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Proceedings of /E TNCONQZ


K. Raiarnbal

C. C h e l l a m u t h u
VAR drawn by the wind electric generator is ZOO%, oT active powcr supplicd during low wind specds. As the VAR requiremenl of the G C E varies as lhe wind speed vanes, a dynamic VAR compcnsator should bc cmploycd. Out of many controllers available for reactive power control, Thyristor Switchcd Capacitor i.TSC) can be thc most economic solution (61 -171. The steady state performance of the GCIG has been discussed in depth for various assumed input power [XJ.
To the author's knowledge, the steady state performance of the wind electric generator including the turbine model is not reported in literature. Tlus paper presents the modeling of the Grid Connected Induction Cenerator(GClG')-Turhine .system including transformer and transmission line using MATLABISIMULINK. A simple computational procedure is prcserited to predict the system pcrfwmnce fur various wind velocitics at a given voltage (Va) and frequency (f) which reflects the existing situalion in wind I'arms. As a study case, the perlbrmance of a grid connected wind farm at Muppanndal with a fixed speed wind turbine or ratin8 250 kW. equipped with induction generator is analyzed. Simulation has been carried out to predict the system performance for the following four cases: (i) without conhpeilsatirip capacitor

Abslruct:The crliecis of variadon i n grid voltage and frcqucncy on thc pcrformancc of thc grid conncctcd wind electric generating sysiem has been studied for various wind vclocitics. The induction gcnc.rator, wind turhinc and other network components are modeled using MATLAB I SIMULINK .The modcl has hccn madc rcalistic by , considering the non-linear variation of R, and X of the induction generator. A simple simulation procedure is developed to predict the system performance and the results are presented. The dynamic VAR compensation by usins TSC is also studied and lhe hest location for the compensating capacitor is suggested. h d e r Terms induction generator, non-linedlily, Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC), wind enerey.
I, Introduction Generation of electricity from wind is the fastest prowirig energy ~echralogy n the world. The wind turbinei senerator system safely and efficiently turn wind into elecuical energy. Iiidia currently rarlks rourib in the global wind energy installation list with ahout 1271 MW installed capacity rstiniated on Feh 21)01, a figure placing it right behind Germany, Denmark and United states. The Washington hased world watch Institute recogfizes India as a 'Wind Super Power'[l].As per the current projections, the countpi will require an additional 150,000 MW of installed power generation capacity hy 2012 which would entail an aimual addition of ahout 10,0UO MW-15.000 MW every year [2]. As the traditional fossil fuels hecome more scarce and there is a growing concern over' the environmental impacts of the conventional energy systems, power generation from non- conventional energy resources has assumcd significance. Wind is one of the largest resource in the country with a potential of ahout 20,000 MW. The governmerit also promoles wind eriergy Ilirough various policies that' provide findiicial support in' different forms arid peanalize coriveiiiional energy generaling racilities. Howcvcr clcctric utility grid systcms can not readily acccpt coniiection ol' new geiierdtion plarii mainly due to reaclive powcr constiniption of wind farms [ 3 ] .For low and mcdium power generation, induction generators are preferred over convcntional altcmators as thcy havc ccrtain inhcrcnt advantages in the aspects of unit cost, maintenance, riigeedness and asynchronous operation. [4] and[5]. As the y i d coimccled induction generator (GCIG:) supplies active power and draws reactivc power from the grid, the VAR required by both iriduction generator and load is to be supplied hy the grid alone. T h s results in poor pf at the grid. 11 is reported that at Muppandal in'I'anulnadu, India,


iiii) (iv)

with TSC at the l o w voltage side of the transformer with 'ISC' at the high voltage side of the transformer. with'I'SC at the grid

Based on,the simulation results, the hest location for the compensating capacitor is suggested.
II Mudeling of the cuniponents Fig.1 shows the schematic diazram of the Wind

Eleclric Conversiou System (WECS) considered l'or study. A fixcd spccd wind turhinc cquippcd with a squirrcl cage induclion gerieralor is connected to grid Ihrough a slep up transformcr. Thc MATLABISIMULINK modcling of the wind turbine and other systeni components are dicussed hclow.
A. Wind Turbine

The iypical approximate output characteristics ol' the wind turbine is given by ( I ). Pw = 0.5 C, pAVJ. (1')



Where p (k2/m3) is the air deniity and A (m' ) is the area swept out by the turbine blades and V(mJs) is the wind velocity C, a dimensionless power coefficient depends on the type and operating conditions of the wind turbine. For a fixed pitch turbine, C, may he expressed as a function of iknown as the tip-speed r h o . .
0 2 6




'1. .p.Edn"*

Fig.? Power co-cfficieni VI Tip speed r a i i r for a dual pole machine



B. Induction Generafur and nehvork

I 0.035 -~ (h + 0.089) (p+ 1)

