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[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Subject Markers
-// are used to designate which word in a clause, phrase, or sentence is the subject. This makes clear or emphasis what the sentence or clause is about. - is attached to words ending in a consonant - is attached to words ending in a vowel - is the honorific form of -/ is attached to the noun regardless of whether it ends in a vowel or consonant. It is used to refer people of higher social rank such has teachers, parents, high officials, etc. Examples: . The dog is small. . My daughter likes milk. . My grandfather is sleeping.

Object Markers /
-/ are used to designate which word is the object of a phrase, clause, or sentence. - is attached to a word ending in a consonant. - is attached to a word ending in a vowel.

-/- The -() grammar pattern is used to show cause and effect. It would best translated as "because". The - is only used with a verb stem, otherwise, it's left off. There is no differentiation between whether the preceding syllable ends with a vowel or consonant, nor are there any restrictions on tense. This pattern can't be used if the final/main clause is an imperative or propositive; rather use (). - is used with a verb. - is used with a noun. Examples: !

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 I can't go because of you! When used with a noun, almost always has a negative connotation and conveys blame. . I couldn't go because it rained. When used with a verb, it may also convey negativity and blame, but it depends on the tone of your voice and how the sentence is put together. As you can see, -() is just as versatile in Korean as it is in English. When used with a noun, just as in English, it will be difficult to word it without having a negative connotation, however with a verb it depends upon the tone of the speaker's voice as well as the structure and organization of the sentence.

To a (person)
To a (person) -// This is attached to a (personal) noun or pronoun and indicates the receiver of an action or for whom something is done or exists. It is used only with living things. - is the honorific form. - and are interchangeable. The opposite of this pattern is -. Examples: . I give the book to my friend. . Please ask the teacher. see also -/

Tries doing //
someone tries doing something action verb + or or is used to show someone tries to do something or has the experience of doing something. - is attached to a verb whose last vowel is or and is attached to verbs whose last vowel is any other vowel. It can be used with difference tenses and the honorific modifier -. If used in an imperative sentence it implies the listener has the choice to refuse. Examples: ? Have you been to Korea (i.e. have you had the experience of going to Korea)? . You should go (i.e. you should try to go).

honorific infix -/
To show respect for the listener and/or the person talked about insert -/ between the verb stem and the verb ending. Be aware some honorific verbs such as (to eat) already have built-in. is placed after a vowel whereas is placed after a consonant.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples: . My father is short. . My commander is tall.

Is -
I am... The - verb is used like we would use is or am in English. For example, I am twenty years old. It always attaches itself to another word, usually nouns, and falls at the end of a sentence. You can add the honorific infix -/ to show respect. This verb is used to link two nouns that talking about the same thing or person. Think of this verb meaning "equal" i.e. this equals that as in John is my brother. Don't confuse - with - which expresses existence. It is always pronounced as part of the word it's attached to. - the opposite of is Examples: . I am twenty years old. John Smith . I am John Smith.

When vs+
when, at the time of verb stem (action or stative) + / is to to express when or at the time of. Since is a noun it can be used with any noun marker such as /, /, etc. or noun suffix such as (until), (from), (every), (also, too, even), etc. It cannot be used with the verb - however. Instead use as in the example ...(When I was a soldier...). - is used after verbs stems ending in a vowel whereas - is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. If both clauses occur in the past you don't have to use the past base -- with / and the tense can be indicated in the main clause. However, if the action in the main clause occurs before the dependent clause, then use the past base with / as in the example , (When I came to the U.S. it was very hot). When you use this construction you can use a comma between the clauses. Also, the noun means time and can be used with other nouns such as (lunchtime), 6 (when I was six), etc. Examples ? Who came when (literally the time that I was) I was eating? . When that person was young (implies isn't young anymore by use of the past base) he was fat. . Every time I leave the house I spend money.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Also -
also, too, even, indeed The particle - can be attached to almost any word in a sentence and always refers to the word to which is attached. It means "also","too", "even", "indeed", etc. When used with a negative form it means "even". When attached to an adverb it indicates admiration or emphasizes the adverb itself. When - appears in the sentence twice it shows agreement between noun phrases as in both A and B... or neither A nor B. Both phrases must agree. Examples: . This desk is also good. . I also work at night. . I also bought a car. . Mr. Kim doesn't even study. . He sleeps very well. . I have neither time nor money. . That woman has both a car and bicycle.

Only -
only, just - is attached to nouns and means only or just. It can replace a subject marker or object marker and can either replace another marker (such as ((to,from, at)), to a person?, etc.) or be added to it. Examples: . I only eat at home. ? Shall we order just food. . He is the only one smoking.

In order to -() + //
In order to, purpose of coming/going When you need to express the reason for going somewhere or coming from somewhere, you can use this grammar pattern. However, this grammar pattern is restricted to verbs similar the ones above (They must express movement like come, go, go around). The general translation for this is "in order to", or shorter, "to". When the verb stem ends with a consonant, use "", except when the consonant is a , then do as you do with vowels and simply add . Note: Tense is specified by the ending clause in the sentence. There is no reason to include a

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 future/past tense infix on the VS connecting to . Examples: . I went to meet PFC Kim. . I came to eat with Mr. Wong. This pattern is similar to () but that pattern can attach to any action verb.

Particle - "In, At, From"

In, At, From The particle - has two different meanings depending on how it used. First, it means at or in and shows where the action is taking place. It's attached to a noun and is always followed by an action verb. The second meaning is from, i.e. from a place. Use - to indicate from a person. Note: when using the verbs / (which are existence verbs), use the particle - instead. Examples: . I read at the library. . The man is coming from Korea today. . I leave from school at five o'clock.

See also -

Imperative Sentences - -,
Please do... To make a sentence imperative you can use -/ or -. Add one of these to the verb stem and it becomes imperative. -/ is formal speech spoken to people older than you or of higher social status. - is a polite form but is used with people that you are familiar with. - is added to verb stems ending in a vowel whereas - is added to verb stems ending in a consonant. - is also used as a polite declarative sentence ending. Examples: . Please come tomorrow. . Please read the book. . Please do it now. See also Informal Imperative Sentences.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Informal Imperative Sentences -

Do such and such... To request someone to do something informally you can use // or -/ with a verb stem. - goes after a verb stem with the last vowel - or and goes after after a - verb and finally - goes after any other vowel. - goes after verb stems ending in a consonant while - goes after a verb stem ending in a vowel. Examples: . Go home now. . Be quiet. . Read the magazine. See also Imperative Sentences for the formal and polite imperative sentence endings.

The particle -/ By means of, with, to, towards

by means, with, to, towards The particle -/ is attached to nouns and expresses to or towards or a mean by which something is done. It can be used in four ways; 1. function as, in the capacity of, 2. direction towards, in the direction of 3. means with, by, by means of 4. Manner -ly. - follows nouns ending in a vowel and - follows nouns ending in a consonant. Examples: . Please write with a pencil. . I will go by car. ? How will you come? . He sings passionately. . I visit Korea as an exchange student.

The particle , at, in, for, to

at, in, by, for, with, on, to

The particle - is mostly to show someone or something is stationary in a place. It's easily confused with - but remember - tells where an action takes place. is always attached to a noun and is followed by an inactive noun such as (to exist), (to not exist), (to be many), (to live), etc. This particle allows you to indicate where a noun is at, in, by, or on, etc. Furthermore it is used to denote when an action takes place (for example, ; Go at 3 o'clock.) or a destination (for example, ; I went to my house). Also, when used with nouns denoting numerals, it shows a unit of value or proportion (at, in, for, by, per). Lastly, it sometimes used to mean "for" when used for the object of a passive verb. To sum it up, it can be used to denote location (in, at, by) or destination (to), or time (in, at, on).

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 Examples: . I arrived at the library. ? What do you on the weekends? . The cat is in the yard. . My room is always ready for inspection. ? How much did you by the car for? . I go on vacation one time per year.

The particle - until, by, to

to, until, by The particle - shows a specific that an action or condition continues to when it's preceded by a time expression or phrase. It can attach itself to nouns, other particles, verb endings, or adverbs. The opposite word from - is -. It can also be used sometimes to convey the idea that a situation or happenstance is unexpected. For example, (You even graduated from high school and you don't know that?)? In other words, this usage translates to "even {if, you, me, etc.}". It can be attached to distance nouns in which case it means "all the way to" the place or until the place. If it is attached to a noun, it can mean "so far as", "even", "on top of that", "moreover", etc. For example, " /I even forget my book" or "Moreover/on top of that, I forget my book". This usage is dependent on context obviously. Examples: . I listened to music until now. . Let's drive as far as Seoul. . Go by tomorrow.

The particle from

From - means "from" when attached or following time or place words and indicates a starting time or the place from which a physical movement begins. However, it is mostly used with time words. It's opposite is -. It's usually interchangeable with -. Examples: . I start school from tomorrow. . From now {on} don't from my car. . I slept from beginning to end.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Past tense infix/base -//

simple past The past tense infix is attached to a verb stem to show simple past. Which of the three bases (//) you use depends on the last vowel of the verb stem (not the final letter of the verb stem). In verb stems where the final vowel is a or you add . If it the final letter is any other vowel such as ,,,, use . If the verb ends in -, then you add . The contracted forms used in the examples below are the normal usage. Examples: (contraction of )/. I went. . I ate. (contraction of ). I studied. . Father read a book (note: the honorific infix - can be/has been added before the past base).

After doing (something) -

afterwards, later Action verb stem plus - /- means "after doing {the verb it's attached to}. It can also be placed after a noun to mean after that noun (for example, ; after lunch). - is added to verb stems ending in a vowel while - is added to verb stems ending in a consonant. This pattern is mostly synomous with - /- (meaning next). However, - implies later whereas impies immediately later/right after. It's also synomous with - /- (literally...behind). It all of these patterns the particle - can be dropped. Then opposite of this pattern is - (before). Examples: . The train will arrive after 40 minutes. . After swimming, let's shower. . After I eat breakfast ,I go to school.

Transferetive Ending -()

did and then, did but, while doing, as, then, and then, while

Verb stem + - is used when you want to express that some action or state in that past was interrupted and changes to some other state or action i.e. "switch gears". - can be dropped. The two clauses connected by - must have the same subject. If the verb stem that is attached is the past form, then the usage is a little different. In that case, it implies that the interrupted/shifted action has been completed before the interruption or that the shifted action had come full circle. It works well when the two clauses contradict each other. Also, a state of constant alternating actions is suggested when two verbs ending in -/ are followed by .

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

- this pattern differs from the pattern - in that - shows an interruption of an action whereas -// shows that an action was completed followed by a change of location. The pattern // shows a certain continuity from a first action to the next. Examples: . On the way to the department store I met my friend (in this case it's unclear if he/she continued to the department store or changed his/her plans and went with the friend). . I met at the department store ( this implies he/she unexpectedly met his/her after he/she go to the department store).
**constrast these examples to " " which implies it was an expected meeting by which they went to the store to meet their friend.

