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Rock Porosity Can Be Obtained From: Laboratory Measurements OR Porosity Logs: Sonic, Neutron, Density Also, EPT &

NMR Each Tool Measures a Physical Property. No tool Measures Porosity Directly, But Porosity Tool Response Depends On; Porosity, Saturating Fluid(s) and Matrix.

Porosity Logs
Sonic Log Neutron Logs Density Logs EPT Logs NMR Logs Porosity Logs Crossplots

Sonic Log Is Simply a Recording Versus Depth of Sound Wave Travel Time Traverse 1 ft Formation. Known as Interval Transit Time Dt in micro-sec /ft, it is the Reciprocal of Sound Wave Velocity.


Sound Waves Emitted From the Transmitter Are Governed by Different Acoustic Medium Includes Formation, Bore Hole Fluid Column and Tool Itself and Casing Conditions (in Cased Hole Logs).

There are Three Sonic Tools Bore Compensated Sonic tool (BHC) Long Spaced Sonic Tool (LSS) Array Sonic Tool (AST)

Porosity Determination
Sound Travel Time tc (Compressional wave) depends on Porosity, Saturating Fluids and Matrix.

Clean Formation
tl = s tf + (1- s) tm s = ( tl - tm) / (tf - tm)
Sandstone Lithology tc , s/ft Limestone Dolomite Water





Sonic Porosity Is Primary Intergranular Porosity, so in Vuggy Carbonate Rock, s is Less Than t (Density Porosity) by sec sec = t - s

Shaly Formations Sonic Porosity Needs Shale Correction

tl = sctf + (1- sc- Vsh) tm + (Vsh * tsh)
sc= (tl - tm) /(tf - tm) - (tsh- tm)/(tf - tm)* Vsh

Shear Wave Interpretation Shear Wave Transit Time Data Are Useful in Identifying Matrix Mineral and Pore fluids Nature.
Lithology Sandstone Limestone tsh , s/ft 86 90 Dolomite 76 Water 350

Density Logs are Primary Used as Porosity Logs. Other Uses Include Mineral Identification, Gas Detection, Shaly Formations Evaluation and Rock Mechanical Properties. Principles A Radioactive Source, Applied to the Borehole Wall in a Shielded Sidewall Skid, emits Medium-Energy GR Rays into the Formation. These GR Rays Collide with the Formation Electrons, GR Loses its Energy. The No. of These Compton Scattering Collisions of GR IS Related to the Formation Electron Density, e. Electron Density is Related to Bulk Density, b

= ( b x 2Z / A) Z = Atomic number & A = Atomic weigh

There are Two Density Tools Formation Density Tool, FDC Gives b Litho-Density Tool, LDT Gives Pe & b

Density Log Presentation Porosity Determination Clean Formation For clean formation bulk density depends on fluid density, porosity and matrix density. b = D f + (1- D ) m D = (m - b) / (m - f) In Density Porosity Equation, Fluid Density, f is taken as one Assuming Water. If there is mud filtrate Near Borehole, f is > one, Then D needs corrections If There is HC near Borehole, f is < one Then D Needs Corrections Shaly Formation Porosity Equation Becomes b = DC f + (1- DC - Vsh ) m + Vsh sh Density Porosity Equation Becomes DC = (m - b)/(m - f) - Vsh(m - sh)/(m - f) D > DC If sh < m & D < DC If sh > m D = DC If sh = m

Neutron Logs are Primary used for Delineation of Porous Formation and Porosity Determination. Neutron Logs Respond Primary to Hydrogen Concentration in the Formation. Neutron Porosity is Liquid Filled Porosity. Gas zones can be identified by Comparing Neutron Porosity with Other Porosity Logs. Neutron Logs Can run in Open/Cased Hole

Principles Neutrons are electrically Neutral Particles, having the same mass of Hydrogen. 16 Cuire AmBe Radioactive Source Emittes Fast Energy Neutron and Collide with Nuclei of the Formation. Maximum Energy loss When Neutron Collide with Equal Masses Nucleus. At the End Neutron are Captured By the Nuclei of Atoms Such As Chlorine, Hydrogen Or Silicon The Capturing Nucleus Becomes Intensely Excited and Emitted a High Energy GR. Neutron May Be Recorded Either As The Number of GR OR The Captured Neutron Themselves.

Neutron Log Tools GNT Non-Directional Device SNP, Epithermal Tool, It is Good in Empty hole, Open Hole Tool CNL MandrelType Tool, Liquid Filled Cased /Open Hole, Not For Gas Filled Holes

Neutron Logs Investigations Clean Formation CNL OR SNP Logs are Normally Calibrated to Limestone Base OR Sandstone Base. Neutron Porosity, n is Formation Porosity if the Lithology the Same as for Calibration. If Not, Neutron Porosity, fn Needs Lithology Corrections. Shaly Formation nc = n - Vsh * nsh fnsh is Neutron Response Against Shale Gas Formation Neutron Porosity in Gas Formation is much Less Than in Water OR oil Formation. Hydrogen Indexes are close in Oil & Water While Hydrogen Concentration in Gas is Considerably Lower. So Combination of Neutron with Density Logs is Good For Gas Zones Identification.

Sonic, Density and Neutron Logs Respond to Lithology as well as Porosity. Lithology Changes from Foot to Foot An Approach is to Run Two OR Three Porosity Logs. By Comparison of Porosity Logs, Obtain Good Indications of Lithology Contents. Dual Porosity Crossplots Density-Neutron Crossplot Density Acoustic Crossplot Neutron- Sonic Crossplot

Tri- Porosity Crossplot M-N CROSSPLOT M = [(tf tl) /(l f) ] * 0.01 N = (Nf Nl) /(l-f) From M-N Crossplot, Obtain Information on Three Components on Lithology. M-D CROSSPLOT This Crossplot is Mainly Designed to Identify Rock Matrix

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