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Corrosion and its control


SYLLABUS Corrosion definition and types Electrochemical theory of corrosion Types of corrosion- Differential metal corrosion, Differential aeration corrosion (Pitting and water line corrosion), Stress corrosion (caustic embrittlement in boilers). Factors affecting the rate of corrosion. Corrosion control: Inorganic coatings Anodizing and phosphating Metal coatings Galvanizing and Tinning. Corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection.

Corrosion definition and types: It is defined as the destruction or deterioration and consequent loss of metals due to chemical or electrochemical attack on its surface by the environment. OR It is a process where a pure metal or alloy is transformed from its metallic state to the undesired combined state due to interaction with the environment through chemical or electrochemical attack. Example: 1. Rusting of iron-a reddish brown scale formation on iron and steel objects. It is due to formation of hydrated ferric oxide. 2. Green scales formed on copper vessel. (CuCO3+Cu(OH)2). Effect of corrosion: It is due to formation of basic carbonate

1. Loss of metal: The loss of metal due to corrosion as Rs.20000 crores per annum all
over the world. 2. Loss of useful properties of metal and result in loss of efficiency. 3. Maintenance and production cost increases. 4. Appearance: On rusting, reduced value of goods due to poor impression on the observer. 5. Contamination of products stored in storage tanks due to chemical reactions. 6. Loss of valuable products: The loss of uranium compounds is dangerous to environment. PACE-2011 Page 1

Corrosion and its control

7. While handling hazardous materials such as conc.HCl, conc.HNO3, explosive, the use
of construction materials that minimize the corrosion failures.

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Dry corrosion It occurs in dry condition. If the corrosion takes place due to direct chemical attack (in the absence of moisture), corrosion is known as dry corrosion.

Wet corrosion It occurs in wet condition. If the corrosion takes place due to electrochemical attack in presence of moisture or a conducting medium ,corrosion is known as wet corrosion Explained by electrochemical mechanism It occurs only on heterogeneous metal surfaces. Corrosion is not uniform. It is a fast process. Corrosion take place at anode but products accumulate near the cathode.

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Explained by absorption mechanism It occurs on both heterogeneous and homogeneous surfaces. Corrosion is uniform. It is a slow process. Corrosion products accumulate at the place where corrosion occurs.

Electrochemical theory of corrosion taking rusting of iron as an example: Electrochemical theory of Corrosion: Electrochemical corrosion or wet corrosion takes place on the metal when its exposed to environment in the presence of moisture. According to this theory,

1. Corrosion of metals occurs due to the formation of galvanic cells with anodic region
and cathodic region all over the metal substance. 2. Anodic region s undergoes oxidation forming metal ions and liberating electrons and suffers from corrosion. 3. At cathode region, reduction take place using electrons liberated at the anode. 4. Corrosion continuous as long as both anodic and cathodic reactions takes place simultaneously. Corrosion Reaction: Anodic Reaction: At anode oxidation takes place so that metal is converted into metal ions with the liberation of electrons. M Fe Mn+ + ne Fe+2 + 2e-


Cathodic Reactions: At cathode, reduction occurs due to the consumption of electrons generated at the anode. Cathodic reaction depends on the constituents of the corrosion


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Corrosion and its control medium and the nature of the corrosion environment. There are two types of reduction reactions: 1. Hydrogen type reaction in the absence of oxygen:

(a) In acidic medium and in the absence of O2.

2H+ + 2eH2

(b) In neutral or alkaline medium and in the absence of O2.

2H2O + 2e2OH+ H2 2. Oxygen type reaction in the presence of oxygen:

(a) In acidic medium and in the presence of O2

4H+ + O2 + 4e2H2O

(b) In basic or neutral medium and in the presence of O2

2H2O + O2 + 4e4OH

Thus corrosion of iron produces Fe+2 ions and OH- ions at anode and cathode sites respectively. These ions diffuse towards each other and combine to give insoluble ferrous hydroxide Fe(OH)2 . 2Fe+2 + 4OHrust), is hydrated ferric oxide. 4Fe(OH)2 + O2 + 2H2O iron (black rust). 3Fe(OH)2 + O2 Differential metal corrosion (galvanic Fe3O4 .3H2O 2[Fe2O3 . 3H2O] In the presence of limited oxygen, ferrous hydroxide is converted into magnetic oxide of 2Fe(OH)2 Further in an oxidizing environment, ferrous hydroxide is oxidized to ferric oxide (yellow

corrosion) with suitable examples:

