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Promise Co- Will not

Co- Co- Co- d to spons co-
sponsor sponsor Sponsor vote for or sponsor
State Party Dist First Name Last Name 108 109 110 110 111th 111th
AK R AKAL Don Young
AL R AL01 Josiah "Jo" Bonner
AL D AL02 Bobby Bright
AL R AL03 Mike Rogers
AL R AL04 Robert B. Aderholt
AL D AL05 Parker Griffith
AL R AL06 Spencer Bachus
AL D AL07 Artur Davis
AR D AR01 Ann Kirkpatrick
AR D AR02 Vic Snyder X
AR R AR03 John Boozman
AR D AR04 Mike Ross
AZ R AZ01 Rick Renzi x
AZ R AZ02 Trent Franks
AZ R AZ03 John B. Shadegg
AZ D AZ04 Ed Pastor x x
AZ D AZ05 Harry Mitchell
AZ R AZ06 Jeff Flake Yes
AZ D AZ07 Rau´l M. Grijalva x x x
AZ D AZ08 Gabrielle Giffords
CA D CA01 Mike Thompson x
CA R CA02 Wally Herger
CA R CA03 Daniel Lungren
CA R CA04 Tom McClintock
CA D CA05 Doris O Matsui x
CA D CA06 Lynn C. Woolsey x x x
CA R CA07 George Miller x x x
CA D CA08 Nancy Pelosi x
CA D CA09 Barbara Lee x x x
CA D CA10 Ellen O. Tauscher x
CA D CA11 Jerry McNerney
CA D CA12 Tom Lantos x
CA D CA13 Fortney Pete Stark
CA D CA14 Anna G. Eshoo x x
CA D CA15 Michael M. Honda x x
CA D CA16 Zoe Lofgren x x x
CA D CA17 Sam Farr x x x
CA D CA18 Dennis A. Cardoza
CA R CA19 George Radanovich
CA D CA20 Jim Costa
CA R CA21 Devin Nunes x x
CA R CA22 Kevin McCarthy
CA D CA23 Lois Capps x x x
CA R CA24 Elton Gallegly
CA R CA25 Howard P. (Buck) McKeon
CA R CA26 David Dreier x
CA D CA27 Brad Sherman
CA D CA28 Howard L. Berman x x x
CA D CA29 Adam B. Schiff x x x
CA D CA30 Henry A. Waxman x x x
CA D CA31 Xavier Becerra x x
CA D CA32 Hilda L. Solis x x x
CA D CA33 Diane E. Watson x
CA D CA34 Lucille Roybal-Allard x x x
CA D CA35 Maxine Waters x
CA D CA36 Jane Harman x x
CA D CA37 Laura Richardson
CA D CA38 Grace F. Napolitano x x x
CA D CA39 Linda T. Sanchez x x x
CA R CA40 Edward R. Royce
CA R CA41 Jerry Lewis
CA R CA42 Gary G. Miller
CA D CA43 Joe Baca x x
CA R CA44 Ken Calvert
CA R CA45 Mary Bono
CA R CA46 Dana Rohrabacher
CA D CA47 Loretta Sanchez
CA R CA48 John Campbell
CA R CA49 Darrell E. Issa
CA R CA50 Brian Bilbray
CA D CA51 Bob Filner x x
CA R CA52 Duncan Hunter
CA D CA53 Susan A. Davis x x
CO D CO01 Diana DeGette x x
CO D CO02 Jared Polis
CO D CO03 John T. Salazar
CO D CO04 Betsy Markey
CO R CO05 Doug Lamborn
CO R CO06 Mike Coffman
CO D CO08 Ed Perlmutter
CT D CT01 John B. Larson x
CT D CT02 Joe Courtney
CT D CT03 Rosa L. DeLauro x
CT D CT04 James A. Himes
CT D CT05 Christopher Murphy
DE R DEAL Michael N. Castle x x
FL R FL01 Jeff Miller
FL D FL02 Allen Boyd
FL D FL03 Corrine Brown x x
FL R FL04 Ander Crenshaw
FL R FL05 Ginny Brown-Waite
FL R FL06 Cliff Stearns
FL R FL07 John L. Mica
FL D FL08 Alan Grayson
FL R FL09 Michael Bilirakis
FL R FL10 C.W. Bill Young
FL D FL11 Kathy Castor
FL R FL12 Adam Putnam
FL R FL13 Vern Buchanan
FL R FL14 Connie Mack
FL R FL15 Bill Posey
FL R FL16 Thomas J. Rooney
FL D FL17 Kendrick B. Meek x x
FL R FL18 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen x x x
FL D FL19 Robert Wexler
FL D FL20 Debbie Schultz x
FL R FL21 Lincoln Diaz-Balart x x x
FL D FL22 Ron Klein
FL D FL23 Alcee L. Hastings x x
FL D FL24 Suzanne M. Kosmas
FL R FL25 Mario Diaz-Balart x x x
GA R GA01 Jack Kingston
GA D GA02 Sanford D., Jr. Bishop
GA D GA03 Jim Marshall
GA R GA03 Lynn Westmoreland
