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Janise Marvin

Chap 26 HW
The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution

I. The Clash of Cultures on the Plains

a. Indians were getting sick from the white people moving west.
b. Reservation system is started by signing of a treaty at Fort Laramie
in 1851
c. Whites moving west caused great problems including sickness and
using up their resources for the American Plains Indians.
II. Receding Native Population
a. Over 400 Indians were slaughtered at the hands of Colonel J. M.
Chivington’s militia in Colorado in 1864.
b. Sioux Indians killed 81 soldiers and civilians in 1866
c. Many killings between the westward bound whites and the Native
Indians caused tension between the two groups.
III. Bellowing Herds of Bison
a. Bison were everywhere after the Civil War, but by 1885, almost
every one had been hunted.
IV. The End of the Trail
a. The nation began to see what they had been doing to the Indians in
the 1880s.
b. An Act called the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was passed and it
was the policy toward Indians until the Indian Reorganization Act of
c. The US saw what they had done to the Indians and tried to do
some things to help the Indians.
V. Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker
a. Gold and silver were being discovered in the West and caused
many people to go West looking for it.
b. In the West, women gained suffrage before the women of the East.
c. The discover of gold and silver in the West helped bring people to
the West and set up towns and such over there.
VI. Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive
a. The Transcontinental Railroad made it much easier to get cattle
meat to the East.
b. Texas Cowboys drove cattle to a train station in what was called the
“Long Drive”.
c. The Transcontinental Railroad helped move cattle much easier.
VII.The Farmer’s Frontier
a. The Homestead Act of 1862 helped people fill in the empty space in
the Midwest US.
b. The land given to the people was of poor quality and normally
people had to give it back.
c. Dry Farming was started as a better way of farming the dry soil of
the plains; Wheat became very popular.
d. The effort of farming the dry plains was not practical until dry
farming and wheat were introduced.
VIII.The Far West Comes of Age
a. Western states began to be admitted into the Union after the Gold
Rushes, many of which were Republican.
IX. The Fading Frontier
a. There was no “frontier line” anymore because of the new
settlements breaking up the previously unoccupied space; western
cities began to grow.
X. The Farm Becomes a Factory
a. Wheat and corn became the cash crops of the West.
b. Inventions such as the twine binder and the combine helped speed
the harvest of wheat.
c. With many farms becoming “mechanized”, farming didn’t seem so
much as farming, as it did seem like “outdoor grain factories”.
XI. Deflation Dooms the Debtor
a. When the price of crops dropped, the farmers were forced to take
out mortgages.
XII.Unhappy Farmers
a. Droughts caused many people to give up farms.
b. The crop prices were unprotected and went down, while the
farmers still had to pay a lot for the necessary protected goods.
c. Farming was a risky business with unprotected markets and trusts
controlling the prices.
XIII.The Farmers Take Their Stand
a. The Farmers had groups trying to help their plight, such as the
Nation Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry and the Greenback
Labor Party that helped gain some stability in the market.
XIV.Prelude to Populism
a. Many alliances were formed including the Farmers’ Alliance, the
Colored Farmers’ National Alliance and the People’s Party, to help
break up the corporations that controlled their markets.
XV.Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike
a. Coxey wanted the government to help the unemployment by
making a pubic works program.
b. Pullman Palace Car Company cut wages, causing the Pullman
Strike in 1894.
c. Many people tried to fight back through strikes and unions.
XVI.Golden McKinley and Silver Bryan
a. The election of 1896 was between Republican William McKinley
and Democrat William Jennings Bryan; McKinley won.
XVII.Class Conflict: Plowholders versus Bondholders
a. The fourth party system came about after the election.
XVIII.Republican Stand-pattism Enthroned
a. Republicans took the credit for the prosperity the nation was

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