, (He can't find the clothing store and so he keeps going up and down the street). . When I was going to the restaurant I met my teacher. ? Shall we go to school {first} and then drop by the library? . He was running and then fell down. Thanks to Ms. Chong Royal for the examples.

- Shall we...?/Will it be...?

Verb stem+ - /- is to ask someone about their opinion or view and can be used with any verb. - is attached to a verb stem ending in a consonant while - is attached to a verb stem ending a vowel. When the sentence subject is we, the speaker is suggestion that something been done together ( ? Shall we go to the park?). When the sentence subject is I, it can be used be as confirmation of the speaker's wish or to ask permission ( ? Shall I order you a beer?). If used to refer to a second person it expresses speculation about the subject's action or condition. For example, " ? Do you think we can arrive at that place in two hours?" When used to refer to a third person then it implies "Do you suppose, I wonder if, etc." For example, " ? Do you suppose the car is too dirty?". In this case, it's used for conjecture about an action or state of what you are talking about. It can be used to with the past tense to indicate wondering about a past event. For example, " ? I wonder if Mr. Han returned from Korea yesterday? {shown with the honorific - inserted}" This form is somewhat less direct or assertive than the verb stem +() pattern. The honorific - can be added between the verb stem and this construction. The polite ending - can be dropped.

Examples: ? Shall I introduce my wife first? ? Shall we see a movie? ? Do you suppose the weather will be hot tomorrow? ? Will it be interesting (what's your opinion)?

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

See also -() .

Thinking of doing... -() .

Verb stem + - / means "is thinking of doing so and so...", i.e. to express intentions or future plans and intentions. The - can be changed to other forms such as (since/because), (and), (also), etc. Not used with questions and is mostly interchangeable with -() but this form suggests the speaker is more tentative than -() does.

Examples: . I think of going by airplane. see also -().

The contrast particle -/

The particle -/ is used to compare topics being discussed, though one the topics might only be implied. - is attached words ending in a consonant whereas - is attached to words ending in a vowel. This particle can be attached to almost any part of a sentence. For example, it can replace subject markers, object particles, with other particles (such as -, , etc.), with negative forms For example /I don't see it (but since this particle implies contrast I may have heard it or smelled and at any rate, I didn't see it.). Also, it can be used to emphasize a particular part of the sentence as seen in the following examples; Now the dog -/ is eating the bone in the yard; As for the dog... Now -/ the dog is eating the bone in the yard; As to what is happening now... Now the dog is eating the bone-/ in the yard; What I want to mention about the bone is... Now the dog is eating the bone in the yard -/; To talk about what's going in the yard...

It is not used with interrogative words such as what, who, what kind, where (, , , respectively), etc. as those focus attention on that part of the sentence anyways. Furthermore, in a subsequent sentence this particle is not attached to the word that answers the interrogative word in the preceding sentence (for example, if a car is the "what" in a previous sentence and it would be and not ).
It is used in sentences that have a pattern showing comparison between two different subjects such as -/but, -/and, -/even though, etc. For example, /This car is good but that car is bad. If an affirmative question form is used with the particle -, a negative answer always takes this particle. For example, /Are you also buying an


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

apple? , /No, I'm not buying an apple. Furthermore, when speaking new topics tend to have the subject markers -/ attached to mark them as new information and the same topics are mentioned subsequently, they are marked with -/ is designate them as old information in the discussion.

Warning: The particle - can be confused with the attributive suffix/processive modifier - and so you must examine the context in which it's used to discern the true intent.

To clean/wash
The Korean language uses different verbs for different types of cleaning. They are; : To clean/wash clothes : To clean up, wipe, or vacuum house, room, building, vehicles, etc. : To clean, wash your face : To clean/wash a car : To clean/polish/wash windows, teeth, shoes : To wipe/clean with a cloth/mop : To wash the body, self : To wash hair : To wash dishes : To launder/wash clothes : To be clean/washed

To wear/use
The Korean language uses different verbs for different items that you wear or use. They are: : To wear clothes : To wear a necktie; literally to tie, bind, knot,fasten : To wear a watch, seat belt, belt; literally to put on, fasten on, carry : To wear glasses, hat; literally to use : To wear footwear (socks, shoes, etc.) : To wear gloves, rings, contact lenses, glasses; literally to put on, pull on : To wear necktie, seat belt, belt; literally to put on, wear (formal word) : To wear necklace, necktie, earrings; literally to do


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Negative adverb Used with action verbs to negate them as well with the honorifc existence verb . With a verb it is normally place between the stem and -. It can be placed before but it sounds awkward. - tends to be used more by children whereas adults tend to use - . Examples: . I didn't study. . I won't go.

Will probably do - .
Used to indicate prospective future (i.e. something that will probably take place or will likely take place). -/ is the future suffix attached directly to the verb stem. - informal form of -/ . Likewise is is more formal. - conversely the - future additive expresses definite or firm intentional future -Using past tense with this pattern(ex- , She/he probably went) is used to express speculation. Examples: , . Jong Guen will probably eat kimchi/is going to eat kimchi. . The weather will probably be cold tomorrow/is going to be cold tomorrow. . You can probably speak (literally do) English well. The exact meaning depends on the context of the conversation or text.

Together with - //-

This pattern shows something is accompanied or associated with something else. means together. - can be omitted -In place of - -/// can be used - can be replaced by
-- tends to be used more in speech whereas is used more in writing.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 TV . I watched TV together with my friend. ? With whom did you go? . I work with that person.

And; particle -
Used to link nouns similar to / or /. -Never connects verbs,adjectives, clauses, sentences or adverbs Examples: . I bought apples and cabbage. . I like swimming and horseback riding.

Exclamation ending .
This pattern shows exclamation when the speaker realizes or discovers something the listen is already assumed to know. -! is attached to action verbs in present tense
Otherwise attach -!

-the informal pattern is -/ -past base (//) or future base () can be added between verb and this pattern Examples: ! Oh, I haven't been able to write you a letter! ! The bus is coming!

"Isn't it?" ending -.

The -/- form has many different uses and the exact meaning is derived from the context that it's used for. 1) When - is used to form a question sentence ending, it functions as a casual question indicating doubt or supposition. For example, ?/He's a pilot, isn't he? This use is spoken with rising intonation. 2) It can be used as a confirming statement spoken with a level intonation. For example; ?/Are you busy?... /There's a lot of work to be done I daresay. 3) It can be used as a propositive statement. For example; /Let's go together. Spoken with level intonation. 4) You can also use it as a tentative/suppositive statement. For example, / (I presume)she is beautiful. 5) It can be used in a request. For example, ?/You'll come tomorrow,right?

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

6) Lastly it can be used to express intention. /Come to my house and I'll prepare dinner. - is optional. This grammar pattern is extremely common in colloquial Korean and you'll hear very frequently.

sentence ending - , "of course"

sentence ending - , "of course"; there is no doubt about it; it is needless to say that..., it is a matter of course that.., , , , - used with any verb - is used to confirm what is being said with the verb is true, i.e. of cours, needless to say, etc. - can be dropped from the end - some references show a space between and but others don't. Examples ?/Will you go to school today? / ./Of course I'll go. ./There is no doubt that he's smart.

Exclamation ending - / / .
Exclamation ending - / / , surprise, delight, astonishment, wonder, interest, , -, This pattern is used for general exclamation and is used to draw the listener's attention. - used with any verb - -/() is attached to present tense descriptive verbs and the copula . - attaches to vowel-ending verb and attaches to consonant-ending verb - - attaches to all other verbs - is optional - the past tense -// or the future tense - can be inserted between the verb and this pattern - by contrast the exclamation - is used for a spontaneous reaction without expecting a reply from the listener and the exclamation - is used for first realizations. is synomous with ! but that pattern is used less than the pattern described here Examples


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 !/Those pants really look good on you/really suit you! !/ The car is really expensive!

Adverb -; can't, won't

Adverb -; can't, won't, not (possible)texttext This adverb denotes impossibility, refusal, or denial except when used with descriptive verbs, in which case it simply makes the verb meaning negative, i.e. not pretty, not good, etc. It's usually used with action verbs. Two ways to use it it;
+ verb or verb stem+ +.

- is always used with verbs - the part of can be changed for tense or have a connective added to it - has a similar meaning to __ Examples__ ./I can't come. ./I couldn't sleep.

Suffix -; about, approximately

Is attached to time, place, or quantity words to indicate approximate time, size, amount, location, etc. __ Examples __ ?/ About where is it? ./The train will come at about 5 o'clock. ?/How about parking around here?


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Family terms

Korean uses very specific terms for each family memory with the result that are many words you have to memorize. On the plus side, unlike English, there is little ambiguity (i.e. Uncle? Which, your mom's brother or your dad's? Your dad's oldest brother or youngest?). parents both parents father father, honorific dad woman's father-in-law man's father-in-law mother, honorific mom woman's mother-in-law man's mother-in-law daughter-in-law son-in-law / stepmother / stepfather great-great-grandfather great-great-grandmother great-grandfather great-grandmother grandparents grandfather, honorific grandfather grandfather (man's) grandmother, honorific grandmother grandson granddaughter grandchildren brothers; also generically siblings sisters son

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 daughter younger brother or sister brother and sister brother and sister only son only daughter oldest son oldest daughter second oldest son third oldest son second oldest daughter woman's older brother man's older brother man's older brother-in-law woman's older brother-in-law (husband's brother) woman's older brother-in-law (sister's husband) man's older brother-in-law (sister's husband) man's older brother-in-law (sister's husband) man's older sister woman's older sister young boy's older sister woman's older sister-in-law (older brother's wife) man's older sister-in-law (older brother's wife) man's older sister-in-law (wife's sister) man/woman's younger sister younger sister (from older boy) man's younger sister-in-law (wife's sister) man's younger sister-in-law (younger brother's wife) woman's younger sister-in-law (husband's sister) older/younger sister-in-law (woman's brother's wife) husband of wifes sister or wife of husbands brother woman's older sister-in-law (husband's sister) unmarried younger sister/generic term for young woman man/woman's younger brother man's older/younger brother-in-law (wife's brother) woman's younger brother-in-law woman's younger brother-in-law (husband's brother) man's older sister-in-law (wife's sister) man's younger brother-in-law (wife's brother)

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 man's sister's husband man's younger brother-in-law (younger sister's husband) man's older sister's husband uncle/generic term for older married man uncle (generic) uncle (mother's brother) uncle (married older brother of father) uncle (married younger brother of father) aunt (father's sister) aunt (mother's brother's wife) aunt (father's brother's wife) aunt (mother's sister) aunt (father's older brother's wife) aunt (father's younger brother's wife) nephew niece cousin (generic) cousin (mother's side) cousin (father's side) last born/youngest child half-brother/sister (lit. different stomach sibling) stepbrother/sister


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Particles used in verb phrases

Particles used in verb phrases; -/; -/; -; -/ Sometimes particles are added to verbal phrases such as - / or , etc. These mainly serve to emphasis the meaning of the verbal phrase. -when /// are added they make the phrase more formal and tend to emphasize the clause. Additionally, lends the meaning of possibility to the clause when used with / and / . Examples: ./It's not possible for me to cook. ./I don't cook. ./I don't know how to cook. -However, when is added it adds the meaning of "even". Examples: ./I cannot even cook. -If the contrast particle / is added, it adds contrast. Examples ./I can't cook (but...) In this case the contrast is unspoken but implied.