When the two dissimilar metals are in contact with each other, the metal with lower reduction potential (anode) undergoes oxidation and the metal with higher electrode potential (cathode) undergoes reduction. The potential difference between the metals causes driving force for corrosion. The greater the electrode potential difference, the higher is the corrosion rate. Thus anodic area always undergoes corrosion and cathodic area remains unaffected. Eg1: Consider a bimetallic sample of iron and copper in fig (a). Iron is placed above copper in the electrochemical series. Therefore, iron acts as anode and undergoes corrosion, where as copper acts as cathode and remains unaffected.
Corrosion Reaction:


Fe+2 + 2e2OH

H2O +1/2 O2 + 2ePACE-2011

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Corrosion and its control 2Fe+2 + 4OH2Fe(OH)2

Eg2: Consider a bimetallic sample of iron and zinc in fig (b). Zinc is placed above iron in the electrochemical series. Therefore, zinc acts as anode and undergoes corrosion, where as iron acts as cathode and remains unaffected.

e Fe Fe

Cu 2OH

Fe 2OH

Zn Zn2+

Anodic site

Cathodic site

Cathodic site

Anodic site

Fig (a)

Fig (b)

Differential aeration corrosion with suitable examples: Differential aeration corrosion occurs when a metal surface is exposed to differential air concentration or oxygen concentration. The part of the metal exposed to air acts as cathode and part of the metal less aerated acts as anode. Consequently poorly aerated region undergoes corrosion. Eg:1) Consider a plate of pure iron which is partially immerced in an aerated solution of sodium chloride. Since cathodic reaction requires O2, the part of the metal exposed to air always acts as cathode. The portion of the metal immerced in NaCl is act as an anode. The reactions involved are as follows: At anode (less oxygen concentration): At cathode (more oxygen concentration): MMn+ + ne(oxidation) O2 + 2H2O + 4e -4OH-

2) Window rods inside the frame corrode more than the exposed region. 3) Paper pins inside the paper get corroded and the part is free from corrosion. 4) Partially buried pipeline in soil or submerged under water undergoes corrosion.

i) Water line corrosion: This type of corrosion is an example of differential aeration

corrosion. This is observed in (a) Water Storage Tank - in which water is stored for a long period. (b) Ocean going ship - hulls of ships which float for long periods in the sea water.


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Corrosion and its control

Cathode part

Water line Anodic part (a) Water storage tank (b) Ocean going ship

Corrosion of a metal just below the water line (water level) is referred to as water line corrosion. Area below the waterline being less oxygenated acts as anode and undergoes corrosion. The area above the waterline which is more oxygenated acts as cathode. Intense corrosion occurs at the anode and reduction of oxygen occurs near the waterline. Hence it is called water line corrosion.

ii) Pitting corrosion:

Pitting corrosion is a localized and accelerated corrosion resulting in the formation of pit or cavity, around which the metal is relatively unattacked. Pitting corrosion results when small particles of dust or water etc. are get deposited on a metal. The portion covered by the dust will not be well oxygenated compared to the exposed surface. Hence the covered surface becomes anodic with respect to the surface exposed. In presence of a moisture corrosion starts below the dust part. This causes pits or cavities in the metal. Hence it is called pitting corrosion. Once a pit is formed the rate of corrosion increases. This is because of the formation of small anodic area. The cathode induces the small anodic area to corrode faster by accepting electrons from the anodic are resulting in the enlargement of the pit. Eg: (1) Less aerated part of the machinery. (2) Less aerated parts of barbed wire. (3) Cracks in metals which are not well aerated. stress corrosion with example: Stress corrosion: When metals or alloys are subjected to metallurgical operations such as welding, bending & quenching a part of the metal or alloy undergoes stress. The metal atoms under stress position have high energy and act as anodic with respect to unstressed position. Under specific environment stressed portion undergoes corrosion initiating the crack. The corrosion medium is highly selective and specific in their action. PACE-2011 Page 5

Corrosion and its control For example,

(1) Season cracking of brass - Brass undergoes stress corrosion in the presence of

