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. Permission is granted to reproduce the material contained herein on the condition that such material be reproduced only for classroom use; be provided to students, teachers, and families without charge; and be used solely in conjunction with California Mathematics. Any other reproduction, for use or sale, is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240 ISBN: 978-0-02-105817-4 MHID: 0-02-105817-2 Printed in the United States of America 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ROV 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Grade 3 Chapter 2 Table of Contents

Teachers Guide to Using Chapter 2 Resources ..........................................iv Chapter 2 Graphic Organizer ................................... 1 Student Glossary .......................................................... 2 Family Letter ................................................................ 4 Family Letter Spanish ................................................. 5 Chapter 2 Anticipation Guide .................................. 6 Chapter 2 Game .......................................................... 7

Lesson 26 Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy

Reteach .........................................................................33 Skills Practice ..............................................................35 Homework Practice ..................................................36 Enrich.............................................................................37

Lesson 21 Addition Properties

Reteach ........................................................................... 8 Skills Practice ................................................................ 9 Homework Practice ..................................................10 Problem-Solving Practice ........................................11 Enrich.............................................................................12

Lesson 27 Three-Digit Addition

Reteach .........................................................................38 Skills Practice ..............................................................39 Homework Practice ..................................................40 Problem-Solving Practice ........................................41 Enrich.............................................................................42

Lesson 22 Problem-Solving Skill: Estimate or Exact Answer

Reteach .........................................................................13 Skills Practice ..............................................................15 Homework Practice ..................................................16 Enrich.............................................................................17

Lesson 28 Add Greater Numbers

Reteach .........................................................................43 Skills Practice ..............................................................44 Homework Practice ..................................................45 Problem-Solving Practice ........................................46 Enrich.............................................................................47 Individual Progress Checklist .................................48

Lesson 23 Estimate Sums

Reteach .........................................................................18 Skills Practice ..............................................................19 Homework Practice ..................................................20 Problem-Solving Practice ........................................21 Enrich.............................................................................22

Chapter Tests:
Chapter Diagnostic Assessment ...........................49 Chapter Pretest ..........................................................50 Quiz 1 ............................................................................51 Quiz 2 ............................................................................52 Quiz 3 ............................................................................53 Mid-Chapter Review .................................................54 Vocabulary Test ..........................................................55 Oral Assessment ........................................................56 Chapter Project Rubric .............................................58 Foldables Rubric ........................................................59 Test Form 1 .................................................................60 Test Form 2A ...............................................................62 Test Form 2B...............................................................64 Test Form 2C...............................................................66 Test Form 2D ..............................................................68 Test Form 3 .................................................................70 Extended-Response Test .........................................72 Student Recording Sheet ....................................73 Cumulative Standardized Test Practice..............................................................74 Answer Pages ...........................................................A1

Lesson 24 Two-Digit Addition

Reteach .........................................................................23 Skills Practice ..............................................................24 Homework Practice ..................................................25 Problem-Solving Practice ........................................26 Enrich.............................................................................27

Lesson 25 Add Money

Reteach .........................................................................28 Skills Practice ..............................................................29 Homework Practice ..................................................30 Problem-Solving Practice ........................................31 Enrich.............................................................................32


Teachers Guide to Using the Chapter 2 Resource Masters

The Chapter 2 Resource Masters includes the core materials needed for Chapter 2. These materials include worksheets, extensions, and assessment options. The answers for these pages appear at the back of this booklet. All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing on the TeacherWorks PlusTM CD-ROM.

Chapter Resources
Graphic Organizer (page 1) This master is a tool designed to assist students with comprehension of grade-level concepts. While the content and layout of these tools vary, their goal is to assist students by providing a visual representation from which they can learn new concepts. Student Glossary (page 2) This master is a study tool that presents the key vocabulary terms from the chapter. You may suggest that students highlight or star the terms they do not understand. Give this list to students before beginning Lesson 21. Remind them to add these pages to their mathematics study notebooks. Anticipation Guide (page 6) This master is a survey designed for use before beginning the chapter. You can use this survey to highlight what students may or may not know about the concepts in the chapter. There is space for recording how well students answer the questions before they complete the chapter. You may find it helpful to interview students a second time, after completing the chapter, to determine their progress. Game (page 7) A game is provided to reinforce chapter concepts and may be used at appropriate times throughout the chapter.

Edition. The Reteach worksheet closes with computational practice of the concept. Skills Practice The Skills Practice worksheet for each lesson focuses on the computational aspect of the lesson. The Skills Practice worksheet may be helpful in providing additional practice of the skill taught in the lesson. Homework Practice The Homework Practice worksheet provides an opportunity for additional computational practice. The Homework Practice worksheet includes word problems that address the skill taught in the lesson. Problem-Solving Practice The ProblemSolving Practice worksheet presents additional reinforcement in solving word problems that apply both the concepts of the lesson and some review concepts. Enrich The Enrich worksheet presents activities that extend the concepts of the lesson. Some Enrich materials are designed to widen students perspectives on the mathematics they are learning. These worksheets are written for use with all levels of students. Resources for Problem-Solving Strategy and Problem-Solving Investigation Lessons In recognition of the importance of problem-solving strategies, worksheets for problem-solving lessons follow a slightly different format. For problem-solving lessons, a two-page Reteach worksheet offers a complete model for choosing a problemsolving strategy. For each Problem-Solving Strategy lesson, Reteach and Homework Practice worksheets offer reinforcement of the strategy taught in the Student Edition lesson. In contrast, the Problem-Solving

Resources for Computational Lessons

Reteach Each lesson has an associated Reteach worksheet. In general, the Reteach worksheet focuses on the same lesson content but uses a different approach, learning style, or modality than that used in the Student

Investigation worksheets include a model strategy on the Reteach worksheets and provide problems requiring several alternate strategies on the Homework Practice and Skills Practice worksheets. Assessment Options The assessment masters in the Chapter 2 Resource Masters offer a wide variety of assessment tools for monitoring progress as well as final assessment. Individual Progress Checklist This checklist explains the chapters goals or objectives. Teachers can record whether a students mastery of each objective is beginning (B), developing (D), or mastered (M). The checklist includes space to record notes to parents as well as other pertinent observations. Chapter Diagnostic Assessment This onepage test assesses students grasp of skills that are needed for success in the chapter. Chapter Pretest This one-page quick check of the chapters concepts is useful for determining pacing. Performance on the pretest can help you determine which concepts can be covered quickly and which specific concepts may need additional time. Mid-Chapter Review This one-page chapter test provides an option to assess the first half of the chapter. It includes both multiple-choice and free-response questions. Quizzes Three free-response quizzes offer quick assessment opportunities at appropriate intervals in the chapter. Vocabulary Test This one-page test focuses on chapter vocabulary. It is suitable for all students. It includes a list of vocabulary words and questions to assess students knowledge of the words. Oral Assessment This two-page test consists of one page for teacher directions and questions and a second page for recording responses. Although this assessment is designed to be used with all students, the interview format focuses on assessing chapter content assimilated by ELL students.

Chapter Project Rubric This one-page rubric is designed for use in assessing the chapter project. You may want to distribute copies of the rubric when you assign the project and use the rubric to record each students chapter project score. Foldables Rubric This one-page rubric is designed to assess the Foldables graphic organizer. The rubric is written to the students, telling them what you will be looking for as you evaluate their completed Foldables graphic organizer.

Leveled Chapter Tests

Form 1 assesses basic chapter concepts through multiple-choice questions and is designed for use with on-level students. Form 2A is designed for on-level students and is primarily for those who may have missed the Form 1 test. It may be used as a retest for students who received additional instruction following the Form 1 test. Form 2B is designed for students with a below-level command of the English language. Form 2C is a free-response test designed for on-level students. Form 2D is written for students with a below-level command of the English language. Form 3 is a free-response test written for above-level students. Extended-Response Test is an extended response test for on-level students. Student Recording Sheet This one-page recording sheet is for the standardized test in the Student Edition. Cumulative Standardized Test Practice This three-page test, aimed at on-level students, offers multiple-choice questions and free-response questions.

The answers for the Anticipation Guide and Lesson Resources are provided as reduced pages with answers appearing in black. Full size line-up answer keys are provided for the Assessment Masters.



Graphic Organizer
Chapter Resources

Use this graphic organizer to take notes on Chapter 2: Addition. Fill in the missing information.

Commutative Property The Commutative Property of Addition states that the in which numbers are does not change the . Example 2+4=6 +2=

Identity Property The Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any and is the .
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Example 2+ =

Associative Property The Associative Property of Addition states that the does not change the Example
(3 + 4) + 5

7+5 12

3 + (4 + + 12

Grade 3

Chapter 2



Student-Built Glossary

This is an alphabetical list of new vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 2: Addition. As you study the chapter, complete each terms definition or description. Remember to add the page number where you found the term. Add this page to your math study notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter. Found on Page

Vocabulary Term Associative Property of Addition


Commutative Property of Addition

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decimal point


Grade 3

Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Student-Built Glossary

Vocabulary Term front-end estimation Identity Property of Addition

Found on Page



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Grade 3

Chapter 2



Family Letter

Dear Family, : ddition 2 A Today my class started Chapter 2: Addition. I will learn how addition will help me every day. I will also learn how addition can help when you want to buy things. Here are my vocabulary words and an activity that we can do together. Love, ______________________

Key Vocabulary
Commutative Property of Addition states that the order in which the numbers are added does not change the sum 3 + 4 = 7 and 4 + 3 = 7 Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any number and zero is the number 4 + 0 = 4 and 0 + 4 = 4 Associative Property of Addition states that grouping the addends does not change the sum (3 + 3) + 4 = 10 and 3 + (3 + 4) = 10 regroup renaming a number using place value 10 ones = 1 ten estimate finding an answer that is close to the exact answer
ound the us items ar io ke Collect var a store. Ma and set up house s for each er price tag b e whole num acting as th Take turns item. e shopper. clerk and th tore clerk, store g as the s When actin the shopeach item write down the items s and add ill. per choose pper the b ive the sho up. G use paper e shopper, y Acting as th oney to pa s as play m uch and button Ask: How m the items. How for pend? Ask: ney did I s ck? mo did I get ba ch change mu


Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Books to Read
The Hersheys Kisses Addition Book by Jerry Pallotta Once Upon a Dime by Nancy Kelly Allen The M & Ms Counting Book by Barbara McGrath
Grade 3

Chapter 2



Family Letter
Chapter Resources

Carta a la familia Captulo 2 Estimada familia: : a dicin 2 L a Hoy mi clase comenz el Captulo 2: La adicin. Aprender cmo la suma me ayudar todos los das y tambin cmo me puede ayudar cuando quiera comprar cosas. A continuacin, estn mis palabras de vocabulario y una actividad que podemos hacer juntos. Carios, ___________________

Vocabulario clave
propiedad conmutativa de la adicin Establece que el orden en el cual se suman dos o ms nmeros no altera la suma 3+4=7y4+3=7 propiedad de identidad de la adicin Establece que la suma de cualquier nmero y cero es igual al nmero dado 4+0=4y0+4=4
Copyright MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

propiedad asociativa de la adicin Establece que la agrupacin de los sumandos no altera la suma (3 + 3) + 4 = 10 y 3 + (3 + 4) = 10 reagrupar Convertir un nmero usando el valor de posicin 10 ones = 1 ten estimacin Hallar una respuesta cercana a la respuesta exacta

e tengan objetos qu rios Renan va na tienda. rganicen u yo ara en la casa e precios p etiquetas d ra actuar Hagan rnense pa .T cada objeto dor y como el nde como el ve n el venduando sea r. C que el comprado cada objeto n edor, anote oja y smenlos. r esc comprado mprador. ctura al co fa Psenle la mpra, usen n el que co a Cuando se dinero de nes como to papel y bo r los objea pagar po r ero juguete pa Cunto din regunten: nto tos. P unten: Cu mos? Preg gasta de vuelto? recibimos


Libros recomendados:
The Hersheys Kisses Addition Book de Jerry Pallotta Once Upon a Dime de Nancy Kelly Allen The M & Ms Counting Book de Barbara McGrath

Grade Grade 3 3

Chapter 2 Chapter 2



Anticipation Guide
Before you begin Chapter 2


Read each statement. Decide whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the statement. Write A or D in the first column OR if you are not sure whether you agree or disagree, write NS (not sure). STEP 1 A, D, or NS STEP 2 A or D

Statement 1. The Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any number and zero is the number. 2. The order in which numbers are added changes the sum. 3. (2 + 2) + 3 and 2 + (2 + 3) have the same sum. 4. Adding cents is like adding whole numbers except that you place the cent sign () after the sum of cents. 5. The dollar sign ($) comes after the number. 6. Estimates are never useful. 7. In front-end estimation, you add the end-digits of the numbers. 8. You should regroup when the sum of the column is greater than 9. 9. Using estimation is a good way to check for the reasonableness of a sum. 10. When adding money, it is not necessary to line up the decimal points.

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After you complete Chapter 2

Reread each statement and complete the last column by entering an A (agree) or a D (disagree). Did any of your opinions about the statements change from the first column? For those statements that you mark with a D, use a separate sheet of paper to explain why you disagree. Use examples, if possible. Grade 3 6

Chapter 2



Chapter 2 Game
Chapter Resources

Regroup or Not?

You will need: 12 index cards paper marker and pencils

3,452 1,674

Write several 3- and 4-digit numbers on the index cards.

1. Place the cards face up between the players.

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2. Have the first player choose 2 number cards and tell if he or she will regroup when the numbers are added. Then add the numbers. 3. Have the player keep the cards if the prediction was correct. If the prediction was incorrect, the other player gets the cards. 4. Take turns choosing cards and adding the numbers. 5. Count the cards when all the cards have been used. The player with the most cards wins.