GA D GA04 Henry C. Johnson
GA D GA05 John Lewis
GA D GA06 Tom Price
GA R GA07 John Linder
GA R GA09 Nathan Deal
GA R GA10 Charlie Norwood
GA R GA11 Phil Gingrey
GA D GA12 John Barrow
GA D GA13 David Scott
HI D HI01 Neil Abercrombie x x
HI D HI02 Mazie Hirono x
IA D IA01 Bruce Braley
IA D IA02 David Loebsack
IA D IA03 Leonard L. Boswell
IA R IA04 Tom Latham x
IA R IA05 Steve King
ID D ID01 Walt Minnick
ID R ID02 Michael K. Simpson
IL D IL01 Bobby L. Rush x
IL D IL02 Jesse L., Jr. Jackson x x
IL D IL03 Daniel
x (note, this was
actually co-sponsored by his father william lipinski during this legislative session
IL D IL04 Luis V. Gutierrez x x x (only
as stand
IL D IL05 Rahm Emanuel x alone
IL R IL06 Peter Roskam bill and
not as
IL D IL07 Danny K. Davis amend
IL D IL08 Melissa Bean ment)
IL D IL09 Janice D. Schakowsky x x x x
IL R IL10 Mark Steven Kirk
IL D IL11 Deborah L. Halvorson
IL D IL12 Jerry F. Costello
IL R IL13 Judy Biggert
IL R IL14 J. Dennis Hastert
IL R IL15 Timothy V. Johnson
IL R IL16 Donald A. Manzullo
IL D IL17 Phil Hare
IL R IL18 Aaron Schock
IL R IL19 John Shimkus x
IN D IN01 Peter J. Visclosky
IN D IN02 Joe Donnelly
IN R IN03 Mark E. Souder
IN R IN04 Steve Buyer
IN R IN05 Dan Burton
IN R IN06 Mike Pence
IN D IN07 Julia M. Carson x
IN D IN08 Brad Ellsworth
IN D IN09 Baron P. Hill
KS R KS01 Jerry Moran x
KS R KS02 Lynn Jenkins
KS D KS03 Dennis Moore x
KS R KS04 Todd Tiahrt x
KY R KY01 Ed Whitfield
KY R KY02 Brett Guthrie
KY D KY03 John Yarmuth
KY D KY04 Geoff Davis
KY R KY05 Harold Rogers
KY D KY06 Ben Chandler
LA R LA01 Bobby Jindal
LA R LA02 Anh "Joseph" Cao
LA D LA03 Charlie Melancon
LA R LA04 John Fleming
LA D LA05 Rodney Alexander
LA R LA06 Bill Cassidy
LA R LA07 Charles Boustany
MA D MA01 John W. Olver x
MA D MA02 Richard E. Neal x
MA D MA03 James P. McGovern x x
MA D MA04 Barney Frank x
MA D MA05 Martin T. Meehan x x
MA D MA06 John F. Tierney x
MA D MA07 Edward J. Markey x
MA D MA08 Michael E. Capuano x
MA D MA09 Stephen F. Lynch x
MA D MA10 William D. Delahunt x
MD R MD01 Frank Kratovil, Jr.
MD D MD02 C.A. Dutch r
MD D MD03 John Sarbanes x
MD D MD04 Albert Russell Wynn x
MD D MD05 Steny H. Hoyer x
MD R MD06 Roscoe G. Bartlett
MD D MD07 Elijah E. Cummings x x
MD D MD08 Chris Van Hollen x
ME D ME01 Chellie Pingree
ME D ME02 Michael H. Michaud
MI D MI01 Bart Stupak
MI R MI02 Peter Hoekstra
MI R MI03 Vernon J. Ehlers
MI R MI04 Dave Camp
MI D MI05 Dale E. Kildee
MI R MI06 Fred Upton
MI D MI07 Mark H. Schauer
MI R MI08 Mike Rogers
MI D MI09 Gary C. Peters
MI R MI10 Candice S. Miller
MI R MI11 Thaddeus G. McCotter
MI D MI12 Sander M. Levin x
MI D MI13 Carolyn C. Kilpatrick x
MI D MI14 John, Jr. Conyers
MI D MI15 John D. Dingell
MI R MI17 Timothy Walberg
MN R MN01 Timothy Walz
MN R MN02 John Kline
MN R MN03 Erik Paulsen
MN D MN04 Betty McCollum x
MN D MN05 Keith Ellison x
MN R MN06 Michele Bachmann
MN D MN07 Collin C. Peterson
MN D MN08 James L. Oberstar
MO D MO01 Wm. Lacy Clay
MO R MO02 W. Todd Akin
MO D MO03 Russ Carnahan
MO D MO04 Ike Skelton x x
MO D MO05 Emanuel Cleaver x
MO R MO06 Samuel Graves
MO R MO07 Roy Blunt
MO R MO08 Jo Ann Emerson
MO R MO09 Blaine Luetkemeyer
MS R MS01 Roger F. Wicker
MS D MS02 Bennie G. Thompson
MS R MS03 Gregg Harper
MS D MS04 Gene Taylor
MT R MTAL Dennis R. Rehberg
NC D NC01 G. K. Butterfield x
