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Women in Competition and Male Under Performance

A general sight in the middle and upper income communities in Kingston, Jamaica, is the likes of women of all ages running in the early mornings along the road side, in Portmore, it is up the hill or in any of the mini parks. The same sight is repeated in the evenings at Emancipation Park in Kingston and on the hill in Portmore, St. Catherine. What is perhaps strange about these sights, is the limited participation of men in any of these activities, be they in the parks, along the road sides, up the hills or in any of the numerous gyms. On the other hand, one sees the gradual decrease in the percentage of men participating in middle management positions, in management training programmes, in upper management, in under graduate programmes, etc. At the same time, one sees an increase in the number of marriages that are broken up as a result of infidelity. The question which comes to ones mind is, what is the relationship between participation in physical exercise, participation in middle management activities and participation in University and or management training programmes. The objective of the author of this short essay in putting forward this view, that there is a strong positive relationship between all three variables is to stimulate interest in the carrying out of more in depth research by better funded and more equipped researchers and institutions.

Men Competitive Behaviour

This paper caries the view that men in comparison to women attain socially and biologically satisfactory career positions when they are able to satisfy their security and love needs as a result of the position they occupy at the work place. They are more or less able to pay their bills, look after their families and are part of the group, one of the boys. Their biological urge to fertilize as much eggs as possible is met once there is a large enough pool of unattached women of lower social and economic groups secretaries, office help, bartenders,

etc. Having attained a socially and biologically acceptable job position, the drive to improve ones education and for career advancement is greatly reduced, hence less participation in training programmes. Men receive social ratings on the basis of the number of women who he sleeps with and not on the basis of how well or how badly he performs in bed, therefore, there is a real temptation to play the numbers game rather than the quality game, let who come first win. This tendency generally leads to men not participating in these physical activities would contribute to an improvement in his state of health and sexual endurance in preference for pack or group bonding activities or total inactivity. Those males who generally do not fall prey to the on set of an early social and biological state of satisfaction with heir career position are those who aspire for the position of pack or group leadership. Once the existing pack or group leader does nothing to undermine the state of social and biological satisfaction of the group or pack members and take their interests into consideration in his actions, his position as pack or group leader will not be challenged. Challenges to pack or group leadership come about either as a result of the failure of existing leadership to create real and effective positions or opening for leadership aspirants or as a result of actions which undermines the interests of the pack or group. Individual men in the group general subordinate their views and actions to real or imagined threats to those of the pack or group. A new member of staff does not by his or her own accord become a group member. One has to go through a formal or informal induction and or rejection process. Equally, one does not get up and start a course of study without group consultation, formal or informal. The individual attitude to management is very often the reflection of a group or pack attitude.


deployed by the individual male in advancing his careen interests are of a very

limited range; name physical strength, threat of violence, educational attainment, contacts, personal experience and personal wealth. With the passage of time and with social and

biological satisfaction, the number of effectiveness of most of his weapons become out dated, physical strength and the willingness and ability to use force is reduced, degrees and certificates become aged, hanging out and socializing with the pace or group along with family responsibilities reduce the number of useful in touch with contacts. Personal experience becomes more specialized while personal wealth might or might not increase depending on life style. This overtime, ones dependence on the group for survival increases even as ones own abilities decreases. The fact that the man is in a state of social and biological satisfaction means that there is little or no pressure to renew or upgrade ones personal arsual

Women Competitive Behaviour

Women professionals tend to achieve state of social and biological satisfaction at a much later state than men, they have a much greater fear of insecurity and have generally a much more heightened need for social approval and acceptance than men do. Unlike men, their search for the best available sperm is an intensive search rather than an extensive one. Female

professionals are less likely to accept existing leadership, especially where that leadership is female and in their competitive behaviour tend to rely more on an individual approach to competition over and above a group or pack approach. In general, professional women are very award of the various threats and risks which face the average woman, e.g. having a child without the presence of a father to give support, the risk of illness and accidents, the risks of job loss, the risk of foreclosure n the family home, the risk of having an ill child, the risk of losing ones pension, etc. These risks the professional woman takes

