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Online Library Management System

PROPOSAL FOR LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Team Members Muhammad Usman Saima Kanwal Introduction Information Technology has revolutionized the life of human beings and has made the lives easier by the various kinds of applications. In the light of the rapid changes with the use of IT, there are many tools, technologies and systems have been produced and invented. In the modern world, time is short so if there are many processes taken place at same time within a place there is a need for integration of all the processes, creation of paperless environment also ensures efficient task management. Nowadays all the businesses are shifting to computer based system. The purpose to having a computer based system is, it helps to increase the market share and its very easy for customers to use. It is increasing the demand among the customer. This project is concerned with developing an Online Library Management System using Object Oriented Programming. In this system the library management becomes more efficient & easier to handle with its reliable system components. Problem in Brief Many library systems are operated manually by group of people. In such situations many people involved in the process of managing the library such a way that to keep records regarding the books & students (borrowers), check the books manually, keep records on issued books etc. all these things have to be carried out manually & if the library is large in content handling is also a problem. On the other hand keeping large amount of maintenance workers may cost a lot & it will not be efficient for a library. Manual record keeping is also not a reliable method as people tend to forget things. On the borrowers point of view, in manual system borrower cant find a book exactly at once as they are not ordered well. Sometimes user might be searching for a book that is not available in the library in such situations people get annoyed or depressed. Therefore there should be a reliable way to manage the library system. Library Management System Aims & Objectives The aim of this project is to develop a system that can handle & manage the activities involved in a library in an efficient & reliable way. Less managing personnel & easy searching availability & user profile managing are major goals in this project. Objectives

Online Library Management System

Develop a system that can replace the manual library managing system. Develop a database which stores user details & book details. Give reliable search facility for the users. Administrator, librarian & users should have separate logins. Create an easy to understand user friendly environment. Attractive user interfaces to navigate through the system for the users. Develop the system documentation with detailed UML specifications. Proposed Solution To achieve the aims & objectives of this project, the main thing is to identify the main features that involved in the system. In this scenario, there are three types of users; they are administrator, librarian & borrowers. All these users should be able to login to the system with separate logins. New users can be registered only under administrative concern. A database is there to store the user details & book details. This information can be retrieved by the users as per their privilege. Anyone can search the system using given specifications & the availability of the books are updated by the librarian immediately. So there wont be unavailability problem regarding the searching criteria. Activities involved with Borrower Search for a book by title, name and author. View the user details Modify user details Reserve books Activities involved with Administrator Maintain book information add/delete books Maintain database View user details Maintain user details Activities involved with Librarian Issue books Return books Add/delete books Reserve books All these activities should be carried out by the system & the interfaces should be user friendly for the new users. Functional Requirements
The system should allow anyone to browse the view the system

but only the users can hire the books using their ID.

Online Library Management System

The system allow guest only to main page. Since the username is unique the system must be given a message if the entered user name is not available. The system should allow user to login into the system. Upon successful login, a welcome message is displayed and the user will see the accounts page. The system should allow user to edit their profile detail The system should allow user to search for books. The system should allow the user to do advance search or simple search. The system should allow user to reserve more than one book. The system should allow user to view their reserved book detail and last reserved book details. The system must update the library information such as new books as arrivals, fines for late submission. The system should allow only the administrator to modify the site contents. The system should allow the access level to the user and registered member. The system should allow the administrator to check for the updates to the database. Resources Required A computer with 256 RAM Microsoft Access facility(MS Office package) Net beans or other programming IDE Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in a library. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the Library System. The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. Last but not least it is not the work that played the ways to success but ALMIGHTY BIBLIOGRAPHY.


Online Library Management System

FEASIBILITY REPORT Team members Muhammad Usman

Saima Kousar
Before starting any project there must be need of feasibility study of that project. From the help of feasibility study, it is possible to move on next stages. Normally feasibility study is taken by four feasibilities, Technical Feasibility Operational Feasibility Economic Feasibility Schedule Feasibility Projects feasibility is elaborated with under below headings.

2.1 Technical Feasibility: In technical feasibility the following issues are taken into consideration through questions. Whether the required technology is available or not? Manpower Software

2.1.1 Whether the required technology is available or not? According to demand, user requires a friendly interface for interaction of users to system. We will deal this issue with using different technologies such as Net Beans, JSP, and JavaScript. 2.1.2 Manpower We are two people working on this project. We have good command on different phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). We will apply all phases of SDLC in our project i.e. analysis, modeling, coding, testing and implementation. So our combination is pretty fit for the completion of this project. 2.1.3 Software We have all required hardware and software. We required operating software (any), internet browsing software, coding of our project will be completed in java language at front end and on backend MS Access for database connectivity.

2.2 Operational Feasibility: There are so many difficulties to interact with library system for students as well as library management staff. All library aspects are treated manually (manual register for keeping record for issued books, for students, fine, managing accountancy regarding library etc..). So, in all

Online Library Management System

above mentioned situations, OLMS facilitates library employees to update students status regarding books issued, issued date, returning time and fine to prevent breaching the rules etc.. on a user friendly interface (OLMS Website). Through website students and library management staff can get updated information easily. Following points should be considered as an operational feasibility Does students/staff support the project? Are the users not happy with current Library Management? Will it reduce the time (operation) considerably? If yes, then they will welcome the change and the new system. Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the project? Will the proposed system really benefit the institution? Will any information be lost due to new system? 2.2.1 Does students/staff support the project? We are developing this project for automation of Library Management System. We have Full Corporation and support of students and staff. 2.2.2 Are the users not happy with current Library Management? Will it reduce the time (operation) considerably? If yes, then they will welcome the change and the new system. If an online system will be developed, it is surely help to save time of students and staff. We will also provide a necessary training to Admin for handle this website. As the system helps to save time, cost and hard work; the end users (Students, Staff) will always welcome to get all updated information related to Library. 2.2.3 Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the project? Yes, we involve staff as well as the student that will use this website. The reason is that without involving end users, it is very difficult to develop a system that fulfills their all requirements. Early involvement reduces the probability of resistance towards the new system (OLMS). 2.2.4 Will the proposed system really benefit the institution? Yes, the proposed system (OLMS) will increase performance by marinating records related to students and staff. This pace will help in business improvement of college. 2.2.5 Will any information be lost due to new system? No, there is no chance to lose any information because of new system (OLMS). It will be designed highly fault tolerant system which will automate all aspects of Library system. 2.3 Economic Feasibility: For any system if the expected benefits equal or exceed the expected costs, the system can be judged to be economically feasible. In economic feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done in which expected costs and benefits

Online Library Management System

are evaluated. Economic analysis is used for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed system. In economic feasibility, the most important is cost-benefit analysis. As the name suggests, it is an analysis of the costs to be incurred in the system and benefits derivable out of the system. In our case, our project (OLMS), it is very economical in a sense that few persons are required to operate this, and not high hardware and software required to operate this project.

2.4 Schedule Feasibility: Schedule feasibility is used to display total scheduled time vs. the activities performed,. which are needed to complete the project. There are two main types of charts are represent schedule feasibility. 1. Gantt chart. 2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Gantt chart displays the activities against the time as a horizontal bar only whereas Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is used to break the activities into more breakable units. Gantt chart and WBS will be discussed in project plan later in documentation. 2.5 Conclusion: With the help of feasibility study, we come on to conclusion that this project is feasible in each aspect like technically, operationally, economically and scheduled.

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