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Reading - Grandpa's Farm

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Grandpa's Farm I like to go to my Grandpa's farm. He has many animals. There are nine black and white cows. They are very big and give us milk to drink. Grandpa has seven brown chickens too! The chickens give us eggs to eat. I like to play with the pigs on Grandpa's farm. They like to roll in the mud. I do too! It is fun to go to Grandpa's farm. I always have a fun time!
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Answer "Yes" or "No" Grandpa has a farm. Grandpa has only two animals on his farm. Grandpa has nine brown and white cows on his farm. Grandpa has three brown chickens that lay eggs. Pigs like to roll in the mud. It is fun to visit Grandpa's farm. This is a happy story.

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Reading - Cats as Pets

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Cats as Pets Cats make great pets. Many people love them. They are easy to take care of. They are also very helpful. On farms they keep away mice and rats. Cats are very friendly and bring happiness to their owners. They are very playful and smart too! Cats always know what they want. They are usually not mean. There are 63 million cats in America today. This means there are more people who own cats than who own dogs.
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Answer the questions below. You have just read about cats as Cats keep mice and There are Cats are .

away on farms.

million cats in America today. to take care of.

Cats are usually not Cats are very

. to farmers. than own dogs.

In America today more people own

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Reading - Whales
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Whales Whales are mammals. They breathe air like us. They rise to the surface of the water to breathe. They live in the oceans of the world. There are many different kinds of whales. Some are the killer whale, humpback whale, sperm whale and gray
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whale. They are some of the largest animals. The largest whale is the blue whale. It can grow to be a hundred feet long and weigh as much as 15 elephants. It is the largest animal on earth. Whales leap out of the water. They also dive and roll. Whales dive to get food. Some whales can dive more than a mile down! Some whales are found in zoos, public aquariums, and entertainment parks. These whales live in large glass tanks. They learn things very easily. They are trained to play with ball, leap, and dive down deep for certain objects.

Answer "Yes" or "No" Whales are fish. Whales live in oceans and amusement parks. A whale breathes air. The largest whale is the blue whale. Whales are too big to leap out of the water.

Some whales can dive two miles. Whales dive and roll. There are many different kinds of whales.

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Reading - Earthquakes
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Maggie had never experienced an earthquake before, only prepared for it. As long as she could remember, preparing for an earthquake was routine at school. Her family as well had made plans in the event of a natural disaster. Living on the west coast of the United States was earthquake country. However, it was not the same. Today Maggie was home alone. Her mind focused on her parents and what could be happening to them. Maggie knew her mom would be driving home on the busy, congested freeway. Her mind was preoccupied with preparing supper for Maggie's
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dad. Maggie's dad was due to arrive at the airport. He was coming home from a two week business trip. Maggie arrived home from school at the regular time. She was grabbing a snack from the almost bare pantry, when she felt it. First just a tremor, then the violent shaking. Maggie quickly scurried under the large, oak table in the dining room. The sounds of breaking glass and the crashing of numerous items was deafening. The table remained intact, and Maggie hugged herself in fear. Her mind focusing on her parents and what apparent danger they might be in. After what seemed like an eternity the earthquake appeared to be over. Maggie could hear the sound of water rushing below her in the basement. The smell of natural gas was present in the air. Maggie knew where the main water valve was located. Dad had shown her where it was and how to turn it off. Slowly and cautiously she came out from under the table. The once tidy ranch home was now almost unrecognizable. Walls had toppled over and electric sparks were shooting from the outlets. As Maggie approached the open basement door she could see the steps were still intact. Carefully holding the handrail she made her way down into the dark basement. While still on the steps she felt the water rising and rising. Placing her feet firmly on the floor Maggie felt a sudden surge of pain as a large ceiling beam hit her head and shoulder. She fell unconscious onto a pile of storage boxes.....

Answer the questions below The earthquake began with a small Maggie had grown up and lived on the Her mom was traveling home from work on the The heavy, oak table was not damaged and remained . coast. . .