(2) Caustic embrittlement of Steel - Stainless steel in the presence of Chloride ions and
caustics. Caustic embrittlement: It is a type of stress corrosion that takes place in boilers which works between the pressures of 10-20 atmospheres. Fine hairline cracks may be presented at the stressed portion of the boiler. Boiler water usually contains some sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). This enters the cracks and at high pressure & temperature, Na2CO3 undergoes hydrolysis producing NaOH. Na2CO3 + H2O 2NaOH + CO2 The NaOH remains in the cracks and CO2 escapes. The concentration of alkali increases gradually and when it reaches 10% a galvanic cell is formed between the iron under stress and iron in the main body. The iron surrounded by dilute NaOH is the cathode and the iron under stress acts as anode and undergoes corrosion resulting in boiler failure or boiler explosion. Iron (under stress) Anode Concentrated NaOH Dilute NaOH Iron (main body) Cathode

3Na2FeO2 + 4H2O 6Na2FeO2 + 6H2O + O2

6NaOH + Fe3O4 + H2 12NaOH + 2Fe3O4

Caustic embritlement can be prevented by the addition of compounds such as Sodium Sulphate to boiler water which blocks the cracks, thereby preventing the infiltration of alkali. Note on galvanic series: The electrochemical series, though useful, does not account for the corrosion of all metals and alloys. Consequently, a more practical series called galvanic series have been prepared by studying the corrosion of metals and alloys in a given environment like sea water. Thus, galvanic series give real and useful information for studying the corrosion of metals and alloys. An arrangement of metals and alloys in the order of their corrosion resistance in a given environment is referred to as galvanic series. Characteristics of galvanic series:


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Corrosion and its control 1. Galvanic series was prepared by studying the corrosion of metals and alloys in a given environment like sea water, without their oxide films, if any, removed. 2. The position of a metal, when present in the form of an alloy is different from that of pure metal. 3. This series comprises of metals and alloys. 4. Since alloys are included in this series, so their corrosion can be studied from this series. 5. It predicts the relative corrosion tendencies. Mg Mg alloys Zn Al Cast iron Pb Sn Brass Cu Stainless steel Ag Ti Au Pt Active (Anodic)

Noble (Cathodic)

Factors influencing corrosion rate: The rate and extent of corrosion depends upon the following factors. Some of which are related to metal and some of which are related to the environment. (A) Primary factors related to metal: 1. Nature of the metal: [Jan2007] The tendency of a metal to undergo corrosion is dependent on the nature of the metal. Metals with lower reduction potential undergo corrosion easily whereas metals with higher reduction potential do not undergo corrosion easily. The reactive metals like Na, K, Mg, Zn are more susceptible for corrosion. The noble metals like Ag, Au, Pt, Pd are less susceptible for corrosion. 2. Surface state of the metal: Corrosion is surface phenomenon, larger the surface area or finer the grain size of the metal, more will be the corrosion. Smooth surface resist corrosion than the rough surface.


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Corrosion and its control Due to ups and downs on the rough surface, there will be formation of large number of air concentration cells with anodic and cathodic regions. Hence the metal suffers corrosion. 3. Nature of the corrosion product: [Jan2010] It largely decides the rate of corrosion. If the corrosion product is insoluble, stable, uniform and nonporous, it acts as a protective film preventing the further corrosion. If the corrosion product formed is soluble, unstable, porous and non uniform, the corrosion continues. 4. Hydrogen over voltage: [Jan2010] If the hydrogen over voltage of metal is low, it is more susceptible for corrosion. When the cathodic reaction is of hydrogen evolution type with lower hydrogen over voltage, hydrogen gas is evolved easily and thus cathodic reaction is faster and corrosion of metal becomes fast. In metals with higher hydrogen over voltage, cathodic reaction is slow and corrosion of metal becomes slow. (B)Secondary factors related to environment: 1. pH of the medium: [Jan2008] In general, lower the pH higher is the rate of corrosion. If the pH is greater than 10, corrosion of iron is very less due to the formation of protective coating of hydrous oxides of iron. If pH is between 10 and 3, then presence of oxygen is essential for corrosion of iron. If the pH is 3 or lower than 3 severe corrosion occurs in the absence of air due to the continuous evolution of H2 at cathode. However metals like Al, Zn etc undergo fast corrosion in highly alkaline medium. 2. Temperature: [Jan2008] As temperature increases, rate of corrosion also increases. This is because increase in temperature increases the conductance of the aqueous medium .As a result rate of diffusion also increases. 3. Presence of oxidizing agents: The presence of oxidizing agents increases the corrosion rate of the metal. Even noble metals undergo corrosion in the presence of oxidizing agents. 4. Humidity: Most of the metals corrode faster in a humid atmosphere than in dry air. There is a particular value of humidity called critical humidity above which corrosion rate steeply increases. Humidity (moisture) provides conducting medium which helps in

