唐纳得
Ed 埃德=Edward
Edward 埃德华
Fred(dy) 弗雷德=Frederick
Frederick 弗雷德里克
George 乔治
Harry 哈里=Henry
Henry 亨利
Herbert 赫伯特
Howard 霍华德
Ike 埃克
Ivan 伊凡=John
Jack 杰克=John
Jacob 雅各布=James
Jake 雅克=James
Joe 乔
John 约翰
Johnny 约翰尼
Joseph 约瑟夫
Leonard 伦纳德
Lewis 刘易斯
Lou 路
Martin 马丁

Michael 迈克尔
Mike 迈克
Nicholas 尼古拉斯
Nick 尼克= Nicholas
Paul 保罗
Pete 皮特=Peter
Peter 彼得
Phil 菲尔
Philip 菲利浦
Ralph 拉尔夫
Richard 理查德
Robert 罗伯特
Roger 罗杰
Sam 萨姆
Samuel 塞缪尔
Sandy 山迪
Steve 史蒂芬
Teddy 特迪
Thomas 托马斯
Tom(my) 汤姆(汤米)=Thomas
Tony 托尼
Victor 维克托
Walt 沃尔特=William
Will(y) 威尔(威利)=William
William 威廉

第四 章
章流畅,more English,我们为您准备了以下起承转合的精选句型,相信一定会令您获益匪浅。
A proverb says:“…” 有句谚语说
As the proverb says:“…” 如谚语说
Generally speaking:“…” 一般说来
It goes without saying that:“…” 不用说
It is (quite) clear that …because … 很明显的……因为……
People often said that … 常常有人说
Many people often ask this question“……?” 许多人常常问这个问题

Everybody knows that … 每个人都知道……
It can be easily proved that 那是很容易证明……
It is true that ……是真实的
No one can deny that 谁也不能否认
One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is … 跟上述同样重要的一项是…

The chief reason why 为什么……是主要原因……
We must recognize that 我们必须承认……
There is no doubt that 无疑地
I am of the opinion that 我认为
This can be expressed as follows 可分为下列数点
To take …for an example … 以……为例……
Therefore we should realize that 因此我们应该了解……
We have reason to believe that 我们有理由相信……
(Now that) we know that (既然)我们知道……
what is more serious is that 更严重的是

Another special consideration in this case is that
Besides, we should not neglect that
But it is a pity that 但是很可惜
But the problem is not so simple, therefore
However 然而,无论如何
Others may find this to be true, but I do not, I believe that
On the other hand, 另一方面
Perhaps you’ll question why … 也许你会问为什么
There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem
Though we are in basic agreement with 虽然基本上我们同意
What seems to be the trouble is 似乎困难是在
Yet difference will be found, that’s why I feel that
So long as you regard this as reasonable, you may… 只要你认为合理,你可以

In a word … 总而言之
In conclusion … 因此
On account of this we can find that … 由此我们可知道
The result is dependent on … 结果视……而定
Therefore, these findings reveal the following information: 这些发现显示下列消息
Thus, this is the reason why we must 因此,这就是我们为什么必须……
To sum up 总而言之……

currently 现在,最近
first 首先,第一

lately 最近
now 现在,此刻
presently 现在,此刻
recently 最近
firstly 首先
at present 现在,当今
First of all 首先
generally speaking 一般来说
in the beginning 起初(的一段时间)
in the first place 首先,第一
it goes without saying that 不用说
to begin with 首先,第一

also 并且,又
besides (this) 此外
certainly 无疑地,确切地
consequently 因此,结果
furthermore 此外,结果
incidentally 顺便让我一提
indeed 的确
meanwhile 与此时,此际
moreover 而且,此外
obviously 明显地
particularly 特别地
secondly 第二
second 第二,第二点
similarly 同样地
so 所以
soon 不久
still 仍然
then 然后
third 第三,第三点
thirdly 第三
truly 事实上,真实地
unlike 不像……,和……不同
after a few days 几天之后
after a while 过了一会儿
at any rate 无论如何
at the same time 同时
by this time 此时
for example 例如
for instance 例如

no doubt 无疑地
of course 当然
for this purpose 为了这个目的
from now on 从此
in addition 此外
in addition to 除……之外
in fact 事实上
in other words 换句话说
in the same manner 同样地
what is more 而且,此外

anyway 无论如何
but 但是
conversely 相反地
despite 尽管……,虽然
especially 特别地
fortunately 幸运地
however 然而,无论如何
likewise 同样地
nevertheless 不过,虽然如此
otherwise 否则
perhaps 或许
unfortunately 不幸地
unlike 不像……,嗬……不同
whereas 然而
yet 仍,然则,但是
after all 毕竟
all the same 虽然,但是
at the same time 可是
by this time 此时
in other words 换句话说
in particular 特别地
in spite of 尽管……,虽然
in the same way 同样地
luckily 幸运地
no doubt 无疑地
not withstanding 虽然
on the contrary 相反地
on the other hand 另一方面


accordingly 于是
admittedly 公认的,无法否认的
briefly 简单扼要的
consequently 因此
eventually 最后
finally 最后
hence 因此
so 因此;所以
that 那么
then 那时
thereby 因此,由此,从而
therefore 因此
thus 因此
above all 最重要
in brief 简而言之
as a consequence 因此
as a result 结果
as follows 其结果如下
as has been noted 如前所述及的
as I have said 如我所述
at last 最后
at length 最后,终于
by and large 一般来说
by doing so 藉此
in conclusion 最后,总之
in sum 总之,简言之
in short 简言之
in summary 摘要之
to speak frankly 坦白地说
to summarize 摘要之
to sum up 总言之

下篇 雅思考试突破高分词汇
1. 澳大利亚方言词
akubra hat 土著人的一种帽子
bungee jumping 蹦极跳
scuba diver 潜水者
snorkelling 潜水
windsurfing 风帆冲浪
roller coaster 过山车
faculty 学院,系

koala 考拉熊
kangaroo 袋鼠
emu 澳大利亚善跑的鸵鸟 鸸鹋
joey 幼袋鼠
wombat 毛鼻袋熊
eucalypt 澳大利亚桉树
ostrich 鸵鸟
marsupial 有袋类的动物
rollerblading 滚轴溜冰
aboriginal 土著的
mural 壁画
souvenir 纪念品
wharf 码头
jat lag 乘机时差
aquarium 水族馆
camel train 长列货车(澳大利亚特有的)
port Douglas 昆士兰一个旅游胜地 原为渔港
the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁
resort 胜地
remote 偏远的
coral island 珊瑚岛
ayers rock 埃尔斯岩(独块巨石)
meteorite 陨石 陨星
monolith 独石
alice springs 爱丽丝泉(澳大利亚最中心城市)
darwin 达尔文(澳大利亚北部地方首府)
billy tea 铁罐茶(澳大利亚野餐沏茶方式)

2. 旅 行
voyage 水路长途旅行
wanderings 流浪 漫游
itinerary 旅行计划
expedition 探险(队)
pilgrimage 朝圣 拜访
caravan 沙漠地带骑骆驼的旅行队
tourist 观光者
wayfarer 徒步旅行者
wanderer 流浪汉 迷路者
pilgrim 朝拜者
escort 护送者,陪同者
usher 公共场所的招待者
usherette 女领座员(剧院,电影院)
commissionaire 穿制服的看门人

vacancy 空座位,空房间

3. 道路与交通
powered 生产动力的
amphibious 水陆两用的
waggon 四轮运货马车
buggy 轻便马车
chariot 古代作战马拉战车
limousine 大型高级轿车
van 可以载人的货车
lorry 卡车 货车
rig 大型卡车
tonner 栽重…吨的车
omnibus 公共汽车
invalid carriage 残疾人坐的三轮车
chauffeur 私人汽车
pram 四轮婴儿车
garage 加油站 修理厂
pump 抽油泵
ramp 千斤顶
trolley bus 无轨电车
underground 地下通道 又作 tube
permanent way 铁路轨道
tunnel 隧道
level crossing 交叉点
loco 火车头
terminus 终点站
platform 月台,站台
indicator 指示牌
reverse 倒车
dip 减弱(汽车等的前灯的灯光)
skid 打滑
fork 岔路
go straight on 一直向前
branch off 走岔路
collide 碰撞
collision 冲突 车祸
derail 使(火车)出轨
go off the rails 出轨
accident 意外事故

4. 地 方
expanse 宽阔的区域

square 广场
turnpike 收费的高速公路
pathway 小路的路面
pavement 路旁人行道
venue 集合地点 举行场所
whereabouts 下落 行踪
environment 环境
kerbstone 镶边石 侧石 井栏石
cobbled 用圆石铺成的
tar 柏油 焦油
chippings 碎石
tarmac 柏油碎石
gutter 排水沟
manhole 地下管道检修孔
grating (门窗的)格,栅
zebra crossing (英国专用)斑马线
belisha beacon 信号灯(英国)
illuminations 灯饰
bump 路面凸起的部分
gradient 坡度
junction 十字路口
bypass 旁道
footbridge 过街桥
span 跨度
viaduct 高架桥
underpass 地下通道
tunnel 隧道
flotilla 船队
canoe 独木舟
kayak 小皮艇
tug 拖船
launch 大型汽艇
hovercraft 气垫船
coaster 海岸贸易船
tanker 油轮
merchant navy 国家的商船队
cabin 船舱
berth 卧铺
wheelhouse 舵手室
windward 迎风
leeward 背风
afloat 漂浮
overboard 落水了

aground 触礁
mole 堤道
quay 码头区
wharf 码头岸上设施
slipway 船台
buoy 航标
docker 码头装卸工人
deckhand 甲板水手
landlubber 不习惯海上生活的人
purser 财务事务长
boatswain 水手长
moor 使(船)停泊
berth 使停泊
anchor 抛锚
voyage 航行
dive 潜水
capsize 翻船
shipwreck 使船失事
pressgang 水兵强募队
balloon 气球
glider 滑翔机 滑翔员
parachute 降落伞 跳伞
departure lounge 候机室
joystick 控制手柄
blast off 发射
countdown 倒计时
pilot 飞行员
navigator 领航员
astronaut 太空员 宇航员
rim 边缘
crust 外壳 外皮

