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1 5 : 3 1 FAX 21-2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US SECURITIES & COhIN

including, but not limited to, a verified written accounting of Defendant's

interests in Dreier LLP and all other entities owned, in whole or in part, or

controlled by, related to, or associated or affiliated with Dehdant,

including, but not Limited to, Schlesinger Gannon & Lazetera LLP, Berry

Block & Bernstein LLC, Dreier LLP (Stamford, CT), Dreier LLP

(Pittsburgh, PA), Pitta & Dreier LLP, Pitta Bishop, Dcl Giorno & Dreier

LLP, Dreier Stein Kahan Browne Woods George LLP, Mason Miller,

LLP, Entertainment Strategies Group, Dreier Sports Opportunities Group

LLC (the "Affiliated Entities"), a verified written accounting of the

amounts deposited by or at the direction of the Defendant in and

withdrawn by or at the direction of Defendant h m the a m u n t s of the

Dreier LLP and theAthliated Entities; and a verified written accounting of

the disposition of dl h d s raised fiom investors through the conduct

described in the C o d i o n ' s complaint as well as through any

transactions not spe&caIly i d d e d in the complaint;

c. freezing the assets of the Defendant, including the Defendant's interests in

Dreier LLP and the AfEhted Entities;

d. appointing Mark Pomerantz as receiver for the Defendant's assets,

including the Defhdmt's interests in Dreier LLP and the m a t e d


e. prohibiting the destruction, concealment, or alteration of documents by

Defendant; and
0 1 / 1-
- 3/2009 1 5 : 3 1 !'AS 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US SECURITIES & COMM

E preliminarily enjoining Defendant, Dreier LLP, and any of the Affiliated

Entities, and their partners, agents, employees, attorneys, or other

profissionals, anyone acting in concert with thew and any third party from

f k g a banlrmptcyproding against the Defendant, Dreier LLP, or any

of the Affiliated Entities without filing a motion on at least three (3) days'

notice to the Plains and approval of this Court after a hearing; and

2. pending adjudication of the foregoing, an Order

a temporarily restraining Defendant from violating the Arementioned

statutes and rules;

b. directing the Defendant to provide a verified accounting immediately,

including, but not limited to, a v&ed written accounting of Defendant's

interests in Dreier LLP and the B a t e d Entities, and a verified written

accounting of the amounts deposited by or at the direction of the

Defendant in and withdrawn by or at the direction of D e f d a n t h m the

accounts of Dreier LLP and the A%ted Entities, and a v d e d written

accounting of the disposition of all funds raised h m investors through the

conduct described in the Commission's complaint as well as through any

transactions not specifically identified in the complaint;

c. freezing the assets of the Defendant, including the Defendant's interests in

Dreier LLP and the m t e d Entities;

d. appointing a receiver for the Defendant's assets, including the Defendant's

interests in Dreier LLP and the A5iliated Entities;

e. prohibiting the destruction, concealment, or alteration of documents by


f temporarily enjoining Defendant, Dreier LLP, and any of the A w e d

Entities, and their partners, agents, employees, attorneys, or other

professionals, anyone acting in concert with them, and any third party ffom

filing a bankruptcy proceeding against the Defendant, Dreier LLP or any of

the A%ted Entities without & n g a motion on at least three (3) days'

notice to the Plaintie and approvd of this Court after a hearing; and

g. p r o w k g that the Commission may take expedited discovay in preparation

for a hearing on this Order to Show Cause, and fUrther providing the order

expediting discovery that will remain in place beyond any hearing on the

Commission's application for preliminary injunctions; and

WHEREAS, on December 10,2008, the Court issued a written order granting the

temporary relief set forth above and, on consent of Plaintfland Defendant, scheduling the hearing

on Plaintiffs application for a Preluninary Injunction for January 21,2009 (the "December 10


WHEREAS, on December 29,2008, in United States v. _ D r e hM-18981 (S.D.N.Y.), the

Office ofthe United States Attorney hr the Southern District of New York ('USAO") filed a ten-

day restraining order on Defendant's assets and seizure warrants concerning certain of those

assets (the 'Restraiuing Order");

WHEREAS, on January 12,2009, the USAO obtained the attached consent Order in

United States v. Dreier, M-18981 (S.D.N.Y.), continuing the Restraining Order an additional