From (a person); the particle -/

From (a person); ; This pattern is the opposite of /. tends to be used in written/formal language while tends to be colloquial. They mean "from a person". - can sometimes be dropped with and it's meaning must be derived from the context. __ Examples:__ ./I borrowed it from a friend.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

And; the particle /

And; the particle /, between nouns Like and /, / connect nouns. -Never connects verbs,adjectives, clauses, sentences or adverbs - follows nouns ending in a consonant - follows nouns ending in a vowel Examples: . I bought apples and cabbage. . I like swimming and horseback riding.

noun modifier; descriptive verb +-/

noun modifier; descriptive verb +-/; relative clause, adverbial phrase, past tense This pattern is used to turn a descriptive verb into an adjective, relative clause, or noun modifier. It always goes in front of the noun being modified. - - used for verb stems ending in a vowel - - used for verb stems ending in a consonant Examples (verb to be big/large) + + (house) = /big house (verb to be good) + + (person) = /good person Note: / used with an action verb denotes past tense. For example, /the taken pictures

Only, nothing but; noun + +

Only, nothing but; noun + + ; there is nothing but..., there is no one but... This pattern denotes exclusiveness, i.e. there is nothing but or there is no one but, etc. by itself means "outside", "the exterior", etc. When it is placed behind a noun and in front of a negative predicate/verb it means basically "only". - usually must be used with an accompanying negative - using vice implies a choice made unwillingly or reluctantly whereas using - implies a willing choice

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - noun + + negative predicate (ex. verb+ ) = only with a meaning the same as . Examples: ./This is the only book I have. ./There is nothing in sight but the desert (or Only the desert can be seen).

Suffix -; (a thing) worth

Suffix -; (a thing) worth; This suffix indicates the value . It's usually used in relation to money but not always. Examples /10,000 won book /5000 won bill/note(currency) /3 bedroom house

Negative imperative form; action verb + - ; don't do...

Negative imperative form; action verb + - ; don't do..., stop doing.., cease doing..., quit doing... Usually used with action verbs to advise someone not to do something. - usually used with in the negative propositive or imperative forms
can be used to negate other verbs however

- by itself means "to stop", "to cease", "to refrain from" - is an irregular verb Examples ./Don't worry ./Do not pass. ./Let's not wear hats. ./Come or not- do as you wish. see also -


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Adverb -; stop (doing)

Adverb -; stop (doing); that much and no more; to that extent only; no more than that; negative imperative, negative propositive means "to that extent only", "no more than that",etc. but when placed before an action verb, it means stop(doing)... It's usually used with a negative imperative or propositive form. Examples: ./Stop doing that. ./Stop sleeping. ./Let's stop.

Sentence ending "do...for me"; -// , -//

Sentence ending "do...for me"; action verb + -// , action verb +-// ; would you...for me; Shall I...for you? This very common and useful pattern is used to request a favor or ask someone to do something for you. - only used with action verbs - is the humble form of "give" and so should be used to superiors or when you wish to be polite. - if the final vowel of the verb is or , use / else used / or / with verbs Examples ./Please drive for me. ?/What should I do for you? ./I will explain it to you. ./Please drop me off at the air force base gate.

Possessive marker; "Of, 's"; the particle -

Of, 's; the particle -; possessive; possessive marker is a possessive particle and corresponds to "'s" in English. Sometimes it can be translated "of". It can indicate possession, relationship, origin, static location, etc. - usually pronounced "" - noun it's attached to limits following noun - some pronouns when is attached become contracted
()/my, ()/my, ()/your


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 Examples /freedom of speech /Eun Min's car ?/How is the weather in Kunsan now?

Cannot do...; - /
Cannot do...; - / ; can't; This pattern denotes inability, lack of capability, or impossibility. It usually doesn't indicate lack of permission (can't in English can indicate lack of permission or inability). In that case, use - . - attaches to action verbs - attaches to verb stems ending in a vowel - attaches to verb stems ending in a consonant - opposite of / - tense is expressed in the ending part of this pattern, not the verb it attaches to - particles can be added to to change the meaning somewhat. See here.

Examples: ./I can't swim.

see also -

Can do; - /-
Can do; - /- ; can; am able to This pattern indicates ability, capability, possibility, etc. Unlike the English word "can", this pattern is not normally used to express permission. - attaches to verbs that end with a vowel - attaches to verbs that end with a consonant - opposite of / - tense is expressed in the ending part of this pattern, not the verb it attaches to - particles can be added to to change the meaning somewhat. See here. - this pattern can be confused with -/ / but that pattern shows knowledge of how to do something rather than merely being able to do or being possible. Examples: ./ I can go tomorrow.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Will do; - /
Will do; - / , , ; intentional; 1st person intentional -/ shows the speaker's intention or plans when attached to an action verb. It implies a promise on the part of the speaker. - attaches to a action verb ending in a consonant - attaches to a action verb ending in a vowel - only used in the 1st person (i.e. I/we) - attaching on the end is optional NOTE: Before 1988 this pattern was spelled/pronounced as / and you may still encounter it like that. Examples: ./I will cook breakfast.

Sentence ending "want to do"; - /-

Sentence ending "want, would like"; - /- This pattern express want or desire. -used with action verbs and - is used with 1st person - is used with 3rd person - tense or negation is expressed in the final or

Examples: ./I want to buy a car. ./He wanted to marry Lee Hyolee. see also -


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Irregular - verbs
Some verbs with a final consonant of are irregular. When followed by the consonants // or the vowel , the final is dropped. If followed by other vowels or consonants, it is kept. Examples: ./I sell apples. ./I will sell apples These verbs are irregular to eat to sell to know to live to cry to play to sweep to make to open There aren't any shortcuts for remembering which verbs are irregular or not; you just have to memorize them.

If, When; /
If, When; /; conditional; suppositional Shows a condition or stipulation when used to connect two clauses. The dependent clause comes before the main clause (opposite of English). It is also normally followed by a comma. - attaches to a verb ending in a vowel or the consonant - attaches to a verb ending in a consonant except - when the subject of the dependent clause (the "if" clause) is different from the main clause, it always takes a subject marker (i.e. /)
if the subjects are the same, then the dependent clause's subject takes the contrast marker /

- (if) or (if) may placied at the beginning of the dependent clause and serve to emphasize the suppositional nature of the clause. - can attach to any verb but when attached to or , it usually is attached as () Examples: , ./If it rains, I won't go. ./When you catch a cold, you should rest. see also -

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 see also - see also -

Gerund suffix -
Gerund suffix -; nominalizing suffix; infintive Most Korean verbs can be turned into a verbal noun or gerund by adding - to the verb stem. These words then indicate activity, extent, state of being, quality, quantity, etc. and then equivalent in English is "-ing" or the infinitive "to (do)". - If the verbal noun is used as a subject it can take /, etc.
if used as an object can take /

- more common in colloquial Korean than the -/ nominalizer - allows the verb attached to retain it's action semantic Examples: ./Traveling in Japan seems like it would be fun. ./This chicken is good to eat.

see also noun-forming suffix -/

Noun-forming suffix -/
Noun-forming suffix -/; nominalizing suffix, verbal noun Whereas the - nominalizer suffix is used to express an act or a fact, the -/ nominalizer is used for a completed, fixed, or decided action or an abstract proposition. However, some simple nouns such as "/a fight" are derived from this construct. - This pattern tends to be used in formal speech/writing. - I've noticed it tends be used when Koreans write in bullet or abbreviated form such as on Powerpoint slides, ads, brochures, etc. - - attaches to a vowel-ending verb - - attaches to a consonant-ending verb - there are other ways to form verb nouns but these are irregular and best memorize them as you encounter them. Examples: ./It's certain she is at the store. /No class today {left on a note on the classroom door}


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

But -
But -; constrastive This construct connects two contrasting clauses and simply means "but". - can be attached to any verb - sometimes is followed by a comma - sometimes ends the sentence to form an incomplete sentence (I wanted to go but...) - the tense is normally attached to the second clause Examples ./I have money but it's still too expensive.

Sentence ending "it seems to be/like"; - / /

Sentence ending "it seems to be/like"; - / / / / / ; This pattern is used with any verb and the copula and shows likeness or resemblance. - attaches to a descriptive verb ending in a vowel - attaches to a descriptive verb ending in a consonant - attaches to an action verb - / is used to express a future likeness or resemblance - tense is attached to the final part of this pattern - negation can be in the final or main verb but the meanings will be different - is sometimes pronounced . - in colloquial form it can be contracted to /// - if the particle is attached as in it has an emphatic meaning. Examples: ./The bus seems to be coming. ./The employees seem busy. ./It seems the game will end soon. see also

-; (more) than
By: System Administrator (1238 Reads) -; (more) than This pattern is used to show contrast between two things. - usually attaches to the second noun of the comparision - is often used with "-/more"

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples: ./Korean is harder than English.

"As much as"; particle

"As much as"; particle -; to the extent of; equal to; Attaches to nouns and adds the meaning of extent or degree. Examples: ./The daughter is as pretty as the mother. ./You're supposed to recive as much credit as the effort you make.

The most; /
The most; /, -est, to the greatest degree This marker is used to make comparisions and is usually placed before adverbs, noun modifiers, or descriptive verbs. - originally means "the first" - used to compare three or more things (even if unstated as in "It is the most beautiful flower." - / are interchangeable but tends to be used in formal/written usage. Examples: ./Lee Hyolee is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Noun modifier suffixes -/; -; -/

Noun modifier suffixes -, -ing, -/, -/ This pattern attaches to action verbs and /. It acts as a relative clause in English and indicates a present, existing condition. It's equivalent to "-ing" in English and is similar to -. - if - (vowel ending stem) or - (consonant ending stem) are affixed to an action verb, it shows past tense or a present state resulting from a completed process (ex- /a fat person). - if - (consonant ending stem) or - (vowel ending stem) is attached to either an action or descriptive verb, it indicates future tense.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 -learning these modifiers (////) is very important because they appear very, very frequently in Korean. Examples: ./The car over there is my car. ./The person who bought the apples is my friend. ?/Who is the officer who will go to headquarters?

