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Ziyarat Ashura 1 (8)

Ziyarat Ashura
~-=;- .-=;- = ~~-
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Peace be on you, O Abu
assalaamo a'layka yaa abaa
.. .. c.. , - -:...|
= =.... , -.
Peace be on you, O son of
the Messenger of Allah
assalaamo a'alayka yabna
.,.. = .. .. c.. , - -:...|
Peace be upon you, O the
chosen one and the son of
the chosen one
assalaamo a'layka yaa
khairatillaahi wabna
= ,.. , - .. c.., - -:...|
-... ~ - ... ,
Peace be on you, O son of
the Commander of the
Faithful and the son of the
chief of the successors.
assalaamo a'layka yabna
ameeril momineena wabna
sayyedil wasiyyeena
~..- .. .. c.. , - -:...|
=`,... = ... , ; - ,... |
;,.... = , |.
Peace be on you, O son of
Fatima, the leading lady of
the worlds
assalaamo a'layka yabna
faatemaata sayyedate nesaail
.. .. c.. , - -:...|
... =`,.. = -.. |
; |...- |.
Peace be on you, O fearless
warrior of Allah, the one
who was killed, but to whom
blood revenge is still denied
assalaamo a'layka yaa
saarallaahe wabna saarehee
wal witral mawtoora
= .. .. c.. , - -:...|
,.. , | , .. .. ,
,... , |.
Peace be on you, and on the
souls who died with you.
assalaamo a'layka wa a'lal
arwaahil latee hallat be
.. - , c.. , - -:...|
.... - _...| -, v
I send peace of Allah on all
of you forever, so long as I
remain alive, and the night
and day remains.
a'laykum minnee jamee-a'n
salaamul laahe abadan maa
baqeeto wa baqeyal laylo
wan nahaaro
-:.. = ..-, - .. - ... , -
.. , ..., ..- =.. =
....| , ... ,|.
O Abu Abdillah, yaa abaa a'bdillaahe
= =.. , - .. ..
Great is the loss, laqad a'zomatir raziyyato
-... ,| .... = - =... |
Ziyarat Ashura 2 (8)
And unbearable and great is
your tragedy for us, and for
all the Muslims,
wa jallat wa a'zomatil
moseebato beka a'laynaa wa
a'laa jami'e ahlil islaame
- ,,...= | .... = - , .... - ,
.. -.., - .. - , .. , - c..
-:.. = v
And unbearable and great is
your tragedy in the heavens,
and for all the dwellers of
the heavens.
wa jallat wa a'zomat
moseebatoka fis samaawaate
a'laa jamee-e' ahlis
c ,,...= - .... = - , .... - ,
.. -.., - .. - =,...| ..
May Allah curse the people,
who laid down the basis of
oppression and wrongs
against you, people of the
fa la-a'nallaaho ummatan
assasat asaasaz zulme wal
jawre a'laykum ahlal bayte
.... .= -...- = ... -
,.. | , ... =| ..=
.... , , | ... .... , -.
May Allah curse those who
removed you from your
position, and removed you
from the rank in which
Allah had placed you.
wa la-a'nallaaho ummatan
dafa-a'tkum a'n
maqaamekum wa azaalatkum
a'n maraatebikomullatee
rattabakomullaaho feehaa
.... - . -...- = ... - | ,
.. - ... | , . -.. - .. -
.... , _...| . , ,... -
...., =.
May Allah curse the people
who killed you,
wa la-a'nallaaho ummatan
.... | -...- = ... - | ,
And those who facilitated
for them the means for your
wa la-a'nallaahul momah-
hedeena lahum bit tamkeene
min qetaalekum
.... . | =...`. | = ... - | ,
. |... | ... - ; |... .
I turn to Allah and to you,
away from them,
barea-to ilallaahe wa
ilaykum minhum
.... , | , = ... | .... ,
... . -
And from their adherents,
their followers, and their
wa min ashyaa-i'him wa
atbaa-e'him wa awleyaaehim
. . -..., , . . -,... = ... - ,
. . ...., | , ,.
O Abu 'Abdillah, yaa abaa a'bdillaahe
= =.. , - .. ..