NC D NC02 Bob Etheridge x
NC R NC03 Walter B. Jones
NC D NC04 David E. Price x x x
NC R NC05 Virginia Foxx
NC R NC06 Howard Coble
NC D NC07 Mike McIntyre
NC D NC08 Larry Kissel
NC R NC09 Sue Wilkins Myrick
NC R NC10 Patrick McHenry
NC D NC11 Heath Shuler
NC D NC12 Melvin L. Watt x
NC D NC13 Brad Miller x
ND D NDAL Earl Pomeroy
NE R NE01 Jeff Fortenberry
NE R NE02 Lee Terry
NE R NE03 Adrian Smith
NH D NH01 Carol Shea-Porter
NH D NH02 Paul Hodes
NJ D NJ01 Robert E. Andrews x x x
NJ R NJ02 Frank A. LoBiondo
NJ D NJ03 John H. Adler
NJ R NJ04 Christopher H. Smith x
NJ R NJ05 Scott Garrett
NJ D NJ06 Frank, Jr. Pallone x
NJ R NJ07 Leonard Lance
NJ D NJ08 Bill, Jr. Pascrell x
NJ D NJ09 Steven R. Rothman x x
NJ D NJ10 Donald M. Payne x
NJ R NJ11 Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
NJ D NJ12 Rush D. Holt x
NJ D NJ13 Albio Sires
NM D NM01 Martin Heinrich
NM D NM02 Harry Teague
NM D NM03 Ben Ray Lujan x
NV D NV01 Shelley Berkley x x x
NV R NV02 Dean Heller
NV D NV03 Dina Titus
NY D NY01 Timothy H. Bishop
NY D NY02 Steve Israel
NY R NY03 Peter T. King x
NY D NY04 Carolyn McCarthy x x
NY D NY05 Gary L. Ackerman x X
NY D NY06 Gregory W. Meeks x x
NY D NY07 Joseph Crowley x x x
NY D NY08 Jerrold Nadler x x x
NY D NY09 Anthony D. Weiner x x x
NY D NY10 Edolphus Towns x x
NY D NY11 Yvette Clarke x
NY D NY12 Nydia M. Velazquez x x
NY D NY13 Michael E. McMahon
NY D NY14 Carolyn B. Maloney x X
NY D NY15 Charles B. Rangel x x X
NY D NY16 Jose´ E. Serrano x x
NY D NY17 Eliot L. Engel x
NY D NY18 Nita M. Lowey x x
NY D NY19 John J. Hall
NY D NY20 Kirsten Gillibrand
NY D NY21 Paul Tonko
NY D NY22 Maurice D. Hinchey x
NY R NY23 John M. McHugh
NY R NY24 Michael Arcuri
NY D NY25 Daniel B. Maffei
NY R NY26 Christopher John Lee
NY D NY27 Brian Higgins
NY D NY28 Louise McIntosh Slaughter x
NY D NY29 Eric J.J. Massa
OH D OH01 Steve Driehaus
OH R OH02 Jean Schmidt
OH R OH03 Michael R. Turner
OH R OH04 Jim Jordan
OH R OH05 Paul E. Gillmor x
OH D OH06 Charles Wilson
OH R OH07 Steve Austria
OH R OH08 John A. Boehner
OH D OH09 Marcy Kaptur
OH D OH10 Dennis J. Kucinich x
OH D OH11 Stephanie Tubbs Jones
OH R OH12 Patrick J. Tiberi
OH D OH13 Betty Sutton
OH R OH14 Steven C. LaTourette
OH D OH15 Mary Jo Kilroy
OH D OH16 John A. Boccieri
OH D OH17 Timothy J. Ryan
OH D OH18 Zachary Space
OK R OK01 John Sullivan
OK D OK02 Dan Boren
OK R OK03 Frank D. Lucas
OK R OK04 Tom Cole
OK R OK05 Mary Fallin
OR D OR01 David Wu x x x
OR R OR02 Greg Walden
OR D OR03 Earl Blumenauer x
OR D OR04 Peter A. DeFazio
OR D OR05 Kurt Schrader
PA D PA01 Robert A. Brady
PA D PA02 Chaka Fattah x x
PA D PA03 Kathleen A. Dahlkemper
PA D PA04 Jason Altmire
PA R PA05 Glenn Thompson
PA R PA06 Jim Gerlach
PA D PA07 Joe Sestak
PA D PA08 Patrick Murphy
PA R PA09 Bill Shuster
PA D PA10 Christopher Carney
PA D PA11 Paul E. Kanjorski
PA D PA12 John P. Murtha
PA D PA13 Allyson Schwartz
PA D PA14 Michael F. Doyle
PA R PA15 Charles Dent
PA R PA16 Joseph R. Pitts
PA D PA17 Tim Holden
PA R PA18 Tim Murphy
PA R PA19 Todd Russell Platts
RI D RI01 Patrick J. Kennedy x
RI D RI02 James R. Langevin x x
SC R SC01 Henry E., Jr. Brown
SC R SC02 Joe Wilson
SC R SC03 J. Gresham Barrett
SC R SC04 Bob Inglis
SC D SC05 John M., Jr. Spratt
SC D SC06 James E. Clyburn
SD D SDAL Stephanie Sandlin