Every -
Every -; each, all This pattern can be affixed to any noun and means "every". - is used often used with the pattern - (- ) to mean "everytime one does..." Examples: ./Every cat likes milk. ./I'm scared every time I drive in Korea.

-; each, apiece, respectively

-; each, apiece, respectively This particle means "each", "apiece", "respectively" "per", etc. - attaches to the number, counter, etc. Examples: ./Eat a little by little. 10 ./I work 10 hours per day. ./I exercise five times per week.

will do, intend to do; -()

will do, intend to do; action verb/+(); intentional This pattern is used to express intention or planning. - used with action verbs and / - used with 1st person statements and 2nd person questions but can't be used for 3rd person - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel\ - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant - can be dropped for informal usage

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - can be confused with () which is a contracted quotation of a command Examples: ?/What will you drink?

Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.); -

Ordinal numbers; -; Korean suffix, Sino-Korean? prefix; -st; -nd; -th With pure Korean numbers you add the suffix - to the number except for 1 which is . Thus, we get , , , etc. It can be attached to number made with a counter. For example; (1st time), (2nd time), (the fourth day), etc. You can express first, second, third, etc. using Sino-Korean? numbers by using - as a prefix. For example, (first), (fifth). However, this pattern is much less common than the Korean ordinal number pattern.

And; -
-, unlike ////, is used to link two clauses (not nouns). It may be used with any verb and the subjects of the two clauses don't have to agree but if they are different they usually take the contrast particle -/. The tense of the whole sentence is usually carried in the second clause. - is not normally used if the verb in the first clause is a movement or posture verb (i.e go/, come/, etc.). Instead / is used. The use of - often suggests a discontinuity between the actions of the two clauses. Examples: . That is bad and cheap. . He is a soldier and I am a pilot. . Let's not drink alcohol and let's sleep (when used with negative form it shows rejection of one action vice another).

And then...; /
And then...; /; and; so, since, because vs+/ has two uses; First, it's used to link two clauses that have the same subject and are sequential (movement/action in first clause comes before action in the second clause). If the two clauses have different subjects and a sequence of actions isn't implied, then use -. Verb stems whose final vowel is or take - and all others take . If the first clause verb is a movement verb such as /to go, /to come, etc. then use this pattern rather than -. Secondly, it shows a reason or cause for what is shown in the subsequent clause. The cause always is expressed in the first clause and the effect shows up in the second clause. For example, , : I couldn't buy the bike because it was too expensive. In this usage, it's

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 mostly used with descriptive verbs. Tense and/or negation is expressed in the final clause. If the final clause is an imperative or propositive, use -() instead. CAUTION: In colloquial Korean, the - is can be omitted and so only the - or - would be added in that case. Furthermore, they sometimes are added but not contracted. For example with a verb you may see it as - instead of -. - this pattern differs from the pattern - in that - shows an interruption of an action. Furthermore it also differs from -// which shows that an action was completed followed by a change of location. This pattern shows a certain continuity from a first action to the next.

Examples: . I'll go home and immediately {go to}sleep. . It is raining and so I'll probably just stay home.

See also -() and - .

Because, since; -/
Because, since; -/; when, so; sequential form; -/// - (verb stems ending in a vowel)/ (verb stems ending in a consonant)connects clauses and is used as a casual connector meaning so,since, because, etc. It can be used with any verb and is usually used with a comma. Additionally, it is used to mean "when". It can only be used with action verbs in this manner (whereas when it means "because", "so",etc. it can be used with any verb). Furthermore, when used like this the subjects of the two clauses must be different and the main clause usually is in the past tense. If the final clause is an imperative or propositive, you can use this pattern but in such a case - and / can't be used. If the action of the main clause come after the dependent clause (i.e. the first clause), you can attach a past base infix to -/. This pattern is sometimes used as a sentence ending with or without a - attached to it as an unfinished sentence and corresponds to an English sentence such as "I'm hungry, so..." or "Because it's nice..." This pattern is sometimes heard as -/// when a contrast marker, /, is attached.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples: . Because it's hot, go to the pool. , . I'm busy now, so call tomorrow. , . When I went out of the office I saw a student. see also

Even if;
Even if; //; even though, even if someone does so-and-so This pattern is used for concession or permission as in "Is it alright if I do X...?" or "Even if...". - can be used with any verb except ( uses instead) - used after and - used after any other vowel - follows or in the stem of a verb - when followed by such verbs as , , , etc. it shows the meaning of something be OK to do. Examples: ?/May I drive the car? , ./Even if it's not interesting, study it. see also -

Must, have to; /

Must, have to; /; / / / / ; obligation, necessity This pattern shows obligation and can be used with any verb. - / follows and - / follows any other vowel - / attaches to verbs - tense is normally expressed in the final /
- (//) is never used with past tense; in that case you have to use it with

- negation is normally expressed in the main verb and this pattern is normally attached to the - - colloquial speech seems to use // more than the form


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 Examples: ./You should not go to school. ./ " " ./You should have gone to school.

After doing; +
After doing; + / ; after something happened; after something happens; next This pattern shows that an action will be done later after something else. - used with action verbs - - attaches to verb stems ending in a vowel - - attaches to verb stems ending in a consonant - subject(s) of the two clauses can be same or different - If the two clauses have the same subject, this pattern can't be used with / - tense/negation is expressed in final clause - this pattern is most common in speaking whereas the synonymous- is more formal sounding and the also synonymous- is usually used in recipes, weather forecasts, etc. The opposite is (). Examples: ./I sleep after I study.

Nobody does/is; +negative

Nobody does/nobody is; +negative predicate; (any person, anyone, anybody)

The noun means "any person", "anyone", "anybody", etc. but when followed by a negative construction, it means "nobody", "no one", etc. Examples: ./Nobody will go. ./Anyone can do it. uncommon; + uncommon; +verb+negative; some, a little, it is uncommon/unusual/extraordinary/remarkable The word means "commonly", "normally", "ordinarily", etc. but when it is attached to a negated verb it takes the opposite meaning.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

- Usually used with descriptive verbs but can affix to action verbs as well.
- when attached to an action verb an adverb (/many, /diligently, etc.) is used placed between it and the action verb.

Examples: ./Lee Hyolee is really pretty. ./He exercises a really lot. see also + verb +negative

Plural suffix;
Plural suffix; -; -es Generally in Korean singular and plural are not specifically stated but are infered from context. To ensure that the plural is understood, you can attach the suffix . - can attach to any noun - can be directly attached to almost any word in a sentence to imply a plural sentence subject, even verbs or adverbs. - Koreans tend to leave this off if the context is clear but tend to use it when refering to people (/people, /workers, etc.) if even the context is clear that they mean plural. - if a demonstrative (, ,etc.) is used, you must attach - (i.e. ) but not if a the nouns are numbered (i.e. /those two officers). Examples: ./You all please come in. ?/Why don't you guys go? ./Many foreigners live in Seoul.

The time since...; vs+ +time word+

The time since...; vs+ +time word+/vs+ +time word+; it's been (x amount) a time since...; from the time when...; This pattern, which attaches to action verbs, shows an interval of time beginning at a certain point and extending to the present. It means "the time since", "it's been X time since", etc. - the final verb can be used with or without the past tense infix but is usually used with it. - the particle - after the - can be left off - - follows a verb ending in a vowel - follows a verb ending in a consonant - in place of other verbs such as /elapse\pass can be used

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples ./It's been a year and a half since I came to Korea.

Like; - particle
Like; noun+; as; the same as; Attached to a noun, this pattern shows that something is "like" or indentical to the noun that it's attached to. Examples: ./Please study diligently like Sang Hyang.

But, and so, so; -

But, and so, so; -//; This is a very common pattern in Korean. It can be used to connect two clauses together while expresses "but", "and", "". It can be thought of as a "verbal" semicolon or dash to link two clauses when the first clause leads into or transitions to the second clause. - May be used with any kind of verb - attaches to descriptive present tense verbs ending in a consonant and the verb - attaches to descriptive present tense verbs ending in a vowel - is attached to all other cases - may be attached to past tense verb stem Examples: , . He is a good student but he doesn't like school. , ? I'm busy now, so will you come later? Similiar to the ending -//.

Decide to do...; -
Decide to do...; action verb+ ; make up one's mind to do...; arrange to do...; This pattern indicates making a choice or coming to a decision or solution. - attaches to action verbs - in this pattern can be replaced by (to promise), (to decide), (to make up one's mind to do), (to make up one's mind), or similar verbs. - can have a negative attached to it ( ) and then it means to decide not to do something

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples: . I decided to go. . I promised to go.

Have something to do; -

Have something to do; - /- ; Have nothing to do; /- This pattern is used when you want to relate that you have something do in the future. - can only be used with action verbs - tense and negation are expressed in the final verb (i.e. ) - - is attached to action verbs ending in a consonant - - is attached to action verbs ending in a vowel - if is used instead of the opposite meaning of having nothing to do in the future is conveyed Examples: . I have to meet my older brother. . I have to return from Osan.

Going to do; "-()

Going to do; "- / / / ; intend to do; plan to do; have it in the mind to do This pattern is used with action verbs and . It denotes that the subject intends to do something i.e. "plan to do", "intend to do", etc. - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel - the negation is expressed in the vowel this pattern is attached to, not the final - the tense is expressed in the final - can be used with 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person
as a comparision -() is only used with 1st person

- sometimes the part of this pattern is dropped - this pattern can be combined with sentence connectives such as , , etc. - it can also express that something seems like it will happen ( /It seems that the rain will soon stop.) - interchangeable with -() and -() Examples:


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 .When I was going to study, the baby cried. . I intend to go to the bank tomorrow.

In order to; +()

In order to; avs+(); ; This pattern is used with action verbs to express in order to do something or intention/purpose. - attaches to any action verb - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel - never used with future tense - tense and/or negation is expressed in the final verb (usually the verb following ) - is synomous with Examples: ./ I woke up early to fly to Seoul. ./ I came here in order to meet my wife. similar to () but that pattern only attaches to movement verbs (, , etc.) whereas this pattern can attach to any action verb. see also -

progressive tense; -
progressive tense; - ; -ing; continuous action This pattern is attached to action verbs to show a process or continuing action. - can't be used for the immediate future (i.e. I'll be taking a test soon.) - can be replaced by honorific verb - tense and/or negation are expressed in the final - when used with verbs of wearing or contact, can mean either ongoing action or present state resulting from having done the action (i.e. He is putting on{or is wearing} a shirt.)