5. 政府与政治
realm 王国
monarchy 君主国 君主制度
principality 侯国 公国
sheikhdom 酋长国
federation 联邦
confederacy 同盟 联盟 私党 共谋
colony 殖民地 殖民地国家
commonwealth (为共同利益相结合的)国家
monarchic 君主政治的
federal 联邦的,联邦制的

imperial 帝国的 帝王的
royalist 保皇党员
unionist 联合论者 统一主义者
dictatorship 专制 独裁
autocracy 独裁 专制制度
totalitarianism 极权主义
autonomy 自治 自决
monarch 国王 王后 统治者
court 宫廷 朝廷
sheikh 酋长 教主
regency 摄政权,摄政期
authority 权力 掌权者 影响力 许可
dictator 独裁者 专政者
autocrat 专制君主 独断专行的人
tyrant 暴君
bully 欺凌弱小者
parliament 议会 国会
congress 国会(讨论法系、条例等)大会
senate 参议院 立法机构
legislature 立法机关
cabinet 内阁会议
bureau 政府机构
red tape 官僚作风
majesty 威信 尊严
diplomacy 外交上的 圆滑的
diplomat 外交官
ambassador 大使
consul 领事
representative 驻外代表
statesman 政治家 国务负责人
ideology 思想意识,意识形态
labour (英国的)工党
reaction 反动 极端保守主义
rightwing 保守派
anarchist 无政府主义者 无政府主义的
patriot 爱国者 国家主义的
imperialist 帝国主义者 帝国主义的
fascist 法西斯党员 法西斯主义的
mandate 授权 命令 指令
manifesto 宣言 声明
canvass 争取 推销 调查
ballot 投票
enfranchise 予以 选举权

franchise 选举权 投票权
candidate 候选人
nominee 被提名者
crusade 参加改革运动
demonstrate 示威 游行
riot 暴乱 骚动
sedition 煽动暴乱的言论或行为
usurp 非法篡夺
subvert 暗中破坏
revolt 反叛 造反
mutiny 反抗
insurrection 暴乱 暴动
insurgency 暴动 造反
mutineer 反叛者
partisan 盲目效忠的党徒
plot 密谋
conspire 合谋
collaborate 勾结
hatch 策划 图谋不轨
betrayal 背叛 出卖
espionage 间谍行为
sabotage 破坏活动
treason 叛国罪 卖国罪
saboteur 从事破坏活动者
traitor 叛徒 卖国贼
quisling 内奸
rank 等级 地位 身份
status 重要地位 身份
caste 社会地位
breeding 教养
reputation 名誉 名声
ruling class 统治阶级
aristocracy 贵族 上流社会
nobility 贵族阶级
gentry 绅士 上流社会人士
bourgeoisie 中产阶级或资产阶级
proletariat 无产阶级
masses 下层民众 群众
grass roots 基层群众
betters 长辈 上司 胜于己者
superior 上级的 较高的
subordinate 从属的 下级的
duke 公爵

baron 男爵 商业巨头
baronet 从男爵
knight 骑士 武士 爵士
squire 骑士的随从
toff 花花公子 时髦人物
snob 势力的人
upstart 暴发户,发横财的人
attendant 随从 待从 服务员
menial 家仆
butler 男管家
steward 管家 伙食管理 房地产管理人
chauffeur 司机 汽车夫
chauffeuse 女司机(法)
lackey 男仆 走卒
nanny 保姆
chattel 奴婢
bondsman 凭契约而拥有的奴隶
emancipate 解放
orthodox 传统的 公认的
bourgeois 中产阶级的
courteous 有礼貌的 体谅的
sophisticated 老练的
posh 上流社会的 高雅的 豪华的
gauche 笨拙的 有社交手腕的
boorish 土气的 举止粗野的
boor 粗野的人
yokel 头脑简单的乡下人
vagrant 流浪者,无业游民
tramp 无家无业的流浪者
hobo 流浪者 无业游民
dropout 脱离社会的人
hippie 嬉皮士
nomad 游牧部落 流浪者
gypsy or Gipsy 吉普赛人
pompous 傲慢的 自大的 装腔作势的
majestic 庄严的 宏大的 高贵的
casual 不经心的 不在意的
offhand 随便的

6. 法律与秩序
statute 法规
decree 法令 命令
ordinance 法令 条例

by(e)law 地方官 章程 附则 细则
jurisdiction 审判权 司法权 裁判权
convention 习俗 惯例
institution 惯例 制度
usage 习惯 惯例
dispense 执行
contravene 违反 抵触
anarchy 无秩序 混乱
civil strife 内乱
legitimate 合法的 正当的
licit 合法的 准许的
forensic 法庭的
illicit 非法的 违反习俗的
statutory 法定的 依照法规的
obligatory 业务的 必须做的
compulsory 强制的 必须做的
binding 有约束力的
deny 拒绝
permit 许可证 执照
revoke 取消 废除 宣布…无效
censor 查禁 删去
ostracize 不理睬 孤立 排斥
shun 躲开 避免
taboo 戒律 禁忌
embargo 禁止 禁运
sanctions 通知断绝商务交往的国家性制裁
courtroom 法庭 审判室
tribunal 专门的法庭
bench 法官席 法官总称
dock 刑事法庭上的被告席
barrister 有权在高等法庭发言辩护的律师
litigate 起诉 诉讼
accuse 控诉 指责 谴责
lawsuit 非刑事的诉讼案
writ 令状
plea 答辩 辩护
verdict 裁决 判决
prosecute 告发 检举 起诉 控告
plaintiff 原告 起诉人
witness 目击者 证人
accused 被告人
convict 定罪 判为有罪
sentence 宣判 判决

fine 罚款 处以罚金
acquit 宣判无罪
discharge 放行
pardon 赦免 释放
inherit 继承 接受遗产
bequest 遗产 遗物
entitlement 有权利或资格得到的东西
legatee 遗产继承人
inheritor 继承人
mortgage 抵押借款契约 房产抵押契约

7. 保安与犯罪
constable 警员
partolman 警察 巡警
copper 警察(非正式称呼)
bobby 警察
marshal 县执法官 警察局长 消防队长
detective 侦探
private eye 私家侦探
plain clothes policeman 便衣警察
warden 看守人 监督官 管理员
custodian 管理人 保管人
caretaker 主人不在看管房屋或土地的人
janitor (建筑物的)管理员
patrol 警备员 巡逻队
patrol car 巡逻车
blank Maria 囚车
arrest 逮捕 拘捕
pinch 逮捕 拘捕
pick up 逮捕
misdemeanour 不轨行为
crock 犯罪 歹徒
delinquent 少年犯罪 不尽责的 违法的
vandal 故意破坏者
larceny 偷盗
shoplifting 店内偷窃
piracy 海上抢劫
smuggling 海上走私
bandit 强盗 匪徒
pinch 偷窃
pilfer 小偷小摸
rustle 偷(牛、马等)
lift 偷窃

abduct 暴力绑架
embezzlement 侵吞 挪用
racket 经营非法生意
swindle 诈骗 诓骗
blackmail 勒索 敲诈
confidence trick 骗局 欺诈
con 欺骗 哄骗 设骗局骗取
slande 诽谤 中伤
libel 诽谤 诽谤性的文字 图画等
assault 突然猛击
fire–raising 纵火者
arson 纵火罪
vandalism 对公共财物的故意破坏
loot 洗劫 抢劫
plunder 掠夺物
spoils 掠夺物 战利品
booty 战利品
manslaughter 过失杀人 误杀
homicide 杀人案件
suicide 自杀 自杀案
cell 牢房 小囚房
interment 拘留 禁闭 拘禁期间
jailbird 犯人 囚犯
detainee 被拘留者
deter 使不敢 防止
chasten 通过责罚使…改正 使长进
penalty 刑罚 处罚 刑期 罚金 报应
life 无期徒刑
execute 处死 处决
behead 斩首
guillotine 用断头台斩首
chop off 砍掉
gas chamber 毒气室
banish 流放 放逐 忘却
deport 驱逐出境
parole 假释
commute 减免刑罚
remit 减免 减短

8. 战争与和平
warfare 打仗 战争状态
conflict 冲突 争吵
combat 搏斗 格斗

confrontation 对抗
duel 决斗
belligerent 好战的 生气而准备打假的
bellicose 好战的 好斗的
martial 战争的 军官的
militant 富于战斗性的 好战的
embattled 常受骚扰的 严阵以待的
besiege 包围 围攻
breach 突破
thrust 强攻 突击
engagement 交火 交战
siege 包围 围困
skirmish 散兵战
bombardment 炮击 轰炸
repel 赶走
repulse 击退 打退
dislodge 把…从阵地赶走
reinforce 支援 加强
bombard 炮轰 向…连珠炮似的提问
rake 扫射
vanquish 击败
triumph 大胜
conquer 征服
seize 强取 强占 抓住
annex 吞并 兼并
relief 解围 救援 被救
surrender 投降 自首投案
conquest 征服
casualty 伤亡人员 死伤者
rout 溃败 溃退
disengagement 分离 脱离接触
ceasefire 停火
armistice 停战 休战
peace treaty 和平条约 共同协定
strategy 兵法 战略
manoeuvres 军事演习
campaign 战役
troop 军队 部队
platoon 步兵排
squadron 骑兵连或装甲兵连
regiment 团
brigade 旅
corps 军团 特种部队

commando 突击团
column 纵队
flank 侧翼 侧翼进攻
fleet 船队 舰队
flotilla 小舰队
squadron 分遣舰队 空中军队
armada 舰队
ex-serviceman 退役军人
ensign 掌旗官 海军少尉
petty officer 海军军士
warrior 战士 武士
mercenary 雇佣军
recruit 招募 招收
enlist 入伍 从军
conscript 招募
mobilize 动员
levy 徵召 徵集
infantry 步兵
cavalry 骑兵
sapper 工兵
musketeer 滑膛抢手
cavalier 骑士或绅士
disarmament 裁军 裁减军备
drill 训练 操练
parade 游行 阅兵 检阅