Maggie detected an odor in the house and knew it was Her dad was arriving home from a Maggie had just arrived home from trip. .


Maggie had prepared for an earthquake, but never

an earthquake. located in

Maggie knew the water had to be turned off at the main water the basement. Maggie held the She was knocked

as she found her way down into the basement. by a large ceiling beam. .

Maggie knew her mom's mind would be on preparing

Maggie and her family lived in what type of a home? Ranch or Condominium

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Reading - Earthquakes
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Maggie had never experienced an earthquake before, only prepared for it. As long as she could remember, preparing for an earthquake was routine at school. Her family as well had made plans in the event of a natural disaster. Living on the west coast of the United States was earthquake country. However, it was not the same. Today Maggie was home alone. Her mind focused on her parents and what could be happening to them. Maggie knew her mom would be driving home on the busy, congested freeway. Her mind was preoccupied with preparing supper for Maggie's dad. Maggie's dad was due to arrive at the airport. He was coming home from a two week business trip. Maggie arrived home from school at the regular time. She was grabbing a snack from the almost bare pantry, when she felt it. First just a tremor, then the violent shaking. Maggie quickly scurried under the large, oak table in the dining room. The sounds of breaking glass and the crashing of numerous items was deafening. The table remained intact, and Maggie hugged herself in fear. Her mind focusing on her parents and what apparent danger they might be in. After what seemed like an eternity the earthquake appeared to be over. Maggie could hear the sound of water rushing below her in the basement. The smell of natural gas was present in the air. Maggie knew where the main water valve was located. Dad had shown her where it was and how to turn it off. Slowly and cautiously she came out from under the table. The once tidy ranch home was now almost unrecognizable. Walls had toppled over and electric sparks were shooting from the outlets. As Maggie approached the open basement door she could see the steps were still intact. Carefully holding the handrail she made her way down into the dark basement. While still on the steps she felt the water rising and rising. Placing her feet firmly on the floor Maggie felt a sudden surge of pain as a large ceiling beam hit her head and shoulder. She fell unconscious onto a
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pile of storage boxes.....

Answer the questions below The earthquake began with a small Maggie had grown up and lived on the Her mom was traveling home from work on the The heavy, oak table was not damaged and remained Maggie detected an odor in the house and knew it was Her dad was arriving home from a Maggie had just arrived home from trip. . an earthquake. located in . coast. . . gas.

Maggie had prepared for an earthquake, but never

Maggie knew the water had to be turned off at the main water the basement. Maggie held the She was knocked

as she found her way down into the basement. by a large ceiling beam. .

Maggie knew her mom's mind would be on preparing

Maggie and her family lived in what type of a home? Ranch or Condominium

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Reading - Archeologist
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Archeologists are scientists who study the remains of past civilizations. They reconstruct the past by gathering clues. Bones are one kind of clue. Artifacts and fossils are other clues. Artifacts are objects from the past, usually made by people. Fossils are impressions or remains of animals and plants that have turned to stone. Archeologists begin to collect evidence at a spot where people might have lived and worked. Scientists begin to clear away layers of earth to find signs of human civilization. Archeologists call this spot a site, or dig. Archeologists remove each layer by hand, using many kinds of tools, from shovels to dentist instruments. They work very slowly because they do not want to damage the delicate artifacts and fossils buried in the soil. Workers sift the dirt and rubble through a sieve. They look for things like bits of
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pottery, tools, seeds, weapons, and bones. Archeologists record the exact location of every item they find. Then they use high-tech equipment to determine the age of each item. Archeologists must know as much as possible to identify artifacts.

Answer the questions below are the impressions or remains of animals and plants that have turned to stone. Bones, fossils, and are clues used by archeologists. .

Objects from the past, usually made by people are called The A

or dig, is the spot where archeologists begin to collect evidence. is used to sift sand and rubble. .

