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Azura allowed one last crystalline tear to travel the well-worn path down his smooth cheek before sniffing back the rest of them with a gentlemanly handkerchief made of duckling dander. He turned his mighty head, allowing the foreign sun that was streaming through the glassless window to warm him indefinitely tanned skin as he lay upon the conjured feather mattress and stretched his overly generous mouth into something like a tired smile. It hurt a little, however it was a different pain to the heart shattering grief that he had been wallowing in for such a long time. He had been grieving over the murder of his son for eons, but to him it had been no longer than a beat of a mortal heart. Today would be the day that he would leave his place of solitude and visit the lands that he had once loved. Today he would look at the creatures he had gifted his only son to, the same creatures that had turned their collective backs on him, and murdered his son out of fear and greed. Azura wasnt ready to forgive, but he was ready to revisit among the mortals and perhaps rediscover the beauty he had once shared with them and love that that he had once had for them. Azura stood, stretching his mighty corded arms towards the cut stone ceiling of his bedroom. As a higher being he didnt require sleep but thoroughly enjoyed the idea of his creations that rooms should have a functionality, to be built to see to the serving of separate needs. As such, even though he didnt require eating or bathing, Azura also had several dining areas that had separate kitchens staffed by lesser beings and more than a few bathrooms with large pools to serve as bathtubs and actual rain clouds to act as showers. He left the bedroom, clothing himself in a flowing white linen skirt with a brief thought, and walked to the nearest dining room. Although he knew that he had been distant to his staff, he was rather confused that there was no large buffet of delicacies waiting for him. He turned to look at the table that was set perfectly, seeing the flowers arranged intricately to please the eye and hearing the tinkle of harp music from a nearby room. Everything seemed to be in place, however Azura wasnt fooled. There was obviously something not right with the scene laid out before him. Helena. Tristan! Raquel? he called, his thunder filled voice boomed across the fresco walls of the dining room. In the kitchen, three heads popped up from various activities for six eyes to lock in wide wonder. Helena, her elbows deep in the dough of a lovely honey bread, was the first to speak. Did you, perhaps,-? Hear someone calling-? Raquel piped in as she finished sliding the last gerbera daisy into her arrangement. Tristan, his face flush and shiny from standing over the cooking pot of his latest concoction, chewed his lip before adding, From the hall?

Not bothering to straighten their appearance before dashing to the dining hall, the triplets rushed through an archway to stagger to a stop in front of their lord, nearly knocking each other to the marble floor. Azura stifled a laugh; oh, he did love the triplets and their antics that stemmed from their eager to serve perfectly motivation. All Father, we- Tristan said, his glacier blue eyes shining in joy. Were not expecting- Helena sighed happily, her silver streaked hair falling away from her pointed ears. To serve You. Raquel finished with a dimpled grin under her slightly long nose. Azura smiled down at the identical triplets with real warmth. Most of the other staff members of his household found the stilted form of communication that the triplets used to be annoying; however Azura couldnt find it anything other than comical. The triplets were created from a single wolf cub that Azura found while he was wandering a winter enshrouded forest several millennium now gone past. Nearby was the carcass of a wolf bitch, crushed by a boulder that had fallen from the hill. When he first brought the orphaned pup home, the poor thing had howled hourly. Its forlorn cries for its dead mother and missing litter mates echoed throughout the entire realm, causing most of everyone to mutter darkly about the noises that carried on the winds daily. After several days of trying to communicate with the pup, Azura became frustrated and turned her into a lesser being so that she could, perhaps, understand him better. It was then that her crushing loneliness became unbearable to him also. It was one thing to ignore a howling pup and quite another to turn a deaf ear to a bawling babe. Azura could take it no longer after weeks of hearing her cry at how lonely she was. Without a real thought, and one must remember how frustrated he was at this point, Azura turned the lesser being (which was once a pup) into three lesser beings. Somehow the female pup trans-mutated into charming triplets, one of which being a male, who lived to serve Azura in any matter that he needed. Dearest hearts, where is my breakfast? Azura asked, after he stroked each of their glossy heads in turn, making them wriggle with pure contentment. All three ducked their heads, like a chastised puppy might, and even whimpered in harmony. But, All Father- You have been- Away so long. And so you assumed that I would not come at the regular hour? Has it really been so long, darlings? Azura inquired gently, lifting Tristans head and watching as Raquel and Helenas heads come up at the same time. With the merest glance at each other, the triplets turned identical sorrowful eyes to their lord.