I am at peace with those
who make peace with you,
innee silmun leman
. |..= .. | ` . .. = ..
And I am at war with those
who make war with you, till
the Day of Judgement.
wa harbun leman
haarabakum elaa yawmil
_ . ..- .. | ` = ,.. - ,
-... -, | - ,... .
May Allah curse, the family
of Ziyad, and the family of
wa la-a'nallaaho aala
zeyaadin wa aala marwaana
. , .... . = ... - | ,
. ,,-.
And May Allah curse Bani
Umayya entirely,
wa la-a'nallaaho banee
umayyata qaatebatan
-..., - _... = ... - | ,
-... , ||.
And May Allah curse Ibn
wa la-a'nallaahubna
-... - , - ... = ... - | ,.
Ziyarat Ashura 3 (8)
And May Allah curse 'Umar
ibne Sa'ad,
wa la-a'nallaaho o'marabna
= -.. = .. ,.. - = .. - | ,.
And may Allah curse Shimr wa la-a'nallaaho shimran
, ... = = ... - | ,.
And May Allah curse the
people who, carried out,
saw, and tried to conceal,
your killing
wa la-a'nallaaho ummatan
asrajat wa aljamat wa
tanaqqabat le qetaaleka
. - ,... = -...- = ... - | ,
..... , , ..... | ,
c.... | |.
My father and mother be
sacrificed for you, great is
my sorrow for you.
be abee anta wa ummee
laqad a'zoma mosaabee beka
... = - =.. | ..- , ... _ ..
c.. _..= -
I pray to Allah who has
honoured your status, and
honoured me through you,
fa asalullaahal lazee akrama
maqaamaka wa akramanee
- ,.. .=..| = . |.. =
c.. _ - ,.. , c.. - -
To grant me an opportunity
to seek your revenge with a
victorious Imam, from the
family of Muhammad,
blessings of Allah be on him
and his family.
an yarzoqanee talaba
saareka ma-a' emaamin
mansoorin min ahle bayte
muhammadin sallallaaho
a'layhe wa aalehee
-.. - = .. ... | _ | ,.. .
... , .. .. - ,.. = :-
-... , - = ... = =... -
-.. | ,.
O Allah, make me of a
worthy status in your eyes,
through Hussein, peace be
on him, in this world and
the Hereafter.
allaahummaja'lnee i'ndaka
wa jeehan bil husayne fid
dunyaa wal aaakherate
= =... - _.. - - . ....|
-... , - ,... . | ....,- ,
,.. - v , , =..| .. -:...|.
O Abu 'Abdillah, yaa abaa a'bdillaahe
= =.. , - .. ..
I seek nearness to Allah, innee ataqarrabo elallaahe
= _ =,.... ....
and to His Messenger, wa elaa rasoolehee
- |,.... = _ ,
and to the Commander of
the Faithful,
wa elaa ameeril momineena
; - ,... | ~...- _ ,
and to Fatima, wa elaa faatemata
-.... | _ ,
and to Hassan, wa elal hasane
.. . | .. | ,
and to you, through the love
and dedication to you,
wa elayka be muwaalaateka
c... v, c... , | ,
and through disassociating
with those who killed you,
and prepared to fight you
wa bil baraa-ate mimman
qaatalaka wa nasaba lakal
c... | ... - , , |... ,
= ,.. | c.. | ... = ,
and disassociating with
those who established the
foundations of tyranny, and
wrongs against you (O
Ahlul Bayt).
wa bil baraaa-ate mimman
assasa asaasaz zulme wal
jawre a'laykum
..= .. = .. - , , |.. ,
.... , - ,... | , .... =|
Ziyarat Ashura 4 (8)
I turn to Allah, and His
Messenger, away from those
who laid grounds for it,
wa abrao elallaahe wa elaa
rasoolehee mimman assasa
asaasa zaaleka
- |,... = _ , = ... | | ,... ,
c.. |. ..= .. = .. -
and those who built the
house of injustice upon it,
wa banaa a'layhe
-... , -... , - _... ,
and carried out oppression
and cruelty, against you and
your followers.
wa jaraa fee zulmehee wa
jawrehi a'laykum wa a'laa
,.. - , -.. .. .,.. - ,
. -,... = ...- , .... , -.