Grade 3

Chapter 2




Addition Properties

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1

You can use different strategies to help you add. Commutative Property You can change the order of the addends, but the sum is always the same. 4+5=9 5+4=9 Identity Property When you add 0 to a number, the sum is always that number. 6+0=6 Associative Property You can group the addends and keep the sum the same.
(2 + 4) + 6

6+6 12 Fill in the blank. 1. If you know 3 + 6 = +3= 2. If you know 8 + 0 = +8= . 3. If you know (5 + 6) + 4 = 5+( + 4) =

2 + (4 + 6) 2 + 10 12

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, then you know . , then you know , then you know

Find each sum. 4. 4 + 7 = 7. 3 + 9 =

Grade 3

5. 9 + 2 = 8. 12 + 5 = 8

6. 7 + 5 = 9. 0 + 4 =
Chapter 2




Skills Practice
Addition Properties

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1
Chapter Resources

How many pieces of fruit are pictured above? 4 +3 +2 = 9 pieces of fruit

We can get the same result by using addition properties. Fill in the missing numbers below, using each property. A. Commutative: 4 + 3 + 2 = 2 + 4 + 3 = B. Identity: 0 +
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=9 +( + 2) = 9

C. Associative: (4 + 3) + 2 =

Find each missing number. Identify the property shown. 1. 220 + 0 = 2. 14 + 4 = 18 4+ = 18

3. 8 + (2 + 5) + 3 = (8 + 2) + (5 + 3) = Find each sum mentally. 4. 2 7 +3 5. 6 8 +2 6. 4 1 5 +6

Grade 3

Chapter 2




Homework Practice
Addition Properties

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1

Find each sum. Identify the property shown. 1. 5 + 4 = 4+5= 2. 46 + 0 =

3. (7 + 9) + 3 =
(7 + 3) + 9 =

4. 1 + (9 + 5) =
(1 + 9) + 5 =

Find each missing number. Identify the property shown. 5. (0 + 7) + 3 = + (7 + 3) 6. 20 + 40 = 40 +

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Round to the nearest thousand. (Lesson 19) 7. 4,801

8. 3,192

9. 6,592

10. 5,038

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Problem-Solving Practice
Addition Properties

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1
Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Solve. 1. For a science project, Pedro must find 20 autumn leaves. So far, hes collected 9 yellow leaves, 5 red leaves, and 1 orange leaf. How many leaves does he have so far? How many more does he need? Which addition property did you use?

2. In order to solve a math problem, Ryan switched the parentheses from 7 + (3 + 6) to (7 + 3) + 6. He told his teacher that hed used the Commutative Property of Addition. Was he correct?

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3. Tamika is making a bracelet. She is using 3 wooden beads, 5 gold beads, 4 blue beads, 5 silver beads, and 3 black beads. What is the total number of beads in her bracelet?

4. Jose has 9 T-shirts, 2 sweaters, 3 long-sleeved pullovers, and 1 jacket. Find how many tops he has. Which property will make your addition easier?

5. Rita has collected items to take to her recycling center. She has 7 boxes of paper, 2 bags of bottles, and 1 bag of cans. How many bags and boxes does she have?

Grade 3





Filling Doughnut Boxes

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1

Pat and Matt own a doughnut shop. They have daily specials. However, they do not always agree on the order doughnuts should go into the boxes. Here are some other things you should know: When the daily special has more than 13 doughnuts, they use two boxes. Pat and Matt make only four kinds of doughnuts: glazed, cake, blueberry, and cream.

Follow the directions for each problem. 1. Mondays special is 8 doughnuts. It is a combination of glazed and cake. Pat arranged the first box. First he put in five glazed. How many cake doughnuts did he use to fill the box? Complete the number sentence. 5 glazed + cake = 8 doughnuts

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2. Matt puts the cake doughnuts in the box first. Complete the number sentence to show what Matt does. Then tell which property you used. cake + glazed = 8 doughnuts

3. Friday is one of a kind day. Complete these number sentences that show how a box will be filled with either 12 glazed or 12 cake doughnuts but not both. glazed + cake +
Grade 3

cake = 12 doughnuts glazed = 12 doughnuts 12

Chapter 2




Problem-Solving Skill

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Sometimes when you solve a problem you need an exact answer. Other times you need an estimate. Deciding if you need an exact answer or an estimate will help you solve the problem. Lets try an example. In an hours time, Leah can make 12 greeting cards. Steven can make 9 cards in the same amount of time. Together, about how many cards can they make? Step 1 Understand What facts do you know? Leah makes 12 cards in an hour. Steven makes 9 cards in an hour. Step 2 Plan Do you need an exact answer to this question? No. When you see about, you know that an estimated answer is needed. First, round each number. Leah 12 cards 10 cards Steven 9 cards 10 cards Now, add both of your rounded numbers. This will give you a final estimate. 10 + 10 = 20 So, Leah and Steven can make about 20 greeting cards in an hour. Step 4 Check Look back at the problem. Since it says about how many, you know that making an estimate is the correct plan. Notice that since 12 + 9 = 21, your estimate is very close to the exact answer!

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Step 3 Solve

Grade 3





Problem-Solving Skill


Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve. 1. On Saturday, Zacharys sister works in the garden for 2 hours and earns $5 every hour. For mowing the lawn, Zachary is paid $12. Who will earn more money?

2. The Littleton Public Library gets 37 new magazines and books every week. In 3 weeks, about how many books and magazines will be received?

3. Last week, Ms. Llamas spent $62 for gas and $85 for repairs on her car. About how much did she spend on her car?
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4. Raul cut 2 pieces of fabric. One piece was 12 inches long. Another piece was 41 inches long. Will Raul have enough fabric for a project that needs 67 inches of fabric? Explain.

5. About how much money would Katie need to buy the following items at the grocery store? Toy 1 Toy 2 32 24

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Skills Practice
Problem-Solving Skill

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve. 1. Chan is learning about dinosaurs. The head and body of Chans favorite dinosaur is 36 feet long, and the tail is 19 feet long. In all, how long is the entire dinosaur?

2. Jasmine and Casey are in charge of bringing fruit for the class picnic. There are 34 students in their class. Jasmine and Casey buy 11 apples, 6 oranges, 7 bananas, and 8 peaches. Will there be enough for everyone to have one piece of fruit? Explain.

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3. For Exercise 2, use estimation to see whether or not Jasmine and Casey will have enough fruit for the class. Is estimation a good way to solve this problem?

4. There are 75 chairs at the concert. Four chairs are broken. How many people can sit on chairs at the concert?

5. Twenty-six babies are born every day at the Pine Valley Hospital. In 2 days, about how many babies will be born there?

Grade 3





Homework Practice
Problem-Solving Skill


Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve. 1. The principal of Sydney Elementary School wants at least 50 students to enter the National Poetry Contest. In Mr. Ogdens class, 19 students entered the contest. In Miss Lees class, 9 students entered. Are there enough students entered? Explain.

2. The Coopertown Museum of Art has 12 sculptures and 39 pieces of pottery. About how many total pieces of art does the museum have?

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3. At Martas school library, there are 16 shelves of novels and 21 shelves of history books. How many shelves are there in all?

Find each sum. Identify the property shown. (Lesson 21) 4. 12 + (3 + 4) = (12 + 3) + 4 = 5. 5 + 4 + 2 = 5+2+4=

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Straight Line Sums
2 7 6 5 4

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

The sum of the numbers in each straight line must be the same. Find the missing numbers. 1.

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4. Explain the strategy you used to find the missing numbers.

Grade 3





Estimate Sums


Estimation can be a very useful tool. The Corner News Stand sold 122 newspapers on Monday and 94 newspapers on Tuesday. About how many newspapers were sold in all? Rounding will help you find the answer to this problem. Corner News Stand Actual amount Round to the nearest 100 Monday Tuesday Estimated Total 122 94 100 100 200

About 200 newspapers were sold on these two days.

Front-end estimation is another way to find an approximate sum. At the community center, 36 people are swimming and 54 people are playing golf. About how many people are there in all? Use the front digits, and change the other digits to 0. 36 30 54 50

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30 + 50 = 80 So, there are about 80 people at the community center. Estimate each sum using rounding. 1. 49 + 23 2. 59 + 32

Estimate each sum using front-end estimation. 3. $77 + $66 4. 26 + 59

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Skills Practice
Estimate Sums

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Estimate each sum using rounding. 1. 95 + 31 3. 90 + 85 5. 42 + 61 2. 16 + 12 4. 39 + 78 6. 22 + 84

Estimate each sum using front-end estimation 7. 50 + 86 9. 98 + 81 11. 24 + 76

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8. 47 + 24 10. 45 + 85 12. 83 + 31

Solve. 13. Kayla collects animal pictures. So far, she has 27 horse pictures and 12 pictures of bears. About how many pictures does she have now?

14. This week the school store sold 39 pencils and 12 folders. About how many pencils and folders did the school store sell this week?

Grade 3





Homework Practice
Estimate Sums


Estimate each sum using rounding. 1. 54 + 86 3. 12 + 81 2. 15 + 29 4. 28 + 76

Estimate each sum using front-end estimation. 5. 46 + 89 7. 12 + 99 8. Last Saturday, 73 people worked out at the Ferndale Fitness Center. On Sunday, 65 people worked out. About how many people were at the fitness center on those two days? 6. 38 + 45

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Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve. (Lesson 22) 9. Filipa wants to learn karate. One month of classes costs $55, and a karate suit costs $35. How much will she pay?

10. Every Sunday, Jamila and her family visit her grandparents. Then they go to visit her aunt. Her family drives 49 miles to see her grandparents and drives 17 more miles to her aunts house. How many miles do they drive?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Problem-Solving Practice
Estimate Sums

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Solve. 1. If Kiki buys a digital camera that costs $73 and a book that costs $12, about how much will she pay?

2. Michelle has saved $11 from her allowance, and her sister Maria has saved $13. They want to buy their mother a $30 pair of earrings for Mothers Day. Together, will they have enough money? Explain.

Use the information below for Exercises 3 and 4. The Centerville Store sells items for the following prices:
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hat shirt

$12 $17

3. Using front-end estimation, about how much will it cost if Robert buys a hat and a shirt?

4. Two sisters are each buying a hat and a shirt. Estimate by rounding to find about how much their items will cost in all.

Grade 3





About How Much?


Ted and Jen are helping their teachers plan a field trip to space camp. The teachers want Ted and Jen to help them make estimates. Ted and Jen have different ways of estimating. Ted estimates by rounding. Jen makes front-end estimates. 1. The teachers told Ted and Jen that they think space camp will cost $39 for the students and $16 for the adults. About how much will all of the tickets cost? Write what Ted and Jen would estimate.

Whose estimate is closer to the actual cost?

2. The students collected soda cans to recycle to help pay for the trip. One class collected 51 pounds of cans. Another class collected 32 pounds. About how many pounds of cans did the two classes collect? Write what Ted and Jen would estimate.

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3. The students also sold raffle tickets to help pay for food and bus costs for the trip. Mr. Lins class sold 215 tickets. Mrs. Ricos class sold 150 tickets. About how many tickets did the two classes sell? Write what Ted and Jen would estimate.

4. Are Jens estimates usually higher, lower, or the same as Teds estimates?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Two-Digit Addition

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

The left side of a two-digit number tells us how many tens we have, while the digit on the right shows how many ones we have. For example, if you have 34 marbles, you have 3 groups of ten marbles and 4 marbles.

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If a friend gives you 7 more marbles, you can add 6 of them to your group of 4 marbles (4 + 6 = 10) to make another tenmarble group. Since (7 6 = 1), you will have one marble left over. Using your pencil, add the marbles to the chart above. Looking at the chart, it is easy to see that you now have 41 marbles. Add. Check for reasonableness. 1. 37 + 2 = 2. 18 + 36 = 3. 41 + 6 = 4. 33 + 16 = 5. 12 + 19 = 6. 50 + 8 =
Grade 3

7. 52 + 9 = 8. 66 + 6 = 9. 43 + 9 = 10. 77 + 3 = 11. 34 + 7 = 12. 51 + 11 = 23




Skills Practice
Two-Digit Addition


Add. Check for reasonableness. 1. 32 + 12 = 4. 38 + 16 = 2. 12 + 17 = 5. 31 + 22 = 3. 45 + 25 = 6. 29 + 50 =

ALGEBRA Find each missing digit. 7. 72 + 2 = 94 8. 3 + 37 = 76


0 + 46 = 96

10. 83 + 3

= 121


6 + 54 = 150

12. 5

+ 27 = 84

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4 + 31 = 75

14. 11 +

6 = 97

Solve. 15. For a family picnic, Javier bought 18 peaches, and his sister bought 24 apples. How many pieces of fruit did they buy?

16. Alondras science class planted 29 zinnia seeds and 31 marigold seeds. What is the total number of seeds they planted?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Homework Practice
Two-Digit Addition

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Add. Check for reasonableness. 1. 32 + 6 4. 21 + 34 7. 35 + 16 2. 44 + 13 5. 25 + 3 8. 23 + 63 3. 19 + 49 6. 46 + 10 9. 14 + 76

Solve. 10. At the Park School Soccer Camp, 27 girls and 25 boys attended. How many attended in all?

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11. There are 54 small fish and 27 big fish in a pond. How many fish are there altogether?

Estimate each sum using rounding. (Lesson 23) 12. 19 + 48 14. 43 + 46 Estimate each sum using front-end estimation. 15. 27 + 24 16. 92 + 44 17. 79 + 17
Grade 3

13. 22 + 58





Problem-Solving Practice
Two-Digit Addition


Solve. 1. In the Ripple Creek Zoo, there are four different kinds of animals. Fill in the chart below to find how many there are in each group. Bears 6 brown bears 2 polar bears Monkeys 4 chimpanzees 2 baboons Deer 7 antelopes 4 gazelles Snakes 1 boa 2 pythons

2. Add your sums from Exercise 1 to find the total number of animals in Ripple Creek Zoo.

3. Only 50 people at a time can skate at Browns Ice Skating Rink. There were already 21 people in the rink when 37 Auburn Elementary School students arrived. How many people are now at the rink?