It has been- Helena started. More than two- continued Tristan. Thousand mortal years. Raquel sighed. The minute the sentence was completed they all started to fidget, shifting weight from side to side and pulling their chins to one side as they hunched their shoulders. Azuras chiseled face folded into a frown. Although time mattered not at all to him, he could scarcely believe that so much of it had passed in his creations land. So many years had gone by, and yet the ache of the loss of his son was still fresh and bitter in his heart. It felt as if had only been a moment to him; however, he could not deny that he would not have bothered to track the time during his grief. He would have to take the word of the triplets. More than two thousand years since the murder of his son? There was no telling what had befallen his creations during that much passage of time. His mind reel at the horrendous self-induced hardships, the terrible wars his creations seemed to enjoyed in his name, the misleading concepts they employed by use of technology and sciences that always lead to destruction; all the harm they could have done to themselves when they were unsupervised for that long. Or perhaps they were not unsupervised; especially if his brothers and sisters had noticed his absence. Azura turned from the triplets to stare moodily out of a window, not ignoring the luscious gardens so much as looking through them. The very thought of his siblings running amok among his beloved creations stirred his blood into a frenzied passion. There would be much confusion and angst if any of his siblings teamed together at any point in the last two thousand years. It was after the stars had exploded that Azura and his siblings had decided to settle on this spot of the universe. They had traveled for an untold amount of time from their own section of the vast space and had become bored with the tedious company of each other. None of the others had wanted to do the hard chore of creating a habitable place for them to gather, nor to create the creatures they would need to build a battery of power. The others realized that without followers their power would ebb, however they were content to hoard the meager powers they had left rather than stretch themselves into anything resembling work. Azura had decided to take it upon himself to select one of the planets they found themselves surrounded by to start a new batch of worshippers.

During the first trials of creation, he had split the planet in sections and each had their own land to create as they would. This had not worked out well, for after only a millennia, his siblings had all but destroyed the planet with their bickering or neglect. Azura wiped out all of the vegetation and animal life found in every section of planet and had moved them to the next planet closest to the sun. He allowed the others to help here and there mostly to curtail the whining they did, however he was the one that received most of the largest surge of power since he had done most of the art of creating.

Azura had offered each of them a chance to continue their travels to find their own places to start their own followers, but none were eager to travel or to work. Azura ran one immaculate hand over his beautiful face tiredly. His youngest sister, Aurora, was no more than a sheep and would follow whoever spoke the loudest. His youngest brother, Bastion, was frivolous and would find it nothing more than a lark than to annoy Azura by toying with his creations. It was more the thought of Luna and Lucien, the oldest of his siblings that troubled him. Luna, knowing that Azura was otherwise distracted, would not hesitate to try to sway his followers. It was because she was a jealous creature and harbored an angry heart that Azura had not allowed her to create her own followers on his land again. When Azura had offered her another planet to start her own creations Luna had raged over the unfairness that he had so much land and would not share. Her grating whine had bothered him so much that when she had finally relented to starting her own planet that Azura had gifted the small half planet that circled around his own planet and named it after her. And then he had abandoned Luna on the pock marked surface so that her bothersome voice wouldnt reach him. Of course she could leave during a full moon when the power of the tide called her to the land that her home shone upon, but that was only for a few days a month; not nearly enough time to cause too much trouble. It was Lucien, with his cold eyes and hard features, that really worried Azura. Lucien had offered to share the chore of watching the art of creation with his brother when the molten ball had finally cooled enough to sustain life. While Azura wasnt keen on sharing, he thought that the plan that he could rest while Lucien looked after the creatures Azura had solely created and, then he would take over while Lucien rested sounded like an excellent deal. It was only after Azura had come back from meditating among the stars to find out that Lucien, in a fit of boredom, had sent a comet hurtling to the earth and all the creatures had been killed between the quakes, tsunamis, and decades of ice that Azura had decided that Lucien might not be in the best interest of the creatures be anywhere near them. However, he had been too impatient to completely start over and so he had told Lucien to watch the planet until life started to stir again. It was only then that Azura started the process of creating Man again. Sweetlings, tell me. How fares Man? I am sure that there have been reports by those I have trusted since creation, someone that would help me during my intense grief. Azura asked with a hint of hesitation. He was sure that he would not like the answer. The answering silence only deepened his concern. He turned from the window to find that the triplets were trembling slightly. Helena? Azura prompted forcibly. Speak, he commanded with a touch of anger. The Man creatures are in deep distress, All Father. The words were so spoken so quickly together, Azura wasnt sure who had started the statement and who had finished it. Your loyal agents have either disappeared or been turned. Without missing a beat, Helena started again. We are afraid-

