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PERSONALITY - Positive aspect

ambitious attentive audacious calm charming cheerful = amusing considerate courageous = brave creative curious determined = b-willed energetic extroverted frank friendly generous gentle = kind, polite honest = truthful humble ingenious likable / likeable loyal = faithful mature obedient optimistic organized passionate patient polite practical realistic reliable = trustworthy respectful responsible self-confident sensible sensitive sincere sociable = outgoing strong sympathetic thankful = grateful tolerant = patient understanding zealous ambicioso corts audaz calmo encantador divertido considerado valiente creativo curioso decidido energtico extrovertido franco amigable generoso amable honesto humilde ingenioso agradable, simptico leal maduro obediente optimista organizado apasionado paciente amable prctico realista confiable respetuoso responsable seguro sensato sensible sincero sociable fuerte compasivo agradecido paciente comprensivo entusiasta

PERSONALITY - Negative aspect

absent-minded aggressive annoying arrogant bad-tempered boastful bossy cheeky clumsy deceitful dishonest disrespectful dominant dull = boring eccentric envious forgetful frivolous fussy hypocritical impatient impulsive indifferent insecure insensitive insolent introverted irascible irresponsible jealous lazy lonely materialistic mean = cruel mean = stingy, tight-fisted modest moody nosey obsessed pessimistic proud = arrogant quarrelsome querulous resentful rude = impolite distrado, despistado agresivo molesto arrogante, prepotente malhumorado fanfarrn mandn atrevido torpe falso deshonesto irrespetuoso dominante aburrido excntrico envidioso olvidadizo frvolo quisquilloso hipcrita impaciente impulsivo indiferente inseguro insensible insolente introvertido irascible irresponsable celoso haragn solitario materialista cruel mezquino modesto malhumorado metido obsesionado pesimista orgulloso pendenciero quejumbroso rencoroso descorts

selfish self-seeking shy spiteful strict stubborn = obstinate talkative unpredictable unreliable = untrustworthy unsympathetic vain = conceited weak

egosta interesado tmido rencoroso estricto obstinado charlatn impredecible desconfiable aptico vanidoso dbil

once a day / week ... twice a day / week ... three times a day / week ... daily weekly monthly yearly, annually every day every week every month every year every other day on Mondays on weekdays on weekends always almost always usually, regularly often, frequently sometimes almost never, hardly ever seldom, rarely never constantly continuously again and again every now and then from time to time una vez al da / a la semana ... dos veces al da / a la semana ... tres veces al da / a la semana ... diariamente semanalmente mensualmente anualmente todos los das todas las semanas todos los meses todos los aos da por medio los lunes los das de semana los fines de semana siempre casi siempre normalmente frecuentemente a veces casi nunca raras veces nunca constantemente continuamente una y otra vez de vez en cuando de tanto en tanto

accountant (akuntant) - contador actor (ktor) - actor actress (ctres) - actriz announcer (anunser) - locutor archaeologist (arkilodchist) arquelogo architect (rkitekt) - arquitecto artist (rtist) - artista astrologer (astrlodcher) - astrlogo astronaut (stronot) - astronauta astronomer (astrnomer) - astrnomo athlete (azlt) - atleta attorney (atrni) - abogado auctioneer (okshoner) - subastador auditor (ditor) - auditor author (zor) - autor baby-sitter (bibi-ster) - niera baker (biker) - panadero bank teller (bnk tler) - cajero de banco banker (bnker) - banquero barman (brman) - barman, mozo beautician (biutshan) - esteticista bell boy (blbi) - botones de hotel biologist (bailodchist) - bilogo blacksmith (blk smiz) - herrero bookkeeper (bk-kper) - perito mercantil bricklayer (brk lier) - albail broker (bruker) - agente de bolsa builder (blder) - constructor bullfighter (blfaiter) - torero bus driver (bsdriver) - conductor de bus businessman (bsnesman) - empresario butcher (bcher) - carnicero butler (btler) - mayordomo cameraman (cmera-mn) camargrafo carpenter (crpenter) - carpintero cartoonist (cartunist) - dibujante, caricaturista cashier (casher) - cajero chef (shef) - chef chemist (kmist) - qumico, farmacutico clerk (clrk) - oficinista coach (cuch) - entrenador college professor (clidch profsor) profesor universitario company director (cmpani dirktor) director de empresa composer (compuser) - compositor computer programmer (kompiter prougrmer) - programador conductor (condktor) - director de orquesta consultant (consltant) - consultor cook (ck) - cocinero counselor (cunselor) - asesor, consultor cowboy (cu bi) - vaquero craftsman (krfstman) - artesano cyclist (siklist) - ciclista dancer (dnser) - bailarn decorator (dkoreitor) - decorador dentist (dntist) - dentista designer (disiner) - diseador detective (ditktiv) - detective doctor (dctor) - doctor dog walker (dog wker) - paseador de perros dressmaker (drs miker) - modista driver (driver) - chofer economist (eknomist) - economista electrician (ilktrshan) - electricista employee (emploi) - empleado