Archeologists reconstruct the past by gathering

This passage says archeologists search for pottery, tools, seeds, weapons, and . The type of equipment used to determine the age of an item is a sieve. a camera. high-tech.

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Reading - Glaciers
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Life on a Glacier Is there life on a glacier? Of course there is! The surface of a glacier is a jumble of rock and dirty snow which has been folded and contorted by stress. If you look at it up close it looks like a barren wasteland. What could possibly live there? The wind is responsible for bringing life to the glacier. As wind moves over land, it gathers bits of dust and debris. When the wind sweeps over the glacier it deposits part of the load. Tiny insects such as spiders, beetles, and flies, grains of pollen from flowers, and minerals are mixed in with the dust. As these are spread over the snow and ice, they become a feast for tiny creatures such as the snow flea. The snow flea is a tiny insect that crawls around on the glacier in search of pollen. Another creature which exists on a glacier is the ice worm. It is a relative of the earthworm, but less than an inch long. It lives hidden in the cold glacial ice. Ice worms wriggle between ice crystals near the glacier's surface, but sometimes can be found as deep as six feet. Ice worms burrow into the glacier's ice during the heat of the day and inch to the surface
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around dusk to feed. They depend mainly on the wind to bring their dinner of pollen and other plant materials. Ice worms can survive only under certain conditions. Temperatures around freezing (32 degrees F.) are perfect. If they get caught in the sun's heat where it is warmer than 40 degrees F., they will die. When the ice around them freezes solid and becomes colder than 22 degrees F., their bodies freeze. Therefore, ice worms are found only in glaciers near the ocean, or where the climate is warm enough for melt water to be in the ice at all times. A special algae that grows on the surface of the snow provides food for the ice worm. Snow alga is a type of green alga. Its color is red, which provides a screen against the bright rays of the sun. Birds flying over a glacier feed on ice worms and insects, plucking them from the ice. Other animals use glaciers as a temporary home and a resting place.

Answer the questions below The main idea of this passage is: Ice worms are found only in glaciers near the oceans. Many forms of life exist on a glacier. A glacier is a temporary home for animals. The is responsible for bringing life to a glacier.

The ice worm is a relative of the A snow flea feeds on

deposited by the wind.

Ice worms are found only in glaciers near the , or where the climate is warm enough for melt water to be in the ice at all times. An ice worm can be found six pluck ice worms from the ice. Perfect conditions for an ice worm's survival is 22 degrees F. 32 degrees C. 32 degrees F. Snow alga is red in color. green in color. colorless. Some animals use a glacier as a home. beneath the surface of a glacier.

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The Planets - Vocabulary

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Vocabulary 4-11-1 sodium - a soft, silver-white, crystalline substance used in baking, medicine, manufacturing reproduce - produce offspring outermost - farthest out lifeless - without life incredibly - beyond belief inner - farther in
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The dog appeared

after it was injured. part of

The family was moving to a neighborhood located on the the city, very close to the country. The cat will kittens.

is a substance found in baking soda. The rainbow was large and beautiful! circle to the outer

The object of the game is to move from the circle.

SELECT THE CORRECT ANSWER What is the outermost part of an orange? seeds, skin, or pulp Where is the inner part of an apple located? center, core, or skin If something appears lifeless it is without: hands, life, or eyes Sodium is used in which of the following? medicine, rugs, or wood

Which of the following cannot reproduce? trees, rocks, or insects If the painting was incredibly beautiful it was: unbelievable, colorful, or destroyed