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4. Briannas mother told her to do 50 minutes of homework. If she does 15 minutes of math homework and 37 minutes of English, will this be enough homework time? How long has Brianna worked?

5. Pablos family went on a trip to the beach. In the morning, they drove 26 miles, and then after lunch they drove another 45 miles. In all, how far did they travel?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Miles of Vacation Fun

Chapter Resources
Lookout Point
Chapter 2

Genes family is visiting Greenway Park for a vacation. This map shows the places they can stop and visit. It also shows where they can camp.

Visitors' Center

16 miles

Old Mill Campground

15 mil es

9 miles




13 le mi s

9 miles

The Caves
4m s ile

Park Entrance




9 miles

Deer Run Campground

7 miles

Table Rock

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1. The family went to the Visitors Center after entering the park. Then they went to Deer Run Campground by the shortest route. How many miles did they travel from the Park Entrance?

2. During their second day in the park, they left the campground. Then they went to Lookout Point after stopping at Table Rock. How many miles did they travel to get to Lookout Point?

3. While the family was at Lookout Point, Gene said he wanted to see The Caves before going back to the campground. If they traveled from Lookout Point to The Caves by the shortest route, how many miles did they travel?

Grade 3





Add Money

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

When you add cents, it is just like adding one- or two-digit numbers, except that you put a cent sign () after each number. Adding dollars is just the same, but a dollar sign ($) is written before each number. Samantha opened her piggy bank and found 75 inside. If she has 8 in her pocket, how much money does she have? Add 75 + 8. A. Here is one way to find the sum.

75 8 83 B. Here is another way to write the problem. Use a decimal point to separate dollars and cents. Notice that 8 is now written $0.08, because there is nothing in the tenths (dimes) place.

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$0.75 + $0.08 $0.83 Samantha has a total of 83. Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. 12 + 77 ______ $65 + $16 ______ 2. 45 + 27 ______ $15 + $23 ______ 28 3. $0.01 + $0.49 _______




$28 +$31 _____

Grade 3

Chapter 2




Skills Practice
Add Money

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3
Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. 83 + 12 = 3. $72 + $14 = 5. $0.50 + $0.01 = 7. 23 + 26 = 9. $70 + $12 = 11. $0.23 + $0.38 = 2. 45 + 45 = 4. $0.33 + $0.27 = 6. $0.05 + $0.79 = 8. $30 + $27 = 10. 61 + 11 = 12. $84 + $43 =

Solve. Use the table for Exercises 13 and 14. Clothing Outlet Pullovers Tennis shoes
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$18 $25 $4 $35

Socks Swimsuits

13. Lalia wants to buy a swimsuit and a pair of tennis shoes. How much would that cost?

14. Justin is buying a pullover and a pair of socks. How much will these cost?

15. Alanzo wants to buy a basketball that costs $15 and a T-shirt that costs $14. How much will he spend in all?

Grade 3





Homework Practice
Add Money

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. 41 + 18 = 3. $0.08 + $0.76 = 5. $68 + $8 = 7. $13 + $78 = 9. $46 + $89 = 2. $12 + $79 = 4. $0.39 + $0.50 = 6. $21 + $33 = 8. $34 + $17 = 10. $0.15 + $0.75 =

11. Anna has $15. If she buys a book that costs $9 and a poster costing $4, how much money will she have left?

12. If Yolanda buys a birthday card for 36 and a thank-you card for 46, what will she pay in all?
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Add. Check for reasonableness. (Lesson 24) 13. 55 + 32 15. 65 + 25 17. 41 + 9 47 + 15 18. 25 + 7 76 + 15 14. 19 + 29 16. 16 + 25 19. 34 + 8 29 + 46




Grade 3


Chapter 2




Problem-Solving Practice
Add Money

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3
Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

1. Brian found $0.25 at the beach on Monday and $0.16 on Tuesday. In all, how much money did he find?

2. Find the Error Javan added $0.29 + $0.05 and got $0.79 for his total. Find the correct answer, and explain Javans error.

3. For math class, Pia has to buy a ruler that costs 42 and a compass that costs 49. How much money will she spend?

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4. Mei Ling bought dinner for her family. The spaghetti cost $45 and the dessert cost $25. How much did her familys dinner cost?

5. Ryan is inviting friends to his party. The food will cost $63 and the decorations will cost $17. How much will he spend altogether?

6. Melons cost $2 each. If Monica buys 3 melons and $28 worth of seafood, how much will she pay?

Grade 3





Mystery Money

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Read the clues for each problem. Tell what each coin is worth by writing the amount on a circle. Then add the value of the coins. If the total is 99 cents or less, use a cent sign (). If the value is more than 99 cents, use a $ and a decimal point. For example, if the total is 34 cents write 34; if the total is 134 cents, write $1.34 for 1 dollar and 34 cents. 1. Pete collects dimes, nickels, and pennies. He has twice as many nickels as dimes. He has 4 more pennies than nickels. How much money does Pete have? =

2. Misty has eight coins. One is a quarter. The rest are pennies, nickels, and dimes. She has twice as many nickels as pennies. She has twice as many pennies as quarters. How much money does she have? =

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3. Tyrone has six coins that total 60. His coin with the greatest value is a quarter. His coin with the least value is a nickel. Three of his coins have the same value. What are the values of his coins? =

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

The bookshelf at Sarahs house has 3 shelves. Each shelf can hold 15 books. Sarah has 17 books. Ed has 19 books. Jen has 10 books. Will all of their books fit on the bookshelf? There is a lot to organize and understand in this problem. Use a four-step plan. Step 1 Understand You know how many books each of the 3 shelves will hold, and how many books each person has. Step 2 Plan There is a lot of information, so make a table. Step 3 Solve
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Shelf Shelf 1 (Sarah) Shelf 2 (Ed) Shelf 3 (Jen)

Books on Shelf 15 15 10

Books left over? 2 4 0

Space on shelf? no no yesfor 5 books

Sarah has 2 books left over and Ed has 4 books left over. 2+4=6 There is room for 5 books on Jens shelf. Since 6 is greater than 5, all of their books will not fit. Step 4 Check Look back at the problem.
Grade 3





Problem-Solving Investigation (continued)
, so books can fit on the


15 + 15 + 15 = bookshelf. 17 + 19 + 10 = left over. Solve.

. Since 46 > 45, one book will be

1. Students were growing plants in science class. So far, 4 plants have flowered: 2 plants have 3 flowers each, and 2 plants have 6 flowers each. Find the total number of flowers.

2. Every year, Daniels mother volunteers about 245 hours in the hospital. In 2 years, about how many hours of volunteer work will she do?
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3. There are 15 cards in one box and 64 cards in another box. How many cards are there in all?

4. There are 31 students in Miss Stroms class and 27 students in Miss Wilsons class. About how many students are there in all?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Skills Practice
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Solve. 1. Delmars school has collected money for charity. They collected $47 from Mrs. Johnsons class and $52 from Mr. Kings class. How much money do they have in all?

2. For Garretts birthday party, he is bringing 2 bags of cookies to school. Each bag contains 24 cookies. How many cookies are there in all?

3. Bill has $0.34 in his pocket. Amanda has $0.54 in her pocket. An apple costs $0.85. If they combine their money, can they buy the apple to share? Explain.
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4. In one aquarium, there are 22 minnows. In another aquarium, there are 27 snails. About how many pond animals are there?

Grade 3





Homework Practice
Problem-Solving Investigation


Use the four-step plan to solve each problem. 1. Ernestos friend lives 7 blocks away from his house. On Saturday morning, Ernesto rode his bike to his friends house and rode back home later on. In the afternoon, he rode to his friends house again, and later on he rode back home. In all, how many blocks did he ride?

2. Mrs. Shelleys class is reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. If they read 16 pages every week, how many pages can they read in 2 weeks?

3. At a dance recital, ballet dancers performed for 19 minutes and modern dancers performed for 24 minutes. About how long was the recital?
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4. Al visits his grandparents every summer. Als mother drives him 16 miles to the bus station. Al travels 75 miles on the bus to his grandparents house. How many miles does he travel in all?

Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. (Lesson 25) 5. 46 + 35 6. $55 + $13 7. 12 + 77 8. $28 + $48

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Palindrome Addition

Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

A palindrome number is one that reads the same forward and backward. For example, 171 is a palindrome.
171 171

For each problem, reverse the digits of the given number. Add the reversed number to the given number. Check the sum. If it is a palindrome, circle the sum and stop. If it is not a palindrome, keep adding reversed numbers until you get a palindrome number. Example: 75 + 57 = 132; 132 + 231 = 363 1. 58

2. 77
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3. 497

4. What would happen if you tried to subtract rather than add numbers that were the reverse of the given numbers? Do you think you would ever get to a palindrome answer? Why?

Grade 3





Three-Digit Addition

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

You can use models to add. Add 267 + 46. Step 1 Add the ones. Regroup if necessary. Step 2 Add the tens. Regroup if necessary. Step 3 Add the hundreds. Regroup if necessary.



267 Think: 13 ones = + 46 1 ten, 3 ones _____

267 Think: 11 tens = + 46 1 hundred, 1 ten _____

267 Think: 1 hundred + + 46 2 hundreds = _____ 3 hundreds

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Find each sum. Use models to help.


1. 146 + 29 _____

2. 473 + 55 _____


245 +128 _____


182 +275 _____

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Skills Practice
Three-Digit Addition

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3
Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. $5.75 + $1.85 Solve. 4. 661 + 99 5. $7.78 + $7.16 6. 144 + 67 7. 711 + 193 8. 682 + 39 9. For a PTA meeting at the Parkvale Elementary School, the principal has ordered 215 muffins and 155 bagels. How many muffins and bagels were there in all? 2. 49 + 13 3. 342 + 208

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10. In February, Lucinda read a book that was 98 pages long. In March, she read a book that was 124 pages long. How many pages did she read in February and March?

11. Mirandas sunflower plants grew 27 inches in the first month and 37 inches the second month. How tall were Mirandas sunflowers after two months?

Grade 3





Homework Practice
Three-Digit Addition

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. $3.51 + $4.65 2. 29 + 66 3. $4.45 + $3.18 4. 653 + 284 5. 178 + 99 6. $6.52 + $1.39

Use the four-step plan to solve each problem. (Lesson 26) 7. Kevins family bought 2 pizzas that cost $12 each. How much did these items cost altogether?

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8. A canary costs $89, and a birdcage costs $82. About how much do the bird and cage cost altogether?

9. A truck is delivering fresh vegetables to the Springfield Grocery Store. Starting from Bealstown, it goes 27 miles north to Bentley, and then goes 39 miles west to Springfield. How many miles is the entire trip to Springfield?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Problem-Solving Practice
Three-Digit Addition

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3
Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. Last week, Stephanie cleaned her room for a total of 125 minutes and she watered the garden for 18 minutes. How long did she work?

2. The Allens are redecorating their living room. A new rug will cost $249 and a new sofa will cost $540. How much will the rug and the sofa cost altogether?

3. Megans older sister goes to a college that is 197 miles from home. She comes home once a month. How many miles does she travel coming home and going back to college?
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4. Mrs. Lewis bought 2 rosebushes for her garden. One cost $6.25 and one cost $3.35. What was the total cost?

5. A long-distance phone call to Germany costs $4.95 for 15 minutes. This week, Jens called his family in Germany twice and talked 15 minutes each time. How much did both phone calls cost?

6. Anwar wants to begin collecting marbles. He decides he would like 315 blue marbles and 15 green marbles. How many marbles does Anwar want in all?

Grade 3





Stamp Collecting

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Jean, Pedro, and Betsy belong to a stamp collecting club. Club members must have at least 225 stamps to join. Jerrad is thinking about joining and is waiting for an order of new stamps to arrive. The chart shows how many stamps each club member has. 1. Find a total number of stamps for the three members. First, add Jeans and Pedros. Then add their total to Betsys. How many stamps do the current members have all together?
Stamp Collector Stamps Collected

Jean Pedro Betsy Jerrad

352 496 247

Show how you would add using regrouping.

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2. Betsy ordered 159 more stamps. After her order arrives, will she have more or less stamps than Jean?

3. Suppose Jerrad has 136 more stamps than Pedro. Write a number sentence that shows how many stamps Jerrad has now.

Which columns needed regrouping to solve the problem?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Add Greater Numbers

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3
Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Adding two- and three-digit numbers is just like adding four-digit numbers. Read the problem. One mile is equal to 5,280 feet. Hunter went on a nature hike. First, he hiked one mile, and then he hiked another 1,323 feet. How many feet did he hike? One way to find the sum is by regrouping. First, estimate to the nearest thousand. 5,280 + 1,323

Now, find the exact answer.

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Step 1 Add the ones. 0+3=

Step 2 Add the tens. 8+2= Regroup as a hundred.

Step 3 Add the hundreds. [1]+2+3 =

Step 4 Add the thousands 5+1= So, Hunter hiked feet on the nature hike.

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. 349 + 1,223 2. $48.28 + $31.84

3. At Cliffside Park, there are 121 maple trees and 382 oak trees. How many trees are in the park?

Grade 3





Skills Practice
Add Greater Numbers

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. 328 + 5,908 3. $57.25 + $27.80 5. 302 + 1,445 7. $43.78 + $12.34 9. 933 + 1,005 Solve 11. In a survey, students were asked which job they would prefer. These were the results: Scientist Writer 1,295 93
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2. 448 + 561 4. 806 + 1,220 6. 1,833 + 289 8. $1.59 + $22.37 10. 231 + 8,304

Estimate how many students participated in the survey.

12. Rachel is running in a cross-country race. She bought running shorts for $29.13 and running shoes for $42.93. How much did she spend?