TN R TN01 David P. Roe
TN R TN02 John J., Jr. Duncan
TN R TN03 Zach Wamp
TN D TN04 Lincoln Davis
TN D TN05 Jim Cooper
TN D TN06 Bart Gordon
TN R TN07 Marsha Blackburn
TN D TN08 John S. Tanner
TN D TN09 Steve Cohen
TX R TX01 Louie Gohmert
TX R TX02 Ted Poe
TX R TX03 Sam Johnson
TX R TX04 Ralph M. Hall
TX R TX05 Jeb Hensarling
TX R TX06 Joe Barton
TX R TX07 John Abney Culberson
TX R TX08 Kevin Brady
TX D TX09 Al Green x x Yes
TX R TX10 Michael McCaul
TX R TX11 Michael Conaway
TX R TX12 Kay Granger
TX R TX13 Mac Thornberry
TX R TX14 Ron Paul
TX D TX15 Rube´n Hinojosa x x
TX D TX16 Silvestre Reyes x x x
TX D TX17 Chet Edwards
TX D TX18 Sheila Jackson Lee x x
TX R TX19 Randy Neugebauer
TX D TX20 Charles A. Gonzalez x x X Yes
TX R TX21 Lamar S. Smith
TX R TX22 Pete Olson
TX D TX23 Ciro Rodriguez x Yes
TX R TX24 Kenny Marchant
TX D TX25 Lloyd Doggett x x Yes
TX R TX26 Michael C. Burgess
TX D TX27 Solomon P. Ortiz x x Yes
TX D TX28 Henry Cuellar
TX D TX29 Gene Green x x
TX D TX30 Eddie Bernice Johnson
TX R TX31 John R. Carter
TX R TX32 Pete Sessions
UT R UT01 Rob Bishop
UT D UT02 Jim Matheson x
UT R UT03 Jason Chaffetz
VA R VA01 Jo Ann Davis
VA D VA02 Glenn C. Nye
VA D VA03 Robert C. Scott
VA R VA04 J. Randy Forbes
VA D VA05 Thomas S.P. Perriello
VA R VA06 Robert W. (Bob) Goodlatte
VA R VA07 Eric Cantor
VA D VA08 James P. Moran x
VA D VA09 Rick Boucher
VA R VA10 Frank R. Wolf
VA D VA11 Gerald E. Connolly
VT D VTAL Peter Welch
WA D WA01 Jay Inslee
WA D WA02 Rick Larsen
WA D WA03 Brian Baird
WA R WA04 Doc Hastings
WA R WA05 Cathy Rodgers
WA D WA06 Norman D. Dicks
WA D WA07 Jim McDermott x
WA R WA08 David Reichert
WA D WA09 Adam Smith x x
WI R WI01 Paul Ryan x
WI D WI02 Tammy Baldwin x
WI D WI03 Ron Kind x
WI D WI04 Gwen Moore x x
WI R WI05 F. James, Jr. r
WI R WI06 Thomas E. Petri
WI D WI07 David R. Obey
WI D WI08 Steve Kagen
WV D WV01 Alan B. Mollohan
WV R WV02 Shelley Moore Capito
WV D WV03 Nick J., II Rahall x
WY R WYAL Cynthia M. Lummis
Totals 119 46 63
State Dist Member Party Hometown First took
AK AL Don Young R Fort Yukon 1973
AK 1 Rick Renzi R Flagstaff 2003
AK 2 Trent Franks R Glendale 2003
AK 3 John Shadegg R Phoenix 1995
AK 4 Ed Pastor D Phoenix 1991
AK 5 Harry Mitchell D Tempe 2007
AK 6 Jeff Flake R Mesa 2001
AK 7 Raúl M. Grijalva D Tucson 2003
AK 8 Gabrielle Giffords D Tucson 2007
AL 1 Jo Bonner R Mobile 2003
AL 2 Bobby Bright D
AL 3 Mike D. Rogers R Anniston 2003
AL 4 Robert Aderholt R Haleyville 1997
AL 5 Parker Griffith D
AL 6 Spencer Bachus R Vestavia Hills 1993
AL 7 Artur Davis D Birmingham 2003
AR 1 Ann Kirkpatrick D 2001
AR 2 Vic Snyder D Little Rock (special1997
AR 3 John Boozman R Rogers election)
AR 4 Mike Ross D Prescott 2001
CA 1 Mike Thompson D St. Helena 1999
CA 2 Wally Herger R Marysville 1987
CA 3 Dan Lungren R Folsom 2005
CA 4 Tom McClintock R
CA 5 Doris Matsui D Sacramento 2005
CA 6 Lynn Woolsey D Petaluma 1993
CA 7 George Miller D Martinez 1975
CA 8 Nancy Pelosi D San Francisco 1987
CA 9 Barbara Lee D Oakland 1998
CA 10 Ellen Tauscher D Alamo 1997
CA 11 Jerry McNerney D 2007
CA 12 Tom Lantos D San Mateo 1981
CA 13 Pete Stark D Fremont 1973
CA 14 Anna Eshoo D Atherton 1993
CA 15 Mike Honda D San Jose 2001
CA 16 Zoe Lofgren D San Jose 1995
CA 17 Sam Farr D Carmel 1993
CA 18 Dennis Cardoza D Atwater 2003