01/13/2009 1 5 : 3 2 F,IS 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US SIicLrKI'r IES & CODIM

forty-five days and fUrther ordering the United States Marshal's Service ('USMS') to take certain

actions concerning certain enumerated assets subject to the Restraining Order (the "Consent



exceptions set forth below, the temporary relief granted by the December 10 Order is hereby

converted to preliminary mjunctive relief, is incorporated into this Preliminaty Injunction Order as

if W y set krthherein, and shall continue in place through the resolution of this case, unless

otherwise ordered by this Court.


tieeze set forth at Paragraph VII of the December 10 Order, incorporated herein, is hereby liffed

as to the assets authorized to be se~zedby the USMS in the attached Consent Order.


Defendant's time to provide the sworn accounting required by Paragraph VIII of the December

10 Order, incorporated herein, is hereby extended to pennit Defendant to file the sworn

acmunting no later than ten business days following the Receiver's submission of the report

referenced at Paragraph X(g) of the December 10 Order.

01/13/200!-15:3? FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 t l US SECURlTIES & CUM11

Dated:New York, New York

January 13,2009



By: By:

3 world Financial Center 570 Lexington Avenue

New York, NY 10281 45IhFloor
(212) 336-0106 New York, NY 10022
(212) 446-2323
Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant Marc S . Dreier

Mark F. Pomerantz

Roberto Finzi
Paul, Weiss, Ri&ind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
1285 Avenue o f the Americas
New York, N.Y. 10019-6064
(212) 373-3311

Attorneys %r Receiver Mark F. Pomerantz



0 1 / 1 3 / 2 0-.0 9
1 5-
: -3 2-
F h I 2 1 2 336 1 3 1 9 LIS SECURITIES & COhlh1

Dated:New York, New York

January 13.2009



3 World Financial Center 570 Lexington Avenue

New York, NY I0281 45" Floor
(212) 336-0106 New York, NY 10022
(212) 446-2323
Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant Marc S. Dreier

Mark F. Pornerana

Roberto Finzi
Paul, Weiss. Rifkind, Wharton & Ganison U P
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York. N.Y. 10019-6064
(212) 373-331 1

Attorneys for Receiver Mark F. Pomerantz



Dated: New York, New York
January 13,2009



By: By:
Jack Kaufman Gerald L. Shargel
3 World Financial Center 570 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 1028 1 45' Floor
(212) 336-0106 New York. NY 10022
(212) 446-2323
Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant Marc S. Dreier

Mark F. Pomerantz


Paul, Weiss. Rjfkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP

1285 Avenue of the Americas
New Y o 4 N.Y. 10019-6064
(212) 373-331 1

Attorneys for Receiver Mark F. Pomerantz


6EiZri STATES DISTRICT n j l j ~ ~
0 1 / 1 3 / 2 0--
09 1 5 : 3 2 F A X 2 1 2 3 3 b 13111 ITS SECURITIES & COMM


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - X


MARC DREIER, 982 ( b ) (1) AND
! 2 1 U . S . C . 55 8 5 3 ( e ) & ( £ 1
Defendant .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - X

WHEREAS, on o r a b o u t December 24, 2008, the H o n o r a b l e J e d

S. Rakoff, s i t t i n g i n P a r t I, e n t e r e d a t e m p o r a r y , pre-indictment

restraining order ( t h e "Temporary Restraining Order," attached

h e r e t o as E x h i b i t A ) , upon a n e x p a r t e a p p l i c a t i o n b y t h e U n i t e d


WRERIWS, the parties stipulate and agree that an

extension of the Temporary Restraining Order is necessary to

prevent the deterioration of the properties, identified in

Schedule A of the Temporary Restraining Order, before the

1 : c o n c l u s i o n of t h e c r i m i n a l c a s e , U n i t e d S t a t e s v . Marc D r e i e r , 08

-+ 'ssi$
* Mag. 2 6 7 6 (S.D,N.Y.