I turn to Allah, and to you,
away from them,
baria'to elallaahe wa
elaykum minhum
.... , | , = ... | .... ,
... . -
and seek nearness to Allah,
and then to you through
love for you and your
wa ataqarrabo elallaahe
summa elaykum be
mowaalaatekum wa
mowaalaate waliyyekum
.... = ... | =,... ,
v,... - , . v,... .... , |
.... `, | ,
and by disassociating with
your enemies, and those
who went to war with you,
wa bil baraaa-ate min aa'-
daaa-ekum wan naasebeena
lakomul harba
. =... - ... - , , |... ,
= ,... | .... | ;,... =| ,
and by disassociating with
their adherents and those
who follow them.
wa bil baraaa-ate min
ashyaa-i'him wa atbaa-e'him
. . -,... = ... - , , |... ,
. . -...., ,.
I am at peace with those
who made peace with you,
innee silmun leman
. |..= .. | ` . .. = ..
and I am at war with those
who went to war with you.
wa harbun leman
. ..- .. | ` = ,.. - ,
I befriend those who
befriended you,
wa waliyyun leman
... v, .. | .. | , ,
and I am the enemy with
those who were your
wa a'duwwun leman
. ...- .. | , =.. - ,
I pray to Allah, who has
honoured me with
awareness of you, and my
awareness of your friends
fa as-alullaahallazee
akramanee be maa'refatekum
wa maa'refate awleyaaaekum
_ - ,... | .=...| = . |... =
-.... , - - , . ,.... -
. ...., | ,
and has enabled me to
disassociate from your
wa razaqanil baraaa-ata min
.. - ,.. , | .. | ,
. =... -
(I pray) that He may place
me with you in this world
and the Hereafter.
wa an yaj-a'lanee ma-a'kum
fid dunyaa wal aakherate
... .... - - _... - .
,.. - v , , =..|
And (I Pray) that He may
strengthen for me a truthful
stance in this world and the
wa an yusabbeta lee
i'ndakum qadama sidqin fid
dunyaa wal aakherate
. =.... - _ .....`, . ,
, =..| .. 3 =.. = - =.. |
,.. - v ,
Ziyarat Ashura 5 (8)
And I pray that He may
enable me to reach, your
honoured station with Allah
wa as-alohoo an
yoballeghanil maqaamal
mahmooda lakum i'ndallaahe
.... - , . - | |.... = ,
=.. - ... | .,.. | -.. |
And that He may grant me
the opportunity to seek
victory, along with a rightly
guided Imam from amongst
you, who will manifest and
speak the, truth.
wa an yarzoqanee talaba
saaree ma-a' emaamin hodan
zaherin naateqin bil haqqe
-.. - ... ... | _ | ,.. . ,
`_ |.. _ |.. , .. .=.. --
... -
I ask Allah by your station,
and by the honoured
position you have with Him,
wa as-alullaaha be-
haqqekum wa bishshaanil
lazee lakum i'ndahu
.... = .|... = ,
=.. - ... | .=..| .|..=| ,
That He grants me for the
grief at your sorrows, more
than the personal grief that
troubles anyone in tragedy.
an yoa'-teyanee be mosaabee
bekum afzala maa yoa'-tee
mosaaban be-moseebatin
.... _...= _... , = - .
..= - ..= - ..- .. =
- ,,.....=
What great sorrows (you
experienced)! How great
was your tragedy, for Islam
and in all the Heavens and
the earth!
maa aa'-zamahaa wa aa'-
zama raziyyatahaa fil
islaame wa fee jamee-i's
samaawaate wal arz
... = - , ... = - ..- - ,,..= -
.. , -:.. = v .. ...
v , =,....| -..., -
O Allah, make me, at this
moment, one who receives
from You, blessings, mercy,
and forgiveness.
allaahummaj-a'lnee fee
maqaamee haazaa mimman
tanaalohu minka salawaatun
wa rahmatun wa
-.. - .. _.. - - . ....|
` =, .. = c.. - -.. | .. - =..