That your siblings- Raquel said slowly. Are the cause. Tristan uttered softly. Blast the stars song! Azura swore, causing the triplets to draw in a symphonic gasp. I beg most humbly for your pardon, children of my heart. I must depart at once to the lands of my mind and see what destruction my siblings have begun and what it will take to unravel all their misguided ideas. There was a collective groan that nearly pulled a smile to Azuras stormy face. Youre leaving now? Without your breakfast? What about us? The questions bombarded him like curious jewel toned butterflies amongst fresh pastel shaded flowers; they were gentle yet probing, constantly searching. He knew that the triplets required very little looking after since they had matured and he had no qualms of leaving them to taking care of each other and themselves easily. However, as old as they were, they were still young at heart enough to constantly cling to their surrogate parent. Azura had to be careful not to tread on their delicate feelings for he was sure that all his energies would need to be directed at solving the problems his siblings had created during his time of neglect; he would have no time to cajole and sooth the triplets if they decided to throw a tantrum. I have a greater need of you three to remain here and handle a very important matter for me. I am sure that a battle will ensue promptly after I announce my return to the world. You three will need to mend and polish my armour, and chariot. And see to my horses and sword. I know that I can lean on you, my most trusted and willing servants. Azura bent at the waist to kiss each child on a cheek before giving one then the other and finally the third a quick tickle. Besides, if you do your standard excellent job than I shall give you a present. A present, Father? One to share? Or each one? Azura smiled warmly, and patted Tristan on the head before Helena and then Raquel. One for each of you, something very dear and very sweet, as dear and as sweet as you are to me. Wish me luck, my souls dreams, and prepare a large supper. I fear that I will be famished by the time I return. And dont forget to take some time for yourselves, darlings! Azura walked down the wide corridor from the dining hall, glancing behind him as he heard excited yips and panting. Too excited to look for a door, the triplets chased each other around the table before leaping out one of the windows. They tumbled into the lush grass that was greener than any human eye could withstand. Azura stopped to watch them start a complicated game of tag that soothed his heart as their laughter trailed behind them. The little triplets frolicked like creatures just born to play.