Dec. 4, 2008) ( t h e 'Criminal



1. The Temporary R e s t r a i n i n g O r d e r e n t e r e d on December
2 4 , 2008, s h a l l c o n t i n u e i n f u l l f o r c e and e f f e c t f o r a n a d d i t i o n a l
> -.
45 d a y s , w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g e x c e p t i o n s :

a. The U n i t e d S t a t e s M a r s h a l s S e r v i c e ( t h e "USMS") or

its designee s h a l l seize, liquidate, and t r a n s f e r t o t h e Seized

- pp
15:32 FA\ 212 336 1319 L S SECURITIES & COIlM

Asset Fund, the contents of the following accounts (the "Seized

Funds") :
(1) Any and all funds in Account No. 2000029760358
held at Wachovia Bank in the name of MEA
Properties LLC;
(2) Any and all funds in Account No. 1010081258695
held at Wachovia Bank in the name of Marc S.
(3) Any and all funds in Account No. 036502230065
held at JP Morgan Chase in the name of Four
Winds Holdings;
(4) Any and all funds in Account No. 112735798
held at City National Bank in the name of Marc
S. Dreier.~
b. The USMS shall seize the artworks listed in Schedule

-A of the Temporary Restraining Order, 1tems 22 through 172 (the

"Seized Artworks") .
c. The USMS shall seize the following real properties
(the "Seized Real Properties") :
(1) Real property and appurtenances known as 111
Dune Road, East Quogue, New York 11942;

(2) Real property and appurtenances known as 109

Dune Road, East Quogue, New York 11942;
(3) Real property and appurtenances known as 9
Clearview Drive, Sag Harbor, New York 11963;
(4) Real property and appurtenances known as 27
Meadow Lane, West Hampton, New York 11977.
2. The USMS shallmaintain custody of the Seized Funds,
the Seized Artworks, and the Seized Real Properties (collectively,
the "seized Properties") pending resolution of the Criminal Action.
0 l i 1 3 / 2-
009 - FA9 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9

The USMS s h a l l h a v e a u t h o r i t y t o t a k e w h a t e v e r S t e p s a r e n e c e s s a r y

t o p r e s e r v e t h e v a l u e of t h e S e i z e d P r o p e r t i e s t o ensure t h e i r

availability for forfeiture, i n c l u d i n g c h a n g i n g t h e l o c k s on t h e

Seized Real P r o p e r t i e s .

3. N e i t h e r t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s n o r Marc Dreier waive any

arguments o r defenses that they may have with respect to the

f o r f e i t a b i l i t y of t h e Seized P r o p e r t i e s .

Dated: N e w York, New York

January a,

Agreed a n d c o n s e n t e d t o :

Acting United S t a t e s Attorney for t h e
S o u t h e r n D i s t r i c t of New York
Attorney f o r P l a i n t i f f

By: - \/I wort

A s s i s t a n t United S t a t e s Attorneys
One S t . Andrew's P l a z a
N e w York, New York 10007
( 2 1 2 ) 637-1060/2218

/ 1 1 H
5 7 0 L e x i n g t o n Avenue, 4SCh F l o o r
New York, New York 10022



01/14/2009 1 1 : 1 4 F.A.1 2 1 2 336 1319 US SECURITIES & COlM

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- <


- - - - . . - - - - - - - - - x M18-q8l
U.S.C. 5 982(b) (1) AND
MARC DREIER, 21 U.S.C. § S 853 (el & J f )

- - - - - - - . .- - - - - - - X

Upon the application of LEV L. DASSIN, Acting United

States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, by Amy

Lester, Assistant United States Attorney, pursuant to Title 21

U.S.C. § 853 (e)(2) and 18 U.S.C. § 982 [b)( l ) . ( A ) , the Declaration of

Steven Yagoda, Financial Analyst in the Asset Forfeiture Unit of

the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of

New York, and all papers submitted in support thereof;


1. Marc Dreier (the "defendant");

2. The following financial institutions (hereinafter

"the financial institutions," ) at which the defendant is

keep money and other interests:

a. Morgan Stanley;

b. Wachovia Bank;

c. JP Morgan Chase;

d. City National Bank; and

-~ 1 1 : 1 4 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1319 US SECURITIES & COMll BOO4

3. ~ l attorneys,
l agents, employees, and anyone acting

on their behalf, and all persons or entities, acting in concert or

participation with any of the above;

Shall not take any action prohibited by this Order;