,... - - , -... - ,.
O Allah make me live the
life of Muhammad and his
allaahumaj-a'l mahyaaya
mahyaa muhammadin wa
aale muhammadin
.., - ..., - .. - - . ....|
=.. - . , =.. -
and make me die the death
of Muhammad and his
wa mamaatee mamaata
muhammadin wa aale
. , =.. - =.. - _.. - ,
=.. -.
O Allah, this is a day when
Bani Umayya rejoiced, and
so too the son of the she who
eats the liver of man.
allaahumma inna haazaa
yawmun tabarrakat behee
banoo umayyata wabno
aakelatil akbaadil
` - ,.. =.. . . ....|
-..., - ,... -... .... , ,
..., v -.. .. ,
the condemned son of the
condemned as said by You,
and Your Prophet blessings
of Allah be on him and his
la-e'enobnul la-e'ene a'laa
lesaaneka wa lesaane
nabiyyeka sallallaaho
a'layhe wa aalehee
... - ;...-| ... ;...-|
... = c...`, , ..... | , c .... |
-... | , -... , - =
Ziyarat Ashura 6 (8)
at every location and
occasion in which Your
Prophet stood.
fee kulle mawtenin wa
mawqefin waqafa feehe
nabiyyoka sallallaaho
a'layhe wa aalehee
... | , ... | , - , | ,.. - .. ..
= ... = c..., , -...,
-.. | , -.. , -.
O Allah, curse Abu Sufyan,
and Muawiya, and Yazid
son of Muawiya an
everlasting curse
allaahumma al-a'n abaa
sufyaan wa mo-a'aweyata wa
yazeedabna mo-a'awiyata
a'layhim minkal laa'-nato
abadal aabedeena
., .. = .. .. - | . ....|
-.. ,- - .. =.., , -.. ,- - ,
=.. -.. -| c.. - ... . , -
=... v.
And this is a day when the
family of Ziyad was happy,
and the family of Marwan
because of their murder of
Hussein, (blessings of Allah
be on him).
wa haazaa yawmun farehat
behee aalo zeyaadin wa aalo
marwaana be-qatlehomul
husayna salawaatullaahe
. -.. ... - , ` - ,.. =.. ,
.... . ., ,... - . ,....
= =, ... = ,... . |
-... , -.
O Allah, so increase the
curse on them from You,
and the painful punishment.
allaahumma fazaa-i'f
a'layhemul laa'-na minka wal
a'zaabal aleema
.... . , - . -...= . .....|
==.. - | , c.. - .. -|
. ....,| v,
O Allah, I seek nearness to
You on this day, and in this
position, and for the rest of
my life,
allaahumma innee
ataqarrabo elayka fee haazal
yawm wa fee mawqefee
haazaa wa ayyaame
c... , | =,... ... . .....|
.. | , - .. , - ,.. , | =.. ..
_.., - -.. , =..
through disassociating from
them (the enemies) and
cursing them,
bil baraaa-ate minhum wal
laa'-nate a'layhim
-... -| , .... . - , , |...
.... . , -
and though the love of Your
Prophet, and his family,
peace be on them.
wa bil mowaalaate le-
nabiyyeka wa aale nabiyyeka
a'layhe wa a'layhemus
. , c....`, , | v, |.... ,
.... . , - , -... , - c...`, ,
Cursing the enemies of
Ahlul Bayt (to be recited 100
,..- -..- .,.. .
O Allah, curse the first
tyrant who oppressed the
right of Muhammad and his
allaahummal-a'n awwala
zaalemin zalama haqqa
muhammadin wa aale
. |.. ., .. - | . ....|
=.. - . , =.. - _.. - ...
Ziyarat Ashura 7 (8)
and the last one who
followed him on that.
wa aakhera taabe-i'n lahu
a'laa zaaleka
c.. |. .. - -.. | - .. ,.. - ,.