Examples: . The dog is sleeping . He has been working diligently. see also -


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Strong feeling; -

Strong feeling; - ; ; ; I could die; I'm so...I could die; This grammar pattern is used by the speaker to show strong feelings about something. - can be used with any verb except
normally used with descriptive verbs

- the "" part of this pattern can be omitted - is used after or - is used after any other vowel - is used after or verb - usually used in the 1st person with the present tense. Examples: . I'm dead tired (literally "I'm so tired, I could die.") . I'm so sick/hurt so much, I could die.

not..., but;
not..., but; ; noun + ; negative imperative; An attempt to dissuade something from doing something in favor of something else is shown by this pattern. - used with action verbs and - a slightly different pattern is using attached to a noun and has a similar of meaning of rejecting one thing for another - usually used with imperative or propositive forms Examples: , ! Don't sleep, get up! , . Give me a beer, not water. This pattern is the clause connective form of - .


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

particle /
particle /; n+ / or something; +n+/=about, approximately; number+n+/=more than expected; noun+other particle+=selection (of the noun) This pattern has many different meanings as follows: - noun + (): or something, either...or ex: /I'll eat an apple (or something) ex: /I want go hiking or go swimming. - + noun + (): about, approximately ex: ?/ABout how many horses did you see? - number + noun + ():more than expected ex: /He drank 5 bottles of soju (more than I thought he could). - noun + other particle + : selection of time or place ?/Shall we go to the park (or someplace)? /It seems I shall have some time in the morning (or some time). - noun + (): just, nothing else but /I'm just going to sleep during the vacation. TV /I decided to just watch TV (there was not much else to do). - attaches to words ending in a consonant - attaches to words ending a vowel

The particle -...-; both...and

-...-; both...and; neither...nor There are three more uses of as follows: -when followed by a negative predicate it means either ex: /I won't eat it either. -attached to two consecutive phrases it means both..and if the predicate is in the affirmative ex: /He and I are both American. -conversly, attached to two consecutive phrases it means neither...nor if the predicate is in the negative ex: /I like neither potatoes nor cabbage. see also -

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

irregular - verbs
Some verbs ending in are irregular.
- when followed by a vowel, the turns into a ex: =/I asked. - when followed by a consonant, it doesn't change ex: = /Don't ask. - no rules of thumb for which ending verbs are regular and which are irregular. Just have to memorize them.

Irregular verbs: to ask to load to perceive, apprehend, grasp to hear to walk to draw, pump (water) Regular verbs (don't change): to close (a door) to receive to believe to obtain to bury to pour

- ; about
noun+ ; about; toward; concerning; in relation to; - ; - ; This pattern means "about", "concerning", "in relation to", etc. - means the same thing as - but is more formal.

Examples: . I talked about the United States. . I have a question concerning English pronunciation. ? This book is about Korean history, isn't it?

-(); ever it is
interrogative -/; ever it is; no matter-it is; any-at all, even if When spoken, this pattern show's the speaker's indifference to the noun it is attached to or when attached to an interrogative, it shows an indefinite ( all, etc.).

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - attaches to words ending in a vowel - attaches to words ending in a consonant - when attached to an interrogative phrase ( /which thing, /how many minutes, etc.) or an interrogative word (/who, /what, etc.) it carries the meaning "no matter (what, who, when, etc.) it is, all, even if (it be), just, (or the)like, etc. -can also be attached to particles such as , , - is interchange with no matter.../ and - Examples: /Anyone at all is good. /No what kind of thing it is, it will be fine. /No matter who it is from, buy it please. /You must know you you don't know even if you have to learn more.

- ; has ever done

- / /- / ; has ever done; has someone ever done something, has someone never done something, has never done; has had the experience of This pattern denotes one's past experience. -used only with action verbs - () is connected to verbs ending in a consonant - () is connected to verbs ending in a vowel - tense is expressed in the final / - has the same meaning as the pattern / / Examples: ./I have been to the Han River (literally the experience of going to the Han River exists for me.). ?/Have you seen that movie? see also - -; ever it is By: System Administrator (1201 Reads) -/; ever it is; no matter- it is; any-at all; no matter (who, what, when) This pattern, when it follows an interrogative phrase ( /which thing, /how many minutes, etc.) or an interrogative word (/who, /what, etc.), denotes "no matter (who, what, when), "any at...all", etc.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

-; ever it is
-/; ever it is; no matter- it is; any-at all; no matter (who, what, when) This pattern, when it follows an interrogative phrase ( /which thing, /how many minutes, etc.) or an interrogative word (/who, /what, etc.), denotes "no matter (who, what, when), "any at...all", etc. - synomous with and -/no matter... - attaches to consonants - attaches to vowels - sometimes the can be dropped with the park Examples: ./No matter what kind of book it is, I'll read it. .Any amount at all will be good. On a similar note, if an interrogative is followed by an action verb with () attached, it carries a generic meaning. Examples: ./Whoever goes, it's okay. !/Whichever car I buy, it's expensive! Also; whoever, anyone, everyone whatever, anything wherever, anywhere whenever, any time any amount, as much as no matter how see also -...

irregular - verbs

Some descriptive verbs ending in are irregular. When followed by the consonants ,,,, the final is dropped. However, when followed by any other consonants, the final is kept. The following verbs behave in this manner: to be red to be white to be yellow

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 to be black to be blue to be like this to be like that to be like that (over there) how to be clear, clean, pure, serene Examples: red (adjective) . It will probably be blue . It is red. Also, if the ending vowel is or , and a ending with a vowel is attached, the final vowel becomes . Example: ? How is it? . It is like that. However, some ending verbs never change and some of these include: to be good to be many to be right to be gentle to be alright, okay to be disagreable, unpleasant, distasteful to put in to give birth

- ; sometimes does
By: System Administrator (1163 Reads) action verb +- /- ; sometimes does; someone sometimes does something; someone never does something.; the experience of, there are times when..., - , - This pattern express the idea that someone sometimes (or never) does something, i..e a recurring happening, an ever-present posibility, or when used with , that something never happens. - only used with action verbs - tense is expressed in the final / - sometimes can be used with as in - / with no change in meaning.

Examples: / I sometimes drink alcohol (literally there are times when I drink.) /I never drive in Seoul.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

endings; plain style

endings; plain style; question , ,; statement - , , ; propositive -; imperative // /panmal is the informal speech level used from senior to junior or between friends. However, it's never advisable to use panmal upon first meeting someone if even they are your social inferior (lower rank, age, etc.). Sentence Present Past Future Statement v+/ v+/ v+/
n+() n+/ n+/

Question v+/? v+/? v+/ ?

n+()? n+/? v+/ ? v+? v+/? n+()? n+/?

Propositve/ v+ "let's" Command v+/

v+/ v+/

Exclamation v+()! v+/! v+!

v+(/)! v+/! v+! n+()! n+()/! n+()!

-; after time word+ ; after; passage of time; after (a period of time)

When this pattern is preceded by time words it shows the passage of time. - usually followed by the particle to indicate the time at which something took place
can be followed by the copula is in /It's been a long time since I've seen you.

- usually used with the past tense - when followed by certain verbs it indicates it takes a certain amount of time to do something.
Ex: ./It took me two months to find this car.

Examples: ./I returned to the hospital after two month.s ./It took me four years to become promoted.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

irregular - verbs
Some verbs ending in are irregular in that they sometimes drop the final . - when followed by a vowel, the is dropped - when followed by a consonant, the is kept The following verbs follow this pattern; to recover, get well to stir, to row to pour to build to draw to unite, connect Examples: ./You have to stir your green tea. ./I will build a house. The following verbs are regular and always keep the final : to take off (clothes) to laugh to wash to comb 1) to gush out, spring, 2) to rise, tower, soar To snatch a thing, deprive, take away Examples: ./I laughed. ./I will take off my clothes. As with other irregular verbs, there is no good method of differentiating the irregular from regular verbs and you must simply memorize them.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

irregular - verbs
Some verbs ending in are irregular. When the final is followed by a vowel, it changes to a but if it is followed by a consonant, it remains the same. Examples: ... If it's cold... ... It's cold but... The following verbs are irregular: to be light (mass) to be ticklish, itchy to be pretty to sew to lie down to be hot to be dirty to help to be heavy (mass) to be beautiful to be dark to pick up, gather to be delightful, happy to be glad to be thankful to be spicy

Some verbs are regular and the final never changes: to be numb (with cold) to pick out, pluck to chew to carry (someone) on one's back to put on (clothes) to catch, grasp to fold to pick up to be wide to be narrow to catch, seize, take hold of

There is no good rule for differentiating which are regular vice irregular- you simply must memorize them.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Do something in advance;

action verb + - / / ; to do something and put aside; to do something in preparation; to do something in advance This pattern is used when you wish to indicate an action done in advance of something or in preparation for something. - only used with action verbs - tense and negation are expressed in the final - is interchangeable with (, ) with no change in meaning - is used after , - is used after any other vowel - is used after the verb Examples: /Please buy airplane tickets in advance. /I read this textbook in advance. / I washed the clothes and set them aside (for later).

intransitive verbs used with

intransitive verb + - / / ; present result of past action // expresses a continuing state i.e. a present result of a past action. This pattern focuses more on how things are now rather than how things were done if you compare it to the pattern (i.e. the past infix). - the tense and/or negation is expressed in the final - used with mostly with intransitive verbs (i.e. an action verb which doesn't take an object such as sleep, die, complain, etc.) - is used after or - follows all other vowels - follows the verb - the subject of the clauses use / Examples: /My friend lives in Germany (literally he went to Germany and is there.) /The window is closed.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 While; - action verb+ -/, , ; while doing something; single subject This grammar pattern shows a single person is doing two actions. - both clauses must have the same subject - attaches to action verbs - if the subjects of the clauses are different, use - - the main clause (i.e. the final clause) carries the most emphasis
* the first or dependent clauses is additional information

- tense and/or negation is done in the final/main clause - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant - / can be used in a similar fashion but this usage is less common and less colloquial.
* attaches to verbs ending in a consonant * attaches to verbs ending in a vowel * NOTE: / has another meaining; it connects two clauses with the meaning "and" like the pattern -

Examples: /I listened to the radio while I was driving.

Informal polite question ending -?

