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Planar Antenna for Passive Radio Frequency Identification [RFID] Tags

C A Diugwu, Student Member IEEE, J C Batchelor, Member IEEE, R J Langley, Member IEEE, and M Fogg
As would be expected, the integrity of the power and data links can be quite severely degraded if the tag antennas are unable to rectify sufficient energy from the interrogating EM field to activate the transponder chip. The key design challenge has been to achieve tag antennas with sufficiently high gain and directional characteristics. In addition, the input impedance of the transponder chip must match the ontput impedance of the tag antenna. The tags are further required to be small in size and mechanically robust against vibrations. Planar antennas which are low-cost, simple to manufacture and have low profile are suitable for the RFID systems [SI. Although much work has been published on this type of antenna technology, very little literature seems to be available on patch antenna solutions for RFID applications [6], [7]. This work describes the current and future trends in RFlD antennas and introduces a novel planar antenna design suitable for passive RFlD application at 868 MHz and microwave frequencies.

Abstract-This paper presents an overview of recent state of the art in antenna technology for passive W I D tags used for field and asset tracking. Improved detection ranges have been realised utilising planar antenna technolam with the benefits of low-cost, east of manufacture and low-profile. These are offset by the disadvantages of narrow bandwidth and law power capacity. Improvements in passive W I D tag antenna design operating at the ultra high frequency (UHF)and microwave frequency bands are detailed and discussed. Numerical results are calculated using CST microwave studio.
Index Terms-Detcetion range, passive tag, patch antenna, radio frequency identification (RFID), transponder chip 1. INTRODUCTION

Current initiatives support a worldwide deployment of RFlD technology as a means for efficiently tracking and managing assets. The basic requirements for this technology are a hardware platform comprising the antennas, transponder chips, readers and controllers, and the software platform made up of the middleware and the enabled applications. The transponder chip matched to the antenna form a passive RFID tag which can be used to track assets such as large containers, pallets or individual items. Designing tags for each of these levels poses a different challenge to the antenna designer. A description of different forms of tags is given in [ I ] and their fundamental operating principles in [2], [3]. Transponder chips have unique identification codes that can only realise the backscatter principle if the tag antenna attracts sufficient electromagnetic energy from the interrogating radio frequency (RF) of the reader. Figure I shows the basic relationship between the tag antenna and the rest of the chip circuitry; a detailed study of the functionality of the data c a m e n used in RFID systems can be found in [41.


Manuscript received March 3,2004. This work was supported by RF Tags Limited, Unitfd Kingdom. C. A. Diugwu is a PhD rcscarch student with the Electronics Dcpanment. Antcnna~Research Croup, University of Kent, Cmtcrbury, Kmt CTZ 7NT ( 1. C. Batchclor is with thc Electronics Dcpanment, Antcnnas Research Group, Univeniry of Kcnf at Canterbury ( R. J. Langley, Professor of Antenna Systems, is Direcling Harada European Centre for Rerarch and also, with the Electronics Dcpanment, Antcnnas Research Group. Univcnity of Kcnl at Canterbury ( M. Fogg is a Director with RF Tag Limited, Church road. Weston-on-theGreen, Biccrrer. Oxfordshirc, United Kingdom (

Research into RFID technologies ranges from investigations into their use in electronic article surveillance security (EASS) through express parcel and baggage delivery [XI, RFID based postage stamps, transport access control and toll collection [9] to environmental and petrochemical monitoring. Much work has heen carried out to improve the existing methods of manufacturing the key RFID tag components, namely the antenna, transponder chip, power supply and packaging. Of these four, only the transponder chip technology has significant engineering complexity as large data files can now be integrated into a single chip. But even with this progress, there are increasing indications that future applications will transcend the existing auto identification barriers leading to RFlD systems for global positioning systems (FPS) and sensor based applications requiring significantly larger files and greater circuit complexity. A passive tag relies on its antenna for power supply, doing away with the problems of designing separate power supply. However, the use of passive tags particularly in applications involving liquids and metals has presented major challenges. Owing to their intrinsic properties, liquids attenuate or absorb RF signals while metal surfaces reflect and scatter the RF energy required to activate the transponder chip. Thus, there

