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When we open a compass or divider of the geometry box, an angle is formed.

When we cut paper of cloth with a scissors, its blades slide over each other and
form an angle. The hands of a clock make angles with each other. Stand on book
on a table. Look down at it from above. This view gives an idea of an angle.
Thus, we come across several angles in our daily routine.

Definition of Angle

An angle is a figure formed by two rays with some initial point. The common
initial point is called vertex of the angle and the rays forming the angle are called
its aims (or sides).

In figure 3-1, O is the vertex and OA and OB are the arms (or sides) of the angle.
The symbol of the angle is ∠ .

An angle is also defined by rotation

Suppose that a ray OA starts rotating about its initial point O. OA is its initial
position as shown in figure 3-2. Let it keeps rotating and reaches the final
position OB . Thus, ∠AOB is formed. Hence, we conclude that an angle is the
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magnitude of rotation from OA to OB . In figure 3-3, different angles formed by
rotation of OA with its initial position.
Naming an angle

An angle may be named in any of the following ways.

1. With three capital letters such that the vertex letter is always in between the
two others as shown in figure 3-4 (i), This angle be named as ∠AOB or ∠BOA .

2. If the vertex represents only one angle, the angle may be denoted by ∠A , as
shown in figure 3-4 (ii)
3. With a small letter placed between the sides of the angle, as shown in figure 3-
4 (iii). Here ∠a represents the angle.

4. With a number placed between the sides of the angle near the vertex as shown
in figure 3-4 (ii). Here ∠1 represents the angle.

Interior and Exterior of an angle

The space lying between the arms of an angle when produced indefinitely is
known as the interior of an angle. In figure 3-5, points A, B, C, D and E are all
points in the interior of the angle.

The space that lies outside the arms of an angle when produced indefinitely is
called the exterior of the angle. In figure 3-6 points, P, Q, R and S are the points
on the exterior of the angle.
In figure 3-7 points J, K, L and M are the points on the arms of the angle.
Therefore, these points are the parts of the angle.

Angular Region

The interior of an angle together with the arms of the angle is called the angular
region. An angular region always lies in the interior of the angle along with the
arms of the angle as shown in figure 3-8. The arms and the doted portion
represent the angular region.
Magnitude of an angle

Let there be a ray in the position OP and rotates about the initial point O. Let it
reached the position OQ after some rotation. Then angle ∠POQ has been
described with its vertex at O. OP and OQ are its arms as shown in figure 3-9.

Thus, magnitude of an angle is the amount of rotation through which one of the
arms must be rotated about the vertex to bring it to the position of the other arm.


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