IT I S HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that the defendant, his

attorneys, agents, employees, and anyone acting on their behalf,

and all persons or entities acting in concert or participation with

any of the above, and all persons and entities having actual

knowledge of this order, shall not, directly or indirectly,

transfer, sell, assign, pledge, hypothecate, encumber, or dispose

of in any manner; cause to be transferred, sold assigned, pledged,

hypothecated, encumbered, disposed of in any manner; or take, or

cause to be taken, any action that would have the effect of

depreciating, damaging, or in any way diminishing the value of

property or other interests belonging to, or owed to, or controlled

in whole or in part by, the defendant;

IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that the property and other

interests hereby restrained include but are not limited to the

assets on the attached Schedule A, except that with respect to

Asset No. 17 on Schedule A, any and all funds in Account No. 570-

48022-176 AAA held at Morgan Stanley in the name of Marc S. Dreier,

the asset shall be restrained and preserved for forfeiture and

restitution subject to the Receiver's authority to write checks and

direct wire transfers; and

01,14'2009 11:14 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US S E C L R I T I E S & COMM 500@

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the United States ~ttorney's

Office for the Southern District of New York, in its discretion, is

authorized to direct the release of assets restrained herein;

I T I S FURTHER ORDERED that this Restraining Order shall

be binding upon the defendant, his attorneys, agents and employees,

and all persons in active concert or participation with any of the

above, all financial and other institutions described herein, or

any other person having actual knowledge of this Order, and that

this Order shall remain in effect for ten days from today's date

unless extended for good cause shown or unless there 1s sufficient

consent to an extension for a longer period;

IT IS FURTHBR ORDERED that upon the request oE the

Government, the financial institutions named in this order will

identify the account names, account numbers, and signatories for
all restrained accounts and safe deposit boxes, and provide the
Government with.monthly statements of the restrained accounts and

balance in the accounts;

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any financial institution

named in this Order shall accept service of this Order by facsimile

transmission provided that an original hard copy is thereafter

served by regular mail; and

I T I S FURTHER ORDERED t h a t s e r v i c e of a copy of t h i s

R e s t r a i n i n g Order s h a l l be made on t h e d e f e n d a n t ' s a t t o r n e y s by

r e g u l a r m a i l w i t h i n two b u s i n e s s days f o l l o w i n g t h e f i l i n g of t h e

Order. '

Dated: N e w York, New York

December a,

1 1 : -1- 4 FA\ 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 I'S SECLIRITIBS b: C O 1 1

(Subject property)

2005 Heesen Motor Yacht "Seascape," Registration No. 737657,

located at Pier 66, Fort Lauderdale, Florida;

2008 Novurunia Equator 530 Yacht Tender;

2008 Blue Yamaha FX1100-G Waverunner, ID No. FIX-829554;

2008 Blue Yamaha 55700 Waverunner, ID No. F2F-500725;

ZOO2 Yamaha FX140 Waverunner, Registration No. NY2645-UY;

2004 Yamaha FX160HO Waverunner, ~egistrationNo. N~5285MB;

2000 Mercedes Benz SSOO Sedan, Vehicle ID No.


1997 Mercedes Benz SL500 Roadster, Vehicle ID No


2006 BMW 650i Convertible, Vehicle ID NO. WBAEX1340GCN76888;

2007 Aston Martin DB9 Volante, Vehicle ID No.


Any and all.right, title, and interest in the shares of the

capital stock of Beacon. Court Condominium and the
proprietary lease of Unit No. 34C, located at 151 East 58th
Street, New York, New York;

Any and all right, title, and interest in the real property
and appurtenances known as 111 Dune Road, East Quogue, New
Y0rk 11942;

Any and all right, title, and interest in the real property
and appurtenances known as 109 Dune Road, East Quogue, New
York 11942;

Any and all right, title, and interest in the real property
and appurtenances known as 9 Clearview Drive, Sag Harbor,
New York 11963;

Any,and all right, title, and interest in the real property

and appurtenances known as Temerlos Development, Unit # 1 - ~ 3 1 ,
Anguilla, British West Indies;

Any and all right, title, and interest in the real property
- 1 1 : 1 5 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US SECURITIES & COMH

and appurtenances known as Temenos Development, unit # 2 - G 3 2 ,

Anguilla, British West Indies;