13. Last year, Jake cleaned his room for 3,120 minutes and mowed the lawn for 305 minutes. How long did he work?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Homework Practice
Add Greater Numbers

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3
Chapter Resources
Chapter 2

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. 4,091 + 238 = 3. 356 + 1,209 = 5. $39.12 + $23.67 = 7. $74.16 + $24.18 = 9. 3,866 + 727 = 10. Courtney is having a tea party. She bought a teapot for $25.35 and cookies for $6.15. How much money did she spend? 2. $50.45 + $49.99 = 4. $44.63 + $72.10 = 6. 2,088 + 346 = 8. $45.02 + $54.20 =

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11. Elizabeth went to the craft store to purchase supplies to make a scrapbook. She bought some stamps for $19.99 and beads for $10.45. How much money did she spend?

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. (Lesson 27) 12. 708 + 221 = 14. 981 + 602 = 13. 578 + 333 = 15. 132 + 78 =

Grade 3





Problem-Solving Practice
Add Greater Numbers

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Solve. Travel Agency Deluxe Package Prices: Philadelphia Miami Baltimore Kansas City $3,501 $2,990 $2,503 $1,994

1. Cheyenne is going to Philadelphia for her summer vacation. Her friend James is going to Miami. How much will both vacation packages cost?

2. Lees mother had to go on two trips last year. She went to Baltimore and Kansas City. What was the total cost of her vacation packages?

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3. Carlos paid $39.97 for a bat and $80.12 for his uniform. How much did he pay?

4. Paulita bought jewelry when she went to New Mexico. She bought a beaded necklace that cost $23.56 and a bracelet that cost $14.99. What was the total price she paid?

5. Last year, Mr. Landry worked 2,080 hours. This year, he worked 2,404 hours. How many hours did he work in all?

Grade 3


Chapter 2




Magic Grid Addition

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3
Chapter Resources

Use the Puzzle Numbers below to complete the Magic Grid. The numbers in each row and in each column must add together to equal 3,000. Use each number only once. One square in the grid is done for you. (Hint: Try using sticky notes with the numbers on them to guess and check your choices. Remember to regroup when adding.)

Puzzle Numbers 996, 997, 998, 999, 1,000, 1,001, 1,002, 1,003, 1,004

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Grade 3


Chapter 2



Individual Progress Checklist

D M Goal use the properties of addition add money estimate sums add two-digit, three-digit, and four-digit numbers decide whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed Progress


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Grade 3


Chapter 2



Chapter Diagnostic Assessment

Choose the best word to complete the sentence. 1. is the addition property that states that the order in which the numbers are added does not change the sum.

Chapter 2

2. Renaming a number using place value is called . 3. To find an answer that is close to the exact answer is . called Find each sum. 4. 6 + 2 = 5. 3 + 8 = 6. 4 + 7 = 7. 3 + 5 =
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2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

8. 9 + 6 = Round to the nearest ten. 9. 42 10. 18 11. 46 12. 79 Solve. 13. Emma sold 24 cups of lemonade and 19 cups of water. How many cups did she sell in all? 14. During the flower sale, 54 roses, 23 irises, and 6 orchids were sold. Last year 80 flowers were sold. Were more or less flowers sold this year?
Grade 3

9. 10. 11. 12.






Chapter Pretest

Find each sum. Tell which property you used. 1. 4 + 0 2. 2 + 3 3+2 3. (2 + 3) + 6 2 + (3 + 6)

Tell whether you need to regroup. Then find each sum. 4. 43 + 6 5. 72 + 19

Tell whether you need an estimate or an exact answer. 6. Aisha has $3.00. Does she have enough money to buy all of the items in the table? Explain. Cookies Bananas Fruit Juice $1.50
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$0.39 $1.05

7. Mrs. Hwan is expecting 37 magazines to arrive in the mail on Tuesday and 12 magazines on Wednesday. About how many magazines is Mrs. Hwan expecting to get in the mail over the two days?

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 8. 592 + 54 10. $31.29 + 7.09
Grade 3

9. $1.06 + $4.99 11. 4,444 + 3,333

Chapter 2


(Lessons 21 through 23)

Quiz 1

Find each sum. Identify the property shown. 1. 59 + 0 2. 5 + 6 = 6+5= 3. 6 + (6 + 8) = (6 + 6) + 8 = Estimate each sum using rounding. 4. 82 + 47 5. 26 + 55 6. 19 + 61 Estimate each sum using front-end estimation.
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1. 2. 3.
Chapter 2

4. 5. 6.

7. 39 + 54 8. 12 + 68 9. 56 + 58 Solve. 10. Tomas has 6 toy cars, 3 toy trains, and 5 toy airplanes. How many toys does he have in all? 11. Sharise bought a box of crayons with 36 different colors. Her friend Vicki bought a box of crayons containing 27 different colors. Together, how many colors do they have? 12. Sharise paid $19 for her crayons, and Vicki paid $17. About how much was the total cost?

7. 8. 9.


11. 12.

Grade 3



(Lessons 24 through 26)

Quiz 2

Add. Check for reasonableness. 1. 48 + 3 = 2. 19 + 20 = 3. 35 + 55 = 4. $0.68 + $0.04 = 5. $22 + $58 = 6. $16 + $19 = 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Use the four-step plan to solve each problem. Tell which strategy you used. 7. There are 15 students in the chess club and 22 students in the painting club. How many students are in the clubs in all? 8. One box of dog biscuits costs $13, and one box of cat treats costs $22. If the Geary family buys 2 boxes of dog biscuits and 2 boxes of cat treats, how much will all 4 boxes cost? 9. In the third grade, 52 students play soccer and 46 students play basketball. What is the total number of students who play these sports? 10. A month of drum lessons costs $68, and a month of guitar lessons costs $53. About how much will a month of both lessons cost? 11. Miranda bought a magazine for $6 and a book for $16. How much did she spend in all?

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10. 11.

Grade 3


Chapter 2


(Lessons 27 through 28)

Quiz 3

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. $4.25 + $2.86 = 3. 78 + 19 = 5. $824 + $190 = 2. $53 + $17 = 4. 205 + 815 = 6. 74 + 17 =

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Chapter 2

Fill in the missing numbers. 7. 5,371 + 1,616 = 8. 4,621 + 3,497 = 9. $27.36 + $71.35 = 10. $62.15 + $23.11 =

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Solve. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 11. The school library bought a new bookshelf for $85.18, and a new table for $69.25. What is the total price? 12. At the Peachtree Diner, a plate of macaroni and cheese costs $4.99 and a dinner salad costs $4.15. How much do both cost? 13. Jessica lives 117 miles from the beach. If her family drives to the beach Saturday morning and drives home on Sunday night, what will be the mileage for both trips? 14. For a camping trip, Lindsey is buying a tent that costs $56 and a sleeping bag that costs $39. How much will she pay?


Grade 3



(Lessons 21 through 25)

Mid-Chapter Review

Find each sum. Tell which property you used. 1. 16 + 0 2. (9 + 5) + 5 9 + (5 + 5) 3. 8 + 3 3+8 2. 3. 1.

Tell whether you need to regroup. Then find each sum. 4. 79 + 20 5. 16 + 25 4. 5.

Find each sum.

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6. 75 + 23 7. $0.49 + $0.36

6. 7.

Use estimation or an exact answer to solve. 8. On Saturday Jeffrey made $39 at his lemonade stand, and on Sunday he made $42. About how much money did he make? A. About $75 C. $81 B. About $80 D. $83 8.

9. Juans wristwatch cost $55, and his best friends wristwatch cost $31. How much is the total cost? F. $100 H. $86 G. $90 J. $76 9.

Grade 3


Chapter 2



Vocabulary Test

Using the word bank below, complete each sentence by writing the correct word or words in the blank. Associative Property of Addition Commutative Property of Addition 2. decimal point estimate Identity Property of Addition regroup 4. 1. The states that grouping the addends does not change the sum.
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dollar sign ($) sum 3.


2. To find an answer that is close to the exact answer, you . 3. The goes before the cents. 6.

4. The states that the order in which the numbers are added does not change the sum. 5. The goes before the sum of dollars.


6. The states that the sum of any number and zero is the number. 7. When you add two numbers, you find the .


you add the value of the front-digits of the 8. In number. 9. When you value. 10. The
Grade 3


you rename a number using place 10. goes after the sum of cents.
Chapter 2


cents sign ()

front-end estimation



Oral Assessment

Arrange a selection of small objects. Include 5 of each object. Read each question aloud to the student. Then write the students answers on the lines below the question. 1. How many objects do we have?

2. If I combine these five objects with these three objects, how many objects will I have?

3. How many will I have if I add two more objects?

4. Tell how you got your answer.

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5. If we take two away, how many will we have left?

6. Tell how you got your answer.

7. If I buy a drink for $1.50 and a sandwich for $2.50, how much money will I spend?

Grade 3


Chapter 2



Oral Assessment

8. Where do we place the dollar sign?

9. Where do we place the decimal point?

Chapter 2

10. Do we place a cents sign on the amount?

11. Why or why not?

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

12. If I buy two apples for $0.30, how much money did I spend?

13. How many ways can we write this amount?

14. Tell how you got your answer.

Grade 3




Chapter Project Rubric

Score 3

Explanation Student successfully completed the chapter project. Student demonstrated appropriate use of chapter information in completing the chapter project.

Student completed the chapter project with partial success. Student partially demonstrated appropriate use of chapter information in completing the chapter project.

Student did not complete the chapter project or completed it with little success. Student demonstrated very little appropriate use of chapter information in completing the chapter project.

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Student did not complete the chapter project. Student demonstrated inappropriate use of chapter information in completing the chapter project.

Grade 3


Chapter 2



Foldables Rubric

Addition Four-Door Book Foldable Score 3 Explanation Student properly assembled Foldables graphic organizer according to instructions. Student recorded information related to the chapter in the manner directed by the Foldables graphic organizer. Student used the Foldables graphic organizer as a study guide and organizational tool. 2 Student exhibited partial understanding of proper Foldables graphic organizer assembly. Student recorded most but not all information related to the chapter in the manner directed by the Foldables graphic organizer.
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Student demonstrated partial use of the Foldables graphic organizer as a study guide and organizational tool. 1 Student showed little understanding of proper Foldables graphic organizer assembly. Student recorded only some information related to the chapter in the manner directed by the Foldables graphic organizer. Student demonstrated little use of the Foldables graphic organizer as a study guide and organizational tool. 0 Student did not assemble Foldables graphic organizer according to instructions. Student recorded little or no information related to the chapter in the manner directed by the Foldables graphic organizer. Student did not use the Foldables graphic organizer as a study guide and organizational tool.
Grade 3


Chapter 2




Chapter Test, Form 1

Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided. Find each sum. Tell which property you used. 1. 0 + 125 A. 125, associative C. 130, commutative 2. 6 + (4 + 9) (6 + 4) + 9 F. 34, associative H. 19, associative G. 29, commutative J. 19, commutative 2. B. 125, identity D. 135, identity 1.

Tell whether you need to regroup, and then find each sum. 3. 34 + 6 A. No, 40 4. 88 + 11 F. Yes, 99 G. No, 99 H. Yes, 100 J. No, 181 4. B. No, 50 C. Yes, 40 D. Yes, 39 3.
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Find each sum. 5. 57 + 27 A. 90 6. $0.46 + $0.25 F. $0.61 G. $0.66 H. $0.71 J. $0.72 6. B. 84 C. 80 D. 74 5.

7. Eva saved $29 in May and $32 in June. How much money did she save? A. $71 B. $61 C. $0.61

D. $60


Grade 3

Chapter 2



Chapter Test, Form 1

Use estimation or an exact answer to solve each problem. 8. In 15 minutes, Samantha can do 22 math problems and Eric can do 26. About how many problems can they do together? F. About 50 G. About 60 H. 48 J. 65 8.
Chapter 2

9. If Miguel came to school with 56 and Carlotta came to school with 45, how much money do they have together? A. 92 B. 101 C. 145 D. About 110 9.

Estimate the sum using rounding. 10. 77 + 11 F. 75 G. 88 H. 90 J. 100 10.

Estimate the sum using front-end estimation. 11. 29 + 13

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A. 60

B. 50

C. 40

D. 30


Solve. Choose a strategy. 12. Look at the number pattern below. What will the next two numbers be? 9, 18, 27, , F. 29, 38 G. 38, 49 H. 34, 45 J. 36, 45 12.

Find each sum. Check for reasonableness. 13. $8,205 + $815 A. $9,000 B. $9,010 C. $9,020 D. $9,800 13.

14. The football team raised $2,575 for a charity event. The basketball team raised $2,805. How much money did the two teams raise in all? F. $6,000
Grade 3

G. $5,380

H. $5,280

J. $4,500




Chapter Test, Form 2A

Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided. Find each sum. Tell what property you used. 1. 36 + 0 A. 360, identity C. 36, associative 2. 8 + (2 + 3) (8 + 2) + 3 F. 12, associative H. 13, commutative G. 13, associative J. 15, commutative 2. B. 38, commutative D. 36, identity 1.

Tell whether you had to regroup, and then find each sum. 3. 31 + 10 A. Yes, 41 4. 12 + 8 F. No, 22 G. Yes, 21 H. No, 20 J. Yes, 20 4. B. Yes, 35 C. No, 40 D. No, 41 3.
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Find each sum. 5. $0.54 + $0.28 A. $1.00 6. $35 + $45 F. $90 7. 22 + 39 A. 60 B. 61 C. 62 D. 72 7. G. $85 H. $70 J. $80 6. B. $82 C. $0.82 D. $0.72 5.

Grade 3


Chapter 2



Chapter Test, Form 2A

Estimate the sum using rounding. 8. 79 + 9 F. 79 G. 80 H. 88 J. 90 8.

Estimate the sum using front-end estimation.

Chapter 2

9. 66 + 19 A. 76 B. 80 C. 70 D. 60 9.

