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Eyesofsight language ofsunrays

Illustration: The beam of sight and the sun ray are brothers, in the parsec-ray beaming from that they communicate with each other which goes back to sight in broad daylight shows the break of a sun-ray, in the the beginning of time. What has evolved since by night(?) miniaturization, and better known as gravitation is the propulsion of the parsec-ray, esoteric there, which emerges from behind the forehead the spirit from the mind and out the eyes. And, the sun appears propulsive with tis energy but the parsec-ray carries in its wake the sun rays. Illustration, of a sun ray:
the sun ray appears like a bristle, and behaves like a crawling millipede, which here shows the coil that holds a coaxial set of rays with the peeling of sailing iridescent flags.

my visions are always there with a message, and from this particular virtual images, I still can make out the details. I am given time to focus to a single straight sun ray of streaming

rainbow colors. I got to see the ray breaking off in the line of my own sight, and break in the shadow cast by a lonely tree canopy of the park where I laid on a picnic table. I came to see the three columns of coaxial Illustration, sail-flag: beams parting the passage in the the straight down single ray, cut off, and the S-shape atmosphere. The on its side, and like a roof tile over lapping the other untouched previous letting rain run from one to the next, or like a pull down blind streaming flag sailing in the wind, passed by heading for fluttering its rainbow colors for me to see! the surrounding grass that covered the ground. As skeptic I am, I left the far distant star sparkling in the shadow, until curiosity gnawed me. I never though of
The writer expresses an esoteric detailed chronology of psychic experiences, through the thread of a down to earth story on how the mind functions. He is committed to improving readability and understanding of such a controversial subject that is a lifetime thesis to show the interactive shadow of the living against a background of immaterial with the aim to reach the 7 to 77 old.

finding the slender white ray, but after a while, impatience, and desperation at odds, patience paid off. It tis then that I sought to find what I had missed out earlier. my eyes at right angle to the columns of sun rays. The enigma at understanding, and still today there is no logic to the S-Shaped lying on its side, which by a rolled up blind, still streams down the flags in the wind. After a while I came to Illustration: eyesight parsec-ray and the sunbeam:
vertically shown is the breaking down of sun rays by the parsec-ray of sight and blowing out the white flash of communication.

notice in the precise and unbelievable symmetry, the peeling. The break at right angle bend to form the hanger of the blind roller. Coiling off the column of coaxial rays, through which the parsec-ray carried on drawing and flag clones escape and wash down its colors.

The mystery of the cascade streams broken by the trippled flash of eyesight. the iridescent sails stopped their continuation with the ray peeling off from the outside off the coiled-up column. The coaxial sun bristles-rays which, on the contrary of the iridescent sails regenerated themselves and continued their onslaught towards earth. In this vision I saw the mountains grow out of the depth of the Illustration, elements:
the sun rays behave like a comb-gauge not only to outline the landscape but each and leaf , each person and animal, like needle pricks satellite view positioning every light on the globe.

ocean. With the staircase of life. The vegetation that I have know as a child of the jungle. I could only

go to the museum of national science, to reconstruct my vision of the vegetation and think, how little was needed for our paradise to vanish into heat waves, or turn into a ball of ice the ice plateau that was the source for life to evolve. Illustration, Why' the elements: The pieces of Why the bristles of a brush, why the optic-fibers column, the puzzle why the sun rays, why the millipede, and why the needle around the pricks in daylight and the night. Are on effective element parsec-ray. in the dynamics of the sun ray. dissimulated leads the column of sun ray in a bundle of brush bristles dusting the earth surface. these bristles grip the earth crust. millipede's limbs it isn't one millipede, but a massive needle prick of coaxial optic fiber columns. They walk but interact with a comb gauge precision the variable conditions, sinking in oceans and crawl out from one continent after loosing grip in the depth.

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