Any and all funds in Account No. 570-48022-176 RAA held at

Morgan Stanley in the name of Marc S . Dreier, subject to the
Receiver's authority to write checks and direct wire
Any and all funds in Account No. 2000029760358 held at
Wachcivia Bank in the name of MEA Properties LLC;

Any and all funds in Account No. 1010081258695 held at

Wachovia Bank in the name of Marc S . Dreier;
Any and all funds in Account No. 036502230065 held at JP
Morgan Chase in the name of Four Winds Holdings;

Any and all funds in Account No. 112735798 held at City

National Bank in the name of Marc S . Dreier;

Acrylic on canvas by Ghada Arner, "Black Kiss" (2007);

Three dimensional archival print by John Baldessari, " ~ m s
and Legs" (2008);

Lithographic screeriprint by John Baldessari, "Two Bowlers

(with Questioning Person)" (1994);

Screenprint by John Baldessari, "Person with Guitar (Red)"

screenprint by John Baldessari, "Two Opponents (Blue &
Yellow)" (2004);

27. Mixographia relief print by John Baldessari, "Stonehenge

(With Two Persons) Yellow" (2005);
28. Mixographia relief print by John Baldessari, "Stonehenge
(With Two Persons) Blue" (2005);
29. Photogravure by John Baldessari, "Paradise" (1989-90);

30. Screenprint by John Baldessari, "Noses & Ears Etc.; The

Gemini Series" (2006);
31. Lithograph by Vija Celmins, "Untitled (Ocean)" (1972);
32. Screenprint by Vija Celmins, "Ocean with Cross 81" (2005);
0 1 ~ 1 4 ~-
2 0 0191 : 1 5 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 LTS SECUKITIES & COMhl

Oil on paper by Robert Greene, "SydN (2006);

Enamel on steel by Keith Haring, "Untitled" (1982);

Household gloss on canvas by ~ a m i e nHirst, "2-(P-

~ouseholdgloss on canvas by ~amienHirst, "Elaidic

Anhydride (hot pinks spot painting)" (2007);
Silkscreen print by Damien Hirst, "Santiago de Compostela"

Silkscreen print by Damien Hirst, 'Duomo" (2007);

Silkscreen print by Damien Hirst, "St. Peter's" (2007);

Lithograph by David Hockney. "Celia Inquiring" (1979);

Lithograph and etching by David Hockney, "White Porcelain"

Etching and aquatint by David Hockney. "Chair with Book on
Red Carpet" (1998);
Lithograph and etching by David Hockney, "Picture of Two
Chairs, from Moving Focus Series" (1985-86);

Lithograph by David Hockney, "The Wave, A Lithograph"


Polychrome aluminum by Robert Indiana, "Love" (1966/1999);

Etching by Jasper Johns, "within" (2007);

Oil on canvas by Alex Katz, "Red Tulips" (1967);

Painting by Alex Katz, "Blue Umbrella'' (1979-80);

screenprint by Roy Lichtenstein, "~everie( c . 38)" (1965);

Oil and magna on canvas by Roy Lichtenstein, "First Painting

with Bottle" (1975);

Offset lithograph by Roy Lichtenstein, "Crying Girl" (1963);

01/1/2009 1 1 : 1 5 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US S E C U R I T I E S & COMDL

52. c graphite on canvas by Agnes Martin, "Loving

~ c r ~ i iand
Love" (2000);

53. Watercolor by Kim McCarthy, "Untitled [Yellow Girl 3)"


54. Watercolor by Kim McCarthy, "Untitled (Yellow Boy)" (2006);

55. Cibachrome print by Elisabeth Montagnier, "Les Roseauxv


56. Color photographs by Richard Prince, \'Untitled (Four Women)"


57. Ink and watercolor on canvas by David Rathman, "Untitled

(13)" (2007);

58. Oil on canvas by Mark Rothko, 'Untitled" (1957-63);

59. Gelatin silver print by Julius Shulman, "Case Study Ilouse

#22 (2 Girls) (Pierre Koenig, architect, 1959)" (1960);

60. Silkscreen ink and acrylic on canvas by Andy Warhol, "Jackie

(Blue Jackie, 3 quarter view) " (1964);

