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Day 1 (1 hour and 55 minutes) 1) Greet students. Take attendance in both the database and on a hard copy.

Turn in the hard copy to Jodie at the end of the day, but keep a copy for yourself. (10 minutes) If a student is not on the roster, ask to see the yellow sheet from Sara. Do not take this yellow sheet from the student. This yellow sheet means they will be added to the roster shortly. If a student does not have the yellow sheet, send them to Sara. They cannot attend class without this yellow sheet. 2) Teacher-student introductions / Play a getting-to-know-you game (20 minutes) 3) Break (10 minutes) 4) Arrange seats into rows. (during break) 5) Talk about the rationale for the diagnostics. Pull up the electronic copies on the TV. Explain the directions. Show the stopwatch. (10 minutes) 6) Diagnostic 1A: Reading comprehension (45 minutes) 7) Diagnostic 1B: Summary writing (20 minutes) Things to bring: Roster (if available) Pencils Photocopies of diagnostics (15 copies) Day 2 (90 minutes) 1) Greet students. Take attendance in both the database and on a hard copy. Turn in the hard copy to Jodie at the end of the day, but keep a copy for yourself. (10 minutes) If a student is not on the roster, ask to see the yellow sheet from Sara. Do not take this yellow sheet from the student. This yellow sheet means they will be added to the roster shortly. If a student does not have the yellow sheet, send them to Sara. They cannot attend class without this yellow sheet. 2) Teacher-student introductions / Play another getting-to-know-you game (20 minutes) 3) Break (10 minutes) 4) Arrange seats into rows. (during break) 5) Talk about the rationale for the diagnostics. Pull up the electronic copy on the TV. Explain the directions. Show the stopwatch. (10 minutes) 6) Diagnostic 2: Essay writing (40 minutes) Things to bring: Roster (if available) Pencils Photocopies of diagnostics (15 copies) Note: What to do with late arrivals? Have them make-up the diagnostics from Day 1. Release others early.

Day 3 (2 hours) 1) Greet students. Take attendance in both the database and on a hard copy. Turn in the hard copy to Jodie at the end of the day, but keep a copy for yourself. (5 minutes) If a student is not on the roster, ask to see the yellow sheet from Sara. Do not take this yellow sheet from the student. This yellow sheet means they will be added to the roster shortly. If a student does not have the yellow sheet, send them to Sara. They cannot attend class without this yellow sheet. 2) Review of Diagnostic Test Results and Answers (50 minutes) a. Reading comprehension i. Explain to Ss that we will do a lot of reading activities in this class. ii. Return diagnostics. Tell Ss their diagnostics have been checked, but the wrong answers are left uncorrected so they have to listen to the discussion of the correct answers. iii. Elicit responses from Ss on what they thought of the title and the picture. What did they think the reading was going to be about? Did their expectations or guesses about the reading turn out to be right? iv. Tell the Ss to re-read the questions and then the passage for 5 minutes. Answer any questions about vocabulary. v. Explain to the Ss that you will read aloud paragraph 1 and they should follow along quietly. vi. Go to item #1. Using the padcam, discuss 3 things: the correct answer, the paragraph and line # where the answer is found, and the type of question. Write on the board the possible types of question: main idea, detail, inference (guess), pattern of development (kind of writing). Discuss each one briefly and tell the Ss we will learn more about these things throughout the semester. vii. Do the same with item #2, but this time elicit responses from the Ss. viii. Put the Ss in pairs or small groups of 3. Instruct Ss to compare answers and discuss the same 3 points for item #s 3-6. Give the Ss 10 minutes on the stopwatch. ix. Call pairs/groups to the padcam to share their 3 points. x. Repeat steps v-ix for the second passage (give 10 minutes to read this time). 3) Break (10 minutes) 4) Continue Review (55 minutes) b. Summary i. Quickly elicit responses from Ss: What is a summary? What are its parts? ii. Hand out the rubric. Explain that a rubric is what we use to grade their writing. Discuss the vertical parts of the rubric (bands) as well as its horizontal parts (scores). iii. Tell Ss to read the table for 5 minutes. After Ss read, ask them: What are the 3 things we look for in a summary? How can you get a 4 in each one? iv. Instruct the Ss to turn back to the first passage and underline the main idea, circle 3 important details, and draw a box around the concluding sentence. Elicit responses from Ss. v. Tell Ss to read the sample summary below the table. Instruct Ss to repeat step iv. vi. Using the padcam, highlight the parts of the sample summary. vii. Return diagnostics. viii. Optional/Back-up: Sample Student Summary worksheet c. Essay i. Repeat steps i-vii above, adjusting the content to discuss essay structure.

Things to bring: Roster (if available) Graded diagnostics

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