Informal polite question ending -/ /?; express doubt informally but politely This pattern is used to ask a polite question or ask a question softly. - most often attaches to descriptive verbs - attaches to descriptive verbs and in the present tense when they end in a vowel - attaches to descriptive verbs in the present tense when they end in a consonant - is used in all other cases, i.e. past tense descriptive verbs, , etc. - the can be dropped when this pattern is used to close friends or social inferiors Examples: ?/Did you have a car? ?/Is the movie good? see also -


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

someone says that;

someone says that; ; indirect quotation UNDER CONSTRUCTION: PLACE MARKER

To.., -ing; -
To.., -ing; action verb + - ; the thing that someone is doing; infinitive; gerund, attributive form This pattern is similar to when verbal nouns/gerunds are made with the suffix . However, in this pattern, it's used as infinitive (as in to do... something) or something. It is also an adnominal suffix i.e. . - can be used with / but is mainly used with action verbs - is present tense Examples: ./That thing over there is a book. ./Hyolee likes to dance. ?/Who is reading this magazine? (in this case is the contracted form of )

Almost; -
Almost; - / ; nearly...; barely missed...; just barely escaped...; came close to...; almost did... When you want to show that something almost happened or nearly occured, use this pattern. - always used in the past tense - used mostly with action verbs - is attached to verbs ending in a vowel - is attached to verbs ending in a consonant Example: ./On the way to work, I almost suffered a traffic accident.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

If, whether; -/
If, whether; attribute ending (/, , /) + -/; uncertain fact or occurence; This pattern is used to indicate uncertainty with regard to a fact or occurrence. -Always preceded by a suffix modifier
-/ is with with descriptive verbs in present tense -/ connects to verbs/nouns for future tense - is used with action verbs ---for past tense use / with verbs or () with nouns

- - is used more than - in everyday speech (you can use - in place of -) - particles such as -/, -/, , etc. can be attached to this pattern This grammar pattern is often followed by verbs such as;
To know To not know To tell To ask To forget To think To remember etc...

Examples: . I don't what it is. . Please ask that man if he is a soldier. ? Do you know which car is good? ? Do you know whether Jong Guen studied at Han Nam University?

Do/use completely; -

Do/use completely; - ; finish up doing; use up completely; get it done; throw away; The verb "" means to 1)to throw away, cast away or 2) to finish up, to get it done and when attached to action verbs shows thoroughness or completion. It can also show regret or relief of having done something completely. - used with action verbs

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - attaches to stems ending in , - attaches to stems ending in any other vowel - attaches to - negation and/or tense is expressed in the final not the verb that it attaches to Examples: /I ate up all of the bread. /Later I will finish reading (all of the books). ? ./What should I do? I missed the bus.

So that/until;
So that; any verb (except ) + ; in order to; in such a way that; to the point Also time word + action verb + = until This pattern expresses a purpose or aim when attached to a verb. The English equivalent is "in order to", "in such a way so as to", so that..". It has a secondary meaning of "until" i.e. a continuance of an action/condition to a specified time. - can be used with any verb except - can't be attached to a verb with a past or future tense marker (, , etc.) - same meaning as but is less colloquial and sounds more formal. Also interchangeable with but that pattern is more emphatic than - Examples: /Please put this in the bag for me so that I won't lose it. ./ Please show it to me so that I can see it. ./I worked until late last night.

Know/not know how to do...; - /

Know/not know how to do...; - / / / ; - shows knowledge of a techniquue or a process for doing something and indicates the opposite. - used with action verbs - / attach to verbs ending in a vowel - / attach to verbs ending in a consonant - the tense/negation for the phrase/sentence is showed in the final / - is an irregular verb similiar to - this pattern can be confused with / / but that pattern indicates ability, capability, or possibility.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples: ./I know how to swim. ./I don't know how to do dance.

irregular - verbs
Some verbs ending in are irregular. When these verbs are followed by the vowel and have as their last vowel or ,the changes to and the the is added to the remaining stem. Now that you are confused, look at the following examples to clarify as it's easier than it sounds. /to know be unaware of, not know = /I didn't know/ /It's alright if you don't know it. /to carry, transport = /Try to carry this. Additionally, irregular verbs with a final vowel other than / change to as in; /to bring up, foster = /Please try bringing up a child. The following verbs are irregular. As with other irregular verbs there is no good method to differentiate them from irregular verbs except to memorize them. /to divide /to choose /to carry, transport /to be thirsty, get dry /to stick, to paste, rub, apply, coat, put on (cremes, medicines, makeup, etc.) /to rise, go up /to cut (off) /to be different /to be quick, fast, rapid /to roll (over) /to bring up (a child) /to oppress /to surround /to call, to sing /1)to reach, arrive at 2)to inform, tell 3) to be early, be premature /to commit an error, spoil, ruin, mar /to fumble /to pierce /to flow, trickle, ooze


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012


something or someone looks/appears/seems;descriptive verb + - / / ; This pattern attaches to descriptive verbs and shows likeness, resemblance, or similarity based on one's immediate sensory experience (i.e. something you are seeing directly). - used with descriptive verbs - never used with the object particle / - tense and/or negation is expressed in the final verb - attaches to verbs with a final vowel of / - attaches to verbs with any other vowel - attaches to Examples: ./He looks fat. ./ You look cold. ./You don't look healthy! see also (bases on indirect evidence, secondhand information)

I recall that...; -
I recall that...; -; recollection, the result of which is... When someone recalls certain facts, occurences, experiences, etc. they can use to indicate this. The final (main) clause, when preceded by , describes an immediate consequence or discovery stemming from an action. In other words, "so...", "when...", "but...", etc. The use of this pattern in the first person tends to show an unexpected result. - when attached to a verb that has a past infix attached to it, can only be used in the first person (except when used in a question)
, ./ (I recall/recollect) I went to the office but nobody was there.

- When used with the present tense, it can only used with the 2nd or 3rd person. When used like this,it allows the speaker to affirm some fact.
, ./(I saw) he was sleeping but now he is sleeping.

- is similar to the pattern - but that pattern indicates a logical result or natural result. Examples: ./It has a nice color and I see it tastes good too! ./It was cold yesterday but it's warm today! ./I laughed and (now discovered the results that)my stomach now hurts.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Because of doing...' -

Because of doing...' action verb+ -; as a result of doing This pattern is used to excuse or explain one's actions. It usually demonstrates something that was contrary to the expectations or desires of the speaker. - only used with action verbs i.e. the first (dependent) clause has to have an action verb to attach this pattern to - indicates two actions in the dependent and main clause and both clauses must have the same subject - tense and/or negation is expressed in the final (main) clause, not in the first clause with
- not normally used with future tense

- the can sometimes be dropped Examples: ./I didn't do my homework because I was sleeping. ./Because I'm working, I have no time to eat lunch.

Particle -; even if (it be a...)

Particle noun+ -/; even if (it be a...); no matter (who, what, when, where) it is; all; This construction indicates a lack of enthusiasm about one's choice when it attaches to a noun or a noun with a particle. Sometimes it can also be "even well" - attaches to nouns ending in a vowel - attaches to nouns ending a consonant Examples: ./Even a woman can do it. ./Let's (settle on)buy this.

Assumed fact/expectation/likelihood; - /
Assumed fact/expectation/likelihood; - / This pattern shows an assumed fact, expectation, or likelihood. - the / can be replaced by other verbs such as /to think, /to believe - when followed by use knowledge of an event or fact
- ./ I know Sang Hyang went to Japan.

- this pattern can attach to any verb


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

- can follow particles such as (for supposition), (for knowledge) for emphasis

Examples: ./I believe Sang Hyang will come. ./I thought Eun Min had studied well. ./I didn't know she was pretty.

see also / /

Retrospective infix -
Retrospective infix -; as I recall; as I remember, looking back; This infix is used when the speaker looks back on events, experiences, facts, etc. - when used in a final sentence ending, it is normally used with the exclamatory endings and and in that case it must be inserted between the verb and one of those endings.
- when used like this, the subject is usually third person - when used like this but with a descriptive verb, it can be used with the first person

- inappropriate for use when giving a lengthy talk about an experience and not used to talk about oneself or family member. However, can be used to report one's feelings from one's own perspective. - when attached to past infix (i.e. ), is only used with action verbs - sometimes pronounce - not used with the formal style

Examples: ./(I recall) the teach taught well.

To reach/attain a point where/that; -

By: System Administrator (1208 Reads) To reach/attain a point where/that; action verb + - ; This pattern when used with an action verb shows a situation has been developed on its own accord. - used only with action verbs Examples: ./I've reached the point where I teach Korean.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Irregular - verbs
Most verbs ending in the final vowel of are irregular. - if the final vowel of the verb is or , then the the changes to
- Example: /to be busy = ./I am busy.

- if the final vowel of the verb is any other vowel, the is dropped
- Example: /to write = ./I wrote a leter.

The following verbs are irregular; /to be busy /to be bad /to be painful, hurt, sick /to be hungry /to lock /to be pretty /to be happy /to be sad /to be big /to rise (the sun, etc.) /to turn off (a light, etc.)

It just so happens that; -

It just so happens that; verb+ - ; it turns out that, it is arranged that; it happens to become soand-so; This grammar pattern shows that something happens in a way that is out of one's control. It can be used to avoid indicating direct involvement so as to reduce responsibility. Also, can be implied that events transpired beyond the speaker's control. - used with action verbs

Examples: ./Turns out I'll be getting promoted this time (in this case the speaker is trying to avoid bragging or is trying to be humble). ./One thing lead to another and it just turned out that way. ./It just so happened that I couldn't got to Japan. Of similar appearance is when a verb is is turned into an adverb with and then attached to also means to "become, come to" ./I came to like the teacher that I was once was afraid of.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Provided (that); -

Provided (that); any verb+ - / / ; if something takes place; provided something takes place; provided something is true This pattern shows the meaning "if some takes place" (now or in the future) or "provided that something takes place or is true". - can be used with any verb except - normally followd by grammar patterns that show future, possibility or speaker's intention - tense is expressed in the main (final) clause - is interchangeable with () but is never used with imperative or propsitive forms (unlike ) - comes after , - comes after any other vowel - comes after - can attach (as in ) to make it more emphatic - if the verb in the main (final) clause is a negative, the meaning of there being no point to doing something is expressed Examples: , ./If the car is good, I'll buy it. ./Provided he goes, I'll go. ./ (Go ahead and) Run, but it's already too late.

One plans to do...; -

One plans to do...;verb+ - ; This grammar construct denotes one's intentions, plan, or schedule. - the noun means a plan, a schedule, a prearrangement - the tense is expressed in the final -, not the verb this pattern attaches to - conversely, negation is expressed in the verb this pattern attaches, not the final -. - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel Examples: ./I plan to meet my boyfriend. ./I plan not to meet my boyfriend.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Sentence ending "To be inferior to"; -

Sentence ending "To be inferior to"; - ; to be worse than; to be not as good as This pattern shows inferiority with regards to quantity, quality, ability, or degree. The equivalent English meaning is "to be inferior to", "to be worse than", "to be not as good as", etc. - attaches to nouns Examples: ./This chicken doesn't taste as good as that chicken. ./This car is inferior to that car.

On the [] side; /
On the small, conservative, tasteful, etc. side; / ; contrast, inclination; tends to..., is rather..., kind of... When used with any verb, this sentence ending shows an inclination or contrast. The English equivalent is "tends to...", "is rather", "is on the _side", etc. The noun means 1. side, direction 2. party, team, side 3. a means, a way. - can attach to any verb - is attached to descriptive verbs in the present tense ending in a vowel (when ending in a consonant use ) plus in the present tense. - is used in all other cases. - if used with out a modifier suffix (-//) then it be used with some nouns to indicate that you are someone's/something's side as in ./I'm on Ms. Pak's side. - use if you want to be less assertative, less commital Examples: ./This town is on the small side. ./Jong Geun is pretty brave. ./He's kinda of not good at studying/He tends to not to be able to study well.