R is the radius (m) of the wind turbine rotor, mm (rad/sec'l

is the anpular speed and fl(deg) is the blade pitch angle. Based on the theory of fluid mechanics, it can he shown Illdl cp reaches the maximum value oTO.593, rererred as the Betz limit. This limit defines the maximum energy that can he extracted from wind. A typical Cp - h curve is shown in Fig.2 for a fixed pole machine. I n GCIG, lhr inaxinium Cp occurs a a sillgle wind L velocity as the shaft speed has to he nearly constant for a given grid frequency. This leads tn overall reducti0.n in energy capture over 111c ettlire operaliug range or wind speeds. 'The hest solution is to have a variahle speed operation wlicrcin thc spccd of thc rotor is wntrokdblc and continuously variable 191. 1," case of variable pitch turbines, this is achieved by adjusting 3 whereas in fixed pitch ! turhines the synchronous speed o f the induction generator is varicd by thc mcthod of polc changing. C;p - >. cumc is shown in Fig.3 for a dud specd induction gcncrator with a constant p. It is obscrvcd that the maximum Cp ran_eris increased.

The induction generator and network coniponents (transformer and interconnected lines) are represented by their single-phase equivalent circuit as shown in Fig.4 . The Saturation effects of the induction generator has hccn includcd in thc modcl. Figs. 5 and 6 show these variations with respect to air gap voltage.

Fig.4 Equivdlcnt Circuit of GCIG

To find the response of the system, a simplified 'Thcvenin's cquivdlcnt circuit as shown in Fig. can bc used where Zth and Vth correspond to the Thevenin equivalent impedance and voltage looking from terminals o l W s The equations which descrihe the performance of the induction generalor are given as lollows.


Maximum electro magnetic torque developed by the generator is

The slip at max torque is Fig.7 Thevenin Equivalent circuit of GCIG . The ratio of maximum torque speed IS

load torque at m y



The rotor current I? is

For known values of Tmax, S,,nzy. &TI, slip (s) can he determined. With the slip obtained rotor current is calculated using I10). Similarly stator current (1st) airgap voltage (Vgl and rolor curreill (I?) areobtained using eqs.(8)
. .

The MATLABKIMULINK model of the GCIG driven by wind turbine is shown in Fig. 8 .'Details of the machine and wind turbine are given in Appendix .A stall switch provided in thc model automatically selects the number of poles depending on the wind speed. The terminal voltage. frcqucncy and wind spccd arc thc inputs to the modcl. For wind speeds below 5 misec, synchronous speed of 750 'pm is chosen while the speeds ahove 5 i d s I000 rpni is used


V,+ 1st * z,

Fig S Siniuliilk model of GCIG

r m


xa van'",*,



% U

,Fig. 5 Non-lioeanty ofRm with Vg

To find the response of the' system, a simple step by step procedure is given below. Because of magnetic nonlinearity, the analysis uses an iterarive technique.

I. Make initial guess for the airgap voltage (Vd and and slip (s.1equal to 0.9Va and 0.5 STn,ayrespectively. 2.For the assumed value of V, corresponding values of R,, and X," are taken and V, is found out using ( 9 ) . R, and X , are updated for the current value of Vg. This process is repeated until the current and .updated values of Vg are equal. 3.For the assumed slip rotor current is found using (7) and (lO).The. ratio SIST,,, is adjusted until these two rotor currents are matched. 4.After both currents are matched, there may be a slight change in V , and step 2 is repeated


Ditlerent wind speeds are simulated up to stall limit through an integrator hlock automatically and is used lo evaluate the system performance for grid voltages of Va, Vail5% with the frequencies of 48 Hz and SO Hz. It is uhserved that vanation or V, with wind speeds varyillg from 5 msec to 25 nusec is small for a given voltage and frequency and therefore it is reasonable to assume that the magnetizing inductance is independent of wind speed and it is a function of grid voltage only. Thc Torquc-spccd charactcristics ofth GCIG-Turbinc System is shown in Fig491 which will be useful in the study or startins and braking or wind electric generaling system . . .

1 ;1









Fig 10 Active Power V s b h d

Wind Vetocit m k


- -







sped mm

Fig.9 Speed-Torque Charactwistics of Induction


Fig.11 Reactive Power Vs Windvelocity


The active power expon, reactive power import, current and power factor at the grid are presented in Figs(lO)-(21) considerin2 the voltage and frequency variations for diffcrcnt wind vclocitics. From thcsc results. thc following observations are made.
A. Sinrulalion ResuIls.WifhoufCompensating Capacilor


I 1 Effect ofvariation in grid voltage It is observed that there is a.niarginal increase in the export of activc powcr whcn thc grid voltage is varicd from 352.75 volts to 415 volts and it marginally decreases when it ts varied from 415 volts to 477.25 volts.It is also noticed that hoth at lower and higher voltages than rated value, irrespective of the frequency the maximum active power export is only 87% ofthe rated value without exceeding the current limit. The reactive VAK import increases with incrcasc in voltagc -.Thc powcr factor decrcascs with increase in voltage and the rate of change increases with iricrease in voltage.

Wlnd velcclty n$*

Fig.13 Gnd Current Vs Wind Velocity

2 ) Effcct of variation grid frequency The active power export increases with frequency and the rate of change increases with wind velocity. The reactive powcr import incrcascs with frcqucncy upto about 1 1 m/s after which it decreases. Power factor increases with increase in frequency.