(i) Formation of electrochemical cell on the surface. (ii) Dissolution of gases like O2, CO2, SO2 etc that help in corrosion.
5. Presence of impurities in the atmosphere:


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Corrosion and its control Presence of impurities like SO2, HCl in the environment increases the rate of corrosion due to acidic conditions created by their dissolution. For example, when SO 2 is present as impurity in the atmosphere, it combines with moisture or rain water forming sulphuric acid. In the presence of an acid metals like iron are more susceptible for corrosion. 6. Conductance of the medium: Presence of conducting species in the atmosphere increases the rate of corrosion. This is because, higher the conductivity of the medium, faster the ions can migrate between anodic and cathodic regions of the corrosion cell, in turn faster will be the exchange of electrons at the electrode surfaces. Therefore, corrosion problem is more in the sea water than in fresh water. 7. Area effect: [Jan2007] Smaller the anodic area, larger the cathodic area, faster will be the rate of corrosion and conversely, larger the anodic area, smaller the cathodic area, slower will be the rate of corrosion. This is because electrons liberated at anode (smaller the anodic area) are consumed quickly by the large cathodic area and hence, the rate of corrosion will be more. 8. Polarization at anodic and cathodic area: Polarization of cathode or anode decreases the rate of corrosion. If anodic polarization takes place due to some reaction, then tendency of metal to undergo oxidation decreases hence dissolution of metals as metal ion decreases. This is usually due to increase in concentration of ions of the dissolved metals in the vicinity of electrode or also due to the anodic passivity. Cathode polarization decreases the cathodic reaction hence hindering the combination of cathode reactant and electron. For the corrosion to continue both anodic and cathodic reaction should take place simultaneously if any one reaction is slower then the rate of corrosion is slower. Use of depolarizers reduces the polarization effect hence the rate of corrosion reaction increases. Protective coating Application of protective coating is one of the important methods of corrosion control. The protective coating protects the metal from corrosion by acting as a barrier between the metal and the corrosion environment. a. Metal coating b. Inorganic coating c. Organic coating (a) Metal coating:


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Corrosion and its control Metals are coated over the surface of a base metal (which is to be protected) by electrodeposition, flame spraying, cladding or hot dipping. Metal coating is deposition of a protective metal over the surface of a base metal is called metallic coating. They are of 2 types: namely anodic coating & cathodic coating. (i) Anodic Coating: Anodic coatings are produced by coating a base metal with more active metals which are anodic to the base metal. The metal coated on the base metal acts as the anode and undergoes sacrificial oxidative corrosion giving protection to the metal underneath. Eg: Iron is coated with anodic and active metals like Zn, Mg, and Al. One advantage of anodic coating is that, even if the coating is ruptured, the base metal does not undergo corrosion. The exposed surface of the base metal is cathodic with respect to the coating metal and coating metal only undergone corrosion there by protecting the base metal. Therefore, anodic coating is also known as sacrificial coating. Galvanization is a process of coating a base metal surface with Zinc metal. Galvanization is carried out by hot dipping method. The galvanization process involves the following steps. (1) The metal surface is washed with organic solvents to remove organic matter on the surface (2) Rust and other deposits are removed by washing with dilute sulphuric acid.

(3) Finally the article is well washed with distilled water and air-dried. (4) The article is then dipped in a bath of molten zinc, maintained at 425 430C and
covered with a flux of ammonium chloride to prevent the oxidation of molten zinc.

(5) The excess zinc on the surface is removed by passing through a pair of hot rollers,
which wipes out excess of zinc coating and produces a thin coating.

(6) Finally the article is annealed at 6500C and then cooled slowly.
Note: Zinc has lower electrode potential (-0.076V) compared to iron (-0.44V). Iron does not rust as long as some zinc remains on iron. Applications:

It is used to protect roofing sheets, water pipes, barbed wire, buckets etc. Galvanized articles are not used for preparing and storing foodstuffs, since zinc dissolves in dilute acids producing toxic zinc compounds.

