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Upcoming Events & Announcements

March 3, 2013
Music Director Ellen Harrison Pianist Dorye Wiersma Song Leader Mike McKinley Organist Fredia Tatum Third Sunday in Lent

Oh, Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together
Prelude Call To Worship Organist/Pianist Through It All No. 507 No. 881 UMH

*Hymn *Affirmation of Faith

* Gloria Patri

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.

*Meet and Greet (Offer one another signs of reconciliation and love.)
Joys and Concerns (Please sign attendance registers) Pastoral Prayer and The Lords Prayer Childrens Moment (children then go to Childrens Church) Hymn There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood Old Testament Lesson Tithes and Offerings Vic Sawyer Judy Tatum Rains No. 622 Isaiah 55:1-9 Buddy Goolsby

Day of Service: Please bring items for Day of Service Monroeville UMC next Saturday, March 9th. We have a container for them in the fellowship hall. We are also collecting old blankets and towels for the Animal Shelter. Try to bring items before next Saturday please. Thank you, Witness Committee

*The Doxology

Praise God, from whom all Blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

** All Easter information (Cantata, Good Friday events, Easter Egg Hunt,
UMH 788

*Responsive Reading
Anthem New Testament Lesson Speaker

Psalm 63

Easter service) will be in next weeks bulletin.

Prayer Requests: Gene Bailey, Helen Baldwin, Norman Calhoun, Anthony Forbes, Brannon Huff, Brian Jackson, Kwana Johnson, Becky Kelley, Riley Kelly, Joyce McNeish, Diane Nall, Francis Phillips, Don Ramer, Dan Raybon, Katie Sigler, Kendall Sheffield, Jack Sims, Sammie Tucker, Sandra Tucker, Diane Williamson, Michelle Whittington, The Mother of Ellen Harrisons nieces Nursing Home: Carl Ardis, Pearl Bixler, Lucille Brake, Trudy Dewise, Pat Galloway, Beth Morgan, Burrell Norris, Eunice Turberville, Roy Wiggins

Living Water God Will Take Care of You

Chancel Choir John 4:1-26 Judy Tatum Rains No. 130

*Hymn *Benediction *Postlude

(Alter Call for Prayer/Commitment)

*Congregation, please stand as able.

Homebound: Mickey Mixon, Barbara Parmer, Lucille Ray, Dot Sims, Faye Wiggins

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