9. 信仰与宗教
demigod 神一样的人
idol 偶像 神童
demon 恶魔
phantom 鬼魂 幽灵
apparition 鬼 幽灵 幻影
inferno 地狱 火海
purgatory 炼狱 临时惩罚所
limbo 无法改变的状态或地方
supreme being 上帝 天主
christianity 基督教 基督徒身份
islam 伊斯兰教
judaism 犹太教
hinduism 印度教或印度国内的习俗
buddhism 佛教
shinto 日本的神道
confucianism 孔子的儒教

hebrew 犹太人的
episcopalian 主教派的
presbyterian 长老会的
baptist 浸信会
adherent 信徒 支持者 拥护者
fanatic 狂热者
heretic 异教徒
agnostic 不可知论者
atheist 无神论者
evangelist 福音传教士
worship 礼拜 敬仰
pray 祈祷 祷告
preach 宣讲 传道 布道
chant 单调地唱 吟诵 一再齐声呼喊
meditate 静思 默想
profane 亵渎
solemnize 举行…典礼
baptize 为…举行洗礼仪式
circumcise 为…行割礼
ordain 任命
sermon 讲道 布道
sacrifice 供奉 牺牲
eucharist 圣餐 弥撒
canon 教规
dogma 教条 教义 信条
heresy 异端 邪教
sacrilege 亵渎圣物
koran 《古兰经》
vedas 《吠陀》
ecclesiastical 基督教会的
devotional 虔诚的 宗教的 圣洁的
profane 亵渎宗教的
worldly 世俗的 追逐名利的
pagan 异教的 邪教的 异教徒
penance 苦修 苦事
saint 圣者 圣徒
messiah 救世主
saviour 尤指耶稣救世主
prophet 先知 代神发言者
seer 预言者
medium 通灵之人
priest 教士 牧师
hood 教父 牧师的职位 阶级

padre 随军传教士
pastor 非天主教或英国牧师的称呼
vicar 英国国教教区牧师
missionary 传教士
friar 天主教的男修士
hermit 隐修士
religious 僧侣 修女
brethren 教友们 弟兄们
pope 罗马天主教教皇 教宗
prior 小修道院院长 大修道院副院长
deacon 基督教会中的执事
see 主教或大主教的辖区
synod 宗教会议
congregation 会众
kirk 苏格兰教会
altar 神坛
pulpit 布道神坛
choir 教堂中的唱诗班
abbey 修道院
priory 小修道院
sanctuary 神殿 圣堂
mosque 清真寺
pagoda 佛塔
monastery 寺院 庙宇
convent 女修道院
cloister 走廊
superstition 迷信
mythology 神话 神话学
myth 神话 虚构
folklore 民间传说 民俗学
legend 传说 传奇
fable 寓言 荒诞的故事
folktale 民间故事
occult 神秘学
witchcraft 巫术 妖术
sorcery 妖术 巫术
voodoo 伏都教
spell 着魔 中邪 诱惑力
supernatural 超自然的 怪异的
magician 故事的魔法师
with 女巫 巫婆
warlock 男巫
sorcerer 魔法师

elf 小精灵 小妖精
goblin 妖精
gnome 土地神
nymph 美丽的小仙女
ogre 大妖怪
satyr 森林之神
centaur 上半身像人下半身像马的动物

10. 人与家庭
folk 人们
guardian 监护人
twin 孪生儿之一
triplets 三胞胎
chap 家伙
bloke 小子 家伙
lassie 小女孩 女朋友
infant 婴儿 幼儿 未成年者
toddler 青年 年轻人
brat 讨人厌的小鬼 淘气鬼
minor 未成年者
adolescent 青少年的
teenager 十三至十九岁的青年
juvenile 少年 少年特有的
individual 个人 个体
figure 重要的人物
personality 名人 人物 个性 性格
clan 部族 氏族
descent 血统 出身
lineage 血统 世系 家系
sire 父亲 祖先
sibling 兄弟或姐妹
paternal 父亲的 像父亲的
maternal 母亲的 似母亲的
maternity 母亲的身份或资格 分娩的
fraternal 兄弟般的 友爱的
filial 子女应做的 孝顺的
suckle 哺乳 喂奶
rear 喂养 饲养
adopt 收养
adoption 收养孩子
foster 抚养 养育
ancestor 祖先
descendant 后裔 子孙

generation 同时代的人 一代人
heredity 遗传 遗传特征

11. 动 物
fertile 能生育的
fecund 生育能力很强的
barren 不能生育的
sterile 无生殖能力的
pregnant 怀孕的
impregnate 使怀孕
germinate 使萌芽
conceive 怀孕
sterilize 使绝育 消毒
embryo 胚胎
foetus 胎儿
cell 细胞
nucleus 细胞核
germ 生殖细胞
spore 芽胞 孢子
yolk 蛋黄
white 蛋白
spawn 卵 子 幼子
offspring 动物的幼子 后裔
progeny 子孙 后裔
issue 子女
litter 一胎所生的小动物
creature 生物
organism 有机体 生物
fauna 一个时代或地区的动物
flora 一个地区或时间的植物
biped 两足动物
quadruped 四足动物
brute 野兽 粗暴的人
mammal 哺乳动物
pouch 腹部有育儿袋的袋类动物
nocturnal 夜间出没的
beast of 猛兽
marsupial 有袋类动物
wildfowl 野禽
waterfowl 水禽
reptile 爬行动物
amphibian 两栖动物
crustacean 甲壳类动物

mollusc 软体动物
insect 昆虫
genus 属
breed 品种
strain 品系 种类
race 生物品种
pedigree 血统
thoroughbred 优良的纯种
mongrel 杂种的狗
interbreed 杂交繁殖
tame 驯服
germ 病菌
bug 病毒感染
pest 有害的小动物 害虫
vermin 害虫 寄生虫
predator 食肉动物
prey 被捕时的动物 牺牲者
scavenger 食腐动物
parasite 寄生虫
herd 群 群众
flock 羊群 鸟群
flight 飞行中的鸟
shoal 鱼群
pack 猎狗群
nest 鸟巢
lair 兽穴
den 窝 兽穴
burrow 地下所挖的洞穴
aquarium 水族箱
aviary 鸟舍
apiary 养蜂场 养蜂人
neigh 马嘶 马嘶声
bark 狗叫 吠
hoot 猫头鹰叫
quack 鸭叫 鸭叫声
ape 猿
langur 叶猴(一种长尾猴)
gelding 骟马
mustang 野马(北美洲产)
stud 种马
shorthorn 短角牛
buffalo 水牛
bison 欧洲的野牛

puss 唤猫时的用语
paw 爪
bulldog 牛头犬
collie 柯利牧羊犬
alsatian 狼狗
afghan 阿富汗狗
pekinesen 北京狗
poodle 宝贵狗
husky 爱斯基摩狗
coyote 草原狼
dingo 澳洲野狗
swine 猪 可恶的人
reindeer 驯鹿
caribou 北美驯鹿
roe deer 獐
fallow deer 梅花鹿
elk 麋
moose 驼鹿
antelope 羚羊
gazelle 瞪羚
springbok 南非小 瞪羚
whale 鲸
seal 海豹
mammoth 猛犸
bunny 小兔
poultry 家禽
bantam 矮脚鸡
flamingo 火烈鸡
magpie 喜鹊
lark 百灵鸟
cuckoo 杜鹃鸟
tit 大山雀
dove 鸽
nightingale 夜莺
budgerigar 虎皮鹦鹉
canary 金丝雀
gamebird 猎鸟 猎禽
grouse 松鸡
buzzard 兀鹰
kite 鸢
partridge 鹧鸪
snipe 沙鸡鸟
carrion crow 以腐尸为食的大乌鸦

raven 渡鸦
rook 白嘴鸦
serpent 蛇
cobra 眼镜蛇
python 大蟒
rattlesnake 响尾蛇
mamba 非洲大毒蛇
adder 蝮蛇
lizard 蜥蜴
chameleon 变色蜥蜴
alligator 短吻鳄
dragon 龙
dinosaur 恐龙
hermit crab 寄居蟹
sponge 海绵
bumblebee 野蜂
hornet 大黄蜂
cricket 蟋蟀
cicada 蝉
horsefly 虻 马蝇
louse 虫子
bedbug 臭虫
grub 蛆
larva 幼体的
caterpillar 毛虫
pupa 蛹
worm 蠕虫
snail 蜗牛
leech 水蛭
slug 蛞蝓
comb 鸡冠
whisker (猫 鼠等动物的)须
snout 长鼻
muzzle 狗及同类动物的口鼻部
mandible 下颚骨
fang 毒蛇的毒牙 尖齿
tusk 长牙 獠牙
toe 趾
hoof 分趾蹄
paw 脚掌
pad 肉趾
claw 尖爪
talon 猛兽或猛禽的爪

web 蹼趾的
sucker 吸盘
pelt 兽皮
bristle 硬毛
fleece 羊毛
plumage 羽毛
spine 动物身上的刺
quill 长刺
spot 斑点
stripe 条纹 斑纹

12. 植 物
stem 茎 花梗
stalk 茎干
bulb 球茎
blade 叶片
needle 松树的针叶
spine 植物的刺
trunk 树干
bark 树皮
branch 树枝
limb 大树枝
twig 小树枝
twiglet 嫩枝
stump 树墩
bud 花蕾 花苞
blossom 果树的花
shoot 芽 苗 嫩枝
seedling 秧苗
sapling 树苗
sprout 芽 苗 苞
sucker 根出条
sap 树液
juice 水果和蔬菜的汁
berry 浆果
grain 粒
cone 球果
pod 豆荚
stone 果核 硬核
kernel 坚果或果核的仁
cob 玉米轴
husk 外皮
rind 厚而粗糙的外皮

peel 水果蔬菜的皮
peelings 剥下的皮
conifer 针叶树
deciduous tree 落叶树
bush 灌木
shrub 灌木
pulse 豆类植物
foliage 叶子总称
undergrowth 大树下的木类
herb 香草(食用饲料)
turf 草皮 草根生
cereal 谷物
straw 稻草 麦秸 吸管
bamboo 竹 茎
cane 茎
reed 芦苇
fern 蕨类植物
bracken 蕨 羊齿
thorn 荆棘 有刺的动物
cactus 仙人掌
palm 棕榈树
lichen 地衣
moss 苔藓 青苔
fungus 真菌类
mushroom 菌 蘑菇
toadstool 毒蕈
mould 微毒
mildew 破坏性的霉
plankton 浮游植物
seaweed 海藻
climbing plants 攀援植物
creeper 匍匐植物
liana 藤木植物
vine 葡萄藤 蔓
ivy 常青藤
tangerine 柑
grapefruit 葡萄柚 西柚
apricot 杏
greengage 青梅
prune 梅脯 梅乾 李脯
currant 无核小葡萄乾
sultana 淡色无核小葡萄乾
raisin 大而有核的葡萄乾

grain 谷类
corn 谷类作物 玉米
sugar beet 甜菜
bilberry 覆盆子
blueberry 越橘属浆果
loganberry 大杨梅 洛干杨梅
beech 山毛榉树
birch 桦树
elm 榆树
poplar 白杨 杨树
spruce 云杉
hawthorn 山楂
broom 金雀花
gorse 荆豆
laurel 月桂树
bay 欧洲月桂树
chrysanthemum 菊花
snowdrop 雪莲花
carnation 荷兰石竹 康乃馨 红茂草