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are practical limitations in using passive RFID tags on products like canned food, razor blades, bottled drinks (in either glass or plastic containers). In applications below the minimum licensing frequency small loop antennas are common. They are typically used in smart labels which operate at the frequency of 13.5 kHz. The power and data transfer is based on the near field inductive coupling that can only offcr very short detection ranges. A reference guide for antenna loops [IO] and, an investigation into the limitations of inductive RFID to new applications I] along with the techniques to optimize their performance [I have been reported. An evolutionary extension of smart labels is reported that are basically RFID tags connected to a low profile power source and can be embedded into tickets, labels or wearable materials [12]. Recent developments are focusing on the possibility of using RFID techniques to recognize and automatically bill vehicles at toll booths [9] as well as in practical security arenas [13]. Achieving these objectives require antenna systems that can exploit the RF far fields efficiently and use backscattering modulation techniques to transfer data at UHF and microwave frequencies to improve on detection ranges. This has brought further RF design challenges partly because propagation of waves at these frequencies is problematic as many materials that can be found in a typical RFlD environment behave like good reflecton and thus cause fading in RF signals. As RFlD technology evolves it is expected to bring network integration and thereby increase wireless data services. A complete supply chain visibility strategy must therefore include dual hand antennas
Resonator ....... : ...... . . .

tuned to provide dual band operation. The design is photoetched on an FR4 substrate (dielectric constant, & = 4.6) that also constitutes part of the enclosure. The antenna resonates at 868 MHz and 2.35 GHz frequency hands. It can be applied in applications needing to withstand mechanical vibrations. The key results were those showing complex attributes which include reflection coefficients. It is important to note that the proposed structure can further be optimized for the purpose when the given transponder chip impedance is

- w
Fig. 2. Geometly of the proposed planar antenna stmcturc for RFlD application at 868 MHz, dielectric con~tant 4.6 and height = 0.8mm. &= Copper conductor height = 0.007mm

DIMENSIONS FOR THE RFID PATCH ANTENNA (All dimensions am in millimcfcr. mm)

. . .

. . . . . . : . . . : $ - . . ............................ ............................

. . . : . . : . . .



5.2 35

5.2 58



20 2.7







determined. While standard dipoles are highly polarization sensitive, this antenna has hvo planes of polarization and thus offers greater detection range for the application. Compared to a half wavelength linear dipole operating at 868 MHz, an improvement of up to 33% can be achieved.

Fig. I . Basic architecture o f a passive RFlD tug which uses Read Only Memoly (ROM) transponder chip to store information relating to laeecd item.


Figure 2 shows the patch antenna geometry. The square patch has dimensionsLx W ,and the various slots have differing dimensions. The lower horizontal arm is divided into two unequal parts labeled H,, and H+ The vertical slot arm V,, has a length l a n d is orthogonal to the lower horizontal slot arms which it intersects a t m l .


Figure 2 shows a proposed planar antenna design for a dual hand RFID application. The antenna is a low profile design incorporating a square patch with various slots which are

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H,,= I d side verti~ald o l ; F., = first excited frequcncy 868 MHz; F., = second exciled frequency 2.5 GHz; Fr2FCI the ratio of the second excited frcquency (F<J = to the fin1 (F,,). H.i 23 20 17 14 I1 8 5 0
0.868 0.892 0.921

2.5 2.57

2.5 2.5



F,> Fr~.F.,

2.5 2.88


2.5 2.71

2.5 2.65

2.5 2.4

2.5 2.27


.201"' 0.5






I .

... .





Legend -


= 2.5I * =
+Fcl t Fc2

3 ,

Fig. 3. Calculated and measured retum loss for the planar

antenna for passive RFID tag as shown in Fig. 1; &=4.6> h=0.8mm, L=W=70mm; first ereitcd frequency = 868 MHz: second
excited frequency = 2.5 GHz: dB = decibel: MHz = megahertz; GHz=Gigahcrtz