Solve. Choose a strategy. 10. Madelyn walked her dog for 46 minutes on Saturday, and for 36 minutes on Sunday. How many minutes was that in all? F. 70 G. 72 H. 82 J. 106 10.

11. Carlos saved $73 in August, and $15 in September. How much money does he have?
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

A. $97

B. $88

C. $86

D. 80


12. Bill bought dog food for $49.99 and cat food for $35.60. How much did Bill spend in all? F. $74.59 G. $84.59 H. $85.59 J. $96.59 12.

13. Terry bought a camera for $45.62 and a camera case for $15.99. How much did he spend altogether? A. $51.61 B. $61.61 C. $70.60 D. $71.61 13.

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 14. 125 + 206 F. 401 15. $3.20 + $5.90 A. $9.10 B. $9.00 C. $8.10 D. $8.00 15. G. 331 H. 321 J. 330 14.

Grade 3




Chapter Test, Form 2B

Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided. Add. Tell what rule you used. 1. 36 + 0 A. 360, identity C. 36, identity 2. 8 + (2 + 3) (8 + 2) + 3 F. 13, associative H. 12, associative G. 13, commutative 2. B. 36, associative 1.

Tell whether you need to regroup. Then add. 3. 31 + 10 A. No, 40 4. 12 + 8 F. No, 22 G. Yes, 20 H. No, 20 4. B. Yes, 41 C. No, 41 3.
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Add. 5. $0.54 + $0.28 A. $1.00 6. $35 + $45 F. $90 7. 22 + 39 A. 60 B. 61 C. 72 7. G. $80 H. $70 6. B. $82 C. $0.82 5.

Grade 3


Chapter 2



Chapter Test, Form 2B

Estimate the sum using rounding. 8. 79 + 9 F. 79 G. 80 H. 90 8.

Estimate the sum using front-estimation. 9. 66 + 19 A. 76 B. 70 C. 80 9.

Chapter 2

Solve. Choose a strategy. 10. Madelyn walked her dog for 46 minutes on Saturday and 36 minutes on Sunday. How many minutes did she walk her dog? F. 70 G. 82 H. 106 10.

11. If there are 25 yogurts in one box and 15 containers in the other, about how many yogurts are there in all?
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

A. About 50

B. 40

C. About 35


12. Bill bought dog food for $49.99 and cat food for $35.60. How much did Bill spend in all? F. $74.59 G. $84.59 H. $85.59 12.

13. Terry bought a camera for $45.62 and a camera case for $15.99. How much did he spend altogether? A. $51.61 Add. 14. 125 + 206 F. 321 15. $3.20 + $5.90 A. $9.10 B. $9.00 C. $8.00 G. 330 H. 331 B. $61.61 C. $70.60




Grade 3




Chapter Test, Form 2C

Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided. Tell whether you had to regroup, and then find each sum. 1. 31 + 10 2. 12 + 8 Find each sum. Tell what property you used. 3. 36 + 0 4. 8 + (2 + 3) (8 + 2) + 3 Find the missing digit. 5. 18 + 2 Find each sum. 6. $0.54 + $0.28 7. $35 + $45 8. 22 + 39 Estimate the sum using rounding. 9. 79 + 9 9. 6. 7. 8. = 40 5.
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1. 2.

3. 4.

Grade 3


Chapter 2



Chapter Test, Form 2C

Estimate the sum using front-end estimation. 10. 66 + 19 Use estimation or an exact answer to solve. 11. 12.
Chapter 2


11. Madelyn walked her dog for 46 minutes on Saturday, and for 36 minutes on Sunday. How many minutes was that in all? 12. Carlos saved $73 in August, and $15 in September. How much money does he have? 13. If Jefferson studies for 37 minutes in the morning and 42 minutes in the evening, about how long will he have studied in all? 14. The grocery store has 2 boxes of yogurt. If there are 25 containers of yogurt in one box and 15 containers in the other, about how many containers are there in all?
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Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 15. 125 + 206 16. $3.20 + $5.90 Choose a strategy and solve. 17. Bill bought dog food for $49.99 and cat food for $35.60. How much did Bill spend in all? 18. The Health Center sold 38 bottles of carrot juice, and 7 bottles were still on the shelf. How many bottles were there originally? 17. 15. 16.


Grade 3




Chapter Test, Form 2D

Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided. Add. Tell what rule you used. 1. 36 + 0 2. 8 + (2 + 3) (8 + 2) + 3 1. 2.

Find the missing number. 3. 18 + 2 = 40 3.

Tell whether you need to regroup. Then add. 4. 31 + 10 5. 12 + 8 4. 5.

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Add. 6. $0.54 + $0.28 7. $35 + $45 8. 22 + 39 6. 7. 8.

Choose a strategy and solve. 9. The Health Center sold 38 bottles of carrot juice. Only 7 bottles were left on the shelf at the end of the day. How many bottles were there in the morning? 10. Bill bought dog food for $49.99 and cat food for $35.60. How much did Bill spend in all? 10.
Grade 3



Chapter 2



Chapter Test Form 2D

11. Terry bought a camera for $45.62 and a camera case for $15.99. How much did he spend altogether? 11. Estimate the sum using rounding.
Chapter 2

12. 79 + 9


Estimate the sum using front-end estimation. 13. 66 + 19 13.

Use estimation or an exact answer to solve. 14. Madelyn walked her dog for 46 minutes on Saturday and 36 minutes on Sunday. How many minutes did she walk her dog? 15. Carlos saved $73 in August and $15 in September. How much money does he have? 16. If Taro studies for 37 minutes in the morning and 42 minutes in the evening, about how long will he have studied in all? 17. If there are 25 yogurts in one box and 15 yogurt containers in the other, about how many yogurts are there in all?

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14. 15. 16. 17.

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 18. 125 + 206 19. $3.20 + $5.90 18. 19.

Grade 3




Chapter Test, Form 3

Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided. Find each sum. 1. $0.54 + $0.28 2. $35 + $45 3. 22 + 39 1. 2. 3.

Find each sum. Tell what property you used. 4. 36 + 0 5. 8 + (2 + 3) (8 + 2) + 3 4. 5.

Tell whether you had to regroup, and then find each sum. 6. 31 + 10 7. 12 + 8 6. 7.

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Find the missing digit. 8. 18 + 2 = 40 8.

Grade 3


Chapter 2



Chapter Test, Form 3

Estimate the sum using rounding. 9. 79 + 9 Estimate the sum using front-end estimation. 10. 66 + 19 Choose a strategy and solve. 11. The Health Center sold 38 bottles of carrot juice, and 7 bottles were still on the shelf. The Health Center also sold 44 bottles of apple juice and 16 bottles of cranberry juice. How many bottles of carrot juice were there originally? 12. Bill bought dog food for $49.99 and cat food for $35.60. How much did Bill spend in all?
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.



13. Terry bought a camera for $45.62 and a camera case for $15.99. How much did he spend altogether? Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 14. 125 + 206 15. $3.20 + $5.90 Use estimation or an exact answer to solve. 16. Madelyn walked her dog for 52 minutes on Thursday, 46 minutes on Saturday, and for 36 minutes on Sunday. How many minutes did Madelyn walk her dog? 17. Carlos earns $100 a month. In August, Carlos managed to save $73 of his $100. In September, he saved $15. How much money did he save in both months?

12. 13.

14. 15.



Grade 3


Chapter 2





Chapter Extended-Response Test

Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise solution to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant drawings and justify your answers. You may show your solution in more than one way or investigate beyond the requirements of the problem. If necessary, record your answer on another piece of paper. 1. Explain in your own words the meaning of addition. a. Explain the Commutative Property of Addition and provide an example. b. Explain the Identity Property of Addition and provide an example. c. Explain the Associative Property of Addition and provide an example. 2. Sam is at the food court and wants to order a ham sandwich and fruit salad for lunch. How much will it cost?
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Food Item ham sandwich turkey sandwich fruit salad tossed salad apple wedges pretzel sticks

Price $2.15 $2.50 $3.40 $1.95 $1.50 $1.00

a. Jill wants to order a tossed salad and pretzel sticks. How much will it cost? b. Bianca wants to order a turkey sandwich and apple wedges. How much will it cost? c. What is the total cost of Jill and Biancas order?
Grade 3


Chapter 2



Student Recording Sheet

Use this recording sheet with pages 102103 of the Student Edition. Read each question. Then fill in the correct answer. 1. A


3. A


5. A
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7. A


9. A


Grade 3


Chapter 2



Cumulative Standardized Test Practice

Test Example Makya bought running shoes for $89.67 and a pack of athletic socks for $5.99. How much did he spend in all?

A. $ 85.66 C. $ 94.56

B. $ 85.68 D. $ 95.66

Read the Question You need to add to find out the amount spent.

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Solve the Question To help eliminate answer choices, estimate the 2 amounts. Round the price of the items to the nearest dollar. $89.67 +$5.99 $90.00 +6.00 $96.00

You can eliminate answer choices A and B. Choice C rounded to the nearest dollar is $95. Choice D rounded to the nearest dollar is $96. So, the answer is D.
Grade 3


Chapter 2



Cumulative Standardized Test Practice

Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided. 1. Suri bought a book that cost $6.99 and a red pen for $1.99. What was the total cost of the two items? A. $9.98 C. $7.98 B. $8.98 D. $6.99 1.

2. Which number makes this number sentence true? 3+4+7=3+7+ F. 3 G. 4 H. 7 J. 14 2.

3. What is the sum of 34 + 149 rounded to the nearest ten? A. 190 B. 183 C. 180 D. 170 3.

4. The Sunnyview School sold 2,428 school calendars. The Riverside School sold 4,541 school calendars. How many calendars were sold in all?
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

F. 5,000

G. 6,000

H. 6,969

J. 6,970


5. Ciana and her cousin have 683 marbles. Which of these equals 683? A. 6 + 80 + 3 C. 600 + 80 + 3 B. 6 + 8 + 3 D. 600 + 8 + 3 5.

6. Which point on the number line names 173?

Q R 150 160 S 170 180 T 190

F. Q

G. R

H. S

J. T


Grade 3


Chapter 2




Cumulative Standardized Test Practice

7. What is 2,267 rounded to the nearest thousand? A. 3,500 B. 3,000 C. 2,200 D. 2,000 7.

8. What number has a 6 in the tens place and a 1 in the hundreds place? F. 5,641 G. 5,614 H. 5,461 J. 5,164 8.

9. How is two thousand, two hundred fifty-five written in standard form? A. 2,552 B. 2,522 C. 2,255 D. 2,252 9. 10.

10. What is the value of the digit 6 in 5,261? 11. How is 3,450 written in word form?

12. What is 7,431 rounded to the nearest thousand?

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. Marta has 322 stamps. Write 322 in expanded form.

14. What is the sum of 497 + 328?

15. Lisa planted 172 seeds this year. Kara planted 73 seeds. About how many seeds did Lisa and Kara plant in all?

Grade 3


Chapter 2

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Chapter Resources

Grade 3

Anticipation Guide
STEP 1 Read each statement. Decide whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the statement. Write A or D in the first column OR if you are not sure whether you agree or disagree, write NS (not sure). STEP 1 A, D, or NS Before you begin Chapter 2


Graphic Organizer



Use this graphic organizer to take notes on Chapter 2: Addition. Fill in the missing information.

Commutative Property

The Commutative Property of Addition states that the order in which numbers are added does not sum change the .

STEP 2 A or D



4 +2= 6

Identity Property

Statement 1. The Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any number and zero is the number. 2. The order in which numbers are added changes the sum. 3. (2 + 2) + 3 and 2 + (2 + 3) have the same sum. 4. Adding cents is like adding whole numbers except that you place the cent sign () after the sum of cents. 5. The dollar sign ($) comes after the number. 6. Estimates are never useful.

Answers (Graphic Organizer and Anticipation Guide)

Associative Property 3 + (4 + 5 ) 3 + 9 12 STEP 2 1
Chapter 2

The Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any number and zero is the number .


2+ 0 = 2

After you complete Chapter 2 Reread each statement and complete the last column by entering an A (agree) or a D (disagree). Did any of your opinions about the statements change from the first column?

The Associative Property of Addition states that grouping sum the addends does not change the .


(3 + 4) + 5

7. In front-end estimation, you add the end-digits of the numbers. 8. You should regroup when the sum of the column is greater than 9. 9. Using estimation is a good way to check for the reasonableness of a sum. 10. When adding money, it is not necessary to line up the decimal points.

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7+5 12

Chapter 2

Grade 3

For those statements that you mark with a D, use a separate sheet of paper to explain why you disagree. Use examples, if possible. Grade 3 6

Chapter 2


Commutative Property You can change the order of the addends, but the sum is always the same. 4+5=9 5+4=9 How many pieces of fruit are pictured above? 4 +3 +2 = 9 pieces of fruit

Identity Property When you add 0 to a number, the sum is always that number. 6+0=6 We can get the same result by using addition properties. Fill in the missing numbers below, using each property. A. Commutative: 4 + 3 + 2 = 2 + 4 + 3 = B. Identity: 0 +

Associative Property You can group the addends and keep the sum the same.

(2 + 4) + 6


6+6 12

2 + (4 + 6) 2 + 10 12

C. Associative: (4 + 3) + 2 =


+ 2) = 9

Fill in the blank. , then you know , then you know 1. 220 + 0 =

Answers (Lesson 21)

1. If you know 3 + 6 = 6 +3= 9 4+

Find each missing number. Identify the property shown.

220, identity 14
= 18

8 15 , then you know

2. 14 + 4 = 18

2. If you know 8 + 0 = 0 +8= 8 .

3. 8 + (2 + 5) + 3 = (8 + 2) + (5 + 3) = Find each sum mentally. 4. 6.

3. If you know (5 + 6) + 4 =

18, associative


+ 4) =


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Find each sum.