CA 19 George Radanovich R Mariposa 1995

CA 20 Jim Costa D Fresno 1991
CA 21 Devin Nunes R Tulare 2003
CA 22 Kevin McCarthy R 2007
CA 23 Lois Capps D Santa Barbara 1998
CA 24 Elton Gallegly R Simi Valley 1987
CA 25 Howard McKeon R Santa Clarita 1993
CA 26 David Dreier R San Dimas 1981
CA 27 Brad Sherman D Sherman Oaks 1997
CA 28 Howard Berman D North Hollywood 1983
CA 29 Adam Schiff D Burbank 2001
CA 30 Henry Waxman D Los Angeles 1975
CA 31 Xavier Becerra D Los Angeles 1993
CA 32 Hilda Solis D El Monte 2001
CA 33 Diane Watson D Los Angeles 2001
CA 34 Lucille Roybal-Allard D Los Angeles 1993
CA 35 Maxine Waters D Los Angeles 1991
CA 36 Juanita
Jane Harman
Millender- D Venice 2001
CA 37 McDonald D Carson 1997
CA 38 Grace Napolitano D Norwalk 1999
CA 39 Linda Sánchez D Lakewood 2003
CA 40 Edward R. Royce R Fullerton 1993
CA 41 Jerry Lewis R Redlands 1979
CA 42 Gary Miller R Diamond Bar 1999
CA 43 Joe Baca D Rialto 1999
CA 44 Ken Calvert R Corona 1993
CA 45 Mary Bono R Palm Springs 1998
CA 46 Dana Rohrabacher R Huntington Beach 1989
CA 47 Loretta Sanchez D Anaheim 1997
CA 48 John Campbell R Irvine 2005
CA 49 Darrell Issa R Vista 2001
CA 50 Brian Bilbray R Carlsbad 2006
CA 51 Bob Filner D San Diego 1993
CA 52 Duncan Hunter R
CA 53 Susan Davis D San Diego 2001
CO 1 Diana DeGette D Denver 1997
CO 2 Jared Polis D
CO 3 John Salazar D Manassa 2005
CO 4 Betsy Markey D
CO 5 Doug Lamborn R 2007
CO 6 Mike Coffman R
CO 7 Ed Perlmutter D 2007
CT 1 John Larson D East Hartford 1999
CT 2 Joe Courtney D Vernon 2007
CT 3 Rosa DeLauro D New Haven 1991
CT 4 James A. Himes D
CT 5 Chris Murphy D Cheshire 2007
DE AL Michael N. Castle R Wilmington 1993
FL 1 Jeff Miller R Chumuckla 2001
FL 2 Allen Boyd D Monticello 1997
FL 3 Corrine Brown D Jacksonville 1993
FL 4 Ander Crenshaw R Jacksonville 2001
FL 5 Ginny Brown-Waite R Crystal River 2003
FL 6 Cliff Stearns R Ocala 1989
FL 7 John Mica R Winter Park 1993
FL 8 Alan Grayson D
FL 9 Gus Bilirakis R 2007
FL 10 Bill Young R Indian Shores 1971
FL 11 Kathy Castor D 2007
FL 12 Adam Putnam R Bartow 2001
TX TX01 Louie Gohmert R
TX TX02 Ted Poe R
TX TX03 Sam Johnson R
TX TX04 Ralph M. Hall R
TX TX05 Jeb Hensarling R
TX TX06 Joe Barton R
TX TX07 John Abney Culberson R
TX TX08 Kevin Brady R
TX TX09 Al Green D New Orleans 2003
TX TX10 Michael McCaul R
TX TX11 Michael Conaway R
TX TX12 Kay Granger R
TX TX13 Mac Thornberry R
TX TX14 Ron Paul R
TX TX15 Ruben Hinojosa D 1996
TX TX16 Silvestre Reyes D
TX TX17 Chet Edwards D
TX TX18 Sheila Jackson-Lee D Houston 1988
TX TX19 Randy Neugebauer R
TX TX20 Charles A. Gonzalez D San Antonio 1992
TX TX21 Lamar S. Smith R
TX TX22 Nick Lampson D
TX TX23 Ciro Rodriguez D San Antonio
TX TX24 Kenny Marchant R
TX TX25 Lloyd Doggett D Austin 1994
TX TX26 Michael C. Burgess R
TX TX27 Solomon P. Ortiz D Robstown, TX 1982
TX TX28 Henry Cuellar D Laredo 2005
TX TX29 Gene Green D
TX TX30 Eddie Bernice Johnson D Dallas 1986
TX TX31 John R. Carter R
TX TX32 Pete Sessions R
served in the US Army’s 41st
Education Military
Tank Service
Battalion from 1955 to
Chico State 1957
Northern Arizona, Catholic
Attended Ottawa University
Arizona serves on the House Armed
Services Committee where
Arizona State
she fights for our military men
and women; member of the
Brigham Young 162nd Air National Guard
Arizona Fighter Wing Minuteman
Committee board
Jacksonville State, Birmingham School
of Law volunteered for the United
Birmingham-Southern, Samford States Marineveteran
first Vietnam Corps, elected
