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The Delboeuf Illusion

Food perception Appearance

The Delboeuf illusion is an optical illusion of relative size perception. In the best-known version of the illusion (above), two circles of identical size are placed near to each other and one is surrounded by an outer ring; the

surrounded circle then appears larger than the non-surrounded circle if the outer ring is close, while appearing smaller than the non-surrounded circle if the boundary is distant.

Arti cal Colouring

Food perception Colour

There is a lot of controversy that surrounds E-numbers but in reality, all foods are a combination of chemicals, whether added by man or not, and just because a food is organic doesnt necessarily make it better for you. The worst nutritional problems are caused by substances that come in purely organic form: salt, fat and sugar, none of which are E

numbers.According to a study, producing meals in six different colours will boost a young persons appetite, while dishes arranged into fun shapes, such as hearts or smiley faces will have even more appeal. The scientists found youngsters were much more likely to clear their plate when there was more colour and choice than adults would typically choose.

The connotations Delboeuf of colour Illusion

Food perception Colour

Red is a stimulating and energising colour, particularly in relation to hunger. It raises blood pressure and heart rate by energising the nerves and the circulation of blood. The colour is often used within the branding of fast food restaurants. The colour subconsciously lets customers know that the restaurant is high-energy, bustling, and most importantly,

fast. Yellow, in association with red, creates heightens these reactions Red and yellow are seen as hot colours and are known to speed up the metabolism, cause blood pressure to rise and increase appetite. You may realize that you order more food, eat faster and leave the restaurant quicker due to the subliminal effect of the colours.

Appetite supressant

Food perception Colour

Red is a stimulating and energising colour, particularly in relation to hunger. It raises blood pressure and heart rate by energising the nerves and the circulation of blood. The colour is often used within the branding of fast food restaurants. The colour subconsciously lets customers know that the restaurant is high-energy, bustling, and most importantly,

fast. Yellow, in association with red, creates heightens these reactions Red and yellow are seen as hot colours and are known to speed up the metabolism, cause blood pressure to rise and increase appetite. You may realize that you order more food, eat faster and leave the restaurant quicker due to the subliminal effect of the colours.

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