engineer (endchiner) - ingeniero farmer (frmer) - agricultor fireman (fier man) - bombero fisherman (fsherman) - pescador fishmonger (fishmnguer) - vendedor de pescado flight attendant (flit atndant) azafata florist (flrist) - florista fortune teller (frchun tler) - adivino garbage collector (grdbidch colktor) basurero gardener (grdener) - jardinero greengrocer (grin grucer) - verdulero grocer (gruser) - almacenero hairdresser (har-drser) - peluquero historian (histrian) - historiador house painter (hus pinter) - pintor de casas housekeeper (hus kiper) - ama de llaves housewife (hus-uif) - ama de casa hunter (hnter) - cazador instructor (instrktor) - instructor insurance agent (inshrans idchent) agente de seguros interpreter (intrpreter) - intrprete ironmonger (ironmonguer) - ferretero janitor (dchnitor) - conserje jeweller (dcheler) - joyero journalist (dchrnalist) - periodista judge (dchdch) - juez lawyer (lier) - abogado lifeguard (lif-gard) - baero locksmith (lksmiz) - cerrajero magician (madchshan) - mago maid (mid) - empleada domstica mailman (milman) - cartero manager (mnidcher) - gerente manicurist (manikirist) - manicuro manufacturer (maniufkcherer) -

fabricante, industrial masseur (maser) - masajista hombre masseuse (mases) - masajista mujer mathematician (mazematshan) matemtico mechanic (meknik) - mecnico milkman (mlkman) - lechero miner (miner) - minero model (mdel) - modelo musician (miusshan) - msico newspaper boy (nuspiper bi) repartidor de diarios nun (nan) - monja nurse (ners) - enfermero/a ophthalmologist (oftalmlodchist) oftalmlogo optician (optshan) - ptico orator (rator) - orador paediatrician (pediatrshan) - pediatra painter (pinter) - pintor park ranger (park rindcher) guardaparques peasant (psant) - campesino pharmacist (frmasist) - farmacutico philosopher (filsofer) - filsofo photographer (fotugrafer) - fotgrafo physician (fisshan) - mdico physicist (fsisist) - fsico pianist (panist) - pianista pilot (pilot) - piloto plumber (plmer) - plomero, fontanero poet (puet) - poet police officer (pols fiser) - agente de polica policeman (polsman) - polica politician (politshan) - poltico postman (pustman) - cartero presenter (prisnter) - presentador president (prsident) - presidente priest (prist) - sacerdote printer (prnter) - imprentero