in which
he served from 1967-1969,
to the California State Senate.
He servedearning
in combatthewith
Auburn, Alabama corporal. He served for one
Harvard U.S. Army as a staff
year in Vietnam with
sergeant/platoon leader with
Willamette University, University of Headquarters
the 173rd AirborneCompany,
Brigade First
Oregon, University
Southern College ofofOptometry,
Arkansas Marine Division.
where he was wounded and
University of Arkansas received a Purple Heart. He
University of Arkansas was also an instructor at the
California State University Army's Airborne School.
American River College
University of Notre Dame, Georgetown
University Law Center

California, Berkeley
University of Washington, University of N/A
San Francisco State University,
University of California, Davis
Trinity Washington
Mills College, University
University of California, N/A
Seton Hall University
University of Washington, University of
California, Berkeley Stark served in the U.S. Air
MIT, University of California, Berkeley Force
Cañada College, Menlo College
San JoseUniversity,
Willamette State University
University, Santa Clara
University Monterey Institute of
International Studies
Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma,
University of Maryland, College Park
Washington with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Nursing,
California Master
Polytechnic ofUniversity
State Arts
degree in ofReligion
the Sequoias, California
from Yale University,
Fresno StateState
Polytechnic University
University, San Luis
Master of Arts degree in Education from
the Lutheran
University University, Santa
of California, Yale
University, University
Barbara, honorary of California,
doctorates from N/A
Santa Barbara
Pacific Lutheran University and Pacific
Lutheran Theological Seminary
Claremont Young University
McKenna College, N/A
Claremont of
University Graduate School
California, Los Angeles, N/A
Harvard Law School N/A
University of California, Los Angeles N/A
Stanford University, Harvard University N/A
University of California,
California State Los Angeles
Polytechnic University, N/A
Stanford University
Pomona, University of Southern
California N/A
University of California, Los Angeles N/A
California State University, Los Angeles
California State
California State University,
University, Los
Los Angeles N/A
Smith College,
Angeles, Harvard
University Law School
of Southern N/A
California N/A
Texas Southmost
University College
of California, Berkeley, N/A
University of California, Los Angeles N/A
California State University, Fullerton N/A
served in the U.S. Army as a
University of California, Los Angeles N/A
paratrooper with both the
Mount San Antonio College Issa
N/A enlisted
101st and thein82nd
the Army
University of California,
Chaffey College, Los Angeles
San Diego State during hisfrom
Divisions senior year in high
University school
N/A and attended college
on an ROTC scholarship. In
University of Southern
California State California
University, Long Beach, N/A
the Army, Issa served as a
University University,
Chapman of SouthernAmerican
California N/A
bomb disposal technician,
University of California, Los Angeles, N/A
tank platoon commander,
Kent Stateof SouthernStark,
University California
Siena N/A
computer R&D specialist, and
Heights College attained the rank of Captain.
Southwestern College
San Diegoof
University State University
California, Berkeley,
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Colorado College N/A