4. 4 + 7 =

6. 7 + 5 = 9. 0 + 4 =

5. 9 + 2 =

11 17 4


2 7 +3

5. 6 8 +2

7. 3 + 9 = 8


8. 12 + 5 =

Chapter 2 Grade 3


4 1 5 +6

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1 3NS2.1, 3AF1.1


Addition Properties

Skills Practice



Addition Properties

You can use different strategies to help you add.


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46, identity
4. 1 + (9 + 5) =
(1 + 9) + 5 =

9, commutative

1. For a science project, Pedro must find 20 autumn leaves. So far, hes collected 9 yellow leaves, 5 red leaves, and 1 orange leaf. How many leaves does he have so far? How many more does he need? Which addition property did you use?

3. (7 + 9) + 3 =

15, He needs 5 more leaves, commutative

2. In order to solve a math problem, Ryan switched the parentheses from 7 + (3 + 6) to (7 + 3) + 6. He told his teacher that hed used the Commutative Property of Addition. Was he correct?

(7 + 3) + 9 =

19, commutative

15, associative

Find each missing number. Identify the property shown. 6. 20 + 40 = 40 +

5. (0 + 7) + 3 =

+ (7 + 3 )

0, associative

20, commutative

No, he used the associative property

Round to the nearest thousand. (Lesson 19)

3. Tamika is making a bracelet. She is using 3 wooden beads, 5 gold beads, 4 blue beads, 5 silver beads, and 3 black beads. What is the total number of beads in her bracelet?

7. 4,801

20 beads

Answers (Lesson 21)

5,000 3,000

8. 3,192

4. Jose has 9 T-shirts, 2 sweaters, 3 long-sleeved pullovers, and 1 jacket. Find how many tops he has. Which property will make your addition easier?

15, commutative
5. Rita has collected items to take to her recycling center. She has 7 boxes of paper, 2 bags of bottles, and 1 bag of cans. How many bags and boxes does she have?

9. 6,592

7,000 5,000

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10. 5,038

10 bags and boxes

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1


Homework Practice
Addition Properties

Problem-Solving Practice



3NS2.1, 3AF1.1

Addition Properties

Find each sum. Identify the property shown. 2. 46 + 0 =

1. 5 + 4 =


Pat and Matt own a doughnut shop. They have daily specials. However, they do not always agree on the order doughnuts should go into the boxes. Here are some other things you should know: Sometimes when you solve a problem you need an exact answer. Other times you need an estimate. Deciding if you need an exact answer or an estimate will help you solve the problem. Lets try an example. In an hours time, Leah can make 12 greeting cards. Steven can make 9 cards in the same amount of time. Together, about how many cards can they make? Step 1 Understand What facts do you know? Leah makes 12 cards in an hour. Steven makes 9 cards in an hour. Step 2 Plan

When the daily special has more than 13 doughnuts, they use two boxes.

Pat and Matt make only four kinds of doughnuts: glazed, cake, blueberry, and cream.

Follow the directions for each problem.

Do you need an exact answer to this question? No. When you see about, you know that an estimated answer is needed. First, round each number. Leah 12 cards 10 cards Steven 9 cards 10 cards Now, add both of your rounded numbers. This will give you a final estimate. 10 + 10 = 20 So, Leah and Steven can make about 20 greeting cards in an hour.

1. Mondays special is 8 doughnuts. It is a combination of glazed and cake. Pat arranged the first box. First he put in five glazed. How many cake doughnuts did he use to fill the box? Complete the number sentence. Step 3 Solve

5 glazed +

cake = 8 doughnuts

2. Matt puts the cake doughnuts in the box first. Complete the number sentence to show what Matt does. Then tell which property you used.

Answers (Lessons 21 and 2 2)

cake +

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5 glazed = 8 doughnuts commutative

Step 4 Check

3. Friday is one of a kind day. Complete these number sentences that show how a box will be filled with either 12 glazed or 12 cake doughnuts but not both.

Look back at the problem. Since it says about how many, you know that making an estimate is the correct plan. Notice that since 12 + 9 = 21, your estimate is very close to the exact answer!

12 12

glazed +

cake + 12

0 0

cake = 12 doughnuts

glazed = 12 doughnuts
Chapter 2 Grade 3

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3AF1.1



Problem-Solving Skill



Filling Doughnut Boxes


Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

1. On Saturday, Zacharys sister works in the garden for 2 hours and earns $5 every hour. For mowing the lawn, Zachary is paid $12. Who will earn more money? Exact answer; 36 + 19 = 55 feet

1. Chan is learning about dinosaurs. The head and body of Chans favorite dinosaur is 36 feet long, and the tail is 19 feet long. In all, how long is the entire dinosaur?

Exact; Zachary will earn more because he earned $12, and his sister earned $10. 12 > 10

2. The Littleton Public Library gets 37 new magazines and books every week. In 3 weeks, about how many books and magazines will be received?

Estimate; about 120 books and magazines

2. Jasmine and Casey are in charge of bringing fruit for the class picnic. There are 34 students in their class. Jasmine and Casey buy 11 apples, 6 oranges, 7 bananas, and 8 peaches. Will there be enough for everyone to have one piece of fruit? Explain. Exact answer; no; They would only have 32, so they will need 2 more.

3. Last week, Ms. Llamas spent $62 for gas and $85 for repairs on her car. About how much did she spend on her car?

Estimate; about $150

4. Raul cut 2 pieces of fabric. One piece was 12 inches long. Another piece was 41 inches long. Will Raul have enough fabric for a project that needs 67 inches of fabric? Explain.

3. For Exercise 2, use estimation to see whether or not Jasmine and Casey will have enough fruit for the class. Is estimation a good way to solve this problem? By rounding each number, the sum of the fruit will be 40. This is not a good way to solve the problem, since it looks like there are too many pieces of fruit, but really there are too few.

Answers (Lesson 2 2)

Exact; no; 12 + 41 = 53; 53 < 67

5. About how much money would Katie need to buy the following items at the grocery store? 32 24

4. There are 75 chairs at the concert. Four chairs are broken. How many people can sit on chairs at the concert? Exact answer; 75 - 4 = 71 people 5. Twenty-six babies are born every day at the Pine Valley Hospital. In 2 days, about how many babies will be born there? Estimate; 30 + 30 = 60 babies

Toy 1

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Toy 2

Estimate; 30 + 20 = 50

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3

Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve.


Problem-Solving Skill

Skills Practice



Problem-Solving Skill

Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve.


1. The principal of Sydney Elementary School wants at least 50 students to enter the National Poetry Contest. In Mr. Ogdens class, 19 students entered the contest. In Miss Lees class, 9 students entered. Are there enough students entered? Explain.
3 5 4

The sum of the numbers in each straight line must be the same. Find the missing numbers. 1.

Estimate; no; 20 + 10 = 30 students

2. The Coopertown Museum of Art has 12 sculptures and 39 pieces of pottery. About how many total pieces of art does the museum have? 2.

sum of sides = 18; missing numbers: left side 2, right side 6

Estimate; 10 + 40 = 50 pieces of art

3. At Martas school library, there are 16 shelves of novels and 21 shelves of history books. How many shelves are there in all?

sum of sides = 140; missing numbers: right side 90, bottom 80


Answers (Lesson 2 2)

Exact; 16 + 21 = 37 shelves 3.



Find each sum. Identify the property shown. (Lesson 21) 5. 5 + 4 + 2 = 5+2+4= 11, commutative




4. 12 + (3 + 4) =

sum of sides = 75; missing numbers: left side 40, bottom 10 4. Explain the strategy you used to find the missing numbers. Answers will vary depending on the strategy the student used.

(12 + 3) + 4 =

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19, associative

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Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3MR2.5 3MR2.5


Homework Practice
Straight Line Sums
2 7 6




Problem-Solving Skill

Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve.


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Estimation can be a very useful tool. The Corner News Stand sold 122 newspapers on Monday and 94 newspapers on Tuesday. About how many newspapers were sold in all? Rounding will help you find the answer to this problem. Estimate each sum using rounding. 1. 95 + 31 100 + 30 = 130 3. 90 + 85 90 + 90 = 180 5. 42 + 61 40 + 60 = 100

Corner News Stand 100 100 200 7. 50 + 86 50 + 80 = 130 9. 98 + 81 90 + 80 = 170 11. 24 + 76 20 + 70 = 90

4. 39 + 78 40 + 80 = 120 6. 22 + 84 20 + 80 = 100

Actual amount Round to the nearest 100





Estimated Total

Estimate each sum using front-end estimation 8. 47 + 24 40 + 20 = 60 10. 45 + 85 40 + 80 = 120 12. 83 + 31 80 + 30 = 110

About 200 newspapers were sold on these two days.

Front-end estimation is another way to find an approximate sum. At the community center, 36 people are swimming and 54 people are playing golf. About how many people are there in all? Solve.

Use the front digits, and change the other digits to 0.

1314. Sample estimates are given. Accept all reasonable answers.





Answers (Lesson 2 3)

30 + 50 = 80

So, there are about 80 people at the community center.

13. Kayla collects animal pictures. So far, she has 27 horse pictures and 12 pictures of bears. About how many pictures does she have now?

30 + 10 = 40; about 40 pictures

Estimate each sum using rounding. 2. 59 + 32 60 + 30 = 90

1. 49 + 23 50 + 20 = 70

14. This week the school store sold 39 pencils and 12 folders. About how many pencils and folders did the school store sell this week?

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Estimate each sum using front-end estimation. 4. 26 + 59 20 + 50 = 70

40 + 10 = 50; about 50 pencils and folders

3. $77 + $66 70 + 60 = 130

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3



Estimate Sums

Skills Practice



Estimate Sums

2. 16 + 12 20 + 10 = 30


3. 12 + 81 10 4. 28 + 76

+ 80 = 90 30 + 80 = 110 About $80

Estimate each sum using front-end estimation. 6. 38 + 45

5. 46 + 89

40 + 80 = 120

30 + 40 = 70

7. 12 + 99 10

+ 90 = 100

2. Michelle has saved $11 from her allowance, and her sister Maria has saved $13. They want to buy their mother a $30 pair of earrings for Mothers Day. Together, will they have enough money? Explain.

8. Last Saturday, 73 people worked out at the Ferndale Fitness Center. On Sunday, 65 people worked out. About how many people were at the fitness center on those two days?

no; Sample answer: When I estimate the sum, I find that 10 + 10 = 20. $20 is not enough to buy the earrings.
Use the information below for Exercises 3 and 4. The Centerville Store sells items for the following prices: hat shirt $12 $17

70 + 70 = 140; about 140 people

Answers (Lesson 23)

Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve. (Lesson 22)

3. Using front-end estimation, about how much will it cost if Robert buys a hat and a shirt?

9. Filipa wants to learn karate. One month of classes costs $55, and a karate suit costs $35. How much will she pay?

10 + 10 = 20; about $20

4. Two sisters are each buying a hat and a shirt. Estimate by rounding to find about how much their items will cost in all.

Exact answer; $90

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$10 + $20 = $30; $30 + $30 = $60

10. Every Sunday, Jamila and her family visit her grandparents. Then they go to visit her aunt. Her family drives 49 miles to see her grandparents and drives 17 more miles to her aunts house. How many miles do they drive?

Exact answer; 66 miles

Chapter 2 Grade 3

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Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS1.4 3NS1.4


Homework Practice Problem-Solving Practice

Estimate Sums
Solve. 2. 15 + 29 20 1. If Kiki buys a digital camera that costs $73 and a book that costs $12, about how much will she pay?




Estimate Sums

Estimate each sum using rounding.

1. 54 + 86 50

+ 90 = 140 + 30 = 50


Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Ted and Jen are helping their teachers plan a field trip to space camp. The teachers want Ted and Jen to help them make estimates. Ted and Jen have different ways of estimating. Ted estimates by rounding. Jen makes front-end estimates.

1. The teachers told Ted and Jen that they think space camp will cost $39 for the students and $16 for the adults. About how much will all of the tickets cost? Write what Ted and Jen would estimate.

For example, if you have 34 marbles, you have 3 groups of ten marbles and 4 marbles.

Ted: $40 + $20 = $60; Jen: $30 + $10 = $40

Whose estimate is closer to the actual cost?

If a friend gives you 7 more marbles, you can add 6 of them to your group of 4 marbles (4 + 6 = 10) to make another tenmarble group. Since (7 6 = 1), you will have one marble left over. Using your pencil, add the marbles to the chart above. Looking at the chart, it is easy to see that you now have 41 marbles. Add. Check for reasonableness. 1. 37 + 2 = 2. 18 + 36 = 3. 41 + 6 = 4. 33 + 16 = 5. 12 + 19 = 6. 50 + 8 = 22
Chapter 2 Grade 3

2. The students collected soda cans to recycle to help pay for the trip. One class collected 51 pounds of cans. Another class collected 32 pounds. About how many pounds of cans did the two classes collect? Write what Ted and Jen would estimate.

Ted: 50 + 30 = 80; Jen: 50 + 30 = 80

Answers (Lessons 23 and 2 4)

3. The students also sold raffle tickets to help pay for food and bus costs for the trip. Mr. Lins class sold 215 tickets. Mrs. Ricos class sold 150 tickets. About how many tickets did the two classes sell? Write what Ted and Jen would estimate.

39 54 47 49 31 58

7. 52 + 9 = 8. 66 + 6 = 9. 43 + 9 = 10. 77 + 3 = 11. 34 + 7 = 12. 51 + 11 = 23

61 72 52 80 41 62
Chapter 2

Ted: 200 + 200 = 400; Jen: 200 + 100 = 300

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4. Are Jens estimates usually higher, lower, or the same as Teds estimates?


Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter Resources

Grade 3



Enrich Reteach
Two-Digit Addition
The left side of a two-digit number tells us how many tens we have, while the digit on the right shows how many ones we have.




About How Much?