13. 身体状况及健康
physique 体格
constitution 体质
figure 身体 体形
bodily 身体的 肉体的
organic 器官的 有机体的
corpse 死尸 尸体
cadaver 尸体
flesh 肌肉 肉
membrane 体内的膜
tissue 体内的组织
cartilage 软骨 软骨组织
gristle 软骨
organ 器官
gland 腺
sinew 腱 主力 支柱
nerve 神经
marrow 骨髓
limb 臂或腿 肢
skeleton 骨骼 骨架
skull 头颅骨
backbone 骨干 主力 中坚
vertebra 脊椎骨 脊椎动物

spinal column 脊柱 脊椎骨
rib 肋骨
joint 关节
expression 表情
adam’s apple 喉结 喉核
nape 颈背 后颈
scruff 颈背 后颈
profile 侧面
nostril 鼻孔
scalp 头皮
blink 眨眼 闪烁
wink 眨眼(表示友好 喜悦)
gum 齿龈 牙肉
palate 上颚
uvula 小舌
windpipe 气管
larynx 喉
vocal cords 声带
pharynx 咽
tonsil 扁桃腺
tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎 扁桃体炎
roman nose 鼻梁高的鼻子
retrousse nose 向上翘起的鼻子
snub nose 狮子鼻
button nose 扁鼻
aquiline nose 鹰勾鼻
grecian nose 鼻梁直的鼻子
trunk 躯干
torso 胸部
bosom 妇女的胸
small of the back 腰背部
buttock 臂部
bottom 屁股
backside 屁股
bum 对小孩说的屁股
hindquarters 屁股
rectum 直肠
abdomen 腹部
belly 肚子
belly button 肚脐
paunch 大肚子
midriff 中腹部
groin 腹股沟

tummy 胃 肚子
bowels 全部的肠
innards 内脏 肠胃
insides 肚子 肠胃
intestine 大/小肠
guts 肠
viscera 内脏 肠
entrails 内脏 肠
appendix 盲肠 阑尾
plasma 血浆
pulse 脉搏
blood vessel 血管
artery 动脉
vein 静脉 似静脉的
kidney 肾脏
bladder 膀胱
liver 肝脏
spleen 脾脏
thumb 拇指
knuckle 指节 指关节
palm 手掌
wrinkle 皱纹
complexion 肤色 脸色
pigment 皮肤与毛发的色素
arch 足底弓
instep 脚背
moustache 小胡子
beard 胡须
hairy 多毛的
bristles 胡子楂
ponytail 马尾辫
pigtail 涂上油脂的辫子
bun 发髻
bob 齐耳短发
crop 极短的发式
brunette 白种人
fair 白皙的 黄金色的
blond 肤色浅,头发金黄的人
blonde 肤色浅,头发金黄和蓝眼睛的人
pale 苍白的 淡浅色的
sallow 灰黄色的
tan 红棕色的肤色
weatherbeaten 饱经风霜的

freckle 雀斑
auburn 赤褐色的
ginger 黄褐色的
balding 变秃的
shaggy 毛发粗浓杂乱的
sputum 唾液
phlegm 痰 黏液
mucus 黏液
snot 鼻涕
bile 胆汁
salivate 分泌唾液
perspiration 汗 出汗
urine 尿
water 尿
excrement 粪便
crap 屎 废物
turd 粪堆
defecate 大便
alert 警惕的
mindful 注意到…的 开心到…的
drowsy 想睡的
conscious 清醒的 明白的 知道的
dozy 有点发呆的
yawn 打哈欠
stupor 昏迷 不省人事
catnap 小睡
unwind 放松 松口气
let oneself go 完全放松
nightmare 噩梦
reverie 幻梦 白日梦
trance 昏迷 恍惚
daze 恍惚 眼花缭乱
hallucination 幻觉
mirage 幻景
hypnotize 对…施催眠术
tension 紧张
suspense 焦虑 忧虑
tense 紧张的
strained 紧张的
ill at ease 不自在的
uptight 紧张的 不安的
relaxed 不紧张的 轻松的
restful 宁静的

calm 平静的
soothing 令人平静的
resilient 能恢复活力的
energetic 精力饱满的
shattered 疲劳不堪的
tubby 胖圆的
chubby 浑圆而丰满的
flabby 松软的 松弛的
lean (指健康的男人和动物)瘦的
skinny 极瘦的
skin and bone 瘦得皮包骨的
fatten 发胖 长肥
fatten up 饲养使肥
fill out 发胖
full bodied 胸部 臀部 腿部丰满的
buxom 丰满的
hefty 魁梧有力的
squat 矮胖的
lanky 过分瘦长的
leggy 长腿的
bony 骨瘦如柴的
bracing 令人精神爽快的
salubrious 有益健康的
ailment 微恙 轻微的病
handicap 残疾 缺陷
funny 稍有不适的
faint 昏迷 昏过去
gasp 喘息
withers 肩隆
loins 腰
stern 尾部
tail 尾
croup 臀部
hock 跗关节
muzzle 口鼻部
brisket 胸

14. 疾 病
pant 急促地呼吸
puff 运动后喘气
hiccup 打嗝
sniff 以鼻子呼吸 用鼻子闻
stifle 使有窒息之感

suffocate 窒息而死 把闷死
asphyxiate 使窒息 闷死
sneeze 打喷嚏
vomit 呕吐 呕吐物
gag 恶心 干呕
puke 呕吐 吐出
nausea 作呕 恶心
agony 极度痛苦
twinge 刺痛
throbbing 间歇的
chronic 慢性的
swell 肿胀 肿大
inflame 使发言 使红肿
swelling 肿胀
-itis …的发炎
chilblain 手脚上的冻疮
bump 肿块
ulcer 溃疡
cancer 癌 恶性肿瘤
tumour 肿块 肿瘤
cyst 囊肿
pus 脓液
gangrene 坏疽
scab 伤口处结的痂
pockmark 痘痕 麻点
blemish 有损美观的小疤
birthmark 胎记 胎痣
maul 被动物抓伤
disfigure 损毁
nick 刮伤
slash 细长的砍痕 深深砍入
scratch 抓到
claw 抓 撕 刮 挖
stab 刺入 戳 扎
incision (医疗手术的)切开
blow 打击 殴打
fracture 折断 破裂
dumb 不能说话的 哑的
mute 不说话的 沉默的
decrepit 老弱的 破旧的
senile 衰老的 年老体弱的
infect 传染 感染 扩散
contaminate 使有毒

contamination 污染 毒害
contaminant 沾染物
pollute 污染
pollutant 污染物
contagious 由接触而传染的
immune 免疫的 有免疫力的
outbreak 突发 突然流行
epidemic 流行病
plague 瘟疫 灾难 可怕的事
pestilence 瘟疫 时疫 可怕的事
catarrh 粘膜
febrile 发烧引起的
asthma 气喘病
tuberculosis 肺结核
bronchitis 支气管炎
chickenpox 水痘
whooping cough 百日咳
mumps 腮腺炎 耳下腺炎
scarlet fever 猩红热
yellow fever 黄热病
diphtheria 白喉
typhus 斑疹作寒
typhoid 伤寒
smallpox 天花
cholera 霍乱
tetanus 破伤风
lockjaw 破伤风
bubonic plague 淋巴腺鼠疫
rabies 狂犬病 恐水症
hydrophobia 狂犬病 恐水症
leprosy 麻风病
blood pressure 血压
blood clot 血凝块
thrombosis 血栓
hemorrhage 出血 溢血
apoplexy 脑溢血 身体组织出血
heart failure 心力衰竭
heart attack 心脏病发作
seizure 兵的突然发作(心脏病)
varicose veins 静脉曲张
phlebitis 静脉炎
rheumatism 风湿病
rheumatics 风湿通

backache 背痛 腰痛
arthritis 关节炎
rickets 佝偻病 小儿软骨症
caries 骨疡 蛀牙
dental caries 龋齿
toothache 牙痛
cramp 痉挛
paralysis 麻痹 瘫痪 无能力
palsy 中风 瘫痪
bacteria 细菌
inflamed 发炎
migraine headache 偏头痛
moan 呻吟
virus 病毒
allergy 过敏症
phobia 恐怖 憎恶
insomnia 失眠
intoxicate 使醉
toxin 毒素 毒制

15. 医 学
heal 治愈
dose 给…服药
bandage 扎上绷带
dress 敷裹 包扎
soothe 减少痛苦 缓和 安慰
recover 复原 痊愈
recuperate 康复 恢复
remedy 治疗法 医疗 药物
convalescence 恢复期
outpatient 门诊病人
casualty 事故中伤亡者
invalid 病弱者 病人
sufferer 患病者
victim 牺牲者 遭难者
surgery 外科
veterinary science 兽医学
midwifery 助产术
first aid 急救 急救法
anatomy 解剖学
physiology 生理学
pathology 病理学
gynaecology 妇科学

obstetrics 产科学
curative 疾病的
therapeutic 治疗疾病的
pick-me-up 令认振作的饮料或药物
pill 药丸
tablet 药片
lozenge 甜味口含药片
capsule 胶囊
mixture 合剂
powder 药粉
course 疗程
ointment 软膏 油膏
drop 滴剂
antiseptic 防腐剂 消毒剂
tranquilizer 镇定剂
laxative 通便剂
injection 注射剂 针剂 注射
immunize 使免疫
inoculate 放射疫苗 打预防针
jab 注射
sling 吊带
splint 夹板
crutch 拐杖
scalpel 外科手术刀
syringe 注射器
stethoscope 听诊器
tonic 补药
smelling salts 治疗头痛的鼻盐 嗅盐
lint 软布 纱布
suture 缝线 缝合
surgical spirit 消毒酒精
diagnosis 诊断
symptom 症状
sterilize 把…消毒 使无菌
operation 外科手术
transplant 移植手术
consulting room 诊症室
ambulance 救护车
stretcher 担架
delivery 分娩
premature 早产的 过早的
stillborn 死产的
miscarriage 小产 流产

abort 流产 早产

16. 建 筑
construct 建筑 营造
erect 建立 树立
synthesize 用合成法合成
architecture 建筑学
manor house 庄园大宅
tent 帐篷
bungalow 平房
moat 护城河 壕沟
chimney pot 烟囱顶管
chimney 烟囱
skylight 天窗
slate 石板瓦
loft 阁楼
rather 椽
pillar 高大的柱子 柱状物
column 巨型的柱子 支柱
arch 桥拱 拱门 拱起
beam 大梁 横梁
colonnade 柱廊
lobby 大堂 门廊
vestibule 前厅 门厅 过道
foyer 大堂 休息处
fence 栅栏 篱笆
parapet 屋顶或桥上的矮墙 栏杆
veranda 门廊 阳台
balcony 阳台 露台
terrace 平地 梯田 平台
alcove 凹室
recess 凹进处 隐秘处
niche 壁龛 合适的职务 地位
cubicle 小单间
hatch 墙上开的小门 小窗
flue 烟道 暖气管道
hearth 壁炉前的地方 炉床
tongs 火钳
coalscuttle 煤斗 煤桶
parlour 营业室
study 书房
studio 工作室 录音室
scullery 紧靠厨房的房间

pantry 食品贮存室
draining board 滴水板
bog 厕所
tap (煤气,水管)龙头 旋塞
stopcock (水管)开关 龙头 调节拴
plug 塞子 栓
tank 大型容器 箱
flush 冲洗抽水马桶的水流
pipe (液体 煤气)管子 输送管
sewerage 污水排放 污水处理
cellar 地下室 地窖
garret 顶楼 阁楼
spare room 客房 备用房
courtyard 院子 庭院
backcourt 后院
parking lot 停车场
drive 车道