(ii) Cathodic Coating : Cathodic coatings are produced by coating a base metal with a more noble metal (having higher electrode potential) which is cathodic. PACE-2011 Page 10

Corrosion and its control Eg: Cu, Ni, Sn or Ag is commonly used as cathodic coatings on steel. These noble metals are less reactive than the base metal and are less susceptible for corrosion. The cathodic coating provides protection only when it is undamaged, continuous and non porous. Tinning is a process of coating a base metal with tin. Tinning of iron or steel sheet is carried out by hot dipping method and the process involves the following steps. 1. The sheet is first washed with organic solvents to remove grease or oil deposits.

2. Then treated with dilute sulphuric acid to remove rust and scale deposits. 3.
Finally it is washed well with distilled water and air-dried.

4. The cleaned and dried sheet is passed through molten zinc chloride flux. The flux
helps the molten metal to adhere to the metal sheet. 5. It is then passed through a tank that contains molten tin.

6. Finally passed through a series of rollers immersed in palm oil. The palm oil
protects the hot tin-coated surface against oxidation.

7. The rollers remove any excess of tin and produce a continuous, thin coating of
tin on the sheet. Application: It is used to produce tin coated steel for making containers used for store food stuffs. Tin coated copper or brass vessels prevent contamination of food with poisonous copper salts. b) Inorganic coating: [Jan2011] Inorganic coatings are generally chemical conversion coatings. A surface layer of the metal is converted into a compound, by chemical or electrochemical reactions, which forms a barrier between the underlying metal surface and the corrosion environment. There are two methods. i) Anodizing: It is a process in which a protective passive metal oxide film is produced chemically or electrochemically on certain metals. Anodized coatings are generally produced on non-ferrous metals like Al, Zn, Mg and their alloys by anodic oxidation process using suitable electrolyte and electric current. The process anodization of aluminium consists of following steps.

1. The Al article to be anodized is first de-greased with organic solvents and polished to
get clean surface. Then it is used as anode.

2. It is then dipped in 5-10% chromic acid solution (even sulphuric acid and boric acid
can be used). PACE-2011 Page 11

Corrosion and its control 3. Pb is generally used as cathode.

4. A current density of about 150 mA/cm 2 at 40V and temperature of about 35-400C is

5. The aluminium oxide films of about 5-20nm thickness formed on aluminium. The
oxide coating is slightly porous. The pores are sealed by dipping in boiling water.

6. Al2O3 gets hydrated to Al2O3.H20 which occupies more volume and hence protects the
metal from corrosion. Application: Anodizing is used to produce articles such as window frames, household articles. Anodized Al is used in aircrafts. Anodization is used for aluminium pressure cookers and cooking pots.

ii) Phosphate coating: The coating of phosphates by the chemical reaction of base metal when it is immersed in an electrolyte solution of a phosphate and phosphoric acid is called phosphating. The mechanism involves following steps. 1. First dissolution of metals as metal ions. 2. Metal ions reacting with phosphate ions to form insoluble metal phosphate. 3. Deposition of the metal phosphate on the surface of the base metal. The process involves following steps. 1. The surface of the metal is first de-greased with organic solvents and polished to get clean surface.

2. The article is immersed in a phosphating bath containing a mixture of phosphoric

acid & Zn or Mn phosphate solution along with an accelerator like metal nitrites, hydrogen peroxide, etc to enhance the rate of deposition. Deposition is carried out at 350C by maintaining the pH of 1.8-3.2. Application: Phosphate coating is given before painting bodies of automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines.

Phosphating is widely used for protection of metal parts which cannot be easily painted or plated. Eg: Nuts, bolts, moving parts of machinery. Galvanized iron (which is difficult to paint satisfactorily) is phosphated before painting.


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Corrosion and its control c) Organic coatings: The most widely used corrosion control is to paint the articles to be protected with paints or lacquers. The function of the organic coatings is two-fold. (i) (ii) The organic coating acts as a barrier between the metal and the corrosion environment. The pigments (red lead, zinc chromate etc) or dry oils (linseed oil, wood oil etc) present in the paint often exert an inhibitive action on the corrosion process. Anodic coating Electrode potential of coating metal is lower than that of the base metal It protects the base metal sacrificially If any discontinuity occurs in the coating, the base metal is not corroded until all the coating metal is destroyed. 4 Eg: Coating of Zn on Fe Corrosion inhibitors: Cathodic coating Electrode potential of coating metal is higher than that of the base metal It protects the base metal due its noble character and corrosion resistance in nature. If any discontinuity occurs in the coating, corrosion of the base metal is speeded up. Eg: Coating of Sn on Fe