4. 38 + 16 = 4. 21 + 34 7. 35 + 16 8. 23 + 63 9. 5. 25 + 3

6. 29 + 50 =

5. 31 + 22 =

53 79 55 28

6. 46 + 10 14 + 76


ALGEBRA Find each missing digit. 8. 3 + 37 = 76

7. 72 + 2

= 94

51 86


10. 83 + 3 = 121

9 8
12. 5 + 27 = 84


0 + 46 = 96

5 7
14. 11 + 6 = 97

10. At the Park School Soccer Camp, 27 girls and 25 boys attended. How many attended in all?

Answers (Lesson 2 4)

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

A10 8
12. 19 + 48 14. 43 + 46


6 + 54 = 150

52 attended
11. There are 54 small fish and 27 big fish in a pond. How many fish are there altogether?


4 + 31 = 75

81 fish


Estimate each sum using rounding. (Lesson 23)

15. For a family picnic, Javier bought 18 peaches, and his sister bought 24 apples. How many pieces of fruit did they buy?

70 90

13. 22 + 58


42 pieces of fruit

Estimate each sum using front-end estimation. 15. 27 + 24 16. 92 + 44 17. 79 + 17

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

16. Alondras science class planted 29 zinnia seeds and 31 marigold seeds. What is the total number of seeds they planted?

40 130 80

60 seeds

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1 3NS2.1


Skills Practice Homework Practice

Two-Digit Addition
Add. Check for reasonableness.




Two-Digit Addition

Add. Check for reasonableness.

1. 32 + 12 = 1. 32 + 6 2. 44 + 13

3. 45 + 25 =

2. 12 + 17 =

29 70 38
3. 19 + 49



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1. In the Ripple Creek Zoo, there are four different kinds of animals. Fill in the chart below to find how many there are in each group. Deer 7 antelopes
16 miles

Bears 6 brown bears 4 gazelles


Monkeys 4 chimpanzees 2 pythons

9 miles
13 mi le
13 le mi s
9 miles

Snakes 1 boa

Visitors' Center Old Mill Campground

15 mil


2 polar bears

2 baboons

Lookout Point

8 11
4m s ile

6 3
Park Entrance
9 miles

The Caves


les mi

2. Add your sums from Exercise 1 to find the total number of animals in Ripple Creek Zoo.

28 animals

Deer Run Campground

7 miles

Table Rock

3. Only 50 people at a time can skate at Browns Ice Skating Rink. There were already 21 people in the rink when 37 Auburn Elementary School students arrived. How many people are now at the rink?

1. The family went to the Visitors Center after entering the park. Then they went to Deer Run Campground by the shortest route. How many miles did they travel from the Park Entrance?

Answers (Lesson 2 4)

58 people

22 miles
2. During their second day in the park, they left the campground. Then they went to Lookout Point after stopping at Table Rock. How many miles did they travel to get to Lookout Point?

4. Briannas mother told her to do 50 minutes of homework. If she does 15 minutes of math homework and 37 minutes of English, will this be enough homework time? How long has Brianna worked?

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yes; 15 + 37 = 52 minutes

24 miles
3. While the family was at Lookout Point, Gene said he wanted to see The Caves before going back to the campground. If they traveled from Lookout Point to The Caves by the shortest route, how many miles did they travel?

5. Pablos family went on a trip to the beach. In the morning, they drove 26 miles, and then after lunch they drove another 45 miles. In all, how far did they travel?

71 miles
Chapter 2

21 miles
Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3



Problem-Solving Practice
Miles of Vacation Fun
Genes family is visiting Greenway Park for a vacation. This map shows the places they can stop and visit. It also shows where they can camp.




Two-Digit Addition



When you add cents, it is just like adding one- or two-digit numbers, except that you put a cent sign () after each number. Adding dollars is just the same, but a dollar sign ($) is written before each number. Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. 83 + 12 = 2. 45 + 45 =

Samantha opened her piggy bank and found 75 inside. If she has 8 in her pocket, how much money does she have?

Add 75 + 8.

95 3. $72 + $14 = $86 5. $0.50 + $0.01 =$0.51 7. 23 + 26 = 49 9. $70 + $12 = $82 11. $0.23 + $0.38 =$0.61
Solve. Use the table for Exercises 13 and 14. Clothing Outlet Pullovers Tennis shoes Socks Swimsuits $18 $25 $4 $35

90 4. $0.33 + $0.27 =$0.60 $0.84 6. $0.05 + $0.79 = 8. $30 + $27 = $57 10. 61 + 11 = 72 12. $84 + $43 = $127

A. Here is one way to find the sum.

75 8


B. Here is another way to write the problem. Use a decimal point to separate dollars and cents. Notice that 8 is now written $0.08, because there is nothing in the tenths (dimes) place.

Answers (Lesson 2 5)

$0.75 + $0.08

13. Lalia wants to buy a swimsuit and a pair of tennis shoes. How much would that cost?


Samantha has a total of 83.

14. Justin is buying a pullover and a pair of socks. How much will these cost?

Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 45 + 27 ______ 3. $0.01 + $0.49 _______


12 + 77 ______


$18 + $4 = $22
15. Alanzo wants to buy a basketball that costs $15 and a T-shirt that costs $14. How much will he spend in all?

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89 72
$15 + $23 ______ 6. $28 +$31 _____

$0.50 $59
Chapter 2


$65 + $16 ______


$15 + $14 = $29

Grade 3



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Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3


3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Skills Practice
Add Money



Add Money


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2. $12 + $79 = $91 4. $0.39 + $0.50 = $0.89 6. $21 + $33 = $54

2. Find the Error Javan added $0.29 + $0.05 and got $0.79 for his total. Find the correct answer, and explain Javans error.

1. 41 + 18 = 59 3. $0.08 + $0.76 = $0.84 5. $68 + $8 = $76 7. $13 + $78 = $91 9. $46 + $89 = $135

$51 10. $0.15 + $0.75 = $0.90

8. $34 + $17 =

11. Anna has $15. If she buys a book that costs $9 and a poster costing $4, how much money will she have left?


3. For math class, Pia has to buy a ruler that costs 42 and a compass that costs 49. How much money will she spend?

$0.34; He should have added 9 + 5 on the right side. 91

12. If Yolanda buys a birthday card for 36 and a thank-you card for 46, what will she pay in all?


4. Mei Ling bought dinner for her family. The spaghetti cost $45 and the dessert cost $25. How much did her familys dinner cost?

$45 + $25 = $70

5. Ryan is inviting friends to his party. The food will cost $63 and the decorations will cost $17. How much will he spend altogether?

Answers (Lesson 2 5)

Add. Check for reasonableness. (Lesson 24) 14. 19 + 29 16. 16 + 25 25 + 7 19. 34 + 8

13. 55 + 32

15. 65 + 25

87 90 48 41

$63 + $17 = $80

6. Melons cost $2 each. If Monica buys 3 melons and $28 worth of seafood, how much will she pay?


41 + 9


76 + 15 22. 29 + 46

32 91

42 75
Chapter 2

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47 + 15


$2 + $2 + $2 = $6; $6 + $28 = $34


Chapter 2

Grade 3

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3


Homework Practice Problem-Solving Practice

Add Money
1. Brian found $0.25 at the beach on Monday and $0.16 on Tuesday. In all, how much money did he find?




3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Add Money

Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness.

$0.25 + $0.16 = $0.41


Read the clues for each problem. Tell what each coin is worth by writing the amount on a circle. Then add the value of the coins. If the total is 99 cents or less, use a cent sign (). If the value is more than 99 cents, use a $ and a decimal point. For example, if the total is 34 cents write 34; if the total is 134 cents, write $1.34 for 1 dollar and 34 cents. The bookshelf at Sarahs house has 3 shelves. Each shelf can hold 15 books. Sarah has 17 books. Ed has 19 books. Jen has 10 books. Will all of their books fit on the bookshelf? Step 1 Understand You know how many books each of the 3 shelves will hold, and how many books each person has. Step 2 Plan There is a lot of information, so make a table. Step 3 Solve Shelf Shelf 1 (Sarah) Shelf 2 (Ed) Shelf 3 (Jen) Books on Shelf 15 15 10 Books left over? 2 4 0 Space on shelf? no no yesfor 5 books Sarah has 2 books left over and Ed has 4 books left over. 2+4=6

There is a lot to organize and understand in this problem. Use a four-step plan.

1. Pete collects dimes, nickels, and pennies. He has twice as many nickels as dimes. He has 4 more pennies than nickels. How much money does Pete have?

10 1 1 1 1


2. Misty has eight coins. One is a quarter. The rest are pennies, nickels, and dimes. She has twice as many nickels as pennies. She has twice as many pennies as quarters. How much money does she have?

25 5 5


Answers (Lessons 2 5 and 2 6)


3. Tyrone has six coins that total 60. His coin with the greatest value is a quarter. His coin with the least value is a nickel. Three of his coins have the same value. What are the values of his coins?

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25 10 =


There is room for 5 books on Jens shelf. Since 6 is greater than 5, all of their books will not fit. Step 4 Check Look back at the problem.

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Grade 3

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3



Problem-Solving Investigation



Mystery Money


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17 + 19 + 10 = left over.

1. Delmars school has collected money for charity. They collected $47 from Mrs. Johnsons class and $52 from Mr. Kings class. How much money do they have in all?


$47 + $52 = $99

2. For Garretts birthday party, he is bringing 2 bags of cookies to school. Each bag contains 24 cookies. How many cookies are there in all?

1. Students were growing plants in science class. So far, 4 plants have flowered: 2 plants have 3 flowers each, and 2 plants have 6 flowers each. Find the total number of flowers.

18 flowers

24 + 24 = 48
3. Bill has $0.34 in his pocket. Amanda has $0.54 in her pocket. An apple costs $0.85. If they combine their money, can they buy the apple to share? Explain.

2. Every year, Daniels mother volunteers about 245 hours in the hospital. In 2 years, about how many hours of volunteer work will she do?

Sample answer: 200 + 200 = 400 hours

3. There are 15 cards in one box and 64 cards in another box. How many cards are there in all?

yes; $0.34 + $0.54 = $0.88; $0.88 > $0.85

Answers (Lesson 2 6)

15 + 64 = 79 cards

4. In one aquarium, there are 22 minnows. In another aquarium, there are 27 snails. About how many pond animals are there?

4. There are 31 students in Miss Stroms class and 27 students in Miss Wilsons class. About how many students are there in all?

20 + 30 = 50 pond animals

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30 + 30 = 60 students

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3




Skills Practice
Problem-Solving Investigation



Problem-Solving Investigation

15 + 15 + 15 = bookshelf.

books can fit on the

, so



. Since 46 > 45, one book will be


1. Ernestos friend lives 7 blocks away from his house. On Saturday morning, Ernesto rode his bike to his friends house and rode back home later on. In the afternoon, he rode to his friends house again, and later on he rode back home. In all, how many blocks did he ride?
171 171

28 blocks

For each problem, reverse the digits of the given number. Add the reversed number to the given number. Check the sum. If it is a palindrome, circle the sum and stop. If it is not a palindrome, keep adding reversed numbers until you get a palindrome number. Example: 75 + 57 = 132; 132 + 231 = 363 1. 58

2. Mrs. Shelleys class is reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. If they read 16 pages every week, how many pages can they read in 2 weeks?

32 pages

58 + 85 = 143, 143 + 341 = 484; 484 should be circled

2. 77

3. At a dance recital, ballet dancers performed for 19 minutes and modern dancers performed for 24 minutes. About how long was the recital?

about 40 minutes
3. 497

77 + 77 = 154; 154 + 451 = 605; 605 + 506 = 1111; 1111 should be circled 497 + 794 = 1,291; 1,291 + 1921 = 3,212; 3,212 + 2,123 = 5,335; 5,335 should be circled
4. What would happen if you tried to subtract rather than add numbers that were the reverse of the given numbers? Do you think you would ever get to a palindrome answer? Why?

Chapter Resources

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Grade 3



Homework Practice

Palindrome Addition
A palindrome number is one that reads the same forward and backward. For example, 171 is a palindrome.



Problem-Solving Investigation

Use the four-step plan to solve each problem.

Answers (Lesson 2 6)

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Al visits his grandparents every summer. Als mother drives him 16 miles to the bus station. Al travels 75 miles on the bus to his grandparents house. How many miles does he travel in all?

91 miles

Add. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. (Lesson 25) 7. 12 + 77 8. $28 + $48 $76

5. 46 + 35



6. $55 + $13 $68

answers will vary; accept reasonable answers; sample answer: you would always have to put whichever number is larger on the top; yes, I tried it with a number and finally got to 99; for example I started with 568 and subtracted that from 856. I got 297 then subtracted that from 792; Next I got 495 and subtracted that from 594 and got 99

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

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Step 1 Solve. 4. 661 + 99 5. $7.78 + $7.16 6. 144 + 67 7. 711 + 193


Step 2 Add the hundreds. Regroup if necessary.

Step 3

Add the ones. Regroup if necessary.

Add the tens. Regroup if necessary.

760 $14.94 211 904 721


267 Think: 13 ones = + 46 _____ 1 ten, 3 ones

Answers (Lesson 2 7)

2. 473 + 55 _____

267 Think: 11 tens = + 46 _____ 1 hundred, 1 ten


267 Think: 1 hundred + + 46 _____ 2 hundreds = 313 3 hundreds

8. 682 + 39

9. For a PTA meeting at the Parkvale Elementary School, the principal has ordered 215 muffins and 155 bagels. How many muffins and bagels were there in all?

Find each sum. Use models to help.

370 muffins and bagels

10. In February, Lucinda read a book that was 98 pages long. In March, she read a book that was 124 pages long. How many pages did she read in February and March?

1. 146 + 29 _____



222 pages
11. Mirandas sunflower plants grew 27 inches in the first month and 37 inches the second month. How tall were Mirandas sunflowers after two months?

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245 +128 _____ 4.