programmer (prougrmer) programador psychiatrist (saikiatrist) - psiquiatra psychologist (saiklodchist) - psiclogo psychoterapist (saikotrapist) psicoterapeuta publisher (pblisher) - editor receptionist (rispshonist) recepcionista reporter (riprter) - reportero researcher (risrcher) - investigador sailor (silor) - marinero salesclerk (seilsclrk) - vendedor salesman (silsman) - vendedor saleswoman (silswman) - vendedora scientist (sientist) - cientfico sculptor (sklpter) - escultor seamstress (smstres) - costurera secret agent (skret idchent) - agente secreto secretary (scretri) - secretario/a security guard (sekiriti grd) - guardia de seguridad servant (srvant) - criado shepherd (shpard) - pastor shoemaker (shmiker) - zapatero shopkeeper (shp kiper) comerciante, tendero singer (snguer) - cantante soccer player (sker plier) - futbolista social worker (sushal urker) trabajadora social soldier (suldcher) - soldado sportsman (sprts-mn) - deportista state agent (stit idchent) - agente inmobiliario

stationer (stishoner) - librero statistician (statistshan) - estadstico stenographer (stengrafer) - taqugrafo stewardess (stardes) - azafata stockbrocker (stk-bruker) - corredor de bolsa street sweeper (strit super) barrendero student (stident) - estudiante supervisor (spervaisor) - supervisor surgeon (srdchon) - cirujano tailor (tilor) - sastre tax inspector (tks inspktor) inspector de impuestos taxi driver (tksi driver) - taxista taylor (tilor) - sastre teacher (tcher) - maestro technician (teknshan) - tcnico telephone operator (tlefoun operitor) - telefonista tourist guide (trist gid) - gua de turistas translator (translitor) - traductor travel agent (trvel dchent) - agente de viajes truck driver (trk driver) - camionero typist (tipist) - mecangrafa undertaker (ander tiker) - funebrero veterinarian (veterinrian) - veterinario waiter (witer) - camarero waitress (witres) - camarera watchmaker (wchmiker) - relojero welder (wlder) - soldador worker (wrker) - obrero writer (riter) - escritor

to wake up to get up to go to the bathroom to have a shower to have a bath to wash one's face to brush one's teeth to brush one's hair to comb one's hair to have breakfast to read the paper to listen to the radio to watch TV to go to work to go to school to study to read a book to use the computer to play with the computer to chat to send an email despertarse levantarse ir al bao ducharse baarse lavarse la cara cepillarse los dientes cepillarse el cabello peinarse desayunar leer el peridico escuchar la radio mirar televisin ir a trabajar ir a la escuela estudiar leer un libro usar la computadora jugar con la computadora charlar enviar un email

to phone a friend llamar a un amigo por telfono to cook to make dinner to have dinner to set/lay the table to clear the table to do the dishes to go to bed to sleep to dream cocinar preparar la cena cenar poner la mesa levantar la mesa lavar los platos ir a la cama dormir soar

me levanto... ...a las ocho/nueve ...a las siete y media ...temprano/tarde me ducho (especially Spain,

- I get up... - eight/nine - seven thirty - ...early/late - I have a shower - I have a shower/bath - I have breakfast - I have cereal for breakfast - I get dressed - I put my clothes on - I get ready for school/work

me bao1 (Latin America) desayuno desayuno cereales me visto me pongo la ropa me preparo para la escuela/el trabajo

voy (a la escuela) en autobs2 - I get the bus (to school) tomo el metro llego a la escuela/oficina a las nueve como a las doce/a la una llego a mi casa a las cinco de la tarde hago mi tarea3 preparo la cena ceno/cenamos ayudo a mis paps veo la tele/las noticias me relajo salgo con mis amigos me acuesto I catch the metro (=subway/underground) I get to school/to the office at 9 o'clock

- I have lunch at twelve/one o'clock - I get home at five in the evening - I do my homework - I get dinner/supper ready - I/we have dinner - I help my mum and dad - I watch TV/the news - I relax - I go out with my friends - I go to bed

