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Associated Student Government Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 22, 2012 | 5 p.

I. II. Call To Order a. 5:10pm Roll Call a. Tori Pohlner b. Bobby Pennington c. Blake Hirschman d. LauRon Smith e. Tyler Priest f. Mike Norton g. Rudy Trejo h. Katie Gottshalk i. Jody Preece Approval of the Minutes Special Orders a. ASG Office Managers Report i. 1st quarter budget review b. ASG Advisors Report i. Highs and Lows 1. Group bonding time =) ii. Presentation on Leadership Assessment of ASG members 1. Will give next week iii. Seven Weeks left this semester (including this week) 1. Think about strategic planning things iv. Out Thursday and Friday in Little Rock for ASLF v. Other 1. ASGJ Nov 7,14,28 c. ASG GAs Report] i. Senator of the Week 1. Hope Cavell ii. Cabinet member of the Fort Night 1. Anna Clark Reports and Discussion a. Presidents Report i. BOT meeting ii. Class Gift Elections 1. You can pick where your money goes iii. State of the Students 1. November 27,2012 iv. Town Hall 1. Tori and LauRon in charge v. Student Poll 1. Due November 7,2012 vi. SEC Exchange 1. b. Vice Presidents Report i. Homecoming 1. Escorts Finalized 2. Reception November 1,2012 at 7 at Pratt Place 3. Speaker ideas c. Treasurers Report 1. RSO financial affairs meeting for students to ask questions 2. RSO listserve updates d. Secretarys Report i. Exec Video 1. Nov.7 from 430-6pm




Chair of the Senates Desk 1. Legislation a. Legislation and policing that Senators are doing their tasks b. Grad Law Senate Idea f. Chief of Staffs Report 1. Platform discussion a. Cabinet picture- November 27,2012 2. Cabinet Responsibility Documents a. Going to complete vast majority! Adjournment a. 5:55pm Upcoming Events from 10/20/12-11/02/12: a. Cabinet-Governance and University-10/23 b. Razorbacks vs. Ole Miss (Little Rock)-10/27 c. Homecoming Week-10/29-11/3 d. Razorbacks vs. Tulsa-11/3 Tori


Vice President Includer Competition Woo Communication Positivity

Chief of Staff Context Intellection Individualization Learner Deliberative

Secretary Includer Positivity Developer Responsibility Activator

Treasurer Competition Learner Significance Strategic Achiever

Woo Positivity Includer Connectedness Communication

Chair of Senate Learner Achiever Restorative Analytical Context

Office Manager Developer Achiever Empathy Connectedness Belief

Advisor Arranger Strategic Activator Restorative Context

Graduate Assistant Strategic Command Activator Achiever Significance

Exec Dog Playful Curious Loving Friendly Sweet

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