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The Planets
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The Planets The Sun is at the center of the planets. Close to it are the inner planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Mercury the planet closest to the Sun, is a cratered rock not much bigger than our Moon. It is incredibly hot and unable to support any kind of life. The atmosphere contains sodium and potassium. Venus is the next planet from the Sun and is about the same size as the
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Earth. The atmosphere is made up of mainly carbon dioxide. The surface temperature can be as high as 480 degrees Celsius. There is no life of any kind on the planet Venus. Earth is the only planet that has the conditions to support life. The surface is neither very cold nor very hot. Water can exist in all its three forms - as gas, liquid, and solid. These conditions allow plants and animals to live and reproduce. Mars, the first planet beyond Earth is smaller than the Earth. The atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide. Water exists on this planet, but only in the form of ice. The whole planet is a red, lifeless desert. The outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called the gas giants. They are much larger than the Earth. The outermost planet, Pluto, is no longer classified as a planet. It is now called a dwarf Planet. It is so far away, it is a mystery.

Answer the questions below How many planets are there? six seven eight The is at the center of the planets.

The dwarf planet

is a mystery.

is the planet closest to the Sun. The planet is about the same size as the Earth. .

Water exists on the planet Mars in the form of Water exists on the planet in three forms.

Which planet is a red, lifeless desert? Mars Mercury Venus Which planets are called the gas giants? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

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Where the Wild Things Are

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1. What did Max's mother call him the night he wore his wolf suit? Max Wild Thing a naughty boy 2. What grew in Max's room that very night? a forest a flower a garden 3. What hung from his bedroom ceiling? clouds ropes vines 4. What did Max sail on in his private boat? a river
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an ocean a lake 5. How did Max tame the wild things? He stared into their yellow eyes without blinking once. He snapped his fingers. He touched them with a magic stick. 6. The wild things called Max the most wild thing of all and said he was mean. told him to go home. made him the king of all wild things. 7. What did Max do after the wild rumpus? He sent the wild things off to bed with no supper. He sailed back home. He cried. 8. Why did Max give up being king of where the wild things are? He smelled good things to eat. He was scared of the wild things. He was cold.

9. What did the wild things say to Max when he was leaving? "Oh please go, and never come back." "Oh please don't go - we'll eat you up - we love you so!" "We will miss you so!" 10. Max sailed back over a year and in and our of week and through a day and into the night and ended up where? At his grandparents house. In the kitchen of his very own house. In his very own room. 11. What was waiting for Max? his parents his supper the wild things

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1. What is the news Peter is given as Chapter 1 begins? He's the smartest kids in the fifth grade. His mom is going to have a baby. His parents are getting divorced. 2. What is Peter's younger brothers name? Fred Jon Fudge 3. Who is Peter's best friend? his grandmother Fudge
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Jimmy Fargo 4. What happened on the day Peter's fifth grade class was on a trip to the metropolitan Museum of Art? His sister was born. His brother was born. His mom had twin boys. 5. What game is Fudge playing with Tootsie? Checkers Candyland Hide-and-Seek 6. What did Fudge try to do whenever the Hatcher family had company? He played Candyland with them. He'd try to give away or pay someone to take Tootsie. He went home with them. 7. What does Peter realize about his ears at the end of Chapter 2? They are big. They are little. That he cannot hear. 8. What was Peter's mom going to go back to college for?

a degree in dentistry a degree in art history a degree in nursing 9. When Tootsie dreams and lets out a small sigh, who does she remind Peter of? Turtle, the dog Turtle, the cat Turtle, the turtle 10. What news do Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher share with the children in Chapter 3? They are getting divorced. The family will be moving to Central Park. The family will be moving to Princeton, New Jersey. 11. Why did Jimmy Fargo threaten never to talk to Peter again? Peter was going to move away. Peter liked Sheila Tubman. Peter said he was no longer his friend. 12. Who is the one person who is glad Peter is moving? Sheila Tubman

Henry, the elevator man Peter's teacher 13. What did Peter's mom do that caused Peter to ask the question, "I thought you don't believe in violence?" She smacked Peter when he talked back to her. She smacked Turtle. She smacked Fudge on his backside.