Immediately after; -
Immediately after; a.v.+- ; successions of things happening is so fast it's frightening; immediate succession of developments/occurrences, as soon as This pattern shows an immediate chain of events or succession of occurrences. The literal meaning of the expression is that things happened in succession so fast it was scary. means to be "fearful", "afraid", "terrible", etc.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - is used with action verbs - is mostly used with the main clause in the past tense - infers surprise on the part of the speaker from the rapidity of events Examples: ./I started to study Japanese as soon as I arrived in Japan. . As soon as I left the house I suffered a traffic accident. see also

-; retrospective marker
-; retrospective marker; indicates things that happened in the past on a regular basis; - = something in the past that happened only once This pattern is used when the speaker thinks back about facts, experiences, or events. - is always followed by a noun - can be used with any verb but is mostly used with action verbs - when attached to a verb in the present tense it refers to facts, events, or experiences that regularly happened in the past i.e. a situation continued for a while and then changed - when attached to a verb in the past tense it refers to a fact, event, or experience that happened just once in the past or a past state at a certain point of time Examples: ./It's the company where I used to work (as you see in this case it refers to a past habitual action). ./It's the company where I worked(in this case as compared to the previous example the speaker only worked there once. For example, they did an inspection at that company for one day and then worked somewhere else the next). ./The man who had no money became a rich man.

Just as it is; -
Just as it is; - /- ; , ; intact, as it stands, with no change This pattern indicates a state is unchange despite an action being performed. The English equivalent is "with no change", "as it was", "as it stands", "intact", "just as it is", etc. - only used with action verbs - is affixed to verbs ending in a vowel - is affixed to verbs ending in a consonant. - can have the particle attached


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 Examples: , ./He jumped in the water with his clothes on. ./They left the car they had the accident in as it was in the street and fled.

Even's impossible; - , +

Even's impossible; action verb +- , action verb + ; Even if you want to (do something), it's impossible...; , This grammar pattern expresses the futility or impossibility of something event in spite of one's wishes or desires. - is used with action verbs - tense is expressed in the main (final) clause - the verb with must be repeated in the main (final) clause - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel Examples: , ./Even though we want to solve it politically, it is impossible for us to do so. , ./Even though I want to return to Korea, it is not possible.

Sentence final ending it seems that; - /

Sentence final ending it seems that; - ; I think that; it appears that; ; This pattern is used when one wishes to express supposition or conjecture. Using these forms presupposes some type of observable evidence. - can be used with any verb but tends to be used mainly with action verbs - action verbs in the present tense occur with
- alternatively this pattern can be for action verbs

- decriptive verbs in the present tense usually occur with

in the past tense both use verb only used in past tense form

- subject is usually in the third person

Examples: ./It seems he is in the classroom. ./It seems the economy is bad.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Interrogative ending -?

Interrogative ending -?; panmal style This is a interrogative sentence ending used between close friends or parents to children, etc. It should never be used to social superiors (i.e. teacher, boss, older person, etc.). Women tend to use it more than men especially among older generations in Korea. - can be used after any tense Examples: ?/When will move? ?/Is the scenery beautiful?

Have a habit of...; -

Have a habit of...; action verb + - ; have a bad habit of doing This pattern is used to show habitual action and it tends to carry a negative connotation. - can only be used with action verbs Examples: ./She has a habit of disturbing others. ./He has the habit of repeating himself.

It is decided that; -
It is decided that; - ; it is schedule that; it is arranged that; This pattern shows results or outcomes decided by agreement between parties and is a passive pattern. The English meaning is "it is scheduled that", "it has been decided that", "it has been arranged that", etc. -usually used with action verbs -used mostly in the past tense - can be used with the pattern which changes the meaning some to having an obligation or schedule (see examples below) Examples: ./It has been decided that we will import cars. ./It has been arranged to visit Grandfather next week. ./We are supposed to/schedule to go on a business trip next month.

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 ./If we drive intoxicated, we are supposed to receive punishment. see also -

In order to/for; -
In order to; - ; for the sake of; for the purpose of; with the intention of; for; , , , , This pattern is extremely common and you will hear it often. It is used to indicate the purpose of some action or of doing something. - always used with action verbs - can be attached to nouns but it changes to / - is synomous with but this pattern is used more in writing than speaking - is interchangeable with () - the subjects of the main and dependent clauses must be the same

Examples: ./I attend college in order to learn. ./I exercise everyday for my health.

Confident that...; -
Confident that...; action verb +- / ; One is confident that one can..., +- / ; one is not confident that one can This pattern is used to show one's confidence to do something/some action (or lack thereof if used with ). - is always used with action verbs - tense and/or negation is expressed in the final / - follows verbs ending in a consonant - follows verbs ending in a vowel - the / portion shows future tense Examples: ?/Are you sure you can repair this break-down? ./I wasn't confident that I could drive.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Sentence final ending keeps doing; -

Sentence final ending keeps doing; - / / ; (it) keeps doing...; progressive development This pattern indicates development to a better or more advanced state. - can be used with any verb - follows , - follows any other vowel - is attached to the verb /to do Examples: ./My daughter's illness is getting better. ./Daegu's population keeps increasing.

Because/so; -
Because/so; - ; attached to imperative, declarative, or propositive, as a result of, as a consequence of This pattern shows the reason something happened and usually connotates a sudden happening. - used with action verbs - used with indirect quotation stems in the propositive, declarative, or imperative forms, i.e. , , - used with the main clause (final clause) verb in the present or past tense. It's very rarely used with the future tense - is interchangeable with - with no change in meaning Examples: ./Because my boss went, I too went. ./My boss said, "Let's go," and so I went.

Sentence ending, derogatory modifier;

Sentence ending, derogatory modifier; action verb+ - / / ; This pattern adds a derogatory meaning to the verb it's attached to. - normally used with action verbs - attaches to verbs with the final vowel of , - attaches to verbs with the any other final vowel - attaches to the verb - normally used with present or past tense

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples: ./He did as he wanted. ./He's no good. ./He cheated me.

Extremely; +
Extremely; +verb+ negative; it's really (extremely) such and suc; This pattern is used to show an uncommon or remarkable state/condition. Examples: ./It's really inconvenient. ./Hyolee is extremely beautiful. see also +verb+negative

Exclamation ending - /- !
Exclamation ending - / /- ! This pattern expresses the speaker's astonishment, etc. while wondering about reactions/feelings of listener. - can be used with any verb - attaches to present tense descriptive verbs ending in a consonant - attaches to present tense descriptive verbs ending in a vowel and present tense - attaches to all other cases i.e. action verbs, past tense descriptive verbs, etc. - is interchangeable with but is used less than that pattern Examples: !/There were a lot of people! !/That car is cool!

Suffix -, -cal; , cally

Suffix noun+-;, -ic, -ive, -al Some nouns of Chinese origin can be turned into adjectives or adverbs with these patterns. This is an important grammar pattern to remember as it's used so much. - forms adjectives - forms adverbs

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Examples: medical medically historical historically cultural culturally impulsive

Whether or not; -...-

Whether...or not; verb+-...verb+-, This pattern is used when one is arguing between two possibilities. - attaches to verb stems or plain style base - when attaches to the verb becomes Examples: , /That couple is always arguing about whether they should divorce or not. , ./They argue about whether the professor is conservative or progressive.

It is all the same if you do or not; -

It is all the same if you do or not; - ; Whether you do (something) or not, it's the same, it doesn't matter This pattern is used when there isn't much difference between two courses of action or behaviors. - used with action verbs and - can be a sentence ending or connective between two clauses - apparently this pattern is also used without the space, i.e.

Examples: ./It's all the same whether you go or not. ./It doesn't matter if you call Dong-hwan or not, he won't come.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012


Because/so/therefore; noun+ -/; and so This pattern functions like but is attached to nouns instead of verbs and shows a casual relationship between two clauses. - tense and/or negation are expressed in the independent(final) clause - attaches to nouns ending in a vowel - attaches to nouns ending in a consonant Examples: ./Because it's an international airport, it's always crowded. , ./It's a nice car and so I bought it. ./Since she's a kind woman, I will meet her.

After having done; -

After having done (something); action verb+- ; and then, after, This pattern shows a sequence of actions that appear in the two clauses (independent/final clause and the dependent/first clause). - used with action verbs - not used with movement verbs such as /to go, /to come, /to stand up, /to lie down, etc. Use the pattern with those verbs - the subject must be the same for both clauses - negation and/or tense are attached to the independent/main/final clause Examples: , ./I read this book and then watched a movie. . After I write this sentence, I will go to sleep. see also - see also -

It is necessary to do; -
It is necessary to do (something); verb+- / ; - / = not necessary to do Necessity or pressure to do something is shown by this pattern


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - used with action verbs and - the particle is optional - / attach to verbs ending in a vowel - / attach to verbs ending in a consonant - the negative (i.e. oppositve) form is / -tense is expressed in the final / Examples: ./It is not necessary to go. /It is necessary to study now.

Exclamation ending -
Exclamation ending - This pattern is an exclamatory ending used to expresses astonishment/surprise, delight, etc. This pattern is used when the speaker has a spontaneous emotional reaction. - used with all verbs - NOTE: if the is omitted, then this pattern is used to make a statement in the familiar form/ i.e. to close friends, social inferiors (kids, etc.) Examples: !/This sidewalk is slippery! !/A fire broke out at the factory! contrast with the missing ; ./I ate dinner.

plain style +?
plain style verb+?; incredulity; -? This style when attached to the plain style shows the listeners's astonishment or incredulity. - can be used with any verb
when used with the verb , changes to ()?

Examples: ?/He ran away!?! ?/Do it by tomorrow!?! ?/He is a selfish person!?!


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Retrospective endings -?/-

Retrospective endings -?/?/-/ These patterns are used to refer to a past event or fact retrospectively. - ?/? are used to ask about a certain event or fact in the past.
- ? attaches to verbs ending in a vowel - ? attaches to verbs ending in a consonant - the subject is normally in the 3rd person

- / is used in response to the above pattern to make a statement about a past fact or event. - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant Examples: ?/Were there many people (when you look/were there, etc.)? ./There were many people (when I looked/was there, etc.).

If one finishes; -
If one finishes (something); - When this pattern is used, the completion of a first action (shown in the dependent clause), results in the state/condition of the main/independent clause. - attaches to action verbs but is usually followed by descriptive verbs in the main clause

Examples: ./If I drive for ten hours, I feel very(too) tired. ./You will feel better after you sleep. see also - see also -

When; -
When; - / This pattern shows the time when some occurs and is interchangeable with the pattern interchangeable with - .