How often...?
cada da cada semana dos/tres veces a la semana de vez en cuando (muy) seguido con mucha frecuencia muchas veces rara vez - every day - every week - two/three times a week - from time to time - (very) often - very often - very often, more often than not - seldom, just occasionally

hago el quehacer limpio... lavo... arreglo... quito el polvo de... paso la aspiradora en... casa ...los muebles ...el piso alfombra cocina sala escalera ...mi cuarto lavo/friego los platos lavo la/mi ropa plancho mi ropa hago mi cama hago jardinera voy a la compra/al supermercado - I do the housework - I clean... - I wash... - I tidy... - I dust... - I hoover/vacuum... - ...the house - ...the furniture - ...the floor - ...the carpet - ...the kitchen - ...the sitting room - ...the stairs - bedroom - I do the washing up - I do the/my washing - I iron my clothes - I make my bed - I do the gardening I go shopping/to the supermarket

aunt boyfriend brother brother-in-law cousin dad daddy daughter daughter-in-law father father-in-law girlfriend godfather godmother grandad grandchildren granddaughter grandfather grandma grandmother grandpa grandparents grandson great-grandfather great-grandmother husband mother mother-in-law mom mum mummy nephew niece parents sibling sister sister-in-law son son-in-law stepdaughter stepmother stepfather stepson uncle wife firstborn oldest ta novio hermano cuado primo/a p papi hija nuera padre suegro novia padrino madrina abuelito, "abue" nietos nieta abuelo abuelita, "abue" abuela abuelito, "abue" abuelos nieto bisabuelo bisabuela esposo, marido madre suegra m m mami sobrino sobrina padres hermano/a hermana cuada hijo yerno hijastra madrastra padrastro hijastro to esposa, mujer primognito el/la mayor

youngest the baby of the family twins adopted orphan relative acquaintance generation ancestors descendants

el/la menor el benjamn de la familia gemelos adoptado hurfano/a pariente conocido generacin antepasados descendientes

zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-... thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-... forty forty-one forty-two forty-... fifty fifty-one fifty-two fifty-... sixty sixty-one sixty-two sixty-... seventy seventy-one seventy-two seventy-... eighty eighty-one eighty-two 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2_ 30 31 32 3_ 40 41 42 4_ 50 51 52 5_ 60 61 62 6_ 70 71 72 7_ 80 81 82

eighty-... ninety ninety-one ninety-two ninety-... one hundred one hundred and one one hundred and two one hundred and... two hundred three hundred nine hundred and ninety-nine one thousand two thousand three thousand ... thousand one thousand, two hundred and thirty-four nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine ten thousand one million two million ten million one billion one trillion

8_ 90 91 92 9_ 100 101 102 1_ _ 200 300 999 1000 2000 3000 _000 1234 9999 10 000 1 000 000 2 000 000 10 000 000 1 000 000 000 1 000 000 000 000

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second primero segundo tercero cuarto quinto sexto sptimo octavo noveno dcimo undcimo duodcimo decimotercero decimocuarto decimoquinto decimosexto decimosptimo decimoctavo decimonoveno vigsimo vigsimo primero vigsimo segundo

twenty-... thirtieth thirty-first thirty-second thirty-... fortieth forty-first forty-second forty-... fiftieth fifty-first fifty-second fifty-... sixtieth sixty-first sixty-second sixty-... seventieth seventy-first seventy-second seventy-... eightieth eighty-first eighty-second eighty-... ninetieth ninety-first ninety-second ninety-... one hundredth

vigsimo ... trigsimo trigsimo primero trigsimo segundo trigsimo ... cuadragsimo cuadragsimo primero cuadragsimo segundo cuadragsimo ... quincuagsimo quincuagsimo primero quincuagsimo segundo quincuagsimo ... sexagsimo sexagsimo primero sexagsimo segundo sexagsimo ... septuagsimo septuagsimo primero septuagsimo segundo septuagsimo ... octogsimo octogsimo primero octogsimo segundo octogsimo ... nonagsimo nonagsimo primero nonagsimo segundo nonagsimo ... centsimo