very seriously and they shape their attitude and approach to life in general, the battle is never over until it is over, thus delaying the onset of a sense of social and biological security. The professional woman achieves a sense of social and biological security when the family home is paid for, when the children are independent, when her pension is secure, when her health and physical security needs are met and when she has achieved her desired status in the community. This greater sense of awareness of existing and potential threats in addition to the perception of real or imagined obstacles and barriers in the path to her advancement in her chosen careen, pressures the professional woman to push herself harder and pay greater attention to her level of job preparedness. In addition, women are driven by the biological urge to have her eggs fertilized by the best available sperm which also pressures her in pushing to become the most attractive and the best potential mother and care giver in the eyes of the potential mate. Restrained by time and deteriorating egg quality, women seek to compensate by out dressing, out qualifying, out-statuing any and all existing or potential rivals. Unlike men, women are not by nature pack dependent in the defense of and or

individual positions, they generally tend to rely more on their own individual abilities however they will form tactical alliances to deal with a formidable threat and use the protection of males and male led pack or groups to advance their cause. In the bid to attain higher levels of security and status and seeking to lay claim to the position of best potential mother, women are likely to see any position above their own as being either open to competition, i.e. can be taken or as potentially theirs as such women are not respecters of pack leaders, except where that pack leader advances their cause, provides them with protection and looks out for their general well being. Women in competition take a very wide view as to what may be used to give them the competitive edge over their rivals, the assets deployed include: educational attainment,

experience, current social and professional status, place of residence, position of spouse, cost of attire, hair style and jewelry, physical assets such as weight, size of breasts and or bottom, width of hips, size of feet, tightness of vagina, level of availability and association with men in power, age, smell, etc. A professional woman in competition deploys a wide range of assets in anyone offensive or defensive move, reliability, competence in combination with many others. It is also important to note that women get ratings on the quality or status of the man she lands and no one he number of men landed, this is a critical factor in seeking to understand womens attitude to competition. When one speaks of the marginalization of men in western societies, it is also important to recognize, that the removal of physical strength as a job requirement, men over reliance on the pack or group to protect or advance individual self interests and men mating behavior are all factors which contribute to process of marginalization. All things being equal, without relying on physical strength, the average male professional will lose out to the average female professional in a fifteen year contest for social status and mobility. The differences in attitudes to competition and mating behaviour also have their implications for marital stability. A man who has reached a stage of social and biological security has not real drive of himself alone to seek to attain higher positions in the work place or in society in general, thus could be viewed as having socially degraded sperm by his spouse who is still very much involved in the competition for social and biological security and the competition to be the best potential mother. This type of situation generally leads to a reluctance by the female to be seen in public with her spouse and the tendency to keep the relationship as far away from the public view as possible. The failure by the social and biological secure male to view physical condition as an important factor in competition added to

the consequences of the natural aging process compounds his marital problems as he becomes the carrier of both socially and biologically degraded sperm, spousal sex becomes a duty of task rather than a source of pleasure. It is however important to note that a woman can for competitive reasons take deliberate action to socially and biologically degrade her spouses sperm in order to deter or to prevent competition from rival bidders even though she has a need for someone with socially and biologically acceptable sperm. Equally, a woman might seek to hold on to a man with

biologically and socially degraded sperm for insurance reasons. While men in pursuit of a least cost course to fertilize as many eggs as is possible are not in search of a second wife, at times they do end up in relationships with other women that do pose a real threat to the stability of the matrimonial home and at other times break up the home. Here in the competition for the best potential mother position between the women for the given male, the one that is most likely to facilitate the male achieving or reaching a sense of social and biological security usually wins the fight. Her middle class, middle age wormen are at a disadvantage, not only do hey have aging eggs, but their competitive nature and their constant struggle to reach the top could undermine the males sense of security and worth. There is an interesting interplay between the status of ones place of work and the social status of their sperm. For example, a teacher with a doctorial degree in education could view a self employed plumber as having socially acceptable sperm, on the other hand a data entry clerk with a two years college degree working with Yale University could feel that the sperm of the very same plumber is below her status in the community and work. He might be biologically acceptable but socially unacceptable. Teaching is generally seen as a low status job, the domain of those who would not or could not make it in the more competitive and higher status sectors of