17. 居 住
shed 棚屋 货棚
garden shed 贮物小屋
dwell 居住
accommodate 提供住房 接纳…留宿
put up 提供住宿
lodge 寄宿 提供或租房间住
encamp 野营 扎营住宿
settle down 定居 习惯
settle in 进入新居 从事新的工作
squat 侵占 非法占住
dweller 居住者 居民
occupant 住客 居住者
occupier 使用者 居住者
lodger 宿者 房客
boarder 寄宿搭伙者
pioneer 先驱者 拓荒者
squatter 擅自占用(空地 房屋)者
inhabitant 居民 住户
owner-occupier 业主住户
tenant 房客 租户 租期
domicile 住处 居所
domesticity 像家一样 家庭生活
accommodation 住处
occupancy (房屋 土地)的占用 居住

premises 房屋(包基地)建筑物
lodging 留宿之处
shelter 隐藏所 避难所 掩蔽部
refuge 避难所 安全地带 避难
encampment 大的营地

18. 布置与装饰
furniture 家具
fitting 装置 家具(配件)
suite 一套家具
furnish 布置 给…提供家具
fit out 装备
fit up 配齐 装备
decorate 装饰 布置
ornament 点缀 装饰 美化
adorn 使生色 装饰
renovate 修复 翻新
do up 装饰
bureau 写字台
bench 长椅
stool 凳子
throne 宝座 王位 御座
deckchair 折叠帆布长椅
high chair 高脚椅
couch 长椅
settee 中小型沙发
settle 长椅
divan 木质软垫长椅
bedstead 床架
blanket 毛毯 像毯子似的东西
quilt 羽绒被
bedspread 床罩
pillow 枕头 枕在…上 给…当枕头
pillowcase 枕头套
bolster 长枕垫
bunk 卧铺
hammock 吊床
chest of drawers 有抽屉的柜子 五斗橱
bureau (卧室内)由抽屉的柜子
sideboard 餐具柜
cabinet 陈列柜 酒柜
rug 小地毯 毛毯
mat 垫子 地席

cushion 靠垫 座垫 椅垫
padding 垫料
upholstery 家具垫料
curtain 窗帘 似窗帘的物品
drape 窗帘
drapery 窗帘布料 有褶子的布料
hangings 门帘 帷幕
wallpaper 壁纸 墙纸
canopy 罩篷 天篷
awning 门,窗帘上的遮篷

19. 服 装
attire 衣服 服装
apparel 漂亮 特别的服装
garb 特制服装
lining 衬 里子
castoffs 不再穿的衣服
uniform 制服
costume 服装式样 戏服
outfit 服装及其它装备
strip 特别彩条服装
tunic 外衣 罩衣 无袖上衣
don 穿戴上(衣服 帽子)
doff 脱下
sport 展示(炫耀)
undress 脱衣服 脱下…的衣服
disrobe 脱衣服
clad 穿…衣服的 覆盖的
buff 赤裸
mannequin 时装模特儿
nude 裸体的
frock 女孩子的连衣裙
gown 长的连衣裙 长服
trousers 男士长裤
slacks 上衣配套的宽松的长裤
pants 长裤
tights 紧身长裤
anorak 带风帽的外衣
jerkin 男用背心
overcoat 大衣
duffel coat 粗毛呢外衣
cape 披肩 斗篷
cloak 斗篷

kilt 折叠短裙
shawl 披肩 方巾
jersey 毛线紧身上衣
pullover 无扣套头毛衣
slipover 套头毛衣
sweater 毛绒衣
jumper 套头罩衫
cardigan 开襟毛线衫
blouse 宽松的短小衣
headgear 帽子头饰
beret 无沿软帽
headscarf 头巾
bonnet 用绳系于下巴的圆帽
hood 风帽 兜帽
helmet 头盔 防护
veil 面纱 面罩
turban (中东等国男用)缠头巾
umbrella 雨伞 阳伞
singlet 男用无袖汗衫
knickers 女用短内裤
girdle 女用紧身衣
bra 乳罩
pajamas 男用睡衣裤
scarf 男用长形围巾 肩巾
muffler 厚围巾
neckerchief 方形围巾
cravat 小围巾
buckle 皮带扣环
press-stud 按扣 揿扣
braces 裤子上的吊带
robe 给…穿上长裤
purse 钱包
wallet 钱夹 公文袋 旅行包
handkerchief 手绢 手帕
gauntlet 长手套 防护手套
mitten 连指手套
laces 鞋带
sandal 凉鞋
slipper 便鞋
clog 木底鞋
sock 短袜
brooch 饰针 胸针
bracelet 手镯 臂镯

bangle 戒指 耳环 鼻环
apron 围裙
bib 小孩用的围嘴
boiler suit 连衫裤 工作服
cuff 袖口
neckband 衬衫的领圈
lapel 翻领
flies 裤子前拉链或纽扣的遮盖布
fly 遮盖布
fold 褶痕
pleat 打褶的 起褶的
crease 压痕 皱褶
cobbler 鞋匠 补鞋店

20. 清洁 护理
scour 刷净 擦亮
scrub 刷洗 刷净
ablution 沐浴 洗
wipe 擦 抹 揩
shoeshine 擦皮鞋
polish 磨光 擦亮
fold 折叠 折起
trim 整洁的 整齐的
spruce 整洁的 潇洒的
well-turned-out 穿着漂亮的
immaculate 纯洁的 无污迹的 无暇的
filth 污秽 污物
pollutant 污染特质
defilement 污染 污染物
massage 按摩 推拿
manicure 修建指甲
barber 男理发师

21. 食 物
foodstuff 食品 粮食
fare 聚会上,旅馆提供的食物
sustenance 维持生命的食物
eats 食物
diet 日常饮食 限量饮食
staple 主要粮食
grub 食物 食品
bulk 纤维食品
roughage 含丰富纤维的粗糙食品

beverage 饮料
brew 酿造或冲泡的饮料
imbibe 喝饮
drain 喝光 喝干
get down 咽下
go down 被吞下 吃进肚子里的
dig in 开始吃
put away 吃
peck at 吃得很少
polish off 吃光
toss off 喝光
knock back 喝掉
consume 吃 喝
nourish 养育 滋养 给…营养 饲养
nutrition 营养 营养学
digest 消化 领悟 理解
assimilate 将食物吸收 被消化
subsist on 吃…为生 靠吃…维持生命
absorb 吸收 使全身贯注 使专心
bite 咬断 咬成 吸血 上钩
chew 咀嚼 嚼碎
masticate 咀嚼 咬碎
crop 咬齿的尖端
gnaw 咬 啃
nibble 细咬
munch 用力的咀嚼
bolt 匆匆地咀嚼
gobble 狼吞虎咽
guzzle 狂饮 大口地喝
wolf 狼吞虎咽地大吃
gorge 塞饱 填饱
suck 吮吸 吸进
sip 缀一小口
lick 舔食 舔吃
lap up 舔起 舐
famine 饥荒 饥荒的事例
starvation 饿死 饥饿
appetite 欲望 食欲 胃口
fast 禁食
starve 饿死
ravenous 饿极了的
starving 饿死了的 很饿的
parched 渴极了的

repast 餐 宴 膳食
refreshments 点心 小吃 茶点
feast 盛宴 筵席 豪华的宴会 喝
banquet 丰盛的宴席 豪华的宴会
buffet 自助餐
spread 丰盛的酒席
picnic 郊游 野餐
barbecue 烤肉餐 烧烤 烤肉野宴
dine 吃正餐
banquet 参加宴会
dish out 把食物分配给各人
dish up 把食物盛到盘子中
portion 一份
helping 一份食物
seconds 第二份食物 第二次拿的菜
course 一道菜
ration 定量 配给量
appetizer 开胃的饮料或食品
main course 主菜
dessert 用餐结束前的甜食
pudding 甜食 布丁
afters 主菜后的甜点
delicacy 精美食品
savoury 开胃的菜肴
leftovers 剩菜
cutlery 餐具(刀 叉 匙)
fork 餐叉
ladle 长柄的勺子
vegetarian 素食者的
beetroot 甜菜根
lettuce 生菜 莴苣
turnip 萝卜
sprout 球芽甘蓝
leek 韭菜
lentil 扁豆
pea 豌豆
radish 小萝卜
bacon 淹或熏的猪肉 卤肉
gammon 淹或熏的猪后腿
mutton 羊肉
veal 小牛肉
venison 鹿肉
cutlet 肉片或鱼片