O Allah, curse the group
who fought al-Hussein,
allaahummal-a'nil e'saabatal
latee jaahadatil husayna
alayhis salaamo
- ...= - | ... - | . .....|
-..,- ,.. . | = =.. - _..|
- :.|
and the group which
followed and supported, and
joined hands to kill him.
wa shaay-a't wa baay-a't wa
taaba-a't a'laa qatlehee
.... - , . - ...= ,
-... | ... - .... - ,.
O Allah curse them all. allahummal-a'nhum jamee-
..-, - ... . - | . ....|
Salaams on the Martyrs of
Karbala (to be recited 100
,..- -..- .,.. .
Peace be on You O Abu
Abdillah and on the souls
that died with you.
assalaamo a'layka yaa abaa
a'bdillaah wa a'lal
arwaahillatee hallat befenaa-
.. .. c.. , - -:...|
-, v .... - , = =.... , -
c... .... - _...|
Greetings of Peace of Allah
be on you, from me, forever
so long as I live and so long
as the night and day remain.
a'layka minne salaamullaahe
abadan maa baqeeto wa
baqeyal laylo wan nahaaro
..- =.. = -:.. = .. - c.. , -
... ,| ... , ....,
...| ,
May Allah not make this my
last pledge of your visitation
wa laa ja-a'lahullaaho
aakheral a'hde minnee le-
=... . - | ,... - = -... - - v ,
. ... , | ... -.
Peace be on Hussein, assalaamo a'lal husayne
,.. . | .. - -:...|
and on Ali the son of
wa a'laa a'liyyibnil husayne
,.. . | .. `.. - .. - ,
on the sons of Hussein, wa a'laa awlaadil husayne
,... . | .v , ... - ,
and the companions of
wa a'laa ashaabil husayne
,.. . | =.. = .. - ,.
Cursing the killers at
.,... .
O Allah, curse particularly
the first tyrant
allaahumma khussa anta
awwala zaalemin bil-laa'-ne
., ... .. - . ....|
... - -|... , |
and begin with him first, wabdaa behee awwalan
v, -... | =... ,
Ziyarat Ashura 8 (8)
then the second, the third,
and the fourth.
summas saaneya was saalesa
war raabe-a'
... , .. - | . .... || , _...|
- ,...| ,
O Allah, curse the fifth one,
allaahummal-a'n yazeeda
... -- =.., .. - | . ....|
and 'Ubaydullah bin Ziyad, wal-a'n o'baydallaahibna
.... ... = =... , , - ... - | ,
and Ibne Marjanah, wabna marjaanah
-.. - , - .. ,
and 'Umar ibne Sa'ad, wa o'marabna saa'din
= -.. = .. ,.. - ,
and Shimr, wa shimran
, .. = ,
and the family of Abu
wa aala abee sufyaana
., ..... = _ . ,
the family of Ziyad, wa aala zeyaadin
... . ,
and the family of Marwan,
till the Day of Judgement.
wa aala marwaana elaa
yawmil qeyaamate
-... -, | - ,... _ ., ,... - . ,
Then go in Sajdah and say:
.,.. , =... .
O Allah, for You is Praise,
Praise of those who thank
You during tragedy.
allaahumma lakal hamdo
hamdash shaakereena laka
a'laa mosaabehim
=.. - =.. | c.. | . ....|
. . ..= - .. - c.. | , ..=|
Praise be to Allah for my
intense grief.
alhamdo lillaahe a'laa
a'zeeme raziyyatee
...,= - .. - = =.. |
O Allah, grant me the
intercession of al-Hussein,
on the Day of appearance
(before You),
allaahummar-zuqnee shafaa-
a'tal husayne yawmal
- -... = _... | . ....|
., ,.. | - ,.. ,.. . |
and strengthen for me a
truthful stand by You, with
Hussein and the companions
of Hussein,
wa sabbit lee qadama sidqin
'indaka ma-a'l husayne wa
ashaabil husayni
= =.. - 3 =.. = - =.. | _ ...`, ,
=.. = , ,.. . | -.. -
,... . |
who sacrificed everything,
for Hussein, peace be on
allazeena bazaloo
mohajahum doonal husayne
a'layhis salaamo
., . ... . . - , | =.. =..|
-:....| -... , - ,... . | .
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