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Part 2: Language & Mass Communication (exam - paper 1)

Summary: - Language and mass communication, we focus on the way language is used in mass media, such as newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio or film. - We consider how both the production and reception of the tests is shaped by its medium of delivery. Common question asked in Part 2 Language and Mass Communication is: To what extent does a medium, determine a particular message? - Here we look at how the mass media use - Language to inform, persuade or entertain - You will want to examine the structural conventions of many texts types (what makes a speech a speech, audience etc..) FLAP Form structure, layout, presentation, font size, use of colour, images etc.. also think of connotations and impact Language Words used (emotive, facts, data; other literary or persuasive techniques, tone etc..) also think connotations Audience who is the target audience? F and L should help decide Purpose all adverts are designed to PERSUADE, comment on its success

Denotations What we say the word or inage is, is its literal meaning Literal Connotation Sometimes images and words can have other, implied, associated meanings Implied Associated meaning

Part 2 Textual Bias

What is bias ? - Lanague that supports an ideological position, either explicityly or implicityly - When we see subjectively in piece of writing that should be objective, we can claim that they are biased - In theory good journalism treis to avoid bias. IN practice, this does not always happen. Guiding Questions - How can we learn to identify biased language ? - How does the context of a text helpus understand its biased use of lanaguee ? - BIas has a fairly bad reputation. DOes good bias also exist ? - Is it even possible to avoid bias ? Questions to ask - Is the writerss voice present in the text ? - Does the writer quote someone else ? - Do you see emotive words : sensationalism - Is a person being attacked, personally ? or does the language critique a larger idea ? -

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