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Maniac Magee
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1. When did Jeffrey Magee run away from school and his Aunt and Uncle's house? The night of the Christmas concert. Christmas Eve The night of the spring musical. 2. How far did Jeffrey travel from Hollisburg to Two Mills? two hundred miles twenty miles two miles 3. Why did Jeffrey stop and talk to Amanda Beale? He wanted to speak to her because she was black. He saw her suitcase and figured she was running away like him. He thought he might know her. 4. Why did Amanda ask Jeffrey if he is from West End? White people lived in West End. She was giving him directions on how to find his way back home. She was trying to be rude.
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5. Why did Amanda throw a book at Jeffrey? She didn't want it anymore. She tried to scare him and hoped he'd run away. He asked her if he could borrow one so he could read it. 6. Why was James "Hands Down" unable to catch the football thrown to him by Brian Denehy? He had a cast on his arm. He didn't see the football. Jeffrey Magee had caught it. 7. Why would old people stay away from a Saturday afternoon two dollar matinee? They didn't want to spend two dollars. They didn't want to be around children. They didn't have two dollars to spend. 8. What forbidden thing did Jeffrey do on the steps of 803 Oriole St? He opened a book and began to read. He ate his lunch. He rode his bike up and down the steps. 9. Why did Mrs. Pickwell refer to feeding her family as feeding a small nation?

She is very unhappy about being married. She didn't have any help. There were ten Pickwell children, relatives and other people living with the Pickwells. 10. What is odd about the way Jeffrey ran the railroad tracks? He ran on the steel rail. He kept tripping and falling. He ran on the cinders.

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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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1. The reader is introduced to the Logan children in Chapter 1. They include Stacey, Christopher-John, Cassie and Little Man. Who is telling the story Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry? Stacey Christopher-John Cassie Little Man 2. In what state does the Logan family live in? Mississippi Tennessee Louisiana 3. The Logan Family owns land that was once part of the Granger plantation. What crop do they raise? tobacco beans cotton 4. T.J., Avery and his younger brother Claude are described by the author as having frail frames. What does the author mean?

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The Avery brothers are strong and healthy looking. The Avery brothers are thin and weak looking. The Avery brothers both wear glasses. 5. Why was Little Man angry about the book he received the first day of school? He was angry because the book had no words, only pictures. He was angry because the book was too difficult for him. He was angry because the book he received was old and dirty. 6. Cassie was glad that Miss Crocker did not have a tantrum when she headed into Mama's classroom. Which of the following best defines the word "tantrum?" a violent outbreak of anger and rage an outbreak of laughter a headache 7. Cassie is very much aware of the prejudice of whites against blacks in the South during the Depression? Which of the following best defines the word "prejudice?" an acceptance of all races as equals an intolerance or hatred of other races an attempt to control others 8. Why did Papa bring Mr. L. T. Morrison home with him?

He was very sick and needed a place to stay. He was to protect the family while Papa was working on the railroad. He was the new cattle rancher. 9. What did the Jefferson Davis school bus driver like to do the the black children as they walked to school? He liked to splash them with muddy water and watch them slip and slide on the muddy road. He picked them up and brought them to school. He slowed down and waved at them. 10. Big Ma refers to white folk as being ignorant. What does the word "ignorant" mean? lacking knowledge lacking humor understanding 11. What do Cassie and her brothers do in revenge for the school bus episodes? They refused to go to school. They walked through the woods instead of on the road. They dug a huge hole across the road and filled it with water. 12. The Logan children tried not to gloat about what had happened to the school bus. Which of the following best defines the word "gloat?"

To be sorrowful. To feel sad and depressed. To think about with pleasure. 13. The author, Mildred D. Taylor, refers to Big Ma having a rich alto voice. What is meant by this? Big Ma has a very quiet voice. Big Ma has a low voice. Big Ma sings all of the time. 14. What is Cassie frightened by at the end of Chapter 3? A caravan of cars that pulled into the Logan's driveway, and then drove off. A stranger with a gun. A bear outside her bedroom window.

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