From one step to the next, Azura changed his casual lounge ware into his favorite traveling gear. As he passed a large mirror, he stopped to admire the reflection and straighten out a fold of the midnight blue tunic that fell right above the knees and wound around his sculpted waist before then being dragged up over the carved torso and chest to dangle regally over his finely muscled left shoulder. It was held in place by hammered silver links that belted above the hips and was encrusted with moonstones, pearls and opals. The milky white sheen of the jewels seemed to nearly shimmer against the dark rich fabric of the robe. On each wrist was a hammered silver vambrace with suede backing dyed to match the robe and butter soft leather ties of the darkest black. On each foot was a black leather sandal with thick cords that twined and laced up each shin and calf to knot below the back of each knee. He looked into his eyes; wide stormy orbs which held no pupil and were fringed by long almost feminine lashes, and what he saw there caused him to frown. Azura, forgetting the pressing matter of saving his creations from the clawing greedy hands of his siblings, fell into his own stare and swam in the emotions that were so prevalent. Unable to pull himself away from the mirror, Azura reached up one long fingered hand to touch the reflection he faced as if searching for the answers that not even he could possible comprehend completely. There was anger there which was to be expected as there was always anger in some form, from mild irritation to wrathful vengeance in the core of his being and so it was always lurking in his eyes. Habitually there were also dreams and wishes and plans, and when Azura looked hard enough he could see them behind the anger. But now there was also sorrow; a tendril of guilt and hurt that seemed to whirl among everything else like a twig caught in rapids. Sometimes it was lurking in the back of everything, just barley peeping up over the edges of his other emotions and ideas. Sometimessometimes it was so wide and all-encompassing he would swear that his eyes were actually made out of the grief, as if the emotion had solidified into a tangible substance and would color everything he looked at till the end of time. This type of pain was not something that he was accustomed to if Azura were to be truthful; there was no pain that he was accustomed to. . It was so foreign that he wasnt sure if he would ever get a sure grip on it. Annoyance, frustration, impatience; these were the common place feelings that he faced when dealing with his creations or his siblings. But no matter what petty vengeance they sought, no matter what trifling insults they hurled Azura had never once been injured in any way. It wasnt until he had turned his attention on the mortal world and gifted them with a piece of his self, his very essence housed in a mortal coil, that he realized that he could even experience anguish. However, woven into that multi thread of creation and substation, there was also love and joy and pride. It would do him a great injustice if he dared to forget those emotions in the crushing weight of his grief.

Azura, most favored Eldest Brother, what are you doing? That is no window for you to so admire the view! Azura turned on the ball of one foot, catching his balance with the other when he faced his brother, Bastion. As Azura was compilation of one tint of the color scale, with sunlit hair and normally clear caramel colored eyes and skin tanned to a golden honey hue, Bastion was several diverse shades, his blue black waves falling boyishly into gray-green eyes that reminded Azura of moss dripping from thick branches to hang over a wide river; pale as a moonbeam and just as perfect without a blemish or mark to be seen. And while Azura only smiled when truly moved, Bastion never seemed to stop grinning like a mad fool. Azuras frown was thunderous and deep, which only seemed to cause Bastion to grin more widely. A fool. A fool who was wearing the oddest garments; dressed in a mixture of leggings in a deep blue color and a white tunic that barely came to his hips. Bastions head was covered by a violently purple hat with what appeared to be a shelf on the back to cover his neck. Azura, taking no chances, pulled his sword from his weapons room to sail into one out stretched hand. The minute its worked silver hilt settled into its consistently grooved part of his hand, Azura felt more stable. Youngest brother, he greeted through clenched teeth, giving the barest of polite nods. Bastion glanced at the sword and his eyes danced with mirth. He scrubbed the back of one hand across his thin lips before pressing it there and hiding the end of his thin beak shaped nose. Then Bastion coughed a rumbling noise that barely escaped through the tightly pressed lips. Eldest brother, he managed after a few moments of trying to contain his laughter. Is that you have to say? Azura asked, glaring at his youngest brother and wondering if he should prod the poor idiot with his sword when Bastion needed a few more moments to gather his wits. Of course, its just from shock that I am unable to string together a coherent sentence in the presence of the great Azura. When Azuras face started to tip away from the pink of surprised embarrassment and into the deep purple of actual rage, Bastion reminded himself to watch the teasing tone. What do you here? I like to utilize this corridor when moving from the place I once was to the place I wish to be. Azura ground his teeth, and closed his eyes in pained irritation. He reminded himself that shouting usually did nothing to move Bastion into normal practices of simply answering a question. If Bastion could find a way to turn something into a joke, he did. Azura took a deep breath, and opened his eyes only to find Bastion staring at him with amused puzzlement. I dont mean this particular patch of floor, Bastion. I meant, here here, in my home. Oh. Well, then now I can understand why you found my answer so frustrating.