steak 肉排或鱼块
chop 排骨肉
fillet 肉块 肉片
tripe 牛肚
giblets 禽类内脏等的杂碎
mince 绞碎的肉 肉末
curry 咖喱食品
sausage 香肠
sausage roll 香肠卷
rissole 炸肉饼或丸子
frankfurter 熏猪肉香肠
pudding 肉布丁
pizza 意大利薄饼
stuffing 馅 填料
broth 浓汤 骨头汤
consommé 清汤
trout 鳟鱼
salmon 鲑鱼
carp 鲤鱼
pike 梭子鱼
halibut 大比目鱼
catfish 鲶鱼
haddock 黑红鳕鱼
cod 鳕鱼
eel 鳗鱼 鳝鱼
herring 鲱鱼
mackerel 鲭鱼
crab 蟹
crayfish 小龙虾
prawn 大虾 斑节虾
shrimp 小虾
lobster 龙虾
lard 猪油
gravy 肉汁 肉卤
suet 硬脂肪 板油
dripping 烹煮肉类时流出的油脂或汁液
ghee 酥油 液状牛油
yoghurt 酸乳酪 酸奶
curbs 凝乳 凝乳制品
skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶
buttermilk 制黄油后剩下的牛奶
milk shake 奶昔
pasteurize 对牛奶进行低温杀毒

homogenize 使均质
flour 面粉
oatmeal 燕麦片 燕麦粉
yeast 酵母 酵母菌
leaven 酵母
scone 软烤饼(用面粉 脂肪)
oatcake 大麦饼
loaf 面包
pastry 油酥皮 烙饼皮
paste 制作酥面皮的面团
tart 水果小烙饼
fritter 水果片 肉片等蘸上面糊炸成的食品
marmalade 果酱
paste 捣烂的糊状的食品
condiment 调味品
pepper 胡椒粉
mustard 芥末酱
vinegar 醋
cruet 调味瓶架 五味架
seasoning 调味品
spice 香料 刺激 情趣
mincemeat 白果酱
ice-lolly 冰棒 冰棍
vanilla 香草精
salad dressing 沙拉调味汁
mayonnaise 蛋黄酱
syrup 糖浆
treacle 浓糖浆
icing 糖霜
confecionery 糖果总称
sweetmeat 糖果
chewing gum 口香糖 香口胶
toffee 太妃糖 太妃乳脂糖
lollipop 棒棒糖
caramel 焦糖 焦糖的

22. 饮 料
alcoholic 含酒精的饮料
strong drink 酒总称
soft drink 不含酒精的饮料
lemonade 柠檬汽水
pop 汽水
tonic 苏打水

squash 果汁饮料
mineral water 矿泉水
booze 痛饮 饮酒
liquor 烈性酒(威士忌)
tot 少量的饮料
spirits 烈酒(威士忌 白兰地)
liqueur 烈性酒(白兰地加糖合成)
scotch 产于苏格兰威士忌
bourbon 美国威士忌 波旁酒
rye 用黑麦酿造的一种美国威士忌
mash 谷物
malt 麦芽
brandy 白兰地
martini 马丁尼酒
bitters 苦味酒
stout 甜味烈性黑啤酒
lager 储藏啤酒
shandy 混合啤酒
cider 苹果酒
mead 蜂蜜酒
claret 餐用红葡萄酒
sherry 西班牙的雪利酒
hock 德国白葡萄酒
vermouth 味美思酒
port 葡萄牙的白或红葡萄酒
vintage 某年收成的葡萄酒酿制的
ferment 发酵
distill 蒸馏
fortify 增加… 含酒精量
toast 祝酒 干杯
propose 提议为某人干杯
round 一巡酒
drunk 喝醉的 醉的
intoxicated 喝了酒的 喝醉的
sober 未醉的 清醒的

23. 香烟 毒品
drug 麻醉药 使人上瘾的毒药
narcotic 麻醉剂
stimulant 兴奋剂 刺激品
dope 兴奋剂 麻醉剂
hard drug 有害健康的烈性毒品
soft drug 软性毒品 药性较弱的毒品

addict 沉溺于不良癖好的人
junkie 吸毒者
tobacco 烟草 烟叶 烟丝
mixture 混合烟丝
nicotine 尼古丁 烟龄
tar 焦油 烟油
cigarette 香烟 纸烟
fag 香烟
cheroot 平头小雪茄烟
pipe 一烟斗烟丝
filter tip 香烟的滤嘴
ash 烟灰
ashtray 烟灰缸
cannabis 大麻毒品
hemp 大麻(植物)大麻制成品
marijuana 印度大麻
hashish 大麻麻醉剂
pot 大麻
opium 鸦片
butt 烟蒂
opiate 鸦片剂
morphine 吗啡
heroin 吗啡精 海洛英
kunk 麻醉品 毒品
light up 点燃
stub out 按熄

24. 餐饮业
stew 炖 煨
braise 炖 焖
simmer 用小火炖煮
poach 用沸水煮 水煮
scramble 炒鸡蛋
grill 烤炙
percolate 用渗滤壶煮
pluck 拔毛
chop 切成小块 切碎
mince 绞碎 剁碎
mash 捣碎成糊状
shred 撕碎 切成条状
grate 磨碎 擦成碎末
whip 用叉等搅打鸡蛋或奶油等
knead 揉面

stir 搅拌
brown 把…烤成褐色
stuff 把…塞入调料
spread (在面包等上)涂(黄油等)
steep 泡 浸
flavour 给…调料
spice 加香料于
season 给…加调味剂
garnish 给…加配菜
preserve 淹制 做果酱 制罐头
cure 用盐淹等保存肉类
pickle 淹制
digestible 可消化的
stale 不新鲜的 陈旧的 疲惫的
raw 未煮过的
rare 煮得嫩的 半生不熟的
tough 嚼不动的
tender 嫩的 柔软的 易咀嚼的
wholesome 有益健康的 卫生的
appetizing 引起欲望的 开胃的
luscious 甘美的 芬芳的 漂亮的
succulent 多汁的 肥厚的 肉质的
insipid 淡而无味的
pungent 刺激性的 辛辣的
cafeteria 自助食堂 自动餐厅
canteen 食堂
refectory 食堂 餐厅
tavern 酒馆 小旅店
tobacconist 烟草店
off-licence 卖酒执照
licensed premises 特许卖酒处
chef 男厨师 厨师长 主厨
publican 酒馆老板

25. 农 业
agriculture 农业 农艺 农业生产
agronomy 农学 农艺学
horticulture 园艺 园艺学
plantation 热带国家的种植园 大农场
estate 种植园 大农场
ranch 饲养牛 马或羊的大牧场
smallholding 小型农场
kitchen garden 家庭菜园 家庭果园

allotment 出租给人种菜的小块地
patch 种蔬菜的小块田地
orchard 果园
vineyard 葡萄园
crop 农作物 庄稼 产量 一大堆
harvest 收割 收获季节
yield 产量 农产品
fatstock 养肥供食用的家畜
pastoral 多草的 田园的
agrarian 耕地的 土地所有权的
fallow 休耕的 犁过而未播种的
barren 贫瘠的 不育的
dung 粪肥
manure 粪肥
fertilizer 肥料
muck 粪 粪肥
cultivate 耕种 栽培 培训 力求交往
sow 播种 播…于…
plough 犁 耕
reap 收割 收获
thresh 使脱粒
bale 把…打成捆
bind 把…打成捆
baler 打包机 打捆机
binder 捆束机
combine harvester 联合收割机
barnyard 谷仓周围的庭院
kennel 狗屋
kennels 小动物寄养处
pigsty 猪圈 猪栏
hen house 难舍 难窝
battery 层架式鸡笼
bee hive 蜂房 蜂箱 蜂巢
hay 干草 草料
fodder 粗饲料
forage 草料 饲料
graze 吃草 把土地用以放牧
grazing 牧场
pasture 牧场 放…吃草 用作牧场
pasturage 牧草 天然草场
stubble 残茬 残梗
clod 土块 泥块
sheaf 捆 束 扎

bale 大包 大捆
rick 干草垛 稻草垛
stack 大堆 大垛
ditch 沟 渠
hedge 树篱
furrow 垄沟 犁沟
rut 凹槽 车辙
husbandman 农民
farmhand 农场工人
agriculturalist 农民 农场经营者 农学家
horticulturist 园艺家 园艺学家
shepherd 牧羊
cattleman 养羊人或放牛人
herdsman 牧人
ploughman 扶犁人

26. 物质 材料
substance 物质 东西
resources 资源
composition 成分 组成
composite 混合成的
element 元素
constituent 构成 组成 构成的
base 盐基
ingredient 成分 配料
factor 因素
feature 特点 特征
atom 原子
nucleus 核子 原子核
molecule 分子
particle 粒子
electron 电子
mineral 矿物
compound 化合物
composite 混合物
amalgam 合成物 混合物
solid 固体
liquid 液体
fluid 流质 流体
bubble 泡 气泡
viscous 粘稠的 粘性的
gaseous 气体的 似气体的
gassy 充满气体的

grease 润滑油脂 动物脂
paste 膏 糊状物
jelly 果冻 者哩
gelatin 明胶 动物胶
gum 树胶 树脂
glue 胶水
grease 涂油脂于
lubricate 加润滑油
stick 粘贴 粘合 使粘住
adhere 粘合
cohere 粘合起来 凝聚
oleaginous 油质的 油腻的
gelatinous 凝胶的 含凝胶的
greasy 含油脂的 油腻的
scrap 废品 废物
trash 垃圾 废物
lumber 存放起来的废物 无用的东西
junk 废弃的旧物 无用的东西
salvage 抢救出来的财务
sediment 沉积物 沉淀物
sludge 淤泥
residue 残留物 残渣
rubble 碎砖石 残壁
debris 碎片 废墟
detritus 沉淀物
effluent 污水 废水
dispose of 处理 清除
discard 抛弃 丢掉
dismantle 拆卸机器
cast 脱落 蜕皮
moult 脱毛 换羽
shed 脱落 蜕皮
litter 乱丢废物 使凌乱
count 包括
contain 包含 容纳
all-inclusive 包括一切的
comprehensive 包含众多内容的
be composed of 由…组成的
comprise 组成 构成
constitute 构成 组成
extract 抽取 拔出
abstract 分离出 提炼出
lump 无一定形状的块

chunk 厚块 相当大的量
slice 薄片
shred 碎片 细条
compartment 隔间 车间
segment 分节 部分 片段
bulk 主要部分 大部分
gist 要领 要点
essence 本质 精髓
brick 砖 砖块
bar 棒状物
ingot 锭子
rafter 屋顶的椽
prop 支柱 支撑
girder 大梁 主梁
tube 地铁
hose 软管 用软管冲洗某物
cylinder 圆筒 圆柱体
duct 通道 通气管道
spar 帆桅
shaft 杆 柱体 传动轴 长柄
haft 柄 把
crook 弯柄杖
pointer 指示棒 指针 线索
cane 笞杖 手杖
wand 杖 魔杖
cord 细绳 粗线
thread (棉 毛 丝)线 思绪
fibre 纤维
filament 细丝
wire 金属线 金属丝
hawser 缆索 锚索
globe 地球仪 天体仪 球状物
sphere 标准的球体 领域 范围
bulb 球状物
hoop 箍 环
hook 挂钩 钩
peg 钉 栓 弦纽