In the upper region V,, crosses a modified horizontal slot H,, a t m 2 . The bandwidth is controlled by the width of H,,.
Two other vertical slots ( 5 I and Vs3) have been chosen to reduce the effective area of the antenna conductor while keeping the structure resonant at the excited frequencies. The optimal feed position for these frequencies is c when the slots dimensions are as shown in Table 1. The design has been constructed. The characteristics of the first two excited frequencies denoted Fe, and Fc2with respect to the vertical slot, arm, H,, have been measured and the results are presented in Table II. From these results, an increase is observed in the centre frequency for F,, by 26.7% as H,, decreases from 23mm to Omm. The increase in the first excited frequency results in an increase in the patch size while F, remains predominantly unaffected by this variation. For every unit increase in the width of H,, above 23mm, the first resonate mode falls by approximately 1% until H,, becomes 27mm. However the second excited mode is unaffected by the variation until H,, is increased to 28mm. At this point, the steady state energy criterion becomes difficult to achieve. Consequently, a sharp drop to 477 MHz in the first mode and instability in the frequency behaviour of the upper mode are observed. The lower frequency band with its centre frequency at 868 MHz exhibits an inherently narrow bandwidth while the upper frequency band, excited at 2.5 GHr, covers a relatively large bandwidth. Figure 3 shows the predicted S-parameter magnitude (return loss) plotted against that of the measured. The excited frequencies are shown in Table 11. It can be seen that with decreasing horizontal slot arm Hsl, the frequency ratio of the second excited mode to the first mode (Fc>Fc,) also decreases. The frequency ratio can thus be tuned from 2.88 to 2.27 by varying the width of H,,, The measured characteristic of the first two excited frequencies with respect

Horizontal slot arm H s l (mm)





Fig 4. Measured characteristics of the W D frequencies far the proposed RFlD tag antenna at 868 MHz and 2.5 GHr with respect to the width of the horizontal slot arm Hr,.

3.5 I





Horizontal slot arm Hsl (mm)

Fig. 5. Measured ratio of the second excited frequency to the lint (Fcl.Fc,) against the lower horizontal slot arm H,, for the proposed RFlD tag antenna.

to the horizontal arm H,, is shown in figure 4 and figure 5 shows the ratio F,,& against Ha,. It is also observed that the return loss for the second excited frequency changes from -19dB to -16dB. The S-parameter magnitude of the first excited mode however remains unaffected.

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1. D. Robenson and 1. Jaluly, RF ID tagging explained, IEE &ngmeer, V ~ I . I . no. 01, pp. 20.23. Feb 2003. K. Finkenreller, RFID handbook: fundamenla1 and application in ~ o n t a smrl cnrds and identificalion. John Wiley & Sons England, ~l 2003. ch. 2. P. Somlls, Passive RFlD B%ic, Microchip Technology Inc. ANIBO,

This paper has reviewed the current and future trends in RFlD technology. Current initiatives support global standardizaiion of various RFlD tags to allow for a complete supply chain visibility thus requiring antenna stmcrures that can resonate in more than a single band. A new planar antenna suitable for dual band RFID system operating at the UHF and microwave frequencies has been presented and the parameters relevant to the application were investigated. Measured results show that the ratios of F,,:F,, varied from 2.21 to 2.88 when the width of horizontal slot arm H,, is increase from Omm to 23. Thus it is possible to use one antenna of RFID tags to track and manage inventories any where in the world by tuning to the desired frequencies. The were -19dB,-17dB respectively. best return loss forf,, This StNCNre captures sufficient energy to activate the transponder chip which then operates through the backscattering technique. Design is photo-etched on a low profile FR-4 substrate which can form part of the tag enclosure and thereby saving on cost. It is mechanically robust to withstand vibrations.

[3] [4]

DS006806. 1998. K. Finkenreller, RFID handbook: fundamental and vpplicrlion in EOnlaCt smart cards and identiflcation, John Wilcy & Sons England, 2003,ch. 10. [5] 1. R. lamcr and P. S . Halls, Handbwk of Microslnp Anlenna. London: Pctcr Pcrfgrinus Ltd, 1989, 01 I , ch.1. [6] R. Lelarante and R. 1.Langley, Dual -band patch antenna for mobile satellite systems, IEE Proc.-Mlcrow. Antennos Propog.. v d 141, N o 6, Dee 2WO [7] D. Viratelle and R. 1. Langley, Dual -band printed antenna for mohilc IekphonE appli~ati011, IEE Proc.-Mlcrow. Antennas Propug.. v d 147.

5, OCI


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&hl<,P l

[ I I] S. C. Chen and V. Thomas, optimization of inductive RFlD lechnology for product management, Proceeding IEEElnll. Symp. Electronics and Ewlronmenr, pp 82-87, May 2001 [I21 A. Fumes, Present and Fume Aclive Label (SAL) Enabling Technologies An Introductory Overview: Cenlre for Automatic Identification & lnlelligenee Systems, Birmingham. [I M. M. Ollivier, WID - a new solution for reeuriry pmblcm, in Con/ 31 Proc. IEE Con{ European Convention an Securiv ond Derecrion (CP408), Doc. No.19950504, p.234-238, May 1995.

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