61. Silkscreen ink and acrylic on canvas by Andy-Warhol, "Jackie

(White Jackie)" (1964);

62. Silkscreen ink and acrylic on canvas by Andy Warhol, "Jackie

(Profile looking down) (1964);
63. Silkscreen ink and acrylic on canvas by Andy Warhol, "Jackie
(smiling Jackie w/JFK) "1964) ;

64. Screenprint by Andy Warhol, "Space Fruit: Still-Lifes

(Cantaloupes)" (1979);

65. Screenprint by Andy Warhol, "Martha Graham: Letter to the

'World (The Kick)" (1986);

66. silkscreen ink and synthetic polymer paints on canvas by

Andy Warhol, "John Lennon" (1985-86);

67. Silkscreen ink and synthetic polymer paints on canvas by

Andy Warhol, "Rudolph Nureyev" (c. 1975);
68. screenprint on canvas by Andy Warhol, "Muhammad Ali
(downcast head)" (1978);
I _-
0 1 ; 1 4-
/ 2 0 0. -
9 11:15
-- FA.\ 2 1 2 336 1319 I;S SECUI<lTIES & C O I M

42' plasma s c r e e n , custom s p e a k e r s , a n d HD media p l a y e r by

R o b e r t Wilson, "Salma HayekN ( 2 0 0 6 ) ;

D i g i t a l C p r i n t by Thomas Wrede, "BeacL Walkers" (2004) ;

D i g i t a l C p r i n t by Thomas Wrede, "Mud Flat WanderersN

(2005) ;

D i g i t a l chrornogenic p r i n t by Thomas Wrede, "Midsummer Night

a t Sea" (2004) ;

D i g i t a l chromogenic p r i n t b y Thomas Wrede, "Beach Tents"

(2004) ;

D i g i t a l chromogenic p r i n t b y Thomas Wrede, "Tidelands with

P l a y f u l Dogs" (2004 ) ;

D i g i t a l chromogeni c p r i n t by ~ h o m a sWrede, "Meadow" (2005) ;

D i g i t a l chromogenic p r i n t by Thomas Wrede, "Under A Cloud"

(2004) ;

D i g i t a l chromogenic p r i n t by Thomas Wrede, "Ashoreff (2002) ;

P r i n t by Pablo p i c a s s o , " P o r t r a i t of a g i r l u (unknown);

79. Handblown g l a s s by Dale Chihuly, " P e r s i a n Wall I n s t a l l a t i o n "

(2008) ;

80. Handblown g l a s s by Dale Chihuly, " G i l d e d Melon I k e b a n a w i t h

G r e e n and Dark Pink Stems" (2001) ;

81. Handblown g l a s s by Dale Chihuly, " P a t e n t Yellow Macchia w i t h

Cherry Red L i p Wrap" (2002) ;

82. Handblown g l a s s by Dale Chihuly, "Mille F l o r I V , S e c t i o n K"

(2004) ;

83. A q u a t i n t b y Henri M a t i s s e , "Grand Masquew ( I 9 4 ~ ;)

81. A q u a t i n t b y Henri M a t i s s e , "Nadia a u p r o f i l a i g u " (1948) ;

85. A q u a t i n t b y Henri M a t i s s e , "Nadia a u x cheveux l i s s e s "

(1948) ;

86. Bronze s c u l p t u r e by Tom O t t e r n e s s . " P r i n c e s s w i t h Magic

Fish" (2003) ;
Oj/lp/2009 1 1 : 1 5 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US SECURITIES 8. CON#

87. Bronze sculpture by Tom Otterness, " ~ i g

Thief" (2001);

88. Bronze sculpture by Tom Otterness, "Cone Figure" (2001);

89. Print by Eric Perez, [unknown title] (unknown);

90. Bronze sculpture by JR Summers, [unknown title] (unknown);

91. Screenprint with mounted collage element by Donald Baechler,

"Brown Hat1' (1993);

92. ~ c r e e n ~ r i nwith
t mounted collage element ijy Donald Baechler,
"Arithmetic Head" (1993);

93. Stenciled handmade paper by Donald Baechler, "York House

Suite (6)" (2000);

94. Stenciled handmade paper by Donald Baechler, "York House

Suite (2)" (2000);