27. 特殊物质
boulder 大块的园石
pebble 小卵石 小圆石
lava 熔岩
pumice 浮石

igneous 火成的
sedimentary 沉积的
metamorphic 变质的
granite 花岗岩
basalt 玄武岩
limestone 石灰石 青石
sandstone 砂岩
marble 大理石
crystal 水晶石
quartz 石英
chalk 白垩 粉笔
lime 石灰 生石灰
clay 粘土 陶土
gravel 砂砾 碎石与粗砂
grit 粗砂
mud 湿泥 稀泥
sediment 泥 沉积物
silt 淤泥
slime 稀泥 烂泥
ooze 淤泥 湿软泥
loam 适合耕作的沃土肥土
humus 腐殖土层
deposit 沉积物沉淀
ruby 红宝石 深红色的
sapphire 蓝宝石 天蓝色
emerald 绿宝石
opal 猫眼石 蛋白石
jade 玉翡翠 翠绿色的
amber 琥珀 琥珀色的
jet 黑玉
topaz 黄玉矿石
pearl 珍珠 珍珠状物
agate 玛瑙
concrete 混凝土
cement 水泥 牙科用的粘固粉
plaster 涂强用的灰泥
mortar 灰泥灰浆
alloy 合金
ore 矿石
lode 矿脉
seam 矿层(尤指煤层)
plate 镀金的金属器皿
aluminium 铝

brass 黄铜
bronze 青铜 青铜色
copper 铜 铜色 红棕色
mercury 汞
nickel 镍
platinum 铂白金
plutonium 钸
radium 镭
tin 锡
uranium 铀
zinc 锌
rust 锈 铁锈
oxide 氧化物
verdigris 铜线 铜锈
tarnish 无光泽变暗
timber 木材 成材的树木
lumber 木材
pulp 纸浆
plywood 夹板 胶合板
hardboard 硬质层压板
chipboard 碎木 胶合板
oak 橡木
walnut 胡桃木
mahogany 桃花心木红木
teak 柚木
cane 藤料
bamboo 竹
acid 酸 酸味特质
carbon 碳 炭精棒
graphite 石墨
soda 苏打 碳酸钠
sodium 钠
starch 淀粉 浆粉
arsenic 砷
sulphur 硫 硫磺
nitrogen 氮
hydrogen 氩
helium 氦
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
ammonia 氨
methane 沼气 甲烷
butane 丁烷

combustion 起火 燃烧
flame 火焰 火舌
blaze 火焰 烈火
spark 火星 火花
flare 闪烁的光 照明灯
burn 烧伤处 灼痛处
brand 标记 印记
scorch 烧焦处
combustible 可燃的 易燃的
peat 泥煤 泥炭
coal gas 煤气
petroleum 石油
petrol 汽油
diesel 柴油机 内燃机
paraffin 煤油
kerosene 煤油
benzene 苯
turpentine 松节油
hydroelectricity 水力电
fumes 烟气
ash 灰
ashes 灰烬
ember 余火
cinder 未燃尽的煤、木炭等
clinker 渣块
material 衣料 料子
fabric 织物 织品布
stuff 织品 料子
textiles 纺织品
yarn 粗纺 毛纱
braid 编带
worsted 精纺毛织物
poplin 府绸毛葛
linen 亚麻布料
silk 丝织品 绸缎
satin 缎子
velvet 天鹅绒 丝绒
lace 花边 有网眼的织品
canvas 粗帆布
jute 黄麻
tweed 粗花呢
felt 毡帽
wax 蜡

suede 绒面革
vinyl 已烯基
elastic 弹性材料 橡皮带
varnish 清漆 亮漆
lacquer 光漆 亮漆
resin 树脂
dye 染料
tar 焦油 沥青 柏油
tarmac 铺路面的柏油和碎石混合物
asphalt 沥青 柏油
pitch 沥青
polish 磨光 擦亮
varnish 给……涂清漆
lacquer 用定型剂固定
wax 给……打蜡
bleach 漂白 变白
tan 硝皮 把……晒黑
equipment 装备 设备
apparatus 一套器材仪器等
gear 一套工具或用具
kit 成套工具 工具箱
tackle 用具 器具
rig 成套器械 用具
oil rig 钻油机
paraphernalia 随身用具 设备 工具
implement 工具 器具
instrument 仪器 器械 器具
device 装置
gadget 小机械 小器具
contraption 奇异的装置
robot 机器人 自动机械
automaton 自动机 机器人
spares 备件 备用品
bearing 轴承 滚珠
turbine 涡轮机 叶轮机
dynamo 发电机
pile 原子 反应堆
reactor 核反应堆 原子反应堆
pump 泵 抽水机 打气筒
piston 活塞
meter 计量器…计表
gauge 量器 量计
dial 刻度盘

scale 刻度 尺度
indicator 仪器上的指针 指示器
panel 控制板 操纵盘
dashboard 仪表板
switch 开关电闸
switchboard 配电盘 电键板 开关屏
knob 旋钮 调节器
framework 构架 框架
network 网状 系统网络
structure 结构 构造 建筑物
scaffolding 脚手架 施工架 棚架
hull 船体
chassis 底架 座架 地盘
rack 搁物架 挂物架
crane 起重机
pulley 滑轮 滑车
hoist 起重机 吊车
elevator 电梯 升降级 谷物 仓库
chronometer 精密时计 天文钟
lamp 灯
lantern 提灯 灯笼
light 发光物 灯
beacon 烽火 信号灯
flare 照明灯 闪光装置
candle 蜡烛
wick 蜡烛芯
furnace 锅炉 熔炉
oven 烤炉 烤箱
microwave oven 微波炉
padlock 挂锁 扣锁
latch 门闩 窗闩
knob 球形把手 旋钮
panel 镶板 方格

28. 工 具
penknife 削铅笔刀 双开小刀
sheath knife 带鞘刀
razor 剃刀 电刮须刀
scissors 剪刀
pincers 铁钳 钳子
hacksaw 钢锯 弓锯
lathe 车床 旋床
pickaxe 镐 鹤嘴锄

hatchet 短柄小斧
chopper 斧头 菜刀
hammer 榔头 音槌锤打
mallet 木槌
shaft 长柄高尔夫球棍
drill 钻机
pneumatic-drill 风钻
bit 钻头
brace 曲柄
awl 锥子
punch 打孔机 打印机
nail 钉子
spike 尖铁鞋底钉
screw 螺丝钉
screwnail 长螺丝钉
washer 垫圈
nut 螺母 螺帽
bolt 螺栓
rivet 铆钉
screwdriver 螺丝起子 螺丝刀 改锥
spanner 扳手 扳钳
monkey wrench 活动扳手
lever 杠杆 利用杠杆原理的机械
fulcrum 支点 支轴
crowbar 起货钩 撬棍
track 坦克履带
pivot 枢支点
swivel 转环 旋转接头
spirit lever 水准器 水平仪
ruler 直尺
protractor 量角器
t-square 丁字尺
sextant 六分仪
corkscrew 拔塞钻 螺旋起子
funnel 漏斗
filter 过滤器 滤光镜
sieve 筛滤网 滤勺 过滤
shovel 铲 铁铲 铲起移走
spade 铁铲 铁锹
rake 耙子 钉齿耙 耙平 搜索
hoe 锄头 锄草
fork 草叉耙
mower 刈草机

sickle 短柄镰刀
scythe 长柄大镰刀
dustpan 畚箕
broom 扫帚
mop 拖把
anvil 铁砧
blacksmith 马蹄铁匠
smith 金属工匠
sharp 锋利的 锐利的 快的
blunt 不锋利的 钝的
vessel 器皿
jar 坛子 罐子
flask 瓶 长颈瓶
thermos 热水瓶 保温瓶
jug 壶 带柄水壶
pitcher 大水罐
flagon 大壶
tumbler 无柄或脚的平底大玻璃杯
tankard 大啤酒杯
goblet 高脚杯
dish 盘子 一盘之量
saucer 茶杯碟
bowl 碗 碗状物
tureen 大汤碗
crockery 陶器 瓦器
teapot 茶壶
coffeepot 咖啡壶
urn 大茶壶 大咖啡壶
kettle 水壶
pots and pans 厨房用具
bucket 水桶
pall 水桶 提桶
tub 盆桶 浴盆
bin 桶箱
pannier 驮篮
wicker 柳条编制术 柳条制品
casket 匣子 首饰盒
chest 大木箱 柜子
trunk 大衣箱 大皮箱
crate 大板条箱
container 货柜 集装箱
cage 鸟笼 兽笼
drawer 抽屉

sheath 套鞘 鞘状 包覆物
suitcase 旅行用小提箱 衣箱
briefcase 扁平的公事皮包书包
attaché case 公文包
screw top 螺旋盖
carton 纸板箱
capsule 小圆盒 胶囊
bundle 捆束
sack 粗布袋 麻袋 皮袋
pouch 小袋 小包
carrier bag 塑料袋
knapsack 旅行用帆布或皮制背包
rucksack 背囊
haversack 小帆布背囊
holdall 帆布提包
satchel 书包 箱包
kitbag 长形帆布包
duffel bag 行李袋
cover 盖子 套子 罩子
lid (壶,箱等容器的)盖子
top 顶盖
cage 把……装在笼内
sheathe 把……插入鞘

29. 电器设备
electricity 电 电流
electronics 电子学 电子工业
magnetism 磁学 磁性 磁力
electrical 电的 与电有关的
magnetic 磁的 磁性的
flow 电的 流动电流
current 电流 电流强度
input 输入电流
output 输出电流
charge 电荷量 电负荷量
discharge 放电
conduction 电流的传导
resistance 电阻
inductance 电感
pole 极点 磁极
anode 阳极 正电极
positive pole 北极 正电极
cathode 负电极 阴极

negative pole 南极 负磁极
live 带电的 通上电的
amp 安培
ampere 安培数 电流强度
volt 伏特
ohm 欧姆
wire 电线 导线
wiring 线 接线 布线
lead 导线 引线
circuit 电路回路
load 发电量
shock 电震 电击
fuse 保险丝 熔丝断电
fuse box 保险盒 电闸
cell 电池 干电池
transformer 变压器
overload 超负荷
switch 开关电闸
plug 插头
socket 插座
adapter 转换插头 多用插头
coil 线圈
valve 电子管 真空管
transistor 晶体管 电晶体
fluorescent light 荧光灯 日光灯
bulb 电灯泡
filament 灯丝
shade 遮光物 灯罩
stand 电灯的架台