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - is less colloquial than - - can be used with any verb except - if the actions of the clauses happen at the same time, do not use the past infix . However, it maybe used if the action of the main/independent clause takes place before the dependent clause's action - the particle can be replaced with other particles (similar to ), such as , , etc. - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel - attaches to verbs ending in a consonant Examples: ./When I went to Germany, I met my younger sister. , ./When I came to Korea, it was already hot. , ./Everytime I don't take my umbrella, it rains.

Even/on top of that; -

Even/on top of that; noun+-; so far as, besides that, even the most basic, to boot, in the bargain This pattern is used to emphasize the word that is attached to. - attaches to nouns - is similar to but is used for undesireable situations and shows the most basic condition that exists. is used more to indicate the extremes or lengths to which an situation has developed. - also emphasizes an additional condition piled on Examples: ./I can't even remember her name. , ./It's raining, and on top of that, the wind is blowing.

Such as;
Such as; noun+ ; something like; something is similar to This pattern is used to make a comparision or demonstrate similarity. - attaches to nouns - can be replaced with other nouns Examples: ./I don't want to study a difficult thing such as math. ./There is nothing like a beauty shop here.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

For doing; -
For doing; -/; in doing...; for This pattern in addition to meaning but, and, etc. (same construction) also can be used to show purpose or fitness. In this particular usage, is a modifier marker, the is dependent noun meaning place or situation, and the particle expresses in or for. - preceded by action verbs - the final is optional Examples: ./I'm going to use it to fix the house (literally...In the situation of repairing the house, I'm going to use it.). ./These clothes are handy/convenient/useful for swimming.

to be as large as; -
to be as large as; noun+-; to the same extent as; to be as much as; to be as little as; to be the size of, be as, be like This pattern, when attached to a noun, shows comparison or similarity. - attaches to nouns Examples: ?/Do you have something this small? ./The elephant is almost as big as a house. see also -

To be different from; -
To be different from; - / This pattern is used to indicate contrast. - used with nouns, verbal nouns, and noun clauses - the contrast particle is normally attached to the particle / - attaches to words ending in a vowel - attaches to words ending in a consonant - is an irregular verb Examples:

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 ./It is different than what I thought (it would be). /Jong Guen's story is different than Hyolee's.

Infix -/future tense

Infix -; will; strong intentional; future tense; supposition This pattern is usually used to indicate future tense. By using this pattern you are showing strong intention or simply that sometime will happen. However, it can also be used to indicate supposition/conjecture. -If combined with past tense it can show conjecture/speculation about that past event. Example: , You must have waited a lot. -When used with 3rd person subject conveys simple factual pronunciation i.e for weather forecasts, announcements, etc. -/ / denotes a simpler future and shows less intention or will. - if used to show conjecture, the subject is usually in the 3rd person. It can be used in this way with any verb, but most occurs with descriptive verbs or action verbs in the past tense. Conversely, when used to express future tense, it occurs in 1st/2nd person only with action verbs and /. - when used with verbs of knowledge (/don't know, /to know,etc.) it means present tense. For example, doesn't mean, I will not know, it means I don't know and is a common response when you don't know the answer to someone's query. Examples: . Tomorrow it will rain all day in Seoul. . I will go to the book store soon. . I will not work.

It appears; -
It appears; - , looks like, I guess... / / This pattern is used to indicate the speaker's presumption or conjecture. - used with any verb usually with the subject in the third person - is used with descriptive verbs in the present tense ending in a vowel and the verb (present tense) - is used with descriptive verbs in the present tense ending in a consonant - is used in all other cases - a synomous pattern is - and this tends to be used mostly with action verbs but descriptive verbs in the past tense can also use this - these pattern is used when you don't have direct evidence of the conjecture you are talking about (in that case use ). For example, if you've heard Mr. Smith plays soccer well but have never seen him play to make your own guess, you can use this pattern. If you are basing your conjecture on having seen him, use .

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 Examples: ./Jong Geun appears to be happy. ./I guess Hyolee will go the day after tomorrow. ./Apparently he is leaving. see also
(based on indirect evidence, secondhand information)

; so that
; so that; in such a way, in order to This pattern shows purpose or aim. - used mostly with action verbs - interchangeable with - but this pattern is more informal and common than -. Also interchangeable with - but that pattern is more emphatic than - - also used as a rhetorical sentence ending. If used in this manner, it must be used with () or . The particle may be added to make it a polite sentence. See the example below. Examples: , ./Please go quick so that you won't be late. ?/If I sleep here, I'll catch a cold, won't I?

In spite of; -
In spite of; verb+-//; although, despite, , This pattern shows disregard for an undesireable or unexpected fact/event. The contents of the second/main clause come about in spite of the facts expressed in the dependent/first clause. - can be used with any verb - is attached to descriptive verbs in the present tense and the verb - is used in all other cases - is often followed by the expression (in spite of, notwithstanding) - a similiar pattern is is when it's attached to the nominalizer () to make () Examples: , ./Although it's March, it's very cold. ./In spite of the fact that we notified them in advance, they didn't listen and caused an accident.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Even; +, ..?

Even; verb+, +verb+?/, ../, ..; This construct shows the idea that someone is underestimating the actual size, quantity, condition, number, etc. of something. - always ends in a question - the verb with // is repeated in the final/independent clause - past tense is express in the final/indepedent clause, not the dependent clause

Examples: , ?/Even though the teacher will give me a scolding, how bad can it be? , ?/Granted that he's proficient in Korean, how good can he be? , ?/Even though Dong Hwan was going far, how far could he have gone?

Even though; -
Even though; -/; granted that...; When someone uses this pattern, they are showing an act/instance of reluctant admittance or conceding a point made in an argument and this pattern is usuall followed by a rhetorical question. - used with rhetorical questions (verb is typically in the future/ tense) - may be used with any verb - attaches to verbs ending in a vowel - is attached to verbs ending in a consonant - when used with +verb+?, is synomous with , +verb+? Examples: , ?/Even if he speaks English well, can he speak it like an American? ? What sort of power would he have? (lit. Even though it be him, what power would he have?) ?/That girl is so stubborn, what is the point of talking to her?


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

It might be; -

It might be; - / ; This pattern shows the speakers doubt about a certain event or fact. - can be used with any verb - subject is usually in the third person - is used after verb stems ending in a vowel - is used after verb stems ending in a consonant - can be used interchangeably with () but tends to be more conjectural than that pattern Examples: ./He might be a rich man (for all I know).

Through; -
Through; noun+- / ; throughout; / This pattern shows by which medium, means, etc. (through) something happened or shows the whole period or time (throughout) during which something happened. - the final - is optional - attaches to nouns ending in a consonant - attaches to nouns ending in a vowel Examples: ./I heard the news through my superior. ./I taught only math throughout my life.

In spite of;
In spite of; noun+ - / ; despite When using this pattern, one shows willingness to continue despite some thing (danger, obstacle, etc.). means to defy, risk, brave, etc. - is used after nouns ending in a vowel - is used after nouns ending in a consonant Examples: . We continued on our stroll (leisure walk) despite the

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 rainstorm. ./I studied hard in spite of the pain.

someone says that...;

someone says that...; person + + indirect discourse (i.e. - , etc.) This pattern, when followed by an indirect discourse, indicates the source of the information relayed, i.e. who said it. - the verbs (to tell)/(to say), can be replaced by other verbs such as (to order, command), (to promise), etc. ./The captain ordered that this work be finished today. ./My friend says this movie is worth seeing.

Had the experience of; -

Had the experience of; action verb+- / ; / ; have ever done (something); This grammar construction indicates that someone has had a certain experience. Literally it means the experience of having done something exists. - only used with action verbs - tense is expressed in the final / - is interchangeable with / but that pattern is more colloquial - can substitute - in place of - to mean never had the experience of (doing something) - is attached to verbs ending with a consonant - is attached to verbs ending with a vowel Examples: ?/Have you been to Namsan? ?/Have you ever received a prize?

No matter how; +verb+

No matter how; +verb+-/+verb+-/+verb+/+verb+-; however; maybe, This pattern forms an adverbial concessive clause,i.e. the speaker concedes a certain condition exists.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 - is always followed by a independent(main) clause - can be replaced by with no change in meaning but is more colloquial - () is interchangeable with // or with no change in meaning Examples: , ?/Even though the problems were difficult, how could you not even get one answer correct? ./No matter how confident you are, it will do you well to listen to advice. , ./No matter how much noise they make, you shouldn't worry about it. , ./However good it may be, I won't buy it.

Since someone does;

Since someone does; verb+ adverbial modifier/attributive form+; since one does/since one did... This pattern shows that one should take an opportunity that has appeared. - usually used with an obligatory, imperative, or propisitive sentence (showing up in the independent clause) - is used with past modifier suffix (/), present modifier suffix (), or future tense modifier suffix (/) - if you use with the future tense, it has a slightly different meaning of "one is supposed to do something" - similiar to but that pattern cannot be used with the future tense modifier suffix Examples: , ./Since you came to Seoul, go sightseeing at the War Museum. /I would rather die than surrender.

If someone says, "Let's do (something).."; -

If someone says, "Let's do (something).."; action verb+- This pattern shows that someone has proposed to do something aand the speakers reaction is conditional to what upon what the other party said. - only used with action verbs - abbreviated form of - tense and/or negation occurs in the final/main clause - this pattern can be easily confused with (to sleep) + (if), i.e. if (one)sleeps/ Examples:

[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012 , ./When I said, "Let's eat.", he ate. , ?/If the president says, "Let's modernize Korean.", how should we do it?

As long as; -
As long as; -; but; although, even though This pattern shows conditional concession. - act of concession appears in the first clause and the condition is shown in the final/main clause - used with any verb except - can be used with verbs ending in consonants or (such as ) - can't be used with the final verb in the main clause being in the past or future tenses. Examples: , ./Let's buy it, but let's wait until next year. , ./My friend has a lot of money, but he doesn't know how to spend it. ./You can drink, but drink moderately.

Thinking of doing; -
I thinking of doing...; action verb+- / This pattern shows that the speaker is considering doing something or thinking about doing something. - only used with action verbs - tense is expressed in the final portion - very similiar to the pattern () (this pattern shows intention rather than consideration however) - is attached to verbs ending in a vowel - is attached to verbs ending in a consonant - the / portion refers to the future tense Examples: ./I'm thining of going to the gym this evening. ./I was thinking of meeting my girlfriend.


[KOREAN GRAMMAR] April 30, 2012

Plans to do; -
Plans to do; action verb+- /

This pattern shows one's plan, project, intention, etc. It literally means "My plan is to...". - only used with action verbs - tense is expressed in the final portion - interchangeable with the pattern () . The can be dropped in colloquial speech. - is attached to verbs ending in a vowel - is attached to verbs ending in a consonant - the / portion refers to the future tense Examples: ./I plan to drive. ./We plan to build a factory.


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