95. Lithograph with hand painting by Jim Dine, "Very Life In

Japan" (2004);

96. Set of five color linocuts by sol Lewitt, "Isometric Figures

(1-5)" (2002);

97. Seven-color silkscreen by Ryan McGuiness, "Untitled

(peripheral Drift Illusion)" (2007);

98. Silkscreen and platinum leaf on paper by Takashi Murakami,

"Flower" (2006)';

99. Color lithograph by Don Nice, "American Still Life I"


100. Color lithograph by Don Nice, "American Still Life 11"


101. Screenprint by Dan Walsh, "Vehicle I" (2007);

102. Screenprint by Dan Walsh, "Vehicle 11" (2007);

103. Gouache on paper by Charles Arnoldi, "Untitled (07.126)"


104. Gouache on paper by Charles Arnoldi, "Untitled (07.127)"

0 1 1 4 2009 1 1 : 1 5 F41 212 336 1 3 1 9 US SECURITIES & COMM @ 013

105. Gouache on paper by Charles Arnoldi, "Untitled [07.128)"


106. Acrylic on canvas by Charles Arnoldi, "In the Saddle"


107. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "HR1" (2005);

108. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "HR2" (2005);

1.09. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "HR10" (2005);

110. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "HR16" (2005);

111. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "Graffiti (KUMA)n (2005);

112. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "Life Guard Tower #2" (2006);

113. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "Life Guard Tower #7" (2006);

114. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, 'Surfer #1" (2006);

115. Epson print by Rick Ehrlich, "Surfer # 4 " (2006);

116. Color aquatint etching by Kota Ezawa, "Kota" (2006);

117. Three aquatints by Dan Flavin, "Untitled (Triptych) (1996-

,Ye) ;

118. Pigmented ink with photogravure by Robert Rauschenberg,

"Lotus IV" (2008);

119. Pure pigment on archival paper by Michal Rovner, "Notes 8"

120. Acrylic on linen by Glen Rubsamen, "What Used to Be Called
'Oceanic Feeling'" (2006);
121. Acrylic 011 linen by Glen Rubsamen, "A Too-Clear Vision of
Good and a Too-Sure Hatred of Evil" (2007);

122. Set of three color soft ground etchings by Ed Ruscha,

"L.A.S.F.#1, #2, #3" (2003);

123. Series of four silver-gelatin prints by Ed Ruscha,

"Rooftops" (1961/2004);
124. Colored ink on paper by Chris Taggart, "Self-Portrait as (a
0 1-
- / 1 4 / 2 --
009 1 1 : 1 6 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 [IS SECURITIES & C O W

G h o s t ) " (2005) ;

125. A c r y l i c on c a n v a s by Brad Spence, " L i t e r a t u r e " ( 2 0 0 7 ) ;

1 2 6 . A c r y l i c on c a n v a s by Brad Spence, \'Gaggle" (2007) ;

1 2 7 . Cibachrorne p r i n t by Wolfgang T i l l m a n s , " ~ u f s j . c h t ( L A ) "

(2004) ;

128. C o l o r d i r e c t g r a v u r e b y Wayne Thiebaud, "Cakes and P i e s "

(2006) ;

1 2 9 . C o l o r d i r e c t g r a v u r e by Wayne Thiebaud, "Cupcakes and

Donuts" (2006) ;

1 3 0 . Cibachrome p r i n t by Doug A i t k e n , "Pure Channel" (2005);

1 3 1 . A c r y l i c and p a s t e l on p a p e r by P e t e r ~ l e x a n d e r ,"Study f o r
Gas" ( 1 9 8 9 ) ;

1 3 2 . D i g i t a l lambda p r i n t by I r i t B a t s r y , "Key L i g h t " (2006);

1 3 3 . Alkyd on c a n v a s by Marco C a s s e n t i n i , "Every A f t e r n o o n 658"

(2006) ;

1 3 4 . Alkyd on canvas by Marco C a s s e n t i n i , "Every A f t e r n o o n 659"

( 2 0 0 6 );

1 3 5 . Alkyd on canvas by Marco C a s s e n t i n i , "Every A f t e r n o o n 660"

(2006) ;