the economy, hence the teacher with the doctorial degree in education is not reach down, but rather across even if she has a higher and more reliable income. Employment at Yale University is a high prestige job even for the gardener, the clerk would be reaching down, not across. Interestingly, the prestige of a given place of employment and the concept of a good job varies in meaning and in significance across and within cultures and so does the concept of status. According to Franklyn White in the book Man Rug W.I.M.P. (Women Indoctrinated Male Personality, The Curse of the Sons of Slavery, Franklyn White, Jamaica, 2012, pp47-50) the woman with a large vagina could be at fault and not the man with the small penis when it comes to satisfying ones partner. This question should be examined firstly by pointing out that the size of the average womans vagina varies directly with the size of the child she is expected to give birth to. This also determines the average distance between the labia and the cervix, in other words, the larger the expected child, the larger the vagina and the longer is the birth canal. Women from countries whose diets consist mainly of vegetables have smaller members to do justice to the job at hand. Women from meat eating cultures on the average have larger vaginas and longer birth canals while their men tend to have longer, larger members. The professional woman, through physical training and acquired knowledge learns to satisfy men of all sizes, this is a natural part or component in the contest for the best available sperm, on the other hand, men driven more by the urge to fertilize over and above the desire to perform at a high standard could end up feeling bad about themselves. Many professional men seek to avoid this problem by going after women of Asian descent, who as a rule have small vaginas and shorter birth passages than the average white or black woman, and are generally smaller in statue than her counter parts of other races, hence providing the male with a sense of dominance, preserving his role as the protector.

The professional woman who becomes engaged in a competitive, addictive relationship in the work place could find it much harder than her male counterpart to give up that relationship, especially where that relationship enhances her status among peers and competitors. The strategic male interest is that of preserving his ability to continue fertilizing as much eggs as is possible thus he might be willing to sacrifice that ability for eggs from a single source; the womans objective is to lay claim to the best available sperm (supplies) and is more willing to put up a fight to defend that claim at time at significant personal losses. Here removing the woman from that competitive environment could serve to reduce the importance or value of the claim. A man can end up being too expensive to keep and or too costly to win, for example, a waiter bank manager relationship. The waiter could be tempted to hedge he bet by initiating a secondary relationship with a man of a lower social status, for example a school teacher, thus ensuring that, should her major investment goes south she is not left out in the cold. To prevent this, the bank manager either has to invest in bringing up the social scale and providing her with a greater sense of security or reduce himself this reducing the competition for his sperm. It is important to note that disinhibitted men with socially degraded sperm is a health risk to the wider society, for the simple reason that he has no real interest in women but rather in a place to insert his penis and the possibility that there are eggs to fertilize. If the woman is too ugly, put a bag over her face and work the p.. There is need also to take into consideration the fact that a disinhibitted woman with socially and biologically degrade eggs could seek to target younger males in a bid to offset the aging process and restore a sense of social and biological balance to her life.

The mid-life male professional working in an environment where the average co-worker is 45 years or more, where someone has to attend a funeral every other week, where the most constant topic in office talk is about who next is going off on retirement, where every other female co-worker is talking about hot flashes, where there is little or no prospect for promotion and where he has left a premenopausal or menopausal wife at home without low cost compensation could be faced with a significant urge to start out and spread his last seeds. In more natural societies, mid-life men would take on second wives who are younger than the first wives and provide the males with renewed sense of purpose, hope and drive. In Western societies, a similar process takes place in the co-ownership relationship established with other males with the strip-tease dancers, bartenders, waitresses, etc. The challenges facing the home are: 1. how a wife can help her mid-life husband to remain the best and most desirable source of sperm and 2. How can the husband help his wife not only to feel secure, but to have the hottest most desirable vagina in town?

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