Azura waited for Bastion to explain himself further. And he waited. And he waited. And when the thought of finding out what his sword would look like slide deep into his brothers belly was almost too great a temptation to ignore, he was finally gifted with his brother uttered something. What are you doing here in this particular corridor at this very moment, brother? Bastion, why are you standing in a corridor of my home asking me what I am doing in it when you are the unexpected visitor? Bastion blinked, his smile finally dimming. Unexpected visitor? No, brother, I hate to dare to dream to imagine to- The point, Bastion! Correct you, Bastion finished smoothly, ignoring Azuras outburst, but I am not a visitor. This is no longer your home, Eldest brother. What did you say? Azura managed to choke out after long minutes had escaped without notice. He then quickly changed the question, for he knew that all his inquiry would prompt Bastion into doing was repeating himself. What do you mean this is no longer my home? It is our home, Bastion said with his sunny, foolish smile. Do you not remember? It was soon after the death of- Azura roared, the anguished screamed propelled by fury from his deepest chamber of his being. It was enough that Bastion took several prudent steps back from his brother, without a single word. Azura took a step back as well, mostly to stave off the craving to rip his sibling into shreds with the dullest instrument that was readily found. He also took a step back partly so that he would have more room to maneuver if this turned into a real battle. A fool; a grinning, maddening fool, his brother might be but Bastion wasnt awkward in any area of war. This was usually a source of pride since Azura had taught Bastion most of what the younger being knew. It was then that Azura heard the crisp snap of glass being pulverized underfoot that had him hesitating long enough for Bastion to take the advantage. Bastion started ruthlessly, as Azura struggled to reign in the precise edge of his temper. I am truly sorry, Azura. I should have known better, should have realized that Aurora was ignorant of your daily practices. I thought that it was atypical for you to wallow in your private chambers for so long. But she said that I should ask you anyways, for when you never ask then the answer is always no. And so I did, dont you remember? You threw a chamber pot at my head and told me that if I was going to ask meaningless questions, that I should dig through the contents of the pot to locate my obviously misplaced brain. Which, I have to admit, he said with a grin, was rather entertaining of you. Much wittier than you usually are, and I really enjoyed it at odd moments over the past century or two. However, you are almost never so low brow in your wit; which should have been another indication that something was abnormal with the whole scenario. And so, when I went to shake some of my embarrassment off by shaking Aurora until her teeth rattled, she smiled warmly at me and congratulated me on my fine negation skills. When I questioned her further she casually pointed out

that it was your favorite adage that without a clear no the answer must obviously be yes. And so, I moved into this fine house. Isnt that what you meant, Eldest Brother? What Azura muttered at this declaration cannot be translated into any known language- however, one can take it on faith that it was very colorful and very clearly expressed his complete and utter displeasure with this news for it was very loud and took him quite a while to finish. Azura tried his best to ignore Bastion as he moved towards what he thought of as his planning room. Instead of being thwarted by the double doors slamming in his overly pretty face, Bastion simply opened one of them after a moment and followed his brother into the sparse chamber. It was a large room without a single corner with a ceiling that was lost in deep shadows. The entire room was windowless, relying on a fire place as large as most mortal stables in height and length and a few scattered lamps that hung from gilded linked chains from the hidden rafters above. The stone floor was one smooth slab and covered by a woven rug that would take an entire village several months to complete. The entire room was a collage of muted shapes and colors, nothing that caught the eye or invited one to stay overly long. The subterranean feel of the space had Bastion shuddering. He hated closed in places, the feeling of being trapped in an area with no hope of escape. It was confounding on why his brother had constructed this room as it seemed so out of tune with the almost romantic outline to the rest of the building. Azuras home boasted of thousands of windows and open terraces, several balconies that rested just outside arched doorways and dozens of tucked away gardens that thrived between some of the lower level rooms. In every spot of the dwelling that Bastion had gleefully explored in the past two centuries or so he had never found a single spot that felt so secluded and out of the way as this room did. What is the purpose of this place, Eldest and Most Wise Brother? Bastion chirruped from near the door. I come here to think. To think and to be alone, Azura said with more than a little sting in his tone. I can understand no one wanting to be in here with you. I certainly wouldnt want to be alone in this tome. So, I shall do my best to keep you company and brighten up the dreariness of this place. That is unnecessary. Oh, it is no bother. Azura sighed as he stalked towards the massive table that spanned almost a yard. There were no chairs around it, and it stood as tall as Azuras waist. On it were several scrolls, tomes and parchments scattered in an absentminded way. I wish to be alone with my thoughts, Youngest and Most Persistent brother.