COUNTRY Africa America Argentina Austria Australia Bangladesh Belgium Brazil Britain Cambodia Chile China Colombia Croatia the Czech Republic Denmark Egypt England Finland France Germany Greece Holland Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Korea Mexico Morocco Norway Peru the Philippines Poland Portugal Rumania Russia NATIONALITY African American Argentinian Austrian Australian Bangladeshi Belgian Brazilian British Cambodian Chilean Chinese Colombian Croatian Czech Danish Egyptian English Finnish French German Greek Dutch Hungarian Icelandic Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Jamaican Japanese Korean Mexican Moroccan Norwegian Peruvian Philippine Polish Portuguese Rumanian Russian NOUN an African an American an Argentinian an Austrian an Australian a Bangladeshi a Belgian a Brazilian a Briton a Cambodian a Chilean a Chinese a Colombian a Croat a Czech a Dane an Egyptian an Englishman an Englishwoman a Finn a Frenchman a Frenchwoman a German a Greek a Dutchman a Dutchwoman a Hungarian an Icelander an Indian an Indonesian an Iranian an Iraqi an Irishman an Irishwoman an Israeli an Italian a Jamaican a Japanese a Korean a Mexican a Moroccan a Norwegian a Peruvian a Filipino a Pole a Portuguese a Rumanian a Russian

Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia the Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand The USA Tunisia Turkey Vietnam Wales Yugoslavia

Saudi, Saudi Arabian Scottish Serbian Slovak Spanish Swedish Swiss Thai American Tunisian Turkish Vietnamese Welsh Yugoslav

a Saudi, a Saudi Arabian a Scot a Serb a Slovak a Spaniard a Swede a Swiss a Thai an American a Tunisian a Turk a Vietnamese a Welshman a Welshwoman a Yugoslav

colour (GB), color (US) beige black blue brown chestnut fuchsia golden green grey (GB), gray (US) maroon orange pink purple red scarlet silver teal transparent turquoise violet white yellow dark blue dark ... deep blue deep ... light blue light ... pale blue pale ... coal-black jet-black pitch-black baby-blue sky-blue navy blue deep blue royal blue bottle green emerald green grass green jade-green lime green olive-green blood-red brick red color beige negro azul marrn castao fucsia dorado verde gris granate naranja rosa prpura rojo rojo escarlata plateado verde azulado transparente turquesa violeta blanco amarillo azul oscuro ... oscuro azul intenso ... intenso celeste, azul claro ... claro azul plido ... plido negro carbn negro azabache negro como el azabache celeste celeste azul marino azul intenso azul Francia verde botella verde esmeralda verde hierba verde turquesa verde lima verde oliva rojo sangre/intenso rojo ladrillo

cherry red dusky red lily-white off-white snow-white canary yellow lemon yellow colourful (GB) multicoloured (GB), multicolored (US)

rojo cereza rojo violceo blanco puro blancuzco blanco como la nieve amarillo canario/patito amarillo limn colorido, lleno de color multicolor

yesterday yesterday morning yesterday at noon yesterday afternoon yesterday evening last night today this morning at noon this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow at noon tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening tomorrow night the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow last Sunday this Sunday next Sunday last week this week next week last month this month next month last year this year next year in two week's time in two month's time in two year's time on Monday / Tuesday... in January / February ... every day / month / year the other day all day long now early late later / afterwards recently soon suddenly ayer ayer a la maana ayer al medioda ayer a la tarde ayer a la noche anoche hoy esta maana al medioda esta tarde esta noche esta noche maana maana a la maana maana al medioda maana a la tarde maana a la noche maana a la noche anteayer pasado maana el domingo pasado este domingo el domingo prximo la semana pasada esta semana la semana prxima el mes pasado este mes el mes prximo el ao pasado este ao el ao prximo dentro de dos semanas dentro de dos meses dentro de dos aos el lunes / martes ... en enero / febrero ... todos los das / meses / aos el otro da todo el da ahora temprano tarde ms tarde recientemente pronto de pronto

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