1 3 6 . I n k j e t on w a t e r c o l o r p a p e r by Benny Chan, "114301 ( I n t e r i o r

o f baggage c l a i m , JFK) " (2006) ;

1 3 7 . I n k j e t on w a t e r c o l o r p a p e r by Benny Chan, "111302 (Airplane,

J F K ) " (2006) ;

1 3 8 , I n k j e t on w a t e r c o l o r p a p e r by Benny Chan, "900161 (Fly l o f t

b e h i n d s t a g e ) " (2007) ;

1 3 9 . O i l on canvas by L a r r y Cohen, "View from t h e t o p of the

C a l i f o r n i a I n c l i n e " (2006) ;

1 4 0 . Cibachrome p r i n t by Marcus Doyle, "Radisson 2 (No D i v i n g ) , '

(2002) ;

1 4 1 . Cibachrome p r i n t by Marcus Doyle, "Hollywood, Los A n g e l e s ,

CA" (2005) ;
142. Cibachrome print by Marcus Doyle, "Radisson 1 (Potted Bush)"

143. Cibachrome print by Marcus Doyle, "Deli Liquor" (2005);

144. Cibachrome print by Marcus Doyle, "Ventura, CA Christmas Eve

' (Broccoli Field)" (2002);

145. Cibachrome print by Marcus Doyle, "Tire Tracks, Santa

Monica, CA" (2005);

146. Cibachrome print by Marcus Doyle, "Urban Sport 3 , Tennis

Court" (2003);

147. Acrylic on canvas by Lorser Feitelson, "Untitled (February

2 8 ) " (1971);

148. Ilfochrome by Robert Flick, "At Cambria-A-01082401 (at

Cambria Looking West)" (2001);

149. Ilfochrome by Robert Flick, "At Cambria-B-010024.01 (at

Cambria Looking West)" (2001);

150. Cibachrome print by Robert Flick, "LD SV970121 Almeda B, Los

Angeles, CA" (1997);

151. Oil on paper by Robert Greene, 'Nic" (2006);

152. Oil on paper by Robert Greene, "Lenore" (2006);

153. Oil on canvas by Jane Harris, "Glory Day" (2006);

154. Oil on canvas by Shirley Irons, "Conference Room 1" (2006);

155. Oil on canvas by Shirley Irons, "Interim, Pittsburgh"

. (2007);

156. Oil on canvas by Shirley Irons, "Corridor, Bellevuerr (2007);

157. Oil on canvas by Shirley Irons, 'Carousel" (2007);

158. Archival pigment print by Michael Light, "Highways 5, lo, 60

and 101 Looking West, LA River and Downtown Beyond 2.12.04"

9 Cibachrome print by David ~ a i s e l ,"Terminal Mirage 24"

01/14/2009 1 1 : 1 6 FAX 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 9 US SECURITIES & CObIM

160. Mixed media on canvas by Donnie Molls, 'Destined to Go

Somewhere" (2007) ;

161. Oil on panel by Donnie Molls, "Sage Hotel #2" (2006);

162. Mixed media on panel by Donnie Molls, "Transmission" (2005);

163. Ink on.plexiglassby Soojung Park, "Mela Slices (6 panels)"


164. Ink on plexiglass by Soojung Park, "Roughs, Shades, Peach"


165. Oil on canvas by Astrid Preston, "Brief Summer" (2006);

166. Oil on canvas by str rid Preston, "Facing West" (2006);

167. Cibachrome print by James Welling, "IZGW" (2005);

168. Cibachrome print by James Welling, "ILLR" (2005);

169. Acrylic on paper by Patrick Wilson, "Halloween" (2006);

170. Acrylic on paper by Patrick Wilson, "Halloween III" (2006);

171. Acrylic on paper by Patrick Wilson, "The High Window

(study)" (2006);

172. Acrylic on paper by Patrick Wilson, "Playback ('study)"


173. 15,000 shares in Axiom Management Inc.;

174. Redeemable Warrant Notice to purchase 5 million shares of

common stock prior to 12/21/10 at $.40 per share in
International Power Grp LTD;

175. 80,000 shares (Series B Common Stock) in YS Interactive


176.60,000 shares in Avalon Capital Holdings; and

177. 9,294 shares in Nortel Networks Corp.

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