Fig.13 Grkl Current Vs Wind Vdmity

Windvelccly d


B. Siniularion results with TSC

M d vdmw m3 n

Rg.14 Active Pwm Vs Wind Vdoclty


IS WindVelocity mi3


Fig.15 Reactive Power Vs Wind Velocity

Switched capacitor banks are ideal source for supplying reactive VAR to reduce the reactive VAR burden on the grid . It is shown that a capacitor with susceptance value more than 0.6 p.u. may lead to self excitation of the Induction generator which results in high voltages, ,typically 2 to -3 times the rated value at ttie machine terminals [IO]. 'Thyristor Switched capacitors provide optimum conipcnsation without thc risk of ovcr compensation or over voltage with negligible switching transients. 'The schenie of compensation has 100 KVAR fixed capacilor pernianeritly coririecied to [tie machine terminals and an additional compensation of 60 KVAR is provided in four cqual steps. Onc stcp of 15 KVAR capacitor is switched in !out whenever the reactive VAR drawniproduced exceeds 1.5 KVAR. From the simulation results , it is found that at rated voltage and frequency, without c.ompensaling capacitor the active power expon to the grid is reduced by 8% of the rated value. Further it is obscrvcd that whcn TSC of 160 KVAR is provided at thc at the generator terminals. the active power expon approaches the rated value. It is also iioticed that, when the same value of capacitor is providcd at the high voltage side ol' the iraiisfi~rmer,Ihe reduction is . % a i d value i n1 llic r and at grid terminals it increases to 6%. Thercibre it is advisiblc to kccp thc TSC right at thc iiiachinc tcnninals.








Fig.16 Power Faclorvs Wind Velocify

mls Fig 18 Active Power Vs Wind Velocity

Wind Velocity



Wind Velocity mls

- 1 6 ~

-2. -2.5

Fig.19 Reactive


Vs Wind



Fig.17 G i d

Current Vs Wind Velocity


Wind Turbine: Rotor Diameter (D) , Air density (p) Blade pitch angle (PJ Gear Ratio VII.References
29.Xm 1.2kg/111 -1.098 1 :25.44

[I]. Mridula chetri, Gone With Wind, Down To Earth,Vol.X,no.3,pp.Idjune199Y.

[Z] Victor K.Mallet, The Use of Wind Energy in India ; Term Paper,Sustainahle Energy ,10.391 J.pp.1-30,Sprig 2001
[3].Z.Chen, E.Spooner, Grid Power Quality with Variable Speed Wind Turhines, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion,Vol.,pp. 14X-154,June2001

W i d vclOcBy mis Fig.21 Grid Current Vs Wind Velocity

Bascd on thc simulation rcsults ,it is found that the systcm operating at noriual voltage and frequency is more efficient in terms of active power export. Thyristor on load tap chanzers miy he provided to keep the secondaly voltage at rated value. This will increase the power generation for the given wind velocity. With thyristor switched capacitor, the system performance is qonsiderdhly improved, The power factor is very close to unity which increases the tramformer efficiency. Therefore the transformer with Iowcr KVA rating may hc uscd. Thc hest location for TSC is identified to he at the peiierator terminals.

[4].A.N.Ghorashi,S.S.Murthy,B.P.Sin~h,B$msing;hnalys is of Wind Driven Grid Connected Induction Generators under UnhaldnGed Grid Conditions, IEEE TrdnSddiOn on Energy Conversion Vo1.9,no.2,pp.217-223,June 94
[5] KR Tang and Rohert Zavadil, Shunt Capacitor Failures Due Yo Windfami Induction Generator Self Excitation Phenomenon, IEEE Trans. on Energy conversion, Vo1.8, No.;, pp513-519, Sep. 1993. [6] M.B.Brennen and A.Ahhondati, Static Exciter litduction Generator, IEEE Trailsaction on Industrial Applications, Vol.IAS-13,no.5,pp2422-428,1977. [7]I..Shridar,R.Singh and C.S.Jha, Transient Performance of Self Regulated Short -Shunt Self Excited Induction Generators, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion,Vol 10,uo.Z,pp.261-261, June 1995. [B].S.S.Munhy, C.S.Jha and P.S. Nagendra RAO, Analysis ol Grid Coiiiiectrd liiduclioii Geiieralors Driveii by Hydro/ Wind Turhinc undcr Realistic Systcm Constraints. IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion, Vol EC5,No. l,ppl-6, 1990.


Data Regarding Induction Generatoi And Wind Turbine Induction Generator: Induction Gcncralor rating Gcnerator voltage Rated current Frequency Stator resistance i R I ) Stator reaclarice ( X I1 Rotor resistance referred to stator (R2) Rotor reactance referred to stator ( : X)

210 KW 415V 360 A 50 Hz 0.006 ohms 0.054 ohms 0.0047 ohms 0.WY ohms

[PIVenkatesh .R, Efficient utilization of wind energy Technological Possibilities ,Seminar on Efficient running of wind farms conducted hy Wind Power Association , Coimhatorc, India, 1997.

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