U.S. Army US Veteran

Central Connecticut State University N/A
Marymount College N/A

N/Aparticipated in Air Force
Hamilton College, Georgetown ROTC
N/A at GWU and was
University of Florida honored as the Air Force
ROTC Distinguished Military
Florida State University
Graduate. He graduated with
Florida A&M
University of University
Georgia, University of N/A
a degree in electrical
Florida engineering and then started
State University of New York at Albany N/Afour years of service in the
George Washington University Air Force
University of Florida N/A

veteran of the Army National

Army National Guard Guard
University of Florida N/A

Florida A&M University & Texas

Souther University
University of Texas in Austin & UT in

Yale University & University of Virginia

Law School
University of Texas in Austin & St.
Mary's School of Law in San Antonio

St. Mary's University & Our Lady of the

Lake University in SA
University of Texas in Austin & UT
School of Law

Dropped out University,

Georgetown of school Texas A&M, &
University of Texas in Austin
Texas Christian University & Southern
Methodist University
his father is U.S. Army Major General
Gene Renzi
received awards reflecting commitment to
smaller burden
of the Homeland Security
leader on
Subcommitteehealth care issuesin the House,
One of the mostonprogessive
Integration, and Oversight,
does not support and serves on
the Iraq War
the House
Promotes Armed Services
a conservative Committee
philosophy of
His father was a bracero who emigrated
and the
individualHouse Committee
responsibility on Agriculture.
from Mexico in 1945; 2003 Farmworker
His top priorities include strengthening
Advocate Award
East Alabama’s vital military facilities,
advocating strongly the state’s agriculture
interests, and helping grow the state’s
economy to provide new opportunities for
jobs and development.
supports tax relief, fiscal responsibility, a
strong national defense and traditional
Dan believes we must develop and
maintain unsurpassed training and
equipment legislative concerns
for our troops, include:
provide the(1)
securing of the National
economic Guard
growth and & Reserve
resources for our intelligence community
encouraging House Caucus
to adapt to the changingand world, provide
adequate funding byforreducing the tax
forward looking
burden on
defense Americanand
programs, families
createand small
a homeland
first former welfare mother to serverisk
strategy based on rational in
Congress; passionate and outspoken
one of Congress' of the Iraq mostwar, introduced
vocal opponents the to
the resolution
war in Iraq; calling for our blocked
successfully troops tofunds
She has addressed the Fletcher
from home is
being used a
thekey element
House of the
to establish and
Conference on National Security, the
military Committee
bases Agenda: Educate
Iraq; sponsored 100,000 new
Army Two-Star for
legislation engineers, and mathematicians
in the born
next indisavowing
and has the
four years;
Place onof
a participant
a highly
in the
February Army war
1, 1928. College’s Strategic Crisis
district teacher
includes inHe was
Silicon 16 years
Valley, and old
when the House
Nazi Committee
Germany on
occupied Veterans'
hisa native
birthplace K-12of classroom;
technology Create
innovation special
for the thebestonlyandHolocaust survivor ever
the region forbrightest international
the development of
to serve
the in the U.S.
and postdoctoral
technologies Congress
of tomorrow; scholars
in thein
Practiced technology,
Corps engineering
for two years
immigration law as and in
in aElpartner
the firm of with
Webbera passion
& for
Subcommittee on Military Construction teaching and
and inimmigration
Spanish Affairs;law at University on
Subcommittee of
Santa ClaraSecurity;
Homeland School of Law, in
served 1977-1980
the Peace
His in Colombiaemigrated from Portugal
in the early of the20thfollowing
century Congressional
to farm
Caucuses on: National Guard & Reserve
family emigrated from Portugal; Nunes
has worked of to
Portuguese immigrants
ensure efficient and
effective delivery of
extensive healthcare background services to veterans.
founder and co-chair of the House Nursing
former nurse and health advocate

son of working-class immigrants and was

the first in his family to graduate from
Talks about sponsoring the DREAM Act
openly on her website