And as long as you keep them to yourself, Eldest Brother, you will be. For as intuitive as I can be sporadically, not even I could dare to presume that I would be able to breach the grand defenses that protect your innermost contemplations and meditations. Besides, from the deep furrows in each side of your mouth, Id rather not know all the ins and outs of your thoughts right now, Bastion murmured just loudly enough that Azura would hear it. I mean get out. I have to make a plan for-Azura stopped. A plan for what? He wasnt even certain what was going on. The triplets had indicated that Man was in distress and that some of his siblings were more than likely the cause of it. He didnt know where to begin, or what to expect. I need to go down there, see for myself. He was mostly speaking to himself but Bastion caught it. Down where, Brother? And then answered the question himself. Oh. Downbelow. Quite a few things have changed among your Man things since Je- At the dark look shot his way, Bastion gulped and there was no playacting in his motion. Sincesince you took some time to yourself, Azura. Azura turned to face his brother, resting against the table and with his arms crossed. Such as? I couldnt even begin to tell you. Wouldnt know where to start. Why do you need to go below, Eldest Brother? Any of the modern marvels that have transpired since youve stepped away are easily brought in front of you with a snap of your fingers. Or a snap of mine if you are feeling overtly lazy. Azura heaved a sigh from deep within himself. I had not realized how much time had passed since I took some time to myself, he said, tossing Bastions words back at him. The Triplets seemed to indicate that Man might be in sort of trouble. And they also seemed to think that perhaps Aurora and Lucian might be behind some of the evils they were facing. I doubt that Aurora has anything to do with it, Bastion offered apathetically. Azuras eyes bore into Bastion until his brother managed to meet his stare. You seem to be sure of that, Youngest and Most Confusing brother. Why would that be? Bastion wanted to pace the room, but that would mean leaving the relative security of his exodus. There was something altogether unsettling about how serious this conversation was making him feel. Nothing really, Eldest Brother. Its just simply that Aurora found a spot in time where she is slavishly adored. They think that shes the day star personified, and have even to call it after her. They have been calling her Goddess and she soaks up their love like a cat at the cream bowl. Its actually quite nauseating as they pay her homage in prayers drenched in blood. And not blood that is always willingly given. The only entertaining thing about the whole deal is watching her pretend to enjoy eating the hearts that are still warm. I was there for the very first and the look on her face was priceless. She was so fussy about it that when that one drop hit of her heavy neck decoration she wailed enough to make the rains swell the river beds. Which of course makes her disciples think they had done well and now offer up to her hearts by the score. Bastion laughed, not at the thought of still warm hearts being ripped out of reluctant believers but at the look on his sisters face as her high priests piled the hearts at her feet.

And this spot of time, Azura said, his anger simmering at the thought of Aurora being seen as some supreme being by some simple rustics that he hadnt even bothered to announce his presence to them. They almost seemed deserving of their deaths, and he didnt bother to feel remorse for them at all. Exactly where would it be? Exactly where it always is, Bastion answered promptly. Between the time before it and before the time after it. Azura ground his teeth. When, Bastion? When would the time be so that I can go and talk to our sister? Because if its not her, I know that its Lucien that I need to worry about. And if its Lucien that I need to worry about, then Man is in severe danger as he plans are usually tangled in things that seem unimportant and far flung so that the fruition doesnt come for decades. I think that it might best, a chance to see our sister and your child. My? Azura gulped back an ocean of emotion that seemed to flood his entire being. What child, Bastion? The one thats not dead, Azura. Bastion, Azura said, stretching the name into several more syllables than needed. Your daughter, Bastion replied slowly. The twin of the son you lost. You do remember giving her over to Auroras care at their birth. Bastion almost took a step towards him, but the idea of comforting his brother was alien and the feeling feel away quickly. Dont you?

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