182 +275 _____

64 inches

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3


Reteach Skills Practice

Three-Digit Addition
Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. 1. $5.75 + $1.85$7.60 2. 49 + 13




3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Three-Digit Addition

You can use models to add.

Add 267 + 46.


3. 342 + 208


2. 29 + 66

95 143 minutes

1. Last week, Stephanie cleaned her room for a total of 125 minutes and she watered the garden for 18 minutes. How long did she work?

3. $4.45 + $3.18 $7.63

4. 653 + 284


5. 178 + 99

277 $789

2. The Allens are redecorating their living room. A new rug will cost $249 and a new sofa will cost $540. How much will the rug and the sofa cost altogether?

6. $6.52 + $1.39


Answers (Lesson 2 7)

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A18 $24
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Use the four-step plan to solve each problem. (Lesson 26)

3. Megans older sister goes to a college that is 197 miles from home. She comes home once a month. How many miles does she travel coming home and going back to college?

7. Kevins family bought 2 pizzas that cost $12 each. How much did these items cost altogether?

394 miles
4. Mrs. Lewis bought 2 rosebushes for her garden. One cost $6.25 and one cost $3.35. What was the total cost?

8. A canary costs $89, and a birdcage costs $82. About how much do the bird and cage cost altogether?

5. A long-distance phone call to Germany costs $4.95 for 15 minutes. This week, Jens called his family in Germany twice and talked 15 minutes each time. How much did both phone calls cost?

about $170

9. A truck is delivering fresh vegetables to the Springfield Grocery Store. Starting from Bealstown, it goes 27 miles north to Bentley, and then goes 39 miles west to Springfield. How many miles is the entire trip to Springfield?

6. Anwar wants to begin collecting marbles. He decides he would like 315 blue marbles and 15 green marbles. How many marbles does Anwar want in all?

66 miles

330 marbles
Chapter 2 Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3


Homework Practice
3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Problem-Solving Practice
Three-Digit Addition
Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness.



Three-Digit Addition

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness.

1. $3.51 + $4.65 $8.16

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Jean, Pedro, and Betsy belong to a stamp collecting club. Club members must have at least 225 stamps to join. Jerrad is thinking about joining and is waiting for an order of new stamps to arrive. The chart shows how many stamps each club member has.
Stamp Collector Stamps Collected

Jean Pedro Betsy 247 496


Read the problem. One mile is equal to 5,280 feet. Hunter went on a nature hike. First, he hiked one mile, and then he hiked another 1,323 feet. How many feet did he hike? One way to find the sum is by regrouping. First, estimate to the nearest thousand. 5,280 + 1,323

1. Find a total number of stamps for the three members. First, add Jeans and Pedros. Then add their total to Betsys. How many stamps do the current members have all together?

5,000 1,000 6,000


Show how you would add using regrouping.

Answers (Lessons 27 and 2 8)

Step 1 Add the ones. 3 0+3= 1. 349 + 1,223
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352 + 496 = 848; work should show regrouping 848 + 247 = 1,095; work should show regrouping 1,095

Now, find the exact answer. Step 2 Add the tens. 8 + 2 = 10 Regroup as a hundred. Step 3 Add the hundreds. [1]+2+3 6 = Step 4 Add the thousands 6 5+1= So, Hunter hiked 6,603 feet on the nature hike. Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness.

2. Betsy ordered 159 more stamps. After her order arrives, will she have more or less stamps than Jean?

247 + 159 = 406; work should show regrouping; students might also write 406 > 352; Betsy will have more than Jean.

3. Suppose Jerrad has 136 more stamps than Pedro. Write a number sentence that shows how many stamps Jerrad has now.

496 + 136 = 632


2. $48.28 + $31.84 $80.12 3. At Cliffside Park, there are 121 maple trees and 382 oak trees. How many trees are in the park?

Which columns needed regrouping to solve the problem?

the ones and the tens

503 trees

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3


Enrich Reteach
Add Greater Numbers
Adding two- and three-digit numbers is just like adding four-digit numbers.




3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Stamp Collecting

3. 356 + 1,209 = 5. $39.12 + $23.67 = 7. $74.16 + $24.18 = 9. 3,866 + 727 =

1,565 $62.79 $98.34 4,593

6. 2,088 + 346 =

4. $44.63 + $72.10 =

$116.73 2,434 $99.22

1. 328 + 5,908 6,236 3. $57.25 + $27.80 $85.05 5. 302 + 1,445 1,747 7. $43.78 + $12.34 $56.12 9. 933 + 1,005 1,938 1. 4,091 + 238 =

2. 448 + 561 1,009 4. 806 + 1,220 2,026 6. 1,833 + 289 2,122 8. $1.59 + $22.37 $23.96 10. 231 + 8,304 8,535

8. $45.02 + $54.20 =


11. In a survey, students were asked which job they would prefer. These were the results: 1,295 93

10. Courtney is having a tea party. She bought a teapot for $25.35 and cookies for $6.15. How much money did she spend?

11. Elizabeth went to the craft store to purchase supplies to make a scrapbook. She bought some stamps for $19.99 and beads for $10.45. How much money did she spend?

Answers (Lesson 2 8)

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

12. 708 + 221 = 14. 981 + 602 =



Estimate how many students participated in the survey.

Sample answer: 1,000 + 90 = 1,090 students


12. Rachel is running in a cross-country race. She bought running shorts for $29.13 and running shoes for $42.93. How much did she spend?

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness. (Lesson 27)


929 1,583

13. 578 + 333 = 15. 132 + 78 =

911 210

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13. Last year, Jake cleaned his room for 3,120 minutes and mowed the lawn for 305 minutes. How long did he work?

3,120 + 305 = 3,425 minutes

Chapter 2

Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3


Skills Practice
3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Homework Practice
Add Greater Numbers
Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness.



Add Greater Numbers

Find each sum. Use estimation to check for reasonableness.

2. $50.45 + $49.99 =


Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Use the Puzzle Numbers below to complete the Magic Grid. The numbers in each row and in each column must add together to equal 3,000. Use each number only once. One square in the grid is done for you. (Hint: Try using sticky notes with the numbers on them to guess and check your choices. Remember to regroup when adding.)

Philadelphia Miami Baltimore Kansas City Puzzle Numbers

$3,501 $2,990 $2,503 $1,994

996, 997, 998, 999, 1,000, 1,001, 1,002, 1,003, 1,004

1. Cheyenne is going to Philadelphia for her summer vacation. Her friend James is going to Miami. How much will both vacation packages cost?

$6,491 1000 1002 998

2. Lees mother had to go on two trips last year. She went to Baltimore and Kansas City. What was the total cost of her vacation packages?


Answers (Lesson 2 8)

3. Carlos paid $39.97 for a bat and $80.12 for his uniform. How much did he pay?





4. Paulita bought jewelry when she went to New Mexico. She bought a beaded necklace that cost $23.56 and a bracelet that cost $14.99. What was the total price she paid?

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5. Last year, Mr. Landry worked 2,080 hours. This year, he worked 2,404 hours. How many hours did he work in all?

4,484 hours
Chapter 2 Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter Resources

Grade 3

3NS2.1, 3NS3.3


Problem-Solving Practice Enrich

Magic Grid Addition




3NS2.1, 3NS3.3

Add Greater Numbers


Travel Agency Deluxe Package Prices:


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Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Grade 3

Oral Assessment


Vocabulary Test
Arrange a selection of small objects. Include 5 of each object. Read each question aloud to the student. Then write the students answers on the lines below the question. 1. How many objects do we have?



Using the word bank below, complete each sentence by writing the correct word or words in the blank.

Associative Property of Addition

Associative Property of Addition 1.

Commutative Property of Addition front-end estimation 2. dollar sign ($) sum 3.

answers will vary

2. If I combine these five objects with these three objects, how many objects will I have?

cents sign ()

decimal point


decimal point

Identity Property of Addition

8 objects
3. How many will I have if I add two more objects?


Commutative Property of Addition 4.

4. Tell how you got your answer.

10 objects 8 + 2 = 10

Answers (Vocabulary Test and Oral Assessment)

5. dollar sign ($) 6.

1. The states that grouping the addends does not change the sum.

2. To find an answer that is close to the exact answer, you .

3. The

goes before the cents.

Identity Property of Addition

4. The states that the order in which the numbers are added does not change the sum. 7.


5. If we take two away, how many will we have left?

5. The 8.

goes before the sum of dollars.

8 objects
6. Tell how you got your answer.

6. The states that the sum of any number and zero is the number.

front-end estimation regroup cents sign ()

7. When you add two numbers, you find the 9.

10 - 2 = 8

8. In

you add the front-digits of the number.

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

9. When you value. 10.

you rename a number using place 7. If I buy a drink for $1.50 and a sandwich for $2.50, how much money will I spend?

10. The

goes after the sum of cents.

Chapter 2 Grade 3

Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Answers (Oral Assessment)



Oral Assessment

8. Where do we place the dollar sign?

to the left of the dollar amount

9. Where do we place the decimal point?

between the dollar amount and cent amount

10. Do we place a cents sign on the amount?

11. Why or why not?


answers will vary

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

12. If I buy two apples for $0.30, how much money did I spend?

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. How many ways can we write this amount?

We can write this amount two ways.

14. Tell how you got your answer.

we can write $0.60 or 60

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Chapter Diagnostic Assessment Page 49 Chapter Pretest Page 50 Quiz 1 (21 through 23) Page 51
1. 1. 2. 3.

59, identity 11, commutative 20, associative

commutative regrouping estimation

1. 2. 3. 4.

identity, 4

commutative, 5

associative, 11 No, 49 Yes, 91 Exact answer; Yes, she only needs $2.94 Estimate; About 50 magazines 646 $6.05 $38.38 7,777
10. 4. 5. 6.

130 90 80

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

8 11 11 8 15



7. 8.

7. 8. 9.

80 70 100
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

9. 10. 11. 12.

40 20 50 80

9. 10. 11.

14 toys


43 cups

11. 12.

63 colors About $40



Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Quiz 2 (24 through 26) Page 52 Quiz 3 (27 through 28) Page 53
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mid-Chapter Review Page 54

1. 16, identity

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

51 39 90 $0.72 $80 $35

$7.11 $70 97 1,020 $1,014 91 6,987 8,118

19, 2. associative 11, 3. commutative

4. 5.

No, 99

7. 8.


Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

98 $0.85


$70, fourstep plan

9. 10.

$98.71 $85.26 $154.43 $9.14 234 miles $95


98 students, 9.four-step plan About $120, 10. four-step plan $22; fourstep plan

11. 12. 13.





Grade 3


Chapter 2


37 students, four-step plan

Yes, 41

Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Chapter Test Form 1 Page 60 Page 61 Chapter Test Form 2A Page 62












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12. 5.


14. 13.






(continued on the next page)

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Chapter Test Form 2A Page 63 Chapter Test Form 2B Page 64 Page 65











4. 12.





6. 14.






Grade 3


Chapter 2





Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Chapter Test Form 2C Page 66 Page 67 Chapter Test Form 2D Page 68


70 36, identity

No, 41 1. Yes, 20 2.
11. 12.

13, associative 82 $88 About 80

13. 3. 2.

3. 4.

36, identity 13, associative

About 50



No, 41

5.Yes, 20
Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

6. 7. 8.

$0.82 $80 61

15. 16.

331 $9.10
6. $0.82 7. 8.

$80 61










(continued on the next page)

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Chapter Test Form 2D Page 69 Chapter Test Form 3 Page 70 Page 71





$0.82 $80 61



2. 3.



4. 5.

36, identity


13, associative


Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

82 $88 No, 41 6. Yes, 20 7.

13. $61.61

15. 16.

About 80 About 50

14. 15. 8.

331 $9.10

2 134 minutes

18. 19.

331 $9.10




Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Page 72, Extended-Response Test Scoring Rubric

Level 4

Specific Criteria The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The student has responded correctly to the task, used mathematically sound procedures, and provided clear and complete explanations and interpretations. The response may contain minor flaws that do not detract from the demonstration of a thorough understanding. The student demonstrates an understanding of the mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The students response to the task is essentially correct with the mathematical procedures used and the explanations and interpretations provided demonstrating an essential but less than thorough understanding. The response may contain minor errors that reflect inattentive execution of the mathematical procedures or indications of some misunderstanding of the underlying mathematics concepts and/or procedures. The student has demonstrated only a partial understanding of the mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. Although the student may have used the correct approach to obtaining a solution or may have provided a correct solution, the students work lacks an essential understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts. The response contains errors related to misunderstanding important aspects of the task, misuse of mathematical procedures, or faulty interpretations of results. The student has demonstrated a very limited understanding of the mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The students response to the task is incomplete and exhibits many flaws. Although the student has addressed some of the conditions of the task, the student reached an inadequate conclusion and/or provided reasoning that was faulty or incomplete. The response exhibits many errors or may be incomplete. The student has provided a completely incorrect solution or uninterpretable response, or no response at all.

Copyright Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Grade 3


Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Page 72, Extended-Response Test Sample Answers
In addition to the scoring rubric found on page A30, the following sample answers may be used as guidance in evaluating open-ended assessment items.

1. Addition is when you add two or more numbers together. a. The Commutative Property of Addition states that the order in which the numbers are added does not change the sum. Example: 4 + 6 = 10 and 6 + 4 = 10. b. The Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any number and zero is the number. Example: 4 + 0 = 4 and 7 + 0 = 7. c. The Associative Property of Addition states that grouping the addends does not change the sum. Example: (9 + 2) + 3 = 14 and 9 + (2 + 3) = 14. 2. $5.55 a. $2.95 b. $4
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c. $6.95

Grade 3


Chapter 2


Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key

Cumulative Standardized Test Practice Page 75 Page 76

D J C 60




9. 10.



three 11. thousand four hundred fifty



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300 + 20 + 2 825



200 + 70 = 270 15. seeds; Sample estimates given. Accept all reasonable estimates.
Chapter 2

Grade 3

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