30. 武 器
weapon 武器
firearms 枪
small arms 枪支 轻武器
armament 武器 军备
ammunition 弹药
ammo 弹药
arsenal 兵工厂 军火库
magazine 军火库 弹药仓
bayonet 刺刀
sword 剑
rapier (双刃)轻剑
sabre 马刀 军刀

claymore 双刃重剑
cutlass 弯刃短剑
scabbard 鞘
spear 矛 枪 梭 标
shield 盾 盾牌 挡板
javelin 标枪
lance 长矛鱼叉
pike 长矛长枪
stick 棍 棒 杖
club 棍棒
cudgel 短而重的棍棒
truncheon 短粗的警棍
baton 警棍 指挥棒
bow 弓
arrowhead 箭头
sling 投石器
catapult 抛石机 弹弓 弹射器
pistol 手枪
revolver 左轮手枪
automatic 自动武器
cannon 大炮
machine gun 机关枪
antiaircraft gun 高射炮
battery 炮兵连
rifle 步枪
barrel 枪管 炮管
clip 弹夹
breech 后膛(枪炮的)
chamber 弹膛 药室
bandoleer 挎在肩上的子弹袋
lead 子弹
pellet 小弹丸 散弹
slug 子弹
ball 炮弹 弹丸
fusillade 快速 连续射击
burst 一阵射击 爆炸
bullet 枪弹 子弹
salvo 炮火齐射 齐发礼炮
ricochet 回跳 跳弹
spent 用过的 失去效用的
dud 哑弹
discharge 开火 开枪 射箭
plug 枪击

volley 齐发 齐射 群射
grenade 手榴弹 装化学剂的灭火弹
mine 一种爆炸性武器
minefield 布雷区
depth charge 深水炸弹
booby trap 铒雷
torpedo 鱼雷
armour 装甲 装甲钢板
half-track 关履带车
battleship 战列舰 主力舰
aircraft carrier 航空母舰
cruiser 巡逻舰 巡航舰
destroyer 驱逐舰
frigate 护卫舰 护航舰
sloop 海岸炮舰
landing craft 登陆艇
submarine 潜水艇
minesweeper 扫雷舰 扫雷艇
interceptor 截击机
missile 飞弹 导弹
guided missile 导弹导向飞弹
ballistic missile 弹道导弹
projectile 抛射物 发射体
rocket 火箭 火箭弹
warhead 弹头 导弹 弹头
marksman 神枪手 神射手
sniper 狙击手 狙击兵

31. 制造业
manufacture 运用机器制造虚构
fabricate 制造 伪造 虚构
forge 锻造 锤炼
coin 创造(新词等)
secrete 分泌 分泌物
manufacture 产品制造 制造方法
fabrication 制造 伪造 虚构
output 分量
construct 建造 修建
erect 树立 建造
assemble 装配机器等
put together 装配拼合 使构成整体
put up 建立 竖立
knock up 搭起建造拼合

assembly 装配
mould 把……放在模子铸造
model 塑造
pattern 图案 花样 方式
motif 主旨 主题
invent 发明 创造
think up 发明 想出来
formulate 制定构想 准备
pioneer 开拓 倡导做先驱者
imitate 模仿 效仿……的行为
reproduce 使复制 使重作 使再现
recreate 再创造 再创作
fake 伪造 捏造
forge 伪造 假冒
reproduction 复制 仿造
replica 复制品 摹本
facsimile 复制品 传真件
forgery 伪造 伪造罪
sham 赝品 虚假的事 欺诈
authentic 真迹的 真正的
artificial 人工的 人造的 非天然的
synthetic 人造的 合成的
imitation 仿制的 人造的
contrived 不自然的 做作的
false 假的 不正确的
bogus 伪造的 假的
destroy 破坏 摧毁 毁灭 杀死
demolish 破坏 拆毁
dismantle 拆卸 拆散 拆除
take apart 拆卸 拆开
pull down 拆掉房屋等
tear down 猛烈地拆毁
break up 打碎 拆散
assimilate 同化 吸收 正确地使用
adjust 调节使适合
vary 不同 相异 有差异 有变化
mutate 突变 变异
revert to 恢复到
switch 转变 改变
mutant 突变型 突变体
fix 修理
sort 修理 修补
darn 织补

patch 修补 打补丁
tinker 拙劣地修补
convert 变换成 把……改变为
overhaul 彻底检查 检修
blend 调和 使混合 掺合
compound 混合 掺合 调和
merge 使合为一体 结合
function 作用机能 职责 用途
purpose 目的 用意 计划 意图
ambition 野心 雄心 志向 抱负

32. 艺术与工艺
art form 艺术形式
fine arts 美术
craft 工艺技术
means 方法手段
handicraft 手工艺 手工业
manner 做事的方法
method 方法 条理 规律
medium 媒介 艺术 表现形式
fashion 方式 样子
technique 手法 技巧 方式
formula 办事方法 惯例 常规
paint 绘画 逼真的描写
sketch 画素描 绘草图 写生
trace 勾出……的轮廓
depict 描绘 描画
illustrate 以图画插入 配上插图
outline 画出……轮廓
silhouette 使……出现黑色影像
painting 绘图艺术
drawing 绘画 绘图
sketching 作素描 画草图
illustration 配上插图 图解说明
image 景象 意象 面貌 偶像
diagram 图解 图表示意图
graph 图表 曲线图
fresco 壁画
tapestry 挂毯
cartoon 漫画卡通
caricature 漫画 滑稽可笑的模仿
comic 连环漫画杂志
comic strip 连环漫画

portrait 肖像 画像 相片
foreground 前景 最显著部分
background 背景底色
watercolour 水彩颜料 水彩画
charcoal 炭 木炭
palette 调色板 颜料
palette knife 调色刀
brush 画笔
canvas 油画布 油画
easel 画架 黑板架
sketchpad 素描簿 写生簿
sculpture 雕刻 塑造 从事雕刻
sculpt 雕刻 雕塑
engrave 雕刻 镌刻
figurine 小型人像
relief 浮雕(品)
piece 艺术作品一部分
model 模特儿
craftsman 手艺高超的工匠
stylist 文体家 风格独特的画家
artistic 艺术家的 巧妙的 有艺术感的
arty 装作爱艺术的 附庸风雅的
arty-crafty 爱做手工艺品或衣服的
cratfsmanlike 精细的 精巧的
workmanlike 工作熟练的 有技巧的
imaginative 富于想象力的
stylish 时髦的 漂亮的
pictorial 由图片组成的或表示的
illustrative 用作说明的 解说性的
pottery 陶器制作 陶器 陶器作坊
ceramics 陶瓷工艺 陶瓷制品
potter’s wheel 陶瓷旋盘
kiln 窑
clay 粘土 陶土
weave 织布 编制 掺进去编排
spin 纺 纺线
sew 缝合 缝制 缝上
stitch 缝纫 缝饰明线
knit 编织成 编结 结平针
embroider 刺绣 绣花渲染
crochet 用钩针编织
plait 把……编成辫子
braid 把……编成辫子

loom 织布机
warp 经线
woof 纬线
spindle 锭子 纺锤
bobbin 线轴 绕线筒
reel 一卷 卷筒 卷轴 线轴
seam 接缝 结合处
gallery 艺术品 陈列馆 美术室

33. 科学与技术
applied 应用的
practical 实用的
theoretical 理论的
natural 自然的
physical 物理的
social 社会的
medical 医学的
scientist 科学家
technologist 工程技术专家 工艺专家
technocrat 专门技师 技术人员
technician 专门技师 技术人员
mechanic 机械工人 修理机器工人
artisan 熟练工人 工匠 技工
manual 手做的 用手操作的
automatic 自动的 无意识的
life science 生命科学
biology 生物学
zoology 动物学
botany 植物学
anatomy 解剖学
physiology 生理系统 生理学
ecology 生态学
physical sciences 自然科学
physics 物理学
mechanics 力学 机械学
chemistry 化学 化学性质
pharmacy 制药 配药 药店 药房
pharmacology 药物学
geology 地质学
meteorology 气象学
social sciences 社会科学
anthropology 人类学
psychology 心理学

psychiatry 精神病学 精神病 治疗法
criminology 犯罪学 刑事学
penology 刑罚学 监狱管理学
archaeology 考古学
paleontology 古生物学
paleontological 古生物学的
paleontologist 古生物学家
laboratory 实验室
lab 实验室
workshop 车间 工厂 作坊
test tube 试管
bunsenburner 本生灯
retort 曲颈瓶
rubber bung 橡皮塞
flask 烧瓶
beaker 烧杯
tripod 三角架
wire gauze with asbestos centre 石棉芯 铁丝网 石棉网
pipette 吸管 滴管
experiment 科学上的试验 实验
trial 试验 考验
try out 彻底试验
agent 起作用的事物
catalyst 催化剂 触媒
precipitate 沉淀物
solution 溶液
antibody 抗体
artificial intelligence 人工智能化
behaviorism 行为学派
black hole 黑洞
chromosome 染色体
cosmology 宇宙哲学 宇宙论
creationism 创造宇宙说
electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射
electron microscope 电子显微镜
endorphin 分泌于脑中的肽
enzyme 酵素
gene 基因
genetic engineering 基因工程学
greenhouse effect 温室效应
hologram 全息照相
hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物
isotope 同位素

laser 激光镭射
light-year 光年
nebula 星云
nuclear energy 原子能
osmosis 渗透分析
ozone layer 臭氧层
pasteurization 巴斯德杀菌法
photon 光子 光量子
photosynthesis 光合作用
pulsar 脉动电波源
quasar 类星体
relativity 相关性 相对论
seismology 地震学
sociobiology 社会生物学
thermodynamics 热力学
vaccine 疫苗

34. 工 作
diligence 勤勉 细心而努力的
chore 杂物 日常零星工作
effort 努力 艰苦劳动
assiduity 刻苦 专心致志
operate 操纵 运转 执行任务
co-operate 合作协力
laborious 吃力的 费力的 不流畅的


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