Calvert's legislative plan includes:

supporting our military in the Global War
on Terror; strengthening our borders and
His the immigration
congressional districtsystem;
is the further
reinvigorating the nation’s space
birthplace of California's program;
authored legislation that created
187, a reform initiative which removes the Basic
Pilot Program, the only tool available
illegal aliens from the state's welfare to
and to
education check the
rolls. veracity
Rohrabacher of
Sits on Military Personnel Subcommittee; a name
and Social
Chairwoman Security
the number
of given on
the Subcommittee on an I-
& as
a form for
Border, employment.
Maritime and Globalspokesman
for Prop. 187, framed
Counterterrorism debate
were she worksthat
to led to
the passage
improve of the measure.
the nation’s homeland security
Bilbray has co-sponsored legislation
Bob at been
has securing our borders;
a tireless increasing
fighter for
interior enforcement
veterans, winning themeasures and
praise of thousands
of individualillegal immigration
veterans and highincentives.
from national veterans' organizations.
Her husband served as a doctor in the Air
Force during the Vietnam War.

serves on the House Committee on

Veterans' Affairs.
opposed onthe
House ofCommittee on and
Veterans’ Affairs
unilateralism and the war in Iraq since its
inception and has focused his concerns
on the threats of terrorism, protecting the
homeland, and supporting first responders

the House Armed

On the Subcommittee on Services
Defense of the
House and the Committee
Appropriations on on the
Veterans’ Affairs.
Military Construction-Veterans Affairs
Member of the Committee on Veterans'
serves on the Military Construction and
Foreign Operations
member of Homelandsubcommittees.
Security and
Veterans’ Affairs Committees
serves as Chairman of the House
Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense,
a post he previously held from 1995-1998,
and is a member of the Appropriations
Subcommittee on Military Quality of Life
and Veterans Affairs
in the House Armed Services Committee
Past Past Cloture Co- Suppor
State Party Last Name First Name 108 109 110 111th 111th
AK D Murkowski Lisa
AK D Begich Mark
AL R Sessions Jeff
AL R Shelby Richard
AR D Lincoln Blanche X X
AR D Pryor Mark X X
AZ R Kyl Jon
AZ R McCain John X X X
CA D Boxer Barbara X X X
CA D Feinstein Dianne X X X
CO D Udall Mark
CO D Salazar Ken X
CT D Dodd Christopher X X
CT I Lieberman Joseph X X X
DE D Biden Joseph X X
DE D Carper Thomas X
FL R Martinez Mel X
FL D Nelson Bill X X X
GA R Chambliss Saxby
GA R Isakson Johnny
HI D Akaka Daniel X X
HI D Inouye Daniel X
IA R Grassley Charles X
IA D Harkin Tom X X X
ID R Rish James
ID R Crapo Michael X X X
IL D Durbin Richard X X X
IN D Bayh Evan X X X
IN R Lugar Richard X X X
KS R Brownback Sam X X
KS R Roberts Pat
KY R Bunning Jim
KY R McConnell Mitch
LA D Landrieu Mary X
LA R Vitter David
MA D Kennedy Edward X X X
MA D Kerry John X X X
MD D Cardin Benjamin X
MD D Mikulski Barbara X X
ME R Collins Susan X X X
ME R Snowe Olympia X
MI D Levin Carl X X
MI D Stabenow Debbie
MN D Klobuchar Amy X
MO R Bond Christopher
MO D McCaskill Claire
MS R Cochran Thad
MS R Wicker Roger
MT D Baucus Max
MT D Tester Jon
NC R Burr Richard
NC D Hagan Kay
ND D Conrad Kent
ND D Dorgan Byron
NE R Johanns Mike
NE D Nelson Ben X X
NH R Gregg Judd
NH D Shaheen Jeanne
NJ D Lautenberg Frank X X
NJ D Menendez Robert X X
NM D Bingaman Jeff X
X(House X X
NM D Udall Tom )
NV R Ensign John
NV D Reid Harry X X X
NY D Clinton Hillary X X X
NY D Schumer Charles X X X
OH D Brown Sherrod X
OH R Voinovich George
OK R Coburn Tom
OK R Inhofe James
OR D Merkley Jeff
OR D Wyden Ron X
PA D Casey Robert X
PA R Specter Arlen X
RI D Reed Jack X X
RI D Whitehouse Sheldon X
SC R DeMint Jim
SC R Graham Lindsey
SD D Johnson Tim X
SD R Thune John
TN R Alexander Lamar
TN R Corker Bob
TX R Cornyn John
TX R Hutchison Kay X
UT R Bennett Robert X
UT R Hatch Orrin X X
VA D Warner Mark
VA D Webb James X
VT D Leahy Patrick X X X
VT I Sanders Bernard X
WA D Cantwell Maria X X X
WA D Murray Patty X X
WI D Feingold Russell X X X
WI D Kohl Herb X X
WV D Byrd Robert
WV D Rockefeller John X
WY R Barasso John
WY R Enzi Michael
Will not

expected to resign on or before Jan. 20th, 2009

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