1 2 3

Corrosion inhibitors are substances which when in small concentrations to a corrosive environment decreases the corrosion rate. The inhibitors provide protection against corrosion by retarding either anodic or cathodic reactions. They are broadly classified as


Anodic inhibitors (b) Cathodic inhibitors

(a) Anodic inhibitors: During corrosion of metals, oxidation occurs at anodic side and if this oxidation is prevented, cathodic reactions also stop there by retarding corrosion reaction. This is achieved by addition of anions such as chromate, tungstate, molybdate, phosphate etc. These anions combine with metal ions formed at the anodes forming sparingly soluble respective salts. These salts get deposited on the anodic side and acts as a barrier between the metal surface and the corrosive environment. Thus further anodic reaction is prevented. Anodic inhibitors are found to be effective only when sufficient quantities of inhibitors are added. For example when iron is corroding sodium phosphate is added as an inhibitor. The reaction leading to insoluble salt formation is Na3PO4 Fe Fe2+ PACE-2011 + PO4 33Na+ + PO4 3Fe2+ + 2e- (at anode) - oxidation Fe3 (PO4)2 Page 13

Corrosion and its control

(b) Cathodic inhibitors: The two important types of cathodic reactions are liberation of H2 gas and absorption of O2.Therefore there are two distinct methods in achieving inhibition by cathodic reactions i.e.1) Preventing liberation of H2 gas 2) Preventing absorption of O2. 1) Inhibition of H2 evolution: It is achieved by adding certain organic compounds such as urea, thiourea, aliphatic amines, etc which hinders the diffusion of H+ ions toward cathodic surface. It is also done by increasing hydrogen overvoltage by adding oxides of arsenic or antimony. 2) Preventing absorption of O2: It is achieved by removing O2 from the corrosive medium. This is done by adding compounds like hydrazine or sodium sulphite. 2Na2SO3 + O2 N2H4 + O2 2Na2SO4 N2 + 2H2O

It is also removed by adding salts like ZnSO4, MgSO4 etc which form insoluble hydroxide at the cathode. These hydroxides deposits on cathode and prevents from corrosion. Zn2+ Mg

+ 2OH+ 2OH

Zn (OH)2(s) Mg (OH)2(s)

Cathodic protection: Metals undergo corrosion due to the formation of galvanic cells. It is also anode which suffers corrosion. Therefore the principle involved in this method is to force the metal to be protected to behave as cathode, there by corrosion does not occur. This is done by converting anodic side into cathodic side. This phenomenon is known as cathodic protection. Cathodic protection can be achieved by following methods:

1. Sacrificial anode method. 2. Impressed current method

1. Sacrificial anode method: In this method, the metal to be protected is converted into cathode by connecting it to a more active metal. The more reactive metals like Zn, Mg, Al and their alloys can be used as anodes, which when connected to the metal object undergoes preferential corrosion (sacrifices itself) protecting the metal structure. The sacrificial anode continuously corrodes and gives the electrons to the protected metal and forces it to act as cathode, which remains unaffected. required. Application: PACE-2011 Page 14 Exhausted sacrifial anodes are replaced by new ones as and when

Corrosion and its control a) This method is used for protecting storage tanks with Mg blocks. b) Mg bars are fixed to the sides of ocean going ships to act as sacrificial anodes. c) This method is used for protecting buried iron pipe lines with Mg blocks.

Under groun d steel tank (a)

Mg Mg Mg

Pi p e li n e



Cathodic protection by sacrificial anode method Advantages: (1) The method is simple (2) Low installation cost (3) Minimum maintenance cost (4) Does not require power supply Disadvantage: Replacement of consumed anodes. (2) Impressed current method: Another method providing cathodic protection is by applying a direct current larger than the corrosion current. The protected metal is made cathodic by connecting to the negative terminal of the d.c power supply. The positive terminal of the d.c power supply is connected to an inert electrode like graphite. The metal structure being cathodic does not undergo corrosion. Anode being inert remains unaffected.


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Corrosion and its control

Advantages: (1) One installation can protect large area of metal. (2) Low installation cost. Applications: Impressed current or impressed voltage method is used to protect i) Buried oil pipe line. ii) Marine pipes. iii) Buried water storage tanks.


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